5 K THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JAINUARY 20, 1918. NEW RAILROAD BOARD TO ALLOW WAGEJCREASE ! Director McAdoo Appoints Four Prominent Men to De cide All Pending Labor Disputes. ' (By .Worlated Press.) j Washington.. Jan. 19. Dirtceor "General McAdoo announced tonight appointment of a railroad wage com emission of four public men to analyze jind recommend action on all wage jmd labor questions pending before 3ns government railroad administra tion, including the railway brother Jioods demands. 1 At the same time the director gen eral put into effect a new system of government railroad administration jy dividing the country into three pperating regions, east, south and Svest, and placed a railroad executive fit the head of each as his rcprescnta jive. - The waire commission consists o Secretary Lane, Interstate Commerce Commissioner C C McChord, Judge J.-Harry Covington, chief justice of the District of Columbia supreme court, and William R. Willcox, who fonight announced his resignation as chairman of the republican national committee. i The committee will hear all labor (omplaints or petitions, make careful lvestigations . and reconittiend a course of action to Mr. McAdoo. f Smith in Charge of East. In charge of eastern railroads Mr. McAdoo retained A. H. Smith, presi dent of the New York Central, who has acted as assistant to the director general with headquarters in New York. B. H. Aishton, president of the Chicago & Northwestern, was ap pointed regional director for territory west of the Mississippi river with Headquarters at Chicago, boutheast trn roads were assigned to C. H. tfarkham, president of the Illinois antral with headquarters in Atlanta. 1 he directors will undertake to su iervise general transportation nrob fma of their districts and will be the field marshals of the central organ! ration which the director general is expected to form permanently in a day or two. This organization proba bly will consist of five or six divisions, vith a chief of each. Explaining the purpose of the wage :ommission,' Mr. McAdoo. said: . . "The commission has been appoint ;d with a view to' ' determining the wages tor the different classes of la for upon the railroads. It will begin its work at once and will Veport to the director general, giving its recom mendations in general terms aa to changes that 6houId be made. Upon this report the director general will make a decision., Wilson Endorses Plan. "The creation of this commission is the culmination of a large number of complaints and demands of the em ployes which have been pending be fore the: railroad managers for tome time pa$t and were brought to the attention oi ine Director general snort ly after the assumption of the opera tion of the railroads by the govern ment." Although Mr. McAdoo has made no announcement of this policy, it is gen erally believed that a number of wage increases will be allowed. Kaiser; Extends Barred j Zone as Blow, at U.S. - Amsterdam, Jan. 19. The recent extension by Germany of the barred zone to ; the waters around the Azores and Cape . Verde islands is presumed by the Lokal Anzeiger of Berlin, in a recent issue, to be due to me posstDinty tnat they might serve as tsserabling . points for American troop transports and supply ships, while good harbors and useful cable stations on a part of the African mainland were also Included in the zone for the same reason. The newspaper. expressed' the ex pectation that from the new exten sion of the zone will come a weak ening of effort of Germany's ene mies because of the necessity of spreading the anti-U-boat defense measures over a much larger, area. German Money Depreciates In Value in Week London, Jaa. 19,The value of the German mark has fallen sharply on neutral ; exchanges in the last few days, reflecting;, loss, of confidence in neutr.. countries regarding the out come of the ' peace negotiations at Brest-Litovsk and the present condi tion of internal affairs in Germany. In Berne, exchange on Berlin, which early this month was 90, Is 83.10. In Christian! it has fallen within a week from 62.72 to 60.25; at Stockholm, from 60.50 -to-57.50; at Copenhagen, from 65.75 to 62.50; at Amsterdam, from 47.55 on January 3 to 41.65 yes terday. Mechanics Who Enlist " ; Must Be Number 1 Men (From ft Stiff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Jan. 19.