Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1918, SCOCIETY, Image 15

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vol. xlviiino.;;so.
1. IOMAHA, SUNDAY;:m6rNING; ; JA&IARY 61918. "
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Is Has Beefr
, ; ; iTIuMijit Mst Asleep
The Rich 'and Poor, Great and Small. Look Out or
GabMirGet Yor All'as She Flits About r;
-ThhAard TTnstppn. . . x t
Detayls '
, AN'i attractive; "yp.ung- Dundee nia
; A tron was beside herseiriast week
as the result( of; her .mard ertiulatirig
; the distinguished ; iiattlple' 'of "C W
t President Wilson in; Titing 'notes. -I
' Two milkmen come "to" this. -"Dun
dee home. One brmgsPmuK;Jprxtne;
young heir and- the other for' family
consumption (Distinction made neces
sary' byH, C'of'UV - "
It . seeiits the,: "milkman ot the sec
ond 'part incurredvthed'spleasure f
said maid, who "satdown and 1 wrote
him a note of -three pages, in vwbich
she vented her displeasure with great
guto. . "
i Slie eak4 it arid addfessed. it-to
"Jli Milkman.-'.'. .-:i.i-,
' Ndxt morning.' along came milk
man' of the first part, vfho took unto
himself the note and read-it. " '
He hasn't reappeared at that Dun
dee ,'home from that day to-this, to
the great dis'Uess of the young, heir
f the familvAwhile the milkman for
whom the note was - intended still-
jauntily swings his milk cans around
the premises unaware :of .the tempest
he jnvoKea..x
S OME day Gabby is going to com
pile a book; of stories she has
gathered about maids and their mis
tresses. 1 v" . - :
' A young Omaha , matron was en-5
gaging a "lady of color" to' succeed
oAeNvho had been discharged' for,
' piVering. ' . ; - , -. j
"I shall engage you if. I like your!
work and you will not steal anything.",
said she. '
''Lawdy, no, Missus! Ah'doan steal
nuffin. Ef I sees anything in yo' all
house Ah wants, Ah'll jes ax fr it,
an' yo' all kin jes give it to me," re
plied the prospective maid.
i Which was striking a pretty good
p compromise. ; i
IN A CAFE window a sign .was
placed which read "Girl Wanted."
"A young chap', very debonair and tor-;
i toise shell-rimmed as to eyes, came
in the. little "eatery" with a broad
grim "Pointing to the sign, he said;
,f; ' "Well, I'm in the same fix but I'm:
not advertising it" ' j
IT1 HE society editor was tearing. her
A hair one day last wtt over a j
story she was writing about'a pur-j
; prise marriage between a well known
' college girl and a young captain. Huw
could anyone even contemplate such
a step. without her knowledge? A
sweet, young thing, as yet unused to
L the "wiles of the world,, came dashing.
into the omce that evening waving a
paper which contained the story that
the marriage license which the young
captain hadv obtained would be - re
turned. ......
"Well," said the school girl, "that's
the vfrrst time I knew you could take
a marriage license out on approval;'
f NE never can telh where it will
V crop out this literary, stuff. A
boy who "totes" typewriters - around
for an Omaha agency deposited a ma
chine on a desk in th home; of a
prominent young "society girl who is
taking up . a commercial coursepre-paratory-to.
doing her bit
"A sheet of. paper,' please,"' said the
boy, !'so 'see-if it works-all right"
-' She gave - him the paper He
squatted down.-- j., .. .r. ,
In five'minute;, using, the hunt sys
tem, he had'picked out these burning
thoughts, reproduced here. - letter for
I t .' . ' 4 A' ' . m .
. letter, numoer- tor number ana; sign
ior sign: a -
vexz. X,.- . v . .
XT AS an'yone seen'.Mr. Louis. Clarke
Tywhen he was angry? New Year's
eve at; the Orpheum Mrlarke was
in a party occupying the front box.
