Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Choice of the House HALF PRICE-ln This Sale
Hundreds of women have taken quick advantage of this offering, and as our stock
consists of the very best styles and materials in each instance, you can readily see what
a remarkable offering HALF PRICE is for these Suits.
No Reservations - No Lay-A ways - Every Suit in this Stock to Go Into This Sale
Velvets, Satins, Duvetynes, Serges, Peau de Pache; Sihertones, Tricotines,
v Gabardines, Suedes, Velourf, Bolivias, Wool Jerseys
Fur Trimmed, Tailored, Fancy Braided and Embroidered Garments, in every de
sirable style for Women, Small Women and Misses. As Examples of the Prices, We
Quote These:
i s
$35.00 Suits at $17.50
$75.00 Suits at $37.50
$65.00 Suits at $32.50
$49.00 Suits at $24.50
$25.00 Suits at $12.50
$19.00 Suits at $9.50
Georgette Crepe Blouses, $3.95
Worth $4.95 to $6.50
We have taken this lot and re-priced them for quick dis
persal. As you well know, Georgette Crepe is one of the most
popular Blouse materials this season and every woman wants at
least one or two in her wardrobe here's the chance to get
them for a very low price.
Slightly Soiled Blouses 7Q
Worth $1.25, Special at
A little tubbing and they will be spic and span and
just as good as new and you save the difference. A
woith while investment.
Lingerie Blouses, daintily trimmed with lace and
embroidery. ( All sizes, 34 to 44. Just this one group, ,
but every one a style that you will like.
I Second Floor
Silk Petticoats
New Arrivals
$4.50, $5.00
$7.50, $10.00
Popular shades, all
new styles, in Taffetas,
Messalines and Jersey
top combinafons, in
cluding "Klosfit" Petti
coats. Lovely flounces,
stitching, ruffles and
picot edges very fasci
nating garments.
Second Floor
Buy Now and Save Money
On Your NEMO Corsets
The Manufacturers of, NEMO corsets advise us that on and
after February 4th it will be necessary to advance the prices on
NEMO Wonderlift Corsets Styles 553, 554, 555, 557 and
558. On February 4th will be $6.00. Now $5.00
On account of the great increase in the cost of all cor
set materials, they are forced to make this increase of $1.00
in the price of the popular $5.00 Wonderlift Corset.
You should take advantage of this opportun
ity and have your corset fitted this month.
There will also be a slight increase in the prices
styles 402, 403 and 405, from $4.50 to $5.00.
Other Nemo Corsets, in low, medium and high bust, $3.00
to $12.00.
Third Floor
January Clearance
Brings Exceptional Values
Commencing Monday,
our regular January Clear
ance Sale of Rugs. The
Wilton Rugs advertised
are all standard makes
such as Art Loom, Bigelow
Hartfords, Fetterolf and
are guaranteed in every
8 ft. 3 in. x 10 ft. 6 in. Velvet
Rugs, Regular 1 Q QQ
$25.00, at ..... PlJiW
9x12 ft. Velvet Rugs, Regular
a$t32-50:. ,$22.98
8 ft. 3 in. x 10 ft. 6 in. Seam
less Wilton Rugs, Regular
atS50 $35.00
8 ft. 3 in. x 10 ft. 6 in. French
JSSJ $60.00
9x12 ft. Seamless Wilton,
aRtT,."$60:00'. $39.00
9x12 ft. Royal Wilton, Regular
ft7250: $49.00
9x12 ft. French Wilton, Regu-
Itr 18250 $65.00
Third Floor
Now Enter The Second Week With Remarkable Offerings
WE HAVE JUST FINISHED four of the most wonderful White Sale Days in our history.
Our early preparations (months and months ago) enabled us to quote prices that would have
been impossible otherwise, and resulted in this record selling. Now for Monday we begin the
new week with offerings of a remarkable character from all White Sale Departments.
Cotton, Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin Underwear
m the Sale
At 18c
Worth today 25a. Corset Covers and
Worth today 50c. Corset Covers ana
Gowns, Envel
,50. Gowns,
Skirts, Envelopes and Princess
At ?E Worth today $1.00.
Owt opes and Skirts.
At l A A Worth today $1.50. Gowns,'
Crepe' die Chfa amid Wash Satim
Camisoles of Crepe de Chine, with
Val and Filet Laces.
At AA Camisoles of Wash Satin and
P I .11 Crepe de Chine.
-Envelopes and Camisoles of Crepe
de Chine.
