Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1918, SCOCIETY, Image 16

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Adelaide Kennerly
Ella Fleishman-
2 B
Mr. and Mrs. Doane Keller
closing their home aqd go to
Blackstone for the winter.
Harkness and Denman Konntze re-
turn to school today and Corey
Clarke leaves for the Hill achool at
mtstown, Fa.
Mia Virginia Hanscom and Miu
France, who spent the holidays here
with Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kennedy,
returned inursday to Mew York.
Miss Helen Eastman returni to
Chicago today to resume her studies
at the Art institute.
Mr. and Mra. J. E. Davidson arc
in flew York, haying left here just
auer vorisuoas.
Mrs. F. S. Hann it at the Birch"
mopt hospital, recovering from sev
eral woew uiaess.
Mtss Wianifred Smith left Saturday
evening for Keailworth, III, to spend
the week-end en her way back to
school at St Mary's-on-the-Delaware
at Burlington, N.J.
Miss Mary Gilford, Miss Ruth
Hamilton, Miss Helen Hoag land,
Miss Virginia Fixley and Miss Mar
garet wattles go back to achool at
Dana hall Monday.
. James Love returned to the Prln-
cipia school hi 1st. Louis Wednesday.
Richard Page returned to Law-
renceville New Year's night, while
Morse- Palmer went back to Harvard
and Herbert Davis to Johns Hop-
Kins, i
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hynes art at
II New Year's Dan Brides Ii
Vi i.i1.;.,.. . T S t
1 jtv ' ' - 1
: "y,- y,. J . j fx V. A
I fliv ' v , '. :' ,
I ' I ,tt v , n
' i 'r-' - lift . -1 ' 1
Two attractive New Year's
the Blackstone for a short time while I brides are Mrs. Charles Rice and Mra.
they are moving to their new home! Charles Warren Hclsley. Mrs. Rice
at 432, North Thirty-eighth street fwas formerly Miss Edna Rosenxweig
Oth. CAasWOfeUley
and Mrs. Helsley was Miss Sybil
woodruff, well known in college
Arthur C Smith leaves today for 0ne MlnUter Agrees to
Grace, back to school at Bryn Mawr.l CatlVOSS Whole CoUJltU
Miss Betty Mitchell o! Fort Leav For.Boofo tor SoldUrS
enworth and Miss Ellen Catlin of
St Paul, who were the guests of Miss
Virginia Pixley, left Monday for their
The E. S. Westbrook home has
been quarantined sines before Christ
mas, Richard, ont of Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. Schmidt, the Lutheran mln
StJSr. ! Papt'l'on. l one of Miss
Edith Tobitt's enertetlc aM In thu
work of obtaining books for the sol-
41".. lik""" L"-n. t l J
rort umana.
Kev. &chmidt has volunteered to
canvass aarpy county and expects to
Westbrook s sons, having t light case secure at least 400 volumes. These
Df diphtheria, . books are for Fort Crook.
mm vainnne iouinmei ana Mri, vvmtu b ins puouc uorary,
fr T S 4 W t .i . . a. a . I v
naroiq rrucnett are ootn quarantined
1 - - I ! I . . I .
for measles, having been taken sick
acw years day. ,
Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey and her sister,
Miss Ethel Evans, have gone to St
Augustine, na.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowrie Childs will
ciose tnetr nome. "Msxweiton." on
the Fort Crook road, and Wove to the
BjacKstone. shortly.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Klerstead, Mrs.
Rome Miller, Mrs. H. A. Wsggener
and small daughter leave today for
Los Angeles, whets they will stay for
the balance or tne winter.
Mr. A," T, Crump, who has been
spending aa eight dsys' furlough
with friends in the cltv. returned tti
day to Halifax, where he is stationed.
stopping over a day ia Chicago to
visit friends there.
Mrs. Alice McKcncle has received
word from Louisville,' Ky that her
son, Mr, Leon Roderick McKensie
is slowly improving from a severe
operation. v
Miss Mary McAdams, who has been
spending the holidays with her Bar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. McAdams,
has returned to Iowa college at Cedar
fans, la.
