THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1918. Adelaide Kjennerly Ella Fleishm'aix ASS'T EDITOR. EM t - h - 3 OCI EHTY ffzy KELLIFICIAJan. 22 ' Gay Monday Night t Society night at the Orpheum never loses its popularity and every week finds society folk, maids and matrons, officers and civilians, in profusion, oc cupying the boxes and the front rows. Foursomes seemed to be the rule this week and there were numberless cozy parties of well-known people. IS Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountze and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker occupied one box; Mr. and Mrs. Will Schnoor. Miss Ger trude Metz and Mr. Robert Garrett " made another box party; Miss Euge nie Whitmore, her father, Mr. H. P. Whitmore, and a couple of khaki-clad, silver-barred men were in the Whit more box. Line parties seem to be very pop ular always. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Met? and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hig gins made a party; Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kinsler entertained a foursome, as did also Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bal drige. Mr. Harry S. Byrne was host for a party of four young people and there were husband and wife parties in profusion. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ' Stanley, 11 r. and Mrs. J. M. Millard, ' lr and'Mrs. H. H. Baldrige and Judge and Mrs. Benjamin S. Baker are nearly always in the audience on Monday nights. , . Following the Orpheum thefre is al- ways the attraction of the 'supper dance at the Fontenelle and no one thinks of going home without a bit pt supper and a dance or two at the hotel. Since large social affairs are t now taboo owing to the pressure of war work, the theaters form the only relaxation the workers have, as the days are full to overflowing with sur gical dressings and thrift stamps. Captain and Mrs. Rector at Home. k Captain fid Mrs. Voyle D. Rector will be the'guests of Captain Rector s parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. U Rector, today and Wednesday. Captain Rec tor, who has been stationed at Camp Dixon, N. Y., has been transferred to Fort Sill, Okl., and he and Mrs. Rector will be able to stop over but two days in the city.. Mrf and Mrs. Rector will entertain informally at a reception this afternoon and vtomor row afternoon in their honor. Mrs. Rector, who was formerly Miss Lillian Chapin, daughter of Mr and Mrs. I. G. Chapin of Lincoln, was married to Captain Rector m Sep tember just after he had received his commission at Madison Barracks, NY. . Captain Rector is well known in Omaha. He is a graduate of the Len tral High school and Dartmouth col lege, where he made an enviable rec ord in athletics. The young officer who is with the field artillery, goes to Fort Sill for special training in field artillery firing. Dinner for Miss McCabe. This evening at the Blackstone Mr. W. J. Hynes, president of the Visiting Nurses' association, is giv ing a dinner in honor of Miss Flor ence McCabe, who- is the new super intendent of the Visiting Nurses association. Mrs. Hynes has asked the 12 nurses of the association to meet her this evening, and also the chairmen, Mrs. G. L. Bradley, Mrs. Victor Rosewater, Mrs. Luther Kountze, Mrs. Herbert Rogers, Mrs. W. E. Rhoades, Mrs. W. R. Adams v and Miss Clara Thomas. Notice. tl. Cnf Viavn frmnd it im- possible to call .for all the books col lected in the private homes for the use of the soldiers at the forts. Miss Edith Tobitt of the public library t will have lNse collected if those, who wish to give volumes from their li braries will call her by 'phone at the library. ,Miss Tobitt asks that the books be brought to the library, if possible, but, if not, she will have he donation called for. Hibben-Nicks Engagement. Mr.- and Mrs. C. W. Brader an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Stephanie E. Brader Nicks, to Mr. Roy M. Hibben"of this city. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Nicks, who is a graduate of the nurse's training class at the Nich olas Sean hospital, has been with the 'isiting Nurse organization for the last six months. Mrs. Burgess Snowbound. Mrs. Ward Burgess, who left for New York a week ago, has been snow bound with other eastern travelers and it is doubtful just when she will be able to return. Mrs. Burgess will be hostess for the meeting of the Original Cooking club if she returns Wednesday. Canadian Club. The Canadian club entertained at luncheon Monday in honor of Ser geant Walter Joy of the Princess Pat regulars. The affair was given m the green room of the Loyal hotel, and covers were laid for 25 guests. PER Mrs. Ross B. -Towle is confined to her home with an attack of measles. Mrs. Malcolm Mitchell, who has t.n cfsvksr at- the Blackstone while f LieutenaiJTMitchell was at the Fort Omaha balloon school, has gone to ' her home in St. Louis as Lieutenant Mitchell left for the east with the Third squadron. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hoxie Clark left Mon day for St. Louis, where they will spend a few days before returning to their home in New York. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. N. Bordv. Mondav. at Clarks, Neb. Mrs. Bordy was formerly Miss Bertha Abrahimson of this city. A daughter was born Friday to Mr and Mrs. Walter Hopewell at Birch- mont hospital. Rice with Creamed Halibut. An easy and attractive way of serv ing leftover halibut is to cream the fish and use it for stuffing a mound of rice. The rice should be steamed with salt and water for 45 minutes'in a dou ble boiler.' Annual Favorite THE perennial foulard comes back to is each year, and is wel comed as gladly as the first narcissus or jonquils which push their way through the good brown earth, bursting with the joy of spring. Many of the new models combine his old favorite with georg ette crepe. White dots on a navy ground are particularly effective made up with blue georgette. The sim plicity of this frock insures its suc cess. The jumper and tunic of foulard carry a narrow ruffle of georgette on pockets and hem. This fabric also furnished belt, sleeves and underskirt, while the dots are repeated on cuffs and collar border, which is turned up on white taffeta. Hats of foulard, faced with plain crepe, are a revival of last year's vogue. "Nothing to wear' is not found in the lexicon of the lady possessing such a frockl Attention! State Red Cross Workers! There is no absorbent cotton to be procured in Omaha. Omaha's quota of 5,000 large cotton pads cannot be filled. Ma terial for 1,000 pads has been made up, but there is no cotton for the remaining 4,000 of this city's Jan uary quota. Mrs. O. C. Redick, chairman of supplies, therefore appeals to all Red Cross auxiliaries in the state to gather up all the cotton they have and make large cotton pads before February 1, including them in their January quota. White Elephant Sale Is Attracting Attention Throughout State Each day brings new life and bright hopes to the tireless women who are working for the White Elephant sale to be given in the Auditorium Janu ary 30-31. A letter has been received trom a woman out in the state who is de sirous of outfitting two families; one family a mother and three kiddies, and the other a mother and two little ones. Because it would be almost im possible to guess at the size of the children, the woman has asked for garments 61 good material which she will make over for the Jittie ones. New members are being added daily to the various committees. The flower booth, with Mrs. George A. Joslyn as chairman, is growing in favor among the young matrons and maids. The committee has about been completed. Those already work ing are: Mesdames Mesdames J. J. Sullivan, Richard Carrier, A. F. Jonas, C. W. Russell, John Ring-wait, John L. McCague, jr., John McDonald, Fred Stott, Archie Love, Allen McDonald, Oeorfe C. Smith, Edwin Hart Jenks, Miles Mc. ayden, Jack Webster. C. W. Diets. Misses Misses Virginia Offutt, Anne Russell, Margaret aum, Helen Sorenson, Helen Smith, Mona Cowell, Ddrpthy Smith, Mary Richardson. Worth While Tips Kenosha, Wis.; has women street car conductors. Women are to be employed as "rush hour" conductors on the street rail ways in St. Louis. In the largest English explosive .'actory there are 15,000 hands, and of these 11,000 are women. Miss Abby Pittman Morrison of Chicago is at. "electrician, first class," in the United States navy. General Sir Nevil Macready reports there are 9,600 women employed in the different camps of the British army, and adds that he has nothing but good reports of them. The collection of hair among the women of Munich, organized by the Germany Navy league, has realized over 300 pounds. The hair is used for driving belts in U-boat machinery. Mrs. Norman de R. WLitehouse, who goes as a government emissary to Switzerland shortly to direct a campaign to interpret American war ideals there, is a southern woman by birth and lived in New Orleans up to the time of her marriage. Soliloquy 2 Modem M Eve M We have been striving for thrills, but striving in the wrong direction. This war may turn us to the right path. : : : : : : : By ADELAIDE KENNERLY. . COMPLAINING always! You may have been clamoring for war before it was declared you may have shouted that our president was writing too many notes to suit you but now that we are beginning to feel the pinch, are you willing to curtail? . One woman of our acquaintance is, .so she says. She admits that a lare wardrobe is a creator of grief and hopes that we will be brought back to die "one dress for'every day and one for Sunday" period. Our