Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1918, Page 15, Image 15

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1HK BEti: OMAHA, SAi UKDAY, JAN (J Alt 1 iy. ma.
' I'
Real Estate, Loans tnd Mortgage.
S4 end , per cent mortgage secured bjr
Omaha residences or Nebraska farma.
" Keeiine Bssg.
One dollar starts an account
1J.000 MTU bearing 6 pet., semi-annually
cuuru U mortgage valued at l8,8oe..
Talma ge-I.onmls lnv. To., W O. W. Bldg.
l w Rivnr.R
Money un band for mortgage loans.
City National Bank Bldg.
W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee B'dg.
' LOANS Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg.
" ' 1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.
O'KEEFB R. E. CO.. 10H Omaha Nafl.
MCNEY to loan on improved farms and
ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha.
dels Theater Bldg. D 185.
W, H. THOMAS & SON. KeeHne Bldg.
Arkansai Lands.
Our next excursion to our famous Delta
lands at McGahee, Arkansas. Call or
!01 Neville Blk. Omaha.
Colorado Lands.
WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county, Colorado;
112.(0 to $18 per acre. We control 21
choice quarters. Send for booklet. Kloke
Investment Co.. Omatu.
Iowa Lands.
160 ACRES Improved, 14 miles from
Mapleton. la. Price, 826,000. ' Terms,
112,000 down, balance S years, 6 per cent:
6 per cent off if full payment In cash Is
made. Mrs. J. H. Stewart, P. O. Bos tit,
Scottsbluff. Neb
37 ACRES rich, level corn land, adjoin
ing Council Bluffs, Iowa; improved pos
sessions, will put in team, tools, etc.. It
sold before I move on. Owner, 4626 S.
22d. Omaha, Neb.
Kansas Lands.
FOR HALE 160 acres, Gove Co.. and 160,
Greeley Co., Kansas. Make offer. C R.
Maslte. Huron, Calif. '
Missouri Lands.
JREAT bargains, t'n down, 85 monthly buys
40 acres good fruit and poultry land, near
town, southern Missouri. Price only 8220.
Address Bo 282, Springfield. Mo.
Nebraska Lands.
Possession March 1, 1918
89 acres rolling to rouh, 4ft miles
from Omaha city limits; 40 acres culti
vated Including 6 acres alfalfa; 40 acres
. timbered pasture. Black loam soli with
clay subsoil; new. 6-room house; new
jljbarn for 20 head with mow above; new
iog house;" new well house and new chick
en house; other buildings not new but In
' fair shape. Weil with gas pump and
reservoir; water piped to house and
tarn. Price $100 per acre; cash, bal
ance 5 years. Possession March 1, 1S18.
This U also exceptionally good fruit and
alfalfa land.
416-18 Keeiine Bldg? Phone Doug. 680.
ESTATE. , .,
Notice Is hereby given by his heirs that
all the real estate belonging to tho estate
of John Blum, deceased, will be sold at
public sale to the highest bidder at the
east door of lha court house In Omaha
' from 10 o'clock a. m. until 12 noon on tho
23d day of January. 118. Tho real es-
tate to be sold consists of 800 acres In
Douglas county and 160 acres in Sarpy
county and real estate In the village of
Millard. The sale will be open to every-J
one ana tnese tanas win do ouiu w mo
highest responsible bidder.
R. BLUM, Administrator.
i 880 a. 27 miles S. of Longplne, fair Im
provements, at $6.00 per acre; 31.004 down,
bal. long time, t per cent. If you want a
real bargain get busy.- Cera . and
SB. A, Mllion, ounnjaiuc ou.
JMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments
5 seres up. We 'arm the farm wo sail
you- Tbs Hungerford Potato Grown
association. I6tb and Howard SU.,Omaba
Douglas 371.
10 ACRES, nearly level. Improved, between
Oakland and West Point. Neb., at only
$190. on easy terms. G. A. KulL Oakland.
Neb. - ' '
WHEATIiAND Wyoming farms. $50 per a..
including paid-up waier rigow.
Levi ft C. M. Rylander. 364 Omaha Nafl
. . ...oca .. ! I (n MilMu.tlnn . 1 mil ft W
of Allen. Neb.; all good land: will Mil
' at a bargain. 8. Larson. Carks. Neb.
RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, eas)
terms A: A raisman. i rurmm im
LIST your lands for quick results with C
j. Csnan. II McCarne Biflg . Omaha
Oregon Lands.
Get on tho ground floor with 80 acres
Irrigated land in connection with oven
irangt. Tou can row stock successfully
' and cheaply. Eicursion Jan. 16.. Sand for
bulletin. HARLBT j HOOKER,
(40 lat Nat Bk. Bldg.. Omaha.
hhi irn FARMS Nllswr 42? Rose Bldg
Horses Live Stock Vehicles
XOTICE Have given up my harness shop
on account or going io wui
Sam I would like to dlspos- of several sets
of double harness very leasonable. Inqulr
at my residence. 4403 Faraam.
PIGEONS. 10.000 wanted. R. S. . Elliot, 7600
Independence .v. Ksnsw flty. Mo
CfEAR-OLD Airedale; bargain; good
watchdog. Box 926, Omaha Bee.
Organised by the Business Men of Omatta
FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security
$40. mo.. H. goods, total. $3.60.
40. mo. Indorsed notes, total cost. $2.60
Smaller, larger atnts PP?'"?,""'9 r4te-
.433 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnsm. Ty. 6
tk- 240O OR MORE
OMAHA lAmn - "
I? 1 C? SMALLER 1AN8 0
T lyOw. C. TLATAU. EST . I 0
tth Floor (Rose) Securities Bldg.. Ty. S0.
li,wst rates. Private loan 9?.H
Malashock. 1B14 Podge. D 6610 Est. 181
- Looking for work? Turn to the
Help Wanted Columns now. You
will find hundreds of positions listed
there. v
: 1. .ff tn Rerich
jonn r. ni" . . ,7.
Cochran. Forty-second street,
t south of Sprague street, west
1 le, 129x130
aWoh 0h L"1 company to Marie
Tlrons. northeast corner Thlrty
fourth a A streets, 130x216.4 and
mrca"k.;kVri;fViowVibur ,
"SEnett Poppleton avenue. 130 feet
west of Thirty-second street, north
side. 40x100 -Ju
Jtto H. Parkenlng and wife to W 11
llan?H. Smalls. Thlrty-alxth street.
' 84 feet north of Jones street, east
wm1am4H.8Green to Charles C. Ran
dall Leavenworth street. 2.6, feet
west of Twenty-flfth avenue, north
side. 62x128.86 19.290
Tho Byron Reed company to Jennie
U Redfleld. Pine street. 276 feet
east -.f Sixtieth street, south side.
