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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1918)
40 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; JANUARY 6, ltfltf. v! FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. CHEYENNE CO.. NEBRASKA. Section for nla: Six and one-half mile ". from Lodgepol. A bargain If taken bfor March 1, 1018. Write C. L. Pate, (It Nat ' Bank building. Omaha, Neb. GOOD atock ranch, consisting of 1.180 acrea of land. It mile (oath of North Piatt, 4 mtle north of Diekon, Neb., en the B. 4 M. railroad. 110 per acre. Writ F!rt National Bank, Harden, Colo. SMALL Nebraska farm on aay payment acre up. W rra the farm w aell you. Tb Hungtrford Potato Grower' association. Uth and Howard 8ta. Omaba Hoorls 0171 i'OR SALE 480 acre of graxlng and al falfa bottom land In Lincoln county, Neh. Near a good town. Can b divided. Ad dress, A.- J. VanAnda, Pawne City, Neb. 120 ACRES. 8 mile northwest of Blair; new house, large barn, fenced and other Im provement; worth $200 per acre; will sell for If. Call Red 1254. or Hit Be Bid PRICED to sell by owner. 120-a. corn and alfalfa land, t ml 8. W. of Coleridge. Neb. All can be farmed. Paul Peterson. Blair. Neb. 120 ACRES. L'--oln Co.. Neb., a bargain. JOHN J. MULVIHILL. REALTOR. tOO Brandel Theater Bldg. Phon ' Poaglss Ot. 10 ACRES, nearly level. Improved, between Oakland and Wert Point. Neb., at only $110. on easy term. G. A. KulU Oakland. Neb. (I ACRES, all In cultivation. V mil 8. W. of Allen. Neb.; all good land; wilt Mil at a bargain. 8. Larson. Carka, Neb. RANCHES of alt ls and kind. ay term. A. A. Patsman. 101 Karbeen Blk, LlBT your land for quick reaults with C J. Cnan. 110 McCagn Bldg.. Omaha, Missouri Lands, SMALL MISSOURI FARM. 110 aah and II monthly, no lntrt of tax: highly prodoctlv land; oloaa U I tbre big markets. Writ for photograph - and fall Information. MUNQER, A-llt. NT Mi Bldg. Kanaa City. Mo 40 ACRES, Bate county, Missouri, well Improved, terms, no trad. Beach, IK Rldg Building, Kana City. Mo. " Wisconsin Lands. FORCED SALS SNAP, ' 111 highly productlv acre, nearly lvl; TO under cultivation; balanca ay clear ing; om woven wlr fencing; no tone; fin new 7-room house, large screened porch, good collar; warm barn for II head; good silo and W- outbuilding; good well; appl trees and imall fruit On main road and cream rout, 4 miles from stor; I mile from Shell Lak. Wls eonatn. This fin farm must so at forced sal before Jan. It, and to make this absolutely certain 1 offered at only III an acre; about V, cash, balanc to suit; good title; could not be bought In the print for less than double this prlc. Bom man of quick action will get a bargain. Equity Balty Exchange, 100 Olob Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Miscellaneous, " iiitACRB FARM $14,000. ON MARYLAND'S EASTERN SHORE. On Improved road In proprou farm ing neighborhood only I mile to town. Ill acres lvl, fertll. ston-fr land In ultlvatlon, good for I tons hay, 100 bush la potatoes, $0 bushels corn or 40 bush Is wheat per aor. Tlmbr atlraatd worth $1,000. Two dwellings, I barn. 4 stables, granarle, poultry houses, to., te. W enjoy short, mild, nearly snow-fr winters, long, delightful summers, with j1nty of rain, and lvel cement auto roada Plow and sow peas In February dig ee end crop potato and sd wheat Id No vember. Western farmer settling all around. Com and so. Detail pag 11. Strout's Catalogu of 111 Bargains In a dosen states. Copy mailed fre. H. A. trout Farm Agency, Dpt 1071, 101 0. Uth St, Omaha. Neb. CHf TCP) FARMS Nllwon. 411 Rn Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED WANT LAND Owner of tha following proprtls hr la Omaha wants to get a farm or ranoh: 7 One larg brick tor building, first story; scond and third torls frame: fin rooming houa proposition; prlo tlMOfc dear. On new pred brick stora build Ing. prlc H.000I mtg It.soo, wn rnud. Orf room house, fin oondltlon. on good corner lot; prlc. $1,100, mortgage "ona'll.OOO first farm mortgage, I THti, I Pr cnt , v ( S. S. and R. E. Montgomery, tit City National " WANTED TO KENT. m I am an experienced firmer and stock , I hav I boy, on. It. ' ono 1$. all ralaed on a farm. I dd to town last spring and don't Ilka It I want to rant an equipped grain and stock farm a gharas whero ovryhlng woo'db " furnish by th owner. Anyon bavtng a farm to rnt that way ddresaH. H. unrry, i-arneu, im. Don't list your farm with If Tow want - U ""'a'p. BNOWDEN SOW. 411 Uth. ' Dougl $171. . rwANJT to rent a I to I0-eorfarm near OmaUa, with option of buying; reliable , and Induatrlowa. J. Simmons, 1140 N. 4 at, a l at U'.'i U. 1 1 l"L.-. nm nwnsr of moo a urn tor m Ji";- tcrlntlon. u. r. nwn. . m ' r-- AUTOMOBILES Satisfied Customers Our Best Advertisement Every car sold with a money back if not satisfied guarantee. N.w Oakland light lx roadsUr. $71". flllghtly used Oakland six touring. $500. Maxwell touring, nearly nw, $421. We are the used Ford men New Ford touring, $409. . Bllghtly ued 'IT touring. $15$. Good '10 Ford touring. $160. - -v 10 Ford touring, good tires, $". II Ford touring, repainted. $" . 14 touring, good tire, own"'' t W(ntr top for Hudson l-M. $. Winter tops for Fords, solid glass doors, TBadlator repair work; all work guaran- UNew and second-hand radiators for all TRAWVER AUTO CO. TX.UXU OOTC 1110 Farnm St. Closing 6ut'used-uars Having iftthl ' TTlllys-Overiana orenc... - them to sell. Tak advantag of th p clal prices while they last. , Van Brunt Automobile Co. 104T Famam St. "USED CAR BARGAINS. . large asaortment to select from. All lat model, from $10 un. , M. C. MEEKS, - : v Omaha Oarag. loth J"':.,, m-V- its Pongla llOt- "ennn MANIFOLD HEATERS $2.50 r Power attachment. $J. and Nonklck. bur rlar proof crank. $ 10: C O. TO. Free tr lei An Wanted. "Oakl.y." To.1- . office Box II. omana. "tiAn1 "e 111! .... On Ford delivery car J .Ono 114 Road.ter Tell "1 Herney St. P. , ATT klrte of cere for hire, with or with A"'tkdrlv.,?fby the mil. or by th hour lc per -mil Douglas tllO. N- . rreeV evtce Oen Ftudeheker-Wlleen. In W bv the Ket bsrraln Sj t on" Bemev '71. Fsmsm t llth Av. FOR SAlTw- 117 even-paaenger Hupmo bile. Bun 1.000 mllea At bargain. wff Pmf ' a tfim(r',w1,.w Kebraska TVnuV ".. Omi Neb. f!WVT Snw-Sl fne ' t $' ! fben r.nir frt,e? wevee vn: er"i on . floor. T3. I HolllnsawoTth. Over- trtn. rr WmmW"" . 