Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Entered at Omaha postoffice as eeeond-class mattar.
8f Carrier. r Hall.
run and 8tml. par eek. lSe car yau. .Hi
tiaitf anllionl Sunday.. " 104 4.U0
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Band aotuw af chanta or addraa or Irrejularlt In dellTerf to Onaba
Baa Circulation Department
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The aatKlated Praia, or wnlea Tha Bra la a Bwnhar. la eicluelfelf
aatltled to Ua ana (or publication of all am diwetehea credited
- to It r not nthanrlaa credited to thia r!t and alio Uta local newe
pahllahea' herein, ail risbts of publication ef our pecial dlapalrbat
an auo raaewaa.
Htmn to draft, rm or postal order Onlt 1-emt stain r takao la
raynant of small accounts. Personal abac, aaocgt oa Omaha aod
aaatara exchanse. ot aooeptad.
Omafce-Tbe Be Building, t hleaeoPennle's flu Bundle.
(-villi rtm.ha 231a N St. New York SS Fifth Ara.
ri. uui jvfw oam urauuarco
Council BlufTa-lt N. aisia St Ht.
Uneoln-Uitla Bulldlnt.
Waahlnnuw 1311 Q W.
Addroaa eonwitmleatloas ralatlni to newt and editorial nutter to
. Omaha Baa, Editorial Department.
59,541 Daily Sunday, 51,987
IHnaj (Imtlation lor tha month, aobacrtbad aod awora to bf Dwlht
Williams, t'lrculatloa Manaaer. '
SubacrlWa leaving tho city ahoulal have The Baa ssallaa'
ta than. Address changed aa altaa aa requested.
Trie unprotected grade crossing shoujld go.
Dr. Garfield, having tamed the coal man, ought
now to try his hand on the weather man.
At that you never saw a picture of "T. R."
adorning the front page of Vicreck's "Fatherland."
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William Joe! Stone did not represent Ajax de
' fying the lightning, but rather somebody inviting
; thunderbolt. i , -
Bootleggers who run the gauntlet of state
and federal sleuths are finding the game is not
what the prospectus indicated.
Women's shoes are to be changed in style to
save leather. Buyers would also like to see them
changed sorhe way to save money.
i "Wolf winter" is making trouble elsewhere
than in America, but the knowledge does not
help us to solve our fuel problem.
. Washington now communicates with Rome di
rect over the radio one direction in which the
war has advanced civilized methods.
Life on the Mississippi is variegated just now
by high water and floating ice, showing that the
mariner does not need to go to the war zone
to get his dash of spice wherewith to flavor his
Mr, Wilson has started an "Ananias club" of
ails own. If he elects to membership everybody
who does, not agree with him as to Newton D.
Baker he will have a large class for his first ini
tiation ceremony. r
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' Omaha has just sold a good-sized block of
bonds at a premium, but also at rate of interest
that makes the investment desirable even in these
days of war profits. Public improvements be
come luxuries in war times.
, Another row over fire apparatus is about to
be staged in the city council. An outsider might
think these affairs are an indispensable part of
our municipal life, but the taxpayers wonder
some times if they really are necessary.
The fuel administration is doing one thing
well, and that is to mak plans( for accumulating
coal during the coming summer. A little simi
lar foresight exhibited a few months ago might
have obviated a great deal of the trouble we are
tow experiencing.
) Credit Expansion anrj General Business!,
The Federal Reserve board sounds a waning
m its annual report to congress 'that should be
heeded. It advises a more careful adjustment of
the finance's of the country in order to avoid hav
ing the effect of war-time economies, volun
tarily practiced by the citizens, counteracted by
the great expansion of credit incident ( to the flo
tation of large sums of Liberty' bonds. : The credit
expansion thus created means increase in prices,
unless successfully managed. Corporate financ
ing presents the more immediate problem, al
though the most difficult phase of this has been
settled by the government taking over the rait-
ordir t roads. This leads the board to suggest to con
gress that some : legislation may be devised
whereby the service can be extended to other
corporations. Inasmuch as the bill authorizing
the treasury to purchase ( $100,000,000 of farm
loan bonds a year for two years was passed for
the relief of the farmers, it does not appear so
unreasonable for other borrowers to approach the
general government when in need of funds for
capita! extensions. The matter will doubtless
get full consideration from congress. In the
meantime the expansion of credit incident to (the
war. financing will be noted in the rising prices
on all things not actually controlled by the
government !