W.mam Pn. to ' R.' F. ' Dmn
Haakell reet, 6 feet west of
Thirtieth streeu otn
9xl28 8
Hattio ll HawVer to William O. Lar
n. northwest corner fifteenth and
Davenpor. streets. 132x123 io.000
Edward W. 8toltenberg and wife to E.
' W, Stolterberg. Dodge street 60
feet 'wes of Forty-eighth street,
north side. 159x125
Charlie ToUtrup ' John J. I"'
' eontheast corner ininni
iiul avanoe. 80xlS8 ............
Cattle Prices About Steady;
Hogs the Same ai Thurs
day; Sheep Buying
Omaha, January 1$, 118.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 8,759 7.308 10.464
Official Tuesday .... 7,42 10,706 7.81$
Official Wednesday ... 7.76 16,644 11.141
Official Thursday .... 6.87 16.41 7.6
Estimate Friday 8,709 17,709 4,000
rive days this week.2.606
Same days last week.. 38.64
Same days 2 wks. ago. 26,683
Same days 4 wks. ago. 18,82
Same days last year.. 26,486
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Omaha Stock yards. Omaha., for 24
hours ending at 1 o'clock p. m. yesterday:
. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.Hrs's
C, M. A SV P... 1 18 8
Wabash 3
Missouri Pacific (Ill
Union Pacific ....... 41 SO 6
C. N. W., east 24 IT .. 4
C. aV N. W., west 40 33 1 3
C, St. P., M. & O.... 17 26 J
C, B. ds Q east , 6 4 .. 4
C, B. ft i west It. 88
C. R. L ft P., east.. 27 21
C , R. L P., west.. 11.'. 1
Illinois Central 1 IS
Chicago Ot Western.. 4 4 ..
Total receipts ....13 23
Cattle. Hogs.
Morris & Co 853
Swift and Company. .1,151
Cudahy Packing Co... 60$
Armour ft Co........ 464
Bchwartl ft Co.,,.
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln 'Packing Co.. 71
Wilson Packing Co... 286
Armour, Sioux City.
W. B. Vansant Co... 36
Benton, Vancant ft L. 33
F. B. Lewis . 497
J. B. Root ft Co S
J H. Bulla 13
Rosenstock Bros. .... 44
P. O. Kellogg 1
Werthetmer ft Degen. 126
Sullivan. Bros. 44
Rothschild ft Krebs.
Huffman . . . .
Baker, Jones ft Smith
Banner Bros.
" 48
John Harvey
Dennis ft Francis ...
Jensen ft Lungren .
Pat O'Day .
Ellis ft Co. .
1 ..
Other buyers
Totals- 1,386 17,891 3,472
Cattle Receipts were fairly liberal for a
Friday, 3,709 head, but the five days' supply
39 600 bead has been 1,000 short of a week
ago. Trade in beef steers was very unsettled,
owing to the congestion of the railroads, and
while there was a good Inquiry for the
strong weight and desirable quality steers at
steady to strong prices there was very un
certain and unsatisfactory outlet for the
medium to fair cattle at barely steady fig
urea. It was the same way with cows and
heifers. Some of the more desirable grades
as well as canners and cutters sold as well
as on Thursday, while the general tone
to the trade was rather weak than other
wise. Desirable beef steers are closing about
15 26o higher for the week, but there has
been no material change In tho market for
the common to fair steers or the general
run of butcher stock. In stockers and feed
ers the supply was tolerably liberal today
and the demand rather slack. Prices were
unevenly lower and trade rather slow.
Quotations pn cattle: Good to choice
beeves, $11.26013.26; fair to . good beeves,
$10.0011.00; common to fair beeves, $8.09
.76; good to choice yearlings, $11.26
12.26; fair to good yearlings, $10.25011.25;
common to fair yei.rllngs, $7.0010.00; good
to choice grass beeves, I10.09ll.26j fair to
good grass beeves, $8.76rl9.00j eo.jmon to
fair grass beeves, $6.603,60; good to
choice heffers, $$.09910.69; good to che
cows, $8.2609.60; fair to good cows, $.760
8.25; common to1 fair cows, $6.2697,26;;
prime heavy feeders, $11.00911.76; good to
choice feeders, S.7619.76; fair to good
feeders, $8.2599.75; common to fair feed
ers, $6.0997.09; good to choice stockers,
I8.S09, 59; stock heifers, $6.6098.26; stock
cows, $6.0097.26; stock calves, $6.0099.09;
veal calves, $9.60913-09; bulls, Btags. etc.,
$7.09910.36. - .. . -
Hogs There was a heavy, run of hogs
on hand this morning for a Friday and
tho trade opened with both packers and
shippers bidding and later buying hogs at
prices that were steady with yesterday.
Trade was fairly aotive and offerings
changed hands on the early rounds readily.
The best price was 416.20, steady with yes
terday, while the bulk of tho offerings
moved at $16.916.1. , There was still a
fair share of tho offerings in first bands
around 11 o'clock. .
Representative sales:
No. Av. Hh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
64... 198 ...$16 69 66. .391 40 116 66
16. .166 ... 15 70 42. .164 ... 16 85
41. .210 ..; 16 i$ 6. .364 70 18 99
73. .216 49 16 96 67. .269 ... 16 19
68. .260 ... 16 IS 69. .292 110 16 2
I3..129 ... 19 90 '
SheepThe' run of sheep and lambs
was rather light, most ot the early arrivals
being killer stuff. Packers seemed to be
pretty well supplied with dressed meat, and
inability - to unload has caused the falling
off of the demand generally. Opening
trade was slow this morning. A short
deck of light lambs fairly well finished
brought $18.99. Shipping orders were
scarce, and packers very slow to take hold
of anything heavy. There were) very few
fat sheep here, and prices were nominally
steady and the demand fair. Foeders were
about the same as yesterday, being limited,
and only a fair demand. Ewe lambs sold
at $17,26.
Quotations on 'sheep and lambs: Lambs,
bandyweight, $16.76917.36; lambs, heavy
weight, $15.76916.75; Iambs, feeders, $15.00
916.60; lambs, shorn, $11.60 9 13.60; lambs,
cutis. $10.00914.00; yearlings, fair to
choice, $11.60 91190; yearlings, feeders.
$12.00914.25; wethers, fair to choice. $11.09
&1$.00; ewes, fair to choice, $11.00912.26;
ewes, breeders, all ages, $19.59 9 16.60; ewes,
feeders, $7.60910.50; ewes, culls and can
ners. $5.0097.26. s
Representatives sales:
No. .... Ave. Price.
