t 3 C THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 6. 1918. WANTED TO RENT I nnvs.Vd Apartments and " Housed : . Aii-i.' i r-m guva uiisf. uiu,v LJ- room n 1st f.tmr. Psy no object. Answer I bri.. Jan. 9. Oiuaba U, Box Uh;t. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED! West. DUNDEE TWO BARGAINS 4,500 room and bath. Oak woodwork. 0k Doers. Artistic fireplace. A very at - trartiv little bom on one of the best Varies In the district. Owner hu ieft tbe city. Possesion can be had immediately $5,750 J rooms. Large living room witb fire place and built-in bookcase, dining room wtlh buffet, butler's pantry and kitchen on first floor; three bedrooifas and Ulo bsth above. Large attic. Full basement i Armstrong-Walsh Company REALTORS. Tyler IMC, 13 Securitiea Bldg. .GOOD BARGAIN. 40x112 ft of ground en N. aids of Har ney, near Park, At., with 10-roora house, Tktg reaideac pat la repair at moderate expense will pay carrying charges till to ground can be used tor business pur pose. Already tbs Cadillac company ka an expensive busiaca plant In same Mock. Foreign owners practically say to us to sell tor what you can get. They look it over at about lio.ooo. s,(o win buy It, possibably a, little less. Act quickly. HARRISON & MORTON, REALTORS, 811 Omaha Nat D. NEW BUNGALOW $300 CASH And monthly payments of (32.50, will buy a beautiful, cozy little home at list and 1'arker; llvlnjr and dining rooms finished in oak, '.remainder of house In hard pine; floors throughout are selected oak. This house was finished early In the winter and could not be duplicated today for less thsn price asked for entire property 13.450. Tenant will gladly show you through at any time. , THE BYRON REED CO., (Realtors), Doutjlas SIT. Sli South 17th St. WE6T FARNAM SPECIALS. We offer for aaie seven west Farnsra homes. ( rooms for 5,000; t rooms for t,200; t rooms for 18,600; rooms for (0,600; 11 rooms. 10 ft. frontage, 1-car garage, 1C,M; 13 rooms, 60 ft. frontage, 111,000; 12 rooms brick, 40x1(4, 1-car garage, 325,000. These homes are all within two blocks of Farnam street, and between 34th and 37th Street. I- These homes are splendidly located. No district In the whole city t better. They are tor ssle only because. In each case, the numbers in the families have been reduced by death or marriage. We rec ommend these houses as all being thor ougltly well built and money saver for those who want hemes. Now i the tlm to buy. . CLARK REALTY COMPANY. Dougles 19. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. DUNDEE HOME AT A SACRIFICE This Is located on large corner lot 109 ft. wide and is a 3 story, 7 room mod ern house, finished in oak and white en amel. Oak floors, fire place la living room. Ha sleeping perch, also a large room finished on third floor. Storm win dow and screens for entire house. Must be sold. Let u show you this property. Price (3,000 for quick sale. . OBOROB CO., Douglas 744; Realtor. NEW DUNDEE HOME (660 CASH, BALANCH MONTHLT, LIKE RENT, Buy a new 2 story 7 room modern house occupied only a few month by present owner. Located on a corner Jot (Oxllb ft, In Dundee' new addition. Hons Is beautifully decorated. Finished in oak and French gray enamel, having oak floor throughout Oarage and cement driveway. Price (4.400, which la much less than thl property could be duplicated for today.. Owner intends to leave city ae count change In business. OEORGB CO., Douglas TC. Realtors. WEST FARNAM HOME. A real bargain and a safe investment Just south ot Farnam on list at I have a practically new 7-r. mad. house, oak fin ish, full basement, paved St.; ell paid; private driveway, to garage, with addi tional room for 4 cars, with entrance from alley. This Is a nice home and baa a rental value, Including tb garage, ef 140 a month. Price lor entire property (5,200.- Call roe up for appointment to see this. F. H. DRAKE, Douglas 1701. Til Brand! Theater, CLOSE-IN SNAP PRICE ONLY $1,650. Four-room cottage, water, toilet gas; lot 33x110; paving all pais don a?d (16 per month. ' ' OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat- Bank Bldg. Tyler 494. DUNDEE. We have some very beautiful Dundee homes for .sale, (6,000 to 130,000. If in terested In high clsss homes, call us.' BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., 222 Keeline Bldg, Dong. H- North. . OWN YOUR HOME x Buy On Our Easy Payment . Plan 3115 N. 48th St. $3,300 $300 Cash, $30 Mo. In Waverty Park addition,' rooms, strictly modern, full cellar downstair. Bedroom, with Murphy bed. Room can be used for bedroom or library, oak finish. Bevel plate sliding door. House is new and would cost over 13,200 to build now. A bargain. 