Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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Adelaide Kennerlyra
Ella Fleishman-1$
tMieJ ly 'Ism H Gross
Tempting Dishes for Invalids.
In a preceding article general rules
tor invalid cooking were given, to in
clude careful preparation, choice of
simple foods and wise combination
of foods chosen, attractive service of
meals and special sanitary care of
dishes used. Milk and eggs lead in
value as invalid foods, though their
price, especially that of eggs, is any
thing but cheap. It seems unfortu
nate that the season of the year when
more people are indisposed should
coincide with the season when egg
prices are at their height. A few of
the. dishes given below call for milk,
but no eggs:
Egg Nog.
1 e(,- 3-3 o. cold milk.
T. sugar. H t. vantlla.
Few grains salt.
Beat yolk of egg slightly, add
sugar, salt and vanilla, then add grad
ually milk. Strain and add white of
egg beaten stiff. Fruit juice may be
substituted for the milk and the sugar
varied according to the fruit used.
Junket Egg Nog.
1 egg. Vi junket tablet.
1 e. milk. V, t. vanilla.
1 T. sugar. Nutmeg.
Beat white and yolk separately very
light, blend the two. Heat the milk
just lukewarm (boiled milk cannot be
used), stir into egg mixture and add
quickly the tablet dissolved in cold
water. , Pour into warm glasses and
sprinkle grated nutmeg over the top.
Stand in a warm room until firm, then
Chill before serving.
tr Egg Cocoa.
: l- egg white. i-u mint.
'2 t. sugar. . , Few grains salt
S t cocoa,
Beat egg with-salt until stiff, add
gradually sugar and cocoa. Add one
half egg mixture to the milk, put into
a glass and pile remaining egg mix
ture oft top.
Cream of Rice Soup.
1 T. rice. Small stalk celery.
1 o. milk. bay leaf.
T. butter. Bait,
1 slice onion. Pepper.
Scald milk, add rice, cook in double
boiler 30 minutes. Melt butter, add
onion and cook till tender, not brown.
Add celery and turn into milk; add
bay leaf and cook IS minutes longer.
Hasty Puddings
Hasty pudding was quite the
thing in civil war days. Today
the food administration has some
good ones to. propose to you.
".Try these puddings; they will
help conserve food; ,
- : Apple Tapioca.
cup pearl tapioca.
C6J4 water. '
14 cups 'boiling water.
' teaspoon salt.'
7 apples.
y, cup corn syrup.
i;Soak tapioca one hour in cold
water, to cover, drain, add boiling
water and salt; cook in . a . double
boiler until transparent. Core and
pare apples, arrange in an oiled
pudding dish, fill cavities with corn
syrup pour over tapioca and bake
in moderate oven until apples are
soft. Serve with pudding sauce
sweetened1 with corn syrup.
Oatmeal Fruit Meringue,
Turn left-over oatmeal into a
round mold and cool.: When cold
turn out, cut in slices a half inch
thick, put one slice in a round
dish, put a layer of berrie3 or sliced
peaches on it and on top of this
another slice of oatmeal. Beat the
whites of four eggs until light, add
four tablespoons powdered sugar
and beat until ' fine and glossy.
Spread this meringue over the top
of the fruits, dust with powdered
nA ctznA in th rverf until
It 3UB ,nu u i n i i . . ... ...w '
iY colden brown. (Note: Home-
canned fruits may be used.) -.v-
Jndian Pudding. -; --
..(i-cups milk. ' -'"
x; cup cornmeal.
"i-S cup molasses,
teaspoon salt.
, f. teaspoon ginger.
jCook the milk and the meal in
.atfouble boiler for 20 minutes, add
iolasses,, saljtf 'and ginger. Pour
jjito greased pudding dish and bake
'two hours in a slow oven. Serve
With top milk. This amount will
"Serve six persons.
U. B. Food Administration.
Beautiful Sardine
i-The fresh sardine is a beautiful
little fish. The scales on . its back
are an iridescent blue-green, .the ex
acfttinfchich the sea so often takes,
w'ftjle bjneath the scales there shows
upilhe most wonderful peacock blue.
Were arf bars on its back and Sldes
wneh it- first comes out of the water
like those on the mackerel, but they
seem to fade and disappear the mo
ment it'is-iexposed to the air. The
res:,of jfcs body is pure silver.