223 feeder lambs 11 $17.80
167 Montana ewes (4 H
66 cull ewes , 76 7.69
64 feeder lambs .......... 74 17.16
Dry Goods Market.
New York, Jan 18. Dry Good Dry
goods market here today were much qolter,
but prices wore firm. Cotton goods for
felt were purchased freely. Yarns' were
quiet and firm. Burlaps were steady and
quiet. Wool marketa were quiet.
Our rental department has charge of
twelve heated apartment buildings, con
sisting of 141 apartments all of which are
renl id.
Why not let our rental department help
you get your apartment, house or flat
building rented; and take charge of your
building and relieve you of that, respon
sibility ?
1614 Harney St Phone Tyler 50.
78,746 4! 414
61,818 6966
44,628 61.128
25,197 11,180
86.814 87,406
Liberal Receipts, Bat Market
is Sharply Off; Cash Corn
2 to 5 Cents Lower;
Oats Strong.
Omaha, Jan. 18, 1919,
Liberal receipts of grain were in evidence
today, a total of 228 cars arriving in, the
bulk of which continues to be com, re
cetpta of this cereal today amounting to
161 cars, while receipts ot wheat continued
light Receipts of oats were 49 cars, no
rye and 1 car of barley.
Cash corn sold off sharply,, declining from
2e to 6c, the bulk selling, down 3o to 4c
Sellers were not willing to accept the bids
offered very readily and this caused a slow
trading market. There was a good local
demand, espeol-" from elevator men. Food
administration officials aro making further
efforts to obtain empty cars for the loading
of corn during the cold weather, in order
to save a large quantity of the soft stuff
and reiterates that it will be done if It be
comes necessary to suspend passenger traf
tie. No. I white sold at $1.67 ai 1 No. 4
white at $1.51 and $1.66. No. $ yellow
brought $1.66 and No. 4 yellow $1.59. No.
4 mixed sold at $1.41 and the No. 6 mixed
at $1.39 and $1.40.
Oats were strong, In spite of a weaker
corn market, and sold up generally e to
He. ' Trade, however, was very limited
and exporters practically out or the mar
ket for tho present. Jo. I white sold at
80c and the No. I white at 7,c. Sample
grade oats brought 71 He
There were no receipts of rye, but a few
in quest of this cereal offered a premium
of 4o to 60 over yesterday's bids.
Barley was unchanged, the No. 4 grade
bringing $1.43 and $1.46.,
Clearances were, wheat' and flour equal
to 457,000 bushels; oats, 538,00 bushels.
Primary wheat receipts were 319.900 bush
els and shipments 106.000 bushels, against
receipts of 929,090 bushels and shipments
of 633,009 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 778,909 bush
els and shipments 460.099 bushels, sgalnst
receipts of 1,247,000 bushels and shipments
or (,vv ousneis last year.
Primary oats receipts were 647.000 bush
els and shipments 364,099 bushels, against
receipts or bm.ouo ousneis ana smpments
of 367,909 bushels last year.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 6 132 64
Minneapolis 164
Duluth 8
Omaha 13 189 46
Kansas City 31 193 23
St. Loul 18 33 17
Winnipeg 386 ,
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard. winter: 1 cars, $2.13.
No. $ hard winter: 1 car (choice, I per cent
rye), $2.10; $ cars, $3.9; 1 car (smutty),
83.94. No. 8 northern .soring: 1 car (3 per
cent rye), $3.09. No. 4 dark northern spring:
1 bulkhead (4 per cent rye). $3.10. No. 1
durum: 1 car, $3.11. No. 3 durum; 1 bulk
head (3 per cent rye), $2.09. No. 3 amber
durum: 1 car (60 per cent hard red spring),
Barley No. 4: 2-5 car. $1.45; 1 car, $1.43.
Oats No. t white: 1 car, 80c. No. 8 white;
I cars, 7Mlc Sarnplue white: $ cars, 7 14c
No. I mixed: 1 car, 71 He.
Corn No. 4 white: 3 cars, $1.63; $ cars,
$1.63; 1 car $1.61. No. 6 white: I cars,
$1.47; 4 cars, $1.46; 2 cars, $1.45; 1 car,
$1.44. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.43; 1 ear, $1.89.
Sample white: 1 car, $1.80. No. 4 yellow:
3 cars, $1.60. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.48.
No. yellow: 1 car, $1.88; 1 car. $1.82; 1
car, $1.31; I cars. $1.30. No. 4 mixed: 1
car, $1.41. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.42; 1 car,
(near white) $1.40; 1 car, $1.38; 1 car,
$1.87. No. mixed: 1 car, $1.30; 1 car,
$1.3. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.35; 1 car,
(18 per cent damaged), $1.20; 1 car, $1.91.
Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 8 whits,
$1.67; No. 4 white, $1.519168; No. 6 white,
$1.4491.47; No. white, $1.3891.43; sample
white, $1.30; No. 4 yellow, $1.60; No. I yel
low,. $1.4091.43; No. yellow, $1.809 1 37;
No. 4 mixed, $1.41; No. ( mixed, $1,879
1.42; No. 6 mixed, $1.2991.34; sample
mixed, $1.021.2. Oats: No. 2 white. 80a;
No. 3 white, 79c; samplo, 1c. Barley:
No. 4, $1.42 9 L45,
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee
by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
$18 South Sixteenth street, Omaha:
Art. I Open. High. ILow.l Close. Yes'y.;
Jan. 1 27 1 27H 12?4 1 27 127
May I 24 4, 1 244 124 1 24 124
Jan. 19 79 78 79 78
May 76H 76 76 76 76
Pork. .
Jan. 46 0 46 76 46 60 46 76 48 58
! May 46 $6 46 $6 45 70 46 16 45 $
Lard. . .
Jan. 24 85 24 86 24 72 24 83 24 81
May 26 10 26 12 24 7 25 12 26 96
Jan. 10 24 13 24 10 34 12 24 10
May 24 66 24 57 24 45 24 65 24 69
Sever Cold and Prospects of More Tends to
Hardest Corn Prices.
Chicago, Jan. 18. Severe cold and pre
dictions of more tended today to harden
prices in the corn market Latest fl 7ures
were 31.27. January, and $1.2491.24.
May, unchanged to e higher, aa com
pared with 34 hodrs before. Oats gained
9e to e. The finish In provisions
rartged from 2e decline toa rise of 30c.
Traders in corn, as well an in other
staples, needed no other reminder of cold
than was brought sharply to, notice by the
Icy temperature of-tho exchange hall and
by the. complete absence of telegraphers,
owing to strict application of the govern
ment fuel orders. An improved demand from
food Industries helped also to give firmness
to the market, as purchases were resumed
which had suffered interruption because of
temporary doubt as to whether elevators
and dryers were exompt from the coal
saving which bad been required of business
In general.