1 wr .. ee ia ft T pvefa , save r. prevents i pn? MX. 0eh., Web. B4rT,rriPj r-W1. 9.hnr ev1c: - 11m1 for de'lveid Omsbe Ttedlator. A Wore-. 11 Cnm. sit. Tv. 071 A VTrrwFnn nvrtr CAPif" inn I'sirn CAR"!; nnk-k l: no delay Aut Fx- 4ine Vn 17 Fereem lt Tn sex GITR VTrn TTWX! AVn VTT,rAVT7TNO CO a 'I Vtnrte of tire rwfrlnS" end wora guaranteed, Dougla 7151. 110 Douglas St. AUTOMOBILES AUTO EXCHANGE CO., BARGAINS Satisfaction Guaranteed Every Customer W do honestly and sincerely endeavor to live up to this motto. W guarantee th mechanical condition of every car In this ad. This does not necessarily mean that wa hav overhauled every car, but It doe mean that we hav overhauled every car that needed It. Evry car ha been refinlshcd through out Including new tops where necessary. Ford touring, good running order. ..$160 1915 Ford touring IIS 1910 Ford touring, new tires, newly painted ISO UK Ford touring, new tires, lots of extra 121 1117 Ford roadster, nearly new 121 1017 Ford touring, good running or der i:s 1(11 Ford touring, brand new...... 171 1017 Ford eoupalet, lota of ex t res... 471 ( Ford chasis, good running order, each 140 1 new 111) Ford bodies, curtains, tops, shields, each S Hudson "14" roup 450 Chalmers touring, good running order 110 Mots ouring, newly painted ., tii Regal touring, good running order.. 210 Chevrolet roadster. Ilk new 271 Overland roaditer "71," newly pslnted 171 Overland touring "71," like new.... 410 Chalmers master six .,. 410 Buick 17, newly painted ........... 414 Studebaker, Ilk new 410 Cadlllao touring, good running order. $00 If yon aro dlatlsfld with your old ear trade It Is and get ono you can us. Make small payments each month; w stor It for you until yon want It , Opa Sundays and evenings. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., Douglas 1911. HOT Farnam. ATTENTION GARAGE MEN! Ws will soon bo In position to supply jrott with all kinds of AUTO PARTS At tl to lis on th dollar; sav us your order. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., Douglas 1015. 2107 Farnam. STUDEBAKER - WILSON, (INC.) QUALITY USED CARS Few people hav any conception of th manufacturing facilities behind th Stud baker cars, or th magnitude of th operation Involved. Th great Stude bsker foundries, forge shops, plants, ma chin shops and body works aaaur th owner ot two vitally Important points. First that the finished product Is wholly a Studebaker creation, worthy of th best traditions of a-OS-yaar leadership among American manufacturer. And as suoh, a product for which Stud baker I proud to assume complete re sponsibility. Second That th hug Investment be hind this vast successful enterprise makes It certain that regardless ot condition during th war or after th war, her Is a great company that I In business to stay, and to deilvar to tha public a high grade product at a reasonable price. THE BARGAINS- 1114 Studebaker Four Touring Car. ,,,$JS0 ,1014 Studebker Four Touring Car, ..$171 'lilt Studebaker Six Touring Car.. ,.$600 101$ Studebaker Six Touring Car.... $471 1011 Studebaker Six Touring Car.. ..$100 1014 Studebaker Four Touring Car. ,.$400 1011 Studebaker Four Touring Car. ..$500 1111 Studebaker Four Touring Car. ..$450 1010 Studebaker Six Touring Car.. ..$700 1017 Studebaker Four Touring Car.. ..$600 1017 Studebaker Four Touring Car.. ..$700 1017 Studebaker Six Touring Car.... $750 1117 Studebaker Six Touring Car.,.. $700 1017 Studebaker Six Touring Car.... $000 101$ Studebaker Four Touring Car. .,.$750 1017 Maxwell Roadster $4110 1111 Overland Touring Car.... 1226 1017 Studebaker Landau r...90 Bulok Roadster, reftnlshed $171 Ford Dsltvery Truck, complete, an x- tra bargain ..$150 Columbia Eleotrlo, enclosed car; Just the thing for winter $110 NOW IS TUB TIMB TO BUT. Studebaker-Wilson, Inci Farnam St.. at llth Av. liar. 171. ON) 1114 Ford Roadster: good condition. toth and Harney Kts. Douglas 1351. STANDARD MOTOR CO. 1017 Ford For Sale. 1030 Farnam St. Cart Chngatrom. BARGAINS IN USKD FORD CARS. lloCaffrsy Motor Co., 10th and Howard. Ford Agents. Doug. 1501. ONB new Ford i never been run; speak quick. MARSH OAKLAND CO. toth and Harney St. Dougla 1151. ONS Light Six Bulvk, first-class condition. MARSH UAK.LANU CO., toth and Harney Hts. Douglas 1361. A FEW 1111 Ford touring cars, On used 1017 Ford touring; 4001 B. 14th St Bo. 4340. OAKLAND aenslbl Six. HARSH OAKLAND CO., 1200 Firnam St. ONB light six Oakland. MARSH OAKLAND CO. toth and Harney fits. Douglas $181. BARGAINS In used car. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414, BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Ever ready Battery Station. 1104 Farnam. Auto Bodies. NOW IS TUB TIMB TO PAINT YOUR AUTO. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO CAR RIAOR WKS. 1621 Leavenworth. Tv. T01. Auto livery and Garages. DOUGLAS 2832. Day and night aarvlc. Ford parts welding and carbon burning. Storage tires and accessories. Cuming Qarage, Twenty-fourth and Cuming. RKNT- A FORD DRIVE IT tOURSELF. lOo a mile, IH per hour, minimum charge. (Except Sunday and holiday.) FORD LIVERY CO., Douglas 1411. 1114 Howard St. Tlrrt and Supplies. DEALER WANTED TO BEPRE8ENT FORD TRUCK ATTACHMENT THE CAMELFORD , $40 r. O. B., CHICAGO. Th only truck attachment converting th regular Ford Into a one-ton-truck for $40. Is doing tha sarn thing that other form-a-truck devlcea ar doing for $350. In dally use by thousands of firm all over th country. Live prospects everywhere. Great money making proposition for re liable party. State fully your qualifica tion and territory wanted. Replies held In strict confidence. MAREMONT MANUFACTURING! CO., SOLB MAKERS. 11$ S. WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. GUARANTEED TIRES HALF PRICa 10x1, at $4.10; 10xm. $7.11; 23x!t. $1.11; 11x4. $10.11; 14x4. $10.16; $Sx4Mh $11.31. Good second-hand tires and tube. I Auta part. $0 to 71 per cent ot list Writs us for particulars. AUTO RADIATOR, LAMPS AND WINDSHIELD , repairing, auto tlr and tub repairing our apeclalty. Boylan Auto Radiator Co., AGENTS WANTED. 