4805 N. Gist Ave $2,400 $200 Cash, $23.10 a Month t room- modern, built 4 years ago; full I lot; good neighborhood, convenient to ' school, 1457 Pinkney St. 6 Rooms $300 pash $37.50 a Month Reception hall, living room, dining room with built-in feature and kitchen on first floor. Three large bed rooms, bsth and linen closet on second floor. Irgs basement with excellent furnace. Tbi Place ha Just been all newly papered and painted. Is an a large lot one block from cer Use and not far from atore and school. Will take certificate of deposit. Lib. etry loan certificate or Saving and Loan . association account on any ot these. i : Halting & Heyden, ' 1614 Harney t. rnone tjimi . AFTER looking at MINNE LUBA 104 dlf fereat buyer decided that It waa tb beat proposition on tne merger ana tney hacked their Judgment by buying lota. JP YOU will come out today yea wID nnderstand why tb ether are buying. CHARI.tS W MARTIN-& t'O., 743 Omaha Nat'L Bank Bldg. Tyler 117. REAL .ESTATE IMPROVED Worth. INDUSTRIAL SITES By th removal of SO.OOfl cubic yard of earth we bare developed over (00,000 square feet ot very desirable trackace property. On street ear line, paved team road, has splendid switching facilities. This property Vs priced right for quick sale. On of Omaha's largest Industrie now taking title to a part of this prop erty. Full particulars at office. BEAUTIFUL MERCER .PARK Where every lot front on a boulevard. All specials to and paid for; served by three car line. Kvery lot a perfect home Kite, tiavinr frontage from 60 to 75 feet. NO FRAME HOl SKS PKRMITTED in this exclusive residential district Trices aud terras ry reasonable. VV.FARNAM SMITH & CO. 13!0 Farnaro Street. Phone Douglas 1064; evenings, Colfax 10T8. $400 DOWN AND $25 MO. MUST SELL PROPERTY TO SETTLE ESTATE Six-room, strictly modern home, located Sear Itth and Evans St.; south front on paved street This property belongs to an estate and It is offered at the sac rifice price of 12,000 for autck sale. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, (IT Omaha Nat'l, Bank Bldg. P. T81 KOUNTZE PLACE SNAP $300 Down and $30 a Month S-room, strictly modern bungalow, all en one floor; oak finish In living and dining room and reception hall; balance finished In birch and Iiir pine; lull cement basement,'" furnace heat; east front: close to car and school. The owner of this property has priced It at (2,900 A genuine bargain for quick bale. Payne Investment Company, Realtors 637 Omaha Natl. UK. lildg. v. nil BEMIS ,PARK. $3,750. Large C-room modern and very at tractive home in Be in is Park. Large lot on paved street. This place easily worth (4.600, but price cut to (3,10. Can be handled on very easy terms. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., 222 Keeline Bldg. Doug, 3140. itiT N. 27TH ST. Strictly modern, brand new, absolutely complete and ready to ccupy, with win dow shades, water meters, screens, side walks and lighting fixtures; nice yard; living room and dining - m finished In oak; oak floors throughout; fine base ment and attic. Prices: 4116 N. 27th. (3,460; 4919 N. 27th, (3.760; (350 to (400 cash, balance terms. HI ATT COMPANY, 246-T-O Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Ty. 60. OWNER MUST SELL. MILLER PARK BARGAIN. Built by owner for home, large semi bungalow, five rooms and bth, all on ona floor, attic finished Into three fine rooms, full basement, srictly modern In every de- U OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 1 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 494. MODERN OAK BUNGALOW. $50 CASH-$27.50 PER MONTH. Nearly new oak finished bungalow. Full basement, furnace, large corner lot. Price (2,760. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., 122 Keeline Bldg. Doug. 3140. 6-ROOM, strictly modern, large lot, full basement paving all paid; nicely deco rated. A big bargain at the price, (2,160. Located 1311 Ames Ave. Terms. NORR1S & NORRIS. 400 Be Building. Phone pouglas 4270. NEW BUNGALOW Five rooms, oak finish, completely modern; half block ot Harney ear line, (260 cash, balance Ilk rent. Olover Spain. Doug. 3962. NEW. Modern 6 -room bouse; paved street; Harney ear line. All oak. Will cell 4260 down Call D. M daye or Wal. 077 South. ' : v FINE CORNER 25TH AVE. AND LEAVENWORTH Southwest corner of 25th Ave. and Leavenworth, (3 ft on Leavenworth and 121 ft on 26th Ave. Both street paved and paid for. Double frame housee on rear end of lot bringing In some rent. Front part of lot can be built on right away without disturbing doubls house. Here I one of the best corners on Leav enworth gtreet Price 111,000. PAYNE & SLATER CO.-, REALTORS, 111 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Phone D. 1014. Hanscom Park District A etrlctly modern two-story residence, with five nice rooms, on the first floor and three bedrooms on the second floor; large lot with paving all paid. Located tlio South 14th St., In an excellent neigh borhood. Terms. , NORRIS & NORRIS 440 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270 HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT Stucco bungalow Just completed,' five rooms and bath, large living room and dining room finished in oak, built-in buffet In dining room, oak floors, tiled bath, purchaser may select electric light fixtures and decoration. A big bargain at 13,660. Located 2849 South 34th St. C O. CARLBERO, 110-212 Brandeis Theater Bldg. HOME AND GARDEN. PRICE ONLY $2,200. Six-room cottage and three lots, (0x131 feet each, near the Leavenworth Height addltton. Can be handled with 1200 down and (20 per month. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 741 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 4. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEAR HANSCOM PARK. FOR "ONLY (2,660. Must be sold this week. - Oreat bargain for some on. W. H. GATES, 447 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1294. Realtor. Web. 2CS8. Miscellaneous. AN IDEAL HOME for the man of moderate means. Excel lent location on paved street In restricted addition. Convenient to car and schools. Full two-story house, frame and stucco. Six rooms with sun parlor and glassed-in sleeping porch in addition. Large living room with fire place. Extra large dining room with French door opening Into sun room. Well arranged kitchen with ample bullt-ln cupboards. Three bedrooms, en closed sleeping porch and bath on second floor. Finely finished M oak and enamel. Tastily decorated, extra quality lighting fixtures. An attractive place at an attrac tive price. Reasonable terms. For further Information or appointment, call BENSON & CARMfCHAEL, (REALTORS) 442 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1722. NOW IS THE TIME To buy real estate. The owner of this corner at the Southwest corner of 46th and Nicholas St.. 120x160 in size and hav ing I five room cottage will sell this At a very reasonable price for cash or pay ments. The rentals will carry the Interest charges, taxes and insurance. Northwest corner ot 21st and Y St., this is a large double corner 210x134 with 4 cottages ranging from 3 rooms to 4 rooms and having a monthly rent a Vat the pres ent time of (43 per month. Buy this on easy payments, fix the -houses a little and yon can Increase th monthly rental. Thla can be bought on payment. If yon want a bargain see this. For price call - CREIGH, SONS & CO,, REALTORS, Doug! 804, 604 Bee Bldg. LET me (bow you ray brand new etucco bungalow- finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at (1.(10 Res eonsble terms Csll owner. Dnnglss 1792 . W FARNAM SMITH 4k Co.. Reel kStste end Insurance. 1124 Farnam St Doug. 1444 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous, i KXCtTTlONA- HOME BARGAINS, i-rm. cottage, modern except beat, corner lot lTts N, 31 St.. only (1.200 i-rra. cottage, a modern, corner lot 1103 N. I2d St. only 1.360 I rooma all modem with garage, 4I1 Farnam St., only 4, 260 Above prices are ono-third under the actual value. We believe tbe- to be tb best HOME BARGAINS in Omaha. Email down payment and easy terms. Rsnt will pay for them. McOAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phone Doug. 41S. Cut to Bottom Cash Price t-room bouse, all oak floor and finish, sunroems, fireplaces, bookcases, wardrobes, electric base plugs, everything complete, (1,000 to handle thl proposition. The purchasing power of a dollar will never be greater than lovesteiton cither of these place. Call Douglas !S4. Travel Brothers Co., 81 Firt Nat. Bank BUI. BRAND NF.W HOl Sii Just being completed, 4 rooms and bath, Hleepiiig rooms on second floor: built-in liuffvt. all modern, full cement basement, located 2S46 So. 34Ui street. Price (3,(00; (200 down, balance terms. C. O. CARLBERG, 310-312 Brandeis Theater -Bldg. REAL ESTATE B'neu Pr'pty Down Town Trackage Lot LONG TIME LEASE 13x131 ft. on Cass St. near 12th, Track-f in alley, win leass for 14 year, value' tlon, 17,600 net GEORGE & COMPANY, 101 City Nat, Bank Bldg. Douglas 7(4. Realtor. REAL ESTATE Investment SAFE INVESTMENTS This I a two-story, two family brick building nearly new, in excellent condition. having separate heating plants. Five rooms on first floor and six rooms on second floor. Rental (960 per year. Price (9,600. practically no repairs, within minutes walk from 16th and Harney, Something good. See us at once about thbi if interested. This property ha 44 feet frontag on South 16th with three story and basement brick building, having retail stores on first floor and living quarters on second and third floors. Gross rental about (4.(00 per year. Price (46,000, encumbrance (24, 000. 6 years 4 per cent ftrst mortgage held by Eastern Insurance company, Owner could use a good (6.000 to (8,000 home in Kountie Place, Hanscom Park or West Farnam district as part payment of equity. This is located near 2 2d and Harney Streets and is ae exceptionally well con structed two-story two family brick of nine rooms each, having hot water heat and finished In oak throughout Located on South front lot 46x132 feet to alley. The Income will carry the property at a fair rate of interest. The price le aitrao tlve and will be given upon application. Can be handled with (8.700 cash, balance long time at iSi and 4 per cent This property is choice and makes a splendid investment. GEORGE & COMPANY,' Douglas 766. Realtor. 