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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1918)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 6. 1918. Adelaide Ienncily epitofc Ella Fie is Km art ASS'T EDITOR. ffiHW,! rf !Wt LIT 41 'In 1 Tl IB,1 HI A 63 m3A .. COUNCIL ' I! . BLUFFS ! i Mrs. Clifford Wolffe spent New Year's with her brother, Lieutenant uonald Macrae at Camp Dodge. Mrs. R. S. Moore of Washington D. C, speni the holidays here with her mother, Mrs. Barclay, and her sister, Mrs. A. E. Branton, of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shaden and daughter, Hazel May. spent New Year with Mrs. Shaden's brother, i-ee Kernmish. of Manilla. .. The general chapter of St. FauTs guild met Monday at the home of Mrs. Fred D. Empkie as the guest of the Bluff Street chapter. The regu lar monthly business meeting was tollowed by light refreshments Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hazelton enter tained at dinner New Year's eve. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mr. John M. Henry and Mr. rrank Lougee. Mr. Rusch Robinson, Brandsville Mo., and his sister, Mrs. William R. Haight, are spending the holidays with Mr. Robinsons- son. Mr. R. l Robinson, on Glen avinue. Mrs Haight was formerly Miss Amy Rob inson of. this city, ..nd this is her first visit here for a number of years. She is now returning from a Washington trip, having stopped in Chicago to visit hec husband's relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Benjamin of this city and Mr., and Mrs. G. G. Gideon of Omaha entertained abouf 35 of their friends at a New Year's party at the Eagles' building. Danc ing occupied the earlier part of the evening, and a. the midnight hour approached, the guests assembled in the banquet room. After the dinner a number of the guests gave an 'im promptu entertainment. ' Miss Marion Unger, domestic sci ence teacher of the public schools, was married to Herbert Shimeall of Goodland, Kan., Thursday, December 27. The groom . was on a furlojigh from Camp Kearney and his parents telegraphed Miss Unger an invitation to spend the holidays with them. Mrs.i ahimeall has been granted a leave ot atesence until the beginning of the new term to enable her to go to Cal ifornia with her hushand on her wed ding trip. ' Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Hague, who are making their future home in Con cordia, Kan., were the guests of honor at a watch party given Monday even ing by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lund. . Mrs. Robert Mullis was among the Council Bluffs mothers to' spend Christmas in Deming. The members of the L. S. T. club were the guests of Mrs. J. C. Kretch mer at 1 o'clock luncheon at the Young Women's Christian associa tion Wednesday. After luncheon the guests, spent a very delightful after noon at bridge in Mrs. Kretchmer's room at the Grand hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Kretchmer expects to leave soon for California to spend the winter. " Mrs. E. E. Norgaard entertained the members of the Book and Thim ble club Thursday afternoon. Miss Mary Denny was the guest of honor and read a very interesting paper on child development. The club had as its quests Mrs. Fred Hughes of Co- zad, Mrs. A, D.- Campbell, jr.; ot Peoria and Mrs. William Schmidt Mr. and Mrs, E." Leaorw SJO Orleans street, St. Paul, Minn., announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary A. Veronica, to Samuel J. Anglesey, To ronto, Canada. The ceremony was performed by Father O'Neill of St. Michael's church December 26. " Miss Leaon was formerly chief operator for the telephone company and later assistant chief for the Nortinvestern. