Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1918, Page 16, Image 16
i-t" . THE BEE: OMAHA. Greater Merchandise Value for Every Dollar You Spend Is the Direct Result of Our Cash Buying and Selling Methods r Store Open Saturday Evening 'Till 9 o'Clock Remarkable Sale of Spring Dresses A Big Special Cash Purchase of Hundreds of Classy SPRING DRESSES That were made to sell up to $25.00 'twelve distinctive models, in Taffetas and Messalines, Satins, Serges and Combinations; all sizes $1 A 95 Your choice Saturday, at. . . J-ji All Cloth Coats Vi Price January Clearing Sale of $4, $5 and $6 BLOUSES, $2.95 Hundreds of Dainty Blouses, in Georg ette, Crepes, Tub Silks and Crepe de Chines; clever designs; in all sizes and colors. All at one price in Sat-qo Qff urday's Cash Price Sale. . . $6oU All Plush Coats All the Furs 25 Off 33x3 Off H AYPEM 1 JJ THE CASH STORE Store Open Saturday Evening 'Till 9 o'Clock rr "T'l 'm Buy, Your Ivory Here Satd'y ' We are featuring several special values to impress on you the fact that onr Ivory Stock is the most complete in the city and at lowest prices. ! $2.50 French Ivory Mirror, 6-inch French beveled glass reed ring, solid stock. Cash Price. .............. .$1.50 $1.75 French Ivory Hair Brpsh. Solid stock,' real bristles, good size. Cash Price'. ...... ............... .$1.10 $1.00 French Ivory Dressing Comb. Large, heavy size, hand polished, all coarse or coarse and fine teeth. C'sh Price, 50 $4.50 French Ivory Alarm Clock with high grade American alarm clock, guaranteed perfect. Cash Price .' .$2.65 50c White Manicure Set, 4 pieces, with buffer. Price, .25 $1.75 large size French Ivory Comb and Brush Tray, good weight. Cash Price ....$1.00 ,.l.!i;t.,i..i.,: Exceptional Shoe Bargains Saturday Three or four different lots of Men's $4.00 and $3.50 Shoes, in button and lace, in kid and gun metal. Cash Price ......... .$2.95 "Hayden's Special" Shoes for Men,' in button, lace and blucher. Made of selected calf vamps, best of oak soles and insoles, and fit ted by skilled union workmen. All widths and sizes. Cash Price $4.50 Little Gent's high cut Storm Shoes, with two buckles; $2.50 values. Cash Price. . . .$1.75 Infants' tan and black vici kid button shoes, sizes 2 to 5 . . . .75 Women's Queen Quality Shoes In sizes from 24 to 5 and widths from A to D. Former prices up to $4.50. At the prices quoted on the shoes you should prepare to take several pairs! All $4.25 and $4.50 Shoes. Cash Price, at ............. . .$2.50 L All $3.75 and $4.00 Shoes. Cash r -r. -i. T no rnce, at , tjj..cjo All $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes,. Cash Price, a ...... $1.69 These shoes will be arranged on tables in size's for quick clearance. The leathers are patent, gun- metal, Russia calf and vici kid. J Women's Sweaters One big lot of Warm Sweaters, in good styles and all colors and sizes; qualities that sell usual ly for $5.00 and $6.00 While they last, your choice, Satur- qq qc day;at......$tD In Children's Dept. 200 Warm Winter Coati That sold'at $5 to $7, all sizes, 2 to 6; in most desirable styles and materials $095 your choice All Children's Furs at Half Price Saturday Hundreds of Classy Coats Sizes 8 to 3 4 Sold at $7.95 $3.95 Sold at $8.95........... $4.45 Sold at $10.00.... $5.00 Ladies? 1 Silk Gloves WOltf H TO $1.00 Ail perfect, all d o ub 1 e tipped, in Black, White, Gray or Tan. All sizes. Great values at our Cash Price per pair, at. . .60c Boys and , Girls school gloves and mittens in knit or kid, all sizes and styles, at . . ....... ... .60c rr Big Money-Saving Values In Our January Clearance of Hosiery Women's fiber silk hose and mercerized lisle, reg ular and out sizes; all good colors; 75c values- Cash Price, at :. 