Oats showed greater strength than com,
owing to extreme scantiness of receipts and
renewed export buying. Slowness of the
movement of oats to. market was partly
ascribed to preference given corn.
Provisions averaged higher. Influenced by
the upward slant of quotations on hogs and
grain. Reports were also current, that there
were large orders In sight from the food
Butter Market unchanged.
Kggs Receipts, 682 cases: market nn.
PotatoesMarket higher: receipts. 89
cars; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota
sacks, $$.$093-25; bulk, $3.1592.20.
Poultry live: Market lower; fowls, 26e;
springs, ,23c. '
St. loots Live Stock Market.
St. Louis, Jan. IS. Cattle Receipts.
2,300 bead; market higher; native beef
steers, $$.90913.59; yearling ' steers and
heifers, $7.90913.60; cows, $5.00.919.60;
stockers and feeders, $6.50 9 10.00; Texas
quarantine steers, $$.76910.80; fair to
prime beef steers. $9.09912.76: beef cows
and heifers, $6.09919.90; prime yearling
steers and heifers, 7.60lO.OO; native
calves. 16.76 Q 15.00.
Hogs Receipts. 1,109 head: market hlrh-
er; lights, $16.26914.69; pigs. $14.26916.76;
mixed and butchers, $16.30916.70; good
neavy, 16.sooii.7U; bulk of sales, $16.39
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.100 head:
market steady; lambs, $14.00917.60; ewes.
$U.6091$.0O; wethers, $11.60912.75; can
ners and choppers. $6,9999.00.
Chicago Uve Stock Market.
Chicago. Jan. 1$. Cattle Receipts. 4.000
hesid; tomorrow, 2,000 head; market
strong; native steers, $8.50913.86; stock
ers and feeders, $7.00910.90; cows and heif
ers, $9.0091199; calves, $9.00919.69.
Hogs, Receipts, 1,000; tomorrow. 11.000
head; market strong, 16 9 20c above yester
day's average; bulk of sates, $19.60916.86;
ngnt, s ie.ooM.7 mixed, $16.ZO01.9O;
heavy, 816.20 16.10; rough. $16.20916.$6:
pigs. $11.75915.69.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,049 head;
tomorrow, 3,000 head; market strong;
wethers, $9.85913.40; .ewes, $9.409 13.89;
lambs, $14.50918.00.
Shuts City Lire Stock.
Sioux City, la., Jan. 18. Cattle Receipts,
2,600 head; market steady; beef steers,
$8.60911 60; fat eows and heifers. $7,009
10.00; canners, $6.6096.60; stockers and
feeders, $7.60911 60; calves, $8.09 9 13.99;
bulls, stairs, etc., $7.00 9 8,60; feeding cows
and heifers, $4.9999.09.
Hogs Receipts, 12,000 head; market
steady; lights, $15.60916.$5; mixed. $16,869
15.96; heavy. 315.85919.06; pigs, (12.009
13.60; bulk of sales. $16.86916.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head;
market steady.
St. Joseph Uve Meek.
St. Joseph. Mo.. Jan. 18.-Cattle Receipts.
13,690 head; market weal; steers, $8,909
14.00; cows and heifers, 36.00912.25; calves,
Hogs Rcelpts. 6.890 head; . market
higher; top, $16.39; bulk of sales, $16,109
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head;
market steady; lambs, $13.00 91$.?; ewes.
London Money.
London, Jan. 18. Silver Bar. 45 d per
Money 8 U Pr cent.
- Discount RatesShort bills, I 11-31 per
fat; three-mont bills, 4 1-31 per cent.
Live Poultry Broilers. It; to I Ibe.. In
separate coop, 33c lb.: sprlnKS, 3 to 3 lbs.,
25o lb.; springs, all sixes, smooth legs, 21c
lb ; hens, any alse, llo lb.; old roosters and
stags. 16e lb.; poor chickens. 60 lb.; geese,
full feathered, fat, 18o lb; ducks, full fath
ered, fat. 39o lb.: turkeys, over 10 Ins.. tat.
18o lb.; turkeys. $ to 10 lbs., 25o lb.;
capons, over t lbs., 24a lb.; guineas, each,
any six. 36o each; squabs. Homers, 14 to
lo oss., per dosen, $1.60; squabs. Homers,
13 to 14 jxs. each, per doxen, $2.69; squabs,
Homers, 10 to 1$ oxs each, per doien, 13.00;
squabs. Homers, 8 ox. each, per doxen,
$1.50; squabs. Homers, under $ ox. each, per
doxen, 60c; pigeons, per doxen, $1.00.
Wholesale prices of beef cuts: Loins, No.
1. 29c; No. 2. 26Hc; No. 8, K.c Ribs.
No. 1, 24e; No. 2, 22c; No. 3, 15a Rounds,
No. 1. 10c; No. 2. IS He; No 3. 15&
Chucks. No. 1. 19c; No. 2. l&Ho; No. 3.
14 Ho. Plates. No. 1. Klic; No. 2. 14c; Nn.
Fish Whiting, round, per lb.. 9c; headless
and skinned, per lb., 18c; tulllbce-whlte-clscoes
round, average 1 lb.. 12c; box lots,
100-140 lbs., 11c; yellow pike, 18c; pickerel,
round, 12c: dressed, 15c; herring, dressed,
11c; box lots. 140-179 lbs., 10c; round,
sack lots. 100-120 lbs., 9c; halibut, frosen.
20c; salmon, froxen, pink. 20c; red, 22c;
black cod, froxen. 14c
k -
Bralilstrert's Review of Trade,
New York. Jan. 18. Bradstreet's tomor
row will say:
Willingness to do business on a large
scale has been restricted by heavy snow
storms In the west, by Intense congestion
in railway facilities, which has made it well
nigh Impossible to ship fuel or other sup
plies, and finally the fuel administrator's
order closing plants for five days and every
Monday for ten weeks has thrown vast
numbers out of employment. I'nder the
circumstances it is obvious that the week
has been marked by considerable unsettle
ment, but, after the first shock it is quite
generally recognised that the fuel adminis
trator's order, while drastic, was necessary,
and the general tendency Is one ot pa
trlotlo obedience to the mandate of the
Ah for some time past governmental busi
ness takea precedence over everything else.
In ordinary trade circles jobbing business
has been curtailed by Inability to get ship
ments with which to fill orders, but po
tentially there Is a large volume of busi
ness in sight. House trade which, of
course, results from the buying of visiting
merchants has been retarded, because me
teorological conditions have crippled travel;
but. n the other hand, country merchants,
especially in the surplus crop growing reg
ions have bought freely of staples, their
stocks being low, and in consequence trav
eling men are forwarding good slsed or
ders. Indeed -buying from the country dis
tricts is marked by reorders and by re
quests to hasten shipments ot spring goods.
