Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1918, Page 9, Image 9
s! - nilT ,..n i 'itihrnm fctt THE BEE: OMAHA. S' Friday, January 4, 1918- Storo Hour. 8:30 A. M. To 6 P. M. Saturday, 9 P. M. -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY Victor Rtcorda lor January Arc Ready. -Phone Douglas 137 The Mid-Winter White and Special Sales at Burgess-Nash Afford the Greatest Saving Possibilities of the Entire Season This Annual Mid-Winter SALE OF BLOUSES At $1.00, $2.00 and $2.50 Affords Values in Crisp New Styles That Are Really Remarkable THERE are scores of dainty new models, including all the newest ideas in collars, cuffs and every detail. Blouses that are made of lin gerie materials and artistically trimmed with laces and embroider ies, also tailleur and sport models, with collars and cuffs of white pique or linen in rose, copen, lav ender, green and gold the kind of blouses every woman finds in dispensible, and you will do well to supply your needs now for spring and summer seasons. Hand-Made Blouse, ' $6.50 to $20.00 Handsome line of hand-made blouses of the finest quality of French batiste. Hand embroidered and trimmed with real val and filet laces. Others beautifully simple with just dainty tucks and hem stitching, all hand done, at $6.50 to 120.00. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Second Floor The Mid-Winter White Sales The Great Drive Against Rising Prices CONTINUES as one of the most important event of the New Year. A "staving off" of the advance in prices on practically everything you need in the home. Remember, this drive against higher prices, can protect only those who share the goods offered. We can't stop the higher prices from coming. We can only "stave off" the advance with Prices That Are the Lowest For Years to Come Included are such stocks merchandise upon which the prices will not be advanced while the present supply lasts. TABLE AND HOUSEHOLD LINENS MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES WHITE GOODS, BED SPREADS ETC., ETC. Special Offering Saturday New "Bustle" Hats and New Poke Hats Of Crepe, Satin and Combinations of Crepe and Straw $5.00 $7.50 $10.00 CLEVER looking new models in an exceptionally com plete collection for immediate and early spring wear; two representative hats are shown in above il lustration. A number of adapta tions from much higher cost originals are also featured. Colorings in clude rose, taupe, gray, brown, gold, cherry, putty, sand, and al Egg so black and white. Burgeu-Naih Co. Second Floor TANDY That Tastes Like More That's the kind you get here at Burgess-Nash. Cocoanut and peanut brittle, special Satur day, at 29e lb. Caramels, fresh made, as sorted flavors, at 33c lb. BurfMt-Nath Co. Maia Floor B OX Stationery, 5 Quire, 50c Venus writing paper, 5 quire to a box, a high grade linen finished stationery at SOe a box. Envelopes to match at 20c a package. Stationery, 19c Highland plaid stationery in white and tinted good linen paper, Saturday special, 19c box. BurfMi-Naah Co. Third Floor w OMEN'S Kid Gloves, at $1.50 Broken size assortments, in black, white and colors. Some are soiled and mussed, but otherwise perfect. Sale price, $1.50 pair. White Kid Gloves, $2.00 Women's white kid gloves, extra good wearing qualities, in plain white or with black sewing or trimmings, $2.00 pair. Warm Lined Gloyes and Mittens v for women and children. The stock consists of fur and fur lined gloves, fleece lined gloves and mittens, wool mit tens and skating gloves. All very reasonably priced. Chamoisette Gloves 75c and 89c WomeVs two-clagp, extra good wearing quality chamois ette gloves, white and gray, 75c and 89c a pair. Burgaaa-Naah Co. Maia Floor Our Stock Of Women's Boots. Ox fords and Slippers for Saturday at Reductions of 20 to 40 THERE'S not a single pair re served. We're putting our stock in order that we, may re ceive the new lines for spring as they arrive. And all these great reductions are made right in the face of a rising leather market, too. Your choice of any style from our entire stock of women's boots, oxfords and slippers, at reduc tions of 20 to 40. Children's Shoes, Reduced 10 Our stock of infants', children's, misses' and boys' shoes on the second floor, offered at a price reduction of 10 per cent. - ( Burgeai-Nub Co. Second Floor Clearaway of Booksfrom Circulating Library, at 25c E,VERY year, about this time, we make a clearaway of all circulating library books that are slightly soiled or worn from use books in every instance worth having for your own use or to send to the boys in camp. Included among them are such titles as: "Son of Hi. Father." "Real Adventure." "Tei of the Storm Coun try." "Strawberry Acrea." "The Honey Bee." "Bitter Sweet.V "Ju.t David." "Peg o' My Heart." "Mildew Manse." "Torehy." t "Life and GabrilL." Burfear Choice f "Fine Feather.." "Beast of Tarun." "Instead of the Thorn." "T. Tembarom." O f "Tom Swift nd Hi Aeri" Sp J ! Warahip." WVt 1 "The Moner Matter." "The Seed of the Right- tt a i vuua. tOpy "Seventeen." "Felix O'Day." Etc., etc. Nash Co. Third Floor This is Important to You Women's, Misses' and Children's Coats, Suit .Dresses, Skirt & rum at prices that have been reduced fully a 1-3 to' 1-2 NOT a winter coat or suit or a single piece of fur reserved. You are offered choice from our entire stock of ready-to-wear at this extraordinary price-reduction. Every garment is this season's very latest model, individual and distinctive in point of style, a characteristic