At gO QC Envelopes and Camisoles of Crepe
de Chinei
d A QC and QP Gowns, Envelopes
tD'iwO JO.VO and skirts of
Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin.
Let the New Year
Bring Music
Into Your Life.
New Victor Records
Hear these wonderful sym
phony Orchestra Records.
First Recording of the Phila
delphia Orchestra.
64752 Hungarian Dance No. 5,
Johannes Brahms.
64753 Hungarian Dance No. 6,
Johannes Brahms.
Gallie-Curci Af Her Beif In
74557 Proch's Air and Varia
tions. Once More a Fine Record by
Harry Lauder.
70118 I Love To Be a Sailor.
McCormack's Latest Sensation.
64732 The Rainbow of Love.
Stirring Music of War and Love
18413 Long Boy, Byron G.
Harlan with Peerless Quartet;
I Don't Want to Get Well, Van
and Schenck.
18408 Wait Till the Cows
Come Home, Green-McDonough
with Mixed Quartet; A Sweet
heart of My Own, Elizabeth
Spencer with Mixed Quartet.
18409 Somewhere in France is
the Lily, Charles Hart; My
Sweetheart is Somewhere in
France, Elizabeth Spencer.
Brighten n p
your dull eve
nings with the
music of the Vic
trola. Pompeian Room.
vTh Linens
Damask, 45c
Fuji Bleached Table Damask in the mercerized
finish, 58 inches wide, with linen finish, all
pretty patterns.
Table Damask, 59c
For Monday we will place on sale 50 pieces of
a linen finished Damask, wearing qualities un
excelled, 64 inches wide, in a range of pretty
Damask Cloths, $3.39
Heavy quality, satin finish Belfast Damask;
very elaborate patterns in the round square
make, scalloped or hemstitched ends.
Belfast Damask, 98c
This cloth is made in Belfast, Ireland; patterns
copied from high class Satin Damask, two yards
wide, wearing qualities are unexcelled.
Napkins, 6 for 89c
Made of a fine quality Linen Finished Damask,
18xl8-inch size, in a range of patterns; while a
limited quantity lasts.
19c Glass Toweling, 15c
A linen finished, striped Glass Toweling, also
plain weaves (limit 10 yards).
Hemmed Cloths, $1.25
In the square shape, hemmed ends, breakfast
size, very fine, mercerized yarn ; range of pretty
$2.25 Fancy Linens, $1.50
One lot of Tea Cloths and Renaissance lace
scarfs in an assortment of pretty patterns.
75c Linens, 49c
Lace TrimnTed Scarfs, plain hemstitched ends,
scalloped ends with embroidered designs.
$2.25 Damask, $1.98
This is a fine quality all linen Damask, made
in Belfast, patterns copied from very high class
linens, 72 inches wide.
17V2c Crash, 1212C
Extra heavy, full bleached linen finish with
fancy borders; January special (10-yard limit).
Doineotics, Sheet?, 'Slips, Etc.
Genuine "Dallas" Bleached Sheetings, Sheets, Slips
One of the foremost and most popular brands of sheeting and
domestic sheets. Every housekeeper recognizes "Dallas" Sheetings,
Sheets and Slips. Made from fine quality, soft inish, round thread
cotton, thoroughly free from dressing and warranted to wear well.
Well finished, sale price, needless to say, below mill cost.
Sheeting:, 9-4 width, 81 inches wide, special sale 45c
Sheets and Pillow Slips
72x90-inch, special sale, each
72x99-inch, special sale, each
81x90-inch, special sale, each
81x99-inch, special sale, each
42x36-inch, special salef each
Pillow Slips: Extra Special!
Fairfax Bleached Pillow Slips,
soft finish, good grade, three
inch hems, ready for use, special
sale .
45x36-inch Bleached Slips, each,
at .18c
42x36-inch Bleached Slips, each,
at ..: 16c
Finest Quality, 36-inch Bleached
Muslins, 64x60, none better for
fine lingerie, underskirts, etc.