(Miss Josephine Grant Is visiting her
sister, miss sieua, in micago.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Martin have
taken an apartment at the Blackstone,
wnere they win be tor the next three
Miss Lueila Peterson, who eame
home frpm Vassar before Christmas,
i win not return owing to Ill-health.
pne is at Clarkton hospital for
four weeks course of treatment
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gannett and
family, who have come from Buffalo
to live, have taken a furnished house
at south Thirty-fourth street
Mrs. Fred Hamilton and her sis
ter, Mrs.- Campbell, plan to leave for
coronado Peach, Cal, about Janu
ary24. ,v .
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane
leave aturday for Beaumont Tex.
where they have a house for the win
ter. Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Dwyer, who
have bought their home here, will
take possession at once. ?nf
Howard Baldrlge has gone to New
xorK on Dusiness tor 10 days.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Meyer, who
spent the holidays with Mr. Meyer's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morlts Meyer,
have returned to their home in New
:LitIe Miss Adele Folt. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. L. U Folts. who has
been ill with scarlet fever, is now re
covered and the quarantine has been
lifted. .
Mr. J. H. Hansen has just returned
from Colorado, where he spent the
holidays with Mrs. Hansen and their
two small sons. Mrs. Hansen and
the two boys expect to join Mr. Han
sen very shortly and make their home
here.; ; ; . ,.
' Miss' Hedwig Rosenstock has re
turned from a visit to Sioux City. .
Mr. and Mrs. Frits Rosenstock
have returned from a short trip to
Excelsior Springs. ' ;
Rohlf-O'NeU Wedding.
..Miss Marie O'Neil. dausrhter of Mr
and Mrs. J. W. O'Neil, was married
Wednesday afternoon at St Peters
church to Mr. Oscar Rohlf, son of
Mr. Herman Rohlf, of this city. The
wedding was a very quiet informal
one, only relatives witnessing the
ceremony. After an eastern wedding
trip the young couple will make their
home in Omaha.
Entertains School Oirls. -
Mrs., Charles , O'Neill Rich eoter
Uieed the school g irU at lunch
eon at the Blackstone, followed by a
, autinee party at the Orpheum,
. i . - . i
Social Club Dates. -
The women of the Hotv Ana'tla
lt- . ' ' T "
Dansn announce a earn nartv tn ha
given Tuesday afternoon at their hall,
awtnty-eignm ana ypwier avenue,
The members of the Golden Hill
society wiu give a card party Tues
day afternoon at the B'nal Ami club
Mrs. Charles Thatcher will be
hostess at the meeting of the Wo
men's Golf club at the Prettiest Mile
club, .which will be held . Tuesday
aucrnpon. ' ;. v,,- .Vf,.:
; Mrs. Dan Wheeler will entertain
tne uriginal Cooking club at lunch
eon at the Omaha club Thursday.
Band No. 7 of the Indenenr!
. 1 mt . . . . : .
cia oi tne aacrea Heart nansh wi i
give a card party Monday afternoon at
tne nail, Twenty-second and Locust
streets. ..... .-,. ,
The Kenslnerton club of tha Orrir
pf the Eastern Star will hold a meet
ing in the old Masonic temple Thurs
day aucrnoon. : -
Wednesday eveninc af the SwcrfUh
auditorium the FidelTs club will viva
a card party. A supper will be served
and eight prises will be given.
Omaha Club Annual Dinner. -
Wednesday. January 9.' has fin
set for the annual dinner and stock
holders' tweeting of the Omaha club.
Three directors are to be elected at
this meeting, the terms of Harry
Doorlv, Frank B. Johnson and A. L
Reed haying expired. j
Friday Night Dancing Club.
The Fridav Nlcht Dancinar rliiS wilt
hold its regular party at the Metro
politan club Friday evening, January
11. President E. C Conlev will have
returned from his southern trip and
me anair win oe in tne nature, of a
"Welcome Home" celebration.
Christmas Dinner
At Hoovers House
Tile Hoovers themselves, by the
way. had a model "Hoover" Christ
mas dinner. Here's the menu, vouched
tor oy Mrs. Hoover herself:
OraUra ,
Cll7-8oup OHvm
Tvirkty with ChMtnvt DrMilna .