500 Women's . c a s hmere hose seamless, with silk heel and toe; elastic top; all sizes; 50c values .. . .. 350 Children's lisle and cotton hose, light and medium weight, all sizes. 30c values-r-J Cash Price .....22 Infants 30c cash mere hose, .in black and white, 4 to 6V2 . Cash Price . . t. -200 J rr Specials for Saturday Corset Dept., Second Floor Children' Knit Toques, in all colors make a warm school cap. Cash Price, 65 & 75tf Ladies' Sweaters, in gray and maroon, all sizes, regular $3.50 values, Saturday, at... $2.50 Ladies' Slip-On Vests, in khaki, coral, lavender and green made of the finest, lightest camel hair. Our Price, $3.95 $1.50 and $2 Brassieres, fasten in front or back, embroidery and lace,' all sizes. Our Cash Price, Saturday ....... .75 $1.50 Corsets; low "bust, long skirts, free hip space, nicely trimmed, four supporters, at, each .. ...$1.00 Boys' Blouse Waists', in light or dark colors, soft collars, at each...... 65c and 75c "TTrrrTT" TO THE LADIES OF OMAHA Saturday Only We Of fer a Sale of New Trimmed Hats A AT $495 1 342 Beautifully Trimtaed Hats worth $750 308 Beautifully Trimmed Hats, worth $8.50 The assortment Is large and varied and including all the late, up-to-the-minute New York productions. t , . SALE STARTS AT 10 A. M. (Only One Hat to a Cutoftier No C. O. D.') FOR SATURDAY ONLY (ft i Q Q Satin Shapes, at . d).00 if Cnnniv Qtvloa. in THnrlr ffnnrl. Tflline. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY $2.50 Stvlea' in 'RlafV. Rand. Taune. Pearl, Asia Blue, Pekin Green, Brown, Etc.; while they last, Saturday. T"'!:! ? 4 r 1 1 ii I I i i I I Save On I Drugs & Toilet Goods ; Our uasn rnces win ,vo ii.m Perfumes in fancy boxes, assorted I odors, values to 75c oz. Our Cash Price, at 39 50c Palmolive Vanishing or Cold I Cream. Our Cash Price . .35 I 15c Knoxtartar Tooth Powder. Our Cash Price 10 ! Jergens Benzoin and Almond Lotion, g Our Special Cash Price. .... ..20 I Kn. neluxa or Palmolive Rouee, Our 1 Cash Price ..........35 35c Rice Powder, in all colors. Our Cash Price ............ .'. . .19 A large assortment of Powder Puffs, in wool ana veiour. values to toe. Our Cash Price.. ....10 25c Foxmo Foot Lotion. Our Cash Price, at ............ ... . . '15 or. c..n;n Tnilot flroam Our Cash 4Ut UUpc(Ui race, ai .......... xov 30c Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Our Cash Price. ... t i . .20 50o Svtud of White Pine Cough Rem- At, rin. Pack Pioa . ?l?tA 60c Glycothymoline.' Our Cash Price, at, only .......... W?. .45 10c Williams' Shavine Soap. Our Cash Price .... . ... . . .... . . .6 1.00 Hair Brushes, extra quality. ! Our Cash Price..... t 50 I RUBBER GOODS I $2.25 Combination Syringe and Hot J Water Bottle, guaranteed for 2 years, a Our Cash Price .....$1.69 I $1.50 Hot Water Bottle, guaranteed two years. Our Cash Price. . . . .98 $2.50 Ladies' Syringe. Our Cash I Price, at .81.50 I $1.00 Face Hot Water Bottle. Our I Cash Price .' .65 J If you wish to save on prescrip- I tions Try Hayden's First Highest I quality, lowest prices, v . ' I STSTT! Comparison Is All That's Necessary to establish the fact of the Superior Suit and Overcoat values we're offering here. Hart Schaf fner & Marx made most of them for us. They're all wool and every garment fully guaranteed. Prices from ; $25.00 Up to $75,00 SUITS; AND OVERCOATS in other high grade makes; 1 $15, $17.50, $20" -v- GUARANTEED TROUSERS in almost un limited variety, at $2.95 to $8.50 v -A til TT -rsrr- Clearance Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Medium Weight Union Suite Low neck, no sleeves, ankle length. Worth $1.75. Cash Prices . .