1511 Davenport Bt. Phone D. HI 4. "BILT-NU" tires, guaranteed 1.100 mil save money. Vulcsnltlng and retreading Auto and rardltor repairing. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRB AND ATJTO WORKS. 1110-11 Cuming St. Tyler 017 TIRE price wrerkere This is no 3 In 1 tire COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. HOlVj Jackson. Agis. wanted. Omaha. Nek AUTOMOBILES TIRES AT HALF PRICE. ALL SIZES. New $0x1 Firestone, 17.00; Ford tubes, $1 New SOxlH Non Skid Firestone, $11.00. KAIMAN'H TIRB SHOP. 1721 CCMINO SAVE 60 PUR CENT ON YOUR TIRES. O. A O. Tlr and Vulcanizing Co.. 2411 Leavenworth. Tyler 1241-W. FOR SALE One gallon Bowser gasoline pump in good condition.. Motor shop. Bennett, Nob. BUV Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tlr troublee. Powell Sup ply Co.. 2051 Farnam Bt. Starters -nd Generators Repaired. We repair any storage battery, guaran teeing same for six months. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO. 2511 Hsrney St. Tyler 3104. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 216 S 19t ll St Douglas 64M Auto Repairing and Painting. PHON HARNEY 2907 for auto repairing DELAY & DEAL. W. Farnam Oarage, 1127 Farnam. Now open. Give u a trial. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair Colls repaired. Baysdorfer. 210 N llth. EDWARDS. E. S.. 2611 N. lth St Web ster 1102. For best results with re pan work consult us. RADIATOR repair work, all work .guaran teed Trswver Auto Co.. 1110 Fsrnam St. Motorcycles and. Bicycles H A R L E Y DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used mschlne. Victor H. Roo. Th Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth MEDICAL WHY SUFFER! Latest and most scisntlflo treat ment for all disease. Dr. Charles Barnes, 111-124 Rose Bldg. Ex amination and consultation free. He Is curing thousands. WBT NOT YOU 7 Delays ar dangerous. If yon can't call, writ. Hours: I a, in to I p. m. 7:10 to 1:30 ovsnlng. Sunday by appointment WANTED. I Elderly people of means desiring th ad vantage and convenlencea of a real home, medical attention, careful nursing If lick; advantage of all kinds of baths, amuse ment parlors and th Ilk with board, room and every convenience to make there comfortable to writ Box T-336, Omaha Bee. RUPTURE successfully treatd without a urglcal operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. Wrsy, 304 Bee Bldg. OXYGEN. Sample Treatment fre to th afflict. 112 S. 2th. Tel. Harney 1177. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licit your old clothing, furnltur, maga sine. We collect. W distribute. Phon Doug. 4121 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our nsw home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Hi. TO whom it may conoern: I hav pur chased th Central Bath Institute, and tt will now be run under th nam of La Bell Bath Institute. Edna La Bell. OMAHA bath Inst. Electrio, steam or tub hatha, massages of all kind. 221 Neville Blk. Doug. 7311. 16th and Harney Bt. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment. For appointment call Ty. 1038. 701 8. 14th. MISS FISHER, sulphur, ateam bath and massage. 170 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1650 MINNIE NAGLE, m ansae us, eteaia and electrio bath. 221 Neville Blk. D. Till. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing 611 Paxton Blk. Red 1400. MAE BRUGMAN, aclentlflo masseuse and baths. 201 Karbach Blk. Red 1727. BATH and massage. 180 Farnam Bt, room I. Phon Diugls 1761. VAPOR nd tub baths. Massage of all kinds. Rm. 1, 1600 Harney. Doug. 704$. IMMANUEL private maternity bom. Best esr. 2601 Bristol. Webster 2101. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 441$ N llth Bt. Phone Colfax 1041. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Be Bldg. Phon Dnugls 6871. MISS WENT, manicure, maaesg. 210 N. 17th. Manlrurlng and mass., 1423 Farnam. R. 10. MONEY TO LOAN Orgs nlned by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as aecurlty $40. I mo., H goods, total cost. $1.60. $40, ( mo.. Indorsed note, total eoet, $3.40 Smaller, Urge am'ts proportional rat. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 431 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Ty. ttt. LEGAL KATE LOANS $24.00 $240.00 OR MORE EASY PAYMENTS UTMOST PRIVACY 140 PAXTON BtC , TEL. DOUG. 22. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT 1 C SMALLER NS OCT. O W. C. FLATATJ. EST. 111$. " 4th Floor (Rose) Securities Bldg., Ty. $50. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS Lowest rate. Private loan booths. Barry Malashnrk. 1414 Dndxe TH Ml Ret 1401. REAL ESTATE Buy A War Garden "An Acre Farm" Close-In, that you can eultlvat and either live on yourself or llv In town and , work during your spar time. "A LITLE LAND AND A LIVING" I th proposition now. Rats everything In th way of vegetable and fruit and It you llv on th land raise poultry. $10 CASH $10 A MONTH , For Acre Farms Benson Gardens, Weat Benson, Benson Acres, North Sid Acre and South Sid Acres. Th last two ad dition ar on car line. We specialise In "Llttl Farms.1 HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1114 Harnsy St. Fhon Tyler 10. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Homestead company to Stanley Ma clcek t aL, Harrison avenue, 120 feet east of Thirty-fifth street, north side, 0x134 $ 221 Michael w, Naylon and wife to Boris Pred, California street, 130 feet west of Thirtieth street, south eld, 40x131 1,000 Imperial Investment company to Carl L. Modesltt, Woolworth avenue, 264 feet west ot Thirty-fifth street, south aide. 11x141.1 1,500 Lorena Merrill and husband to Martha A. Miller. Twenty-seventh avenue, 331 feet north of Fort treet. wait side, 44x110 400 LEGAL NOTICE. Stockholders' Notice. Omaba. January, lit, 111. Notlc I hereby given that tha annual meeting ot th stockholders ot th Omaha Oaa company will be held at th office of th company, 1600 Howard atreet, at 10:10 a. m Monday, January Hit, 111. for th lection of director for tha nutng year, and for tb transaction ot such other busi ness a may com before tb meeting. FRANK T. HAMILTON, President GEO. W. CLABAUQH. Secretary. NotJoo. k Th regular annual meeting of th stock' holders ot The Be Building company will be held at the office of that company In Omaha at 4 o'clock p. m. January 16. Ill for th election of a board of directors tor th ensuing year, and for th transaction of such other business aa may properly cam bpfor th meeting i By order of the preeidpnt. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Market Closes 40 Cents Lower for Week; Hogs Some Lower; Sheep k Are Higher. Omaha, January 5, 1913. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Recelnts were; Official Monday .., 4.024 3,949 17.903 Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday Official Thursday , Official Friday ... Estimate Saturday . 4.447 6.494 6.113 6.125 8.204 0.382 13.094 7.225 250 5.471 14.494 3,845 11,4 800 7,700 Six days this week..27.4S3 62,324 53.97S Rams day last week.. 19,164 27,971 32,426 Same days 2 wit, ago.29,442 48,350 79.763 Same day 1 wks. ago.35,814 58.0G1 48,627 Same days 4 wks. ago.51,008 51,989 72,882 Same daya last year ..28,739 67.381 53,138 Cattle The cattle supply this week 'was a little larger than last, but smaller by sev eral thousand head than for the correspond ing week a year ago. The trend of the mar ket was extremely Irregular. Packers did not want high priced beeves, at tho prices that had been in force, and broke them every day. the market closing 25$40c lower than last Friday, with no choice beeves coming, and best here selling around 112. 0 12.:;. Medium kinds were not over 1025c lower, and the light cheap cattle held near ly stesdy. Good to choice cows closed higher. Dut otner grade reacted after Wednes day, and medium and plain kinds finished 162So lower then Wednesday, or barely steady with Thursday of the previous week. Choice heifer are bringing $11.00011.60. with best cows as high aa $10.25, medium kind being around $6.7501.26, and can nsrs and cutters at $6.764.75. Burls and ealves were higher, a good many ot Fri day's sales being 26e above a week ago, with beat bulls at $10.25, and eholc veal calve up to $13.00, Very llttl rang stuff wa her. Th few grass becvea that showed up sold fully steady, while stockers and feeders closed at least 25c higher for th week, and most of th stocksr showed mors advanc than that ' Receipt today wer 2 cars, being a llttl larger than a week ago for a Saturday, but not heavy enough to make a market. Quotation on cattle: Prime heavy beeves, $13.004914.00; good to choice beeves, 411.75 012.76; fair to good beeves, 1 0.00 1 1.60 ; common to fair beeves, $8.0009.76; good to choice yearlings, $12.00014.00; fair to good yearlings, 110.60012.00; common to fair yearlings, $6.50010.50; good to choice grass beeves. $10.00011.26; fair to good grass beeves, $8.75010.00; common to fair grass beeves, $6.5008.50; good to choice heifers, $8 60011.00; good to choice cows, $8,600 10.00; fair to good cows, 17.0008.25; com mon to fair cows. $5.7606.75; good to choice feeders, $9.75010.90; fair to good feeder, $3.2609.76; common to fair feed ers, $6.00 07.00; good to 'choir stockers, $8.6009.60; stock heifers, $6.5008.26; stock cows, $6.0007.26; stock calves, $6.0009.00; vval calves, $9.50013.00; bulls, stags, etc., $7.00010.26. Hogs Receipts ot, hogs today were lib eral for a week-end and trade for the most part waa active. The majority of the of fering were sold before 10:30, at prices that wer anyway 5010c lower than Fri day's market. Packer were th majority buyer, shippers confining their purchases to a limited number. The top prlc paid waa $16.45, or a nickel under the best price paid yesterday, while th bulk of th hogs moved at $16.20016.35. Trad for the week is around 20o lower. Representative sales; No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 78. .184 40 $1$ 00 80.. 170 Sh. Pr. ... $16 10 ... 16 25 40 16 15 ... 14 45 46. .271 110 II 20 86. .261 70 1-6 10 13. .803 70. .250 50. .114 PIOS. 100.. Ill 71.. 117 14. .141 II 40 II $0 14 00 Sheep Th run of sheep and lambs here this week baa been liberal, but In spit of this th general trend of the market ha been higher. Handy lamb ar closing 150 ISo abov a week ago and heavies show mor advanc than that In most case. Old beep ar lOOllo higher and feeders ar showing soms strength. Th present quo tation on all killing stock ar th highest In several weeks. Today's trade was nom inal, nothing of consequence being on offer. Quotations on sheep and lambs; Lambs, handywelght, $16.60017.00; lambs, heavy weight, $16.75016.65; lambs, feeders. $14.00015.75; . lambs, shorn, $11.50013.50; lambs, culls, $10.00014.00; yearlings, fair to choice, $11.60013.25; yearlings, feeders, $13.0014.26; wethers, fair to choice, $11.00013.60; ewes, fair to choice, 110.00 11.60; ewes, breeders, all ages, 10.50 16.60; ewes, feeders, $7.60010.60; ewes, culls and cannars, $5.0007.25. New York General Market. New Tork, Jan. $. Flour Market unset tled: government basis, $5 per cent; spring, $10.65010.75 In sacks to arrlv; winter pat ent, $10.50010.75; winter straights, $10.15 010.10; Kansas straight. $10.65010.80, all nominal. Corn Spot quiet; kiln dried, No. 2 yel low, $1.87, and No. 4 yellow, $1,17, cost and freight, New Tork, 15-day shipment; Ar gentine, $2.05, cost and freight, New Tork to arrive. Oats Spot firm; standard, ll04VsC Hops Easy; state, medium- to choice, 1917, 47065o; 1116, nominal; Pacitlo coast 1917, 22026c; 1916,, 15011c. Hides Quiet; Bogota, 4lc; central Amer ica, 40c. Leather Firm; hemlock sol overweights, No. 1, lie; No. 2, 49c. Provisions Pork, steady; mess, 160.000 61.00; family, $54.00065.00; short clear, $60.00066,00. Lard, . firm; mlddlewest, $14.00024.70. Wool Firm; oomestio iieece, aa onto. TOe, Rice Firm; fancy head, 0c; oiu rose, 114080. ... Butter Market firm receipt, e.osi tuos; ereamerr. higher than extras, 62V4 0 53o; extra (91 score), tic; firsts, 47051Ho; seo- onds, 43046HC Eggs Market steady: receipts. - ,si cases; fresh gathered, extras, 679; extra first, $4oj firsts, 2046o; seconds, 160 Ho. Chees Market steady; receipts, 2,931 boxes; state, whola milk, flats, fresh, spe cials, 23tt024c; same, average run, 23c Poultry Alive, market firm: cnicnen, 20021c; fowl, 11026c; turkeys, 20022c. Dressed, market