(no br4 crumba ud)
TonUS Corn Prd tttuc Salad
Pumpkin Pl, with wheatltaa eruit
Amrtaa Cbttaa
rrvlte Nuta
Otfaa Ciar
For a meatless and wheatless and
almost sugarless that looks like i
pretty good dinner. There is no men
tion of cranberries cranberries take
such a lot of sugar. And there was no
sugar for the coffee Mr. Hoover and
his family have learned to drink
coffee without sugar.
The Lansings had the quietest,
somberest Christmas of their historv
They are in deeo mourning for Mrs,
Lansing's father, General Foster, who
aied about a month ago.
The McAdoos had a Jollv familv
house party. Two of the secretary's
sons, both of whom are in the navy
wiuiarm tibDs, jr.. as an eTisiirn. and
KODert mselhurst. ai an enlisted
man had Christmas fnrlottfrhs ind
came home. Mrs. Charles Taber Mar
tin of. Chestnut Hill. Phi adebhia.
and her small daughter Nona came
down for the holidays, and Nona, the
tamily bride, and her husband. Fer
dinapd de Mohrenschildt, formerly of
.i T. i . .
me iusian cmoassy, joined mem an
tor dinner.
The Bakers, the Gregorys and the
Burlesons all had the quietest sort of
nome Chnstmase$. I he Bakers, of
course, centered their celebration
around their, three little children. For
suiuc jcdsun, in spite oi a joo mat
mrows mm constantly wun army
omcers ana army men, the Bakers
don't seem to ko in for entertaining
soldiers.' ;
The Burlesons'have only dauah-
tsrs, extremely attractive daughters,
to be sure, and cansble of maklnar a
very merry Christmas. And the Greg,
orys two sons-one at Princeton and
one at the Virginia Military institute
ana tneir daughter, little Jane Greg
ory, a tiny little lady who has been
a distinct belle ever since the Greg
orys entered the cabinet circle, and
tttieMiss Carnetia were all at home
or Christmas.
Betrothal Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Carney an-
nounce , the . engagement of their
daughter, Mae Frances, to Mr. Guy
ii. Williams. The wedding will take
place in the spring,
" ' " aws "aii '-ff-asiaBwsjBjs8aiassjs-s-
-' . : ' - . r v.- . .- .
-"'-' '' '''
"Mrs. A. J. Augustine and children
have gone to Murray, Neb., for a short
visit with the family of Mr. Benjamin
Beckman. s
Mrs. Mynheer Greeves is visiting
relatives at York and Benedict, Neb.
Miss Vivian Dyke of Villisca is vis
iting wth her aunt, Mrs. Anna Beav
ers. '
Mrs. Herbert Smith of Coon Rsp
ids, la., is visiting her son, Mr. V, H.
Smith, and family.
Little Mtss Anna Koutsky, daugh
ter of Dr. and Mrs. John fioutsky, is
in the Nicholas Senn hospital, where
she underwent a minor operation,
Miss Gladys Robertson of Villisca,
la., a well known South 5ide visitor,
is in the Swedish Mission hospital,
wnere she underwent an operation
tor appendicitis. Her condition is
favorable. '
A new baby has arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nixon,
Mrs. J. T. Sullivan, who has been
quite ill, is now very much improved
out unable to be up yet
The Ladies' Aid of the Cnncn-rtra
tional church will meet at the home
of Mrs. Jay Stickley, Forty-fourth and
. streets, Thursday afternoon. This
is an important social meeting and
all members are requested to be
present . .
Mrs. James Hall will give a card
party at the Odd Fellows' hall Mon
day afternoon. There will be 10
prizes of hand-painted chins.
The Dorcas club will meet Frldsy
afternoon at the Social Settlement
home. , 4
Mrs. Millard Bailv waa a-lven a nr-
prise party Saturday evening. The
time was spent wjth music and danc
ing, followed by refreshments.
Mrs. Albert Noe. r.. ntrini.rf at
a family dinner on New
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Smith enter-
tainea at a wew Year's party in honor
of their son, Magpus, who was home
from training camp.
ine Mystic Workers met Thursday
evening and initiated six new mm.