Weekly bank clearings, $6,103,080,000.
Boston Wool Market,
Boston, Jan. 18. Wool The Commercial
Bulletin tomorrow will say:
"With confidence In the wool situation
somewhat restored through the modification
of the trade board's Import regulations,
came the order of the fuel administrator
curtailing manufacturing In tho textile
mills and consequently curtailing business
In the wool merchants' offices to the great
annoyanre of the trade, which has had
nearly enough problems to meet In the
last three years and more of war. Busi
ness In the trade in the earlier part of
the week was a fair volume and fairly well
distributed with prices, firm throughout the
list? At the mills the only news Is with
reference to fuel and the action ot the
fuel administrator." 3
Scoured basis:
Texas: Fine 12 months, $1.689172; fine
$ months, $1.6591.80.
California: Northern, $1.7091-76; middle
county, $1.6691.60; southern, $1.4691. 60.
Oregon! t Eastern No. 1 staple. $1.8091.82;
eastern clothing, $1.6091.60; Valley No. 1,
$1.69L 79.
Territory: Fine staple, $1.8591 0; halt
blood combing, $1.7591.80; -blood comb
ing, $1.4691.69; fine clothing, $1.6091.6$;
fine medium clothing, $1.66 91.60.
, Pulled:
Extra: $1.8091.86; AA, $1.7091. SO; A
supers, $1.8091.66.
- ' . t
New York General Market.
New York. Jan. 18. Flour Firmly held;
springs,' $10.66910.70; winters," $19,269
10.60; Kansas, $10.60911.00, government
basis, 95 per cent. In sacks, to arrive.
Corn Spot, firm; kiln dried. No. 8 yel
low, $1.82, and No. I mixed, $1.77 cost and
freight, prompt shipment; Argentine, $2.00,
cost and' freight, New York, to arrive.
Oats Spot, firm; natural, 9c9$I.OO.
Hay 8trong; No. 1, $2.00; No. I, $1.(4;
No. 3, $1.80; shipping, $1.69, all nominal.
Hops Quiet; state, medium to choice,
1(15, 45961c; 1916, nominal; Pacific coast,
1117, 21924c; 11. 15911a
Hides Quiet; Bogota, 88HO40e; cen
tral America, 38940c.
Leather Firm; hemlock sole overweights.
No. 1, 61c; No. 2, 49c.
Provisions Pork, quiet; mess, $69,099
50.60; family, $64.00966.00; short clear.
660.0095S.00, Lara, nrm; miauie wesi,
Tallow Quiet; city special, loose, uho.
Wool Firm; domestlo fleece XX Ohio
and Pennsylvania. 70o.
. Rice Firm: fancy head, $9o! blue
"rose, 898o. ,:
Coffee Market.
New York, Jan. 18 The market for cof
fee futures developed pronounced firmness,
owing to renewed buying for outside ac
count, 'much of which was credited to the
west. At the start quotations were Irreg
ular, ranging from 3 points higher to 3'
points lower. Later prices advanced with
little opposition and the close was firm, with
net gains of 8 to 13 points. Cost and freight
offers from Brazil were irregular, some
showing gains, while others were unchanged.
Santos 2s and 8s were quoted at lOVio; 2a at
10S.C, 4s at 10.10910.20c; Rio 3s, February
March shipment, at .95c, all London cred
its, uhlle Rio 7s were quoted at 8c,
American credUs. Closing bids: January,
7.2c; March, 8.26c; May, 8.46c; July, 8.64c;
September, 8.83c; December, 9.05c.
Spot coffee, firmer and He higher; Rio
7s. 8c; Santos 4s, 10c. The official Bra
slllan cables reported Santos futures un
changed to 36 reis higher. Port receipts
were 60,000 bags; Jundlahy, 40,009 bags.
Kaass City Live Stork Market.
Kansas City, Jan. IS. Cattle Receipts,
8,000 head; market steady; prime fed
steers, $13.00913.76; dressed beef steers,
$10.55912.26; western steers, $8.60912.00;
cows, $6.60910.25; heifers, $7.25911-99;
stockers and feeders, $7.00911,16; bulls,
$6.76 919.40; calves, $7.00914.00.
Hogs Receipts, 10,999 head; market high
er; bulk of sales, $19.09916.30; heavy, $16.25
916.35; packers and butchers, $16.16916.36;
light, $16.00916.30; pigs, $11.00916.00.
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 2.000 head:
market, steady; lambs, $16.00916.90; year
lgs, 813. 00(U 14.96; wethers, $11.60913.00;
ewes, $19.00frl2.25.
Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fruits.
New York, Jan. 18. Evaporated Apples
Firm; Callfornias, 15916c; prime tq choice,
state, 16 '4 9H He ' -
Dried Fruits Prunes, quiet; Callfornias,
6 914c; Oregon, 1 3 1 4c. Apricots, steaily;
choice, 17c; extra choice, 17c; fancy,
18c. Peaches, steady; standard, HHc;
choice, 12c. Raisins, quiet; loose mus
catels, 912c; choice to fancy seeded, (9
9c; seedless, 8fj 1614c; London layers,
Turpentine and Rosin.
Savannah, Oa., Jan. 18. Turpentine
Firm; 47c; sales, 89 bbla.; receipts, 89 bbls.;
shipments, 335 bbls.; stock, 6,994 bbls.
Rosin Firm; sales, 63 bbls.; receipts, 366
bbls.; shipments, 1,240 bbls.; stock, 6I.361
bbls. Quote: B, D, B, T, O. H, 1. 36.40; K,
$6.65; M, $6.80; N, $7.16; WO, $7.40; WW.
Minneapolis Oraln.
Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 18. Flour Mar
ket unchanged.
Barley $1.33 91.57.
Rye $1.88 H 9 189 H.
Bran $82.60.
Corn No. 3 yellow, 11.6791 60.
Oats No. 3 white, 7980c. ,,
.Flax $$.639$-66.
New York Metals.
New York, Jan. 18. Metal exchange
quotes lead firm; spot, $7.00 bid; spelter,
quiet; spot, $7.6297.76.
At London, copper, spot, 110; futures.
(110; electrolytic, 1129. Tin, spot, 1296;
futures, 291, 10s. Lead, spot, 2 10s;
futures, 28 10s. Spelter, spot, 54; fu
tures, 50.
Kansas City Grala.
Kansas City, Mo Jan. 18. Corn No.
