Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. XL VII. NO. 176.
n nr1
- i
r- U
Berlin Declares That Russian Delegates, Headed By For-
eign Minister Trotzky,
Litovsk for Conference Political Situation
in Germany is Reported Serious.
(Br Associated Press.)
Russia apparently will continue peace" negotiations with
tUm mtral nowen at Brest-Litovsk. A Berlin dispatch re-
ceived in Copenhagen says that Russia's representatives arrived
1 Rr.t.f Jtovsk Mondav and that the negotiations were to be
1 reopened yesterday afternoon.
k companied the delegation. ...
Official confirmation of this report
is lacking, but probability is lent to
it by the fact that neither Russia nor
the central powers has declared offi
cially that the peace negotiations have
been broken off definitely..
Germany suspended the negotia
tions temporarily late last week be
: catfpe it could not meet the Russian
request that the conference be trans
ferred to Stockholm.
The political crisis in Germany
brought about over ' the annexation
policy of the government is most seri
Tous, according t reports from neutral
capitals. It is reported that General
von Ludendorff, as leader of the mil
itarist group, threatened the resigna
tion of himself and Field Marshal von
Hindenburg should the government
continue the support of Von Kuehl
mann's peacevplans.'
' Declare for Democracy. .
' The German social democrats have
idopted a resolution again declaring
that the honest recognition of the
democratic principle' of the right of
self determination in occupied terri
tories only can bring a lasting peace.
In London it is felt that the central
powers will be compelled to make
full answer to Premier Lloyd George's
statement of war. aims, which ap$arv
ently has brought about better feeling
in Great Britain-.. Pf esident Wilson
and Premier, hayj!on
grattflated tha Brittsh leader oil his'
statement, German newspapers m
their Comment express disbelief in
the sincerity f the- British premier's
words. ' : ,
Prisoner Confesses That
- He KHIed Resort Owner
Tucson, Ariz.. Jan.. 8. Confessions
that Louis Sundeen fired the shot
that killed Charles ttTebs, proprietor
of a resort near here, December 23
last, and that Barnie Schiller was
with him at the tinffi, have been ob
tained from the men, police officers
announced today. -t
Schiller recently was captured at
Los Angeles through a telegram he
sent Jo Tucson. He formerly lived
in St. Paul. '
Saorgia Senator Chosen to
Head Immigration Committee
Washington, D.- C, Jan. 8. Sen
ator Hard wick, of Georgia, probably
' will become chairman of the senate
immigration committee, succeeding
benator smith, of South Carolina,
who has been chosen to head the in
terstate commerce committee. Sen
ator Gore of Oklahoma is the rank
ing member of the immigration com'
mittee, but he prefers to retain chair
manship of the agricultural commit
Chicago Starts Big Drive
In War Savings Campaign
Chicago, III., Jan. 8. A concen
trated drive for 50,000 agents in Chi
cago and as many more in the state
outside the city, has bee begun by
the war savings committee ot Illi
nois under the direction of Martin A.
Ryerson at the direct request of
Frank A. Vanderlip, who is in charge
of the -national campaign, y ?
The Weather
For Nebrapkn TTnsettled and colder to
night and Wednesday, probably light snow.
Temprmtnm at Omaha Yesterday.
, Hours.-' DeB.
J S a. m
a. m
10 a. m
11-e. m. .......
12 m
1 p. rn. .......
2 p. m
8 p. m. .......
4 p. m........
6 p. m
6 p. m........
7 p. m....i...
I p. m
jf Comparatiraly Loeol Record.
f 1318. 1917. 191S. 11S.
Ml3est yesterday.... is 45 81 2e
lowest yesterday..., 13 2g 21 . g
Mean temperature.... 16 33 2 22
Precipitation 04 - .00 .00 T.
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Norma l temperature 21
Deficiency for the day '5
. Total deficiency lines March 1 448
Wormal precipitation. 02 Inch
Excess for the day 02 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1.. .21. 0 Inches
Report! From Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and Stats ' Temp. High- Rain
of s Weather. , 7 p.m. eat. fall.
