MEN TO TAKE CARE OF BABES WHILE VIVESARE BUSY Husbands Will Stay at Hom2 and Give Women Opportun ity to Work for Red Cross. Men's aid will be called in to help with the big January drive for surgi cal dressings for the Red Cross. The men will be asked to stay home and take care of the babies so their wives can come to the public workshop in the Keeline building, which will be open nights for women who are oc cupied during the day, or they will be asked to come to the workshop themselves or to the First Presbyte rian church to roll bandages. Mrs. F. W. Carmichaei and Mrs. Frank Ellick will open the workshop for the first niftht work next Tues day between the hours of 7 and 9 t clock. This is in response to a re quest from business girls and moth ers who can give no time during the day. The workshop will be kept open ny other night in the. week that 20 women will apply. "No previous experience in making surgical dressings is necessary. We will have instructors present to teach you. Aprons, caps and sewing materials are all provided. We need only the volunteers to help us fill our qnot of 95,000 dressings before the end of January," said Mrs. Carmi chaei. Young Men Have Class. Young men of the First Presbyte .tan church have a class in gauze work which meets each Friday night between 7:30 and 9:30 o'clock. They do beautiful work, according to women of the church auxiliary, which is in charge of Mrs. E. C Twamley. Among them are Clarence Adams. Herbert Riley, Charles Clemens, Wil liam Miller, Walter Harvey, Earl Camp, William Farnbrook and E. C. Twamley. ' If enough men will volunteer Mrs Carmichaei will open the public workshop for men, too. Advance warning is ' issued, however, that smoking is against the rules. Five thousand 4x4 wipes are in cluded in the emergency order for January. The wipes, though small, are a somewhat tedious dressing to make 'and some of the auxiliaries have expressed unwillingness to un dertake the work, preferring to exer cise their own choice. ' Local Red Cross officials call atten tion to the urgency of the need and request auxiliaries to start work on the necessary wipes at once. OFFICIALS PLOT TO STEAL ARMY STORESON COAST 'J , (Continued From Fare One.) officer followed th attempt yester day of N. A. Myles to secure nis re lease from detention by a writ of habeas corpus, application for which was made before Judge B. F. Bledsoe in the United States district court, The application disclosed that Myles, a motion picture actor, had been in custody several days at Fort McArthur and that his home had been searched by army men under the orders of the intelligence department. Judge Bledsoe, in fixing the hear ing on Myles application for today, took occas'on to comment adversely on the action of the army officers, which he announced from the bench was "the most high handed violation of the rights of an American citizen," that had ever, been brought to his at tention. ' ' " Held Without Warrant the army intelligence officer, ques tioned by Judge Bledsoe as to hu authority, announced he' was acting under orders from the commanding general of the western department of the United States army and that he was holding Myles without a warrant 'or investigation by his department. , The intelligence officer declined to comment on the court'i remarks or to discuss the facts in the case. Later, however, after communicating with division headquarters at San Fran cisco, he authorized the statement that Myles was held in connection with ajilot for the sate by high fed sral officers here of machine guns, 'ammunition and other munitions of war, now held in the federal building. PEACE DELEGATES . IN PRELIMINARY CONFAB TUESDAY . t. Amsterdam, Jan. 9.The leaders of the delegations representing Russia and the central powers held a pre liminary discussion yesterday, dis posing of questions of procedure, a dispatch from Brest-Litovsk reports. The meeting was attended by Leon Trotzky, Bolsheviki foreign minister; Dr. von Kuehlmann, German foreign minister; Count Czernin, Austro-Hun-garian foreign minister, and Talaat Bey, Turkish grand vizier. A plenary Session of the delegates was arranged for this morning. Later representa tives of the central powers held a con ference with the Ukrainians. Pair Confessed Murderers Receive Life