rE xjbb: umama, tubsuat, jamuaki zz, ims. BILL CREATING WAR CABINET INTRODUCED; WILSON SAYS i: WILL OPPOSE NEW MASURE .- Senators Fayor Legislation to Form Council to Direct War Operations; Secretaries of War and Navy are Excluded from Serving as Members of Board. Washington, Jan. 21. President Wilson has served notice on democratic leaders in the senate that he will use all his in fluence and power to beat the bill to create a war council. "The president will fight to the finish," was the word brought to the capitol today. Pro.Mon ftnftnua Malir V Despite the president's announced determination to oppose the bill with all hi$ resources, it was introduced in the senate today as planned by Chair man Chamberlain of the military com raittee and with the approve of prac tically all the democrats -of the com mittee, who showed no disposition to recede. The president and Secretary Baker held a conference regarding the bill Saturday after the war secretary had been handed draft by Senator Hitcheock. A definite statement. of President Wilson's views is expected shortly. Even in the face of .the White House opposition committee mem bers are confident of pushing the bill through by means or a nonpartisan coalition of members favoring changes in the policies governing the conduct of the war. The bill provides for the creation of a war cabinet, that name having been substituted in committee for "war council," of three men, distin guished in business, executive, admin istration and public affairs and not members of the president's cabinet War Secretary Barred. It specially states that the secre taries of war and navy shall not be members. Nothing in the bill, however, pre vents the appointment to the war cabinet of members of the president's cabinet, but that man could not serve in both capacities. War cabinet members would re ceive $12,000 annually, the same as members of the executive cabinet, and would rank above regular cabinet members in power for control of war policies. The measure also t arries an initial approiation of $500,000 for the work. The senate war inquiry, suspended recently to complete the details of the war cabinet legislation, probably will be resumed late this wee, with in vestigation into cantonment contracts, army sanitation and aircraft, produc tion. Gentleman to Sail Soon. Washington. D. C, Jan. 20. (Spe cial Telegram.) Thomas P. Gentle man of Omaha, recently appointed to a secretaryship at the embassy at Taris, France, wil'" sail for his- new post on Wednesday from an Atlantic port. OMAHA BOY KILLED BY HAND GRENADE IN FRENCH TOWN Lieut. Scott McCormick, Son of Harry McCormick of This City; Was With Pershing. Lieutenant Scott McCormick of a New York infantry detachment with the American expeditionary forces in France died from injuries caused by an explosion of hand grenades, accord- ft- 'y?&st I I tym mu n ' - J ' -X? r I I ?j 1 '' v J SCOTT M'CORMICK. ing to information received from the War department by his father, Harry McCormick, living in the Beaton apartments, 3116 Farnani street. A telegram announcing his death January 17 was received from Persh ing Saturday. It revealed no details of the accident nor when or where it happened. Shortly before receiving the telegram his aunt, Mrs. Arthur Remington, received a letter in which he stated that he was comfortably billeted in a French village, that he had a stove and plenty of wood and was keeping warm in spite of the cold weather. Training Is Rigorous. He told of the rigorous training the troops were receiving and that he was constantly busy from 5 o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock at night The officers theoretically were to have leisure hours from 4 o'clock in the afternoon until 7 clock, but dur ing that time they ate their dinner and censored all mail. Lieutenant McCormick was 25 years of age and born in Omaha- He gave up his business interests in New York at the hrst call tor troops and en tered the first officers' training camp at Plattsburg last May. He was com missioned t second lieutenant and went to France with the Rainbow division. He was a son of Harry McCormick, who was also born here and lived for years in the old McCormick home stead at Eighteenth street and Capitol avenue. His mother was formerly Miss Mabel Fonda, a graduate of the Omaha High school. Soldier Confesses to Starting Warehouse Fire Washington, Jan. 21. Frederick L. Woodward;, a private in the army quartermaster corps, confessed today that he started the fire which threat ened the quartermaster warehouse here last week and destroyed $50,000 worth of food and other supplies. An official statement says Wood ward declared himself a pyromaniac. California Healing Law Declared Constitutional Washington, Jan. 21. The Cali fornia state medical practice act pro viding for licensing and regulating persons engaged in healing the sick was today declared constitutional by the supreme court. i Fsr3s i . mri ,i r. v BUTT r iwr :i M m j --jfc b m lis mm ' WW'-' First records by this brilliant genius of the violin Proclaimed throughout Europe as a violinist whose gifts rank him among the great 1 of the generation, this young Russians visit to America aroused , unusual interest. His successes abroad have been duplicated in this country. By the astonishing magic of his bow, he has established him self in the affections of the American public. And he has taken his "place with 4 the world's greatest artists who make Victrola Records exclusively. The four Victrola Records by Heif etz just issued bear convincing testimony to his wonderful mastery of the violin; Vlse Bluette (Origo) Jueha Hetfeti Chora of Dervbhet (Beethoven) Jascha Heifetz Victrola Red Seal Records 64758 and.64759. Ten-inch, SI each Schearxo TamnteUe (Wieniawtki) J&acha Heifetx Ato Maria (Schubert-Wilhelmj) Jascha Heifetz Victrola Red Seal Records 74563 and 74563 Twelve-inch, $1.50 each Hear these new Heifetz records to-day at any Victor fctler'a. He will gladly play any music yqu wish to hear and demonstrate the various ctylei of the Victor and Victrola $10 to $400. 