10 PER CENT NET. . STILL GOING UP. 160 feet of ground In West Harney dls trict, with Improvements paying 14 per cent net. value increasing every day and ground alone worth the price of (14,000, Terms, BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO.. 222 Keeline Bldg. Doug. 1140. INVESTMENTS" New brick, Income paying over 13,100 per annum, no maintenance cost except taxes, (6,000 cash will handle; thl 1 the greatest value we have ever offered and will psy over 13 per cent on Investment, TRAVER BROTHERS CO, 819 First Nat. Bank Bldg. FARNAM STREET SPECIAL (36,000 Present rental of (300 per month can be Increased to (400 by eomt building alter ations; to be sold to close an estate. JOHN W. ROBBINS, REALTORS, Sole Agent 1(01 Farnam St REAL ESTATE f RACK AGE TRACKAGE, Fine site on B. dt M. R. R., slse 46x146, Can be bought cheap. Call owner eve nings. Phone Walnut 70. . REAL ESTATE To Exchange DESIRABLE five acre block In tbe New Brownell Hall and Falracre Dlst, on West Dodge St. Want modern house and lot acceptable to the owner. Call for Plat giving full particular. (Snap) C. J, CANAN, MeCague Bldg. HAD TO VACATE BLDG. Drug stock with a new late data Soda Fountain that cost (1,060, last year and all attachments. Can glv you 16 for (1 In a deal, want money, s, six cyl. up-to- date car or other personal property. Here is a chance for some one, is an elephant on the tha owner hands. The stock will speak for itself. Known as th Beil stock. Look Into this offer qklck. C J. Uanan, MeCague building. if- you want a larra and can appreciate a truth when presented, and have an ac ceptable house and lot to exchange for this clear 180 -a. of wheat land in Mel lette county. South Dakota, table and val ley land, deep black soil, natural drain age, six miles to Mission, close to Neb. line and adjoins Tripp county on tbe west no improvements, 40 a. in corn by adjoin ing farmer. C. J. Canan, 310 MeCague Bldg. ' HIGHLY improved ten ecrea two mtlue north of Florence. Improvements moo ern. evarge apple and cherry orchard. For land or small income. Call for improve ments and description. C. J. Canan, MoCague Bldg. (15) CLEAR 20 a. improved suburban farm and fruit farm, about 13 mile north of Florence, All ready to move on with out any expense. In grapes, apples and small fruits. Want a modern home In Omaha close to church and school. Call for full description ot Improvement. Ou cupled by owner for some twenty year. C. J. Canan, MeCague Bldg. EXCHANGE 7 clear home, rental Income around (200 per month, exchange for good Iowa or iveDrasKa land. . 1,000-a. stock and grain farm. 600 a under plow; fair set of Imp. Will sell on easy terns and accept smaller farm as part payment A new apt. 'house, well located, income (6,600 annually, exchange for clear land. A. V. TOLAND $t CO. P. 4707. 63-5 Brandeis Bldg. EXCHANGE or sale, wbolasale prices, your choice from thousands of acre in high lands. South Central Florida. Writ Flor Ida Good Home Co., Scarritt Bldg., Kan sas City, Mo. WILL exchsng 2,240 acrea Improved wheat land at (60 per acre, for section or more corn land In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa For further particular address J. ' F. - Ferguson, Bsker, Ore. A NEW 4 6-room Apt, bringing In $1,130 yearly, located wet on Harney, to trade for smaller Income. Seward Bros., 674 Brandeis Bldg. Douglas 3840. WILL sell or trade 80 acrea of good farm ing land in Wisconsin for city property or automobile. Call Tyler 4S0. HAVE (0 acres, Wheeler county, value (2,600; will trade for equity In city prop erty Wilson.' 317 S lith EASTERN North Dakota and cheap Colo rado lands for gale and exchange. Mueller, 1810 Stout St.. Denver, Colo. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North, VACANT lot, 61x140, for only $760. On 18th St., near Lake. Good piece for twa of those house at 13th and Iurd 8ts. W. II. GATES. 447 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1994. Realtor. Web. 2688. Miscellaneous. -LARGE garden lots pear ear line, paved street (120 to (ll. (l down. Doug. 6U74. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 10 ACRES, west of Benson; highly Im proved; stocked with chickens, eow, horse, utensils; easy terms; priced low rail Doug. 2811. Mr. Brown. You can secure a maid, itenogra nher or bookkeeper by using a Bee Want Ad. N REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage. ACREAGE TRACTS WEST DODGE It you ars considering the purchase ot acreage near Omaha, would advise that you make your selection now. before the spring rush begins, as we are already re ceiving from 3 to ( calls per day about acreage tracts. We offer tbe following tracts, located in a new addition on West Dodge, which will be highly developed end restricted in every way possible to Insure the best of surroundings: 3.04 acrea (1.