lavish manner of entertaining, our amusements and our luxuries ate bound to be interfered with from now on. How About It? Will we meet it Vith a determination to be cheerful? Or will we go about kicking the government because there is an extra penny tax on our picture shows? i Life had grown too many frills for the good of humanity. There was too much false and not enough true. We were living under, a camouflage of glitter. There were too many social obligations they ceased to be pleasures. There was too much eating and not enough sleeping. There was too much wealth and not enough health. We were too close to sin and too far from God. Thrills. Simple pleasures are the only genuine pleasures, after all. Let us all come back together to a life without so many frills and a few more thrills. " . To a life worth while where we are not too busy to assist the.weary and care for the sick. .... It is there we shall find that which we have been striving for but striving in the wrong direction the thrills. Advice to the Lovelorn By BEATRICE FAIRFAX, Unsettled. Beatrice Fairfax, . Omaha, Neb.: Have been keeping company with a very nice young lady for some time, but one thing pussies me. Che is a perfect lady tn every respect and I think the world of hsr, but whenever the opportunity presents Itself she seems rather overaffectlonate, and shows It by a rapid-fire of hugs and kisses. While I naturally do not object very seri ously, it sort of surprises me, and would like to know what to think of It. Is her conduct whi.t It should be? Should I criti cise her actions or meet her half wayT MODEST. Really, Modest, you are too deep for me. so I have enlisted the services of our staff. You may find a suitable reply among them. From the Society Editor Ha, ha. Meet half way, by all means. Cub Reporter Olmme your chance. The Staff Cynic Tou have evidently been "raised" too ' carefully, modest We cannot attempt to advise you. It depends on the girl. Speaking for ourself, we are free to admit that we would not "criticise her actions," but would certainly resign our self to the "rapid fire of hugs and kisses, ' and the rapider the better. Think of the girl. Think how bad it would make her feel if yon criticise her actions. W men must consider the feelings of the gentler sex. Probably you are so devllshly handsome that the poor girt just can't resist your charms. Why not try to camouflage your beauty. Next time you go to see her, don't shave. Wear your second best shoes and suit and r. frayed necktie. Bui think twice, you "modest" fellow, before you do this. "Often affectionate" attractive girls are sent into the world to make life endurable for us poor, plain men. How you must hate yourself! Managing Editor How can one answer such a preponderous question without ex perience. City Editor O'wan! Don't be a piker. Did you ever try beating her to itT Police Reporter Why, hop to, and don't waste any time criticizing. Sporting Editor Look out, kldt She's trying to vamp you) And a printer says, "poor nut," while a stenographer believes that, although you are a good man, you take this rapid fire of hugs and kisses too seriously, so we give you these various opinions that yon may sift them and draw your own conclusions, Maid of Honor. Dear Miss Fairfax: A man Is attentive to a girl whose sister is to be married, Is It right for this girl to be her sister's bridesmaid unless her friend, the brother of tne bridegroom. Is picked as best manT This has caused a quarrel between two sweethearts and we wait your answer pa tently. MICHAEL C. Naturally the girl of whom yon speak will be her sister's wedding attendant, Equally natural the bridegroom chooses his own brother as best man. There Is abso lutely n reason why the man who cares for the bride's sister should expect to be In the wedding party. Out of courtesy to his sweetheart, he would be Invited to oe one of the guests at the wedding, and he has absolutely no right to expect more or be hurt because both bride and groom choose their nearest and dearest as attendant Don't Be Envious. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 17 and chum with another girl of the same age. She is very pretty and clever. When we are out together and meet young men, naturally they all take to her. Of course, I can see the reason for this, as, while I sm consid ered clever. I am not pretty. When I am alone or with other girls the young men likewise flock around me, but when I am in this particular girl's company she is the center of all attention. Of course, the young men are not to be blamed, for In her they find a clever girl, plus beauty a rare com blnat'or I do not begrudge my friend her popu larity. There Is one of two things for me to do, tn wit: Either to go slong ss I have Overnight Relief ""s for Constipation : CZSS1XX1 THE mild, pleasant-tasting combi nation of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that is known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, taken just before bedtime, will afford grateful relief next morn ing, without griping or other discomfort. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative 3 3 1 3 3 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 50cts. (sT) $1.00 t A trial bottle an be obtainecL. free of charge, by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 457 Washington St., Monticello, Illinoiiv EiiiiciiBiaKSiiaiuxiiia.xiicxBUusxxsassxxius3 been doing, without attention from men, or to have attention, but at the sacrifice of one of the truest girl friends there Is to be found. Is it worth It 7 X. Z Of course it Isn't worth your while to sac rifice the friendship of a splendid girl for whom you tealiy care, In order that you ni .y have the center of the stage whloh you have to yield to her. What la worth while Is for you to conquer your little spirit of envy. Tou may not know you have It but that Is exactly what is bothering you. In gentle and genuine admiration of your charming friends, you will find a lot of real personal satisfaction (and whisper!) you will probably win the admiration of worth while men for your generous spirit. Is It Real Lover Dear Mies Fairfax: There is a young man who calls on me. He is of excellent family and seems to have good habits. He is one of many young men who occupy most of my time evenings, and I like him very much, as he Is entirely different from the ordinary and amuses and attracts me Immensely. He has volunteered his services to his country and la at present awaiting the call to the colors, which Is expected In the next ten days. He has asked me several times to msrry him, but I am uncartsln that I love him. He has enough money to make me comfortable for life. R. D. B. The whole tone of your letter suggests to me that you like this man, admire him and feel that it would be a wise and practical thing to marry him and have the benefit of his support when he Is over In Franoe. But nothing In your letter suggests love, un selfish devotion, a desire foV his happiness, or a willingness to sacrifice your own com fort and enjoyment to secure his happiness. There Isn't any basis for a real marriage if your attitude is what 1 have felt It to be! If my analyst Is' wrong and the situation Is the exact opposite, then, and then only, would It be advisable for you to marry your soldier boy. Soup for Supper Chicken Chowder. A Supper in Itself. 1 onion sliced t tablespoons Hour s tablespoons fat I cups milk 2 cups carrots eutlVi pounds cooked In pieces chicken or less v potatoes, peeledSalt and pepper, and cut in small pieces Cook the chopped onion with the fat for five minutes. Put fat, on ions, carrots and potatoes in kettle and cover with boiling water. Cook until vegetables are tender. Mix three tablespoons of flour with one-half cup of the cold milk and stir in the liquid in the pot to thicken. Add the rest of the milk and the chicken which has been removed from the bone and cut in small pieces. Cook until the chicken is tender, about 10 minutes. Srve hot. Tomato Soup. 1 quart tomatoes cloves (home canned) 1 teaspoon salt 1 pint water - t tablespoons fat 12 peppercorns S tablespoons flour Bit of bay leaf 1 slice onion Cook tomatoes, water; pepper corn,1 bay leaf, cloves together 20 minutes; strain and add salt. Brown the fat and flour together; add to soup and serve hot. Milk and Cheese Soup. 1 cup milk I cup grated cheese 3 cups stock Salt and paprika. 1 tablespoons flour Thicken the milk with the flour, cooking thoroughly.' This is best done in a double boiler, with fre quent stirrings. When ready to serve add the cheese and the sea soning. U. S. Food Administration. S i LJ Ai, Irma H Gross AKTS TXCPT String Beans. The great Nebraska crop in the home vegetable garden last summer was string beans, with the result that most of us have large quantities of beans, either canned or dried or salted, to use in our winter menus. Somehow beans do not lend them selves as well to combinations as peas do, but there arc a good many ways of using the vegetable besides the usual plain-with-butter-style or creamed. Try varying the 'flavor of plain string beans by using meat drippings, particularly bacon, instead of butter. Cut a thick slice of bacon into small pieces, fry the bacon, then heat the beans in the bacon fat. Add a few drops of onion juice. Serve with the bits of bacon. Beans can be used in meat stews. A somewhat different combination in a stew is string beans, tomatoes and rice with beef or mutton. Julienne Soup. H e. each cooked 1 qt.' soup stock, carrots snd turnips. o. each cooked cut tn thin strips peas and string one and one-half beans, inches long, Heat all to boiling point. Cream of String Bean Soup. 1 e. cooked string! c. liquid from beans. beans cut Intol c. milk. smsll pieces. H onlnn. I T. fat. 1 small stalk selery. S T. flour. Salt, pepper. ' Minced parsley. Heat milk for 10 minutes with onion and celery, strain into bean liquid. Cream fat and flour together, stir into soup1. Season with salt and pepper and add cut string beans. Add minced parsley just before serving. String Beans With Savory Sauce. ttt o. beans. 