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Emig and son, Edward, have returned from Camp Cody, where they spent the hol idays with their son, Walter, a mem ber of Company B. Mr. and. Mrs. W. E. McConnell have returned from Albia, la., where they were called by the sickness and death of Mr. McConnell's father. ' The Ideal club held its annual party at the Young Women's Chris tian association parlors on Wednes day afternoon. Covers were Jaid for 24 at one large T-shaped table. The place cards were decorated with the flags of the countries studied dunng the 22 years of its existence. Mrs. Stymest Stevenson and Miss lone Armstrong were guests of the club. Immediately after the luncheon the club members went to the Red-Cross rooms for work there. The club has decided to suspend all programs dur ing this time of need. Fagalco Club at Gretna. The Pagalco club held its annual New Year's . eve entertainment at Gretna, Neb. The evening was spent in dancing and novel games and a midnight dinner. The members and Lovely Sarah Padden AM Lonely Mary Trask Actress May Play a Sketch Written by Mrs. Henry Doorly. By ADELAIDE KENNERLY. T LIKE vou. Sarah Padden! Everybody ' likes you and there ' was something loveable about Mary Trask, else how could she have won the hearts of so many who do not know Sarah Padden. In "Thr Clod," a sketch by Lewis Beach, this young actress holds her audience from curtain to curtain. Thev lauah at her in the beginning. cry with her as the play goes on and , lite grows harder; they emote wun her when, in desperation, she seizes a shotgun and kills the intruders. , Is she pretty? folks ask. Is she harsh-voiced? Is she reallv a clod? Mary Trask Vs. Sarah Padden. Yes, Mary Task is really a clod, but Sarah Padden is the simplest, sweet est, most unaffected, Irish girl you ever saw. Back behind the footlights, and then bevend the staee. I met the am bitious voung actress before "Mary Trask" had been removed. It was a revelaticn to watch the change. The Clod wears ragged clothes from top to toe. Her lingerie is old, her hose are cheap cotton and her slippers are slouchy; just the kind one sees in a Door, delipidated farm house where ignorance almost smothers life. First the makeup comes olt ana her skin is softened by a bit of powder. ; No beauty spots, no mas cara, no lip stick and, no curls, but her hair is dressed becomingly with rather a Broadway turn to it. Last in the transformation Mary Trask's slippers come off. Silk hose and dainty boots take their place. Behold! In a velvet street suit stands Sarah Padden! Mrs. Doorly s Play. "Broadway and the white lights? I fTave nothing against them, but give me Springfield, 111., Des Moines, Kan sas City and Omaha for real people, real appreciation and warm hearts. Why, I just love Kansas City, and Omaha." This from Miss Padden. "I have olaved golf at your Country club in Omaha and have met some of the best, breeziest, whole-hearted per sons I have ever known," she continued. "Do you know Mrs. Henry Doorly?" Yes, we knew Mrs. Doorly. "Well, she submitted a sketch. It interested me at first. I read it again and now I can't get it off my mind. If r' . -X". . . vl N v ' imu. jPBJR'v . MISS' SARAH PADDEN The thought is splendid, unusual and she has handled it beautifully. When my Orpheum engagement is over I think I shall play it in the spring. "You asked something about an am bition, back two miles or more, when our conversation was young. Well, my ambition is to be the greatest American actress of this generation. I may .never attain such heights, but I can keep on hoping and working. No Chance to Be Wicked. "I love Mary Trask and half the things she says on the stage are thoughts from her own mind. It struck her funny one day that 'there is no rest for the wicked' and she laughed to think how little chance she had to be wicked. Now she tells her audience about it. "I could not b-; a gdqd Mary Trask with one piece of fine lingerie on. Why, a . decent hairpin would spoil the whole thing. She is no different, you know, from Sarah Padden.'" Sarah Padden lacks the pose of the average stage woman. She doesn't try to impress one with her import ance, but is anxious about such whole some sports as golf and skating. She likes the ambition of Omaha women and declares that they have more pep than women of most other cities. Sarah Padden is not merely an en tertainer. She is more she is a real actress who loves her work, loves people and life. WEST AMBLE! the Christmas service. story as a religious guests present were: ailsses JIaris Wlddoes. Jennie Chrlstenaen, Betty Dlxou, Alda Olson, -Ruth Wlnegarrf, Irene Baker, Katbrlne Shanahan, Rose Dixon, Messrs. Clarence Smith, XI. L. Shaw, Ellis Saunders. Ber. A. G. O'Connor, J. Cook