Sentences Tucson, Ariz., Jan. 9. Louis Sun deen, formerly of Los Andes. Cal., and Barney Schiller, at one time a resident of St. Paul, Minn., who con fessed they had killed Charles Loebs. proprietor of a resort near here, were sentenced to life imprisonment late yesterday in superior court. In pronouncing sentence, Judge Pattee expressed regret that Arizona laws do not permit the -death penalty. t Bank Elects Officers. Geneva, Neb, Jan. 9. (Special.) The Citizens State bank held its an nual meeting-today, electing the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year: president, Peter Younger s; vice presi dents. M. Bolton and W. H. Stewart; cashier. L. , F. Johnson; assistant cashier, Roscoe Mohrman; directors. Peter Youngers, A. J. Brown, M. Bolton, Lewi Johnson and V. H. Stewart U. S. Allows $100)C0 To House Ship Workers Washington, Jan. 9. Immediate expenditure of $1,200,000 to pro vide housing accommodations for ship yards workers, at Newport News was decided on today by the shipping board after a senate sub cdmniittee had presented the urg ency of the situation. Housing facilities will be pro vided at other plants engaged on government work as soon as pos sible after congress passes a bill now pending providing money for the purpose. ' The sub-committee appointed by the senate commerce committee investigating ship building, took up with the board today the subject of housing workers at Newport News after Homer L. Ferguson, president of the Newport News Ship Building company, a witness at the inquiry yesterday, had de clared his yard could take on no more men until housing was obtained. GEORGE SPEECH STEP r'OHWARD. STATES VIENNA Austria Says Lloyd George's Address Shows Different View Than Has Heretofore Ob tained Among Allies. Amsterdam, Jan. 9. A Vienna dis patch to the Cologne Gazette repre sents Monday's editions of the news papers of the Austrian capital as com menting on Mr. Lloyd George's speech in a rather different vein from the official agency. While remarking that the papers in question are pacifist, the Gazette's correspondent sayj the whole tone of Mr. Lloyd George's speech seems to be viewed as more conciliatory than his previous utterances. Step Forward. The Vienna newspapers regard the absence of ''rude personal attacks" as a step forward and think they per ceive a certain approach to the stand point of the central powers., par ticularly in the use of equivocal terms in dealing with the most important questions. , At the same tinie they are doubtful whether the speech is fitted to serve as the foundation for immediate negotiations, saying that although it is less rude, the essence of the old war aims is in nowise altered. Suspend Recruiting for United States Guard Units Washington, Jan. 9. Suspension of recruiting for the United States Guard, the special federal force au thorized bv he War department for police and watchman duty, was atf- nouncea toaay oy secretary uaker in orders to all recruiting agents. Men already enrolled will be used, but no more will be accepted for the present. V Washington. Jan. 9. Further or ganization of the United States guard has been suspended, Secretary Baker announced today, and the special pro tective duty for which the guard was authorized will be done bv army troops, supplemented by the 1,800 fed eral guardsmen, to which number en rollment now is limited. Originally it was planned to make the guard a special federal police force of about 25,000 officers and men, for service largely in the communities in which they were enlisted, in en forcing enemy alien proclamations and other such work. "Changed con ditions", is the only reason given in the order for the new plan. English Comment , On Wilson Speech I London, Jan. 9. President Wil son's speech, like all his utterances since America entered the war, takes the leading place in both the news ancKeditor'al columns of the London press. One newspaper de scribes It as "the magrta charts of future peace.' The Westminster Gazette "wel comes the president's careful, sym pathetic language." The Evening News says the speech "was of world-wide im portance." IWPENCILS THE standard by ir1iith all vtAmAil are judged. 