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Abolish the Grade Crossing.
A terrible accident, attended bv loss of life
and the maiming of several victims, directs atten
tion once more to a condition against which The
Bee has often protested the maintenance of
grade crossings of railroads on crowded city
streets. Omaha is one of the very few cities in
the country where such conditions exist. It is
within the range of possibilities that the presence
of crossing gates might not have prevented the
disaster on North Twenty-fourth street, but it
is absolutely certain that such protection would
not have contributed anything to the danger that
existed and always exists there. And this is not
the only exposed place of the kind nor are street
cars the only vehicles or traffic Involved. Our
city planners and our city council have a bigger
job before them than the laying out and con
struction of new pleasure drives. It is to make
the existing thoroughfares safe for all traffic at
all times. This, only can be done by safeguarding
all grade crossings that cannot be entirely elimi
nated. The public is entitled to this and the
work already has been too long delayed. To put
it off further is merely to invite additional disaster.
, Partisanship and the War.
..The remarkable outburst of. William Joel
Stone in the senate on Monday scarcely is in
tended to indicate the real attitude of the Wilson
administration, for Senator Stone voluntarily de
parted from his position as an exponent of the
Wilsonian creed last spring and his reinstatement
has not yet been formally announced. However,
the president himself is on record as being de
voted to the idea of making the conduct of 'the
war a party affair. He is willing that republicans
should give loyal support to all he and his ad
visers do, but does not wish to share the work of
administering the government with any but mem
bers of his own party., Criticism directed against
any official act is hotly resented as an expression
of "partisanship" ind republicans are warned not
to adversely comment on any action, no matter
how disastrous or exasperating its erTec,t, under
penalty of being called "agents of the kaiser."
So far the share of the republican party in
the war has been distinctly honorable. Its lead
ers have given unreservedly of their service to
assist in any way possible to arouse the people
to patriotic response to the great call. In com
gress its members have given the president sup
port he was denied by his own partisans. A sug
gestion to Mr. Wilson that he call into his cabi
net some republicans, that the administration
might be given at least an aspect of bipartisan
quality, was met with the statement that the
president proposed to' maintain a partisan cabi
net Nothing recently has 'indicated any inclina
tion on his part to change this attitude. So if
the war has taken on anything of party signifi
cance the blatre cannot justly be laid at the door
of the republican orp-nization. t
Bringing Spain Closer to WarA
So far the course of Spain in connection with
the war has been anomalous and at times equiv
ocal Its. neutrality has been maintained so far
as outward appearances go, but this Very neu
trality has been of immense service to Germany.
While the king, through his good offices, Jias
been enabled to do many things for belligerents,
particularly through the intelligence bureau he
has so thoroughly organized and efficiently con
ducted, his government has permitted other things
that are far from being helpful to anybody but
Germany. Quite recently a German submarine,
disabled from an encounter at seas, limped into a
Spanish port, pretended to intern, made repairs
and put to sea again. It is openly charged, and
with good grounds, that German submarine sup
ply, stations are maintained on the Spanish coast.
A late account tells of the sinking of merchant
ships by a U-boat that used a Spanish lighthouse
as a guide for firing.
These and similar acts are bringing Spain
closer to the war, each day. Which side it will
espouse if compelled to make a choice is not
easy to determine.. The "intellectuals," and this
includes a considerable party of the army, offi
cers, are strongly pro-Ally, while the masses of
the people are equally strong for Germany, or at
least are against the United States and England.
In addition, to this, the home political situation
is very much disturbed and the king is threat
ened with a revolt of his subjects at any time. The
Catatonian affair not so long ago, while it was
put down by the army, did not conclude with a
full victory for the crown. Unrest is general
and propagandists are busy, so that the immediate
future of. Spain is most uncertain.