Cheyenne, clear 28 3(5 .00
bavenport, clear 14 16 .00
Nearer, part cloudy:... 38 42 .00
i ?es Mobnes. cloudy.... 1 20 .01
-I .ander, part cloudy.... 80 -4 .-CO
forth Platte, cloudy 20 35 .01
I maha, snow 15 " 18 .04
, 'iiebto, clear 38 48. .00
f-an!d City, cloudy 18 -- .r
Valt Lake City, snow.. 34 42 .08
, 'anta Fc, clear 32 41 .00
;, 8herldan, part cloudy.. 38- ' '42 ' ' .12
i I'onx' City, clear 10 12 .08
1 Falentlne, clear. .1 .. '10 ' 28 .00
.'( Indicates -truce of precipitation.
jf Ik A, WELSH, Meteorologist.
Have Arrived at Brest-
Foreign Minister Trotzky ac-
Great Drifts of Snow Blanket
City; . Trains Unable to
Bring in Supply of
Chicago, Jan. 8. Scarcely a dent
has been made in the great accumula
tion of snow deposited in this city by
the blizzard-of Sunday.- !he life of
the city, literally from the cradle to
the grave, has been affected, for ba
bies havevfelt the milk shortage and
funerals have been postponed because
of inability to reach the outlying cem
eteries. ., The county, fuel administration this
afternoon issued ait appeal, in which;
referring to the snow blockade,, it
said; c, :r : " e ire' .' ' .
Ntthtir "but the "united "effort of
the etiftre man cower of the city can
relieve the situation endugh to avert
the worst fuel famine in years.'
.:. Mayor Thompson- called a meeting
of business, men. Only 10 per Cent of
coal-ordered by. householders was be
ing moved and hundreds of coal wag
ons were reported stuck in the drifts.
The-coal administrator said that water
was freezing in, pipeS everywhere for
lack 6f heat. '
Trains Stalled.
Milk trains which were stalled yes
terday morning dragged their snow
encrusted lengths in during the night
and others came in at odd hours to
day, but deliveries iif the residental
districts were greatly curtailed. The
great drifts of yesterday were higher
if anything, because of the deposits
shoveled cjnto! tlim' from sidewalks
and the lack of, wagons to remove
It is a question if the efforts of
thousands of householder to clear
the walks' has not added to the- con
gestion of the roads for the benefit of
pedestrians. It was" not uncommon
yesterday and today to see automo
biles and taxicabs running along the
cleared .sidewalks, while the surprised
proletariat jumped to safety in the
snow banks. The walks were not
exactly safe for democracy, Chief of
rohce bchuettler said, but he added
that in the emergency he would take
no action. ,
Income Returns Will Be
. ( Revised by Government
Washington, Tan. 8. 'The treasury
decision that in making inventories
for excess profits and income tax re
turns, dealers in merchandis or se
curities might use the cost price or
market value, whichever wat lower, is
being revived by the Department of
Justice and may be revised. Millions
of dollars in taxes are dependent on
the hnal ruling.
Newly Elected Members of the'
Omaha School Board Accept
Senator Hitchcock Also De
clares He is Almost Convert
edNto Prohibition; Views
Have Changed.
Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock is
"rather indifferent" to woman suffrage
and almost converted to prohibition.
He said so" in an interview today. He
is in Omaha on business and intends
to leave fcr Washington tonight. V
The' senator's views on both subjects
have changed from what they were in
the past. Still, he doesn't believe
that either woman suffrage or prohi
bition will become national laws for
a long time.
' Doesn't Seem Right.
"To me it doesn't seem right that
36 states should have the power to
say to 12 other states 'You must have
woman suffrage' if those 12 vote
against it. Personally I do not be
lieve the question will be submitted.
However, if it is, I shall not oppose
it. I feel rather indifferent toward it.
"On the question of national pro
hibition, it is doubtful whether the
'dry' forces can elect 'dry legislatures
in enough states to ge the necessary
majority, in spite of the fact that thej
'wet' forces throughout the whole
country are demoralized. Anyway,
whisky is knocked out for the dura
tion of the war. So the problem is
noti pressing at present. Prohibition
works fine in Nebraska. We are cer
tainly prosperous.
