Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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    r - i 1 1 the ee omaha. 7 -
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PfylesExiraordinavy VatmsgSSk 1:
f ITHS an mo"tls agQ' we Qresaw he conditions which prevail to-day, and in order to be able
to continue this January White Sale along the lines that have always made it supreme for value
giving, we bought liberally before the recent rise in prices and stored the merchandise in our ware
rooms until the time came to unpack for this sale. Now when wholesale prices make normal figures
at retail impossible, we are quoting prices that would have been remarkably low six or eight months ago.
underwear Wonderful Offerings
95 Each
$2.95 to $3.95
ljopes, made and finished
; trimmed with beautiful
JTwith val and organdie in
r merits that will be hard
At 65
Worth Today $1.00
Gowns, Envelopes and Skirts.
This is one of the best val
ues in the bale, as the ma
terials employed in these gar
ments are almost impossible
to gf at a moderate price.
At $1.00
Worth Today $1.50
Gowns, Envelopes and Skirts,
all beautifully trimmed with
embroidery and lace inser
tions and edgings, cut full
and well made, also correctly
sized. A very wide variety
at this price.
At $1.45
Worth Today $2.25
Gowns, Skirts, Envelopes
and Princess Slips, with lace
and embroidery insertions
and val insets daintily run
with ribbon. Cut either
with kimono or set-in
sleeves. Beautiful garments.
Filipino Hand Embroidered Lingerie
These are the dainty Undermttslins that have all the
characteristics which make the French wear so desirable
and charming, but which cost from a third to half less
than the French Lingerie. All these garments are beauti
fully embroidered in the daintiest designs and all finely
hand sewed. In three groups, and priced this way :
At j1 QC Gowns, Envelopes and
viicmisea 1 parucuiar-
ly attractive lot at a modest price.
At 2 Qjj Gowns, Envelope and
Chemises A little high
er in price, but more elaborately trim
med and finished in an excellent manner.
At fcTJ Q E Gowns and Envel-
opes The choice
of the three groups, and in mate
rial, make and finish they leave
nothing to be desired.
Curtains in the Sale
Beautiful Atiortment of Lac and Net CurUint. Copies of real lace
a pattern for any room or purpose. Special, a pair $2.49
Whit Marquisette, very silky finish, 86 inches wide, extra special, a
Beautiful Assortment of Curtain Net, in umall allover effect, plain,
copies of real filet, extra specraT, a yard 490
A Large Rang of Beautiful New Neti, a stylq or pattern for any pur
pose, extra special, a yard (JQ
Large Assortment Imported Curtains from Switierland, the home of
good curtains. Some soiled in handling; values to $8.50 a pair, special
for this sale, a pair 32.98
Very Fin Lin of Net and Voile Curtains, very nicely trimmed with
lace motifs and edge. Some plain centers, some figures; a style for
any room. Extra special, a pair. . . $4.69
Third Floor .
Laces and Embroideries in the Sale
2x4-inch Embroidered Edges, neat
ly worked on cambric and swiss;
suitable for trimming of children's
dresses, aprons and underwear.
Worth 10c, a yard . .5
2, 3 and 5-inch Embroidered
Edges, Insertions and Beadings,
worked in eyelet and plain edges
on very fine quality of nainsook,
cambric and long cloth for trim
ming of underwear and dresses,
worth 19c, special, a yard. .100
A very Fin Selection of Swiss
Edges and Insertions to match in
two, four and five-inch widths,
neatly embroidered; t worth 25c,
special, a yard 150
18-inch Corset Cover and Skirt
Flouncing, well worked in deep
designs, on best quality of long
cloth and cambric; worth 39c; spe
cial sale, a yard 250
14-inch Cambric Skirt Flouncing
and Corset Cover Embroidery, in
eyelet, on best quality of material,
worth 50c; special, a yard. .350
27-inch Imported Swiss and Or
gandy Flouncing, plain hem and
ruffled flouncing, in fine, dainty
patterns for children's dresses and
baby dresses, worth 98c; sale
price, a yard 590
Oriental Net Top Lac, Flouncing
36 inches wide; beautiful borders
of filet and venise combinations
for dresses, a yard $1.95
Silver Lace Flouncing on silk
tulle net, 18 to 24 inches wide,
special sale, a yard 980
Net Top Laces, 18 to 24 inches
wide, Bretonne and Tosca Meshes,
Venise and Filet Borders for .mak
ing Jabots; special, a yard. .590
Imported Venise Band up to 9
inches wide, suitable for camisoles,
sale price, a yard ....590
Imitation Filet Lac Edges and
Bands for Neckwear, a yard.. 25c
Floor v
ets, Slips- Muslins. Etc.