, The problem for the Allies is to find a way to
render the Spanish coast less secure , for the
U-boat and, with this done, we can well leave
the people of that country to deal with their own
internal affairs.
Austria is willing to accept "honorable peace"
without annexations, a marked' difference in the
attitude of the government that gobbled up Bos
nia and Herzogovyiia and helped to annihilate
Serbia; But things have not been coming so eas
ily for Austria of late. - , t
Editor Hardin of the Zukunft thinks Germany
may be willing to give up Alsace and Lorraine
within a year or two after the war. If eventu
ally, why not now? - :
Courage and QuickzAction
Brave Deeds of Men in America's Naval Service t
A cry for help never goes unheeded
when there is a man of the s United States
navy standing by. No matter where, on
land, at sea, in calm or storm, daylight or
dark, he is quick to respond and ready to
take the chance that makes a rescue possi
ble. An instance of this is reported from
Newport, R. I., where the bravery of
Robertson McGregor, fireman third class, at
tached to the naval training School at that
place, has just been rewarded by a letter of
commendation from Secretary Daniels. It
was night and unusually dark when Mc
Grepor heard the cry 67 help coming from
the bay. Rushing to the water he located
the soundfand without any further hesitation
jumped overboard and swam in the direction
of the cry. There were no more cries, but
sensing his direction the fireman kepu on
swimming until he came across a body. It
was an apprentice seaman who had become
unconscious in his fight for life. Although
still wearing his clothing, McGregor took
hold of his man and brought him safely to
the shore.
Secretary Daniels has just commended
Ray Nye, a chief gunner's mate of the United
States navy, for 'heroism displayed in jump
ing overboard from the deck of the Penn
sylvania and rescuing a man from drowning.
The rescue, occurred after a collision with a
tuar, and the water was covered w:th debris.
Without hesitation Nye threw off his coat
and cap and jumped overboard. The propel
lors were going full sneed astern and the
sailor had to swim against this strong cur
rent as well as fight off the splinters and
pieces of wood in the wreckage. Reaching
the drowning man, he kept him above water
until picked up bv a tug.
Lowering a life boat singleehanded and
clearing a sinking ship with many survivors
is the remarkable record credited to Chief
Boatswain's Mate John P. Doyle, United
States naval reserve force. The sailor had
shipped for war on the converted yacht
"Alcedo," which was torpedoed in November
while on patrol duty in foreign waters!
While the ship was rapidly sinking Doyle,
without any help, lowered a 20-foot life boat
to the rail from where it was hanging on the
port davits, amidships. The ship had by
this time sunk so that the rail was awash
and the life boat water borne. Cutting the
gripes, Doyle called Lucius A. Patton,
junior officer cook. United States navy, into
the whale boat which was then half full of
water. Unhooking , the falls, he shoved it
dear of the Alcedo before it went down
T"l . ! I. J .1 . . 4 i
ine wnaie ooat rracnqa ine sea just in time
to pick up a 'number of men who owi the
saving of their lives to the cool-headed work
and steady nerve of this chief boatswain's
Doyle's bravery was reported, to the de
partment by his commanding officer and he
was commended by Secretary of the Navy
Fred Zastro, chief boatswain's mate of
the United States ship Ozark, has just
been commended for gallantry asnhe leader
of a number of other men of the service who
saved life at sea. This occurred when the
steamer Paddleford went aground in heavy
sea. With members of the crew of the
United States ship Annapolis, Zastro took
a life boat through a dangerous surf,' reach
ing the ship and rescuing more than two
thirds of the crew. Nearly a score of men
took part in this rescue"; all of .them going to
vessels of the United States navy, in charge
of Lieutenant Daniel E. Barbey aiid Ensign
George O. Etheredge of the Annapolis.
