Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Pioneer ' Resident, Prominent
Politically and Leading Law
yer, Was III But 'One
North Platte, Neb;, Jan. 22. (Spe
cially Telegram.) County Judge
George E. French died this morning,
at the home of hi stepdaughter, Mrs.
Ralph Smith. He had been in poor
health for six years, but did not con
sider his' condition serious tjntil one
week zgo. While acting as chairman
of the local advisory board, and super
intending affairs at his office, he suf
fered a break down. He was promi
nent in Lincoln county politics for
many years, and has served as county
attorney, county clerk, register of th;
land office, ; and several terms as
county judge. ,' He was also one of the
organizers of the local Knights of
Pythias lodge.
George E. French was 61 years of
age, lie was born in Warren, 0., in
1857, and was graduated in law from
the University of Iowa. He came to
Nebraska shortly after leaving school,
and located in North Platte, when 29
years of age. He was married in 1893
to Mrs. B. H. Edmunds, and from this
union one child. George Edwin, was
born,, but survived only one year.
His wife died August 14, 1914. Two
stepdaughters, Mrs. R. W. Smijh,
with whom he has made his home,
and Mrs. C. Frederickson, a niece and
nephew, Mrs. Harry Mitchell, and
- Byron B. Oberst of this city, ana a
brother, B, F. French of Mesopotamia,
O., survive Funeral services will be
held at the Ralph Smith, home
v eanesaay atternoon. i
Registration of Enemy
Aliens Begins February 4
North Platte," Neb., Jan. 22. (Special-Telegram.)
The registration- of
.enemy aliens in this distiict will be
held at the postoifice building from
February 4 to 9, inclusive, in
charge 'of Postmaster McEvor.
Nine bids for the $40,000 bridge to
be built in Osgood precinct, were
opened today by the fcounty clerk and
county commissioners, and all were
rejected. New bids will M received
on February 27. ) ,
The SammyGirls' club; a patriotic
society of local young women; will give
an entertainment and ball at the Lloyd
opera hotfse, February 9, under the
direction of Mrs. M. J, Tiley. The
proceeds will be tised for buying yarn
and other necessities for the soldiers.
Mrs. Gertrude Carson, of Grand Is
land, surgical dressings instructor,
will deliver' an address to the Sammy
girls' club, on Thursday evening, at
the Federal building.
Two Officers Want Same
Mari on Different Charges
North Platte, Neb v Jan. 22. f Spe
cial Telegram.) Deputy Sheriff
Beam.of McAlester, Okla., arrived las
evening to take in charge R. F,
Wr-ght, who has been in jail here for
two "weeks. Special Government
Agent Devlin, of Omaha, also came
jii last- evening, and wanted Ed
Wright on a charge of white slavery.
The officer stating that Wright had
brought the woman he was living with
at Kimball, from Iowa. She was here
last week, but got away before a mes
sage came to hold her. Weight re
fused to tell her present address. The
federal officer permitted the Okla
homa sheriff to take his man there for
trial. . - - 'Z. .. ,
Webster County Red Cross
NetsTOat Auction Sale
Rpd Cloud, Nb., Jam 22.-(Spccial
Telegram.) The county Red yCross
has announced the total returns from
its auction held recently to be $3,
176.56. This includes- a number of
cash . donations. . Local merchants
have decided as a coal conservation
measure to open their stores from 8:30
to S:30t" except grocery stores and
meat-markets, which open at 8 and
close at 6, the Saturday closing hour
is 8 p. m. - ' ' ' '
Lexington Farmers Raise . ' ;
1 Handsome Sum, for Red Cross
- ' Lexington, Neb.,. Jan. . 22.-TrTe
farmers around 'Lexington held tn
auction sale for the benefit of the Red
Cross which resulted in raising ?1,3J8.
Everything .was donated, Carl Hock
giving a cow and another giving a pig
which brought $70 One little boy
donated a nickle which' was all he liad.
This nickel sold 4or $5.00. . The sale
was considered a success, owing to
the big drive that was just closed.
