Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1918, SOCIETY, Image 19

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    3 B
i vi i t ii 'I, n r twihTOiiwuii
Adelaide Rennerly
Ella Fleishman,
Mr. and Mrs. James Chadwick
went to Denver last Saturday for
several weeks. " v.
Miss Helen Pearce leave's Monday
tor Ne York to resume her study
of the piano with Richard Epstein.
Miss Pearce will live at the Studio
club. , . . v
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Rector have
moved from their home on Hawthorne
avenue to the St. Regis apartments.
' i
Mrs. A. B. Jaquith i"s spending two
weeks in Grand Islajid with her sis
ter, Mrs, 0. C. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoxie Clarke, who
have been her"vith her mother? Mrs.
Ella Squires, since before l.hristmas,
will leave Monday for New York,
"here" they are living at the St. Regis
this winter.- , -
Mrs. Charles Marple and daughter,
JosephiiKk, are now at the Bransford,
Mrs. Marple" having left the Birch
mont hospital early this week. v
. t
J.T: Stewart, 2d, returns today
.from. New York, where he attended
ihe automobile. ' show.
ifr. and Mr W. JY Hyues moved
Thursday fro rrr-' the 'Blackstone to
their new home at 422 North Thirty
v" eighth street."
Judge Arthur C. Wakeley has been
at home for the last week with a
broken arm, :butis recovering. He
fell on the ice in, front of his house
one morning la'st week and broke his
right arm between the shoulder and
elbow. ......
Mr. and Jr,s. E. P. Peck leve to
day for Denver to visit their daughter,
Mrs. Robert B. H. gell
A -V
Miss , Caroline Barkalow leaves
Mondav for Denver to ioin hef
motner, wno is visiting air. ana Airs.
Dcnise Barkalow.
Mrs. Harold Pritchett gfjes to Des
Moines this morning to spend the
week-end with her husband, Lieuten
ant1 Pritchett, at Camp Dodge.
Miss Vcrnelle Head, who attends
school at Rosemary hall, Greenwich,
Conn., has hal a prolonged vaca
tion on account of the coal famine in
theeast. Miss Head only returned
IJridax to Greenwich, and was ac
. ...,-,: j r ru: v... 1...
' mother, Mrs. W. W. Headl ,
Mrs. Fred Hamilton and little son
;vnd Mrs. E. H. Spragup leave Thurs
day for California.
Mr.nd Mrs. D. C. Bradford. who
returned last week from the east,
t.xpect to go this week to Coronado
Beach. ,
Odin, Ralph and Robert Mackay
have returned to their homes in the
east. Mrs. Austin Gailey will remain
withjier parents,- Rev. and Mrs, T.
J. Mackay, indefinitely.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton , Millard,: ac
companied by Miss Grace Allison,
will leave Saturday for Coronado
Beach, Cal., for several weeks' stay.
Mrs. , Mary B. Reed left Thursday
with her brother, J. t. Perkins, for
Hot Springs, Ark., to remain for the
i-cs.t of the winter. -
. ,
' Mr. Ludlow, father of James Ti.
Ludlow, -was- taken to the Birchrrfont
hospital Sunday, where he is recov
ering from an attack of sickness.
Miss Frances Nash left "Monday
to fill a concert engagement in Okla
homa. She ' was accompanied by
Katherine ,Kenip Stillings, violinist,
who is to appear with her, and also
by Mrs. Nathalie Meycs of Dubuque,
who almost always accompanies Miss
Vicli nn tior r-nnrprr rmirs.
4iW. Farnam Smith 'returned Tues
day from- Excelsiof Springs.
Mrs. J. M. Harding left Thursday
for Boston, accompanied by Mr.
Harding. Mrs! Harding cxpect to
remain in a hosoital there- for1 six
weeks undergoing special treatment
for the after-effects of infantile pa
ralysis, from which she has not yet
Mrs. Warren, mother of A. B.
Warren, has ffone to California for
a month or six weeks.
Mrs. Louis Nash and daughters
will go to California, February 10.
