Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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'. '
United State Marshal and Deputies Break Up Pair of
Worst Joints Ever Unearthed in Omaha; Quan-
....... ,,,- -t . ' V '
v titles of Morphine, CocaineOpium and
. " J
Needles Siezed. .
Harding Will Not Call ; '
Special Session in Iowa
JDcs Moines. Ia., Jan. 10. Gov
ernor W. L. Harding has definitely
abandoned plans i for calling spe
cial war session of the Iotfa .legisla
ture, at least for the present, it was
learned today -
i -, - , f in i i i . . ,
Former Governor of '
Minnesota to Aid Labor
Washington, Jan. 10. John Lind,
former governor of Minnesota, will
be one of the advisory commission
to assist Secretary Wilson in mobiliz
ing labor for war service.
United States r..arshal Flynn, Chief Eberstein of the fed
eral bureau of investigation and 10 deputies swooped down
upon two of the worst "dope" dives ever unearthed in Omaha.
The raid was made Wednesday night ' - ,.
Harry Rudolph, 1313 Capitol ave
nue, was the first alleged "dope" agent
bagged. Several bottles of morphine
and cocaine, a large number of "pill
boxes' used in selling the tablets, and
an opium pipe and a number ot mor
phine needles were seized.
Business is Flourishing.
A large pasteboard box, half full
of silver money, which totaled $89.
and $11 in one-dollar ... bills, were
found. , Several of the bills were
marked, having been used by govern
ment agents who went there and
bought morphine. Rudolph also had
10 bills of $5 denomination, and in a
coa hanging on the wall was $7 in
silver quarters.
. , - Used Marked Bills.
At the place of J. Cummings, 419
'North Thirteenth street, "dope" was
captured, together with $28 in paper
money and $28.45 in silver. Some of
the paper money '.vas marked, having
beei. used tiy government - agents.
Evidence for conviction in both cases
is conclusive, accordim: to federal
authorities. ' ; X
Soldier Among Callers.
While the .officers were searching
the Qimmings place. 13 people
"called." They were ushered in, one
by one, by Deputy Marshal Yates. A
soldiet was among the callers. The
others were men and women, white
and black. All were lined up until
the raid was' over. Then they were
allowed to go.' Barney Kimmerling,
police court celebrity, was among the
"callers." '- .
Rudolph and Cummings are , m
county jail awaiting arraignment.
Both are negroes.
Ottawa, Ont., Jan.' 10. Four -children
lost their lives in a. fire which
today destroyed the east wing of
the Catholic 'general hospital An
Water street with a property damage
amounting to $100,000. The victims,
the oldest of . whom was 4 years of
age, were patients in the institution.
One woman died from shock after be
ing carried out.
Employeg of the government print
ing offices aided firemen and nurses
in making many daring rescues in the
removal of nearly 200 persons from
the hospital. V
Clergy Protests Boxing
Matches Between Camps
I Kansas 'City, Mo., Jan. 10. The
piuicsi ui uic nansas uy minister
ial alliance against the boxing and
wrestling tournament scheduled to be
held here January 25 and 26 between
representatives'? Camp Funsten and
Camp' Dodge is basedj on the beliefc.
that the soldier camps are to get only
two-thirds of the profits, the remain
der going to the promoters, it was an
nounced today., by Rev. George P.
Baity, chairmari"of the committee ap
pointed by the alliance to investigate
the tournament.
Big Contributions to
v ' ,Y. W. C. A. War Campaign
New York, Jan. ,10. Contributions
of $145,160 Wednesday brought the
total in the Young Women's Christian
association's $1,750,000 war work
campaign up to $805,938, it was an
nounced. ,
Among the larger gifts were $75,000
from the United States Steel corpora
tion and $25,000 from the Standard
Oil company of New Jersey ,
. ' ij " ,
Germans Offer Indemnity r
: , for Loss of Spaniard
Madrid, Jan. 10. The German gov
ernment has offered to pay the fam
ilg of Enrique Granados, the Spanish
composer, 666,000 pesetas as in
demnity for the loss ot their lather.