Miss Barbara Augustine entertained
St a pertjron New Year's eve at her
home, 4008 U 6treet. The decorations
were in Christmas- greens, the eve
ning WSS SOent With music rA Hani.
tng followed by refreshments. Those
present were:
Manart Kalhorn,
Irena Auf uitina.
Joseph Gerdon. 4218 South Twenty
seventh street, for the relatives and
close friends. The bride wore a beau
tiful gown of white Georgette crepe
and satin embroidered in tiny yellow
nowers, macie square neck with
panei sKirt, tne net veil was held in
place by a narrow ... satin -'band and
came to the bpttom of her skjrt She
carried a shower of bride's roses and
Mies of the valley. The bridesmaid
wore yeiiow voile gown made with
a tight bodice and short full skirt. She
carried Mrs. Ward's roses. Mr. and
Mrs. Stark will make their home at
the Dunsany apartments.
Ituth Joha.
Dalla Oraan,
Mary Hearty,
Bteva Green,
Raymond Petersen.
John Lonr.
Mr. and Mra. B.
Aldan Wallcar,
John Talk
Mr., and Mri. A. J, Au(uatlna.
The engagement of Audrev. rfiucrh.
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bruce, to
Hugh i Arvell has just been announced.
Mr. Arvell is a South Sida bov now
stationed at Cams Codv. ao the wrA.
ding plans are indefinite.
The marriage of Miss Clara Soukup
and Mr. LeRoy Stark took place New
Years evening at the Diets Memorial
Meinoaist cnurcn at 8 o'clock, the
Rey, H. P. Hunter performing the
ring ceremony. The wedding march
was played by the groom's sister, Mrs.
U A. Kiger. The bride attendants
were Miss Irene Elet and Mr. Ru
dolph Soukup, brother of the bride,
Following the church ceremony a re.
ception and weddinc unnir nn hM
at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.
Mrs. Joseph J. Lattice was hostess
t noay atternoon tor the Ladies Aid
of the Dundee Presbyterian church.
Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Johnston left
Sunday night for Camp Cody at Dent
ing,1 N. M., called there by the illness
of their son, Philip, who has pneu
monia. The funeral of Mrs. Kate Parker,
who died as the result of an accident
in Kansas City, was held from the
Dundee Presbyterian church last Sun
day, with interment at Forest Lawn.
The families of; Dr. and Mrs.
Charles O'Neil Rich and Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Abercrombie dined together
on New Vear'a day,
Miss Virginia Pixley returns Mon
day to Dana hall.
Miss Gladys Putnam will leave
Monday for Ferry hall, Chlcsgo.
Miss Gladys Goodman is ill at her
home with an attack of measles.
Mrs. H. G. Rockefellow is aulte I!'
at her home.
Miss Helen Hosgland. who returns
to school Monday, at Tenacre, Mass.,
entertained a few girl friends Friday
at the Muse.
As a result of the shortage of labor.
women have taken the places of the
men gardeners in the celebrated bo
tanical gardens at Chrlstchurch, N. Z.
tit. - Toh dissolved in a little
water as used No extras, to
bur No concoctions to bother
No lightning change to em
barrass. A most delightful preparation,
appealing to modsst, refined women.
KcvxK-TEi heralds Joy and happiness every-
it is eiean, eunpte, scieouuc a graousuy
corrects i
f TnitlhABta. noaltivel'
"Never-TeT tnat's why It wssiegally aecotded the name Nsveb-Teu
A Duty-Not Vanity
Tonkin th part ia roor duty. It's not
vanity it a buiinaaa, your Dullness.
It to yournlf and frlandi to -look
ik yoar
Dosa Not Gtaln
KSTCT-m la not tUckjr, and wffl noti rtafa
tha moat 4aUeata akin. It toTteomtea tha
acalpi allaaatw dandruff, andadmulataa
the hair to a mora liaurlant growth. Itla a
tMrfeet dallcht to thoM who ha?a axpari
anoed the dlaarroeab e featuraa of other
preparatiorj; and to all who hay fait tha
tragedy of (raynaaa. NBVBR-TUi QXMi U
the one aala. aanitf .T ramecr.