Irregular; chicken, 21V0 35c; fowls and turkeys, market unchanged. Dnluth Linseed. Ttnliith. Tn 5. Llnssed I1.52U Ol.tltt : January, 13.62; May. 11.45 bid; July, 13.17 bid; October,, nominal. WEEK'S REVIEW OF THE MARKETS Chicago. Jan. 6. Uncertainty which re sulted from abolishing all priority orders (to th railroads gav th bulla an advantage thla week In th corn market - Compared with a week ago, prices thla morning were up Ho to o. Oats wer unchanged to lc higher and provisions down 7o to 42c It anoaared only reasonable to assume that however Imperative th need had . be ooma for putting all classes ot freight on an equality, the Immediate effect ot with drawing preference which ha been ac corded to grain would be at least a tem porary slowness In th movement of corn from first handa. A a matter of fact, rural offorlnga did continue light and dif ficulty In getting cars for shipment from country elevator remained In evidence, al though better traffic conditions were looked for soon, especially if mild temperautre could be counted on. Peac gossip mean while made no headway as a bearish factoi except In th early part of th week be fore word cam that the Russian had as sumed an attitude ot defiance Highest price yet this season were reached In th oat market Export buying wa largely responsible, d.wplte the subse quent apparent lull In seaboard demand. Big atocks hers and at otner western points weakened provision. Cash Inquiry fell off. Financial. New Tork. Jan. 6. The first week of the new year In Wall street was attended by a succession of Important developments mostly helpful to th constructive side of the stock market This wa reflected In a resumption ot the previous week' advance, although profit-taking and occasional activity for th short account acted as 'a restraining In fluence. Th president's message to congress In th matter of government control of the rail roads evoked much favorable comment espe cially hla reference to th protection ot in vestors. Nevertheless, rails yielded 1 to 4 points from their best, following publication of the address, but thla wa In part attributed to th time-honored custom of 'selling on th good news." , Th trend of events abroad waa observed with unusual Interest especially th Ruaso German negotiation. Their movement of exchange on Italy was a natural corrollary of military condition affecting that country. There waa an appreciable relaxation on ratea In the local money market tlm fund being arallabl for th first tlm In six weeks at 6 to 4 per cent call loans also easing perceptibly. Sal by the American Telephone com pany ot $40,000,000 I per cent one-year not waa noteworthy, because this Issue, offered at a prlc yielding about T par cent, replace an lasu originally marketed at 4 par cnt- OMAHA CASH GRAIN PRICES TODAY On corn receipts, with 197 carloads, Omaha passed all the grain markets of the country. With the heavy re ceipts, cash prices were lower, early biddinsr indicating- a decline of sev eral cents from Friday, when sales were made at ?1.40 and $1.65 a bushel. Oats were around a cent higher, selling at 794 and wyi cents i bushel. The receipts were 64 car loads. Wheat receipts were 37 carloads. Loral Htoeh and Bonds. Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker ft Co., 449-53 Omaha .National bank building, Omaha: Stocks. Bid. Asked. Cudahy Packing C. common.. 110 112 Deere & Co. preferred 96 97 Emerson Brantingham 38 40 Falrm'nt Cream. Co. 7 pet pref.102 Gooch Milling A Elevator Co. 7 pet. prefferred "B" 99 101 Lin. Tel. & Telegraph com..., .. 95 Neb. Power Co. 7 pet. pfd,...100Vi 100.7l Om. C. B. St. Ry. pfd 65 .1 Om. & C. B. Ky. & Bridge pfd.. 58 62 Orchard & Wll'm Co. 7 pet. pfd.101 102 Sheridan Coal Co. com...' 75 M. E. Smith A Co. 7 pet. pfd.. 100 103 Skinner Mfg. Co. 8 pet. pfd 103 Union Stock Yards Co. stork. .100 ... Union power & Lt 7 pet pfd. .100 100 Bonds: Argentina Dollar Bonds 94 96 Canadian 6s, 1919 95 95 Canadian 6s, 1937 90 91 Columbus Lt., Ht. as P. 5s, 1924 14 45 Federal Farm loan 4, 1937.100 100 Hast, Neb.. School 4s, 1927. 98 98.87 Iowa Ry. 4 Lt. Co. 6s,1932... 89 90 Kansas Gas & Elec. 6s, 1922..., 95 96H Kan. City Terminal 6. 1918.... 99 99 Om. Ath. C. Bldg. 6. 1920-12. 99 100 Omaha, Neb., Various 4.61 Omaha (South) Neb. 4s, 1925. 97 97 Oakdaie, Neb., Water 6a 99 100 Russian Gvt. Int. 6, 1926.. 82 86 Seaboard Airline Ry. 6s, 1918. 97 97 Wilson & Co. 6s, 1941 95 96 Wood R., III., 5 pet Impr. 1918 99 10s Wichita Union Stock Tards 6s.. 99 ... . 1 ' t Coffee Market. y New Tork, Jan. 6. There was a further advance in tlie market for coffee futures to day. Prices opened unchanged to 3 points lower under scattered realising, but com paratively small orreringa were readily ab sorbed by brokers with Wall street and for eign connections, and May' soon sold up to S.7UC, wnne September touched 9.02c or about 12 to 14 pointa net higher. Con tinued discussion of peace prospects, the uncertainties of importation and the firmer tone of the spot market were factors In the advance. Reactions followed under realiz ing, with the close showing a net gain of 2 to 6 points. January, 8.25c; March, 8.46c; May, 8.61e; July, 8.77c; September, 1.93c; October, 9.03c; December, 9.13c. Spot coffee, firm; Rio 7s, tc; Santos, lOftc. No fresh orders were reported In the cost and freight market. The official cables showed no chang In the Rio market Santos spots were 50 rels and futures 25 to 100 rels higher. Rio cleared 17,000 bags and Santos 29,000 for New Tork, Brazilian port receipts, 68, 000 bags. St. Louis Live Stock. 8t. Louis, Mo., Jan. I. Cattle Receipts, 600 head; market steady; native beef steers, $8.00014.00; yearling steers and heifers, $7.00015.60; ewes, $5.00010.50; stockers and feeders, $6.50010.00; southern steer, $6,760 12.76; beef cows and heifers, $4.00 0 10.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7,500 10. 0O; native calves, $5.71016.00. Hog Receipts, 4,000 head; market low er; lights, $16.80016.50; pigs, $11.76 0 15.00; mixed and butchers, $16.40016.60; good heavy, $16.60016.70; bulk of sales, $16,300 16.60. , Sheep and Lambs' Receipts, none; market nominally steady; lambs, $11.00017.26; ewes, $10.0.0011.50; wethers, $11.00012.60; eannera, $6.0009.00. Kansas City Llv Stock. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. I. Cattle Re ceipts, 600 head; market steady; prim fed steers, $13.00014.00; dressed beef steers, $10.26012.25; southern steers, $7.00 0 9.00; cows, $6.25011.00; heifers, $6.60 011.60; stockers and feeders, $7.00011.60; bulls, $7.00010.00; calves, $6.60014.00. Hogs Receipts, 11,500 head: market lower; bulk of sales, $16.10016.60; heavy, $10.35 016.55; packers and butchers, $16.20 016.40; light, $16.15016.40; pig, $13,600 15.50. i Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 500 head; market strong; lambs, $16.00017.10; year lings, $12.60014.00; wethers, $11.60012.75; ewes, $9.60012.00. Chicago Live Stack Market. Chicago, Jan. 6. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head; Monday, 19,000 head; market, steady; native steers, $7.60013.60; stockers and feeders, $4.60010.50; cows and heifers, $5.30 011.40; oalves, $8.25015.00. Hogs Receipt, 20,000 head; Monday, 40, 000 head; market unsettled; S01Oo under yesterday's average; bulk of sales, $16,100 16.40; light $16.60016.80; mixed, $15,860 16.45; heavy, $15.80016.60; rough, $15,800 16.00; pigs, $12.00015.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. (.000 head; Monday, 1,600 head; market, firm; wethers, $9.35011.20; ewes, $8.40011.10: Iambs, $13.25017.20. Sioux City Llv Stock. Sioux City, la.. Jan. I. Cattle Receipt. 500 head; market steady; beet steers, $8.00 013.0V; tat cows and heifers, $7.00010.00: canners, $5.6006.50; stockers and feeders $7.50011.00; calves, $8.00013.50: bulls, saga. etc, $7.0001.35; feeding cows and heifers. ss.uogis.on. Hogs Receipts, (00 head; market to lower; light, $15.75014.10; mixed, $16,100 16.20; heavy, $16.15016.80; pigs, $12,000 14.00; bulk of sales, $16.00016.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 100 head: market ateady. St Joseph Llv tSock. St Joseph, Mo Jan. 6. Cattle Receipts, 200 head: market stesdy; steers, $8,000 14.00; cows and heifers, $5.75012.60; calves, 18.00 013.00. Hogs Receipts, 2,000 head; market lower; top, $16.50; bulk ot sales, $18,260 16.45. i Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 100 head; market steady; lambs, 113.00 0 16.8 ewes, $6.00011.71. Omaha Hay Market. Prairie Hay and Alfalfa Receipts, good; demand, fair; market steady wjth price un changed. Prairie Hay Choice upland, $24.00; No. 1 upland, $22.00083.00; No. 1 upland. $18,000 19.00; No. I upland. $13.00016.00; Nc 1 midland, $22.00023.00; No. 2 midland; $18.00 011.00: No 1 lowland, $17.00018.00; No. 1 lowland, $11.00015.00; No. $ lowland, $12.00 013.00. Alfalfa Choice, $31.00; No. 1, $21,000 30.00; standard, $28,00; No. 1, $24.00025.00; No. 1, $21.00023.00. Oat straw, $9.50; wheal straw, $9.00. New Tork Money. New Tork, Jan. 5. Mercantile Paper t05 per cent Sterling Exchange 60-day bills, $4.71 H; commercial 60-day bills on banks. $4.71; commercial 60-day bills, $1.70; demand, $4.75; cables, $4.7$ 714. S Silver Bar, 80 c; Mexican dollars, 73c Bonds Ooven.ment steady; railroad heavy. . New York Cotton. New Tork, Jan. I. Cotton Futures opened firm; January, 11.69o; March, ll.Hc; May, 30.76c; July, 10.48c; October, 29.50c Cotton futures closed steady t January, 31.42c: March, 10.96c; May. 10.61c; July, 30.30c; October, 29.29o. Spot quiet; middling uplands, tt.40c Chicago Produce. Chicago, Jan. . 6. Butter Market un changed. Egg Market higher; receipts,, 4,701 cases; firsts, 66054c; ordinary firsts, 620 54c; at mark, cases Included, 50065c; re frigerator firsts, 41c. . Poultry Alive, market lower; fowls, 2O024c; springs, 23c. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Jan. 5. Corn No. 1 mixed, $1.7301.75; No. 1 white, $1.7701.78; No. 2 yellow, $1.7801.80; January, 11.2714; May, $1.26 01.26. Oats Nc 2 white. $3c; No, S mixed, 81082c Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Jan. i. Flour Market un changed. Barley $1.1701.67. Rye $1,860 1.86. Bran $31.50. Corn Nc 1 yellow, $1.70 01.76. Oats Nc S white, 80 08114c Flax $3.6003.44. St Louis Grain. ' St Louis. Jsn. 5. Corn Nc 3, $1.71; No. 1 whit. $1.44 01.411 January. $1.27;-May, $1.25. Oats Nc t, 110l2c; No. S whit, 130 $lc; May, 77c New Tork Sugar. New Tork, Jan. . Sugar Raw, market steady; molasses, nominal; centrifugal, 4.05c Refined, steady: granulated, 1.1101.15c ' v Kansas City Produce, Kansas City, Mo.. Jan, Buttsr, eggs and poultry unchanged. . . GRAIN ANDJRODUGE Receipts Total More Than 300 Cars; Corn Generally Low er; Oats Shaky; Eye Roles Firm. Omaha, January I, 1118. Receipts today wer very liberal, a total ot 103 cars showing up. Corn arrivals wer especially heavy, 197 cars of this cereal be ing reported. Wheat receipts wer only 37 cars, while those of oats were 64 cars. Rye and barley arrivals were one snd four cars, respectively. The Pennsylvania railroad has placed an embargo on all carload lots of freight ex cept foodstuffs and coal coming from other lines. The embargo affects all of its lines operating east of Pittsburgh. Corn waa generally lower and the mar ket apparently without any urgent de mand. Very little business waa transacted during the forenoon, buyers aid sellers be ing rather uncertain as to value and dif fering considerably. There was a fair demand from a few elevator men and local cereal manufacturers, but their wants were limited, and several samples were held over. Spot quotations were unchanged to 5c lower, the better grades selling close around yesterday's values and the lower grades st a decline. No. 4 white sold at $1.6501.65 and No. 4 yellow at 11.53 1,55 and tha No. 4 mixed at $1.6201.56. Oats were off fractionally, the spot be ing unchanged to a quarter lower. Trade in this article during the earl Ur hours was also light, but a fairly good demand de veloped later on and sales made more freely. No. 2 white oats brought 80c and th commercial grade of No. 1 whit 80c. No. 4 whit (old at 7l,e, while sample grade oata went at 79079c. Sales of ry and barley wer few, due to exceedingly light receipts. Either cereal was In good dmand and these offerings disposed of with no difficulty. Ry wa firm and barley unchanged. No. 1 ry sold at $1.7$ and No. 1 barley at $1.42 and the No. 4 grade at $1.43 01.46. On car ot rejected barley brought $1.41. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to bushels; oats. 415,000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts wer 601,000 bushels and shipments 156,000 bushels, against receipts of 834,000 bushels and ship menta ot 677,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 982,000 bushels and shipments 364,000 bushels, against re ceipts of 1,107,000 bushels and shipments or 296,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 913,000 bushels and shipments 794,000 bushels, against re ceipts of 605.000 bushels and shipments of 370,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 6 153 119 Minneapolis 278 Duluth 26 Omaha 37 197 64 Kansas City 26 94 26 St. Louis 35 85 77 Winnipeg 276 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, $2.12. No. 1 durum: 1 car, $2.15. No. 2 durum: 2 cars, $2.12. No. 2 amber durum; 2 cars, $2.16; 8 cars (8 per cent spring), $2.16; 1 car (7 per cent spring), $2.16. No.. 2 red durum: 1 car (4 per cent hard), $3.05. Barley No. 1: 1-6 car, $1.42. No. 4: 2-5 car, $1.43. Rejected: 1 car, $1.41. Oats No. 2 white: 5 cars. 80c No. 1 white: 1 cars, 80c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 71o. Sample white: 5 cars, 79c; 1 car, 73c. Corn No. 4 white: 3-6 car (18.80 moisture test, local), $1.65; 4 cars, (18 to 19.20 test), 81.66; 1 car, (19.40), $1.66; 1 car (19.60), $1.63. No. 6 white: 4 cars, (19.40 to 20), $1.48; 7 cars (19.40 to 20). $1.47; 4 cars (20.60 to 21), $1.46; 1 car (20.4). $1.46. No. 6 white: 2 cars (19.40 to 19.80), $1.41; 1 car, (, 81.4V; z cars (21. zu to 22), X1.39. Corn No. 4 yellow: 1 cars. $1.56: 2 cars, $1.64; 5 cars. $1.53; 1 car, $1.51. Nc I yellow: 1 car, $1.61; 1 car, $1.50; 1 car, $1.48; 1 cars, $1.47; 6 cars, $1.46; 2 bulk heads, $1.46; 6 cars, $1.45. No. 6 yellow: 1 car (immature). $1.41: 2 cars. $1.41: 2 cars, $1.40; 2 cars, $1.89. Sample yellow: 1 car, $1.19; 1 car, $1.00. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars, $1.65; 1 car, (near white), $1.54; 1 car, $1.63; 4 cars, $1.62; 2 cara, 11.50. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.47; 2 cars, $1.46; 6 cars. $1.46; 3-6 ear, $1.44. No. 6 mixed: 4 cars, $1.38; 4 cars, $1.36; 1 cars, $1.35. Sample mixed' 2 cars, $1.00; 3-5 car, 85c Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 4 white, $1.5501.56: No. 6 white, $1.4601.48; No. 4 yellow, $1.65; No. 5 yellow, $1.4601.60; No. 6 yellow, $1.4001.41; sample yellow, $1.18 01.20: No.. 4 mixed. 81.5201.55; No. i mixed, $1.4401.46; No. ( mixed, $1.36; sam ple mixed, 85c$1.00. Oats: No. 3 white, He: No. 3 white. 80c: sample. 71107 79 He. Barley: No. $, $1.42; No. 4, $1.43; rejected, $1.41. Rye: No. 3, $1.76. Chicago closing prices, rurmsnea xne ises by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Corn. Jan. 1 27 1 17 127 1 27 127 May 1 25 1 26 125 1 26 126 Oats, Jan. W 80 784 79 79 May 77 78 77 77 77 Pork. Jan. 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 45 20 May 44 65 44 97 44 65 44 85 44 80 Lard. Jan. 23 45 11 87 21 65 21 80 23 65 May 24 02 24 10 24 02 24 20 24 10 Ribs. - Jan. 21 17 21 11 23 17 23 52 22 17 May 23 97 24 12 23 90 34 00 23 97 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. General Belief That Large crop Movement Is Imminent Eases Corn. Chicago, Jan. (.General belief that th long expected larger crop movement was about to begin tended more or lea to ease tha corn market Closing prices were un settled, at $1.27 for aJnuary and $1.26 for May, with the finish aa a whole 0c off to o up. compared with 24 hours be fore. Oats closed at o decline to c ad vance. Provisions gained 6o to 10o net. Consignment notice from rural holders of corn showed a material Increase and there were reports current indicating sub stantial betterment of railroad traffic con ditions, notably In Iowa and Illinois. For the first time this season, an Illinois point announced a surplus ot cars. Besides weather favored shippers. No aggressive selling took place, however, as prospects were that agitation for a higher maximum limit en tha value ot future would soon tak concrete form. Some apparent renewal of strength was brought about also by week end adjustment of trade. Rumors that a virtual embargo would be placed on all shipments of grain east nulli fied advances In the oats market. Temporarily commission husa buying had lifted prices to a new high prlc record for ths season. , Packers buying hoisted provisions. Weak ness In the hog market had only a transient depressing effect , Chicago Cash Prices Corn: No. 2 and 3 yellow, nominal Oats: No. 3 white, 81 0 82o; standard, 82083c Rye: Nominal. Barley: $1.4001.68. Seeds: Timothy, $5,000 7.60; clover, $20.00026.00. Provisions: Lard, $23.85; ribs, $23.25023.87; pork, nominal. New Tork Bank Statement New Tork, Jan. 7. Tho actual condition of clearing bouse bank and trust com panies for the week (flv days) shows that thsy hold $61,270,620 reserve in excess of legal requirements. This Is a decrease of $61,106,310 from last week. Produce Prices Today Sugar, per lb vi-M u.h,.ilr. Kn 1 natenti: C IV.I v.,v,. - , 24-lb. sack J 48-lb. sack Flour (Nebraska No. 2 patent) 24-lb. aack 1 48-lb. sack $ Cornmeal, per lb Potatoes (Nebraska) per lb.: Best No. 1 Best No. 1 Butter (per lb.): Creamery. No. 1 Creamery, No. 2 Frn IMF dos. i 50 90 .45 .80 .04 .03 .02 .51 .49 .10 .48 .11 .10 .8 1-1 ,40 .06 Best storage selects No. 1 storage t Rice (In bulk, per lb.): Nc 1 Nc 1 Nc 1 - Rye flour: 24-lb. sack 1 Oatmeal, in bulk, per lb Bread (U. S. standard loaf, wheat rye or graham, wrapped): 16-ounc loaf 24-ounc loaf I2-ounc loaf .................... 