South Australia Wheat .' -Crop
Below Estimate
Ottawa', Ont. Jan. 21 A dispatch
,-eceived, by Reuter's agency from
Adelaide says South Australia's wheat
crop' this' year is estimated at 26,500.
000 bushels, or 18,500,000 bushels be
low that of last year. - . ' .,
ThisNestimate, made by the govern
ment, attributes the decrease in pro
duction to the smaller area sown and
the excess of rainy, unfavorable
weather just' after the season.
I :';:i!iHi;lHi;iil!':'l l'!IMl:i:l;l ll;:!:;!!:!'.;!"!:'!'!"!
Storage Is x f
I Cheaper Than I
I Rent... v. ' "I
And our Fireproof Ware-
house affords a safe place
to store your household -f
goods, etc r ,
'Washington, Jan. . 22. Clifford
Thome, former chairman of the low
state railroad commission, . told the
senate interstate commerce commit
tee today that the administration rail
road bill . guarantees $300,000,000
more to, the railroads j-tha.i Great
Britain guaranteed to its railroads
when it took control, and at the same
time offers no inducement for the
railroads to he efficient to the pub
lic. --?:.' :
Mr. Thorns spoke for various re
finery, oil, grain and live s,tock ship
pers. - 1
Glenn E, Plumb of Chicago, repre
senting the principal railway brother
hoods, asked the house interstate
commerce committee to amend the
administration bill to authorize tte
Interstate Commerce commission to
determine the "amount of return on
which the railroads shall receive com
pensation while under federal con
trol. 4
Arrest Cited byStoffe in
Speech Was for Investigation
Sf Louis, Jan. 22. Senator Stone,
in his speech in the senate' on par
tisanship in the war, referied to the
arrest aWa. Mr. Shanks" at St.-Louis
for a remark criticizing the war ad
ministration and Senator Stone cited
this arrest in comparison with the
immunity from arrest enjoyed by for
mer President Roosevelt, -who has
criticised the war administration.
Inquiry today developed that John
D, Shanks, after his arrest on the ar
rival of a suburban train at Union
station! was turned over to the local
police, who turned him over to the
federal authorities. ;. "f
Big Concerns Ordered tp :!
Stop Advertising for Men
Washington, Jan. 22. Peremptory
directions to many large -industrial
concerns to cease widesprcadadver
tising for help, which was thought to
be unsettling 'the labor supply ,aud
working hardships on individuals who
answered vthe . advertisements, have
been sent out by the Department of
Labor. , ; ' .,. ,-, ,
Fire Destroys Lumber.
. ; Yard Office at Gibbon
'Gibbon, Neb., Jan. 22.-(Special
Telegram.) Firm in livery barn ad
joining a lumber yard and several
frame buildings at 5 o'clock this morn
ing destroyed the office. Origin of
the' fire is unknown.
TO RAISE $12,000
Native Sons Urged to Donate
Money to Build Big Gym at
.. , ' Camp Funston for
Fremont, Net., Jan. 22. (Special
Telegram.) Sergeant Mizera, of But
ler county. Is in Nebraska on furlough
from Camp Funston, organiiing a
campaign to raise 8,000 in Dodge,
Washington, Cuming, Saunders, But
ler, Colfa. Platte and Merrick coun
ties, to be used for erecting a gym
nasium at Camp Funston for Ne
braska boys. Other counties have be?
come interested in the movement and
it is now planned to raise $12,000 as
the people of Grand Island have
pledged $1,000 and believe that Hall
county will raise another thousand.
Sergeant Joseph Martin, a Grand
Island resident, also on furlough from
Camp Funston, is in charge of the
work there. The movement was init
iated by Lieutenant F. B. Manning,
athletic officer, of the 314th ammuni
tion train, Camp Funston, which regi
ment is composed almost entirely of
Nebraska boys. The movement is en
dorsed by Governor Neville, the camp
officers and by the patriotic citizens
of this district.
The gymnasium will be, used to
train the boys in athletic work in the
eveningsand on days when weather
does not permit outdoor exercise and
amusement. It will also serve as a
Nebraska home for relatives and
friends of Nebraska boys, on the oc
casion of their visits there. Rest
rooms and toilets will be provided
for both women and men.