0 I pujg Victor Talking Machine Co, Camden, N. J.' . gp- r-..- bapartuit Ntk, Wetot Haotria and Victor NkMm vt tciuMMt aordin.U4 ud trnttmolfH la ht 111111111 I jg . proem, oi Buufectvra. mi tittit um, mm wrtth Uta oOmc U itwohitely mmiiM.I t. perfect nprottucttoa. S Ww Vkw KmoJi iwm MMtomi.J J Mtn m, tfc til A A ' gjjjj I ' Yy ktM THOMPSON.BELHEN -GQ he fashion Center for VJomev1 Continuing the Bed Spread Sale Important Reductions Tuesday Marsailles Spreads extra size for box spring mat tresses $ 8.75 Spreads, 90x99, $ 7.00 $10.75 Spreads, 90x99, $ 8.89 $12.75 Spreads, 90x99, $10.00 Hemmed Marsailles Spreads for double beds $6.75 values for - - - $5 Imported Satin Spreads, for single beds and in matched pairs for twin beds $12.00 Spreads for $10.00 $18.00 Spreads for - $12.00 $16.00 Spreads for - $13.50 $17.50 Spreads for $15.00 Crochet Bed Spreads $3.00 Hemmed Spreads, $2.50 $3.75 Hemmed Spreads, $3.25 Linen Section Main Floor. Exceptional Indeed Are These Fur Coat Values Offered for Tuesday The Men's Shop OFFERS TUESDAY Men's Wool Hose Still we have adequate assort ments in spite of unusual sell ing. A nev number is of natural color, all wool, in sizes 9 to 12. Priced at 75c Other Good Hose Silks, lisles and cotton hose, in Wayne Knit and Interwoven. Styles, colors and sizes to suit all requirements. Prices right. Shirt Sale Lasts But a Few Days More Splendid values are offered in the best of patterns and colors. Such well and favorably known makes as Manhattan, Eagle and Arrow. To the Left i You Enter. Fabric Gloves Fowne's and Kayser's silk and double silk gloves washabje, in black, white, brown and navy, At $1, $1.25, $1.50 a pair. Fowne's Filasette, a wash able fabric glove, in white, 75c and $1 a pair. Out Size Hose Ih AU Styles There is practically no limit , to the selection offered. It's as complete as the stock of regu lar sizes Cotton, double soles, 39c. Heavy Lisle, double soles, farter tops, 59o. ine cotton, garter tops, double soles, 50c Silk, with lisle tops and soles, at $1.25, $1.50. Silk with lisle tops and soles. Grey, silver, pink, bronze, browns and champagne, $2. It has never been the Thompson-Belden policy to carry over stocks from one season to another. Pursuant with this custom, 'we offer these Important Reductions on Fur Coats One Hudson Seal, Marten Trimmed - - $300 One Beautiful Nutria Coat ----- $200 One Coat of Natural Hair Seal - - - - $175 One Hudson Seal Coat $275 One Handsome Hudson Seal Cape - - - $170 One Attractive Hudson Seal Cape - - - $84 Such extraordinary price reductions are worthy of your serious consideration. New Early Spring Hats Disclosing new straws and satin combina tions; also straw with Georgette Crepe and all straw hats in smart styles for early spring wear. Attractive col ors that are in vogue for the coming season are properly repre sented. Reasonable prices $5, $7.50, $10 Second Floor. Special Items From the Linen Sale $5 Pattern Table Cloths, Tuesday - - - $4.50 $5 Linen Napkins to Match - - $4.50 a dozen Extra Heavy Irish Linen Crash Toweling, washed, ready for use, 40c quality, 35c "a yard 30c Linen Glass Toweling - - - 25c a yard 35c Bleached Turkish Towels, for - - - 25c Brassieres and Bandeaux A small number of desirable styles are to be had Tuesday at Reduced Prices. Third Floor. Men's Pore Irish Linen Handkerchiefs A supply for future needs can be had now 1Q for, each - - - ltC Or $2.25 the dozen. I " "". ' " ' " ----- Get Your Free Copy of The Navy Art Calendar Today The Omaha Bee is sending free to its readers a beautiful pa triotic Art Calendar. The illustration on this calendar, the work of a well-knowiS artist, sums up in a striking poster the War Spirit of America. It shows the figure of Liberty with drawn sword pointing the way to a siaunch American sailor, while over them both wave the folds of the Stars and Stripes. There is no advertising matter on this calendar. It is a work of art, intended to serve as an ornament and a patriotic inspiration through what may well prove to be the most trying year in Ameri can history. The calendar itself is practical and made for service. It is of the form which has a separate leaf for each of the twelve months, and a complete calendar for 1918 on the last leaf. This is the American calendar for 1918. To get your free copy, write your name and address plainly on the attached cou- pon ana man wiin a z-eent stamp ior return postage to i ne uma- ) ha Bee Information Bureau, Washington, D. C. i 1 i THE OMAHA BEE INFORMATION BUREAU Washington, D. C. ' v Enclosed find a two-cent stamp, for which you will , ' ; please send me, entirely free, "The Navy Calendar." i 1 Name ii Street Address i City ....State , i ... r j