Uii ' 'i -1 '
TJii European startling was intro
duced into the United States about
25 easvago,- and its range has grad
ually extended over much of ew
York. Kew Jersey, Pennsylvania, Con
necticut, and Massachusetts. During
its migrations in search of food it
ranges much farther, being frequently
found aV far south as the District
of Columbia.
Fooi ball is a favorite amusement
with Eskimos of all ages. The foot
ball is -a- small round ball made of
cel skin and stuffed with reindeer
ha?. ' In "Labrador,, as in Greenland,
it is whipped over the ice with a
thong loop attached to a wooden han
dle It can be caught in the air and
returned with .terrific force by means
oi this instrument.
Rafielita, a ' dry petroleum found
abundantly .m the Argentine prov
inces of Mendoza an Patagonia, will
in all probability be utilized consider
ably in the future. . The republic is
rich in petroleum, from Salta to
Terra del Fuego. - ' . .
Never again will you encounter
such startling Bargains. -
Many hundreds of beautiful
Coats are offered at Prices which
border on the sensational.
, S Display Ad en Pag S
1508-1510 Douglas St. ;
Strain (forcing rice through strainer),
season with salt and pepper, reheat
and serve.'
Cracker Gruel
2 T. sifted cracker H t salt,
crumbs. 1 e. scalded, milk.
Pour . hot milk gradually
crumbs, stirring aonstantly.
in double boiler five minutes.
ham crackers may be used..
Malted Milk Custard.
1 T. malted milk. Salt "
1 egg yolk. I T. sugar.
cbot water. ,
Mix malted milk with enough hot
water to make a smooth paste, add
rest of water and pour slowly onto
beaten yolk, set in a pan of hot water.
Slow oven. Time, about 40 minutes.
Souffled Egg.
Break egg and separate yolR from
white. Beat white with a few grains
of salt until stiff, using Dover egg
beater. Turn into a buttered glass
and place in a pan of warm water.
The glass may be set into a Mason
jar lid lined with cloth. Allow water
Red Cross
Little nursey has no
Suppose she ran across
the boss.
Make one on her pret-
ty cap; ,
She will thank you, I
know that.
Advice to the Lovelorn
Dear Miss Fairfax: I read some time ago
in your column about a girl who hesitated
to go about with a young man. fearing he
was too educated and would be ashamed of
her, and you answered that if she Is really
ambitious she can educate herself by read
ing good books and the higher class mag
azines and by attending various lectures ana
Now, what I would like to ask you is
this to mention some of the goods books,
as I also feel. the man who wishes, to call
to see ms is of the same typa mentioned
In your column. ; "' K. 8.
Anyone who wishes to educate herself can
do a great deal toward It and her own gov
ernment will help her do It ' Write to- the
Home Education division of the Bureau of
Education, Washington, p. C., 'giving, yobr
name, postefflce address, age and a brief
statement' of your education - and occupa.
tlon. The United States government will do
the rest." It issues a list of 21 books, some
of their standard novels, soma poems, some
plays; it adds thereto the life history of
one or two prominent women and a history
of the English people, with these six books
at fheVnd of the list: "Some Silent Teach
ers," by Elizabeth Harrison; "Shelter and
Clothing"- and "Foods and Household Man
agement," both by Klnne and Cooley; "The
Furnishing' of a Modest Home," by F. H.
Daniels; "Girl and Woman," by C. W. Lattl
mer, M. D.J "What Can Literature Do for
Me?" by C. Alphonse Smith, ' As for the
higher class magazines, go Into any reliable
book or stationery itore and tell them that
you want magazines which give' critical re
views of books of art or of music, 'and those
which furnish a resume of current events,
etc. Lectures and concerts are advertised
In the dally papers. There are courses
open to you at the various universities In
-this city. ' If you- want an education, my
dear girl, you' must-make a little hop est
effort to get It.' Don't stt back and expect
to have It served up to you on a silver
service! '
The Soldier's Sweetheart.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am drafted Into the
national army. Expect my call-any day.
I had planned on marrying some time
during the middle of next year. But It
does not seem right that I should marry
before going to the (ront. What might
happen abroad in the way of Injury or
death may mean a great disadvantage and
sacrifice to the girl I adore. The question
I would like settled is: Is It right that one
should continue his engagement when he
realizes he may be away for two or more
years; that the girl would have to de
prive herself of many enjoyments during
this time, and that he may be so 'crippled
as to be unwelcome (from his own view
point) to the girl, he loves?