Kansas patriotic people have erect
ed a similar building for Kansas sol
diers. About $5,000 has been sub
scribed to date. Douglas and Lancas
ter county residents are favorably to
the plans and will be organized by
Sergeants Mizera and Mar in the lat
ter part of this week. This building
will be used for the same purposes by
the second draft contingent from Ne
braska.. ,
Mrs. Duncan McNicol .
Dies ai Age of Seventy-Four
North Platte, Jan. 22. Mrs, Dun
can McNicol died suddenly at her
homS last evening,: at the. age of 74.
She leaves a hasband, two daughters,
and three sons. She was formerly a
resident of Myrtle where Mr, Mc
Nicol was postmaster for 24 years.
In the purchase of silver, gold, precious
stones when you buy' anything of imporV
stance' or of intrinsic value you see to it
that you get the genuine and watch carefully
for the mark of identification. There is only
One Genuine Aspirin. ' i
The "Bayer Cross" appears on the only Genuine Aspirin, "
made in the United States for more than ten years.
Continues This Week
This is the real shoe event of
the season. Every pair is
from our regular stock and is
regular Drexel standard of
excellence. There v
may not oe every
size in every line
but the variety fc
" great enough. to,
cover1 every ""size.
Two Splendid Groups for Women
' X. Omaha Van
f v& Storage Co.
' "Phone Douf las 4163
$7,' $8, $9 and $10 Ira
ported French Bronze
Kid High Shoes $5 and
$6 values in patent, kid
and . calf $5 Blacks Kid
Shoes with : fawn cloth
tops $5 growing girls
button shoes in patent, kid and
gunmetal calf all in the
annual sale, $3 45
$6, $7 and $8 values jin
suchr well known makes
as Hanan's, Cousinjs and
Armstrong's. The choice
includes both p a t,e n t
leathers and fine calf.
High lace styles in a
large range of sizes. Your
choice in the &A AC
annual sale, at.
Special values in Dress and Party Slippers nt i if
that were $4, $5, $7, $8 and $10. This sale U4,40
-An Opportunity for Men
SMALL SIZES in Hanan, Clapp and Howard & Foster
famous Shoes for Men. If you can wear a shoe un
der size 7 this is a remarkable chance. .
Regular $7.00 to $10 shoes, . CO QC
all at one price. .:. . .... ...... ......... , i . yuJO
No Charges No Exchanges No Refund No Delivery
Drexel Shoe Co.
3 .-
Store Opens
9 A. M.
Closes at
5 P.M.
Tl O
I i urn ni, h
IS JlOffiS
Store Closes
' '"Jhe Yl ' Your Guarantee y j I
Y Bayer Cnss PeV ofPuritf . A j
I The trde-mpk"A5plrin"(Reg.U.S.Pt.Off.Mffuarantnethatthetnonncetlc- jj
cideterofalicyIicacidiDthetUbktiof the reliable Payee manufacture.
B 3
'tweeh Season Shopping
Offers Good Savings
JU&T before stocktaking, small lots or groups of merchandise make
their appearance in different departments throughout the store, and
while these are tocfsmall in quantity to advertise, they offer exceptional
'opportunities to the woman who buys now! , ' ; :
THE Vanguard of the
Spring styles is begin:
ning to. make its appear
ance, and already definite
information is here about the
beautiful colors that will pre
vail and the choice of fabrics
for the coming season. Early
shopping is safe, v
GAY tones in women's ap-
parel for the coming
seaspn shows the. desire to
dispel anything but opti
mistic thoughts when Nature
puts on her new dress. The
inclination for brightness
and the unusual in styles is
everywhere in evidence. :
rp HESE are days of discov?
F JL rwr nmA wiaa wnmotl
Cij aixu. vnv v
will plan to learn of the new
things as fast as they arrive.
Every day. will be brimful of
interest to those who will
watch the advertisements
and tour the store for the
new arrivals. . .