Georgie Tyfe Honored by Frenctifor : 1, . -Bravery
Under Fire in Recent Battle
! j'rtJo Zyii)!i ,sf fN- i
If Mj , js I.:
W I . " " t it-
Pi - ri I
i , ;,..; . : r
H. Metchoir Files
His Petition for
Next City Campaign
Hugo Melchoir, 2320 South Thirty-fifth
street, is the first candidate
for the city commissioner primary
to file a petition with the election
The number of application blanks
taken out indicates that the city
campaign has been started. . City
Commissioner Kugel has started
his petition. The other commis-'
sioners, with exception of Mr. Jar
dine; said they will file for the pri
mary April 2. '
"l have not decided yet whether
I will file," stated Mr. Jardine.
Jerry Howard has his petition al
most completed?
"Where do -you live?" asked, a
man who wag requested to sign the
Howard petition. . ' v '. . .
, "I live all over. I made Omaha
bigger," replied the irrepressible
legislator. . ,
Among those who have declared
their intentions of filing are: E. E.
Howell, (Thomas . Hoctor, L. B.
Johnson, J. M. Tanner and Fred
loye. x
; : i :
Newport Belvidere Club" , ;
Holds Election of Off jeers
Tli NewporJ Belvidere Improve
ment club held its annual election of
officers at its last regular meeting.
The following officers were elected
for the ensuing year: Henry'F. Wulf,
i frfnrrriB. Tvf vas awarded thev
fe '&:: SThrift Stamp' Salesmen
U.U.V.J UI.V.. ...V V .....
tie of Flanders. She is shown pass
ing under the arch of swords formed
by French officers in her 'honor im
mediately after she had been deco
rated with the war cross.
. f u,- ,
president; C. Clausscn, vice president;
Otto Green, recording secretary; E.
W. Gwynne-Vaughan, corresponding
secretary, and W. S. Hill, treasurer.
Germany, Must Now Answer
Message oMhe President
' (Bj Associated Fre.) '
President " Wilson's message has
been indorsed withoutreservation .by
the British labor party and the, .Brit
ish public - men from the labor so
cialist and liberal parties. Attention
isfiow directed to Germany and Rus
sia to' see what effect the message
will have on the people of those
countries,1 as it is felt in, London that
the German government may be com
pelled to answer, the president's ad
dress because of the continued dif
ferences between the militarists and
non-militarists in Germany.
Unfilled Orders of Steel '
, Trust 'Show Increase
New York, Jan 10 The unfilled
orders on the books of the United
States Steel corporation on Decent
ber 31 amounted 9.38L718 tons, an in
crease of 484,612 tons, comparea with
the orders on November 30, accord
ing to the monthly report issued to
day. .
To-Receive Instructions
SeveraF.hundred volunteer salesmen
who will sell thrift stamps nfext week
during the opening of the big drive,
will . meet 'at the Commercial club
rooms -tonight for instructions in
salesmanship. The meeiing is called
for 8 o'clock. ' i ' I
- Joe Barker C O. Talmage, Robert
H. Manley sfna'others will speak.
1 Mrs. W. G. Ure is at the head of
a force of women who are going to
work with the men in selling stamps.
Boy Scouts are organized, with a
pledge that each scout in the city
will sell 10 subscriptions.
Bricklayers' union N. 1 has" appro
priated $300 of its treasury fund for
thrift stamps.
" Commercial club is expecting to
take $1,000 worth, which is the limit
set bv the government.
Increases strength of
d e 1 i c a te, nervous,
jrundown people 100.
per cent in ten days
in many instances.
$100 . forfeit- If It
MIJ tf cf m M planation in large ar-
yl tide spon to appear
in anis paper, used
and highly endorsed:, by former United
States Senators and Members of Con
gress, well-known physicians and former
Public Health officials. . Ask your doctor
or druggist about it. .