Comments on Seventh. '
The senator smilingly disclaimed
any responsibility for having the more
or less "Lucky" Seventh Nebraska;
regiment disbanded.
"Ever since the war started Gov
ernor JNeville had trie privilege ot
joining the army if he wanted to,
declared the senator.
'But you would rather see him ad
ministering the affairs of this great
commonwealth whose waving fields
of golden grain" the reporter began,
in politica' oration nanner.
No State Regiments.
"No," said the senator, seriously,
"I' had nothing to do with the affair
whatsoever. Even though I had
wanted the regiment disbanded, my
wishes would have had no weight.
The government does not want to ac
cept any more state regiments. We
are raising a national army. An army
in which officers are appointed, in
cause of ability and. qualifications, in
stead of being elected by the men,
is the best army. That is the unani
mous decision of army men.
"We must abide bv that and. while
i am sorry tor the sake of the men
who enlisted in the Seventh, still
know they can al! find other daces
to serve their coun.ry as well as they
coma nave served in the beventh.
Retired Navy Officer to
Help With Red Cross Work
Washington, Tan. 8. Rear Ad
miral Albion V. Wadhams has been
assigned to the Red Cross as repre
sentative ot the navy to co-ordinate
Red Cross and navy work. Admiral
Wadhams is one of the many retired
omccrs who have been recalled to ac
tive service. He was retired June 30,
lvv, with the rank ot commodot.
House Considers Oil
And Coal Lease Bill
Washington, Ian. 8. Effort was be
gun in ihe house today to obtain early
consiaeration lor tne walsh-fittman
oil and coal land leasing bill, finallly
passed by the senate yesterday after
agreement had been reached to ex
elude navy oil reserves from its pro
House Committee Reports
In Favor of Woman Suffrage
Washington, Jan. 8. A favorable
report was submitted by the woman
suffrage .committee today on the
Raker federal suffrage resolution. It
is identical with cne already report
ed without recommendation by the
judiciary committee. The house
votes on suffrage Thursday.
7e " C. FZdredge
Washington, Jan. 8. President Wilson, without giving any forecast of
the subject on which he was to talk, appeared before a joint session of
congress today and presented a definite program for a world peace.
The president presented the following 14 things as necessary elements
of world peace:
1 Open covenants of peace without private international understand
ings. i '
2 Absolute freedom of the seas in peace or war, except as they may
be closed by international action.
3 Removal of all economic barriers and establishment of equality of
trade conditions among nations consenting to peace and associating them
selves for its maintenance.
4 Guarantees for the reduction of national armaments to the lowest
point consistent with domestic safety.
5 Impartial adjustment of all colonial claims based upon the principle
that the peoples concerned have equal weight with the interest of the
x 6 Evacuation of all Russian territory and opportunity for Russia's
political development.
7 Evacuation of Belgium without any attempt to llmis its sovereignty.
8 All French territory to be freed and restored, and reparation for the
taking of Alsace-Lorraine.
9 Readjustment of Italy's frontiers along clearly recognizable lines
of nationality. .
10 Freest opportunity for autonomous development of the peoples of
Austria-Hungary. ,
11 Evacuation of Roumania, Serbia and Montenegro, with access to
the sea for Serbia and international guarantees of economic and political
independence and territory integrity of the Balkan states.
12 Secure sovereignty for Turkey's portion of the Ottoman empire,
but with other nationalities under Turkish rule assured security of life and
opportunity for autonomous development, with the Dardanelles perma
nently opened to all nations. ,
; 13 Establishment of an independent Polish state, including territories
inhabited by indisputably Polish populations, with free access to the sea
and political and economic independence and territorial integrity guaran
teed by international covenant. , - --r
14 General association of nations under specific covenants for mutual
guarantees of political indepedence and territorial integrity to large and
small states alike. (
"For such arrangements and covenants," said the president in con
clusion, "we re willing to fight and continue to fight until they are
achieved; but only because we wish the right to prevail and desire a just
and stable peace." ,
"Such a program," he said, "removed chief provocations for war."
