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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1918)
Omaha Daily THE WEATHER Fair; Warmer VOL. XLVII.-NO. 171. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3, 1918. FOURTEEN PAGES. ZZ'tlllT-M. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS WCT UTON ITALSAMi CIDED GAIN Bee RUSS TERMS; r i if ii " 11 ir 114. II IrV ir FLANK ALONG PIAVE MADE INTACT WHEN GERMANS ARE DRIVEN FROM BRIDGEHEAD Central Armies Lose Position Occupied Since Mid-November; Troops and Trains Held in Alps By Heavy Snow Storms; Enemy Food Supply Cut Off Temporarily. (Fly AtKoeiutad FrM.) Italian troops have won the first victory recorded in the new year. The defensive line from Lake Garda to the Adriatic has been strengthened by the Italian success in driving the Austro-Germans from the Zenson- bridgehead, on the western bank of the Piave, which they had held since mid-November. PIAVE FLANK INTACT. While holding strong position in the mountain region from Asiago across the Brenta to the Piave, the Italian flank along the Piave is now intact. The enemy has replied only with artillery to the French stroke which gained valuable positions in the Monte Tomba region. The weather apparently also is com ing to the aid of the hard pressed Italian army, which has had little rest since the Austro-German drive be gan lat" in October. Heavy snow is falling on the Swiss-Italian and Swiss Austrian frontiers. Troops and other trains are being held in the Alps by the snow, and the food supply of the enemy troops on the Italian front has been cut off temporarily. Raid is Repulsed. On the western front the coming of 1018 was welcomed by strong artillery duels in the Ypres, Cambrai and Ver dun areas. In the Verdun sector the Germans have extended their fire to the left bank of the river, hut have made no attacks. The Germans at tempted a raid near Loose, north of Lens, Tuesday morning, but were re pulsed by the British. With the entire Cossack territory reported aroused against the Bol sheviki, General Kaledines troops are advancing "toward Moscow and fight itig with the BolslrwfkrTias'beeTrYr- stimed at Kurst, about :U(J miles south of Moscow. SUPREME COURT ASKED TO DELAY ANTI-TRUST SUITS Washington, Jan. J. Attorney General Gregory today asked the supreme court to defer argument on the seven large anti-trust suits pend ing, including the International Har vester, United Shoe Machinery and the Steel corporation cases until the t:ext term of court. This action, Solicitor General Davis explained, was taken because the gov ernment wants co-operation from the business interests of the country. The suits postponed are those of the gov ernment against the United Shoe Machinery company, the Interna tional Harvester company, the United States Steel corporation, Eastman Kodak company, the American Can company, the Quaker Oats company and the Corn Products Refining com pany. ' "In order that tiie government in this time of stress may not meet with competition from private enterprises in its financial operations," said the government's brief filed in connection with the motion, and the flotation of its loans the Treasury department ftas been constrained to urge that all private financing on a large scale shall be avoided as far as possible. "It is quite clear that the dissolu tions which are sought in the pending cases will require financial operations on a large scale if they are to lie gen uine and, effective. Important as the remedy sought in these cases is be lieved to be, it must give place for the moment to the paramount needs of the "hour." Central France in Grip of Cold and Snow Paris. Jan. 2. Another heavy fall of snow in eastern and central France at d in the Vosges has greatly in creased transportation difficulties. Lvons with the thermometer stand ing at zero, Fahrenheit, a degree of ! cold almost unheard of there, is snow- j bound. The Lyons-Mediterranean line has cancelled a considerable num ber of trains and the few still running ar hours behind schedule. St. Etienne. in the heart of the great iron working district of central France, is under three feet of snow and the railroads in the region are completely blocked. Paris and northern France, curi ously enough, are far more favored as regards both temperature and snow than central and southern France and transportation for the armies i going on without interruption. United States to Provide Necessities to Sweden Stockholm, Jan. 2 The Swenska Dadbladet ascribes to the Swedish foreign office information that nego tiations with the United States have been concluded satisfactorily. It says that an agreement has been reached under which 11.000 tons of necessities, chiefly coffee, petroleum and drugs. Will arrive in Sweden about tiie mid 4D cf February. RED GARRISON ROUTED IN FIGHT WITH COSSACKS Town of Alexandrovsk Occu pied; Bolsheviki Regiments Disarmed by Kazatin; Street Fighting in Odessa. BULLETIN. Petrograd, Jan. 2. A new republic has been set up in the Black Sea ter ritory with Novorossysk as the capi tal. A coalition cabinet, including constitutional democrats, v has been formed. Delegates from Ukraine to the constituent assembly will arrive in Petrograd tomorrow. No effort was made to open the assembly today. Tchernoinorsk, or the Black Sea territory, is a district of Trans-Caucasia, consisting of a long, narrow strip ou the coast of the Black Sea and on the west slope of the Cau- j'mii