Q THE BEE! OMAHA. LOT 1. $10.00 MEN' clothing In the only basement salesroom devoted exclu sively to men's lower priced dependable clothing. You save almost half on these suits and overcoats. Unless you want to pay next winter just double our present price on these thorough- jr''l? Iy dependable Suits and Overcoats, we strongly m advise that you take ad- 5 vantage of these sav-52 ings now. LOT 2. $12.50 1tt,JJL Qi Boys' K1 jvuull-uif Special Display of Overcoats $11.00 Men's Mackinaw Coats of heavy wool fabrics in practical colors and patterns. The variety includes sport, belt and Norfolk models, durably 'tailored. Sizes 33 to 44. Men'a Sheep Lined Coats of Corduroy, Moleskin, shell, 34 and 36 'inches lone t r-v t " r f mmmmmmmmmmmmmm'i,mmFmnmmFKmmamKyi mm. 'hsiwhiulii -mum- - urn niiiM MiMimttPwammiaiwit'rmaKsm m Httun fik - - m mtm ' tmmmmi- - I ' MHK. m 'W. W a $10'$16.50 Men' Corduroy Leather Vests, Moleskin or Shell, price . . . . !' Men Trousers at Money-Saving Reductions ( I A splendid variety of serviceable trousers, heavy weight worsteds, 'fancy mixtures, blue serges and corduroys. Sizes 30 ' d0 ff to 44. Remarkable values, at pJJJ -, Odds and Ends in Men's Trousers, of heavy weight, . striped worsteds, all sizes, Exclusive Distributors for Carhart Overalls. $7.75 $2.00 Men's Furnishings Men's Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, fleece lined and derby ribbed, 69 C special Men's Silk Neckwear, large flowing end four- m hands, 50c quality, 25 C special Men's Lined Jersey Gloves, 50c grade, each 39c Men's Kid Gloves, sizes 7 to 7 , 7Qp $1.50 values, special, a pair. ... Basement Men's Hats and Caps 19c 45c Men's and Boys' Caps, regu lar 35c, at Men's Heavy Winter Caps, regular 65c, at Odds and Ends of Men's Felt Hats, $1.50 and $2.00 values, 98c Basement SHOES XJ.V11 U T .'$1.95 Lot No. 8. Misses' and Chil dren s Shoes, vici kid and dull leathers; one of our best school shoes, button styles, half double sole, every size wanted from 8 to 11. A pair at Lot No. 9. Women's House Slip pers in one or two strap, low heel, McKay sewed sole, plain toe, sizes 2Vi to 9, J1 Cft a pair V 1 Ow Lot No. 7. Women's Shoes. 500 pairs of women's shoes in patent and dull leathers, welted and hand turned soles, button and lace styles. The only reason for this low price. is the small sizes, 2 and S, a P pair Lot No. 1. Men's Warm Felt Lined Shoes, heavy blanket lined leather fox, leather soles, lace style, sizes 6 to J0 JC 11, a pair, P.UO $1.00 Lot No. 3. Boys' and Youths' Shoes, 500 pairs, values up to $3.50, every pair made to stand the hard knocks blucher and but ton style, every size from 10 up to 5, a pair, $2.45 Dress Linens in the Sale 36-inch White Irish Dress Linen, our own importation from Ireland, good heavy quality, round thread and snow 7CC white, $1.25 value, a yard ' Ui Fine Quality White Voile, made from good combed yarn, 40 ' inches wide, 30c value, m this sale, 1 5 C a yard Another Fine Line of Remnants in Silk and Cotton Shirtings in the new wide stripes for Men's Shirts, white jacquard grounds in beautiful color combinations. Extra heavy and firm. Full 32 inches wide, while they last in this CCp safe, only, a yard Fine Sheer White Batiste in dainty stripes, 27 inches ICp 'wide, a yard Hosiery and Underwear Men's Wool Socks in gray, blue, black and natural colors, all sizes, a pair ? .". Women's Black Wool and Cashmere Hose, a pair Women's Cotton Lightly Fleeced Union Suits, in high neck, long sleeves and ankle length, a suit Women's Gauze Sleeveless Vests, . your choice, each, Children's Lightly Fleeced Vests and Pants, in peeler, broken lines and sizes, 25c quality, each, 25c 25c 50c ..9c 15c , Ribbons Neckwear Ribbon Remnants, fancy warp prints and plain effects with satin stripes, good variety of Colors, 4i and 5 12C inches wide, special, a yard i 2 Collars, a variety taken from our regular stock which 1 Ac are slightly soiled, values up to 50c, each iUt Basement Drugs and Toilet Articles Imported Rice Powderj 25 cent size 13c One-pound Can Talcum Powder, special 13c Maddona Baby Powder, special 5c One Lot Powder Puffs, special 10c Essex Peroxide Soap, special a. bar 7c One Lot Assorted Talcum Powder, special 6c Basement Infants' Laxative Syrup, 25c size 16c Peroxide of Hydrogen, one-pound bottle 23c 2-grain Quinine