48-ounc loaf .................... Beana, per lb.: Navy. No. 1. Pinto, best No. 1 Bacon (whole pieces, wrapped), lb.: Nc 1 No. S Hams (wbol):' Nc 1. skinned ; Nc 1. regular..... Shoulder Lard, per lb.: Nc 1. pure.....' Compound Oleomargarine (In cartons, per lb.): Nc 1 Nc 1 09 11 17 .25 17 12 47 40 15 16 24 11 21 15 30 NEW YORK STOCKS Reactions in Favorite Stocks and in Special Issues Wipe Out Much of Mid week's Gain. New Tork, Jan. I. Reactions of I to 4 points In favorite stocks, and I to T points In special Issues during today's brief, but very active session wiped out much, lt not all of the mid-week's gain and left the general Hat little above final quotations ot last year. The seling, which concentrated in steet and Cther industrials and equipments, ai well as prominent rails and the group of war shares, resulted In large part from peace rumors. These gained force from Turkey's reported overtures to Russia and the highly significant speech of the British premier, of which Well street had only as Inkling before the market closed. The losses In steels ranged from 1 to I points, in coppers 1 to 2, equipment 2 to 3, wltli 7 for Pullman; In shippings an average of 2 points, as much for motors . and accessories and 2 to 3 In oils and tobaccos. Pacifies, Grangers, coalers and eastern rails figured more or less equally In the heaviness of transportation. Leaders mad little recovery, the market closing ner lowest levels. Sale amounted to 140,000 shares. Aside from an actual decrease of about $51,000,000 In reserves, the weekly bank statement disclosed no marked changes In local monetary conditions. Bonds were under pressure, especially minor rails. Liberty 4s changed hands at 96.93 to 96.80 and th $ at 91.10 to 88.78i Total sales bonds, par value aggregated $1, 175,000. United States bands, old Issues, wr unchanged on call, during tb week. -Opening. 1:30 P. If. Liberty Bonds, 1st 91.80 $8.71 Liberty Bonds, 3d 86.90 4.4I Liberty Bonds, converted.. .97.70 97.70 Union Pacific 114 114 Southern Pacific $4 II Northern Pacific 11 ' Missouri Pacific 23 21 Canadian Pacific 134 126 Great Northern 90 89 A.. T. & S. F 86 5 Chi., Mil. & St. P 46 48 Chi., R. L 4 P... 21 14 Chi. & Northwestern 94 4 Chi. Great Western, pfd... 24 24 Wabash Ry 42 42 Wabash, pfd 21 Zl N. T., N. H. & H 81 101, New Tork Central 71 70 Pennsylvania R. R 45 45 Baltimore & Ohio 64 51 Reading 74 71 Lehigh Valley R. R 67 (7 Erie R. B 16 16 Erie 1st pfd 27 24 Chesapeake A Ohio R. R. .. 63 61 N. T.. Ont. A Western.... 11 21 Louisville A Nashville ....112 112 Southern Ry, 23 33 Mo., Kan. 4b Texas 4 4 U. S. Steel Corp., com.... 13 12 U. S. Steel Corp.. pfd. .....109 109 Republic Iron A Steal .... 77 74 Colorado Fuel A Iron 34 25 American Locomotive .... 66 66 Carbon Carbide 49 .... Am. Car Foundry 71 71 Baldwin Loco. Works .... 69 68 Gt. N. Iron Ore Prop 26 24 Anaconda Cop. Mln. Co 61 60 Chino Copper Co 48 42 Nevada Con. Copper ...... 18 18 Miami Copper Co 10 30 Ray Con. Cop. Co 23 21 Utah Copper Co 80 79 Insp. Con. Copper Co. 47 46 Butte A Superior 14 19 Texas Oil 142 138 Am. Smelt. A Refining Co. 78 76 Am. S. A R. Co., pfd. 104 104 Mexican Petroleum Co., ltd. 41 79 General Electric Co 1J2 131 Westlnghouee Electrio .... 41 39 People's G. L. & C. Co.,... 42 42 C. G. L. A P. Co . 84 84 Am. Tele. A Telegraph. .. .101 101 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. 44 43 Interborough Rapid Transit 8 8 Central Leather CO 44 63 American Can 39 37 United States Rubber 62 61 General Motors Co ...115 113 Willys-Overland 19 18 Studebaker Corporation ... 50 48 Am. Sugar Refining Co... 99 99 American Beet Sugar Co... 72 '72 Kennecott Jopper 32 31 Allis-Chalmers, pfd. ...... 74 74 Maxwell Motor Car 26 26 Norfolk A Western 104 104 Sinclair Oil 10 29 Sapulpa Oil 9 9 Wright-Martin t 6 Curtis 25 27 Bethlehem Steel, Bs 78 - 77 Evaporated Apples and Dried FrulU. . New Tork. Jan. 6. Evaporated Apples' Dull, but firm; California, 1601lc; prime to choice, state, 16014c Dried Fruits Prune, quiet; California, 8012c; Oregon. 13014c. Apricots. dull; choice, 17c; extra choice 17e; fancy, 18c Peaches, dull; standard, 11 c; choice, 12c. Raisins, steady; loose mus catels, 909c: cholc to fancy, seeded, . 901Oc; seedless, $01Oc; London lay ers, $1.10. Turpentine and Bosln. Savannah. Ga., Jan. 6. Turpentine Firm, 43c; sales, 183 bbls.; receipts, 10 bbls.; shipments, 109 bbls.; stock,- 24,000 bbls. -' Rosin Firm: sales, 1,086 bbls.; receipts. 793 bbls.; shipments, 300 bbls.: stock, 87,- 220 bbls. Quotations: B, D. Eal F, u, H, I, $6.10: K. $8.80; M, $7.00; N, $7.2007.26; WG, $7.4007.45; WW, $7.6007.46. New Tork Dry Goods Market New Tork, Jan. $. Dry Goods Cotton good and yarn : here today wer firmer and in better demand. Linen auppltes ar i being cut off still more by order of the r British government. Knit goods wer firm. London Money. London, Jan. Silver Bar, 41 d- per ounce. Money 1 per cent. - Discount Rates Short bills, t 11-12 per cent; three-month bills, 4 11-11 per cent New Tork Cotton Market, ' New Tork, Jan. 5. Cotton closed irreg ular, net 5 points higher to 11 points lower. Called for Staff Position By Food Administration Harry F. Vories, chairman of the board of directors of the Iten Biscuit company, and director of the Quaker Oats company, has been called - by Food Administrator Hoover to a staff position in the federal food adminis tration to oversee the work of com mercial baking. i . Run for U. S. Senate Chicago, Jan. 5. Medill McCor- mick, congressman-at-Iarge from Illinois, today made formal announce ment of his candidacy as a republican for the United States sepate. His announcement is the second of the camoaien. Mavor Thompson of Chi cago having entered the lists a month ago, former Oovernor uiaries o. Deneen also is expected to be a can didate. ,' Student Aviator Killed In Practice Flight Dallas. Tex.. Jan. 5. The first ac cident at the United States aviation camp at Love field occurred today when James F. Dick, jr., student avia tor from larrytown, N. i, was m stantly killed when his machine col lapsed and felL ' ' Master Builders Convene In Omaha January 8 Master Builders' association of Ne braska will hold its annual conven tion in Omaha January 8 and 9. Omaha Builders' exchange rooms! in the Barker block will be headquarters. Grant Parsons of Omaha is presi dent, V. Ray Gould of Omaha Secre tary and Paul Haskell of Omaha com missioner. Bishop Foley of Detroit Is Dead, Aged 84 Years Detroit, Mich.. Jan. 5. Right Rev. ' John S. Foley. Roman Catholic bishop of Detroit for many years, died here today. He was 84 years of age. Bishoo Foley had been in frail health for more than a year. " , Bee Want Ads Brie? Keols 4 i