Government Agents Break, Up
"Scheme to Reorganize 6er
: man Spy System in This
Washington, Jan. 10. Through in
tercepted communications and evi
dence found on a score of .more of art
rested -aliens, government agents have
discovered a concerted movement to
reorganize German sabotage and anti
war propaganda in' this country.
-The movement was broken up and
energy activities now are believed to
be confined to sporadic cases carried
on largely by pro-German sympathiz
ers without guidance , from a central
Unified System.
This was disclosed today by govern
ment officials, who declined, however,
to give all the details surrounding a
series of measures Tecently taken to
prevent x the rebuilding of a unified
enemy spy system.
It,w kn&wn that about 0 Germans
and a few Scandinavians have been
arrested on suspicion of complicity in
the new plot. The Germans have been
interned and the Scandinavians t sent
out of the country. Some Americans
are tinder suspicion and are being
closely watched. ' . ,
The evidence gathered in the round:
up-indicated that a few leaders whose
identity has not been disclosed, but
who are believed to be neutral sub
jects, tried to continue with a number
of agitators located mainly in eastern
seaports, in industrial centers and in
the extreme west, to develop co-operation
among thelp.
Sabotage was to be conducted sys
tematically and propaganda for peace
or dissemination of pessimistic war re
ports was to be stimulated under di
rection -of a recognized head. There
were indications also that the head-
Washing Won't Rid
? Head of Dandruff
' The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you
destroy it entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at night when .Retir
ing; use enough to moisten the scalp
and rub it in gentl with the finger
tips. -
Do this tonight, and by morning,
most if not all, of yourdandruff will
be gone, and three or four more ap
plications will completely dissolve1 and
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much
dandruff you may have,
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and 'your hair wilf be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times better.
. . .You can get liquid "arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and
never fails to do the work. Adv
Quarters was to gather bits of in
formation from all parts ofthe coun
try and forward it to Tjermany
through European- neutrals by code
communications carried by members
of ship crew; or other means.
Hundreds of self-appointed spies
are now bilieved to be at work in the
United States, but officT!rt disclaim
that they worry much about them.
Many are said to be members of the
Industrial Workers ot tne vvoria
which has carried ,on organized de
struction under stimulation, in some
cases, the government charges, wilh
tsermaa money. ,
Firps and exolosions which nave
occurred recently are said to be the
work of individual 'cranks or para
n'oiacs probably pro-German in their
sympathies, but without direction of.
a master organization.
Many spy suspects caught recently
have been found to carry plans ot
fortifications, drawings of airplane- or
truck 'parts, railroad maps showing
bridges and other important points,
plats of industrial centers and ship
building plans ' "
Make a resolution to save money
this year. The best way to keep
your resolution is to buy a Dia
mond on credit and pay a small
amount each week or month. As
the New Year grows old you will
have a genuine Diamond paid for
and wonder that it was so easily
done. Repeat the same .resolution
each New Year until you hava a
handsome, valuable collection of
Diamond Jewelry. Many of our
customers have adopted this plan.
It is the ideal way to save.
,-7 V
Loftw ,
utter Rings
The Diamonds are
mounted so as to
look like one large
single stone.
Has the exact ap
pearance of a soli
taire. Marvels of Beauty
at 50. $75. $100
and $125. -Credit
term, $1-25,
$1.85, $2.60 and $3
per week.
Open Daily Till 9 P.
Phone Doug. 1444 and salesman will call".
Call or -write for Illus. Catalog; No.. 903.
The National ;
Credit Jewelers
409 S. 16th Street,
s Omaha.