Leslie Smith, H. B. Raffner, terg. Fred McDonald, Harold Eaton, t. A. Johnson, Clarence Haas, tiarry McAuley. Mr. and Mrs. J. TV'. Morrill. Misses- Mabel Norris, June Agner, Irene Neligh, Jane Shaffer, Margaret Howard, Mattle Farmer, Loyal Calgor. Messrs. E. C. Smith. Harry Staley, Ceorge Buzzard, Miss Condon's Party. The V. F. J. club gave a New dear's eve party at the home of Miss 31adys Condon. The guests of the ivening were: Misses Grace Kelberg, Marie Munt, !va McClenahan, Messrs Harold Sutter, Harold Luokej-, Mva Zelger, 'esta Xis Entertain. The Vesta Xis club entertained A'ednesdaj? evening in honor of Misses Marie O'Connor, Margaret Di leen and Martha Frankfurt, who are 'lome foi the holidays from Chi :ago, where they are studying art. Those present were Misses Ruth McClenahan, Nona Hogge, Messrs Norval Johnson. Richard Zelger. Misses Bessie O'Connor, Elizabeth Colgan, Marearet Dineen, Betty Dixon, Mattle Farmer, ladle Hoarn, Misses Rose Dixon, Winifred Farmer, Margaret "Colgan, Marie O'Connor, Kitty Hoarn; Gertrode Furnace. Child-en Give Mystery Play. Last Sunday afternoon, following the evensong service at 5. the chil dren of St. Barnabas' Sunday school rave a beautiful presentation of the 'Christmas Mystery" in the chancel of the church. Father Holsapple trained the children, who-presented Good Corn Meal Recipes The South Atlantic states have known the value of. corn in cooking for a long time. -For this. reason we can turn to them now forVnany de licious recipes. The following, for instance, is a favorite breakfast or luncheon dish with them: ., Waffles. One can milk. Three-quarters cup flour. Three-quarters cup corn meal. Two teaspoons baking powder. . One-half teaspoon salt. One egg. Add beaten egg to milk and add to dry materials, well mixed. And here is another delicious recipe for muffins. 'Make them once for breakfast and then see how many mornings go by before your family begins to ask: "When are you going to have those corn meal muffins again ?" Muffins. One cup milk or water. One and one-third cups flour, Two-thlrda cup corn mea One to two tablespoons fat. One to two tablespoons sugar. One egg. Four teaspoons baking powder. One-half teaspoon salt. Method 1 Mix milk, egg and melted fat, and add dry ingredients, well mixed. Method 2 Scald corn meal with the hot milk; add egg, melted fat, and dry ingredients Surprise Party. Mr. W. S. Wilcox was surprised by 30 of his friends Thursday evening at his home. He was presented with Furniture Buyers WE ARE Closing Out SURPLUS STOCK FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES, ETC. We must sell this stock regard less of cost Prices have been reduced from 60 to 75. Anticipate your future furniture needs and buy dur ing this sale. We will hold goods un til you want them. We will arrange accommodations to suit your convenience. Dining Tables Many attractive styles and finishes in uimng tables ace to go on this sale. Seduced to as Q JC low as pO- O Hundred of other bargains in dining room furniture; also bedroom, parlor and sitting room furniture. Don't miss this money-saving opportunity. Railroad fare free to out-of-town buyers within 10 miles of Omaha on purchases of $20 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO. "You - can buy it . for lew at Am SUl:n . Car. 14th and Dodg St, Onuha i a beautiful chair upholstered in tap estry by his guests as a token of their esteem. Mr. Wilcox, who was in the Union Pacific service for 30 years, is now retired. . -' Mrs. Roy T. Cathers, who has been visiting her mother, .Mrs.1 John T. Cathers, has returned to her home in North Flatte1 The elevated and subway roads in New York City, which already have women ticket sellers and platform guards, are now to employ women as ticket choppers. Many girls at Wellesley college are taking a 'var course in wireless telegraphy. Mr. and Mrs. William Cole ' en tertained at dinner Thursday evening for their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nielson and daughter, Miss Jane. Miss Martha Peterson.' who spent the holidays with relatives at Fa pillion, returned home Tuesday. Miss Lena Paulsen entertained a party at the Orpheum Tuesday even ing for the Misses Mabel Best