--(Special.) Me chanics who desire to enlist for serv ice in France in different mechanical lines must be able to qualify as first class menas the;government has no tified thf labor department of this state that none but those well quali fied in the lines of work they are fill ing can be received. There is not' time to go into an ex tensive examination at lheasscmbly camps and Care must be. taken that men who can do the work assigned them are. selected. , ' ' ' ," '' 1m4mn.11 ii German Soldiers Killed ... In Railway Accident Berlin, Jan. 19. (Via London.) A German official statement issued Fri day says '.that 25 soldiers on leave from" - the front were killed and a similar number faijured when three passenger cars fell Into " the' River Nahe, which was swollen in flood. : The accident was caused by the washing away off adam." - , - t" - Judge lindsey Offered r , Foreign Commission Washington, Jan.- 19. Judge Ben D. Lindsey of Denver has b en offered a commission to go to France and England at a rpnrrcrnlitiv. f ),. committee on public, information to tad war conditions among women and children, ., Senator Declares Germany And Pope Plan Peace'Move (By Associated Fran.) ... Washington, Jan. 19. Germany and Pope Benedict, Senator Lewis of Illinois, declared today, both are planning new, early peace movements. "I have reason to know," said Senator Lewis, "that Berlin expects to withdraw her peace proposals to the Bolsheviki and make new proposals, but proposals, which will be applicable not only to Russia, but to all her opponents. "I have information," he continued, "that the pope is planning with the acquiescence of Italy, another effort toward peace. For these reasons. Senator Lewis stated, he intended to defer discus sion of his senate resolution proposing endorsement of the president's peace program. WAR COUNCIL BILL RECEIVES SUPPORT Measure to Create Director of Munitions Approved by Senate Military Committee; Pas sage Likely. i (By Associated Pre.) Washington, Jan. 19. Radical changes in the government's war making machinery are proposed in bills to establish a war council of three members, all powerful under the president, and to create a di rector of war munitions, approved today by the icnate military com mittee. The bill for a director of muni tions was placed before the senate today and that for the war council will be introduced by Chairman Chamberlain Monday. Both measures have virtually the unanimous support of the commit tee. So far there has been no in timation of what may be the, atti tude of President Wilson. The bill proposes that the three members of the war council shall be appointed by the president, with confirmation by the senate, and be directly under the oresident and above the cabinet in authority, with power to "supervise, control and di rect all departments, bureaus and agencies of the government in the prosecution of the war." It is proposed that the council members shall have no other duties than to form and execute, with the president's approval and co-opera tion, broaa war policies and decide priority and disputes between the different departments and bureaus. The director of munitions, also a f 'residential appointment and con irmed by the senate, would have authority to control production, dis tribution and transportation of war supplies under the policies of the president and the wir council. Reported Luxburg Past Becoming Insane Buenos Aires. Jan. 19. The direc tor of the German hospital has in formed the foreign office that the con dition of Count von Luxburg, former minister to Argentina steadily has be come worse, (fount von Luxburg now has been in the hospital five weeks suffering from a nervous breakdown, Foreign office officials apparently are attempting to keep Von Luxburg's condition a secret, but it is reported that he is becoming insane. ENGLAND HAS VAST STORE OF WEALTH May Issue Bonds Bearing High Rate of Interest to Attract the Small Investors. London, Jan. 19. The Parliamen tary committee apointed to consider the question of issuing premium bonds has reported against such a step "at the present time, or until further ef forts have been made to make the present issues more attractive to in vestors. The committee