7. V THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY,' JANUARY 231918 A. i, BRINGING iHE THKevhiM "OVER FOR COLLEGE BOf- THVT"t Hit PINT-THE ANO THATt) COUNT EMOOT bHE VAb ENACEQ-TO HIM THAT WCbTHAVE BEEN THKOWN OUT OF COLLEGE v THERE'S THE MAM SHEt EN 6rViEO TO WHO l THAT" FATHER Copyright, 1117. ' International Newt . Service. I Artl I ft -N I I iVI II - - - - I r a w-r i-. 11,11 JIr T'flll l. II I I I I I V-"M. .1111 f ffiAl A 1 Drawn for The Bee" . by; - George McManus i ) 1 t I i ! I i tl i u li m I K in pf ? i f i rei Hi nc oui cat 1 Otf! Siti ent mil 1 had tioi wai A me of Tht rotinril WESTERN WILL PROTEST TAKING TULSAAND 0. C. President Dickerson to Regis ter Objection to Tbese Towns as Members of New Arkoma League. r Kansas City, Mo., Jan, 22.y-(Spe-cial Telegram.) The Western league, will dispute ,the right of the newly organized Arkoma league to the Tul sa and Oklahoma City base ball ter ritory and it is understood President E. W. Dickerson has been ordered to file a claim for the territory with Secretary John H. Farrell of the Na tional Association of Professional Base Baft leagues. As soon as news that, the Arkoma league hai been formed was received tfr Western league headquarters here the magnates of the old circuit got busy and President Dickerson, who is in Grand Rapids, was instructed to lie a claim for the territory. . ' The Western league bases its claim to Tulsa and Oklahoma City on the fact '.that Dickerson is supposed to have previously, filed claim for the territory in the event that the West ern association decided to throw up ".he sponge. Although the Arkoma league has been formed by men formerly inter ested in one way or another in the Western association, still the mag nates of Dickerson's circuit claim that when the Western association voted lo give up any towns that desired to enter another circuit it threw the ter ritory openN and that the Western league had first call to the two Okla homa tities and has the right to ac cept or reject the territory before the new Arkoma league can take posses sion. :'',';'" ." The Western league needs Tulsa and Oklahoma City in order to give it a compact circuit for 1918 and thusJ minimize expenses of traveling. It would also give those cities class "A" base ball, which President Dickerson claims the business men of Tulsa and Oklahoma City would like. The Na tional association will settle the con troversy, ? , i City Commissioners Will Tr,y Their Hand at Curling mil Omaha's city commissioners will ; 1 take their first fling at. curling, the lain ancient Scotch game which is getting det such a hold on Omaha this winter, at Miller park at 2 o'clock; Wednesday wrii afternoon. ' Uon Commissioner Dahlman, Parks, TiWithnell, Kugel, Hummel and Butler of twill take part in the play at the in Sattvitatton of the Clan Gordon Athletic Serf association. Three commissioners are Tlassigned to each tean and two tx opef pcrieticed players will act as skip and con j vice for each rink. The lineups are as ing ifollows:. ( . ,, dutil ' WNK NO. 1. TUNK NO. . ' Alec Melvln, 'Skip Wm. MrAdams, skip, wo w w uorne, v. eklpJohn Mulr, rice skip, merOcieore Park., Joe Hummel, -a Majthrl Wlthnell, Jn Butler. USUI1 KuB'1 Mayor Dahlman. ' K Base Ball Men Ask Roper y , orlir v Regarding Ticket Tax Law Yar .Washington, D. C. Jan. '22. Offi cials of the National and American i 1 base ball leagues conferred today with St Daniel C. Roper, commissioner of in- eabjeternational revenue, on rulings as to handle manner in which the war tax is fur a't0 be. applied to base ball tickets. Mr. jwRoper asked the base ball men to put sold $a witing the subjects on which they mni. desired rulintrs and promised speedy fox paction. high. Commissioner Roper thanked the ooo ' base ball officials for their patriotic $125. attitude and,, after the meetuig, , an- Sjk,nouncca inai a sansiactory arrange jjy f,ment had been agreed upon. tWCurlers Plan to Stage . the u - Regular Bonspiel Here t Clan Gordon Athletic association Rail H ',ann'n& t0 stase a regular bon spiel in Omaha. Curling has become ftIU$vinexpectedly popular iu Omaha this H4 v.in vjoraon ciud nas "7taken lin more thap 20 new members n vin tht ,ast few An are nthu" raT 1C?slic 'over the ancient Scotch game, era!pso it was decided to stage the bon- ,'"spiel. Twelve rinks already have en .'