"The moral climax of this, the culminating, and final war for human
liberty, has come," said the president in ending his address, "and they
(people of the United States) are ready to put their own strength, their
own highest purpose, their own integrity and devotion to the test."
So Near and
Shipping Board Program
Taken Up by tf. S. Senate
Washington, Jan. ' 8. Inquiry into
the reorganization of the chipping
board and the progress of its build
ing program was taken up again lo-
day by the senate commerce commit
tee. Several witnesses, including
Rear Admiral Capps, former general
manager of the emergency fleet cor
poration; Hudson Maxim, the inven
tor; N. A. Neeland of Cimden, N. ..
and Homer L. Ferguson of Newport
News were ready to be heard.
May Establish More Naval
Training Schools in U. S.
New York. Jan. 8. Establishment'
of state nautical schools similar to
those in Ifassachusetts and New
York is urged in a letter which, it was
announced here today, the Natiwal
Marine league of the United States
has sent to" governors of 43 states.
Will Jielp Clams to
Grow to Full Size
Washington, Jan. 8. Enactment
of laws to stimulate the production
of clams was suggested today to
Governor Carl E. Milliken of Maine
by Secretary Field. Owing to un
favorable conditions it was reported
by the bureau of fisheries that thou
sands of clams never reached full
development, and Secretary Red-
field "wrote Governor Milliken urg
ing that the state take steps for
leasing barren or depleted bottoms
for the cultivation of clams.
Yet So Far
Opposition Develops
v. To Railroad Control
Washington, Jan. 8. -Congressional
hearings on the railroad bill were in
full swing today with indications of
certain opposition to the admimstra
tion's plan of indefinite government
control of the roads and their reim
bursement on the basis of average
earnings for the pastthree years.
A resolution seeking to amend the
section' calling for indefinite govern
ment Control so as to provide for the
return of the roads to private man
agement at the close of the war al
ready has been introduced in the
senate, while first criticism of the
reimbursement plan was made yester
day by Juliii3 Kruttschnitt at a hear
ing before the senate interstate com
merce 'committee. '
Supply Ships for Allies
' Sail for European Ports
A Atlantic Port, Jan. 8. A num
ber of snips loaded with supplies for
the allies, which have been delayed
here for more than two weeks be
cause of lack of coal, sailed today for
European ports. Many vessels are still
idle at the docks here awaiting fuel.
Sugar Shortage Thing
' Of Past in New England
Boston, Jan. 8. A ship from Cuban
ports brought 6,000,000 pounds of
sugar to Boston today. Refiners to
whom it was consigned said other
Cuban argoes were on the wav and
that there would be no shortage in
New England after February 1.
President Outlines Powers Aims in Memorable Address
Before Congress; Takes Up Challenge of Central '
Empires to Effect Just Settlement of
Object of War. y
Washington, Jan. 8. President Wilson today, addressing
congress, delivered a re-statement of war aims in agreement
with the recent declaration by the British premier, David Lloyd
George. ' " .
The president presented a definite program for world
peace, containing fourteen specific considerations.'
Teuton Press Reflects Opinion
That Allies Ask Too Much;
Will Continue War
fare.' Amsterdam, Jan. 8. Disoussing the
statement of war aims nude Friday
by Premier Lloyd George, the Rhen
ische Westfaelische Zeitung of Essen
"When, Lloyd George and British
labor demand Alsace for France and
the German 'colonies, Arabia, Syria
and Palestine for England and speak
of the war indemnity . we will have to
pay, the answer,, in view of the actual
war situation, is 'It is too much.' "
- The; Frankfurter Zeitung-says:
. J'Only a i defeated . Germany could
think of negotiating on the terms laid
down by Lloyd George. It it a new
war sneech and a way .to terminate
the war will only be open when the
movement which has begun' in. Eng
land and other entente countries' is
strong enough to replace Lloyd
George, Clemenceau and Baron Son-
nino by men who recognize the im
possible nature of such speeches and
draw consequences from such recog
nition. I , .