J. L. Brandeis & Sons
20 - inch natural wavy
20 - inch gray , wavy
pitches, $1,48
Very Special
To radically reduce our
stock before inventory, we
make these extraordinary
v, ,
offerings for Wednesday in
these high grade pieces. ' ,
24-inch extra heavy natural
wavy switches, gg
26 - inch natural . wavy
switches, $3,98
Ob . .
Cluster Curls, $1.00
Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Massaging and Manicuring.
Children's Hair Bobbing
A specialty we are proud of; Attendants selected espe
cially for their affection for children, together with their
efficiency in the work. Bring your child here.
Second Floor
Buy a Victrola
The pre-eminent position
the "Victrola" holds in the
esteem of
publiq becomes more evi
dent with each passing
year..':' 'V:v. ''." r
We should make the '
most of the pleasure to
' ' he derived frob good
music, and we have un
' 1 i m i t ed opportunities
- with a Victrola, which
will Dlay for you,, at
your' own fireside, light opera, grand opera, in
strumental musid, 1 minstrel music, comic songs, ,
k light .-nd i catchy ;-music every, good kind of
music. - ;' ,' - r -
Put a Victrola into your homethe best musical in
vestment you can make. Nothing else will give you
so much permanent satisfaction. . ' . ; : .';
; We shall be giad to show you the different -styles
and demonstrate the possibilities of each
' machine. 1 -"t: :'. . ,,v- -: . ,;
, Eaty Payments, If Desired.
Main Flotfr, Pomptian Room ' , . i.. :
Art Embroidery Offers
Very Remarkable Values
These "before-stock-taking-days" brings to the fore many
small lots of excellent merchandise in this Department,
offered at such-little prices that they are worth a special
trip downtown to share.
' Stamped Turkish Towels, large sizes, plain and ;
jacquarded, with white, pink or blue 35c
borderseach ....v. .......
Stamped Made-Up Night Gowns of good quality
nainsook; stamped for eyelet and French ' 75c
embroidery ; round, square or "V" necTcs, ea. ' y ,
Stamped Lunch Sets, doilies and centerpieces-
stamped on one piece of Russian linen, 59 C
in cross-stitch designs, a set.';.
Mahogany1 and Chinese Lacquer Table Lamp ,
t J Stands, two-light fixtures, 6-foot cord and, electric'
connections. Values up to $12.00, fi Q C
special, each, at. ... ... . . . . ..... . ... . . .w
- ' ' Third Floor , v
Excellent Hosiery
At Modest Prices
It is true that We have the largest and most complete
stock of Hosiery in this Middjle West Country, and it is
also true that we offer this excellent Hosiery at prices
which are, in each instance, extremely modest
Women's Cashmere Hose, in black and white,
, double soles heels and toes, good weight KQC '
and fine quality, worth 85c, special, a pr.
Children's Black Cashmere' Hose, fine ribbed,
double heels and toes, medium weight, - CQ.
a pair .Y.;V,. ..
Infants' White Cashmere Hoee, all sizes, from
4 to 64, silk heels and toes, 3 pairs Er
. f pr $1.00, or, a pair . .... . . . . . : . . , . .".
Fancy Skating Hosiery, in wool; something very
,nifty for Xsport wear, in two styles; long hose .
with bright stripes and the short golf hose with .
fancy cuff, a pair, fcO'flA ; - . JO CA .
Main Floor
Remarkable VaZues in Wmn
$5.50 to $8.00
Stylish Shoes
$5.50 to $8j00
A big table piled high wjth this desirable Footwear
Black for the most part and in excellent styles low
and high heels, welted and turned soles; Well .made
Footwear in every respect that has found its way to
this bargain table only because stocks have become
broken and right ; before inventory we desire to sell
them regardless of value.
Black Calf, BJack Kid, Patent Calf, All-Leather, some
with cloth tops. Lace and button styles. Some are
welted and stitched and some have light hand-turned
soles. Some are English Walking Shoes and others are
for dress 1 wear. Some have wood, Louis and leather
heels. Just' a limited assortment of colors. YOUR
!! 5
' Main Floor, Rear
. ,806 Sooth 16th St. -