-f'Hered. , tial to , r , . rrote Herman Cancels Bout the var Scheduled With John Ertle New Orleans, ' La... Jan. 22,-Pete ten huerman ew Orleans, world's this trantamwe'g'5t champion, last night ...... ,,:ancelled the ten-round, no decision .. !out in which he w as tcmeet Johnny ne"cfertle of St; Paul here February 1. ThOmi'e said -he .was aciiig on advicp of .Prettiest Mile Club PinC- Sharks Start the Season City N The Prettiest Mile club bowling Herrmsaue opened Monday night. S. B. F. W. Johnson's 'team, composed of Byron the chi'iart Schaney, Frank Spellman Mr. Fall"d, Clyde Sample, won '.n the match Board c?ame from H. R. Wilson's five. Wil- . .on's, aids were Dr. McCleneghan, Harry R. Quick, M. I. Morrell and ,rohn' Macomber - -. . - ;. I.-. IT n H. III! Wl I I I' ii ! ill i ill III Sport Calendar Today. Flrld Trial Annual trial of Trxae Field Mnoclatlon, at llempeteail, Tfian. , Athletlm Annual Imloor amn ef Mill roue Athlrtln rlub, Madlaon hqnare (har den, New York. Automobile Annual lyw of Allrnlown, ra.), Antomnblle Unlrfn' afUHH-latlon. H'reatllnir Joe Htetrher ve. John Trtj burs, at Norfolk, Va. Boxing Ted Lewie tb, Jimmr Duffy, 10 round, at Toronto. Dirk landman vn. Joe Igrnrb, IS round, at Baltimore. PRATT GOES TO , YANKS IN DEAL ' WITH ST. LOUIS St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 22. Eddie riank, veteran pitcher, and Derrill Pratt, second baseman, were traded to thf; New York Americans by the St. Louis Americans today for five players and cash, ' The New York club gave in ex change Titchers Shocker and Cuilop; Catcher Nunamaker and Inficlders Maisel and Gedeon. A cash consid eration the amount of which is not stated also was given to the St. Louis club. Jack TayloriVill Wrestle Warner at Fred Fulton Show Jack Taylor, one of the best heavy weights in the Country, will wrestle Kudy Warner, Omaha heavyweight, at the Fred Fulton exhibition Which will be given at the Auditorium Fri day night by Jack Lewis. : " Taylor arrived in Omaha the other day to do some training, so Lewis got in touch with him right' away and Jaek consented to meet Warner in a little bonecrushjhg joust. Ihis makes, two main attraction wrestling matches as a part of the rulton show, lhe- other will be be tween Tom Ray of Omaha and Bar ney Miller of the South Side. Lewis announces reasonable prices will prevail for the exhibition.' The highest price will be $1 and more than two-thirds of thekhouse will be sold at SO cents. At Lincoln and Beatrice. where Fulton will show, prices are just twice as much. Probe Report Fulton Fpught Match With Injured Hand St. Paul. Minn.. Jan. ' 22. Frank Thompson, chairman of the Minne sota boxing commission, announced today that the commission would in vestigate - reports' that Fred Fulton fought with a broken bone in his hand in the match with Billy Miske here last Friday night. . Mr. Thompson. said that if the commission is satisfied that Fulton went into the ring knowing the bone was fractured, he would, recommend that the boxer be barred from Minne sota bouts. The statement was made by Dr. Edward J. Clark, Minneapolis, that cocaine he gave Fulton to ease the pain in his hand rendered him un able to make the best showing against Miske. -I ' ' ' Benson & Thome Five : Plays Joe Smiths Tonight Benson & Thofhe' basket. ball five. Omaha's leading independent quintet. will play the Joe Smiths of Council Bluffs at the University ot Umalia tonight. The Smiths are the class of western Iowa and if the-locals' beat heir neighbors across the river, they will have established their name in the eyes of Omaha cage enthusiasts. Admission to the game tonight will be free. Phe Benson & Thornes will line up as follows: Burdisk. right forward: Parish, left forward: Hovey, center; Koran, right guard; Ritchie, left guard. -. . Russian Aviation Service ; J r Will' Be Reorganized London, Tan. 22, A Russian gov- erntuent wireless report gives an ur gent proclamation sent to all avia tion detachments and groups onMhe northern, western, southern and Rou manian fronts concerning an avia tion congress to be held in Petrograd February 10, to which delegates inust be elected by general, direct and secret ballot. " . I Ohio State Wins. fViliinihiis. O - Tan. 22. Ohio state here tonieht defeated Michigan in a western conference basket ball game 37 to 6. : ' . .i i ii i With lhe MERCANTILE. SAMPLE-HART. 1st. 3d. Id. Tot. Smith ' Hi; IK lt 456 ulkshnk .IDS ITS 1(0 4"! 