1 T. flour. H o. liquid fromVi T. vinegar. beans. 1 t. sugar. H T. fat Salt and pepper. Melt the fat, add flour and stir till flour is well browned. Add bean liquid and stir to boiling. Add vine gar, sugar, salt and pepper. A stronger flavored sauce may be made by adding more sugar and vinegar to taste. This is a favorite European method of serving string beans. Combinations. Creamed potatoes and string beans. String beans and carrots. Salads String beans, chives and radishes. String beans and beets. Bird's Nest Salad Arrange string beans on a bed of lettuce to form a nest. Make small balls of cream Who Has His Nose How can Billy smell 'rose when he hasn't any nose? Make one quick so he can tell how red roses really smell. LISTEN TO MY TALE OF "JOY'! BLOUSES on Tables Values to $4.00, at $1.98 Values to $5.00, at. .. .V ....... .$2.98 Values to $7.50, at .' $3.98 GOATS on Racks Values $25 and $30, at $15.50 Values $35.00, at $19.75 Values $40.00, at .$24.50 DRESSES on Racks vaiucs $20.00 and $25.00, at. .... . .$14.90 Values $35.00, at... 3 $23.34 Numerous Spring Models now here and are specially priced for advance sellinpr. It Is Worth your While to read this all again and realize ' 'tis true. E AT WELCOME ARCH wJhonecq 1812 FARNAM STREET; Splendid Success for Kidney Medicine tir Viltnsr'a Kummn-Ttont seems to be the best kidney, liver and bladder remedy on the market, judging irom the splendid success it enjoys in such troubles; and the way in which my customers speak of it, it has gained for itself an excellent reputation. During the twelve years that I have sold Swamp-Root nothing but satis factory, favorable comments have been brought to my notice. Very truly yours, CHAS. CREGLOW, Druggist. June 30, 1916. Burlington, Colo. Letter to Dr. Kilmer Co.. Binghemton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writ ing, be sure and mention The Omaha Daily Bee. Medium and large size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Advertisement. CZNTfiAL HIGH SCHOOL cheese and nuts to represent the eggs. Serve with French dressing or any desired dressing. Suggested flavorings with string beans: Meat juice or gravy. Chopped parsley. Onion juice. Lemon juice. Bits of red or green pepper browned in fat ' Tomato. War-Time Recipes War-Time Chicken Stew. Dress, singe, cut up and wash care fully one, three or four-pound fowl. Place in one quart of boiling salted water, using about one teaspoon salt Reduce heat and let simmer for an hour or more. A piece of bay leaf may be put into the water before the chicken is added. Add three carrots, three white turnips and then potatoes cut in eighths lengthwise. Cook un til all the vegetables are perfectly tender. Thicken the stock with one third cup of flour moistened to a paste with a little cold water. Cook until thick. Add two cups scalded milk and season to taste with salt and pepper. Farina Balls. Cook farina one-fourth cup in one cup milk in double boiler for one hour. Add one-fourth teaspoon salt, one eighth teaspoon pepper, a few drops of onion juice and the well-beaten yolk of one egg. Mix well and cool. When cold shape into balls. Dip in egg and bread crumbs and fry in deep fat. Hermits. Cream one cup lard, work in one and a half cups sugar, add raisins, three well-beaten eggs and three cups liour mixed and sifted with one tea spoon cloves, one teaspoon nutmeg and one teaspoon soda. Turn onto slightly floured board, roll very thin, cut in rounds and bake in a slow oven. One Egg Chocolate Cake. , Cream one-half cup of butter, add a half cup sugar gradually and one well beaten egg. Mix and sift one and a half cups of flour and two and a half teaspoons baking powder, adding al ternately with a half cup of milk to the first mixture. Bake JO minutes in shallow cake pan and spread layers with chocolate frosting. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Homo Cure That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Loss 01 lime. We have a New Method that cures Athm. and we want tou to try it at our expense. No matter whether your case is of long standing or recent development, whether It is present as occasional or chronic fVsthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in wnat climate you live, no matter what your age or occupa tion, if you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it tn those apparently hopeless eases, wnere an forms of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our own ex pense, thst this new method Is designed to md sll difficult breathing, all wheeling, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time. This free offer is too Important to neglect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no monfy. Simply man coupon dciow. uo u loaay. FREE ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room I061-S Niagara and Hudson Sts Buffalo, N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: Try Making Your Own Cough Remedy Ton ran save about f. and tiara a better remedy than toe readjr made kind. aslly done. If tou combined tho cutative proper ties t)t every known "rendy-made' cough romwly, you would hardly have in them all the curative power that lios n this simpli aome-made" cough syrup which ' takis nly a few minutes to prepare, " Get from any drusrsist 2Vi ounces of T'mcx (60 eei.U worth), pour it into (4 1 pint hottla and 111 the bottle with plain cranilr.ied sugar cyrup. The total coet.; is about C5 cents and pves you a full ' xpint of really better cough svrup than you could buy ready made for $2.50, Tastes pleasant and never spoils, v This l'incx and sugar syrup prepare. . tion get right at the cause of oughVl and gives almost immediate relief, is loosens the phlegm, stops tho nasty throat ckle und heals tho sore, irri tated membranes Chat line the throat, cheat and bronchial tubes, so ccntly "f and eadl.y that it is really astoniehinsritV A day a Use will Uf.ually overcome the ordinary cough and for bronchitis, croup, whoopin-r couh and bronchial asthma, there is nothing- better. , Pines is a mc;t valuable concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine ex tract, and has been used for generations to brock up severe coughs. To avoid disappointment, be sure to ark your druggiBt for "2' ounces of Pinex" with full directions, and don't accept anything else. A guarantee of ' absolute satisfaction or money prompt ' It refunded, goes with this prcooration. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Stop that Col at the first siOnofa1 Sniffle for Coughs e Colds does it. Also scatters the con gestion and clears up the head, llreaks thn (ever and makes for ears and rctfiil sleep. Your drugglct's f-vther said Dr. Klnrt New Discovery S3 years aro and for a halt century it has beea the standard counh and cold r-medy. I K millions had not used It to their advantage It would not to-day enjoy i's national popularity. Keep It constantly on h.-.nd. Your druggist sens It. An Aetrr Liver Means Health If you want good health, a clear complexion and freedom from Pizzi nets. Constipation, Biliousness, Head aches and Indigestion, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They drive out fo menting and undigested foods and, pvc muck relieve. All druggistB. When Itching Stops id An Rnf a . denendiibte treatment , that relieves itching torture and skin irr r Vj--r ii ' mm - : I tation almost instantly ana tnataeanses . and soothes the skin. .. . A air nnv druecist for a 35c CT SI DOttlfi ; . ' of zemo and apply it as directed. Soon' you will una tnat irritations, pimpies, blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm and similar cldn troubles will disappear. A little -zemo, the penetrating, satisfy Ing liquid, ia ell that is needed, for it banishes most akin eruptions and makes , the akin sort, smootn ana neaiiny. The E. W. Kose Co ueveiana, u. MDilHER'Mi. There Wa3 Nothing So Good r; for Congestion and Colds - ;-. as Mustard n Vi ntrf.fashlnnMl mustard-ntastc " '.. u v. -.- r . ' burned end blistered while it acted. Get -h roiif and helrj that mustard - plasters gave, without the plaster and witnout iner Diisrer. Musterole does it It is a clean, . white lnm.n mario with nil nf mustard. Tt ia VIUUUVMI, .. " - scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders, ana yet ooes noi uusier wo tenderest siun. Inaf massacre MusfprnV In with the fin ger tips gently. See how quickly it bringa reliet now speeaiiy me pain disappears. Use1 Musterols for sore throat bron ftiitia tnnsilitia. crourL stiff neck, asthma.- neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy. rheumatism, lumoago, pains ana acaca ac the back or joints, sprains, sore musciea, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of tne chest (it otten prevents pneumoniae 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. , 4r Soldiers Soothe Skin Troubles with Cuticura Soap 25c. Ointment 2Sc & 50c GOOD BLOOD "Blood will tell." Blotches and blemishes, like murder, will out, unless the blood is kept ; pure. Its purity is restored and protected by the faithful use of BEECH Al'S PILLS;.-:;! Largest Sato'of Any Medicine ia the World Sold everywhere, b boaes, 10e 25c .; Pn7EEKSl "old 1 I a aoLB m TMK am K.UP.As TABLETS 1 a. Isrnkra S5? O CC V!