At y3L-r 4ni;lt, Ho, cr dlraot frohi r.eerVl Laaoriteriw Co., 0. 204, Kmui City, Me.
beat." TbeqiaiidgnaeNOTBavTlLbecaticelt
t auapla. aawnlaia and owe can "Bever-tei .
It la the earaf ul work of aminant chemists
BmltoitouatonainieaL Ita use every other
tag a ahort time, darken your hair to
I ihada. tnwvrea every otc-rweeK.
I - aaa av em a asmtM a I v r r m.
nOTUOrffo lllft- "fell ( : vj
Is Calling Yni;
ell Uf ,
tleketi' 1 .11
m-..V (
It's a thor. fi
to come South; to come for tha
things you can get in the eame
way nowhere ele) to com where
the chill, raw rigors of the North
are lost fq the balmy tonie air of
the Gulf. Ideal surf bathlnr, fish
ing, hunting, motoring, golf, tto,
An atsaoaehere of Army and Navy
life, mingling with civic, society
attractions. Aad yqur every want
anticipated and provided for at
one of the world's best taverns
the eoramodloua, perfet)y.appolnt-
eq, luxurious, miinon-doJIar
All roads sell
fart toerijt
to Calvetton
your agent
oughly comfortable and
delightful trip. l
ror fares, bertha and
any travel information, tea or
Galveston, Texas.
Write P. L. Sandere,
Mc rHr
Galveston Commer.
ciaj Aasatiatien.
District rasn(er Asant,
Til Walnut St, Kansas City, Ma.
" II
a) I
yl-iK Mr. Foster
Complete information that is definite and accurateis especially desirable in
this year of changing schedules and limited train service, v
It is plainly evident also that the winter resorts of Florida, California and
throughout all of the great Southern country will be filed with guests. If you are
to be comfortable you should know, where you are going, arrange for accommoda
tions and have the trip definitely planned in advance. .
The Ask Mr, Foster Service does all of this for you without cost or fee. Mr.
.Foster knows all about conditions. He has seven offices in Florida, f ive of f ices in
California and offices as well in Pinehurst and New Orleans. Mr. Foster's repre
sentatives have visited all of the resorts this year." 1 There is at Mr. Foster's office
a plentiful supply of illustrated literature, all for you, with expert advice.
. You are invited to - ;
yfcr Mr. Foster "
Travel Infonnation ,
Service i
BURGESS-N ASH CO. (On Balcony. ) V
ST. LOUIS Scruifs-Vandorvoort-Bajrney Co.
MINNEAPOLIS L. S. Donaldson Cau
OMAHA Barf ass-Nash Co. .
DENVER Denials a Fisher Store).
NEW ORLEANS Hotel Crunaw.ld.
LOS ANGELES J. W. Robinson Co.
LOS ANGELES Hotel Rosslyn.
PASADENA Hotel Maryland. (Nov.-May).
PASADENA Hotel Huntington. (Dec-May).
SEATTLE Frederick Nelson. v
BRETTON WOOD Hotel Mount Va.hmfton.
(July to October).
MANCHESTER, VT. Equinox House.
.(June to October).
PORTSMOUTH, N. H. Hotel Woatwortb,
. (June to October).
(June to October).
HAVANA Prado and Central Park.
BUFFALO Wm. Henferar Co.
CLEVELAND The Higbeo Co.
. DETROIT J. L. Hudson Co.
CHICAGO Carson Pirle Scott & Co.
NEW YORK 220 West 421 St.
New York Lord Taylor, 5th Ave., 38th-39th Sts.
PHILADELPHIA Chestnut and 12th, In Acker's.
ATLANTIC CITY Mlchtenn Ave. and Boardwalk.
WASHINGTON 503 14th St.
PINEHURST The Carolina Hotel.
JACKSONVILLE 18 HoK an St. (Oct.-May)
o i. nnc Cordova cldc.
. DAYTC IA Beach St.
PALM BEACH In front of Royal
- Poineiana.
MIAMI 12th St. and Ave. C
and 2d St.
- CAMAGUEY Hotel Camaguey. (Jan.-Mch).
WARD G. FOSTER, General Manager. " . Send stamp with mail inquiry.