3rne 13 204 200 ' (43 jorfmann ..115 174 183 113 Totala- ...S5S SS 833 H1 - OTIS ELEVATOR CO.' , let. 3d. 3d. Tot Illle 14a 10 1ST 4S3 1. Anderson. 125 143 133 402 A'ebster ....147 173 171 440 airffor N....U7 171 143 450 Weake .....17 18S 161 651 Handicap .,. El SI 61 163 Ruaaelt ....Hi 147 123 '2 Pavtdeon 114 1SI 444 Dukea .....lt 16 151 S2S Uowerr ....10 14 lit 4 ...m Vlt 7o4 S34B CLOTHING CO. Y NEB. let 2d. Id. Tot. Huntley Vetter ... Toiler . . Amot , . Toman . . Handicap , . .ITS IIS IIS ...171 135 143 ...111 14 110 ...isi i:i 14 ...It lt 164 .. si :i :i 44 455 370 408 471 t: -Totale , M. rtefton ... tathke ... Jarblerl .. ai5?r,... 5hanr .... Totals . PAXTON Callahan . Nelll ... IMuf ... Pfdfrson Hathawar Handicap ' ToUll . . Total ...741 T33 7S0 S261 BYRNE-HAMMER. ' let 3d. 3d. Tot Berka .....145 12 133 430 Uullck 107 100 133 33 Darllnc ...,14 143 165 45S Straw 13 14 12 433 Shanker ...17 117 33 tit Handicap .. 47 47 47 141 Total tot SOS 237 OMAHA PRINTINO CO. Mitchell ,...18 ITS 1T Mft Robtnaoa ...177 184 12) 4T0 TWO BUSHELS OF WHISKEY BOTTLES FOUND IN HOTEL McFarland ; Says' "Physically Impossible" That Liquor Was .Sold atMillardf Prosscutor Points to Bottles. John M. KIcFarland, defendant and attorney for himself and others in the Millard hotel liquor injunction suit before Judge jDay Monday, main tained that it was physically impos sible that liquor had ; been sold at the Millard since the injunction suit had been filed because he had a pri vate detective watchiirg his place. McFarland is made defjtfdant as "agent for the owner." Two bushels of whisky bottles taken from the, hotel within the last week were offered by Special Prose cutor McGuire as evidenc of his be lief that McFarland's("l:ck" had not been on the job, continuously or vig orously. "He was no real gum-shoe," said McGuire. Officer Andersoi testified that1- 81 barrels of beer were found in a base ment room of the. Millard when the place was raitfed September ,4, 1917. Thre were also bottles containing more or less fresh beer found in every room on the fourth floor of the hotel except one, the officers testi fied. ; . ' , . ' ' - - Wayne Methodist Church Has Service Flag of 16 Stars Wayne, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special.) The presentation of a service flag to the Sunday school was made, the occasion for a rousjng patriotic meet ing at the Wayne Methodist Epis copal church last Sunday morning. The flag contains 16 stars, 'repre senting the number of young men from Methodist homes in Wayne who are now in military service. Ad dresses were made by laymen of the church and special music was fur nished by a large chorus under the direction of Prof. J. J. Coleman, These fiames appear ton the roll of honor: Harold M. Blair, Coast Artillery, Fort Miley, Cal.; Gedrge. S. Church, Company M, 355th infantry, Camp Funstoi), Kan.; William A. Crossland, Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Fla.; Lloyd Fitch, Atlanta, Ga.; Wil lis I. Fleetwood, 'Marine Barracks, First Training school, Quantico, Va.; Sergeant Glenn Gildcrslceve, Com pany I. 355th infantry, Camp Fun ston, Kan.; Hary Dale Gildersleeve, Officers' Training School, Funston, Kan.; Lieutenant Ralph Waldo Mahn, field artillery, Camp Wheeler, Ga.; Allen Henderson, Camp Cody, N. M.; Lieutenant ,Warren E. MacGregor, medical department, Camp Logan, Tex.; Captain Jam:s H. Pile, field ar tillery, Camp Cody,,N. M.j Walter E. Randol, naval service, Company E, Camp Dewey, III.; Corporal Dale K. Ricknbaugh, field artillery, Camp Cody, N. M.; Lieutenant James J. Steele, 304th infantry, Camp Dezens, Mass.; Earl H. Schroer, radio service, Mare Island, Cal.; Guy R. Strickland, engineering department, Washington, D. C. 1 , Hastings Sailor Buried 1 With Military Honors Hastings, 'Neb., Jan. 21. (Special Telegram.) Military honors were ac corded Joseph v Schaefer, the first Hastings bojMo die in service, at the funeral services held for him here, this afternoon at the German Congre gational church. Schaefer died De cember 14 from injuries received