2 mixed, $1 6491.67; No. 2 white, $1,799
1.78; No. 3 yeilow, $1.7091.72; January,
$1.27; May. $1.26.
Oats No. 3 white, 83c; No. 3 mixed, 80
9 89HC.
New York Cotton.
New York. Jan. 18. Cotton Spot quiet;
middling uplands; 31.75c.
Cotton fu'.urea closed steady; January,
20.60c; March. 30.48c; May, 30.13CI July,
3.7c; October. 38.49c.
St. Louis Gniu.
St. Louis. Jan. 19. Corn No. 3, $1.63;
No. 2 white, $1.86; May, $1.24.
Oats No. 2. 80981c; No. I white.
839$$Hc; May. 76c.
New York Soger.
New York. Jan. 18. Sugar Raw steady;
centrifugal, 6. 006c; molasses nominal. Re
fined steady; fine granulated, t.46
Inauguration of Government's
Fuel Regulations Causes De
cided Diminution in Value
of Business Transacted.
New Torli. Jan. 1. Inauguration of
the government's conservation regulations
caused a pronounced diminution In the
volume of business on the atock exchange
today. Trading was accompanied In
frequent pauses, transaction barely total
ling 465,000 shares.
There was some apprehension before
the opening of heavy liquidation by spec
ulative Interests at Industrial points, but
commission houses reported few offerings
from such sources. Selling came chiefly
from professlonalsa who succeeded in dla
lodglng a few ''stop loss orders" on the
early decline.
Observers of the market expressed the
opinion that a conservative altitude would
continue pending adjurtment of the pres
ent difficulties.
The money market hardened, call loans
again rising to six per rent with a slight
stiffening of time rates. Foreign ex
change reflected the stabilising process
now under way. rates on I'arla again fav
oring that capital.
Pools 'were aotive In I certain stocks, no
tably shippings, oil and tobaccos, but In
general the movement was restricted and
meaningless. Leaders recovered the
greater part their ,1 to 1 point recessions
before the close. .
Bonds were firm on limited trading.
Libert SHs sold at 98.60 to 96.19, first
4a at 97.09 to 96.80 and second 4s at 94.13
to 8.10. Total sales (par value) aggre
gated $3,426,000. U. S. old Issues were
unchanged on call.
Number of sales and quotations on lead
ing stocks: Closing
Sales. High. Low. Hid.
Am. Beet Sugar 7S
American Can.,.. 700 $6 36 85
Am. Car & Fn'dry 1.300 72 70 71
Am. Locomotive... 400 55 65 65
Am. Smelt. Ref. 19.800 81 7 81
Am. Sugar Ref 99
Am. T. A T 1,700 104 103 lt
Am. 35., L. & 8 12
Anaconda Copper.. 6.800 60 (9 59
Atchison r.. 499 89H 82 83
A O W I S L.. 800 100 (9 99
Rait. Ohio 1.390 59 60 50
B. A S. Coppor 18
Cal. Petroleum..,. 1.000 15 14 14
Canadian Pac 1,890 139 188 139
Central Leather... , 609 83 2 H
Ches. & Ohio 409 61 61 61
C, M. & S. P 609 43 43 42
C. & N. W 390 93 92 12
C. R. I. & P. ctfa 509 19 18 18
Chlno Copper .... 200 43 43 41
Colo. Fuel A Iron 36
Corn Products Ref 1.800 30 80 30
Crucible Steel ' 12.000 66 6.1 54
Cuba Cane Sugar.. 6,599 20 20 30
Distiller's Sec 609 35 86 45
Erie .. 600 14 14 14
General Klectrio .. 1.004 1.10 12 129
General Motors.... 3.200 109 107 109
Ut. Northern pfd.. 709 87 87 87
Q. Northern O. ctfs 500 2 36 20
Illinois Central ... 290 94 94 93
Inspiration Copper 409 44 43 43
Int. M. M. pfd.... 93,304 93 (0 91
Int. Nickel 1.900 27 27 27
Int. Paper 609 26 25 26
K. C. Southern 15
Kennecott Copper.. 600 32 21 82
Louisville, sc Nash 113
Maxwell Motors .. 200 24 24 25
Mex. Petroleum ... 46,600 91 86 89
Miami Copper 81
MisHoyri Paclfio .. 940 21 21 20
Montana Power .. 200 69 68 66
Nevada Copper 18
N. Y. Central 400 99 68 S
N. Y., N. II. AH 58
Norfolk & West 193 H
No-thern Pacific , 81
Paclfio Mall .... 23
Pacific T. & T 15
Pennsylvania ... 600 4 46 46
Pittsburgh Coal 45
Ray Con. Copper.. 1,000 23 21 23
Heading 3,600 73 81 28
Rep. Iron & Steel.. 2,600 75 74 74
Shattuck Arls. Cop' 16
Southern Pac 400 81 81 81
Southern Railway 2,100 22 31 22
Studebaker Corp.. 1,699 47 46 47
Texaa Co 8.294 149 142 144
Union Paclfio 1.800 111 110 111
U. S. Ind. Alcohol 400 117 115 116
U. S. Steel 117,199 (0 88 90
V. 8. Steel pfd.... 809 109 109 109
Utah Copper ., $00 81 90 80
Wabash pfd "B"i 21 H
Western Union ... . 1,194 89 H 89
Westlnghouse Blee. 900 89 18 89
Total sales for the day 465,901 shares.
New York Money.
New York, Jan. 18. Mercantile Paper
t96 per cent.
Sterling Sixty-day bills. $4.71; com
mercial 40-day bills on banks, $4.71; com
mercial 69-day bills, $4.71; demand,
$4.76; cables, $4,76 7-16.
Silver Bar, 89j; Mexican dollars, 72t,
Bonds Government, steady; railroad,
Time Loans Firmer; 64 days; 14 days and
six months, t 9 per cent. '.
Call Money Finn; high, ( per cent; low,
$H Per (cent; ruling rate, ( per cent; clos
ing bid, 6 per cent; offered at 6 per
cent; last loan, 6 per cent.
