Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Friday, Jan. 18, 1918.
Pkon Douglas 137.
ithy Mews
General Manager of Burling
ton Defends Action of Fuel
Administration in Closing
Down Big Plants.
"Fuel Administrator Garfield is
right, regardless of what people may
say, and in the promulgation of his
order relative to the conservation' of
fuel it is the duty of every loyal
American citizen to assist in holding
up his hands, said General Manager
Holdrege of the Burlington.
"These aretimes when it behooves
every true and loyal American to ud
hold the government in everything
it aoes. inia hnding tault with the
government and its officials is a
sweet morsel for its enemies and
should be discouraged in every pos-
siDie manner,
"These are times when it is the
duty of every good citizen to stand
up and proclaim that the government
is right and that the official acts of
its officials are right, even if there
is a lingering opinon that they are
Says Move Expected
"The action of Mr. Garfield has
been just ..hat has been expected by
men who have watched the trend of
conditions. The piling up of sup
plies and manufactured goods along
the Atlantic coast when the govern
ment lacked facilities for getting the
surplus over the seas to our soldiers
and our allies we knew was some
thing that would have to eventually
stop and the only wonder is that it
did not cease long ago.
"With the cessation in manufac
turing ai.d the shutting down of the
plants great quantities of coal is go
ing to be released to go to the sea-
. board, where it will be used for tuel
for ocean-going vessels. With these
vessels sailii.g it ought not to be long
until the congestion along the coast
will be reduced to a minimum. Then
the manufacturing plants can resume
operations and there will be no indi
vidual who will be a heavy loser."
Harry Halstead Loses
First Round in Liquor Case
A United States Commissioner Neely,
Friday morning, held that the pro
visions of the fourth amendment to
the federal constitution are null and
void as regards the, illegal liquor
traffic. Attorney Daniel Horngan
quoted the amendment in support of
his motion that two suitcases full of
"boore" should be returned to Harry
Halstead, 1504 Burt street, because
Halstead had been searched by Spe
cial Agent Van Kirk of the bureau
of investigation without a warrant.
The special agent trailed Halstead
from Conception, Mo., to- Omaha and
searched his suitcases at the Union
station here.
"In doing this without a warrant,"
said Mr. Horrigan, "the federal of
ficers violated the provisions of the
fourth amendment. There is a right
way to proceed against bootleggers
and a wrong way and the federal of
ficers know it. This man could have
been detained if he was suspected
and searched after his constitution
rights regarding his property had
been safeguarded.
Commissioner Neely held, however,
that liquor is not property in the
state of Nebraska, that it has no rec
ognition as such in the courts be
cause it cannot be bought or sold or
bartered legally. Halstead was held
under $1,000 bond.
New York Life Urges Policy
Holders to Buy War Stamps
The seventy-third annual report of
the New York Life Insurance com
pany, has a war-tinge. All policy
holders are urged to buy war sav
ings and thrift stamps, and agents
have been directed to take no appli
cation for, insurance from a soldier
unless the applicant already has the
limit nf insurance from the srovern-
ment. The company has over $12,
jtfQO.OOO in Liberty bonds.
Notwithstanding the company does
business in nearly all the belligerent
countries, its mortality rate for 1917
was the lowest in the history of the
company; and notwithstanding very
little new foreign business was done
in 1917, its total new insurances
were over $316,000,000.
The company's liabilities under
1,300,000 policies amount to over
$760,000,000, leaving a surplus of
$174,000,000 from which dividends to
the amount of $26,500,000 have been
declared for 1918. The dividend scale
of 1917 is continued on all annual
dividend policies. Payments to the
insured in 1917 were over $87,000,000.
The average earning power of the
company's ledger assets increased
during the year and now stands at
Demosthenes League
Elects New Officers
The the meeting of the Demothe
ies Political league at Crounse hall
officers were elected for the ensuing
year as follows:
George Petro.. president; Nick
Petrou, vice president; Nick D. Mirit
sas secretary; Nick B. Trapahs
treasurer; George Cosmas, George
Cocas. John Zees. George Kazeros.
p Thompson, James Skrekas, mem
bers of the board of directory
The organization has aJout l44
members, all of whom are Amencan
citizens of Greek birth.
Branch Army Recruiting
Station to Be Opened
A branch recruiting station for the
af& will be opened in the
Jk 1612 Farnam street, formerly oc
2 ed by the Seventh headquarters
The arrny building wil continue to be
, ,ed for recruiting and all
tions Will pe conauncu
300 silk, satin and serge dresses
majority are new spring styles.
Grouped into lots as follows
$19.50 and $22.50 value, $10.75
$39.50 and $45.00 value, $21.75
Come early Saturday and share
in these wonderful offers.
1508-1510 Douglas St.