rrdinary Variety
low Mill Quotations
fit' Anchor Bleached Sheetings
'"Jntlerful sheeting fabrics for our Annual
Urket quotations of anything which even re- '
5 into the market early in 1917 to assure our-
i it our great patronage. Not stamped, but
' talk price, a yard . . . .v 42c
''sale, price, a yard. 40c
k Muslin
Ma. Every
'j knows the
pecial sale
Ij to each cus
'tephone or
The Genuine
Bleached Muslin
36 inches wide, fine soft
finish. None better. Less
than mill cost. Special
sale price, a yard,
Only 20 yards to each cus
tomer. No telephone or
mail orders filled.
I Sheetings, Sheets and Slips
i fs of sheeting and domestic sheets. Every house-
I Slips. Made from fine quality, soft finish,
sjhg:'and warranted to wear well. Well finished,
special sale ?..,. .
jlloty Slips.
. . 28c
72x90-inch "Special Leader" Sheets, bleached,
three-inch hems, seamed, fine quality, soft
finish, hemmed ready for use, each 69c
Beautiful "American Beauty"
Sheets and Pillow Cases
None better. Made from the finest selecjted
sheeting. Exceeds Pequot or Utica sheeting, which
have long been recognized standard grades in all
the wanted sizes, specially priced for this sale only.
72x90-in., Defender best make, sale price, ea., $1.30
72x99-in., Defender best make, sale price, ea., $1.35
81x90-in., Defender best make, sale price, ea., $1.35
81x99-in., Defender best make, Bale price, ea., $1.45
42x36-in., Defender best make, sale price, ea., 30c
45x36-in., Defender best make, sale price, ja., 32c
45z36-inch Bleached "Saranac" Pillow Slips,
fine soft finish, three-inch hems, ready for
use; special sale, each 11 He
Fidelity Standard Grade
Extra Heavy Linen Sheets and Slips
The genuine Fidelity linen finish Sheets, thor
oughly bleached and finished neat. Three-inch hems,
laundered and ironed. None better for weight and
wearing quality. Special sale.
72x90-inch, Fidelity brand, sale price, each. .$1.00
72x99-inch, Fidelity brand, sale price, each. .$1.05
81x90-inch, Fidelity brand, sale price, each.. $1.05
81x99-inch, Fidelity brand, sale price, each. .$1.10
42x36-inch, Fidelity brand, sale price, each. . 23c
45x36-inch, Fidelity brand, sale price, each. . 24c
Mill Remnants, 36-inch bleached muslin, cam
bric, etc., lengths to 10 yards; special for this
sale, a yard 10H
6lc;ckcd Muslins, direct from the "Sayless
il33ch;d muslin, cambric, etc., lengths to 15
lcrca:d muslins, cambric, etc., lengths to 15
737 . c::tra fine quality; special sale, a!j Unbleached Muslin, David Harum brand,
jjff tijs ' olt; very cheap, specially priced for this
"iftie. a yard r IOJjc
Beautiful Whit Voile, direct from the
.,"Sayh3r Bleachery," sheer, soft finish; special
csk. on!:' !