in a boiler explosion .on a submarine at Manila, P. I. His body arrived in Hastings at noon today. The pall bearers were khaki clad soldiers, three of whom came from Camp Fun ston for the services, and were former associates of young Schaefer. The coffin was draped with the American flag and the church was decorated with the national emblem. The church was filled with those who came to pay honor Xq the dead sailor, among 'whom were several veterans of the civil war, and business men of the city.' . i h V Bowlers ' " DREXEL SHOE CO. let. 2d. 3d. Tot, Livingston .177 168 14 484 Rlchey .,..127 14 ... J7J Drexel .....143 163 135 433 Armstrong .183 173 223 678 Raum 172 130 18 638 Johnson ... , , ... let 163 Totala ...801 311 S61 3473 TV M. C. A. Leaaue. SHULER CART. 1st. id. 3d. Tot. Ross 153 120 170 -443 Petorwm ..116 143 18 4M Mtrataky ..lit 123 168 440 Tripp 148 86 12$ 368 Cil'oion ....173 153 153 60 Handicap ..13 13 13 3t Totale ....800 6 801 2270 MCORD-BRADT. 1st. !d. 3d. Tot. Hartman ..111 131 3 320 Krus ......161 le 151 471 Roth 148 85 127 S4 Pe'.tman, C 137 133 131 411 :Umen, R 174 150 lit 440 Total .1.7U (4$ t3 :oo: ..83 83 855-:;i E. SMITH. 1st. 3d. 3d. Tot. ..173 177 10 640 ..137 163 181 4,0 ..106 13 18 43 ..194 13S 191 (3 ..163 16S It 494 .8:5 768 23 231S l GALLAGHER. .188 15 137 424 .15 17S 146 47 .144 ISO 177 601 .140 170 143 466 ,14 1(3 11 (08 .2 29 i ; 87 .361 866 745 2613 RAILROADS POOL ON HANDLIN60F MEATS Government Operation of Lines Results in Elimination of 10 Trains Between Omaha and Chicago. For the Omaha-Chicago railroads he government has dorje exactly the thing that it has prohibited them from doing. It is letting them, or rather, is forcing them, to pool on the handling of meat trains out of Omaha to the cast. y ' - . Heretofore the six Omana-Chicago roads have been running 12 meat trains to the east daily, or rather, two over each of the roads. Under the pooling plan adopted by the govern ment railroad director general, the number has been reduced to two, 10 having been eliminated. Under the old plan for handling meat to the east, each Omaha-Chicago line sent out a meat train each morn ing and another each afternoon. T(fey went regardless of whether or not they carried capacity loads. Hjht trains were not fully loaded whenThey left the Omaha yards, they were ex pected to gather up tonnage enroute. The running schedule was 27 hours lor tne ow miles. y When .Director ueneral, AicAdoo took over the operation of ahe rail roads, one the first tilings to be worked out was. a pooling plan for the handling of dressed meats from the Omaha packing houses and to the east. Now the plan has been evolved and the pool is complete, with the running time oj the trains lengthened to 42 hours between Omaha and Chi cago. ' ' - Hogs Sell at Average of , ,$187.50 at Big Stock Sale Beatrice, Neb., Jan. 22. Special.) David Boesiger, well known. stock raiser living south of Cortland, yes terday sold a number of his Duroc Jersey hogs. The , sale netted him $8,500. The top price paid was $325, and the hogs sold on an average of $187.50. Mrs. Carrie E. Pope, a pioneer of Gage county, died Sunday at her home near Rockford, aged 71 years. She leaves eight children. Charles Fulton was arrested at Wy more yesterday on the charge of sell ing liquor illegally to Clyde McGinnis" of Blue Springs. He pleaded not gujlty and his case was set for hear ing before Judge Woolsey on Wed nesday. Luther R. Bowen, for the last 12 years employed as a conductor for the Burlington with a run out of Wy mdre, died at his home at that place yesterday of cancer. Mr.- Bowen was 40 years of age and leaves a widow and several children. Mrs. Lucy Ann Lynn died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Bangs at Rockford, aged 74 years. She is survived by two daugh ters. ' Funeral services for the late D. J. Kimmerly, a pioneer and civil war veteran who died Saturday, were held yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the, family home in South Beatrice. Interment was in Evergreen Home cemetery. The docket for the February term of the district court is being prepared by District Clerk Lenhart. There are 133 civjl cases and 15 criminal cases. Lawrence Kline of this city, who passed a successful examination at the officers' training