expressed the opin ion that the opportunities of invest ment for the general public were suf ficient to obtain their free support and that there was a considerable un tapped source of investment which might be obtained for war needs by the means of an issue of bonds which would, by its speculative element, at tract small investors. Big Resources Untouched. The committee, however, doubted whether the amount so obtained would justify a change of such a con tentious character in the financial methods of the country, while the legislation necessary tor the issue ol premtum bonds, would be difficult to obtain. The committee arrived at the con clusion that from 80,000,000 to 100,. 000,000 pounds yearly might be ex' pected from sources at present un touched. Defies Garfield's Order; Factories in Full Swing Vincennes, Ind., Jan. 19. Every factory and manufacturing plant in Knox county, Indiana, was operating full force today. J. IL Jones, county fuel administrator, de clared he would not close the fac tories, lacking official orders. He asserted there was plenty of coal and he could see no reason why work should not continue. U. S. Takes Over Industry Of Ammonia Fertilizer Washington, Jan. 19. The impor tation, manufacture, storage and dis tribution of ammonia for fertilizer purposes is to be taken over by the government by a proclamation issued by President Vilson. The indus try will be tinder the immediate di rection of the secretary of agriculture. x Centralized Power There can be no efficiency -until the right man is clothed with authority and uses it f "Men are nothing a MAN is everything." The vital truth of that quotation is be ing driven home to we Amer icans every day. The satanic efficiency of the Hun armies is due to the fact that the despicable but autocratic Kaiser is central ized authority personified. ' He gives orders the masses execute them. ' Our brilliant Allies each worthy of all the encomiums we can bestow have lacked the unity of thought that centralization of power alone can give and the war has lingered on because of it. The strong carried the weak the brilliant attack failed because there were too many leaders. Russia, with her millions, fell by the wayside America takes her place and at last the world is waking up to the fact that ONE MAN MUST LEAD though many may counsel. And, by way of prophecy, let me say that man is go ing to be AN AMERICAN and victory only awaits that leadership. The human Wain is the centralized authority in our bodies. It commands us to see, to hear, to walk, to stand still and thcorgans obej. That is the basis of this dental office the assumption of responsibility by myself was not taken lightly or with out due thought. ,V I am responsible morally, legally and financially for every piece of work done in this office hence my care in selecting only first-class Dentists as my associates. If a piece of work is faulty, that patient is coming back indig nantjustly so hence I save the unpleasantness and double expense of such proceedings, by specifying that the best material as well as the best workmanship MUST enter into everg bit of work done here. Then to make prices within the resch of everyone, I installed J labor-saving machinery, gold-saving devices employed expert dental mechanics and gold workers to handle the mechanical work and leave my skilled operators free to devote all their time to patients. ' One thousand and one little details that must be attended to. : by the, manager never enter into the daily routine of my operators -yet. none of them work harder nor longer than I. "I have applied centralized power to dentistry but from a democratic rather than an autocratic viewpoint-and it has made .possible better dentistry at a vast saving of time and money for the public. ... -- .... ...... Painless Withers, Dentist 423-428 Securities Bid 16th and Faroam Streets."''" ? i , OMAHANEB. Office Hourst 8:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 9 to 1. SWEDEN FEARS, BIG UPRISING BY SOCIALISTS May Form New Senate Pat terned After Red Assembly . In Petrograd; Protest Ac tion of Bolsheviki. Stockholm, Jan. 18. Hourgeoise circles in llelsingfors are disquieted over rumors of a coming socialist rev olutionary uprising and the forcible dissolution of the Diet and the forma tion of