We Are Four
Years Old Today
FRIDAY, January 18th
passing the fourth mile
stone of our existence as Bur-gess-Nash
Four years of service to
you the buying public, by
whose liberal patronage and
appreciation of our modern,
aggressive methods of mer
chandising we have attained
such splendid success.
A success that is powerful il
lustration of the potency of proper
principles in business.
It is magnificent, unmistakable
tribute to the principles upon which
this store is builded.
At 19c a Bunch
F:ESH California Violets, 50
in a bunch, very special for
Saturday in cut flower section,
at 19c a bunch.
Burfsss-Nash Co. Main Floor
Spring Models for Immediate Wear
Straw, Satin and Crepe
Combination Hats
$5.00 and $7.50
THE showing, which receives its first display Saturday, is indeed a
most interesting collection of unusual and original models, em
bodying the season's newest style changes.
Many of them are the handiwork of the artists in our own work
room. The colors are rose, taupe, turquoise, gray, brown, gold, cherry,
putty and sand, also black and white.
BurMS-Nash C. Stems' Fleer
These Silk Lisle Hose for Women
Are Unusual Values at 75c
WOMEN'S black or white silk lisle hose, full fashioned, full regu
lar made foot, double garter top, regular and out sizes. Very
special at 75c.
Women's Fine Cotton Hose, 50c
Black, white and balbriggon cotton hose, full fashioned, full
regular made foot, double garter top. Special, 50c pair.
Women's Burson Cotton Hose, 39c
Shaped in the knitting, not just pressed into shape, comfortable
and durable, black and white only. Regular and out sizes, 39c pair.
Women's Silk Fiber Hose, 69c
Women's black or white silk fiber hose, seamless, known as "run
of the mill." Special at 69c pair.
Burf ss-Nash Co. Mala Fleer
Extra Special Sale of
White (French) Ivory at 4
Off The Regular Price
Cloth brushes.
Ideal brushes.
Military brushes.
Hair brushes.
Powder boxes.
Hair receivers.
Toilet water bottles.
Perfume bottles.
Soap boxes.
Every Piece
Will Be
OUR entire stock of white
French ivory is included in
this remarkable offering. Re
markable from the fact that our
present price is from 20 to
40 under the present market
cost and then on top of that we
offer you choice at M off our
marked prices, and we engrave
any item free of charge, too.
Bud vases.
Picture frames.
Jewel boxes.
Candle sticks.
Shaving stands.
Manicure pieces.
Smelling salts bot-
Cream jars.
Manicure sets.
Nail Files.
Pin cushions.
Puff boxes.
Burgtss-Nash Ce. Main Floor
Down Stairs Store
Women's Winter Coats
Involving a Big Selection of the Season's Smartest
Styles at But a Fraction of the Original Price
TOO much stress can not be
brought to bear on the
real importance of this most
unusual offering. The coats
are all this season's latest
stlyes in a wide range of se
lection, made of all wool Scotch
tweeds, mixtures, velours, bur
ella cloth and astrachan.
Loose-fitting models, some"
belted all around, others belted
in front with loose back.
Pockets, large cape collars
that can be buttoned up tight
'around the neck, also collars
trimmed with velvet. ,
The colors included are
gray, navy, brown, also black.
We consider them the real bar
gain sensation of the year.
Burfsss-Nash Co. Down Stair Store
A Special Offering of Mid
Winter Trimmed Hats at $2.98
THERE are just half a hundred
of the season's smart new
creations in the newest colorings
and most artistic shapes included
in this sale.
Medium or large sailors, chic
turbans, colonial pokes and other
smart models, made of fine qual
ity, all satin trimmed; very plain,
but neat. Special Saturday, at
Burgass-Nasb Ce. Down Stairs Store
Union Suits
at $1.95
The sale includes women's
union suits, odd lots and discon
tinued numbers, high neck and
long sleeves.
There are all sizes in the of
fering, but not every size in ev
ery style.
Union Suits. $1.50
Women's union suits, fine
white cotton, long sleeves or
Dutch neck and ankle length,
at $1.50.
Bur(ee-Nash Ce. Main Floor
oisette Gloves at $1
WOMEN'S two-clasp, extra
fine quality chamoisette
guaranteed washable,
glove, in white, gray, pongee,
beaver and chamois color;
We consider this one of the
best values of the season.
All sizes.
Burf ess-Naah Ce. Main Floor
& Toilet Articles
Toilet Goods
Pebecco tooth paste, 3 tubes
for $1.00.
Orchard White, at 29c.
Djer Kiss face powder, 65c.
Pond's vanishing cream, 19c
Daggett and Ramesdell cold
cream, 29c.
Perfume, assorted odors, at
Sempre Giovine, at 39c.
Kalynos tooth paste, 24c.