Mrs. K'ari Lininger and Mrs'.'H.'E.
ti.... ,r.4 Amohter Rttv. have
1 llLILI an ....... , '
gone to California for the winter. . .
Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Keeline are
in New York, from which place they
"expect to go toxEagle Point, on the
The Original liquid
Best hair remove' on eertn. ana
only with money back guarantee
la each package. -
Important to all Women
Readers of this Paper
im'...' .j. tViAiicanifa fit WOTO
en have kidney or bladder trouble
and never suspect is.
Women's complaints often prove
to be nothing else but kidney trouble,
or the result of kidney or bladder di
sease. - - . . . Ui,
If the kidneys are not in ueij.jr
dition, they may cause vww.
v... nan enffor nftin in th.6 D&CK.
1 UU "J ------ r-r - .
i i..V,a onA lnsa nf ambition.
ne;uav-i" ..v. .
r.. UoHVi mslrM vnn nprvOUS. lr
XOU licavi ".vu j ..
ri table and mavbe despondent;!
i w Ann en
; But hundreds of women claim that
Dr Kilmer's , Swamo-Kooi, oy re
storing health to the kidneys, proved
tO be JUSt tne remcuy ueeueu w
-l. .M-lif ! Ana
come Bueii
A good kidney meaicine, possessing
real healing and curative value,
should be a blessing to (thousands of
nervous, over-worked women.
Many send for a sample bottle to
see what Swamp-Root, the great kid
ney, liver and bladder medicine will
io for them. Every reader of this
orfper, who has not already tried it,
,5v enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghamton. N. Y., may re-
oeive sample size bottle by Parcel
Post You can purchase the medium
nd large size bottles at all drug
stores. AdY
. Smith 'is
. v
Mrs. Artnur, Crittenden Smith, un-'
der whose direction the' AVhte EJe-
plant sale is reaching enormous pro
portions, is notonly devoting her own
time to it, 'bur has 'also urged Miss
Harriet to bend every effort to make
the sale a -success f during January
30-31.. V""". ''V',:'..--'f:.-'
west coast: oi Florida, for about sir
weeks., . " '
Clarke G. " Powell returned ' Satur
day from New .York,-where lie wtat
to attend the automobile show. .!x
Mr. Edward Harral, who is in the
ambulance corps' at Camp Taylor, is
spending a week's ; furlough with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs H. J,1 Strieker.
' A son, named John Phlip, w:
to Mf. and "Mrs; J. PSnyder,-
as born
Dr. J. P. Slater, who has been-con-fined-toihis
home for, some time on
account of 'illness, has recovered and
is able to be out. ; '
' .. " ,i y " - '
Mrs. L..C. Bigby, rdturned Tuesday
from Cam Codv.' where jshe soent
two weeks with her husband, who is
a member, of , the 127th field, artillery.
Miss,' Elvira' TLoftman and -Miss
Edith Bacon left this , morning for
Lincoln 'to 6pend : the week-end with
Miss Helen 1 Lof fman,' who is at the
Alpha Xi Delta sorority house. (
Mr. "and Mrs, -Thomas Ham' have
r .
Clipped firem
H (Gpttaige
;' t . a Ht-
' ': ' ' it, . ojr
,,; i t 11 soroyer
; ' Hoover requcstfi one meatless meal a day, two meatless days
- a -week. . . ; i . ;
v - You can ."do your bit!" There are taany different Trays to
prepare foods by adding milk riiaking them more nutritious flian
'' meats.-- ;'. ' "
" - Phone Douglas 400. ' .
Special Jersey Cream ' '
' . The choicest, sweetest flavored cream. '
, Ouernsey Blilk
V The finest milk we can procure Pasteurized.
XX Cream
V r '-fJ"
' Qur ad in
Watch for it.
Directing 'Wort
Of : the ' WhUe,
i Colonel Settle has- offered as Jiis
onation to the sale the Fort Crook
Regimental band and it has now been
'decided to acid dancing as a feature.