camp at Fort Snelling, and who has been in train ing as an aviator at San Antonio, Tex., is in the city, having been discharged until an operation can be performed on his nose, the trouble having af fected his eyesight. - ' Food Conservation Days increased by Federal Order Washington, Jan. 22. With a ' re newed appeal to American house wives, for food conservation, th"e food administration will issue probably this week a new food card asking for the one meatless day, two porkless days and two wheatless days each week. ' Food administration officials said there would be nothing compulsory about' it for households, although it is sought by a bill pending tp make the days of denial mandatory for hotels, restaurants and, other, public eating places. ' , ' The, food administration will de pend upon housewives to accept the days of self-denial without theman date of law. Mexicans Prevented From f v Buying Food in U.. , Brownsville, Tex., Jan. 22. Be cause of abuse of privileges extended to Mexicans on the Mexican side of the border who purchase their fooJj . . r. . a i. ' l supplies in me vnnea mates Ameri can customs authorities beginning to day will inaugurate the card system. limiting purchases on the American side. . Customs officers say many Mexican womtmand children have been mak ing several trips to the American side daily, carrying back packages of American food on each trip. ' Looking for work? Turn to the Help Wanted Columns now. You will find hundreds of positions listed there. . U.S. MUST SAVE GOODS TO CHECK RAISE IN PRICES - Present Financial Conditions Will Improve, According to Annual Report of Federal ; Reserve Board. " i -" ' ... Washington,. Jan. 22. Effect of credit expansion' on the general rise of prices, and te-part the American people can play; in counteracting in flation by. wartime' economies were emphasized today by the federal re serve board in its annual report to congress. , ... Explaining that even though crdit expansion is not entirely responsible for increase in prices, the board says "it .regards it as one of its most im portant duties to prevent, as far as practicable, expansion of banking credit from running an uncontrolled course. " ' y Must Save Credit. "Goods and credit," says the re port, "must be saed to the utmost of our ability, in order to check the up ward movement of prices'and ir order to free for the use of the government the goods and savings required for the winning of the war." f The prcsint condition of a greatly expanded currency will be improved, the board believes, "as the public per forms its duty of absorbing the gov ernment loans out of savings." Before the third Liberty loan, the report adds, federal reserve banks must reduce their investments to strengthen reserves and avoid further expansion that has accompanied the last two Liberty loans. : War Influenced Money Market. . Among the many radical influences of the war on the money markets the board explained that one of the most pronounced had been the effort of certain interests to have the federal resrve system absorb 90-day notes or other short term paper accepted with the privilege of repeated renewals. The board had persistently opposed any such effort to destroy liquidity of the banks' assets, on which the sys tem was based, the report said, but it admitted that the difficulties of pri vate and corporate financing was so jreat as to justify action by congress. The most serious problem, corpo rate financing, has been removed by government operation of .railroads, says the board's report, but the situa tion is still serious. , Government Must Intervene. "The board therefore respectfully suggests early-consideration by con gress of the problem of corporate fi nancing in the belief that no satisfac tory solution will be found that does not involve some degree of govern ment intervention. "The board is of the opinion that some plan for government mterven- K.'am tr A fin K wrtrlrpt mffr wtiirh would 'meet the requirements of the situation satisfactorily." ' Referring to the enormous strain on finances during the last year of the government's loans and to the aid givefl by the federal reserve system, the report says: '"The federal reserve noje will more . speedily attain the position originally intended