Cossack Troops Seize Town. B AwMiclatrd Press.) London, Jan. 2. Cossack troops have occupied the town of Ale.xan drovsk without opposition and the Bolsheviki garrison was disarmed, ac cording to reports received here trom Fetrograd regarding the civil war in Russia. It is not stated which Alex androvsk was captured. (There are several towns and villages in Rus sia named Alexandrovsk, but the nearest to the Cossack territory are those in Ekaterinoslav and in Stavro pol.) Reds Disarmed. Other Bolsheviki regiment are said to have been disarmed bv the Orenburg Cossack leader, Kazatin, who returned the arms after the Bol sheviki swore never to fight against the Ukrainians and Cossacks. The Cossack commander at Rostov re ports that the Bolsheviki have liber ated a number of prisoners of war and armed them. Bolsheviki troops still occupy parts'of the Don mining district, but they are unable to send coal to Petrograd. There was rhore street fighting in Odessa on Monday, but it apparently was not serious. The Bolsheviki authorities, accord ing to an Exchange Telegraph dis patch from Petrograd, have received information that the situation on the Roumanian front is very serious. The relations of the Bolsheviki with Rou manian officers afle said to be becom ing alarming. It is said the Rouman ians have occupied the Bessarabian town of Loevo and have arrested and shot several Bolsheviki leaders. LATE WAR BULLETINS GERMAN PLANES DOWNED. Paris, Jan. 2. Six German airplanes were put out of action yesterday by the French, it is announced officially. Artillery fighting continues at various i points on the front, but no large in- tantry actions are reported. BRITISH REPULSE ATTACKS. London, Jan. 2. Several raids were made by the German forces last night on the British positions on the Bel gian and Arras fronts. The official statement issued by the War depart ment today says that all the raiding parties were repulsed. PUSHED BACK AGAIN. Rome, Jan. 2. Another attempt to cross the Piave river has been de feated by the Italians, the war office announces. Half a score of vessels loaded with enemy troops were dis persed at Intestadura, where the crossing was attempted. London Markets Close; Meat Supply Exhausted London, Jan. 2. Many butcher shops throughout London were without their usual supply of meat today and some were forced to close. Almost no beef arrived at the Smithfield market and the scanty stocks were exhausted long before the retailers, who stood in I line from 5 o'clock in the morning j until noon, could be suppli"J Starting r Jf0f& I He CAU6H7 j 5g RUSH TROOPS TO BATTLE FRONT IS JMMCILCRY State Department Announces Plans Outlined by Great In ter Allied Conference Held at Paris. Washington, Jan. 2. Constant and speedy dispatch of American troops to the European battle front is the principal recommendation made to the government by the American dele gates who recently returned from the inter-allied war council at Paris. The principal recommendations of the American delegates, headed by Colonel E. M. House, as President Wilson's personal representative, are: That the United States exert all their influence to secure the entire unity of effort, military, naval and economic, between themselves and the countries associated with them in the war. Inasmuch as the successful termi nation of '.he war by the United States and the allies can be greatly hastened by the extension of the United States shipping program, that the govern ment and the people of the United States bend every effort towards ac complishing this result by a syste matic co-ordination of resources of men and materials. Speed Up Ships. Speeding up of the merchant ship building program and closer co-opera-tiou with the co-belligerents. Through a new inter-allied organi zation for co-ordination of shipping resources arrangements have been made to devote "the greatest amount of tonnage possible for the transpor tation of American troops." Arrangements were made to have the United States participate in mili tary deliberations of a supreme war council "as a step toward efficient and centralized unity of control of military operations." To Rush U. S. Troops. .In order to enable the United States to visualize the problem of food con trol at home Great Britain, France and Italy have agreed to put in legal ized and compulsory control of food stuffs in their countries. The extent of the military effort to' be aimed at by the United States was clearly determined and an allied advi sory board was created to advise each nation on allotments of ships, so as to permit the American military ef fort to be realized. More active utilization of American naval forces and an agreement was made with the British admiralty to effect certain plans for anti-submarine warfare. Contribution of the United States to a pooling of war resources. Ihc arrangement guarantees full equip ment of every kind will be available to all American forces sent to Europe ' uul '"IS 4 ' J' lhat the fighting forces of the United States be dispatched to Europe with the least possible, delav incident to training and equipment. (Ktimmarr in ilefnll of rrrommrnilllon of intpr-alli?d war roiinrll will be found on pasre 4.) Skating Rink Burns. Montreal. Tan. 2. The Montreal ' arena, the big.;et skating rink in east-j ern Canada, was destroyed by fire to-da- " : the Game UNCLE SAM MARKS THE ROOSTER FOR VICTIM0F THE AX Decree Goes Forth That Be cause He will Not