Tour opinion would greatly ease the
mind of one who Is very anxious to do
what Is right and beBt for the girl he
loves. ANXIOUS.
Why will the soldier boys, to whom I
feel like a loving big sister. Insist on asking
me this difficult question? I dare not try
to settle this problem for other women.
If I answer as they desire I will bring
happiness but think what infinite mischief
I can work by trying to settle this grave
problem for people I have never seen. This
Is my attitude: If I were deeply In love
with a soldier boy I would want to marry
him before he went over there. I would
gladly take my chancer-if I cared enough
if I cared enough that is the whole point.
With real devotion In her heart, any
woman who loves the spirit and mind of
her man would proudly welcome him back
however he came, A lesser love might
tall. Tears of sep.ratlon might weaken a
mall love. None of us can be sure of our
selves or our own loyalty. To risk so much
because of mere infatuation Is foolish. 'To
risk It for a big love is noble. The hysteria
of war time .aakes men and Women rush
I Moving !
j Storage
We are thoroughly equipped
in every branch of our work,
and our many years of experi
ence help to make 100 ef
ficiency. OMAHA VAN
Phone Doug. 4163.
806 So. 16th St
Life's. Lit tie Deaths
By Adelaide Keniwrlr
Death's an episode in life an impression
Just a change in the eternal procession.
We come here as infants to leave any time (' . -
Our work's allotted by the Master Divine.'
i - .
' Some cry: "Death's untimely; that three score and ten
Should mark the departing of women and men."
Oh, why should we worry! What hold we" so dear"
On this highway of tears and trouble, and fear?
If battle calls men to give up life's crosses '
In grand final limax, pray what are their losses? 1 '
Just .a gentle handclasp of astral and earth;
Death's but life leaving where it entered at birth.
Life's little tragedies, thouswids in number,
Are the deaths we're dyinc-souls never slumber, ' -
But writhe mf their suffering, loath to torgive
Fate for their sadness and, though dying, we live..
to heat gradually. As egg white rises
and stiffens, make a depression in it
and slip in yolk. Sprinkle with salt
and pepper. Egg will be done when
water boils. This dish can be di
gested very easily. . '
into situations that' will make them un
happy later on. Try to bs reasonably sura
of yourselves then act!
May and October. ' -
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 20, and despty
In love with a man 45. My parents ob
ject to my going out with him because they
think he is too old, and say I will never
love him. ' 1 .
MIbs Fairfax, do you think this difference
In ages could not end In love? It la your
reply that my parents are waiting to see.
B. B.
Of course y-ou and the man are a whole
generation apart.' You are at the threshold
of Jlfe and youth and he is a mature man
probably as old aa your father, . Naturally
your tastes and Inclinations are- different.
It Is tertectly-posslble for a happy marriage
J to.cQme in splta.-'of this, but IS JresM from
now, when you are 35 still a young; woman
he" will', be 6(f, and when you are lust his
present ago he will have reached old ape
'man' allotted span.". I think a marriage
like this has a" great many attendant risks.
but In spite of them.. love js possible, and
love "conquers all ' things." " .' : ?"
iff ITJMEfll
V'fc'?" Xssi nun mat
sitfsaatoiiffi I
i u 1 A :
Saturday Specials at the
New Public Market
Meat Department
1917 Milk-Fed Spring Chickens at Wholeaale Prices
Pig Pork Loins, per pound . . . . ' . 2Vfifi.
Steer Sirloin Steak, lb ...23V,c
Steer Round Steak, lb 22,e
Steer Sirloin Steak, lb 21'.
I Vie
Steer Pot Roast, lb. .
Steer Boiling Beef, lb
Steer Shoulder Steak,
.17V.C and 19Ae
lb laVic
,. :..23Vic
Steer Rib Boast, lb. . . .
Pig Pork Roast, lb. ..
Pig Pork Butts, lb. . . ,
Young Veal Chops, lb.
Young Veal Roast, lb.