for it from being an occasional emergency currency used to supplement deficiencies in the supply of other existing forms of cur rency, it is becoming, the most im portant constituent of our circulation medium, responding promptly and naturally to currency requirements from whatever .source proceeding, thus giving to our whole currency a kind and degree of elasticity it has never before possessed." Earnings of the 12 federal reserve banks in 1917 were-reported as $15, 800,000 gjoss and $11,200,000 net, with declared dividends of about $6,800, 000. The board's expenses have been a little less than $250,000 and the cost of administering the gold settlement fund has been only $3,500, or 1 1,-3 cents per $1,000. ' Auto Speeds On After Striking L. A. Martin " LA. Martin. 509 South Thirteenth street, was struck and knocked down by an automobile at Tenth and Har ney streets Tuesday morning. The auto did not Stop after striking the man. ,'He suffered a sprained knee and a cut over the left eye. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital. Army Orders. Washington, Jan. 21. (Special Telegram.) The following named offtceri of the ord nance reierve eoriw are relieved from duty In the office of ' the chief of ordnance. Washing ton, D. CV and will proceed from the arsenal, Rock Island, 111., to Camp Dedge. Captain Albert - J. Boardman. Captain Joseph H. Ntrhota. Finft Lieutenant Ralph A. UregorT. John II. SlcF.lhtnney, William John Hoffman. Captain Edwin S. Croebr. First Lieutenant George V. Dutney, Ralph O. Hansen-- . . First Lieutenant Theodore A. Straw, avia tion section signal reserve corps, as igne to duty at Fort Omaha. Captain John B. Potts, medical reserve corps, Is relieved from duty at Omaha and will proceed to Fort Riley. Kan. The honorable discharge by direction of the president ot First Lieutenant John A. Holt. One JIundred and Thlcty-fifth in fantry. National Guard. United States (Ne braska), trom the service ot the United States is announced. . First Lieutenant Perry Fean GsfCben, aviation tecVion signal reserve, corps, ii as signed to Omaha tor duty. ; Jewel Bandits Get $60,000 in a Daring ' Daylight Holdup Detroit, Mich., Jan. 22. Three bandits entered the jewelry store of Ralph Dewey, in the downtown dis trict, this forenoon, bdund the pro prietor and escaped with valuables said to bj worth $60,000.' , ; PACKINGHOUSE EMPLOYES URGE U. S. TAKE PLANTS Chicago Meat Workers. Inform Government Mediation Board Prompt Action is Necessary , to Avoid Calamity. Washington, Jan. 22. The demand of Chicago packing house employes for government control of the' meat industry during the war was broad ened today to include all the packing plants of tRe United States. It was made clear attfie outset of hearings before the president's medi ation commission that the employes believed the question) to be one of na tional necessity and not merely a local dispute between the Chicago plants and their workers. J "It-js absurd for a group of six companies to control the food supply of the United States and the allies," Frank P. Walsh, attorney for the workers, told the commission. Mr. Walsh declared it was neces sary' for the government to act now and not wait for a calamity. . Levy Mayer, attorney for the pack ers, argued that the companies were striving to' assist the nation In the war and that there was no-adequate reason to justify seizure of the plants from the owners. :, Disagreement developed as to the operation of the Chicago mediation pact, negotiated by the. commission on Christmas day. . v, The workers contended that the packers f.iled to live up to their agreement. Judge E. L. Mahl Joins Quartermasters' Reserve Corps Fremont, Neb., Jan. 22. (Special TelegramJ Police Judge E. L. Mah lin left for David City to visit with relatives for a day before leaving for Camp Joseph E. Johnston, near Jack sonville; Fla., where he will enter the quartermasters' reserve corps. , Five other' Fremont boys are at Camp Johnston, Howard W. Loomis, son of George L. Loomis, internal revenue collector for Nebraska, has been notified to report at Camp John ston a day later than Police Judge Mahliti. Justice of the peace A. K. Dame has been appoitned to fill the vacancy caused by Mahlin's enlist ment. Wilson Indorses NeW Campaign