Special sale, a yard 12 c
36-inch Genuine Advertiser Ex
tra Bleached Muslin, finest qual
ity, each bolt bearing the orig
inal label; sale price, a yard, 18c
Bleached Muslins, direct from
the "Sayless" bleached muslin,
cambric, etc., lengths to 15
yards, extra fine quality; special
sale, a yard lc
38-inch, Fine, Soft Finish, Un-
bleached Muslin, easily bleached
and laundered; special sale, a
yard, only &c
36-inch, Fine, Soft Finish Eng
lish Longcloth, soft and clingy,
for fine underwear; special sale,
a yard . , 14c
36-inch Unbleached' Muslin,
David Harum brand, off the
bolt; very cheap, specially priced
for this sale, a yard 10 Ytc
36-inch Beautiful White Voile,
direct from the "Sayless Bleach
ery," sheer, soft finish; special
sale, only 15c
36-inch, Finish White Mercerized
Gabardine, 10 to 20-yard lengths,
beautiful cloth at less than mill
cost; special sale, a yard. . . .35c
39-inch, Pure White Dotted
Swiss, sheer, clingy fabric, good
grade, 10 to 20-yard lengths;
special sale, a yard 18c
$1.00 Towels, 69c
Full bleached, extra large
(so-called Jumbo size), hem
med ends, very heavy and
fluffy, slightly soiled from
7J$e Brandeis Wash Cloths,
each, at 3
Whit QmAe ,
White Lace and Check Embroidered Voile, in
newest designs, 36 inches wide, for blouses and
dresses; January sale, a yard .' 59
40-Inch White Chiffon Voile, made from selected
combed yarns, dainty for blouses; January sale,
a yard 81.00
White Irish Linen, our own direct importations
from Ireland; made from fine flax, 36 inches
wide, January sale, a yard 75
36-Inch Shadow Striped White Gabardine, wool
finish, soft and medium heavy weight, for nurses'
uniforms, skirts, middies, etc. January sale, a
yard 25
Voiles, a large variety of pretty patterns for
dresses and waists, in plaids, coeds, satin stripes,
embroidered novelties, etc. 36 inches wide, a
yard .29tf
Soft, Silky Lingerie Batiste, in white and flesh,
for undermuslins, 36 inches wide January sale,
a yard 17d
White and Cream Voile, excellent quality for
making curtains, sold from the bolt, 40 inches
wide; January sale, a yard....v 19&
Medium Heavy Satin Plaid Pajama Cloth, fine
quality, pure white, 36 inches wide; a yard, 10
Splendid Assortment of Pretty White Goods,
Such as Seed Voile, Lace Cloth, Striped Organ
dy, Check Voile, Satin Stripes and Coeds, 36
biches wide, January sale, a yard 19
36-Inch White Windsor Crepe, in full bolts, for
slips, undermuslins, children's rompers, etc.; a
yard 22
Good Heavy Quality White Victoria Lawn, 40
inches wide, a yard 12
40-Inch Imperial Nainsook, soft and pure white,
for undermuslins, 12-yard bolts, January sale, a
bolt 82.59
No. 1910 Imperial Sea li
land Nainsook, 42 ins. wide,
12-yard bolts 83.25
Japanese Nainsook, fine
quality, pure white and free
from filling, 40 inches wide,
10-yard bolt '. 82.65
In a JSa '
Special Civ
'Sale M
Sewing Machines
Remarkable Sale
A Money-Saving Opportunity
An Enamelware Sale of
unusual merit. The ware is
triple coated, with a glossy
attractive light green mot
tled white enamel, which
is extremely tenacious.
This line is of more than
ordinary durability and
appearance and a wonder
ful bargain at the price of
fered. Choice, Each, 69c
10-quart Water Pails.
1 -quart Seamless Rice
Boilers with Enamel Covers.
5- quart Seamless Tea Kettles
with Enamel Covers.
10-quart Preserving Kettle.
6- quart Berlin Kettle with
Enamel Covers.
2-quart Coffee Pot, Enamel
14- quart Dish Pans.
15- quart Oval Dish Pans.
6-quart Berlin Sauce Pan,
Enamel Covers.
Basement. ,
For Monday and Tuesday,
TWO Days only, Twenty-Four
early buyers can secure Sew
ing Machines at very low prices.
Look at These Prices
66 SINGER (NEW), Worth
$60.00; Sale Price $37.50
New Home (Floor Sample),
Worth $50.00; Sale Price,
at ...$32.50
Six Drawer Golden Oak, Worth
$42.50; Sale Price $35.00
Six Drawer Golden Oak, Worth
$28.00; Sale Price $16.50
Four Drawer Golden Oak,
Worth $25.00; Sale Price,
at $14.50
One Wheeler & Wilson, Used;
Sale Price $9.95
Several Slightly Used Free Ma
chines at Greatly Reduced Prices
Any Machine may be pur
chased on our easy payment
plan. $1.00 DOWN and then
$1.00 per week.
We do hemstitching and Pic
otitis; at reasonable prices, all
work guaranteed. Needles for 1
all makes of machines.
Main FloorRear