-.18 Vic
v Money-Saving Grocery Department
48-lb. Blue Bell or Sunkist Flour, per
sack, t S2.SS
Teco Pancake Four, 2 pkes. ....... .25c
Log Cabin Syrup, qt. can .....49c
Campbell's Soups, assorted flavors, per
. can, at ' 12c
Skinner's Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles
S. pkgs., for ...25c
Ford Dates, tiew stock, lb 2Se
Tall cans of Wilsoh's Milk, 2 for.... 25c
Fruits and Vegetable Department , .
Fancy Jonathan Apples, box .$1.80
Fancy White Idaho Potatoes (15 lbs. to
the peck), per. peck 35c
Fancy Red Globe Onions, S lbs 10c
Cabbage, per lb .....3ViC,,
Fancy Head Lettuce, each . .7Vic and 10c
Hot House Radishes, 3 bunches 10c
Butter, Eggs and.
Fancy Elgin Butternut Butter, lb... 48c
Fresh Country Butter, in 2-lb. rolls
per lb., at 48 'te
Peanut Butter, per lb. .......... ,I'i
New York Cream Cheese, lb. . . . . ,32Vic
Country Butter, in tubs, lb.. 48e
Sunshine Goodies, special, lb ...27c
15c pkgs. Afternoon Tea, Matinee Bis-
Morning Hour, lb ,
Public Market Special, lb.
, ....20c-
........ .25c
Mah Floor First
0e Cneolored Japan or Gunpowder Tea, per pound 2Se
Monarch Coffee, regular S6e .quality, per pound J4e
SOe Farm House Coffee, per pound 20c
2Se can Asparagus, per can ..I4c
!0e ear Fears in Syrup, per can 9c
i 26e Can Ripe Olives, per can. , He
JOe cans of Salmon, per can Me
J-lb. cans Hominy, per can 10c
lSe quality Peas, per can 10c
AssArtad Soups, In cans, per can. 10
- 2o quality Peaches or Pineapples, t cans for SSc
JOe Peaches, Apricots or Pears, per can., 17c
15a eana of Jelly, per can 8e
20c cans of Red Kidney Beans, per can ..UVit
- 2te cans f Pumpkin, per can. IZVic
15a aoa of Sardines and Tomato Sauce, per can. ............ .
lie jars of Pickles, per jar S2Vic
Quart jars of Apple Butter, per jar S4c
,16c jars of. Mince Meat, per jar 24c
Large Rolls of Toilet Paper. S rolls for 2So
- Our stock of fresh and smoked meats has all been replaced with a new com
pete In of beaf, pork, lamb, mutton, poultry and smoked meats of all kinds.
' Pig Pork loins, per pound ,...aiV,o
Steer Porterhouse Steak, per pound..... Hfte
Round Steak, per pound ISVic
'Steer Sirloin Steak, par pound..... lSVse
Steer Pot Roast, per pound ISVie and ISVto
Steer Boiling Beef, per pound f 13 Vie
' Steer Shoulder Stesk, per pound.. .17'te
Young Veal Stev, per pound It He
Mutton 8tew, S pounds for , 2Se
, Sugar Cured Bacon, per pound 37 Vie
No..l.Baeon, per pound 27 Vic
113 Smith 16th Street. Phone Douglas 2307.
S ATISF ACTION Is something we always try to give,
A lthough the timet arc strenuous under which w live;
T o help our customers all we eta has always been our plan,
I a business or at leisure, we are true Americans,
S o just remember these few words and let us help you too,'
F or we sell the finest eatables that war ever put In view,
i A mong them there art groceries, meats, coffee, also tea,
C anacd goods of all description that will suit you perfectly.
T h Washington Market shortly will open a new branch store
In McCrory's ten cent store, down on the lower floor.
Our patrons there will find a class of goods that are A No. 1.
N ew stock, all clean and up-to-date, so don't forget to coma,
Choice Sirloin Bteak. lb , . . . .12V4
Choice Porterhouse Steak, lb S2Vic
Choice Round Steak, lb i... ,20a
Choice Pot Roast, lb'... ;.'., 17c and 20c
Choice Rump Roast. 1W. t .vi. . . . .20c
Choice Rib Roast, lb. tOc
Boiling Beef, per lb..,,..12Vic and 14c
Lean Pork Chops. lb. ...... 2S
Extra Fsney'Veal Roast, lb. ,20c and SBc
Lamb Stew, per lb... ITVic
Lamb Chops, per lb.. 25c
Lamb Legs, per lb....... 25c
Pork Tenderloin, lb ST',e
Try Our Home Mad Link or Bulk 8su-
," sage, per Ibj . . 17Vic
Ground Bones, for chickens, S lbs. . . .25c
Nomis Psncake Flour, pVg , . ,10c
On ef the Largest Mail Order Houses ia the Middls West.