of Boy Scouts ew York, Jan. 22. Letters Ait ten by President Wilson and Secre tary of the Treasury McAdoo were made public here today endorsing the plans of the 'Boy Scouts of .America to "increase the organized boyhood" of the country through a campaign to raise $600,000 between February 8 and 12 and to cVganize a scout lead er's reserve corps of 100,000 men. . Alleged Army Deserter Arresied by Detective Charles J. jRoss, Keystone hotel, was arrested Tuesday morning by Detective Sullivan and charged with desertiorf. Ross admits he is an en listed man, but denies that he has de serted. He came here from Fort Monroe. He is held for the United States authorities. DON'T MISS Our entire stock of Over- dj sj ' A coats which formerly sold 2) k r9nrill Via nlannrl X P ivV At iJ aaUV TV Xl-L KJ s on sale Thursday Your choice of any coat in, the -house at ' , V . For One pay Only SHIRLEY'S CLOTHES SH0R , Opposit 109 South 16th St E.R. TARRY DR. - 240 NO ANNEXATION - FOR GERMANY, STATBHAROEN Prominent German Editor De clares That Kaiser Made Mistake in Taking Alsace-Lorraine. Amsterdam, Jan. 22. German? should not . take any territory from the Russian empire and might give back Alsace-Lorraine to France, Max. imilian Harden declares in Die Zu kunft. He says: "He who -wishes to tear cway Po land, Courland, Lithiiaiila, Esthonia and Livonia from the Russian em pire makes of this empire a mortal enemy, for Russia will net always have Leninistic feelings. "These countries would bring usnc advantage. Their economic develop ment could not in the least be helped by .gold fertilization, by Germany with its 150,000,000,000 marks of war debt and a Slavic strain through Germany would endanger the life of the coun try, not merely the life of East Prus sia. Mistake to Take Provinces. "After our experience in the west, is there now to be created a much greater and more dangerous Alsace Lorraine?" With regard to Alsace-Lorraine, Herr Harden writes: "Neither Premier Lloyd George nor President Wilson believe Ger many is willing to surrender Alsace-. Lorraine to France at the present mo ment, but what about Germany's at titude two or three years after peace is signed, when there ca.v be-a fair consultation , with the piople?" . "It was admittedly a mistake to take possession of Alsace-Lorraine. ' "Must we always carry this burden some inheritance of our forefathers?" I: J I A.i rt- i, rviuiiajjeu dcnooi uirv Relative of Fremont Merchant Fremont, Neb., Jan. 22. ((Special Telegram.) Miss Esther Strickland, a junior in the Portland, Conn., high ?chool, who is believed to have been idnaped by her father's chauffeur, is a cousin of H. A. Burrill, retired Fre mVn merchants. Last summer when Mr. Burrifl visited his old home be was driven about by the cheuffeur who is being sought as the kidnaper. Miss Strickland is 17 years old and possesses unusual Deauty and grace. The chauffeur drove to the high school and after taking several of Miss Strickland's school mates "Try1 their homes, disappeared in the di rection of Hartford, Conn., with his employer's daughter. A posse is scouring the country in an effort to' locate the girl and the alleged ab ductor, according to word received trom tsurrill. v Eckford, Wanted in Booze Case, GPves Himself Up' Jess Eckford, for whom a warrant was issued on a charge of illegal pos.- otoaiuu aim n aiisporiaiion OI liquor, gave JiimSelf up Tuesday afternoon. He walked into city hall and was ar rested by a constable. Warrants also have been, issued for the arrest of Mae Nacc, alleged "queen of the bootleggers," and Earl Beavers, said by Miss Nace to have been in the booze-laden car wrecked near Council Bluffs two Weeks ago. The Nace girl is recov ering from her injuries. U. S. Soldiers at Front To Issue Newspaper Paris, Jan. 22. A weekly newspaper for the American troops in France, to be called the Stars and Stripes, will be issued shortly. It has the sanction ' of General Pershing. It will be directed and edited by men' wenrincr tin Ampicqn . . . ra j.uiWMVOU UUUUIMI. THIS CHANCE Hardens. M. Sundheimer, Mgr. 3 FISTULA CURED RertalDiseasesCured,withoutasevere sur gical operation. No Chloroform or Ether w:, guaiteed- W WHEN CURED. WriteforillnstrtedbookonRectalDIsM. if, El , " "irraaacmiv lured. Bee Bid.. Omaha. (eb.