.179 U VaUiere;
fine a o 1 i d gold,
genuine Pearl, ,- 1
bright finish, - one
fiqe Diamond, - 15
Terms $1.25 Month
mil MtmtmfML, istsm
Electrolene is a mineral oil refined from crude oil, kerosene, gasoline, distillate' and the refuse of mineral oil,
live a viwAoAne A t an Adail klf WnltAf TftllMBArt f . -
Electrolene ia a clear liquid, free from solid matter, having a uniform vaporization and carbunzation, burn
ing without smoke. Electrolene, a form of gasoline, having been broken, down into atoms,, releasing the solid matter
known as carbon, is a new substance to the .scientific world. ... L ... . . 1
In the practical tests made in the use of Electrolene, it is found to ignite more readily than (gasoline, and has a
much greater efficiency, . .' , V , 1 ,. i '
Electrolene Is made primarily as a fuel for gas engines and automobiles. We do not claim greater efficiency
by making a fuel oil from nothing, but when mineral oil is broken down into the state of atoms, releasing the parti
cles of fiolid matter, the il gets a much better mixture of air in carburizatum, and combustion is perfect on explosion.
i This is a very simple discovery but very important to commerce. These, no doubt, will be disputes as to the
authenticity of the claim of this discovery, but the fact has been so. full demonstrated that disputes are out of the
small experimental
Tft tltet Afirftt Tifll-t A tils 4 A D I 1 017 : rfftifei .Tnnnann. the discoverer of Electrolene. made a sr
chemical machine for refining mineral oil The machine was built in a shop at Lincoln, we Draska, was instauea, ana
many persons saw it in practical operation. . ':. . '.J .. l " v j
The inventor would take any grade of kerosene, gasoline, or distillate, run the oil through the machine, and
'S the oil, going in clear, came out the color of lamp black. When the product was allowed to stand for a few hours the
black substance settled, leaving a clear liquid. ,. , . V. , . , O " .
x On making a practical test with this product, it was discovered, that it would burn much longer than gasoline
and with much less danger. A sample of the black powder may be seen at the office of Sturges A Sturges, 330
Bee Building, Omaha, Nebraska. This powder is so extremely fine that kerosene wiQ not percolate paper coated with
it. A great variation of colors can, be given to this powder for the arts. , , . m '. , ' . ,
Never before. has such a substance been extracted from mineral oil. t consists of the finely divided particles
of carbon taken from the oil molecules. That is to say, that the molecules re broken into an atomic statehd the
'- " small particles are chemically released and separated from the liquid. v, , t . V, ' , ..
; i All mineral oils contain quite a large per cent of water held in suspension by attraction. When the oil passes
through the process the attraction for water is increased, the water separated into its primary elements oxygen and'
hydrogen gases and the carbon released. When the oil vapor passes bycondensation to the liquid state, a new
chemical combination is formed, composed principally of liquid hydro-carbon, oxygen and hydrogen gases. A new
chemical affinity is set up. Peculiar as it 'may seem, superheated steam may be admitted to the machine in operation,
and the water content may bo increased, making the Electrolene more volatile and dry. ' : . x .
. It is a scientific fact, which can be proved by demonstration, that water cannot be broken into oxygen and
hydrogen below a temperature of 4000 or 4500 deg. Fahr. We break the water at a temperature underOOO deg Fahr.
The attraction of mineral oil for water is such, that when the oil holds water, and is subjected to electricity at
a temperature of 1000 to 2000 deg. Fahr., this attraction is increased to such an extent that the elements of the
. water are separated at a comparatively low temperatire. . ' , ' ,
Electrolene contains no free water, as the water is decomposed into its elements of oxygen and hydrogen, and
i a new chemical action is set up in the process. When the liquid oil releases carbon it takes up oxygen and hydrogen.,
Undertake to cleanse Electrolene with chemically pure sulphuric acid and there will be no affinity between them. ;
They do not mix. The products from this process are new to science. ' ' ,. : ..?- ? , "
In the year 1917 a second experimental machine was made, with the result that the Electrolene came from the
machine as clear as distilled water. This Electrolene was used in an atlto motor to find what the practical result would ,
be. Smoke was eliminated The combustion was practically perfect The engine started with much less f fort. than :,
on gasoline. The gas lever was closed down much closer than.on gasoline, A-standard machine iso completed for
'? further tests. ' ' v- . tV v--.-r- .- . ' s; u. y'-s," .