' How far we are from that time, it
Js hard to say." , I
Wilson in Sympathy ,
W ith Russ A ttitude
Washington, Jan. 8. A notable
feature of the address was the sym
pathetic attitude of the president
toward the Ru!sian representatives
who dealt with the Germans at the
peace conference the Bolsheviki,
often execrated for their defection
from the entente and for permit
ting themselves to be drawn into
the Teutonic peace trap.
The Russians, he said, present
ing a perfectly clear statement of
the principles upon which they
would be willing to conclude peace,
were sincere and" in earnest, and
when they found that the actual
German terms of settlement came
from the military leaders, who had
no thought but to keephat they
had taken, the negotiations were
broken off.
The Omaha Bee -'
Finished First
Automobile Display,
Advertising Race for 1917
and also
by far
It was nip and tuck all the way, but the stability of Th
Bee proved too much for Jits competitors.
' Here Are the Figures In Inches ;
(Warfield Agency Measurements)
1916 -1917-
. World- World-
Bee Herald News Be Herald New ,
Automobile Display. .23,817 26,240 19,999 4P.096 37,393 30,718
Accessories 2,754 3,913 1,571 3,600 N 5,524 : 2,608
Tires., 4,560 5,046 3,844 5,026 5,664 4,412
Totals 31,131 35,199 25,414 48,722 48,581 37,738
Bee Gains.... 1 7,59 1 inches ;
World-Heraldf gains... . .. 13,382 inches
News gains. ... . . . . . 12,324 inches :
The Auto Men of Omaha
rroauces results. 1 r
y Keep Your Eye On The Bee v ,
' Improving Every Day, v : '
The president spoke as fajlows:
Gentlemen of the Congress: Once
more, as repeatedly before, the
spokesmen of the central empires
have indicated their desire to discuss
the objects of, the war and the pos.
Bible basis of a general peace. Parleys
have been ' in progress at Brest
Litovsk between Russian representa
tives of the central powers to which
the attention of all the belligerents has
been invited for the purpose of ascer
taining whether it may be possible to
extend these parleys intoji general
confrence with regard yto'terms of
peace and settlement. t -
The Russian representatives pre
sented not only a perfectly definite
Statement of the principles upon
which they would be willing to con
clude peace but also an equally defi
nite program of the concrete applica
tion of those principles. 1 The repre
sentatives of the central powers, on
their part, presented an outline of
settlement which, if much less definite,
seemed susceptible of liberal interpre
tation until their specific program of
practical terms was added. That pro
gram proposed-no concessions at all,
cither to sovereignty of Russia or to
the preferences of the population with
whose fortuiics it dealt but meant, in
a word, that the fcentral empires were
to keep every foot of territory their
armed forces ha-d. .occupied every
province,, every city, every point of
vantage as a pepnanent addition' to
their territories and their power. ;.
It is t reasonable conjecture that
the general principles of settlement
which they at first suggested, origi
nated with the more liberal statesmen
of Germany and Austria, the men
who have begun to feel the force of
their own people's thought and pur
pose, while the concrete terms of ac
tual settlement came from the mili
tary leaders who have no thought but
to keep whaj: they have got. The ne
gotiations have been broken off. The
Russian representatives were sincere
and in earnest. They cannot enter
tain such proposals of conquest and
dominating, - .-. ;., !; 1
Reassurance to Germans.
To the German people the presi
dent gave a reassurance,, that there
was no aim to impair their peaceful
greatness. ' . ,
''We have no jealousy of German
greatness," he said, "and there is
Hiothing in this program that impairs
it. vvc gruage u no acnievement or
distinction 'of learninsr or oK cacifie
Enterprise -such as have made,its rec
ord ,ycry bright and very enviable. ,
We do. not wish to iniure it or to
block in any way its legitimate in-
lluence or power.
"We do, not wish to fight it, either
with arms or with hostile arrangt
(Continued Fag Two, Column 'One.)
showed '
Know the Paper That