United Statss Food Administration License Ne. G-27634.
' tilt Mtxrr uo-rm
4W0 Mew? M4ANrr sat
Youna Veal Stew. lb. .
No, 1 Mutton Less, lb. ......... ,.23y,e
Fancy Mutton Chops,. Il.,,,,,. .saVse
Fancy Mutton Boast, lb.,, 16Vs
Mutton Sttw, t lbs ........ .25
Skinned Hams (Surer Cured) lb. . .28V,
Swift's Premium Hams, lb.. Stc
Armour BUr Hams, lb. ..... ... ,2V,c
Armour's Shield No. 1 Bacon, jb.. 41 Vie
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb..., 37 Vic
Regular Hams.' lb.
Quart jars Queen Olives, per Jsr,...3Bc
Shelled Popcorn, t lbs 25c
8potleis Cleanser, 6 cans........... 25c
Ivory Soap, 4 bars ..2Sc'
Beat 'Em All Sap, 6 bars. ,.2c
Bulk Rolled Oats. 4 lbs .....2Sc
Extra Spsclal Large California Prunes,,
in 10-lb. boxes, per box. ...... . .$1.78'
15e quslity porn, Peaa or Tomatoes, per
can, st .....12c
Young Carrots or Green Onions, per ,
bunch, at . . . ,8
Celery Sc and 10c
Large Soup Bunches 4
Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Ruta
bagas, pir lb ..2'ic
Cheese Department
Fall Cream Brick Cheese, lb 32e
Cottage Cheese, lb ,..12Vt
Mines Meat, lb 30c ,
Don't fall to visit em Batterlne De
partmentAll of Swift's brands.
cu!t and other delieicus Cookies, spe
cial, per lb 28c
I Liberty Cup, per lb SO
Hotel Blend, 35c per lb.; t lis., for $1.00
Nat'L Bank Baildlnf.
Spring Vegetables Now
in the Market Stalls
ne apoearance of rhubarb on the
local markets is the first sign of
spring, though it is a sign merely that
spring has come to the far southern
part of the country. Rhubarb ap
peared this week on the Omaha mar
kets. It comes from gardens in
southern Texas. U is fine and crisp
and sells at present for IS cents a
Potatoes still hold to their price of
35 cents a peck. A few sweet pota
toes are on the market at 10 cents a
Fancy, fresh shallots, turnips and
carrots from the south sell at 5 cents
a bunch. Old crop beets, carrots, par
snips' and rutabagoes are 3 cents a
Tomatoes are on the market at 40
cents a pound. Cucumbers, big and
thick, sell at 20 cents each.
Good Oleomargarine, per lb......
All Brands Creamery Butter, lb.,
California Apricots, Plums, Peaches, in
syrup, 2 cans for, .. i I. .15c
Largs "Mason Jsrs Olives, each. .25c
Large Mason Jars Mines Meat, each, ,25c
No. 2 carts Tomatoes, 2 cans for..,. ,28c
Nomls Sifted Peas, per can.,... 15c
Ksmo'Pess, per can ....15c
Llbby'a Kraut, per can ,.,10e
Calumet Baking Powder, 1-Ib. can... 21c
Gallon cans Syrup, each 75c
Bulk Oatmeal. 4 lbs. for.,.,,'. 25c
Corn Flakes, S pkgs. for.'! ...23c
Regular 86c Coffee, -per lb. t ,ZSc
Tea Sittings, per lh. 15c
Extra Fancy Head Rice, per lb Vsc
Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb. ...... .15c
tfcL.TYLUR 470
avaj4miv evAcMssrV
turn MisaoLt wtsr
TheFood Problem Will Be With Us
Every Day for Many Months to Come
Vstifat is one solution of the problem. Food
specialists say fats should be added to vegetables to
make them a properly balanced diet In fottfed Oleomargarine
you get the same nutrient fats as in butter the same food value,
the soma heat-energy at a saving of several cents a pound. Try it aa a
spread for bread, hot rolls, waffles, and pancakes. Serve it on a big baked potato.