Each one has been commended by Secretary
Daniels. '
Fighting a fire single-handed aboard a
submarine chaser has just won official com
mendation for Frank Marsh, machinist's
mate second class, United States naval re
serve. Although not attached to the chaser
on which the fire occurred, Marsh, after the
engine room force had be:n driven from the
engine room by the dense gas fumes,"
descended to where the fire was burning and
extinguished it. Marsh had just finished this
job at the risk of his life when dense black
smoke was seen coming from the base of
the starboard engine where oil lad become
ignited. This could not be reached either
through the ports or skylights, so Marsh, still
undaunted, went back to the engine room and
with a salt water hose put out this fire. In
commending Marsh's bravery, Secretary
Daniels stated that his action was especially
meritorious in tjat he not only had saved
the vessel afire, but also three other craft ly
ing alongside.
iThe Navy department has been informed
of the heroism of two sailors whose work
was accomplished before their names could
be learned. During the recent disastrous
fire in Norfolk, Va., the city called upon the
navy yard authorities for aid. Details of sail
ors and first aid men were sent in response.
At the height of the fire the alarm wfes sent
out among the workers that some of the
city's firemen were trapped in a burning ho
tel. Two sailors who had fought their way
into the building reached the spot where two
firemen were put off from escape. The fire
fighters were injured and hardly able to
walk. The sailors got them to a window and
then with their burdens descended an ice
covered ladder to the ground. Then', having
completed their work, they walked away and
were soon lost among their mates. The
crowd around the burning building had seen
their heroism and applauded it, but they
never learned their names.
Official Knock for Bad Draft Boards
Limiting Profits of Loafing on the Job
Washington Letter In Boston Transcript.
The country has not heard the last of the
order issued by Provost Marshal General
fcnoch H. Crowder which provides that ex
emption boards shall receive 30 cents for
each registrant finally classified. This step
was taken because a considerable number of
the boards were trying to squeeze every
dollar out of the government that they
could. Instead of working patriotically for
the country at a fair wage, they were trying
to make their job as long as possible and
were attempting to make the nation pay
their exorbitant bills. To prevent this milk
ing of the treasury, General Crowder issued
the order limiting compensation to 30 cents
for each questionnaire finally approved. The
office will take another step at the earliest
opportunity and it is quite possible that there
will be sensational disclosures. Members of
the office staff declare that every local board
which has overcharged the country for its
services should be removed.
It is only fair and just to say that a large
number of the boards have performed their
duties conscientiously, have even sacrificed
large salaries to do their bit for the country.
On the other hand,, there have been many
boards which have thought only of , the
money they were receiving and were trying
to make their jobs as soft as possible. These
boards are scattered throughout the lan(.
Practically every state, is represented, ac
cording to the officer in General Crowder's
department. The new order will not affect
boards which have kept expenses down, but
it will affect the unscrupulous boards, ine
order is a warning to the latter class of what
is coming. . , - '
General Crowder, in trying to be fair with
every bbard, originally fixed the maximum
sum that any one member could receive at
$150 a month. The office believed that this
amount would be changed by only a small
number of hoards. Instead, hundreds of
boards asked for the maximum payrrtent for
December and January. One board, repre
senting a little district in West Virginia,
asked for the maximum payment for each
member for the two months and intimated
it would have to work for several months to
complete its duties. General Crowder's office
is positive that the board should complete its
work by February 1 at the latest. A board
representing a Philadelphia district was even
more brazen. The members came to Wash
ington in a body last week and demanded
several hundred dollars in addition to the
maximum sum. They were, given a lecture
they will not forget and were quite appre
hensive as to what was in store for them
when they returned to Philadelphia. The
official who told of these instances said he
could recount many others if he had the
time to do so. '
whereas the reports of the adjutant general
show that the per capita cost of, recruiting
in 1914 was $24.48; $19.14 in 1913; and $28.95
for the first nine months of the fiscal year of
1917. vThe expense of assembling the Na
tionals ranged widely in the various s.tates.
The lowest was $1.57 a man and the highest
$19. The system was the most expensive in
Maine and Rhode Island. The , cost in
Massachusetts was comparatively small,
$6.08 per man accepted. It is generally
afirr'eed that the exbenses which will be in
curred in assembling additional armies will,
be greatly reduced as a result of the new
regulations. No longer will a board tequired
to produce a quota of only six men be per
mitted to submit a. claim for 'compensation
amounting to hundreds of dollars. This is
an actual, not a hypothetical, case. The rec
ords are on file in General Crowder's office.