?, Finish Whit Mercerized Gabardine, 10
'fo 20-ycid lengths, beautiful cloth at less than
'mill cost; special sale, a yard 35c
'39-inch, Pur Whit Dotted Swiss, sheer, clingy
fabric, good grade, 10 to 20-yard lengths; special
tsale, a yard 18c
Attica Sheets
72x90-inch bleached Attica Sheets, neat French
seam in center, made from fine quality 4-4 cotton,
3-inch hems, ready for use, special sale, each. .79c
Defender Sheets and Pillow Cases
These well known and most popular brands, fine
Sheets and Pillow Slips. The finest of all Inex
pensive sheeting. Three-inch hem, well finished;
special sale.
72x90-inch, heavy quality, each-. $1.00
81x90-inch, heavy quality, each $1.10
42x3d-inch, heavy quality, each 25c
Brandeis Special
Linen Finish Sheets and Slips
Not stamped, but otherwise perfect staple
, grade, perf ectly bleached, better than "Pepperell,"
no dressing, absolutely pure cotton; extra special
value, sale only
63x99-inch, special sale, each 95c
72x90-inch, special sale, each 95c
72x99-inch, special sale, each $1.00
81x99-inch, special sale, each $1.10
36-inch Unbleached Muslin, mill shorts, good
grade; special for this January sale, a yard,
at 8c
Table Linens, Towelings, Bed Spreads, etc
At Remarkably Low Prices
45c Damask, 39c
Full Bleached Table Damask
in the mercerized finish,
58 inches wide, with a linen
finish, all pretty patterns;
a yard 39c
72-Inch Damask, 69c
Extra Quality Mercerized
Damask, two yards wide,
wears and launders like a
linen, all beautiful patterns;
in our January sale, special,
a yard 69c
All-Linen Damask, $ 1 .49
This is all linen in the Irish
make, now at a premium and
limited quantities, two yards
wide, all very pretty pat
terns; special in our January
sale, a yard $1.49
All-Linen Damask, $ 1 .98
This is our $2.25 number, all
linen, in the heavy Irish
quality, very fine yarn and
elaborate patterns, two yards
wide; a limited quantity for
our January sale, a yard,
at $1.98
Extra: Napkins, $5.00
A limited quantity of very
high class Satin Finished
Damask Dinner Napkins in
the 20x20-inch size, very
pretty patterns; while the
lot lasts, per dozen .... $5.00
17V2c Crash, 12i2c
Extra heavy, full bleached, linen
finish with fancy borders; Janu
ary special (10-yard limit), a yard,
at 12&e
Extra Special
All Linen Crash, 17c
A limited quantity of All-Linen
Crashes, in the bleached or un
bleached kind (limit 10 yards),
special .17c
19c Glass Toweling, 15c
A linen finished, striped Glass
Toweling, also plain weaves (limit
10 yards), special, a yard... 1 So
Scalloped Cloths, $1.25
In the round or square shape, scal
loped ends; breajefast size, very
fine, mercerized yarn; range of
pretty patterns, special, each,
at $1.25
$2.50 Cloths, $2.25
Made in Ireland, exact copies of
-a very high class Satin Damask,
beautiful finish; launders well and
will wear like iron, in the 70x70
inch size, each $2.25
Damask Cloths, $3.39
Heavy quality, satin finish Bel
fast Damask; very elaborate pat
terns in the round square make,
scalloped or hemstitched ends;
choice in this sale, special, each,
at $3.39
All Linen Cloths, $3.00 i
In the breakfast size, all linen
flax, a limited quantity reserved
for this January sale, and while
this lot lasts, each $3.00
$7.50 Cloths, $5.00
All linen, made of select Irish
flax,- in pretty range of patterns:
72x72-inch size, erch $5.00
72x90-inch size, each $6.25
72xl08-inch size, each $7.50
72xl44-inch size, each ....$9.98
Napkins to match, special, a dozen,
at $7.50
15c Napkins, 10c
These are the mercerized quality,
with hemmed ends, 18x18 inches,
will launder and wear like linen;
special for this January sale,