The stage will r"be. reserved for this
purpose. Perfection! is assured un
der the management of John T. Stew
art ,2d. .- ' ' : '.--., vt! '
. More than, 100 matrons, and maids
gone to Los' Angeles,' where they will
make thejr'. future home.' Mrs..Ham
was fornierly Miss 'Etola' Kennedy,,
daughter' of. Mr. 'and Mrs. .Frank A.
Children's Party. '
' Mrs. Robert Caldwell entertained
at a birthday party in honor of her
daughter, Sarah, Jane, Friday after
noon. Christmas - decorations : were
used .and the' following small guests
were present:- , i, ;
Helen Lewis, '. John Dressier,
llaxlno. Caldwell. ... Rofcnrt Caldwell,
Alfred Barnes, .George. Boutell.
Miss Sorensoni Called to Duty. r t
Miss Corinhe L. Sorenson, daughter
of Mrs. John H. Sorensdn, who is a
registered Red Cross, nurse, has been
called for war duty to Camp Dono
van,' Fort Sill, Okl. Miss Sorensoi is
a graduate of the Wise Memorial
hospital. . , - .,. .
Miss Sorenson,' whd graduated five
years, ago from the nurses' training
class at the Wise Memorial hospital,
has enlisted as a Red Cross nurse for
the duration of the war andlexpects
to see service abroad. , . "-.
Nourishing: Than Meat
. SUB crrtpoK
.om..Nc. Jan. lT."Tn
e ot tne mow imporn.
wlnn Ini or Ue
Ft. Mien Bere
Inc tho"ilrrmn
if Orontied Airicult
ilr BtodnSTKTrol. Fransdem
furaiahed ttia cheapeat
noarlahlnf looa woica cu
t ' pan.
of th
Vhtca .
prorlded and In many lutani pro
Tide an- euelteBt. aubstltuto lor
meat," which tha foeroment it at
tamoUng to aaT. Tha-lowlr cottage
tk. mimItm catiL taia mora
point. '
. Th
tened "
nutriUoa than meat and proTidei the
aid 1 1
laUataetorr anoeuuua. -
ill. .
tw. rriniflifa" (ha da'
inJmtry HTNtbraaka Bad artwi;inf V
,k. !.. twn fMH yjdUif.
" I and bauds. Witli an nnttfed fi
" I ropeaa market opening atTlie cv ti
.?,, Nttria (annel v
. by rthablllf ." -lcar
the OibsJmi World-Herald J an nary 11.
1 .
for whipping.
' , J
Jersey Cream added Sold only in round cheese
Alamito' Dairy Co.
' Douglas 409. ',
next Sunday's paper will tell you
. ." '
Elephant Sale
have been "drafted" in different ca
pacities, and the numberjs being in
creased as ' the donations assume
larger proportions, ,:
- Mrs. Edward Porter Teck'is the
oronrietori- of . the ; china and class
bobth. She announced, that, according
to present indications,; she will have
tne greatest aggregation ot modern
art treasures ever - collected , under
one roof in Omaha. . Mrs,. Peck
laughingly tells that she can scarcely
go a 1 block' without receiving some
gift for the White Elephant sale.
DuBcmiiF Bails
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in theij pwn
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted 'for and devoted to
the i treatment of non-contagious
and non-mental diseases, no others
being admitted ; the other Rest
Cottage being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treat
ment of select mental cases re
quiring for a time watchful care
and special nursing. :N
Phone Your Oijder
Douglas 409
ur Wagon
Will Deliver '
" - -
of our surprise.
Two Omaha Matrons Have
Bought Braiideis Theater
For Benefit War Relief
For the benefit ,f the yir relief
work in tle Baird building, Mrs. J.
E. Davidson and -Mrs. Lucien Steph
ens have undertaken a huge task as
their "bit" in war work. These two
ambitious women have bought the
house for the closing performance of
the Brandeis Theater riaycrs Sat
urday .evening and will dispose of the
tickets for the benefit of the cause in
which they are Interested. '
One, thousand dollars each month
is required to carry on the war re
lief work and that has been done
with money raised solely by the
efforts of the. women engaged in it.
Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. Davidson
work in Mrs. Herbert Wheeler's Fri
day afternoon circle
Mrs. Martin Hi Harris' playlet.
"When Jenny, tomes Marching
Home," of particular interest because
of its patriotic theme, will be given
for a, curtain raiser preceding the
regular production "of "Playthings."
Mr. and Mrs. Davidson will give a
box'party; the Omaha Woman's Press
club, Of which Mrs Harris is a mem
ber, will have a large line party, and
other parties to be followed by sup
pers at the Fontenclle will be made
up for the benefit performance.
Miss Ann Hamilton will take the
role of Jenny, Willard, Foster, Jen
ny's .German father; Jack Marvin,
Sidney Riggs arid Harry Minturn.
Tier brothers who -heed the call of
Uncle Sain. ; : : ,
At Prettiest Mile Club.
The Prettiest Mile club announces
the opening of the new bowling alley
We carry a, complete line of
Fountain Syringes. All of our
Syringes have the three attach
ments, they are easily filled
and of 2-quart .and 3-quart ca
pacity, rapid flow, and range
;in pricey from ' 98c to $2.0.
Our guaranteed, seamless, 2
quart bottle is an excellent
value, at 11.49. ,
!6tb,nd Howard.' Douglas 840.
Don't make a purchase until you
easy credit terms. AnyDiamond
balance payable monthly. MONEY
vil - Diamond-Set
1164 C a m e o
Brooch, pink
and white . Shell
Cameo, fine soM
id gold, green
gold wreath
border, one fine
Dlsmond; pend
ant loop on back and
lafety CIO
M.SO a Month
Men's Favorite
483 Men'i Dia
mond Bins, tlx
prone Tooth
moan tins, 14k
$2.80 a Week
i;iini:liii!IHiira:ii(Ki::iiilllini;iliiii'IHiTiliii:iiJ. a
DDAC ft. t( fir'a S South 16th St., Cor. lth and Harney Sta, Omaha.
DltwUW. I8SB ' Opposite Burgess-Nash Co. Department Storo.
Open for Inspection -
A Very Beautifully Furnished
6-Room Apartment in the Newly
Completed St. Regis..
."'" '. ' ' ,
' This apartment, which will be open for Inspection daily between 2 P. M.
and 6 P. M., and evenings between 7 P. M. and 9 P. M., has been furnished
In a most elaborately beautiful fashion by the Orchard t Wilhelm Company.
We wish to Invite the attention of all who visit this apartment to the
.fact that a limited number ot very choice suites, of apartments are still -subject
to lease and that these may be inspected at the time of visiting th
building if desired. ,
Th. St Regis is Located at 37th and Jones Sts.
i ' Four Blocks South of Farnam Car Una.
A .
Rankers Realty Investment Company
Telephone Douglas 2026 Between A. M. and 3 P. M.
.. Telephone Harney 6927 Sundays After 10 A. M.
Monday evening: Tuesday Mrs. C H.
Ballard will entertain the members of
the E. Z. Kensington club it luncheon
at the club and Mrs. Bert Reavis wilt
be hostess at a bridge luncheon that
day. A dinner dance will be given
Wednesday evening and the regular
dancing party Saturday evening. -
Episcopal Women's Meeting.
The monthly meeting of the Epis
copal women's auxiliary will be held
Friday at ,2:30 o'clock m Good Shep
herd church.
Read Ihe following Unparalleled
We are determined that our January Sales this year
shall eclipse those of any previous-year in our 58 years'
experience in the Piano business. A
As modern merchants, we realize that the sure way
to do this is to offer an extra inducement in addition to
our low prices, and easy terms, hence our unique offer to
'..January buyers. ; , . ' 'v
Act noyv and take advantage of our liberal
proposition. A $5 War Saving Stamp Absolutely
Free with every ; Piano or Player Purchased This
Week. v. ' ,
Here Are Some of the Bargains.
They Can' Be Duplicated Elsewhere.