(50 1.64 acres 1.925 3.10 acres !,3S 4.67 acres 3.900 6.44 acres 4. SI'S The above tracts ran be purchased on payment of one-tenth cash and (he re mainder one-tenth per month, and should you desire to build immediately, arranee irtents can be mailo through this office to finance the entire dMl fjr you. If you desire to-see tha property today call Walnut 3634. THE BYRON REED CO., v (Realtors), Douglas 297 212 South 17th St. . ACREAGE SNAP W have listed the biggest bargain In the city ot Omaha in tho way of a good home and also an acre and a halt ot ground. There Is a good 6-room house on thl property, th biggest part of which was built brand nsw thl spring; has a good barn for I head of horeee and a cow; good hay loft above; wagon and automo bile sheds; com crib; chicken home; and all necessary buildings. House 1 modern except heat, good cistern water la the house, and electric lights. Also, an acre and a half of as fine ground as could be asked for. Owner te willing to U thla on term of $600 down and th balance $26 a month Including Interest. You have to pay $36 a month for the same kind of a house In town with a very email lot Why not buy eomethlng on which you can raise your living and some) besides T Located close to school and not far from ear. Right on the new Fontonelle Blvd. Sold only by appointment Payne Investment Company, Realtors 637 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldir. D. 1781. 40 ACRES WEST 4 miles west of Klmwood park, high, lightly, gently sloping. 4 acres fine shaded pasture with running water. 33 acre in cultivation, fair Improvements, some fruit, mile from Dodge street ou main road. Reasonable terms, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, , Realtors, 1014 Omaha National Bank Building. Tel, Doug. 2716. FIVE very fine garden lots, close to car line, cloae to school. Just outside tbe city limit, where you do not have to ay city taxee; an Ideal place to ralaa pigs, prultry or garden: the owner haa moved to Cali fornia and says aell at once: price (It ea h; term, 60c a week on each lot. Cal Walnut 3466 today or In the evening FOR SALE Improved acreage tracts close to city. Will accept clear city property a part payment. HELD LAND CO., 870 Brandeis Bldg. Dg. 9148. ACREAGE .BARGAIN. 4 acre north of Krug park, few blocks to paved road; nigh, sightly location. Price $3,600. Terms. HIATT COMPANY", 146-7-4 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 44. REAL ESTATE WANTED 5WNER wants income for irrigated 80 acres; level; all cultivated; fenced; 4 miles southeast Broadwater; Morrill County, price $74 per aore with water paid up In full. S. S. ,8c R. E. Montgomery. Ill City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. farmdnchSnds Oregon Lands. Beaut jful Southern Oregon Ranch and Farm LOCATED IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Thla rAnrh rnnsiata of 710 acres GRANT'S PASS. Orejron, and two WITH PAVED ROAD RUNNING THROUGH IT. TUB fAinu mun WAY. WHICIH IS THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY OP THE PACIFIC COAST STATES, RUNS DIAGONALLY THROUGH THIS RANCH. The ranch joins the Country Club's orchard tract, who own something over 4,000 teres. Practically all of it is cleaned and planted to apples, pears, peaches and Tokay rraDes. They are selline their land in ten and twenty-acre tracts at a minimum price ol ?560 and a maximum price or. ?ou per acre, mere a club house located on this tract for the benefit of the immediate com munity. It is a very fine building with beautiful surroundings. , This club house is within a half mile of the improvements of the 710-acre ranch. Most of their land is now sold, and there is a settlement of southern Cali fornia people located on their tract, who have built nice bungalows and improved their tracts. There are also some people from Kansas City and some from Chicaeo who have imnroved their tracts, one man building a bungalCw that cost ?10,000, and the others have built smaller but nice, comfortable homes. THE CALIFORNIA PEOPLE PREFER THIS CLI MATE TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, and, as a matter of fact, it is known as the Italy of America, being the finest and most even clitnate of any locality in the United States. They never have electric storms nor heavy windsand the climate is very even. In winter, the thermometer never goes below twenty and generally ranges around forty to sixty, while in summer the middle of the dav is auite warm in the sun, the thermometer going as high as ninety to ninety-five, but in the are cool, and you require covers at all Fishing and HuntingThere are all kinds or minting, inciuaing aeer FISHING AND HUNTING There are ail kinds of hunting, including deer, and other wild gam. Also all kinds of wild birds, including the blue quail, California pheasants and partridges, in the timber. Right adjacent to this ranch you can go and catch a mess of trout, either speckled or rain bow, in the creeks close to the ranch or in the Rogue river you can get all the salmon that you want, almost any day in the year. The ranch is just 2 miles from the Rogue river, which is considered the most beautiful river in America. There is a very large barn on the ranch in good condition; the house burned down about a year ago. However, the cost of buildine a new house would be very light, inasmuch as lumber can be bought right at the mills, which are located at Merlin. There is a small orchard in the back end of this tract, which has not been cultivated nor