Try These Oval
Label Products
Arsjesr'i Grass Jsks
Vetstsls (SWtaaat)
Orressksrs Fans Sssasfs
Iklitdt Fadutt Fseds
jidAJ Dry Ssassre
Lettuce of both the head and leaf
varieties is plentiful and fresh every
day. The former sells around 10
cents and the latter-at three for 10
cents. Celery is cheap, -5 and 10 cents
a stalk. .Celery, cabbage brings IS
cents a stalk. 1
-Trr- minis mm.
MIT II t II I 1 1 LLI I If Mill C "jr
is continued evidence that we select the very best
Ingredients we can find. Be sure and order it
II,.;.; .riii4i-
111 Mil i j - avu Ja aw a m saSBBBBjr bw ar
There's a dealer
42-Basket Sioresi2
CASH and CARRY Saves Money b Patriotic. ;
$1.00 Sale
43 lbs. Smooth Large
Whits Potatoes
40 lbs! Red Globe
Onions i
IS lbs. Bulk Rolled fl
Oats 1
t cans Corn and 1 package
Gum 1
S 16-oz. cans Milk 4
for , ....,.
S Inrtre Ivory Soap and I
Clothes Pins '
15 bars P. A O. Naptha Soap
and 36 Clothes Pins
IS rolls Reo Crepe Toilet
20 packages, Krlsp" Corn
Flakes .
Five tt-lb. cans Tip Quality
12 lbs. fancy Blue Rose $1
R,lce , 1
10 bars Palfnollvs . t
Soap .,,.
27 No 1 Storage. ; ; 1
Eggs .........,
4 cans tlbby or'ClreU i tl
Asparagus Tips
7 cans Nd. Its Advance Pork '
and Beans and 1 cake Bon
7 cans Chill Con Carne and tl
17 ounces plain Crackers.
,5 1-lh, cans Pink Salmon and
1 package Gum .......... ,r
, Two 1-lb. Medium Red A two (1
, 1-lb. Deep Kea eaimon ior -
Above are a few. of hundreds of EVERYDAY low pricer
at all " ' -
In. Omaha Florence, Benson, South OmahvCoundl Bluffs
.United States Food Administration License No. 0-28403.
When Buying
Say You Read
fkfaS Oleomagarine is pure, whole
some, appetizing. It bears the stamp of
Uncle Sam's approval and the quality guarantee of
the Oval Label, Armour's mark of top grade. Your
own dealer can supply you in one-pound cartons.
ni irTC aT 13th andJonee Sts, Omaha, Neb. t I
" : 29th and Q Sts, Snt4$? j
Fine cabbage is 3'A cents a pound
and red cabbage sells at 7 cents a
pound. Fancy onions can be bought
at three pounds for 10 cents. Cauli
flower is extra good now and 20 cents
Oranges have never been bettejc",,
and sell from 20 to SO cent a dozeruTJj
Big," juicy grapefruit sells for' 1015! J
and 20 cents each. Bananas make an '-.
economical food and sell r.Offl 20. to ,,,
20 cents a dozen. There are many. -;
apples of various kinds here and their
prices have not advanced recently..'" -:y
JC1 err
Everybody knows the goodness
- of Butter-Nut Coffee, and so the
simple 1 announcement that the
Sunday Special Ice Cream for this
week is flavored with
Butter-Nut Coffee. '
Ic Creams
in, nearly every city block.
4 large cans
Peaches In s
Free Stone
Peaches In syrup and Iff
package Gum .........
7 big No. !H cans Kraut and f 1
lib. fancy B, R. Rice...,
20 bars Pearl White or Else- ff
trio Spark .Soap .......,
H-gal. can Log Cabin Maple '
Syrup and It os. Buok-
wheat Flour V " '
One quart Log Cabin Syrup "'
and lbs. Buckwheat fe
Flour , ............
Box Apple
Sale Today
A Big Special Purchase
gives you an extra sav '
ing of 15c to 30c a box
on Choice Idaho Apples.
While theyt last, Wine-
saps, Rome Beauty, etc.,
SI .60
Visit or phone our stores
for prices on, nany other
Apples , Oranges, Lem
ons, Grape Fruit, Celery;
Bananas, Nuts, etc.. v;
Advertised1 Goods
of Them in The Bee
Cult 99tt 4VsWflsSA iWeVM twMNteSgMP
efeaisrs in jwen awigAser ,