and Mattie Kling of Hickman, Neb. Mrs. Howard Miller returned home New Year's day from a fortnight's visit with her brother, Arthur Zibell and family, on the home farm at Wisner. Her brother has been an in valid in bed the past two months with catarrh of the head and stomach. Miss Marie Carlsen, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. Ola Carlsen, for the holidays, returned to Hastings Friday evening. Miss Gurtha Long is substituting for one of the grade teachers at Elk horn during her absence out of the state to attend the funeral of her father. Miss Helen McGrail is spending her school vacation with her grandmother, Mrs. M. McGrail, of Lincoln. Mrs. At Brizzi and three children returned the end of the week from their holiday vacation at Gretna with relatives. Miss Nellie Grover. who has been teaching at Scottsbluff, Neb., returned this week to spend the rest of the week with her sister, Mrs. A. Kinney, on West Hickory street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hensman are grandparents a second time during December, the latest arrival being a daughter born Monday to their son, Floyd and wife of Monmouth paric, the other being their daughter, Mrs. Frank Thomas, a son December 12. Mrs. J. Morgan and daughters, the Mesdames Miller and Smith, most royally entertained the Jennings La dies' Aid society Thursday for their all day meeting. A fine quilt was com pleted for Mr. Claggett and a great deal of other sewing done. A line din ner at noon was served by the hostesses. We are glad to note the improve ment of Glen Webber, who was so seriously injured by an auto in Oc tober. He is able to sit up t bit and may in another month be able to return home from the 'University hospital. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Long and daugh ter gave a dinner New Year's day for their son, Carl Long, wife and son, Carl, jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wisler and son, Glen, who spent New Year's with her sister, Mrs. M. Eastland, in Chicago, returned home Wednesday. Cecil Simmons is out of Central High school this week on account of a serious attack of tonsilittf. Mrs. A. Kinney and family have had as their New Year and week-end guests her brother, M. O. Grover, DE LUXE SCHOOL OF DANCING 116 South 18th Now Beginners' Term Monday, Jan. 7, at 8 p. m. , Jazz taught every Monday even ing at 0:30. 13 Lessons $6. Singla Losson 50c The Mie Jewell and Florence Simpson Instructors. ' Walnut 1037. and wife and sister, liss Nellie Gro ver of Scottsbluff, and G. A. Platz of Lamoni, la. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C Jensen had is their New Year guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoefner of Mindcn, la., and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Wrieth of Wost Side. . Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Grover and daughter, Miss Evelyn, of Eckerman spent , New Year in Council Bluffs, the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mv Grover. Mr. and Mrs. Park Edgar gave a dinner New Year's for their mother, Mrs. Hattie Edgar, and Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nielsen and daughter, Jane. Mr. and Mfs. Carl Nielsen enter tained Tuesday for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wabh' and children and Mr. Charles Nielsen. Mrs. II. G. Claggett, the popular president of Jhe West Side Women's Christian Temperance union, with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Stevens, as as sistant, will entertain the union at their home, Forty-second and Marcy streets, Thursday afternoon, January 10. Mrs. Dr. Berry of South Side and Mrs. C. J. Roberts of Eckerman will be present 'to give reports of the national convention at Washing ton, D. C. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Herman Olcson and daugh ter, Alice, of Benson and Mrs. A. G. Westerbcrg and children of north Omaha were house Rucsts for the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Niel sen. Mrs. Park Edgar, the welt-beloved president of Jennings Ladies' Aid so ciety, left with, her husband at mid night Thursday for Scottsbluff in re sponse to a telegram anhoucing the sudden death of her father there. Mrs. Ida A. Miller received a New Year's letter and photo of her nephew, Raymond Simon, at Fort Clark, Tex., who is in the medical department of the field hospital corps and who expects to leave very soon with his company for France. Mr. and Mrs. Sorin Jensen gave a family reunion at their home on Forty-eighth and Mayberry avenue on New Year's night to the following of their family residing-in Omaha: Their daughter, Mrs. Fred Nusbaum and family; daughter, Mrs. M. B. Randall and family; daughter, Mrs. G. Sulzberg and family, and daughter, Mrs. James Leraly and family; Mr. and Mrs. George Hanson, sons, Al fred Jensen, Lewis Jensen .and Miss Margaret Brim. This, with the nu merous gtandchildren, made a merry crowd. Michigan Women Assist the Draft Board Members of the -Marshatl unit of the ..-Oman's defense committee proved themselves of real patriotic value when they volunteered their as sistance to the Calhoun county draft board in the classification of. all the men registered who had not been called into service. - The attorney general of New York has rendered a decision to the effect that women lawyers, admitted to prac tice in New York state who arcrhar ried to aliens. German or otherwise, lose their rights to practice law in the state courts. -,.,.. , There I Only One "Made-In-Omaha" . Calendar ( Look for tal taprtat on the en yea receive. M. F. SHAFER ft COMPANY, , Omaha' Only . Calendar House. . 2C 5fd : is DlBc4FBaabV Sanatorium .. ..... j .' . ; i i'V.-y This institution it the only; one in the central west with separate buildings situated in their ' own ample grounds, yet entirely dia--tinct, and rendering it possible to classify vases. The one building being fitted . for : and devoted.' the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others being admitted; the 'other Rest Cottage beinjf : designed for, - and devoted to the exclusive ? treatment- of Belect mental cases re qulring'for a time watchful care and special nursing. , . r . ' ,m .... ',, i -, 4 Begin The Hew Year Right-Buy a Dianond on Credit and Save floaey Thank You promised you a delightful surprise. I assured you my new Egyptian Chocolates would please you more than any other candy. Now I know did not disappoint. . I thank you. "They are truly wonderful bo rich, yet sb light I did not think chocolates could be so exquisite." Another told me. "The most de licious I have ever tasted the most satisfy ing." Many more have wished me congratula tions. My dealers advise me they are the choice of their most particular patrons. Again I thank you. Egyptian Chocolates are different. I intended them to be different. They are prepared from materials found in no other chocolates. Their fruits are the choicest grown; their chocolate the best made. Their recipe it is "my own, v the result of my many, many years' study and experience. I give them my personal attention, that every one shall be as surpassingly desir able as I can make it. Egyptian Chocolates are prepared in pound boxes only. Each box contains a delicious as sortment of different flavors. They are to be found at most good dealers. Order a box today. They will delight you. 1179 Cameo Ring, four fins diamonds, pink Coral Csmao, tin solid 25 $2.80 a Month 659 Ladies' Dia mond Ring, 14k olid told, "Lot tit perfection" mounting. tCA Prica $8 a Month. LOFTIS Seven-Diamond Clutter Ring The Diamonds are mounted so as to look like on lar( solitaire that would cost three or four times aa much. Manrele ef Beauty at $80, $78, $100 and $128. Credit Terms I 1 M, $1.88, $2J0an4 $3 per week. 11 VALUE J CLEARANCE ALE Our annual January 'Clearance Sales afford you an opportunity to buy Diamonds, Watches, Jewel ry, at a very great saving. The best resolution you can make for the NEW YEAR is to "Save a Diamond" on our easy payment plan. . Fout .J .' I2.B0 Diamonds -g7L ' Month lift La ValHera, fin solid told, men rold learee. bright finish, 4 fin, brilliant Olamonda. Specially priced for , dJOC January tales at efaCU $2J0 a Month ' Wa Accept Liberty Bonds at 105 ia payment for aay , of . our mar- ' chandite, or ia settlement of ae '! Military WHt Watch TELLS TIME : INTHE $1.50 VTV X, ie v tin v A MONTH Radium Dial Erery Soldier and Sailor Should H.w Thli Wrlil