Despite the fact that some of the boards
met from day to day solely to base a claim
for compensation, the cost of the draft was
small as compared with the cost of recruit
ing. The average cost per man accepted for
service in the first National army was $4.93,
y Military officers declare that boards which
have been overcharging the government at
a time when personal sacrifices are being
made on every hand are most unpatriotic.
The soldiers who are being selected by these
very boards have given up comfortable
homes, have severed home ties, in many in
stances have sacrificed large incomes to fight
for their country for $30 a month. They are
enduring or will endure suffering and hard
ship and in many cases will sacrifice their
health or lives. It fsnot unreasonable, there?
fore, for the .government to , request the
boards to co-operate with it in the matter of
minimum cost. J a matter of fact, much of
the work for which some of these boards
have been charging exorbitant sums is per
formed by the clerks employed by ; the
boards. It should be said in this connection
that the prevjous allowance or .$150 per
month per member was in addition to the
expenses incurred by "the boards for clerks,
stenographers, rent, etc.. -
'People and Events i
A young man with more nerve than
sense attempted to intimidate a member of
the draft, hoard of Minneapolis. He suc
ceeded in breaking into jail and faces trial
on a serious federal charge. People f who
seek trouble on that line usually find it
, Clarence Payne started out as a spending
colossus spanning the country from San
Francisco to New York with a fortune esti
mated at $25,000,000. Genial company
flowered his pathway hither1 and thither and
eased the strain of blowing it in. New York
creditors have just taken over what little
remains of the fortune, and Payne is over
whelmed with the sympathy of the pikers
nothing more. .'
The new mayor fot hew York warns
municipal chairwarmers that loafing on the
job must not be too conspicuous. One hour
for lunch is the official limit and sponging
on base ball games is taboo, as welt as joy
rides at the city's expense. If these restric
tions on the liberties of political jobholders
do not start something on Fourteenth street
Tammany's sachem must be asleep at the
switch. s
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One Year Ago Today in tho War.
German light squadron made a
ally from Zeebrugge and was driven
t back by the British. - , .
Germany denied. In & note to the
; United States, illegal deportation of
Belgians. t ,
Bulgarians effected ft crossing of the
southern mouth ot the Danube.
i Dae Day We Celebrate, v V
M. V. Shafer ot IL F. Shafer com
pany, born 1870. v
Franklin W. Harwood of Thomas
; Cusack company, born 1SS1. -
George Bell, Jr., major general of
the united States army, born 69 yean
ago today.
Holbrook Bllnn, born it year ago
ton ay, . ,
Dr. Ezra S. Tipple, president of
Irew Theological Seminary, born 67
years ago today.
. This Day tn History. '
1854 The Kansas-Nebraska bill
. was introduced in the United States
senate. , ' - --.' -
186x The Federals sank a stone
fleet to obstruct the harbor of Char
i lesion, E. C'f
Hit General Eurnslde dismissed
Generals Hooker, Brooks, Newton and
. Kranklin from their commands "for
' undermining the confidence of the
army." ' .
! . 1 S3 Phillips Brooks. -. Episcopal
bishop of Massachusetts and famous
I pulpit orator, t'isd in Boston. Born
"trftre. December It, 1835.
J ust 80 Years Ago Today
K. B. Falconer gave a pleasant
dancing party in the new addition to
the store to his employes exclusively.
His clerks number 90 and nearly all
were present ,
General Passenger ' Agent Tebbetts
ot the Union Factfle railroad, will ar-
, from a western
rive home today
Captain W. D. McHugh of Galena,
one oi ine prominent lawyers in
Northern Illinois, has come to Omaha
to locate, having formed a partner
ship with George Christofferson.
Henry A. Parrish has leased " the
People's theater for ft term ot three
years. ,
, A most elaborate leap-year party
is planned to take place at the Hotel
Barker. ;
Mr. R. B. Blythe of Leadvllle, Cola
was married to Mies Jennie K. Vooy
hees of Omaha, at the residence of
the bride's sister Mrs. E. 8. Jester,
350 North Twenty-sixth street
Post Mortem of The 7th
York Republican: Governor Ne
ville is considering the exchange of a
perfectly good, very slightly-worn
colonel's uniform for ' a senatorial
toga. But that is just as elusive a
garment as the other, governor.