a senate after the Bolsheviki pattern. The Svenska Da'gbladet's Kapa randa correspondent reports famine conditions in various places in Russia. People Eating Oats. In the Orenburg district there has been no bread since Christmas, and in a large part of the government of Nizhni Novgorod. ' there beine no prospect of getting bread, the people are eating oats, which also are be coming scarce. Hunger riots are re ported in the governments of Kos troma and Tver. A protest published in the local Social Demokraten shows that Bol sheviki have confined in the St. Peter and St. Paul fortress in Petrograd a number of socialist opponents of For eign Minister Trotzky, including sev eral of the most prominent of the former ' revolutionary leaders in Kussia. Amonu them is M. Eramson. who has been known since the first Duma as a tireless agitator for freedom. Germany Will Hold Out in Face of Famine and Discouragement (By Aworlatod Pram.) Amsterdam, Jan. 19. In introducing the budget in the Prussian diet Wednesday, Finance Minister Hermet announced the necessity for in creased taxation, but expressed confidence in Germany's ability to hold out economically. 1 "Despite internal political convulsions," said the finance minister, "we have a feeling of relief in the consciousness that we can economically hold out, even if the dearness and scarcity of foodstuffs should increase. The general morale also has suffered under war conditions but. of what significance is that when we remember pur brilliant military position, created by the incomparable and glorious deeds of our army and fleet. "Even though many hindrances bar our way to peace, peace is on the march and the longer the western powers are recalcitrant, the more favorable to us will be peace terms." AUSTRIA HURLS TRAITOR CHARGE AT V0NBUEL0W London, Jan. 19. The attitude of the Austrians in the present German political situation may be gathered from an article published in the Frem denblatt of Vienna, organ of Count Czernin, the Austrian foreign minis ter, whjch sharply deals with rumors that Prince von Buelow is engaged in intrigues against Count von Hertling in order that he may become German chancellor. The article denounces von Buelow as a traitor against Austria-Hungary, saying that he offered Italy Austro Hungarian territory, and also gives expression to the dissatisfaction of the Austrian government with the agitation of the German annexation ists for the incorporation of the great Polish districts in the German em pire, which it asserts would be a blow at Austrian interests. That extra room will pay your coal bill. Rent it through a Bee Want Ad. DUTCH PROTEST GUN SEIZURE BY UNITEjySTATES Amsterdam, Jan. 19. Commenting on a statement by the war minister to the Netherlands parliament concern ing the alleged detention in America of 1,000 machine guns and 100,000,000 cartridges which had been bought and oaid for bv the Dutch government. fThe Hague Nieuwe Courant protests indignantly against such treatment by a friendly nation. The newspaper declares the holding up of the arms and ammunition is profoundly humiliating and amounts to a cool denial of Holland's good faith, and asks whether it is in Ameri ca's interest to deprive a neutral state of the means to defend its neutrality. Jap Envoy Recalled. A Tacific Port, Jan., 19. Dr. Ai mura Sato, Japanese ambassador to the United States arrived today on his way from Washington to Tokio. Dyspepsia 1 Spoils Beauty Make the Dark Rings Around Eyesj Cave in the Cheek and . Ruin the Complexion. How tff . Get Rid of Dyspepcia. Take tv.y Advice and Utt Stuart' Dvapeeeh Tablet if You Want a. rrtny Digestive troubles ruin the comr plexion. The sour, fermented, gassy contents poison the blood, draw the corners of the mouth, rob yoa of sleep, give the face that hungry, hag gard, mournful- expression in the morning and you are tired all day. II is not what you eat but the fault of digestion that hurts. Eat anything you like and let Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets digest your food, tone youf stomach, supply your blood with nour ishment, then good looks, a bjealthjr appearance and bright eyes will soon return. Get a 50-cent box of Stuart'l Dyspepsia Tablets at any 'drug store. They are real health makers. Adv. If a lua fcaA-faMiATiil-'' j