Watch." :'f: 260 Military Wrist Watch, leather Strep,- unbreakableIattt high grade. Foil Jewel , morement. niamtnated dial. ' (II ..Hv. i Special. $1J0 a Mpnth The Old Reliable, Original Diamond & Watch Credit House 1069 Main Floor City National Bank Black. (OS South leth St, Cor. Uth and Harney Sts., Omaha. -Opposite, Burg esfNath Co. Department Store. Fbeae Dong. 1444 and Ow Sateamaa W01 Call, Bringing Goods Yen Wist) to See. . Call or write for Catalog 90S.. , Open Daily Until Jf; P. M. ! , ' Saturday!, Till 8:30. . JbBRosaca KssnsssaESSSSSsanananfJeXSEni The Silver-Tongued Orator of ; Minnesota, Charles A. Towne, Former United States Late Member of Congress from New YorkNominated for Vice President Recommends Nuxated Iron to AH Who Feel the Need of Renewed Energy Says That Henceforth He Shall Not Be Without It Senatoir CAN BE CURED Free Proof To You AM I want it roar name tnrt address to I san send roo a free trtai treat ment want eon iast to try tbie treatment that' ail- uat try k. That't tar enlf argument . ' I n been in the Irug rrasirx In Fort Wiyrj fo V mra nar eenrone knows e and knew about a? euccesiful treatment Oree st thousand fire k l V Wayna ham according te tbeli own etatemeota oeen nued oy this treatment emce I tun made till ffe public If roe ha Kcsema. Itch, San Rhewn. fetter -new mlmt how badmy treatment bag eared the- worst sate I eei taw give me chance te Drove my clahn. Send1 me font name and tddrett id the mo pot. oeiew tad get the tna treatment I want ta eend two PREH file wonders accomplished in roni ewe att will be areof isattef out AND taan tOOAt ! ewowatt I. C HUTZELL. Druggist, 2533 West Main St., Fort Wayno, Ind. Please tend without eon ei obligation to tot yoni rree Proof. Treatment. esjueoMt Kan Age. .State, Itrtetane' Probably no remedy has ever met with such phenomenal success as has Nuxated Iron Over three million people annually are taking it in this country alone, to say nothing of the vast number who are using it in France, England, South America and other countries. It has been highly endorsed and used by Former United States Senators and members of con gress; physicians who have been con nected with well-known' hospitals have prescribed and recommended it; Monseigneur Nannini, a prominent Catholic clergyman, recommends it to all members of th Catholic Church. Former Health Commissioner Wm. R. Kerr of Chicago says it ought nRed in every hosnital and De scribed by every physician; Dr. H, B. Vail, formerly Physician in the Balti more Hospital and a Medical Exam iner, says that time and again he has prescribed Nuxated Iron and surpris ed patients at the rapidity with which the weakness and general debility were replaced by a renewed feeling of strength . and vitality; Former Fjrst Assistant Post Master Gen eral of the United States, C. P. Grandfield, strongly endorses and recommends it to the tens of thous ands of civil service employes who know his name and signature. Sarah Bernhardt "the Divine Sarah," the world's most noted actress, has order ed a large quantity sent to the French soldiers to help give them strength, power and endurance. ' The famous "Cyclone" Davit, member of the 64th United Statet Congress, says the effect of Nuxated Iron on him was almost magical, that after taking it, nothing teemed to tire him out no matter how strenuous it might be. Sr. A. J. Newman, late Police Surgeon of the City of Chicago, and former House Surgeon Jefferson Park Hospital, Chicago, tayt Nuxated Iron hat proven through hia own tests of it to excel any preparation he hat ever used for creating red blood, build ing np the nerves, strengthening the muscles and correcting digestive disorders. Dr. Schuyler C. Jaqnes, Visiting Surgeon St. Elizabeth's Hospital, New York, taya he hat never before recommended any remedy to the public, but that in the case of Nux ated Iron he would feel he were remist in hij duty not to mention it. Dr. Ferdinand King, New York Physician and Medical Author, says that in his recent talks to phy sicians on the grave and serious consequences of iron deficiency in the blood of American women he has strongly emphasized the fact that doctors should prescribe more organic iron Nuxated Iron for their