FlprtrnVnn (a mnrlo Viva nmKinotinn n lioof onA olactricitv. While exnerimentjt m he continued. Indefinitely-
and other new discoveries made about the process, one fact, the production of a better oil than', gasoline, has been"
uemonscratea. -'" . . ' , ; .. . ' '
Jrefirte four gallons perl hour, and the current used was three kilowatt hours. Electricity may be bought from any
large plant for one cent per kilowatt hour. So under operating conditions the cost would be less than one cent per
gallon. . Considering'that the machine was small and, therefore, radiation greater than in' a large machine, proportion-'
ately, the cost of refining in amounts of 50,000 gallons daily would be less than one-half cent per gallon. y
But another element. . Crude oil' is more than hlf low grade oils, not available for auto motor use. The larger,
part of these low grade oils are now beirrg used as a substitute for coal in furnaces and various other ways. The Elec
trolene process will raise the low grade oils to prices prohibitive for furnace, boiler and locomotive use, and such pro
hibitive prices will placehe product in the automobile trade. This should hold the price of gasoline down, and at the '.
same time make the; automobile manufacturing more certain. High priced gasoline will drive many autos out of use.
Many have been made to believe that some form of carbureter" for low grade oils could be invented to burn
kerosene and distillate, but the manufacturers of - gas engines and tractors now say that the carbureter for low
grade oils is not a success. Walter Johnson, the engineer, found by many experiments why low grade oils will not
carburize. . y , , !-- . ' ,
' I In the experiments, with one of the small machines jn making Electrolene, the fact was developed that on re-.
ducing the kerosene' to' a temperature f about 1200 deg. Fahr., -about five-sixths of the keroseae would decompose,
but the one-sixth was similar to lubricating oil, but too thin for that purpose. That part of the kerosene would stand
at a temperature of 1200 deg. Fahr., with but slight evaporation. The water was completely eliminated and passed
off into the five-sixths. To reduce the remainder required 4i rise in temperature with an addition of superheated steam.
To carburize that by-product would be impossible, although much of it vaporizes at alow temperature; the
residue runs into the crankease, and through the exhaust, washing out the cylinder lubrication and causing a deteri
pration in the wearing parts 6f the machine. - ' ' . .' , .
' Gasoline and all low; grade oils have a molecule composition Vhich are much larger than the atom in Electrolene..
, The molecules of kerosene,' if seen in a magnified state, would appear much like cobblestones of many sizes. When
the -air . is attracted to these molecules and enters the stage of combustion, the molecule will burn until the air is con
sumed and then, cease to burn and is discharged into the exhaust. (
';. - Electrolene is composed of) atoms of uniform size. Carburization is made perfect because of this. When the
air passes through the carbureter, picks up the vapor of Electrolene, the atoms are so email that the air is attracted
iru such proportion and .with such uniformity that combustion is complete. With the solid matter eliminated in Elec
trolene the explosion is perfect The use of Electrolene means much longer life for the auto and gas engine, because
there can be no dripping of by-products into crank case, no deposit of carbon, and hence no mis-firing of cylinders.
The official test on one of the Aujfcman-Taylor Traetors gave a tractive effort 6f, 47.14 hoee power on the
draw-bar, using gasoline. The same tractor equipped with kerosene carbureter developed 37.88 horse power on the
draw-bar. This test waa made by the best engineers to be found, and the authenticity of the test cannot sbe contro
verted. It was official, with many other makes of tractors. The efficiency of the machine on kerosene was re
duced ,24.45 per cent almost ten on forty-seven horse power. NThe Aultman-Taylor engine is one of the best of
American makes. From the fact that Electrolene may be extracted from the low grade oils at an expense so low, the
oil industry has never before possessed a refining process, with such possibilities for legitimate profits.