taken care of for a period of six or seven years. The cattle have browsed the limbs as far as they could reach. However, with orchard was loaded with fruit last year. There are over ZOO acres cleared all in the valley. The balance is timber lands, which can be cleared at a reasonable figure; the ranch being so close to town, the wood and lumber is a very valuable asset. The Pacific Highway, which is the Lincoln Highway of the Pacific Coast States, runs diagonally through this ranch and is virtu ally a macadamized and paved road from San Francisco to Seattle. Tho owner of this ranch is a widow and unable to take care of the same and will consider exchanging it for eastern property, either a ranch, farm, or income property. The 200 acres of cleared land had a new fence put around it this spring. The balance is not fenced. There is a mortgage of $3,000 against it, drawing 6, running about nine years yet. This ranch will make a good combination stock ranch and farm. The former owner ran 300 head of milk cows on it, together with a number of goats, and farmed a eood portion of the valley land. Alfalfa does fine in this country, and a great deal of the valleys on this ranch are sub-irrigated, so that alfalfa once started would never need any irrigation, and they cut five crops a year. They have been growing the ninety-day yellow dent corn around Grant Pass fon several years now and get as high as sixty and seventy bushels to the acre. As a matter of fact, they can grow practically anything there that can be grown in Nebraska. This particular section is noted as being the best Bartlett pear and Tokay grape section of the entire country. The apples grown in this Rogue River Valley are practically all exported. I have a survey of the tract which will show the kind of soil on each forty acres, also the surveyor's appraisal of each tract and other information that you might wish with reference to it. I also have a number of photographs of the tract that I would be glad to show anyone if interested. Grant's Pass is just ninety miles from the coast, and they are now building a railroad from Grant s Pass to is a city of some 6,000 people, modern streets, cluster lights on the streets and all other modern conveniences. The country around here is settled entirely with eastern and middle west people ; all are American citizens, there being practically no foreigners, and no negroes in southern Oregon. They get about tne same amount of ram there tha,t we do in the city of Omaha. Practically all of this tract can be irrigated, but up to the present time they have not concluded that they need irrigation often-enouzh to go to the expense. The present owner's husband bought this ranch to move onto, but was stricken quite suddenly with Bright' Disease and never was BDie 10 move mere, inis is uic market. - Price Only $40 An Acre S. S. and R. E. Montgomery 213 City National Bank Building. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE ARE SPECIALIZING ACREAGE tract In and around Omaha. Have wait ing client to buy or exchange. List your now. We will inspect at once. Let us get to It early. INTERSTATE REALTY CO. 8. H. BROWNE. MGR. (13-14 City Nat. Doug. 2814. WE are acreage and auhurban specialists. Can handle jour property quickly. INTER-STATE REALTY CO. 111-14 City Nat l. Douglas, lilt Ask for Mr. Frown. WB HAVE several good reliable buyers for 4 and 6-room housee and bungalows witb 4300 to ;500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co.. Tyler 4(. 701 Oma, Nat Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgage. THE Investors of umaha will always find us with a stock of 6 pr cent first mort gage, secured by Cms ha residence prop erty or Nebraska fiirma. E. ri. LOL'OEi:. INC, 618 KeelUieBlds FtUt KAI.V: 100-ucre oil lease tuTthe Big Muddy field, Wyoming. Illinois pine tins with uuarter-m!le lease. Will stand thor ough inspection. Price $3,000.04 and two eighths royalty. Box Y 327, Omaha Bee. iTTioo" MTU., bearing (fpet, semiannually; secured by mortKage veined at (4,800. Talmage-Loomla Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bhlg. H w HINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loana City National Bank Bldg NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T GRAHAM, (04 Bee Bldg ivrT UAKVIN BROS.. Om Nat. Bk Bldg LOANS MONET HARRISON A MORTON. 