weak, run down, nervous, . htggard-lookinc fatten ta. What Senator Towne Says: "A a member of Congrett from New York, a a member of Congrett and Senator from Minnesota, at participant in political campaigna and candi date for Vice-Preii-dent, my nervout energy and reserve force were tremend ously drawn ' upon. That I luryived these trials and came into advanced middle . life with the elasticity and strength ef a boy it unquestionably due to the rig oroua attention I have paid to the pro- per car of my body,' Recently I bay been t taking-, Nuxated Iron and hay found it the greatest benefit as a tonic and regulative. Henceforth I shall not be without it. I am in a position to testify for the advantage of others, to the remark able- and' immediate h e Ip f u Iness of this remedy, and I unheti tatingly r e commend Nuxated Iron to all who feel the need of renewed , energy and the regularity of bodi- iy functions." . -. Ty Cobb, the great est base ball batter of all time, took It to help give him renew, ed energy and great ttaylng power. No matter what any body tayt, you could not, at thit day, get tueh prominent men to endorte a remedy that haa no value doctors, lawyers, politicians, athletes a great array. Dr. E. Sauer, a Boston phytician who has studied both in thit country and great European medical institutiona, taid: 'Nux ated Iron it a wonderful remedy. Not long ago a man came to me who wae nearly half i a century old and asked me to give him a preliminary examination tor me insurance. wat astonished to find him with the blood pressure of a boy of twenty, and at full pf vigor, vim and vitality at a young man: in fact, a yonng man he really was, notwith standing hia, age. . The secret, he said, wat taking iron Nuxated Iron had filled . him with renewed life. At JO he wat io bad health : at 46 he wat careworn and nearly all in now at 60, after taking Nuxated Iron, a miracle of vitality and his face beaming with the buoyancy of yeuth. If people would only take Nuxated Iron when they feel weak and run-down instead of dosing themselvet with habit-forming drugs, stimulanta and alco holic beverages. I am convinced that in thia way they could ward off disease, preventing it becoming organie in thousands of eases, and thereby the lives of thousands might be Minnesota's Man of Mark Former United States .Senator, Charles A. Towne, graduated from the University of Michigan, twice elected member of the United States Congress, served in the United States Senate, nominated for Vice President, takes Nuxated Iron; now- recommends it to all who feel the need of renewed energy. . saved who 'sow'. dia very year from p n e n monla, grippe, kidney, liver, hart trouoie ana ozner dangerous - maladies. The real,' true cause which started their disease was . nothing' more or lets than a weakened condition brought on by a lack . J t .L. 1.1 I . 11 uu in ui uiwv. Thousands of people suffer from iron de ficiency and do not .. know it. . -If you are -not ttrong or well, you ewe Mo yourtelf to make the following tests e how long you can work or how far you j walk without becoming tired. Next take wo five-grain tablets of Nuxated Iron three timet per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. - NOTE Nuxated Iron, which" Sat been ' seed by Former Coiled States Senator Towne wltti snob tor prisinr mult, and wbicn It prescribed and reoow mended above by phyilolus to such a treat variety ot esses. Is not a patent medicine nor secret remedy. where. Unlike the older Inortsnle Iron products. It la eiill SMlmilsted. does not injure the teeth, make then black, nor upset the stomach: oa the contrary It is a most potent remedy In nearly an forma ef Indigestion, ss well as for nervous, run-down enndi tlona. The manufacturers hare such treat confidence In Niuated Iron that they offer to toz'Mt tlOO.04 to any charitable Institution IX they eaauot take any man A, tjnmin unrim alttb aha lflka Imn anf hi crease their strength 100 der cent or nter in four wu. ' 1 1 ma th hlH HA BantMis nrr.nw trouble. They also offer to refund your money If H does not at least double roar siren (th and enduraaet in ten days' time. It Is dispensed by Sherman aj ucvjxuiaii vnuj swm sou au (ooa aruitiais.