17 black degrees and 2 copy- uijf aupvrrccu n rl Aaericu Ud Pdl U, N. T. U Bell-aws Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails 25c The Useful Ugl f Should your Gus Lamps need attention DAT OR NIGHT , Call Donglu COS, or, Maintenance Department, J Ponglas 4188. S Omaha Gas Co. 1509 Howard Street ' I COUS Ml U Mlffl. Ask for m T- ABrtnccbto nil than. Yon. can secure a maid, stenoara AENUiS pher or bookkeeper by using a Bet Want Ad. BABY SMOTHERED TO DEATH UNDER PILE OFCLOTHES Thoughtfulnsss of 3-Year-0ld Sister in Keeping Child Warm Results in Tragedy in Newman Home. Thoughtfulness of little 3-year-old Grace Newman and her heroic at tempt to keep her 3-week-old baby brother warm during the absence of the mother, ended in a tragedy at the home ot fc.. K. Newman, 701 South Thirty-fifth street. The sister had buried the. brother beneath an avalanche of bed clothing and upon the return of the mother the apparently lifeless body of the baby was extricated. By the aid of a pulmotor the baby was revived, but within a short time suffered a relapse ana aiea. Little Grace 'stood by big-eyed and wondering, not knowing that her whole-hearted and motherlv inten tion had terminated so fatally for her Daoy orotner. ' GERMANS RAZE 130 VILLAGES IN REAROF LINES Paris, Jan. 9. The" Rome corre spondent of the Matin says, that by order of Field Marshal von Hinden burg, according to reliable informa tion which has reached him, 130 vil lages behind the western front, mostly in the region of St. Quentin, have been leveled to the ground so as to afford better opportunity for defense of the German lines to the rear. Notwithstanding denials, the corre- snonrlenr add nnlv nn.thirrl nf tti 300,000 Belgians deported to Ger many have been permitted to return to their homes. v. Deny That Russia Offered To Sell Norway Any Wheat London, Jan. 9. Denial is made by the Norwegian food m'nister that the Bolsheviki government of Russia has offered Norway grain or flour from any foreign country, says an Ex change Telegraph dispatch from Lopenhagen today. It hai been reported that the Bol sheviki were offering to Norway the wheat sored on the Murnan coast and shipped from America for use in retrograd. , Russia, the Norwegian minister is quoted as saying, offered Norwav Russian wheat but withdiew the offer. Wilson Address Endorsed By British Labor Men London, Jan. 9.- Representatives of British labor issued a manifesto to day giving whole hearted support to the program presented in President Wilson's speech yesterday. The manifesto says that "in essen tial respects it is so similar to that which the British labor put forward that we need not discuss any points of difference in detail." Russ Embassy Sends Note Of Appreciation to Wilson Washington, Jan. 9. The 'Russian embassy today issued a statement of appreciation of President' Wilson's reference to the Russian people in his address to congress. "Not' I kv.u . hod I 1 k;u;V We cannot all be BIG but we can all be HONEST. I am ,not the best Dentist in the State neither is my next com petitor but if we both make use of our talents and knowledge keep eyes and ears open and hang the Golden Rule on the Wall we will both make ourselves known, in good time. It is not only impossible to get a "corner" on honesty but it is also impossible to deny SKILL its full measure of reward. Several Dentists claim to have the largest prac tice and the best offices in Omaha yet all cannot be right and some are "bluffing." It takes a lot of good money a lot of steady nerve and a lot more luck to "play a four-flush" and then when the inevitable show down comes the "bluffer" is "shown up. I do not care., to pass judgment upon the merits or de merits of my competitors, but I do know that a GOOD DENTIST will build up a GOOD PRACTICE in less time than it takes for a FINE OFFICE to make a Good Den- ' tist out of a poor one. People who demand the best in dentistry, yet do not wish to pay exorbitant fees, will find it to their advantage to visit my new office first, and use their eyes and ears. Honesty and Skill are NOT "in the Trust." PainlessUJithers, Dentist 423-428 Securities Bldg. 16th and Famam Streets. ; I OMAHA, NEB. , Office Hours t 8:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 9 to 1. TWO REPUBLICS ARE HEAR BREAK Strained Relations Between Brazil and Argentine as Re suit of Many Differences Over War. (Correspondence of The Associated Pre ) Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil, Dec,. 