U. S. 2s, reg. 98 'Ot. N. 1st 4S 86
U. 8. 2s, coup. 96I. C. ref. 4s.. 79
U. 8. Ss, reg.. 99 Int. M. M. .. 93
U. 8. 3s, coupon 99 !. C. S. ref 6s 74
V. 8. Lib. 3s 98.62L. A N. un. 4s 86
17. S. 4s, reg..!04M K A T 1st 4s 64
IT. 8. 4s. coup. 144 14 Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 66
Am. For. Sec. 6s 96 Mont. Power 6s 87
Am. T. A T. C 6s 92 N. Y. C. deb. 6s 92
Anglo-French 6 89HN. Pacific 4s... 84
Arm. A Co. 4s 84 N. Pacific U 60
Atchison gen. 4s 83 0. S. L. ref. 4s 83
B. A O. ev. 4s 78 P. T. A T. in 91
Beth Steel ref 6s 87 Penn. con. 4s 97
Cen. Leather 6s 96Penn. gon. 4s 91
Cen. Pacific 1st 76'Readlng gon, 4a 84
C. A O., cv. 6s.. 77 8 L A 8 V a 6s 60
C B A Q Joint 4s 928. Pacific cv. 5s 89
CMA8Pc4s 73 'Southern Ry 5s 91
C R I A P r 4s 96 Tex. A Pac. 1st. 83
C. A 8. ref. 4s 67 Union Pan. 4s.. 88
D. A R. Q. ret 6a 69U. S. Rubber 5s 74
D. of C. 6s '31 9217. S. Steel 8s.. 9K
Erie gen. 4s.,.. 69 "Wabash 1st.. 93
French Gov't 6's 96 Bld"Asked.
General Elec. 6s (7
Duluth OIL
Duluth, Minn., Jan. 13. Linseed 13.49
3.64; January. 33.49 bid: Hay, 13.47 H; July,
33.44 did; October. $3.33 asked.
w York Cotton.
New Torlt, Jan. 18. Cotton Closed
steady at 9 to 26 points hither.
Kansas City Prednre.
Kansas City, Mo., Jan, 19. Butter, poul
try and egg unchanged.
Income Tax Blanks Reach
Omaha After Long Delay
After weeks of waiting a supply of
income tax blanks was received Fri
day at the office of Internal Revenue
Collector Loomis. They are being
mailed to Nebraskans with taxable
incomes of $3,000 or less for single
persons and of $4,000 or less for mar
ried persons.
A different type of blank will be
provided for persons with incomes
higher than those figures. These are
expected next Friday or Saturday.
Postmaster Fanning has compiled
a list of all Omaha postal employes
who have taxable salaries. They
number a little more than 400, most
of these being unmarried persons
with incomes of $1,000 or more. He
turned the list over to the internal
revenue collector's office.
Loomis Gets Interpretation
Of Dividends as Income
United States Internal Revenue
Collector Loomis received a letter
from Daniel C. Roper, United States
commissioner of internal revenue,
stating that stock dividends, declared
and paid out of earnings which have
accrued since March 1. will be
regarded as "income" in the returns
of individuals under the income tax
law of September 8, 1916. and the war
income tax law of October 3, 1917.
Gestures With Big Knife,
Slashes Her Own Wrist
A little gesture is the cause of Mrs.
P. J. Allen, 1608 Burt street, nursing
a wounded wrist. She was speaking
to her little girl, and using a butcher
knife to point to the child what to do.
when the knife slipped, cutting her
That extra room will pay your coal
bill. Rent it through a Bee Want Ad.
Colors Which Puzzle the Aver
age Omaha Citizen Are Ex
plained by Military
With the creation of Uncle Sam's
army and the establishment of its
branches of service comes the vari
colored hat cord, easily recognized
and understood by the enlisted man,
but puzzling to the average citizen.
Just as the sleeve chevrons and
bars, stars and eagles on the shoulder
proclaim ranking officers, the hat
cord denotes the branch of service
each private and oflVer has entered.
Light blue signifies infantry; red,
artillery; yellow, cavalry; buff, quar
termasters' corps; red and white, en
gineers' corps; orange and white, sig
nal corps; red and black, ordnance;
black and white, field clerk; maroon
and white, medical corps; black and
gold, officers; silver and black, adju
tant general's clerk; green, instructor
home guards, and green and white,
home guards. These cords are worn
only on the service hats.
Cadet aviators are wearing as hat
bands inch and a half white ribbons
and on coat cottars insignia repre
senting the aviation branch of the
signal corps, propeller blades. Hat
hands of red and purple denoting
other branches of service are to be
(Ily Associated Press.) ' "'W
Washington, Jan. 18. Fuel Administrator Harry A. Garfield wder'.f
went a two hours' grilling Thursday at the hands of the senate commit- 'jy
tee investigating the coal shortage which called him before it t ex-";
plain his reasons for issuing the order shutting down industries by? ft
denying them the use of coal.
At the termination of the hearing the committee decided to make M
no formal report, but Chairman Tames A. Reed of Missouri, made 1 I
speech in the senate declaring Dr.
necessity for such drastic action.
members of the committee indicated that they, too, took the same, !
Dr. Garfield declared the order
the fuel and transportation crisis.
dustries for a period many of them, he said, would be forced to close
any how and 1 the government in closing down everything intended to
treat all alike.
Members of the committee criticised severely the closing down of
industries which have coal stores on hand and declared that the order
if made effective would cost the country a $1,000,000,000 in wages and:
production. Here are some of the pertinent things senators said:
James A. Reed, Missouri, D. At S o'clock tonight factories begin
closing and employes don't know if they are to work tomorrow or not
I hope we have not at least deprived ourselves of the right of petition,'
of request, and that seems to be about as far as this resolution foes.
Andrieus A, Jones, New Mexico, D The resolution is a proposal to
ask the president to suspend an order given "under the power conferred
on him, for he prosecution of the war.
Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Nebraska, D The fuel administration and
the'president who stands back of him have the power to commandeer
coal for vessels and it ought to have been done weeks ago.
Philander C. Knox, Pennsylvania, R In my opinion 1,000,000 Ger
man soldiers turned loose in this country would not create the havoc
this order does.
William E. Borah, Idaho, R. Under the food bill the matter has
passed out of our hands. The food bill does not give the government'
Jacob H. Gallinger, New Hampshire, R Read a telegram from
William M. Wood, president of the American Woolen company, de
claring the order would cause a national catastrophe.
In the house the criticism was even more bitter. These are some
of the things the representatives said:
John W. Rainey, Illinois, D The country is without information.
Every loyal citizen should uphold the order. You are firing into the
backs of those who are leading the country.
J. L. Lenroot, Wisconsin, R The country was stung.. If this or-
der is necessary it is due to absolute incompetency. We have now, on
American soil, lost the first battle against Germany.
Fred H. Gillett, Massachusetts, R The order will mean millions of
dollars loss in wages and millions of dollars loss in production, ai
calamity because of the way Germany will interpret it.
F. J. Garrett, Tennessee, D Asked Gillett had consulted any demo
crats before bringing up the matter. . v : j-'
1 Louis T. McFadden, Pennsylvania, R If the kaiser had sought to
bring about a coup, it could not have been better arranged than the
Garfield order.