each 10c
Napkins, 6 for 89c
Made of a fine quality Linen Fin
ished Damask, 18x1 8-inch size,
in a range of patterns; while a
limited quantity lasts; six for. 89c
Napkins, a Dozen, $2.69
Full bleached, made In Belfast,
the linen finished quality, 20x20
inch; special January sale price,
a dozen $2.69
All Linen Napkins,
Dozen, $3.35
Full bleached, All Linen Irish
Flax, regulation size, hemmed
ends, ready to use, in a range of
patterns; special, a dozen.. $3.35
Table Padding, 50c
The heavy fleeced quality, to pro
tect your table; 54 inches wide,
during this January sale, special,
at, a yard 50c
12V2c Crash,, 7c
Full bleached, fancy red bor
ders, 18 inches wide, a heavy qual
ity (10-yard limit), a yard, special,
at 7&c
75c English Damask, 45c
A very fine quality of English
Damask, 64 Inches wide, in a range
of pretty patterns, special, a yard,
at 45c
Belfast Damask, 98c
This cloth is made in Belfast,
Ireland ; patterns copied from high
class Satin Damask, two yards
wide, wearing qualities are unex
celled; a yard 98c
75c Towels, 49c
Extra heavy quality bleached
Linen Huck Towels, hemstitched
ends, fancy colored borders (limit
of six), special, each 49c
15c Towels, 10c
Full bleached Huck Towels, fan
cy borders, hemmed ends, 17x34
inch size (limit of one dozen),
each 10c
17c Towels, 12c
Turkish Towels, full bleached,
plain or blue borders, 18x36-inch
size, hemmed ends, soft and fluffy
quality (one dozen limit), each,
at 12Hc
$1.25 and $1.50 Bath Mats
One lot of fancy colored Bath
Mats, colors absolutely fast heavy
and large size, January special sale
price, each I .... . ,98c
5c and 7c Wash Cloths, 3c
About 700 dozen Turkish Wash
Cloths, including the Brandeis Spe
cial (limit of six), each 3c
75c Linens, 49c
Lace Trimmed Scarfs, plain hem
stitched ends, scalloped ends with
embroidered designs; choice, each,
at 49c
$1.50 Bed Spreads, $1.00
The crochet kind, hemmed ends,
regulation size, medium weight
(limit of two(; special January
sale price, each $1.00
$1.85 Bed Spreads, $1.50
Extra quality Bed Spreads, hem
med ends or fringed ends, large
size, heavy quality; special In Jan
uary sale, each $1.50
$2.50 Bed Spreads, $2.25
These are Etamal Marseilles
Spreads, satin' finish, choice of
plain hemmed or scalloped cut
corner ends; special, each ..$2.25
Very Special
For this sale a lot of high
class Damask Cloths and
Napkins, so-called drop-patterns
(no match sets), can
not be replaced owing to ,
the conditions, at a remark
able saving during our Janu-'
ary sale.
Extra Special
High Class Madeira
Linens at a Saving of
About 33V3
One entire lot of display
pieces, consisting of 64-inch
Lunch Cloths, Scarfs, Doi
lies, Luncheon Sets and
Towels. Hand embroidered,
all linen, some slightly
soiled, but no imperfections,
at a saving of about 33. M
off the regular price, This
is one of the greatest offer
ings in these high-class linens.
Extra Special
$1.00 Towels, 69c
The entire output of one of
the foremost American tow
el mills' line of bleached Tur
kish Towels, hemmed ends,
with heavy corded ends,
known as the Jumbo size,
double twisted thread and
extra heavy, slightly soiled
and mill- imperfections.
Wearing qualities unexcelled,
the biggest towel bargain
ever placed on sale. Janu
ary special, each 69c '
Satin Spreads, $3.25 '
Satin finished Marseilles and Cro
chet , Bed Spreads, plain hemmed
or scalloped cut corners, special,
each $3.25
Extra Value Satin Spreads $5
A limited quantity of high class
Satin Spreads, extra heavy super- 1
ior finish, scalloped cut corners,
large size, also Bed Sets, choice,
in this special sale limit of two),
fate S
fl afr fefr istt a & m a