Pills, 100 in bot tle 12c White Pine Cough Syrup, 25c size 16c Tube Shampoo special 9c anamrocK iorn riasters special sc Friday and Saturday Keady-to-Wear For Women, Misses and Children Rousing Values In a season when everything has been high in the wholesale market, these prices are all the more wonderful on that account. Winter Coats Four Big Bargain Lots of Women's, Misses' and Juniors' Winter Coajs at Giveaway Price. If you have waited to buy a good coat at a bargain price, here is your chance. We have grouped all the winter coats into bargain lots for quick clearance. At $9.85- Several Hundred Right up-td date Women's and Misses' Coats, made to sell at $12.50, $13.85, $15.00 up to $20.00. Every coat is a bargain at this price. : Every 'coat is this season's style. Many with the new big fur and fancy'collars, big pockets and belt effects. Such materials as Wool Velours, Pearson's Plushes, Pile Fa brics, Fancy Rough Cloths, Chinchillas, etc. Good materials, good styles and good coats at a giveaway price. At 4JO CO Take your choice of any Girl's VO.VZJ Winter Coat, ages 2 to 6 years, 6 to 14 years and 13 to 17 years, in this Base ment Department. We have grouped them all at one price. Former prices, $3.95 up tc $6.95. All new up-to-date styles. Several hundred to choose from. At t1 QC Several Hundred Splendid Pt.?? , Winter Coat, for Women, Misses and Juniors. Made to sell at $6.95 up to $10.00. Many even more. All grouped into one big bargain lot. Many have big fur collars, others are fur trimmed some are the new military styles. Others are good staple and practical styles. Such materials as all wool, all satin lined broadcloths, all lined corduroys, with big fur collars, fancy rough cloths, novelty cloths, all wool zibe line cloths, etc. Many different kinds of good materials, dozens of styles of coats. At 1 CO A lot of several hundred Girl's P w Fall and Winter Coats. Many different kinds, ages 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. A few 13 to 17 years. A good many of these are serges and others Fall weights, suitable for early Spring wear. Dresses for Women, Misses and Girls At CJO AQk A big lot of Women's, Misses' At (50cGirIs' Wasnable Fal1 and Winter outDresse8, good materials many dif ferent styles 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. Val ues up to $1.00. and Juniors' Silk Poplin, Serge and other kinds of Cloth Dresses. Many dif ferent styles. Made to sell at $3.95 to $6.00. AT d 1 OP At this price we have a lot of fflkUO odd suit. Women', Misses' and Juniors. About 150 to choose from. Not this sea son's styles, but good suits for small women or large girls. Good, practical styles. Made to sell up to f 10.00. AT d I AQ Over 600 Skirts to choose from. J 1 4T Women's and Misses' sizes. Serges, fancy cloths, mixtures, corduroys in vari ous colors, etc. All good styles, splendid skirts for ordinary wear at a very low price. Made to sell up to $4.00. FUR SCARFS Women's and Misses' Fur Scarfs Neck and Shoulder Pieces, Etc. ALL THE FURS IN THE BASEMENT AT BARGAIN PRICES One big table full of many different kinds of desirable Neck and Shoul der Fur Pieces large as well as small pieces. Made to sell 1 gQ at $2.00 up to $6.00. Good shapes, good in every way, only. ,Ut All the Women's and Misses' Large Fur Scarfs and Shoulder Pieces, etc. The new up-to-date Animal effects. Big collar effects, Throws, etc. All divided into two prices. Red Fox, Kit Coney, Jap Mink, Mole Coney, Near Seal, etc. Many different kinds of wanted furs. Former prices $6.00 to $10.00, djo QC and QC special prices PJ.a7J pt7U One . lot of over 300 Women's and Aliases' sizes, Cloth and Corduroy Muffs, several styles to match your coats. Made to sell at $2.00 and $8.00, now, QQ each Other Very Low" Priced Items 35c 49c 97c 78c for Women's short knit Petticoats, 59c values. for Girls 1 to 3 and 6 to 14 years, Bath Robes and Kimonos, $1.00 values, for Women's Crepe and fancy Ki mono Cloth Kimonos, values up to $1.50. for Children's Sweater Coats, white and colors, values up to $1.50. . Other very low priced items. 