$1.25 Ladiee' Union Suite Silk and wool, any style. Cash Price, $2.50. Wool, any style . .$1.08 Lediee' Odd Lote of Union Suite and Separate Garmente Medium weight, all sizes. Cash Price. ........ . . .50 Italian Silk Veete Lace top. Cash Price $1.08 Heavy Outing Flannel Gownt All sizes, made extra full ' and lone; worth to $3.50. Cash Price Saturday each, at..... $1.25 and $1.50 Silk and Satin Camitolee Worth to $2.50. Cash Price, Saturday, at 98 d $1.50 Odd Lote of Muelin Underwear Samples worth to $2 50. Cash Price Saturday 98 Envelopes, chemise, drawers, gowns, corset covers, skirts. Children's Black Sateen All sizes; heavy quality sateen, at ...45 Houee Dreie Apront Fine quality gingham and percale. Good styles, dainty figures and patterns. Cash ..Price "Saturday, at ...'.$1.00 Children' Fleeced Union Suite All Sizes. Cash Price, Saturday, at 50 J) Havden't Make the Grocery Prices for the People Highest Quality, Freshest Goods, and a Saving of 25 to 50 on Your Housekeep ing Expenses by Buying for Cash. Fancy 8eded Raisins. pk 10-12Vc JONATHAN APPLE SPECIAL On Account of the Orange Crop Balng Short, 1 1 lbs. fast White or Yellow Cornmeal.....I5c S lb. California Brown Beans 28c, 4 Iba. best rolled White Breakfast Oatmeal. 25c 5 lbs, fancy Blua Rosa Carolina Rice for...2Sc The best domestic Elbow or Straight Macaroni, . pkg. 'Vie t 24-os. jar Pure Mincemeat Se 2 8 -ot. jr Fruit Preserves 25e se-ot jar Pur Apple Butter ,...25e Williams' Soar-Sweet or Chow-Chow Pickles, reKolar 12 He seller, per bottle. ....... 8 Vje Picraliliy or Celery Relish, par bottle 15c Fancy Queen Olives, bottle 1M5-20C 16-ox. cans Condensed Milk ItVse 16-oa. cans Condensed Sonps .....12Vt Mo, 1 cans Pork and Beans TVe No. ISk eans Fancy Ripe Tomatoes for... It Vic No. 2 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn for. .12 Vie Fresh Popcorn, shelled, lb . 1 bars Cracker Jack Laundry Soap for.... .25c bars Beat-'Em-All fit Diamond C Soap. ..25c Yeast Foam, pkg. Js DRIED FRUITS, ETC, FOR PUDDINGS, PIES AND CAKES. CnoW M aseaUl Cooking Raisins, per Ib.l2V,c Choice California Muir Peaches, par lb 15c Choice California Prunes, per lb.. 12VtC Choice California Evaporated Apples, per lb.l5e Choice California Seedless Raisins, per lb. .15c Choice California Table Figs. lb..... 25c Choice California pkg. Figs, lb..... 12 ',e Mincemeat, per pkg. ,. ...10c 'Fancy Evaporated Apricots, lb.... 25c Fancy Evaporated Bartlett Pears, per lb... 20c Aonlea Will Co Hizher. There Is no finer Fruit grown than the Yakima Valley Jonathan Apples, .y SJ1 QC Saturday, per box sJI.OO OMAHA'S GREATEST TEA AND COFFEE MARKET Our famous Golden Santos Coffee, the talk of Omaha, per lb. 20c Diamond H Santos, a fine family Coffee, per lb. 23c Porto Rico Blend, a Very fine drink, per lb. 27c Ankola Blend, equal to Coffees sold at 40c a lb.. onr price .... 30c Choice Basket-Fired Japan Tea. per lb 40c Choice Suu-Dried Japan Tea, lb 35c Choice English Breakfast Tea. Ib. 40c Fancy Ceylon, Oolong or Gunpowder Tea, per lb. i 59 Breakfast Cocoa, per lb....: ZSc VEGETABLE and FRUIT MARKET of OMAHA The best Ohio Potatoes. 15 lbs 35c Fancy Red Globe Onions. S lbs. .......... .10c Fancy Cabbage, lb. ......3Vc Fancy Southern Shallots, Turnips, Carrots, per bunch Sc Large Soup Bunches ,4c Old Beets. Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips or Ruta bagas, lb. 2VVc Fancy Cauliflower, lb. 12 Vie Fancy Head Lettuce, head .....?ytc-10c S heads fresh Leaf Lettuce ...10c TTla ' ' ' A I I I i SSI iss?if r , : Don't Fail to . ' Bring the Boys Saturday 303 Boys' Overcoats, sizes 2V2 years to 10, inclusive; varj' ing in style from the long all-wool chinchillas in blues, grays and browns, to the popular trench coats in Scotches and mixtures, strongly tailored and reinforced to stand the wear and tear of a healthy, boy. Coats formerly sold at $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00. Cash price , . ' &A A C for Saturday. . . . ; :. . . .v: . . . . . .V,. . 1. .. : $.'0. s3ssaaa . Better Values, Men's Furnishings Don't Miss One of These Saturday ; ' , Clearance Specials. Men's $1.25 Fancy Neck Band Shirts Soft and laundered cuffs ; well made, full size, good cloth and fast colors; all sizes to 17 neck. Cash Price. . . . . . .85 Men's $1.15 Underwear 2-piece kind, heavy lambsdown fleeced shirt and draw- . ers ; all sizes. Cash Frice .......... of Men's $1.00 Heavy. Underwear--Shirt and drawers, fleeced and cotton ribbed : full line of sizes. Cash Pried.. . ... .65 Men's Union Suits Heavy fleeced and 'cotton ribbed. Cash Price. . ... . . .$1.35 Men's $1.50 Heavy Flannel Over Shirts . Blue and gray colors, all sizes, $1.00 J 'il'iiIliLi.! Sale in Hardware Dept. No. 7 copper, nickel-plated tea kettle No. 8 copper, nickel-plated tea kettle Bound aluminum roaster 1 -quart aluminum rice boiler ,A-1 flour sieve..'.. ......... ....... Enamel sink strainer , . . , . . 18x24 pastry boards, . Family size food chopper. .... .". . ... . .' . 7 rolls toilet paper 81.45 ' . -S1.6 81.7 81.29 iod .. 81.10 SLF CHOICEST MEATS and POULTRY Complete Assortment at Savlnf Prices. IN OUR SANITARY MARKET " Regular Bacon, lb. . . .37Vic tiry Salt ork, lb...37tc Spring Lamb Hindquarters, per lb., at ...23V4C Foreqoarters, lb 16'e Pot Roast, lb, lSVjc, 20e SUnding Rib Roast, lb.. 20c Rolled Rib' Roast, lb. 24 'c Steer Loin Stak, per. lb.. at..........22V and 25c Porterhouse Steak, lb.. 25c Pork flops, lb. . . .25c, 30c Pork Sausage, lb..TT.,2Se Lamb Chops, lb... ZSc. 30c Veal Steak, lb.....'.'.".2Se Veal Chops, lb 2ayte Veal Stew. 1b. . . .... 14c Spare Ribs. ft.. Z0c Hsmburger Steak, lb.,.17e ' Rome Hade Sansage, W V!b, at'.-......... 5c Kol Hams, lb... .30c, 35c Fifty Different Kinds f Sausage For Selection. Fresh Caught Carp, on sals Saturday, lb, at 10c Salted White Fish, lb... 7c LBest Creamery Butter, per lb.; at .....SOe No. 2 Creamery Butter, per lb at ;.....4.,i....46c No. 1 Storage Eggs, per 'dos.. at . . .. . ..,.4Sc 'Strictly Fresh Eggs, dosen. at ....I... S9c L ALL KINDS OF CHEESE Wisconsin Cream, lb...30e Young America, " lb . . . .32c N. Y. Cream, Brick or Lim- bnrger, per lb . ., 35e All brands Butterine at lowest prices. rr GREAT MONTHLY SALE OF Standard Notions Standard Notions at Wonderful . . ' . . Savings. . At these low cash prices we reserve right to limit quanti ties. ' Sc J. 4 P. CoaU' and Bow-, string 6-Cord Machine Thread Black or white, U numbers, one lot to a customer, no phone or mail orders filled, with other notions ; ' Our Cash Price, 9 spools for . . . ; 2Be $0.00 Hall A Borchert 4-Sac-tion Adjustable Dress Form ' The old reliable dress forms, simple snd easy to use. Cash Price 15.95 10c Tip Top Dress and Car. meht nap Faateners Black and white, all numbers. Cash Price Saturday, 4 dosen for ISc 5c J. A P. Coata' and Merrick Darning Cotton 8 ply. all wanted colorsi Cash Pres. 1 balls for Sc Sc Elgin Made Perle Crochet Thread Silk' finish, all wanted colors. 100-yd. spool. lOo Col lingbourne Crochet Book free with one dozen, 70e value. Our Cash Price, dosen.... J7e 5c Challenge 5afety Pins All wanted sues, full nickeled. Cas(i -Price, 6 dosen for. . . I2c -asse' 17 a . A . II BW .J . . . ' . .- is .. ; i I, i . i m ' in "i use. --ijaaT jaar Ma.' "jMsi Bi"Tlli' am' ssi ' ' 1 mm sm i" I'm, s m j i f