11. The long-standing ill-feeling be tween Brazil and Argentina, inher ited in part from the ancient rivalry between their respective Portuguese and Spanish founders and intensified by subsequent boundary disputes, has been fanned into fresh flame by the opposing attitudes the two republics have taken in respect to the war. Brazil from the first has openly fa vored the entente allies and became a belligerent against Germany as soon as the United States entered the war. in keeping with its traditional friend ship for the United States. Argen tina, on the other hand, has persist ently insisted that it would remain neutral, although there have been charges that the government there has distinct pro-German tendencies. U. S. Arbitrated Dispute. In each of the two countries opin ion is held that the attitude of the other indicates ulterior designs in South America. The United States arbitrated the boundary dispute over what was for merly part of the Argentine territory of Missiones, awarding it. to Brazil on the ground that the Brazilians had populated it and claimed it by right of colonization, while the early Span ish and Portuguese left no documents showing any division 'of lands there. This award is said always to have been a sore spot with the Argen tines. Of late both countries have been at fever heat on account of many ru mors of mobilizations and warlike preparations on both sides of the dis puted line. Vjhe bulk of the Brazilian army was moved into Rio Grande Do Sul dur ing the recent railway str'kes and the troops have been kept there, en camped along the railroad. Case Against Former Chief Of Police is Nearing End Chicaeo. Tan. 9. Final arguments were h "Jim today in' the trial of Charles C. Healey, former chief of po lice, William R. Skidmore, a saloon keeper, and Stephen J. Barry, de tective sergeant, who are charged with conducting a vice syndicate which collected large sums from il legal resorts. The defendants were arrested a year ago and the trial has been in progress 13 weeks. It is expected the case will go to the jury Saturday. New England Hard Hit by Fuel Administration Order Boston, Jan. 9. Drastic measures for conservation of fuel and light are provided in an order issued today by James J. Storrow, fuel administrator for hew England, applicable through out Massachusetts. They include the opening of business houses at 9 a. m. and the closing at 5 p. m. and the closing of jtheaters, bars and all places ot amusement at io p. m. Mississippi River Boats Withdrawn From Operation St. Luuis, Mo., Jan. 9. Announce ment was made today by Joseph Streckfus, head of the Streckfus Steamboat line, that the company would not operate boats in the St. Louis-St. Paul traffic this year. The Streckfus line is the only line operating, passenger boats between St. Louis and St, Paul. 1 DDH the About the only thing that hu never been "corner ed by "big interest" is Honesty. " THOMPSONS j I Cfhe fashion Center for Continuing the Sales of Women's Coats, Suits and Dresses Real bargains' are to be had on every side. To take advantage of the reductions you must come soon Second Floor The Great Blouse Sale Will be held Friday. Particulars appear in tomorrow's paper. Bedding Specials Cotton Blankets, $3 25 a Pair With fancy borders, Jumbo size, 74x80, in gray or tan, good weight. Bed Sheets, Special, 98c Each Size 72x90, French seam, good wearing quality. Basement House Dresses and Aprons In great variety, all bearing new low January clearance prices. Basement ' i - Underwear Special For Women Union suits, 98c; all extra values you'll like, without doubt. Besides, we have other prices in the best styles, that are interestingly low. "rictKinks.5crAtlcmGrA.tK?vt this lovely teud isevermora popular today. uWctw&s iivour various gervera-tiorvs RIGHT YOU ARE, FRIEND SHADE. Though a , charming and wonderful region even in the day of that hardy adventurer Ponce de Leon, THE FLORIDA EAST COAST has grown greatly in popularity through Revolutionary days, Civil War troubles and business fluctuations. Today it is admittedly America's most delightful Winter Resort. It's a Veritable Garden of Eden with the summerlike climate of early June. The sea and the air are a continual invitation out doors, and