0 1 Omaha Nat Bk Bldg. OMAHJC HOMES KA8T NEB. FARMS u KKBFB R B. CO.. 1014 Omaha Nat'l 1100 to $10,000 MADE promptly F D. Weed. Wead Bldg.. 11th and Farnam St MONEY to loss on Improved farm and ranch. Kick Investment Co., Omaha LOW RATES C O. CARLBERO. Ill Bran del Theater Bldg D 484 LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY W H THOMAS SON Keeline Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. WANT $3,000, 6-year loan on double corner and 4 houses; first class repair; renting $110 a month. Box No. 6271, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. , , M FARM AND RANCH LANDS Wyoming Lands. IMPROVED V section located in Wyoming oil region within 6tt mllee to good rail road town. Oil lease to be assigned to purchaser It taken at enee. HELD LAND CO., 870 Brandeis Bldg. Dg. 9148. Oregon Lands. THE JORDAN VAL-lUK In southeastern Oregon, 1 a beautiful, fertile district that you ought to Investi gate. Many shrewd farmers are buying there, because their keen business fore sight tells tbem that Investment will pay big return from th natural Increase In the value of the land alone, to aay noth ing of th big crops that thsy can pro due. Price low: term eaey. Ask me for authentlo Information, ab solutely free. You are cordially Invited to call at room 112, Union Paclfte building-, te our excellent and extensive exhibit ot produot grown In tb Union Pajjlflo country. R. A. SMITH, Colonisation and Industrial Agent, Union Pacifle System, Room 1311, U. P. Hesdauarter. Omaha, Nebraska. ' NEW JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT. HEART OF THB RANGE. Get on th ground floor with (4 aorea Irrigated land In connection with open range. Ton can grew atock successfully and eheaply. Excursion Jan. It. Bend for bulletin. HARLOT 3. HOOKER, (40 lit Nat Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. located FIVE MILES NORTH OP miles from the main town of Merlin, shade it is always cooL The nights times. no care ana no attention this small a port on the ocean. Grant s Pass in every respect, including paved , reason inai me rancn is now on tne Phona Douglas 1313. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas. Lands. COR.TTND COTTON LAND. Cheap, easy term, S. E. Arkansaa Ex cursions 1st and 3d Tuesday. Free liter ature. W. a Frank. 101 Neville Blk., Omaha Colorado Lands. FARM LANDS OPPORTUNITY Easten Colorado along the Rock Island lines of fer splendid opportunities for securing good low priced farm land Juat ready for the plow. Many farmer paid for land with HIT crops. The Rock Island has no land for le, but Is deeply interested in locating Industrious, earnest settler along it lines. Writ today for free illustrated literature and complete detailed informa tion. U M. Allen, Passenger Traffic Man ager. 134 la Salle Station. Chicago. 111. WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county, Colorsdo; (12.60 to (14 per acre. We control 26 choice quarters. Send for booklet Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Florida Lands. If You Have , $60 you can secure 10 acres fertile fruit, poultry and trucking land near Tampa, Kla. Beat location and climate in state. Balance purchaee price can be paid from crops raised or in seven years. Write to day for details. North Tampa Land Co., It Tower bldg., Chicago, 111. FLORIDA farm bargain, 1,0(0 acrea, 190 nnder cultivation, corn and general crops: n railroad and national paved highway; fine (oil, good dwelling. I aervants houses; lake en (arm, never falling pringa I recommend ae a bargain. Price tit per acre. Mention Madison farm. B. L. Hamner, Oeneral Development Agent, Seaboard Air Lin Rallw Co.. Norfolk, va. FlorTST a We will build your home on rich farm near Jacksonville, at only M month ly. Write Jacksonville Heights Co.. Jack- eonvllle, Florida. 1 Iowa Lands. 1(0 ACRES Improved, H miles from Mapleton, la. Price, 120,000. Terms, 112,000 down, balance f years, per cent; S per cent off If full payment in cssh Is made. Mrs. J. H. Stewart, I. O. Box tl, Hrnttsbluff, Neb. 1(0 ACRES improved, 1H mllee from Maple ton, la. Price, 120,000. Terma, $12,000 down, balance S years, per cent; 1 per cent off If full payment In cash is made. Mrs. J. H. Btewart, P. O. Box lit, Scotls hluff, Neb. Louisiana Lands. LOUISIANA FARM LANDS 1.000 acres at 130 acre Including Improvements and Im plements. No overflow or levee. Bargain. Adapted to cotton, corn, truck and live stock. Oood rosrts, schools, aoolal condi tion. Charle S. Elms, Hennen Bldg., New Orleans, I, Minnesota Lands. THE IRON RANGE RAILWAY COM . PANY I offering, actual homeeeekeri only, choice lands In moderate quantities along Its line near Duluth, and Invites your Inquiry o that map, illustrated literature, special price and terme may be ent. Arnold Comislonr, 10T Wol vln Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Nebraska Lands. FlNB Improved 160 acres In Sarpy county. Located near Union Stock yarde on ln terurban. Bargain if taken at once. Easy terms. HELD LAND CO, 870 Brandeis Bldg. Dg. 9148. REAL ESTATE 1918 BUNGALOWS We have sold all of the beautiful Bungalows that we built in Minne Lusa and now we are buflding a dozen more 5, 6 and 7-room homes in that fine addition that are ahead of anything ever built in Omaha, more complete, more ar-' tistic, still better arragements and still finer fin ish and the LOCATION is getting better every day; in fact, just the kind of home-you will be' proud of. x ' They will be sold BEFORE being completed, " f so if you are going to buy, ACT NOW." We sell on easy terms at low rates of interest. LET US SHOW YOU Sundays call: E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 2202, or F. L. Gallup, Colfax 120. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. REALTORS vi 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. ' A Bunch We offer for the first time the in good business districts. This property was put in our charge yesterday and three places already sold. If you want a bargain in a store location, look these places over at once, We can make very reasonable terms and assure you they are all bargains. ' , DON'T WASTE AJW TIME ' 1604-06 Cass St., 1-story brick. ' : 7 105 S. 12th street, 22x66, 2-story brick. 119-23 N. 10th street, 60x66, 2-story frame. 2001 N. 20th street, 20x73, 2-story frame. 1314 N. 24th street, 22x120, 2-story brick. ' ' , 2124 N. 24th street, 21x83, 2-story brick. 4102 N. 24th stTeet, 30x132, " 2632 N. 16th street, 22.7x80, 2 1816 Military Ave., 160x152, 1-story brick. ' 1202-04 S. 20th street, 60x66, 1-story brick. 2202 S. 20th street, 22x90, 2-story frame. : 2506-10 Walnut street, a large building with hall and frame house. Considerable ground. , , 1263 S. 16th street, 28x64, 2-story frame. " 2202-06 S. 13th St., 66x132, 2-story, large brick building, S stores ' and 3 flats. 1601-03 Vinton St., 66x108, 1-story brick. " . 801-11 Hickory St., 40x142, 1-s.tory brick and 2-story frame 1201-3-5-7-9 S. 6th St., corner, 2-story, the balance 1-story brick. Northeast corner 25th and 0, 25x66, vacant. , Elkhorn, 100x136; 3-story frame. Concordia Park, 10 acres, on West Center Street, 2-story frame building, barns, etc. This is probably the biggest list of snaps that have ever been offered in Omaha and they must be sold. Look for our signs on tho properties. Don't delay. ' " -, v A. P. TUKEY & SON REALTORS ' i 620 First Natl Bank Bldg. ,-. , Phone Doug. 02, .FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. DOUGLAS CO. FARMS ' 160 acres, Douglas county, mile t good town and Omaha markets; splendla set of Improvements; terms part cash, hat ance In first mortgage at iVd per cent. Price 1200 per acre. 1(0 acres; I miles west of Falracres; farm In high state ef cultivation: .70 aores In clovsr; 10 acre good pasture; thl Is on ot our very beat farms, owing 'to location and closenee te Omaha. Price 127( per acre. Ask to gee this; possession. 1(1 acre I1 mllee) t Waterloo, splendid set of buildings, tot acres under plow, balance pasture; pries (300 per acre; terms (20.000 cash, balance for term of year at (M per cent; don't fall to ae this. 15 acres near Ralston: this Is a splendid buy, owing to It close ness to the live stock markets; it'a priced right at $!75 per acre. Washington county farm, 240 acres, 1 mllee from. Ben nington and Washington; t-room house, bsrn for 14 horses, hundred hesd of cattle, silo and well system of waterworks In barn, two double eir""' e-"1 g ery, three machine sheds, hog house, cement feeding floor for hundied hogs,' power Aermotor mill, chicken house, splendid pasture with living water, acnooinousi quarter of mile; terms one-third cash, bal ance & year at ( per cent; possapslo March 1: price !!30 per acre. Cut thl out fnr future reference. Don't fail it see this. ' Graham-Peters Realty Co., 121 Omaha Nat. Eank Bldg., Omaha, Thon Red ((1 or Walnut 110. FOR SALE 120-Acts Wood River vallay farm In nufffllo e.ountv. 1ft mile from Kearney, areeter portion of the farm I fenced hog tight, a portion seeded te ale falfa. It 1 cut up some by Wood river, plenty of good timber. Improvement fair. Thla farm handled as an alfalfa an beg proposition would pay a handsome rev enue. Price 10 per acre, good term. Cholo Wood River '"valley farm.. ll aorea, Improved, 1H mile from goo rail, road town, about 11 mile from Kaarwey. Price (15,000 on good term. Th above two Buffalo county farm are th beet'ea th market (( acre located In northwest Perkin county, about 140 acre la cultivation and in fin shape for spring seeding. A halt action fenced, quit a good barn, granry, corrals, well, windmill and cistern. House not extra good. Price 117.(0 per acre IS, 000 will be carried five year at ( per cent Thl 1 an exceptionally good propo sttlon and we ran guarantee thla will rent for cash to pay the Interest on the par chase Investment C. K. Devles, Kearney, ' Neb. - FARM NEAR OMAHA (90 acres, with 1 sets of tenant build ings and a large hous for owner1 Use; 4H miles from Omaha city limit: paved road to land; R. R. tatlon adjoining. Trie ft SO per acre: 116, 00 cash, balance easy terms. Thl 1 a special bargain. Don't assum that th land M poor be cause the price la low. Let u how It to you. IF THIS IS TOO BtO FOR YOU WE WILL SELL YOU PART OF IT. J. H. DUMONT & CO. 4K-11 KUne Bldg. r-hone Douglas (. FOR SALtC (00 acree. 1(0 aeres deeded, (it aorea echool land, long time lea; 11,00 In Improvement; 10 mllee to railway) - mile to good tor and post of flee; ll mile to school; rough land: sandy soil; plenty of hay, grass and water; 11,(00 for the outlay it sold at once. Can furnish sections nearby and adjoining. Address Box (11, Arnold, Neb. - WHEAT LAN D Wyoming farm, tit per .' Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi ACM. Rylander, 114 Omaha Nat'L REAL ESTATE of Stores following list of building all located l-6tory brick. - story brick.