-; ' ' We have, therefore, executed Articles of Incorporation to do a refining and distributing' business within the
state of Nebraska, and these Articles will be filed. - i ,
"M i.:' We are not, by this advertisement, offering stock in the company for sale, but we desire to get in communica
. tion with investors wh majr desire to purchase tock. . '
VA new machine will be m operation soon in Omaha to demonstrate the process, and all persons interested will
have a chance , to give'; it. the fullest investigation. . - . y
f . ' Our proposition is legitimateand we have no fears of a most thorough investigation. ' ' 1
.'.Jy . yThe Nebraska Electrolene Company. will b capitalized at tne Million Dollars, and that will be increased as
Ue business and equipment shall demand.' ' . .
, .the fullest jnlormation, including official tests of Electrolene, will be given by competent witnesses. '
Registered Patent Attorney v
r The undersigned, patent attorneys who have charge of the" patent ap
plications for the process of manufacture of the product known as electro
lene, hereby certify that the invention is fully protected in the U.' S. patent
office. The product Electrolene is pure hydrocarbon, and the operation of
the process removes the carbon entirely from the mineral oil, the carbon
beinr; separated and providing a base useful in various arts and particularly
adapterkfor use in the manufacture of paints, this probably being equally
as valuable as the Electrolene. - , .
STURGES & STURGES, Attorneys. .
v - ' f " ' --s ' ' '
s s ' Lawver. Omaha. Neb."
Dear: Sirs:- I have' made thorough. investigation of the process dis- '
covered .by Walter Johnson", and the-new product he secured from crude,
petroleum and its products for a fuel for gas engines.. ; '. -i. u '- . - t
AfteY careful research,;! am of the opinion that he extracts from .base, .
mineral oils a new chemical product: which has a greater, efficiency through
' the elimination of free carbon and increase of hydrogen contents . , . '
y If I be correct in these conclusions,-' this product, Electrolene, will be 1
the fuel of the future for gas driven engines. ' v r'V .
Arounsel for the company,, you are advised that you are the owner,
'of all rights, title and interest, in and to his indentions in the United States ,
and Territories, for which application for Letters Patent have been, made ;
by the inventor under Serial Nos. 93422 and 191360. r --' x - -
' Jan. 7. 191R1 ; Respe-ctfolly yours, G. D. MEIKLEJOHN.
. . t , . . . ,s- . 1 , ' , . ,
Omaha, Nebraska, January 8, 1918.
NEBRASKA ELECTROLENE (JO., Omaha, Neb.' k ; . V f" -. s; .
Gentlemen bout two years ago a friend toll me of a process for making gasoline
in which he and his associates were interested in Denver. At various times thereafter be
informed me of progress of the experiments and finally advised me the process Aeemed to
be a failure because no metal had been found that would withstand necessax pressure.
Early m April. 1917, I met Mr. Walter Johnson in Lincoln, Nebraska, who stated to
me that he had a procesa for snaking gasoline. I was skeptical and told him of the ex
perience of- my friend. He then asked me to see an experimental machine he had'just com
ttructed for the purpose of demonstrating hia idea. I examined this machine and found
the oil waa treated electrically and that no pressure, whatever was used in th's process.
.. ' ' Later, in August, 1917, I examined a perfected machine constructed by Mr. Johnson
and capable of producing four or five galloiis of electrolene per hour. This machine seemed
to work perfectly and in my opinion proved all of Mr. Johnson'a claims.
.' I have implicit faith in Mr. Johnson and in hia invention.
X, . . Yours very trwfy. BEN H. HA YD EN,
Formerly with Omaha Loan and Trust Co.
For Further Information Address
, t.,
690-692 Brandeis Theater Building. Omaha, Nebraska.
W. F. AUSTIN, Bayard, Neb-j J. M. CALKINS, Bayard, Neb., Capitalist. WALTER JOHNSON, Engineer.