Hind's honey and almond
cream, 39c
Jardine de Rose powder, 39c
Djer Kiss Vegetal, bottle,
Lustrite nail polish, at 22c.
Cutex cuticle remover, bottle
Locust Blossom extract, 39c
Theatrical cold cream, tt-lb.
can, 39c.
Nonspi special, at 39c.
Odorono, at 22c, 44c and
Racarma tooth paste, at 19c.
Babcock's Corylopsis talcum
powder, 13c.
Williams talcum powder,
Druggist Sundries
4-oz. peroxide, for 10c.
8 oz. peroxide, for 20c.
16 oz. peroxide, for 30c
4 oz. glycerine, bay rum and
rose water, 19c.
4 oz. glycerine and bay rum,
4 oz. olive oil, 19c.
10 oz. olive oil, 50c.
20 oz. olive oil, at 90c
4 oz. spirits of camphor, for
2 oz. castor oil, for 12c.
4 oz. castor oil, for 25c.
2 oz. camphorated toilet
cream, for 10c.
1 pint ammonia, for 19c.
1 quart ammonia, for 25c.
lb. epsom salts, for 10c.
Vt lb. epsom salts, for 15c.
1 lb. epsom salts, for 20c.
hi lb. sulphur, for 10c
4 oz. powdered pumice, for
4 oz. bay rum and rose wa
ter, 25c.
4 oz. glycerine and rose wa
ter, 25c.
4 oz. chappedine for rough
hands, 19c
4 oz. almond cream for rough
hands, 19c.
60 Hinkle's cascara pills, at
Lysol, at 22c.
Lysol, medium, 44c.
Burfest-Nash Co. Main Floor
Extra Special!
A Purchase and Sale of
Novelty Boots
At positively less than the manufacturer's cost. Saturday
the Pair
HERE is beyond question the biggest shoe value of the
entire season, made all the more important by the con
stantly increasing costs of leather.
There's not an old style, not the tag ends of lines, but beau
tiful, fresh new models, including:
Brown kid lace boots with I Tory
cloth tope and welt solos.
Brown lac kid boot with brown
cloth tope to match, welt loles.
Black kid vamp boots with fray
cloth tops, turn soles.
Patent colt lac or button boots,
turn soles or welt.
Also about 100 pairs of women's sample walking boots in dark
tan russia calf, black kid skin, tan russia calf with cloth top, low
heels and welt soles.
Burssa-Nash Co. Second Floor
Every man with a thought for economy
should take heed of this tale of
Reduced for Saturday to
WITH the price of woolen cloths advancing to about a prohibi
tive figure and with the U. S. government taking over the
output of many of the big woolen mills this announcement is all
the more important to you.
Every garment possesses all the points there are to a suit or over
coat thorough satisfaction with the way it fits, the way it's made
and the way it looks and wears splendidly tailored throughout. In
style and fabrics everything that is new is represented. The tail
oring shows the master touch of America's greatest designers.
All sizes represented, from 33 to 46.
Other Overcoats at $25, $30 and $35
to $7.95
We have gone through our stock of boys suits and picked
out all the broken lines and marked them for a quick disposal in
order to make room for our spring lines. ' '
, The suits are all wool materials, made pinch back, and 3-plece
belt, single or double breasted style with patch or plain pockets.
Two pair of pants full lined. A wide range of patterns from which
to choose. Plain colors, fancy checks, stripes and mixtures. Ages
6 to 17 years. Specially reduced for Saturday to .$7.95
Boys Rah! Rah! Hats at 50c (
Splendid selection of boys hats in Rah Rah style, made of
chinchilla and checks at , . . .50c
Burg sss-Nash Ce. Fourth Floor
Here's A Remarkable Offering Saturday
of Men's Sample Light Weight Union Suits
At 59c, 89c and $1.15
SATURDAY we will place on sale all the light weight and medium
weight sample union suits carried by about 70 salesmen for a big
distributor. They Include knitted and athletic union suits of nain
sook, soisette, lisle, worsted cotton and mercerized garments. Made
with closed crotch, the most modern way, remember these are samples
of styles and makes that will be sold over the country.
Some of them are soiled, most of them mussed from handling,
but the quality and values are big. Come prepared to buy your sum
mer season's supply, you will want to when you see what extreme val
ues they are.
Three groups, at 59c, 89c and $1.15..
Men's Shirts at $1.15
Saturday we will offer a recent shipment of high grade
shirts, together with regular stock, which we must close out
to make room for the disply and sale of the new brand we are
going to feature. They are extreme values at $1.15.
Men's Half Hose at 23c
Men's lisle and cotton hosiery, double heel, toe and sole,
at 23c.
Men's Neckwear Reduced 33 Jc to 65c
Closing prices on men's four-in-hand scarfs, full liberal
shapes, at 33V3c, 50c and 65c
BurfMS-Nash Co. Main Fleer -