, Kearney Hub: Following the un
scrambling of the Seventh Nebraska
regiment of the Nebraska National
Guard, of which Governor Neville was
to have been colonel, the democratic
dope mixers St Lincoln are busily en
gaged in making a senatorial candi
date out of the governor. Of course
Neville is silent , He is thinking what
he thinks and no one except himself
is familiar with his thoughts. If he
is wise he will stand pat patter, pat
test for ft second term as governor
and not to be tempted to play into
the bands ot the politicians.
' Minden Courier: The brave young
fellows who enlisted In the Seventh
regiment deserve only our heartiest
commendation. Inasmuch as they are
not to blame for the Idea of the gov
ernment that all ehould be left to the
draft They have yat the opportunity
to enlist in the army or navy. Those
few who did not like it need not now
serve and those who joined that they
might down kalserism will be Just as
glad to swat old Bill with another
bunch of fellows or ln the navy as
with their own companions,, even if
they are not given as high ft position
in the service through their enlisting
or being drafted. The main thing is
to whip Germany, and that is the ob-
Peppery Poirits ,
"Washington Post: If Herb Hoov
er can only prevail on the railroads
to observe a congestlonless day, it'll
help greatly.
Minneapolis Tribune: Not so very
long ago there was a general pre.
ference for salaries. Nowadays
most peorle prefer wages. (
Baltimore American: It is a hard
job to prove to the consumer out of
coal that federal control of the rail
roads is any better for the country
than private direction, for he sees
no difference in results.
Brooklyn Eagle: Big wages don't
hold American men if they have to
sleep in cots, six r eight in a room,
unheated and with primitive sanitary
conditions. There lies the big prob
lem of the shipbuilding plants, and
the sooner it Is recognized the bet
ter. ,
Wall Street Journal: Prominent
banker says: ' "If everyone took
counsel from his- fears, and rushed
to stand from, under, we should .otn
be at the end of )ur rope." Allow
ing the mixed metaphor, ,hich as
sumes that all of us, and not merely
the railroads, are on the ga... ..4, he
said something.
Brooklyn Eagle: Perhaps no re
buke from any of his own people has
ever hit the kaiser harder thon the
return of 1,300 iron crosses by veter
ans who did not care to slisre such,
honors with numberless civilians who
never smelted gunpowder. Even ft
bloody-minded autotrat has a sensl-
' Beet Sugar Prltes.
Elm Creek. Neb., Jan. Id. To the
Editor of The Bee: I see the sugar
men are allowed to retail sugar at
$9 per hundredweight. Why, please?
They used to sell -sugar at S4.75 to
$5.25 per hundredweight retail when
the factories bought the beets at $5
per ton. . Then in 1916 they paid $5,
out gave 50 cents bonus, making the
beets cost them $5.50 per ton. And
sugar sold up to $11-per hundred
weight. If they made 15 pet cent on
their capital stock when they sold at
$5 per hundredweight what per cent
did they make on the $11 sugar? This
year we got $6.50 for beets and they
are allowed to sell sugar at 9 cents.
And the senate wiseheads investigat
ing the sugar trust-r-not one of them
probably could tell a sugar beet from
a mangle or a sugar cane stalk from
a bamboo. Of course, the sugar men
will howl about the extra cost of
labor. The by-product is worth three
times more than it ever was, and will
more than pay any esttra cost of .labor
if It does not it all. Every, beet raiser
here this year lost money on his beets,
and unless they get a decent price
will not put any in. I have been in
formed that the hfeet sugar factories
paid 52 per centcash. And 20 per
cent In new stock last year. They
have told Mr. 'Hoover they will give
all they can next year, but that may
be too late and why let them sell
sugar at 9 cents when 6.5 wqujd make
the stockholders 16 per cent? The
government should take the factories
over. These beets are' worth $10 to
$12 per ton to feed cattle or sheep.
And any farm product will pay the
farmer better for his labor.
How to Haul Coal.