so noticeable in Burgess-Nash ready-to-wear and which every woman seeks. All offered to you at a saving of from a third to a half. If you have a suit, coat, dress, skirt or fur need, this is an opportunity you cannot well afford to overlook. Burgeai-Nash Co. Srcund Fleer D RUGS and Toilet Articles t Pebeco tooth paste, 34c. Orchard white, 29c Powder puffs, large size, 10c. Wi' Hams' talcum powder, 13c. Jergens talcum, 13c. Racarma Rose toilet water, $1.25. Colgate's tooth paste, 10c and 23c Djer Kiss vegetal, $1.30. Djer Kiss toilet water, $1.79. Jarden de Rosf powder, 39c. Aspirin, package 8 tablets, 8c. Aspirin, package 16 tablets, 16c. Aspirin, 100 tablets, 98c. Laxative cold tablets, 17c. 2-quart metal hot water bot tle, guaranteed, $1.69. Sloan's liniment, 16c. We have a number of ther mos bottles in pint and quart size which have slight dents in the cover, but this does not af fect the bottle in any way. Spe cially reduced prices. Also an odd lot of thermos lunch kits, at $2.69. Absorbent cotton, lb., 60c. A lot of guaranteed 1-year, 2-quart hot water bottles, red rubber, special, at $1.25. Rubber gloves, extra heavy, 49c. Burgeat-Nash Co. Main Floor Every man with a thought for economy should take heed of this sale of CT V jg tUSb Afk jtPbL Reduced for Saturday to 17o00 ts WITH the price of woolen cloths advancing to about a pro hibitive figure and with the U. S. Government taking over the output of many of the big woolen mills this announce ment is all the more important to you. Every garment possesses all the points there are to an over coat thorough satisfaction with the way it fits, the way it's made and the way it looks and wears splendidly tailored throughout. In style and fabrics everything that is new is rep resented. The tailoring shows the master touch of America's greatest designers. All sizes represented, from 33 to 16. Men's Reduced for Saturday to $17,00 All are this season's models. Wool suits that have been marked at a much higher price. Two-button plain sack, fitted or semi-fitted, with soft roll matched or peaked lapel. High waist line. The materials are homespuns, cassimeres and wor steds, in solid colors or brown, blue and gray, fancy checks, stripes and mixtures. Buriaaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor ?m. usffflys a Men's Furnishings Offered at Marked Price Reductions, to Clearaway Saturday MEN with furnishing goods needs of any sort will do well to come here to share in the unusual saving possibilities of this offering Saturday. Here's an idea of the reductions: Men's Gloves, $1.15 Pair Cape skin and unfinished small sizes only, soiled and shop worn, but ex treme values carriod over from last sea son, priced at $1.15. Men's Union Suits, $1.95 Broken lines wool, part wool and all cotton, not all sizes, broken and discon tinued lines, price, $1.95. Outing Flannel Gowns, $1.00 Turn down and military collars, good quality, splendid patterns, sale price, $1.00. Men's Muslin Gowns, 79c On Saturday we will place on sale all of our muslin gowns carried over from last season, broken lines and "odd" lots, all in one lot at one price, sizes to 19 neck, price, 79c. Harvard Sweater Coats, $7.50 to $12.00 A recent shipment of "Harvard" coats delayed in transit gives us a most complete line at present, most any color and size. Prices, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 and $12.00. Men's Neckwear, 33Vac, 55c, $1.00 and $1.50 Buriaia-Naah Co. Main Floor All this season's neckwear, in fair lots. Beautiful large full shapes, splen did patterns, designs and colorings, part silk in the cheaper qualities, pure silk, real bargains in scarfs. You will want Vt dozen when you see what they are like. Men's Hosiery, at 23c Broken lines and numbers we are go ing to discontinue; most all kinds and positively all sizes represented includ ing split soles, black tops and ecru soles of maco yarn, price, 23c. Men's Khaki Sweaters, at $3.50 Men's sleeveless khaki sweaters, jer sey fitting wool, all sizes, priced at $3.50. Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, 3 for 50c Full size white hemstitched pure linen, about 50 dozen to sell; after this lot is sold the same quality will sell at about double the price, 3 for 50c. w My omen's Winter Coats ' In 'the Down Stairs Store Reduced to $4.95, $6.95, $9.95 and $12.95 THE result of a very special purchase from a maker who wanted to clear his floors and willingly accepted a big ' price sacrifice. , Astrakhan and cloth coats, full length, all lined, with large cape collar trimmed in velvet, with belts and loose-hanging from the shoulders. Also Saltz plush coats, all lined, large cape collar, tailored and trimmed with kramie. Belt all around and loose back, belted front. Very special for Saturday, at $4.95, $6.95, $9.95 and $12.95. Girls' Gingham Dresses. 98c Girls' long sleeve dresses, made of good quality gingham, for ages 6 to 14 years, at 98c. 7 A Remarkable Offerinsr for Saturday of Trimmed Milli nery, $2.98 and $3.98 A -N offering quite unusual even for this 'y 'fi popular section of the Down Stairs Store, -v the hats are all this season's smartest crea S tions in mid-winter styles satin hats, satin fur trimmed hats and the satin brocaded hats. Saturday in t'o groups at $2.98 and $3.98. Odd . ot of Hats, at 25c A season's accumulation and short lots of trimmed hats, all (rood styles, small hats and medium hats, blackXwd colors, choice, 25c. 1 4 4 Burgeta-Nash Co. -Down Stair Stora mm. "EVERYBODY STORE"