35 19 $1 for Cotton Blouses, white and colors, all up-to-date styles, values up to $1.00. for Women's White and Dark Col ored Cotton Waists, 39c and 50c val ues. QC for Children's Matched Knit Sets, fJ coat-f Cap and Leggings to match. Basement $5.00 Values r: i. i : i.1 i j. lots of suits of the above values in dark or light mixtures. About 300 suits at the one price, sizes 6 to ttO QC 17 years PJ.J $5.00 Boys' Mackinaws at $3.95 Good warm Coats in smart Norfolk styles, great for warmth, sizes 4 to 18 years, suits at the one j0 QC price, at po.7J Our Last Clean-up of Boys' Over coats, $2.95 Values $4.00 and $5.00, sizes 4 to 8 years only. About 75 coats at this price. Mostly dark mixtures, well worth your while to come early. Biggest Bargain of All Odd Lots of Boys' Long Pants, at $1.25 20 dozen, of various mixtures and fabrics. Worth up to $2.50, sizes 26 waist, and 30 waist. At Remarkable Prices 25x50 Hit and Miss Rag Rugs, regular $1.00 CDs values OU 27x54 Gingham Hit and Miss Rag Rugs, regular QOr $1.50, at I70C 76x106 Hit and Miss Rag Rugs, regular fcO AO $7.50, at PO.JO 9x12 Hit and Miss Rag Rugs, regular $12.00, jg Qg fit 27x54 Axminster Rugs, regu- f3;50' $2.50 27x60 Axminster Rugs, regu- I?.3;75; ,.$2.98 27x54 Velvet Rug, fcO OC regular $2.75, at.. vA.AO Brussels Rug Remnants, regu lar $1.25, special, AQ a yard tJ 27x54 Velvet Rug, M CQ regular $2.50, at.. P Axminster Rugs, 3, 3 and 4-yard lengths, each $2.98, IT. $3.98 9x11 Velvet Rugs, regular e$.2r:... $15.98 9x12 Brussels Rugs, regular t1800' $12.98 Linoleum, 6 feet wide, CCs a square yard. ..... '. Linoleum, 12 feet wide, a ZT. ........65c Felt Base Linoleum, 6 feet wide, a square 29 C yard Basement Draperies 10c 3,500 Yards of Fancy Col ored Voiles and Marquisettes in tha white, cream and beige, 25c value, 15c special, s yard. XUV 2,000 Yard of Scrims, plain and fancy colored borders, special, glc a yard One Big Table of Scrims, Voiles and Marquisette in good lengths, values up to 25c, special, a yard 3,000 Yards of Marquisettes and Fancy Voiles, plain and hemstitched borders, worth up to 50c a yard, OCn special, a yard 0C 1,500 Extra Heavy Extension Rods, extend to 5 c 54 inches, 10c valqes, special, each One Case of Curtain Samples, beautiful Nottingham and Filet Net for Bungalow windows, limit 5c 6 to a customer, each JJC Betement ' ' - Domestics at Lowest Prices Mill Remnant, Feather Ticking, fancy art tickings, special Bale, a yard, 36-Inch Unbleached Muilin, good grade, L-L brand, off the bolt, easily bleached, sale, a yard, 72x90 Inch Bleached "Attica" SheeU, 3 inch hems, made from fine 4-4 cotton, French Beam center, each, 36 Inch "Bleached" Advertuer, extra finest quality bleached muslin, "Ferguson McKinneys." Best make, sale, a yard 66x80 Inch "Australian" Wool Nap Bed Blanket, in plain white, tan and gray with pink and blue borders. Keduced for this sale, a pair, at Extra Heavy Silkoline Covered Comforter, filled with pure white card ed cotton, stitched, light and dark grounds, dJO yc special sale, each 36 Inch Drei Percales, light and dark grounds, neat dots and figures, lengths to 15 yards, sale, a yard, The Genuine "Appleweb" and "Utility" Dre Zephyr, in all the wanted styles and checks, off the bolt, sale, a yard, . . . The Genuine "American" and "Sirapton" Drei and Skirt in(f Print, all the wanted styles, off the bolt, a yard, .... The Genuine "Amotkeag" Smyrna Outing; Flannels, mostly dark shades, special for this sale only, a yard. The Genuine "Plitse" Underwear Crepe, Windsor best grade in white and plain shades, sale price, a yard 36 Inch Bookfold "Passaic" Challies, neat orientaland Persian styles, off the bolt, a yard Basement Corsets Worth $3.50 at $2.00 A Nemo Model for Slender Figures Our special for stout figures, made of fancy material, with extra wide front steel and reinforced over abdomen. Also These Models: Low Top Model, made of heavy cloth, long over hip, four garters 4 t . . . . Corsets for Average Figures, medium and low top, in pink and white coutil, four garters Boys' and Girls' Cambric and Jean Waists, with or without garters attached, all sizes, unusual values, only Shirt Waist Ruffles . 15c lOic ...75c 18c liife, tan: $2.95 11A 15c 19c he 16ic 25c 16ic 59c 75c 35c 25c Large Assortment oi Trimmings Braids, Laces, Chantilly Laces The remainder of a large dressmaking stock. Some sold as high as 1 Ar and icr 50cayard. Friday, a yard at 1UC Apc Also One Lot of Narrow Braids and Cords, worth in some instances up to 15c a yard. Special Friday, O a yard ,. Basement i :1