Omaha, Jan. 18. To the Editor of
The Bee: While It seems unlikely
that the responsible men in charge of
coal situation have overlooked any
possible factors in moving coal, yet
failing' to see any systematic use of
auto trucks to take coal from mines
or congested yards to consumers, I
take liberty of "nudging" you.
Couln't The Bee develop and ad
vocate a scheme for organizing and
operating an auto truck service on a
large stfale that would be of some real
use? Of course, the cost of such serv
ice is of no consequence as against
getting the coal moved.
Wm. Herachell, In Indianapolis Nw
TVar little tlag in the window th"re.
HunB with a tear and a woman's pru; .
Child of O'.d Glory, born with a tar
Oh, what a wonderful flag ou ure.
Blue Is your atar In Its field of white,
Mpped in tha red that was born of fight.
Horn of tha blood that our forneara shed
To raiae your mothor, The Flag, o'erlita m
.-j vmi'va rnm. In thia frenzk-d ri;
i Aim nu" " - ' ' . -
kTo speaK from a window to upeak and
I a'n the voica in a ,wiuici-rwii
Gone to be, gone till the victory's won.
I am the flaft of The Service, sir:
The flag of hl mother I apeak for her
Who atanda by my window nd walta ar
rears, . .
But hides from tha othera her unwev
tears. ,.
"I am the flaf of tha wives who wait
for the safe return of a martial mate.
A mate gone ' forth where the war go;
To save from sacrifice other mens wfve.
"I am the flag of the sweethearts true;
The often unthought of the slaters, too.
I am the flag of a mother's son
And won't come down till the victory s
Dear little flag In the window there.
Hung with a tear and a woman s prayer;
Child of Old Glory, born with a star
O what a wonderful flag you are!
''Defends the Brotherhoods.
Omaha, Jan. 19, To the Editor of
The Bee: I noticed in your paper a
few weeks agd a letter from one
Walter Johnson attacking the present
administration. Of course, it is a
very hard matter to please everyorie,
but I think Mr. Wilson and his cabi
net have proved satisfactory to the
greatest majority of the American
people. So far Mr. McAdoo has done
wonders in the way of relieving the
freight congestion. Mr. Johnson also
attacks the four brotherhoods by
Saying: their demands ought to be met
by placing them on the battle front
I can truthfully say one thing there
are more members of the four broth
erhoods on the battle front .today do
ing their bit for the country than
there are men of his kind.. Perhaps
Mr. Johnson never was out in a bliz
zard for 16 hours with frozen feet
hands and ears, and without anything
to eat. That Is what the members of a
train crew have to contend with In' the
bad and stormy weather. Before there
was a 16-hour law I worked 24
hours In a blizzard trying to serve the
public. " He don't know the working
conditions of the men In the trans
portation department of a railroad.
When we leave our homes to make a
trip we can never tell whether we will
get back safe or not A mistake
means death or a cripple for life. And
to think, there is always some one
ready to condemn an organization be
cause it is trying to better its working
conditions! BERT BRIOGS.
"What did' tha eran want, yoa were
so short with?"
"What did he want? Oh, nothing we
couldn't supply. He only wanted a sun
dog, a moon calf, a sea puss and an ocean
grejrh,ound." Baltimore American.
"Do yea knew, I believe that tbe count
is getting interested in Adele."
"What makes you think so?"
"Well, yesterday he borrowed $500 from
ma." Life. ,
! "Pumpkin pie was made of rye," chanted
tha little girl who was playing some nur
sery same. ,
' "Evidently they had food substitutes in
the oltl days,' commented the Inspector.
Louisville Cpurler-Joornal.
"You are' wearing very unbecoming
hat.' aald Alma to Ethel.
"Then." asid Ethel, as she turned to the
looking glass, "1 am going to face the mat.
ter and make it the subject of thorough
reflection.'1 Baltimore American.
A Well Known Actress Tells How to
Darken Gray Hair With a Simple
Home Made Mixture.
Joicey Williams, the well known
American actress, who was recently
playing at the Imperial Theater in
St Louis, Mo., made the following:
statement about gray hair and how
to darken it: ...