irr - - m liirt i m m inn. ' C 'mi' "" '' "" " "' " " """""" ' ' - TOIlBsgi mm m mmmM mmmmsm S i mm-r " -t ii nwi r, iiii'ii.hm ilaii tvit iirMiiirimwriaiiiiiiiTn f1ii-iMMr in w n Tr'JrtBir mr g j Special Easy Credit Terms Gladly Arranged on Any Purchase If Desired i I 1 i Hi rvt 121111 '221111 - ar SFLEITOIDLT DESIGNED Adam Period Dresser An tique Ivory flntnh, 21x41 inch top; 24x 4ttt s r 80-in. mirror; JkXtKS specif at,.....9',0' Splendid Five-Piece Bed Combination A F995 ffM:::!;::::::!!: Ontflt Consists of 2-Post Met al Bed, Good Mattress, Wire Fabric Spring and t Sanitary Pillows . This special outfit Is offered for Saturday's selling only. The bed Is a Simmons' 2-inch continuous post, lightweight steel, durable, link-fabric spring, cotton top mat tress and 1 pair of sanitary feather pniows; can De naa in all sizes; a limited quantity on sale at the low price quoted. IE wl&i GENTLEMAN'S WARDROBE CHIFFONIER Wardrobe section fitted with sliding coat and trouser hanger; has five roomy drawers; larga hat compartment. Our very low price r4 THE FAMOUS "SELLEKS" KITCHEN CABINET Solid oak. oil rub finish; sliding-roll door; sanitary glass knobs; sliding aluminum top; 7-picce crystal glass spice jars, and many other labor-saving features; our price, only $27.50 RICH AMERICAN WALNUT BEDROOM SvTE IN A VERY PLEASING and attractive Queen Anne design; splendid construction; attr act! ve period ornamentations. . ; , QTJBEW ANNS TRIPLICATE MIR R O R PRESSING TABLE; stationary center mirror, tix 14-in.; swinging side .mirrors, 18x7 inches, only $29.50 QUEEN ANNE BED; . head .end - ti inches - high; ' foot jnd in proportioni very graceful ; de sign; as .Illustrated, at only v , $30.50 QTJEEN ANNE DRESS BR; large size; attractive beaded edges; pe riod drawer pulls; French bevel plate mirrors; big value, at only . $39.75 QUERN ANNE ICKIFJ-OltETTE; three roomy drawers and, three drawers in enclosed compart ment, aa illustrated; only $33.35 $14.89 H ill JinM j,gPj LJ TWu - QTJARTER-SAWED OAK. large size buffet; top measures 4fix22-in.; one large and two small drawers; roomy compart ments; . French plate mirror; can be . Had golden or finish, only.... S.$25.50 WHITE ENAMEL, METAL KITCHEN TABLE Has, hfavy angle Iron logs, socurely braced; top measures 27x4? mcnes; aDsoiuteiy sani tary; offered for this week s selling only. Half $3.95 a' MASSIVE 4S-1NCH TOP Solid Oak Ex tension Table lluilt in attractive Wil- Ham and Mary design; heavy pt-deuUl; strong supporting legs; splendidly (inline fumed: ti-ft. extension. Bargains in Quality Rugs at Great Reductions Odd lots and discontinued pat terns; just a few of our special values quoted below for this week's selling: 6x9 Velvet Rugs, C1 special, at ipiiSU 8-3x10-6 Seamless Brut- oVyu.??:. .$19.00 9x12 Seamless Brus- onT:.$21.50 tSxll Extra Heavy seamless B r u s- ft.. $24.68 9x12 Heavy Velvet Rugs, at, only $26.49 3x12 Axminster Rugs, assorted patterns; at, only i i " II II M llE i MAGNIFICENT 48-INCH TOP CO LONIAL LIBRARY TABLE Shape ly scroll base; large A stationary drawer; Hi I K roomy shelf; only yltiUU :i$18.50 SPtENDII) VALUE IN A TABLE L.VMP 17-inch -t OaK o n silk shade In bine. Sold or Old , o s e. Inter lined with cre tonne; only- $4.35 m n A OUR CAPITAL REGENT STEEL RANGE, built of heavy sheet steel; large zu-in. oven; 6-noie top; warming oven; imea wun conveniently arranged , shelf; spe cially priced at only... i $27.50 RATAL' "EAST CHAIR"; -genuine quarter sawed oak; finished In fumed or golden; up holstered 1 n Spanish Imita tion leather; just push the button and the back reclines $17.88 SPLENDIDLY DESIGNED 4-PIECE LIBRARY ..hair ni rnrkvr hivs srenulue auarter-sawed panels: neatly carved; table strongrly constructed; has J4x24-lnch top; tabourette in octagon design with HH-inch top; chair ana rocKer are upnoieiereu mim ti c.l.l, U.lli.r nwr atrr anrlnr con- liuiiauuu Bi.mioi, - m . truction; entire iour piece u um.. SUITE Exactly as -brown fume finish; oak arms and top $13.50 . AMERICA'S GREATEST H03LE FCR51SEEKS 413 -15 -17 South 16Ui Street DAINTY BED ROOM LAM H Artistically . de signed base; 16 inch silk shade: assorted colors; mahogany finish siana; our low price $3.98 EFFICIENT HOT BLAST HEATtIR Large size lire pot: full nickel swing; top; guar anteed coal saver; only $16.45 r