A pretty 1'ttle miss on the stage spied
him-and running over to the edge of
the box. began to sing her. song to
him. Mr. Clarke was annoyed, very
much so. - The members of his party
laughed heartily at his discomfiture
and this encouraged the little actress
more. Plucking a red velvet flower
that was growing (without soil) near
the stage she coquettishly tossed it
into the box. Mr, Clarke changed
his seat! -..'.'
Curtain t , t
"TirHAT English word is derived
from the Latin verb -'rc-condo'?".
Miss Susan Paxson of Cen
tral High school faculty questioned
Barton Kuhns, son of Paul JCuhns,
Friday, r . - , f
"Recondite," replied the young
Kuhns .scion. .
. "Very. well. ', Now. go to. the board
and write 'recondite' in a "sentence,"
requested. Miss Paxson.
Young Kuhn3 marched to the
Social Calendar
Monday , ? .
Card party given by Independent
circle of Sacred Heart parish. -Tuesday.
W'nter Dancing-club party, at
Harte hall.
Woman's Golf club of Prettiest
Mile,' Mrs. ' Charles Thatcher,
. hostess. . . -
Card party given by women of
Holy Angels parish.
Golden Hill society 'card party at
B'naiAmi clubroopis.
Trinity Parish Aid, Mrs.1 Milton
Barlow, hostess. ..
Mrs. James English,, dinner for
O'Neill-English bridal party at
Annual dinner at Omaha. club. '
Evening card- party given-by the
' Fidel:s club. ! , 1
Thursday ;
O'Neill-English wedding at St!
Peter's church. .
Celebration of 60th wedding an
niversary of Rev. and Mrs. E.
A. Russell at the home of Mrs.
W. B Howard.
Meeting of the Original Cooking
Original Cooking club luncheon at
.; Omaha clubMrs. Dan Wheeler,
hostess. -
Wyche Story Tellers' league, pub
,'. lie library, 4 p. m.
Friday ,
Friday Night Dancing .club at
Metropolitan hall.
Qui Vive club dancing- party at
Turpin's academy ,
Tri Delta sororitluncheon. ,
,yt uv. .i. ft, ,,Ux
Mr.cJ $1 . ' a ;:xf ; r-: A$
?;xxfC ' . ,;x.A Ma,,-
fJl j&v.v (YVit;).? . '.v :xx-" Ajji
' ::l'-Vi 1 ' S&fcS' C.S. Severs ox 1 yv
Mrs. Douglas Cavers, nee jMiss Inez Westfall, of Carroll la'., is a bride of the' week. The?
wedding took place Monday evening, at "the home of the bride's parents; Mr; and Mrs., H. F.
Westfall, in Carroll. The wedding was a'complete surprise to the friends of . the young couple
and was a very informal one. j.The young couple .will make their home on the .Cavers ranch
near North Platte, Neb. The bride, who is an exceedingly attractive, young woman is well
known in Omaha, having spent some of her school days here. . ' She is a graduate of Rock,
ford college, while Mr. Cavers who Is prominent in social circles in this city,-was educated in
blackboard and wrote : .' "Write the
word 'recondite' in "a sentence 1"
Miss Paxson" gave him a frigid
glance! ...
"Will someone go to the board and
use the word 'recondite", intelli
gently?" she asked. - ' . ; .X
TT WAS at the Press club party t
1 the home of The Bee's musical
editor. The newspaper folk had just
finished singing Carrie Jacobs Bond's
"The End of a Perfect Qay."
i "Does any one here know the story
of Mr. Bond's. tragic end?" someone
asked. ' ' ' ' ' '
"No, but I think it's too bad ne
died. Tlje Bonds should have had a
daughter and narhed her Liberty,"
was vouchsafed in reply.
MR. LEWIS BURGESS, who is ex
tremes fond: of the social whirl,
was bewailing the dearth of parties
this vacation. - ,-, , . ,
"Last year" we used-to say,-how
many nights will .you be- at home?
and this ytar.we say, how many nights
are you going out complained this
young Beau Brummel to" a girl friend
the other da
eastern schools.