"Anyone can prepare a simple mix
ture at home, at very little cost, that
will darken gray, streaked or faded
hair, and make it soft and glossy. To
a half pint of water add 1 ounce of
bay rum, a small box of Barbo Com
pound and ounce of glycerine.
These ingredients can be bought at
arty drug store at very little cost, or
any druggist can put it up for you.
Apply to the hair twice a week until
the desired shade is obtained. This
will make a gray haired person look
20 years younger. It does not color
the scalp, is not sticky or greasy and
does not rub off. Advertisement
nOCII alrtOTDH Of CalrA
urt.11 HUOiniUa arl A
Bow To Get Belief When Head
and Nose are Stuffed Up,
Count fifty! Your cold in head or
catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of
your head will clear and you can
breathe freely. No more snuffling,
hawking, mucous discharge, dryness
or headache; no struggling for breath
at night
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist and apply a
little of this fragrant antiseptic
cream in your nostrils. It penetrates
through every air passage of the head,
soothing and healing the swollen or
inflamed mucous membrane, giving
you instant relief. Head colds and
catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay
stuffed-up and miserable. Relief is
sure. Advertisement
Is the Acid Test
Have you a place in your or
ganization that needs bolster
ing up! Have you a place for
one or two high grade men or
women? If so we have them.
Get in touch with this office.
Watts Reference
1138 First Nat'l Bk. Bldf.
Douglas 3885
tect held in view by most of tbe boys tive "heel of Achillea" if Ingenuity
of Company I. Good luck to them! I can find It
Out of the Ordinary
To defy automobile thieves a steer- I
ing wheel has been patented that j
turns loosely on the shaft except when
locked in position, by a key carried
by its owner. !
More than 70,000 cities ana towns ;
in the United States use 9.151,311
telephones. It Is estimated that an
average of 8,600,000,000 messages are
sent over these lines annually.
The method of cultivation of tAVx,
the rearing of the worms and the
reeling and weaving have not mate
rially changed In China for hundreds
of. years. Old Chinese prints show
that the methods In vogue today are
much the same, as those employed $,-
000 years ago. -Although
the traffic in human hair
has not been so brisk during the last
few years as formerly, on account of
the veering bf the fashions in hair-"
dressing toward the extremest sim
plicity, still thera are , millions of
pounds of human hair exported, from
China. -'....'-
English war office forbids from
February 1, except under permit from
director of raw materials, the pur
chase, sale or offers to purchase or
sell any boots for women with up
pers exceeding seven inches tn height
if or leather or eight inches in height
If any other material. From January
1 manufacturers are forbidden to cut
material or uppers exceeding dimen
sions named. -. - v".
Exemption, f , - ,
Why didn't you enlist?
had trouble with my
Gerald I
feet "
Oeraldine Flat
or cold? Judge.
Get a Piano
n6w, of. all times, is the time
to have music in your home
TIESE are times when music is a blessing, a
solace, a comfort These are the times when
every means should be employed to strength
en home ties. Every means should be used to drive
away gloomy thoughts and lighten heavy spirits.
Make your home cheerful Make it the rallying,
point for your family and friends and make music
its chief enjoyment and means of entertainment
This b THE TIME U gal your
piano, (or 'this is a time yea
need it MOST. No other form
of diversion is so satisfying and
comforting as MUSIC, and a
piano in yonr home, TODAY,
will prova ta be aa invaluable
ourca of meats! relief and
cheer. " -
A. Hospe Co.
1513 Douglas St
Emerson Upright........ $1 IS
Bailey Upright....... r..$U0
Stager Upright. ....... . .$125
Camp & Co., Upright. . . . .$165
Kimball Upright.... ..... $173
Boardmaa Upright..,,,,, $180
These instruments will b
taken in exchange at full price
upon any now instrument par
chased within one year,
$3.50 Per Month
- Washington, D. C
? Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which you will please send me,
entirely free, "The Navy Calendar.''
Name... ............ ........... ' ' j
M-,T,V, .-.-e"e-eTX:
Street Address .................... , ..... ,v.-rtVr.-,v.ii:.W
Qft" .state .J