Jacob E. Meeker, Missouri, R I resent the cry of partisanship'
whenever any one on the republican side indulges in constructive,
criticism. 1",
M. B. Madden of Illinois, R I denounce the order is unnecessary.
Simeon D. Fess, Ohio, R The country is willing to submit to any:
inevitable injury necessary to win the war, but will not tolerate in
sufferable orders which result from inefficient administration.
Allen T. Treadway, Massachusetts, R If ample reason can be
shown for the regulation, good may come from the order by awaken
ing people to a realization of the seriousness of the situation and need,
ot action.
jij-sss-t-js6a-- fi4f&rt&'mm--szAmiL:&'!
From Oumr Mean MdAksirs
The following ere tho recently elected
officers for the Valley State bank: P. C.
Kennedy, prfulrtent ; Kronk Whltmore, vice
president: .7. K. Nlrhols. cashier.
The regulna monthly meeting of the
Woman's club wrm held Friday at the home
of Mrs. I'arsen. The club voted to send the
l:tj from the sale of Bed Cross stamps to
the Ked Cross In New York to be used for
the tuSrulosls among; the sailors and
The following are the officers elected at
the annual election of the Methodist Sunday
school: Mrs. C. F. Tlmmona, superintendent;
Mrs. John Rush, Assistant superintendent;
Doris Harrier, primary superintendent;
Mrs. C. K. Hyars, superintendent cradle roll;
Hlcn Kennedy onanist; C. R. Dyers,
chorister; Etlinl Kennedy, secretary; Amy
Klrkpatrlck, treasurer; Emersen Brwsy,
librarian. All the old teachers wore re
elected. Mrs. John Kitmerald is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Dyrkv In Omaha, a few days
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Tlmmona returned last
week from their wedding trip.
Miss Hilda Parsen entertained the teachers
In a kenslngton at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Parsen, Monday evening.
Mrs. John I.entell was called to Lincoln
on account of the serious Illness of ber
mother, Mrs. Conk, faturday.
Mrs. Clara Spats of Mecklln, 8. D.. visited
her mother, Mrs. llronson, from Saturday
until Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald and Mr.
and Mrs. Monahan motored to Omaha Wed
nesday. .
Olen Comlren came up from Camp Funs
ton. Saturday ora short visit with hU
The Valley postofflce began Monday even
ing to close at 1 o'clock each day. In ac
cordance with an order from the assistant
postmaster general,
Mrs. Ora B. Copes snil daughter. Frances,
are spending the week with relatives at
J, C. Zlmmerer was a business visitor
at Omaha Thursday.
Henry Vette msde a trip to Nebraska
City Wednesday. ,
Miss Mamie HH'.man spent Thursday at
Weeping Water.
Chris Nutjman was a Nebraska City
visitor the first of thu week.
Charles r Kverett, who It stationed at
Camp Cody. N. M.. arrived Sunday for a
visit with his parmits, Mr. and Mrs. John
Dick Vo te was vlaitlng frlnnds at Ne
braska City the first of the week.
John McKay and John Colbert, of Weep
ing Water, were visitors here Wednesday.
The Odd Fellows' district meeting which
Veteran of Civil W ar
Would Fight Again
William H. Crisp of Kearney it
old, but he has young ideas. In a
letter to army recruiting officers be
volunteers his services for duty
either as a civilian or a soldier. He
is 70 years old, but says he could ,
pass for 60 and do a good clay's '
work. He is a civil war veteran'
and has held thevrank of sergeant
in the infantry, calvary and ar
ordered by the War department h
is understood. . v -
President Orders Hopkins
Exempted From Draft
Clinton T. Hopkins of Vntelope
county has been exempted from mili
tary duty by presidential ..order, ac
cording to information received ;by
the district exemption board. Hop
kins is now stationed at Camp Kun
ston where he was sent to av.ait ac
tion on his appeal from the decision
of the district board. It is said that
clerical errors were responsible for
his being called in the first draft.
Creighton High School
Student Disappears
Mystery surrounds the disappear
ance of Rudolf Yechout, jr., 15-year-old
son of Rudolf Yechout. C8J0 Chi
cago street. The lad was a student
at Creighton High school. He dis
appeared Thursday and has not ibeen
heard from since.
Bee Want Ads Bring Best Results.
Garfield had not satisfied him of the
The line of questions asked by other
was made imperative because of
If coal were not cut off to all in-' j
was to have been held her January 14,
has been postponed until February T. .4
August Huiiterman was a visitor at Oma
ha Thursday.
Rev. J. M. Kokjer returned Monday from
a trip to Dcdge, Neb.
Andreas Rchmeier was her from Omaha
this week f 1 r a visit with bis parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Ootlelb Rehmeler.
Edward Mldklff mad a trip to Nebraska
City the first of the week.
L. J. Marquardt was a state capital
visitor the first of the week. - ,-.-
Louis Carsten, Jr., la visiting relatives at
Hitchcock, okL
Nicholas Trook was her from Byraevjs
Sunday for a visit with relatives. t,.
Dr. J. W. Brendel was an Omaha" visitor, ,
Fred Cooper of Lincoln Is spending' 'the
week here. '
Rprlngfleld. ' ;t-
Miss Kugene Bticknell went to Spauld
ing laxt Monday to visit her brother, Harry.
Mrs. 1). J. Begley visited her sister Mrs.
Frank Natter ?eid In Spalding the fore part
of the week.
U A. Bates' attended the meeting of the
HlHturical Society at Lincoln Tuesday and
Wednesday, -
Clarence Nicholson was home from Fun
slon on a furlough last week.
Mrs. Annabel Corcoran la attending the
meeting of the Council of Defence In Lincoln
this week.
Fred Iske of La Platte was a Sprtng
?eld visitor last Monday.
Mrs. Frank Comte returned last Monday
from a visit to Camp Cody N. M. tosep
her son Fra nk Jr. ' .
Our merchants who signed an agreement
to close their store at 6 o'clock have found
that they do the same amount of business
In the shorter day and there la no com- -plaint
from their eustormers, ,
Contractor Schlesslnger has commenced
work again on the new school housa after
a foreed vacation on account of the sever
cold weather.
Soldiers; Home Kates.
Grand Island, Jan. II. (Special.) M.
J. L. McKee left for Sidney, Mont.,' Where
sha will attend the funeral, ot ber sister,
Mrs. Ketchan. .':;..',' , ;
The funeral of. Comrade Splnt took
place this afternoon, at I o'clock, from
the Home chapel. Rev. Dungan, of the
Congregational church of Grand Island, of
ficiating. The regular monthly union . meeting of
the O. A R, and W. R. C wilt be held
at the Home chapel today.
Major Edward Riley and wife .returned
last evening from FalrburV. where they
have been since before the holidays visit
ing with their children.
: t