The marriage of Miss Anita Sturk. daughter; of Mrs.-Dell Sturk. to Mr.tEarl Haffstronvwaa
solemnized at the home of the bride's mother Monday4'evenirig. The wedding -was a very
quiet, informal one, only immediate, "relatives being present. , r ; - j,
. Major and Mrs. C. S. Severson and 'little; daughter, Alice, are a welcome addition to the
army set. ' Major and Mrs, Severson have only bfcen at Fort Crook a short' time, coming from
Fort Snelling, where the major was stationed." Mrs. Severson, who is a very distinctive looking
young matron, was a former Chicago society girj. " t - - . , f x,
, , . j . ' ..v t- . , , , . . . . . -. -, ' ' ;
t A charming bride of the week is Miss Margaret English daughter of Mrs. James P. Eng
lish, whose marriage to Mr. Richard D. O'Neill will take' place 'Thursday morning at St. Pe
ter's church, The wedding will be a v'ery quiet bne.with only relatives and a few intimate
friends present. Miss Mary English, sister of 'the bride, will be bridesmaid and Mr. Robert
D. Latech of Lincoln will attend the bridegrom as best'mari .,. ( , x
White Elephant Sale to Be
Given by National League
: For Woman's Service
The National League for Woman's
Service, with Mrs. Arthur Crittenden
Smith as chairman of the managing
committee, has arranged for a White
Elephant sale in the Auditorum, Jan
uary 30. .This is the latest effort of the
league . to raise funds for war relief.
A number of committees are being
formed to take charge of the various
departments, and to collect salable ar
ticles that people wish to contribute
from their household store. Wearing
apparel, furniture, dishes, ornaments,
books;or "miscellaneous," is welcome
and will be received at the Auditorium
on January 28-29. - .. : ; -
Conservation Conference. '
"Crumbs That-Drop from the Rich
Man's Table" is the subject of a talk
Gurdon W; Wattles, food administra
tor for Nebraska, will give Wednes
day afternoon in Lincoln at the thir
teenth annual meeting of the Nebras
ka Home Economics association at
the university . farm. Mrs. Emma
Reed Davisson, Xwho ; was .recently
called to Washington' to f help -with
war emergency work, will be present
at the meeting. Mrs. Davisson will
talk on "Wotnsn and the World JVar.
Proper. cooking demonstrations I will
be givenMrs. KTeith Neville, wife of
the governor, will-be among the host
esses at a tea during the conference. ;
Winter Dancing Club. .X.
The next party of the Winter Danc
ing club will be held Tuesday, Jan
uary 8. at Harte's hall, Dundee, in
stead of Janurtry 9, as previously an
nounced. Thi3 is the regular fort
nightly informal party. f X
Mr, and.' Mrs. W.-S.: Wilcox have
as their guests M-rs. Cora Prince Phil
lips, who is enrouteto her 'home in
Trinidad, Colo.;' and -Miss 'May Kin
ney of -Denver, their nieco
i - !;Fipjinksks -lor.Redt
Blue Serge' Takes. -Place
",S,pfrCHiffpn as War .
r WorkBegins.A ;
i ' ": ?:-3y:-lPECGY.' .':
WItH the passing' of the holidays
" ' society will ' hang tip" its party
'frocks and don blue serge again for
serious .duties.,.' The, school girls,
many' ofthem, have "packed their
traveling bags and turned their faces
schoolward and the few who remain
will leave during the .coming week.
The' debutantes have made stern re
solves to forego all social pleasures
and .atte'nd strictly to war work, or
business courses. The social calendar
is beginning to look blank and with
the coming of Lent; combined with the
war activities which claim our-women,
there will be practically .no entertain
ing: Red Cross work, charities and
war relief dutieswill how be. the order
of the day and neariy aU the affair
will be benefit'parties. - .i
'. ' '" X i T -v',, '.j -
Soronty Meeting, ; ; ; . ..
, The Omaha .-Alumnae, club Of, the
Alpha Thi. Omega sorority held its
regular monthly ' meeting Saturday
afternoon. at the home of Miss Ethel
Fry. i.The ; afternoon was spent -ist
sewing ' 'jforsi sso
ciation," r c
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