if surf-bathing appeals to you, you'll find here along Florida's East Coast the finest you'll ever know. Golf is always at its best; as for fishing, say " Long Key " to a fisherman and hear him rave. Principal Resorts and Hotels ST. AUGUSTINE . . Ponce de Leon PALM BEACH . . Royal Poinciana ST. AUGUSTINE .... Alcwar PALM BEACH . . . Ihe Cr Tcrs ORMOND BEACH . . . Ormond MIAMI . R0tJ P.1m LONG KEY . . . Long Key Fishing Csmp vo,Birlm NEW YORK OFFICE 343 Fifth Ave. I fed so much better now! stopped that itching instantly The prompt relief which the first application of Resinol usually brings is a 9 great surprise to sufferers from eczema and similar itching, burning skin affec tions. And better still, this eentle. . healing ointment rarely faill to dear I ELDEN We Consider This Our Most Important Linen Sale Assortments are large in the face of the greatest scarcity of fine linens ever known. Prices are less than the manufacturers today ask at wholesale. There Is Every Reason to Purchase Now Table Cloths 2x2-yard size: $6.00 Pattern Cloths, $4.89 $r.75 Pattern Cloths, $6.00 $11.00 Pattern Cloths, $8.89 $13.50 Pattern Cloths, $10.89 Napkins to Match $6.00 Napkins, $4.89 a dozen $6.75 Napkins, $5.00 a dozen $7.75 Napkins, $6.00 a dozen $10.75 Napkins, $8.00 a dozen Linen Guest Towels 50c Guest Towels, 39c 75c Guest Towels, 50c 85c Guest Towels, 65c $1.00 Guest Towels, 85c MEN! Second Day of Our Manhattan Shirt Sale Very choice patterns, every one new this season. A good se lection in every size from 14 to 18. Don't delay. Bath Robes Are All Reduced One $18.50 Robe, $15.00. Three $12.00 Robes, $10.00. Six $10 00 Robes, $8.50. Two $8 00 Robes, $6.50. Six $7.50 Robes, $5.50. Four $6.50 Robes, $5.00. Twenty $5.00 Robes, $4.00. All Mufflers Repriced Four months anyway that you will need to wear mufflers and reefers. Beautiful knit or silk styles made with fringed ends. The best of qualities; all much less than usual. I I III Florida East Coast (Fbgler Syitrm) GENERAL OFFICES St Augustine, Fla. TnTTTWiilT HUPrfTHfiTiTi away such troubles completely. Phy sicians prescribe it regularly, Resinol Ointment b t0 nearly flesh-colored that, It on be used oa exposed surfaces wittion t attracticg andae attention. Contain nothing that could irri- tm tV. tArt .Win 4,11 Ammmitrm TM.t free, writ to Dept.l-R. Resinol, Baltimore, Mi -00. Women Heavy Bleached Turkish Towels 35c Turkish Towels, 25c 40c Turkish Towels, 29c , 65c Turkish Towels, 50c 85c Turkish Towels, 69c Very Special Values in Huck Towels One hundred dozen Cot- ? ton Huck Towels, each, "C Two hundred dozen 40c OQ n Huck Towels, each, at' All Fancy Linens Go At Half Price New Val Laces Just now when so many women are making underwear, these laces come to help make the i new garments attractive. Valenciennes in sets at all prices, wide and narrow; also ; motifs and insertions. Plenty of new headings. - 5cVa!s : '. . '. , Much better looking than the; price could possibly indicate. Widths from one-half to one and a half inches. Warmth, Milady In These Cashmere Hose Women's Black Cashmere Hose, 59c White Cashmere Hose, $1.00. ery Fine Black Cashmere Hose, $1.25 and $1.35. Wool Sport Hose, in Oxford, Lovat, and Heather, $2.50. Wool Sport Hose, in white, $1.75. ' t..l "ll. i n CHIC A CO OFFICE. 155 W. Mad .son St For GffAV Ham THE GOLD BOND TREATMENT JO matter how pray streaKAi at laded your hair may be. one to three -applications will make it light brown, dark brown or black, whichever shade vou desire Yon Can Make It Yoorsell Gets sraal. box of Orlex Powoer at anydrog store It costsonly 2m a-d no extras to boy Dissolyeitin one ounce of i t r. and comb it throngh the hair. Full directions come in each box. ItdoeenotrohoeT, is not sticky or irreasy ami leaves the hair Andy A $100.00 Gold Bond Yon need not neaitate to use Orlex, a a 11 00 Gold KlLlini in each box guaranteeing that Orlex rowdet does net contain silver, lead, sulphur, roer eury aniline coal-tar products ortbeir derivatives. V - ivuuv uruKuroenratjvcs. rnCf Get a25cboxof Orlex Powder today ST al ft&nydrucston.orwriteosstat- Inc. vim ."- . a 4 and free sample will be sent in plain package! ORLEX MFG, CO. STOP YOUR COUGHING Wo leed co let that Mugti persist stop the rritation and remove tickling and boar ne i relieving the inflamed throat