$225 Gilbert Upright. ,''.S 55
$225 Kimball Upright... $ 60
$250 Brlggi Upright.... $ 78
$300 Kohler & Chase Upr S 08
$500 Chickering Upright. 8105
$325 Baus Uurlght $122
$350 Story & Clark Upr. 58165
', Terms to Suit $5 Per Month Will Do. f
$257.50 Buys a Brand New Pian6 Worth $350.
$395.00 Buys a Late Model Player Piano JYorth $550.
In addition to the above bargains you will find the
World's Best Makes of Pianos to select from, Including
the Steinvvtiy, .Weber, Hardman, Emerson, Steger & Sons,'
McPhail and Schmoller Mueller. Also the Aeolian
Pianola Pianos. - V;W'
75 High Grade Pianos for Rent at $3.50 Per Month.
Player Music Rolls to fit all Players. Regular
price 50c, 75c, $1.00, to close out; 15c 25c, 30c
and up.' ; ...:,- v;;. -,;
Co-operating with the efforts of John L. Kennedy, fuel .admin
istrator, for the conservati6n of, coal, we have adopted his recom
mendation for Bhorter store "urs baginning Monday, and announce
the following schedule for store business. . -
Store Opens at 9 A. M. and Closes at 5 P. M. Except Sat
urdays, When We Will CIpie at 6 P. M. '
: ., ' ':
lill-1313 Frm DIANA ,-st A Laadiny Music Houe
Street. . TIM NU VVi of th. West
Nothing Will So Help You in a Business and Social
Way as to J Wear and Own aX; Genuine Diamond
sec our sparklihjr, radiant Diamonds,
purchased from' us can bo exchanged
Loftia Parfactioa
Diamond Ring .
B59 ThU azqnlaiU Dia
mond Bins standi alone
as th most perfect
ring aver produced-
lA!. ...$50
176 La Valliere, fine solid gold, filigree
work, green gold scroll, 2 fine Diamonds,
bright finish, lS-lnch chain, $2 month.
$20 $
k", A Month .
The Old Reliable, Original
Diamond & Watch Credit House
Main Floor Cltv National Bank Block.
An Extraordinary Island
"White island, 30 miles from New
Zealand, is 'probably the most extra
ordinary island, in the world. It is
an enormous mass of rock nearly
three miles in circumference, aris
ing 900 feet above the. sea, and is per
petually enveloped , in dark clouds,
which are visible for nearly 100 miles.'
Kansas has fixed a minimum wags
of $8.50 per week and a maximum
nine-hour day for, women employed
in laundries. ,
War Saving Stamp Given
Sway Absolutely Free to
Every Purohascr
$350 Price & Teeple Upt.178
$400 Ivers & Pond Upr. .8198
$375 Smith & Barnes Upr.8205
$400 J. & C. Fischer Upr.8225
$425 Emerson Upright.. 8268
$750 A. B. Chase Grand. .8298
$800 Knabe Grand. . .,.8600
$500 Universal Player ..8275
and get our clearance prices and ;
for a lai
larger one', at full price -paid;'
No. 382 Cases ' are doubla - stock - cold
filled, warranted for 25 rears; either pol-'
.Ished or beautifully engraved. . . CI 9
Elgin' movement. Price
TERMS i $t.20 A MONTH.'
Phono Doug. 1444 and Our Salesman Will
Call or write for Catalog 90S.
Opon Daily ltil 9 P. M.
Saturdays, Till 9:30. -
"12 m??
Use "Tis" for puf fed-up, barninf ,
ching, callouttd feet
nd corn. '
Why fro limping around 'with ach-.
ing, puf fed-up feet fee$ . so tired,
chafed, ' sore 'and swollen you can
hardly get your shoes on or off? Why
dont you get a 25-cent box of "Til"
from the drug store now and gladden .
your tortured feet? - - s
,uTit" makes your feet glow with
comfort; takes down 'swellings and
draws the soreness and misery right .
out of feet that chafe, smart and
burn. "Tiz". instantly stops pain in
corns, callouses and bunions. "Ti" -is
glorious for tired, aching, sort
feet. No . more shoe tightness na
more foot torture. Advertisement.
'; 1