Lay Eggs, Head of Barnyard Flock Must Die. The ax will fall on the necks of roosters in Nebraska about May 1. City roosters are doomed to die be fore that date, for they are a useless luxury, and an expensive ornament to the back yard flock. They eat too much and are not producers of eggs. So the government is after their scalps. This is part of the mighty wave of conservation. "Hens are wanted. They are in great demand. The government has a of workers out, working up a cam paign for increased production of poul try throughout the United States. The campaign is being arranged in Omaha. A. G. Peters, United States Depart ment of Agriculture, has arrived and has selected Omaha as the first Ne braska city to be organized for an in tensive campaign for increased poultry production. Committees have been appointed to organize the work. Knows All About Roosters. Of course the Department of Agri culture is not ignorant of the fact that roosters have their function. But after the breeding season is over, about May 1, this feathered barnyard dude, this strutting camouflage sport, is as useless as his cock-a-duodle-do. It has been found by scientists thai the rouoster is not only useless, but is a detriment after the breeding sea son. He eats a lot of good wheat, corn and katydids that might be sup porting laying hens. His eating is only one of his faults. He has an other. He is a detriment tothc egg crop. Eggs from a flock in which roosters are numerous, do not keep as well as those from a flock that has been de prived of masculine companions. The government has estimated that SLv 000,000 'worth of eggs have been spoiled annually this wax-. Here is the Finish. , So the barnyard cork is doomed. The United States government be- ' s u.'s u " " nf (l,''an u,ls miii jim, rfiiii Lilt: meeting reason, and the government, has consequently decreed that his mortality rate shall be higher after May 1. And as the government plans a cam paign to decapitate the ron-ier. it plans a campaign to enthrone the lien. "Lucie Sam is interested in seeing more people keeping poultry, rather than seeing a few people keep more poultry," said Mr. I'eters, the govern ment man, alter he had lined up some of the willing workers in Omaha on this campaign. "In these times of nnlinuii on I'wee Two. Column SI.) Judge to Decide HOW Old an Egg Should Be When is an egg bad? This mo mentous question will be decided by Police Judge Fitzgerald at the hear ing of David Specter, proprietor of the Chicago Bohemian bakery, 1207 North Twenty-fourth street. A complaint states that Specter has been using eggs past the egg limit in the making of pastries. A sec ond complaint, charging he is keep ing an unsanitary bakery, has been filed against Spectf RED CROSS CHIEF I SAYS CIVILIAN RELIEF BIG JOB T. J. Edmonds, Director of Cen tral Division, Tells of So ciety's Aims After the War. Civili.ui relief is the big job of the Red Cross which will justify the so ciety's continuation after the war, ac cording to T. J. Edmonds, director hi this department in the Central di vision, who talked to Omaha volun teer relief workers at the Young Women's Christian association. "The man in the front line trenches is a better fighting machine if he knows his family at home is well taken i are ot. he said. 1 his is not char ity work; it is doing our duty to the family and community from which the man was removed. Where relief is given it should be as dignified as possible. All families to whom this department should give service will not be dependent families. Another big work will be the explanation of war risk insurance and government allow am es to ihe families oi enlisted men." Too Many Societies. Mr. Edmonds issued a warning against the organization of innumer able relief societies for the aid of sol dier' families. "The community should know this is the field of the Red Cross. In the civil war there were 7,000 relief societies, not one of which was properly organized or fi nanced for the big work." "One-half of Red Cross work now is concerned with civilian relief, rather than military relief, for which the Red Cross was organized, and the work will increase as time goes on," said the speaker. Civilian relief is the most important work because it must maintain all the social stand ards of the nation. When the war is over our men must find the world a good place to live in, alter all, and a good place in which to convalensee. Standards of national life will be stressed in the mean time, but they must not be exhausted. Child labor and overtime work for womerrrmtSI not be countenanced." . Mr. Edmonds traced the growth of the Red Cross from its organization in 1859 for men salvage by nursing to 'the establishment of public health, disaster relief work and its present war work, which includes not only medical departments, but rantcens, Christmas and comfort packets, sup plementary clothing and civilian re lief. He pointed out the economic im portance of the prevalence of women knitters in public. "It means using up time which would otherwise he wasted. Hand-knitted articles, too, wear better than machine-made ones." American Aviator Barely Escapes Death Paris. Jan. 2. Lieutenant Raoul Lufbery of Wallingford, Conn., of the La Fayette escadnlle, had a narrow escape in a fight with four German battle machines last Sat urday. The gasoline pipes on his airplane were punctured during the engagement and although he had the advantage of a higher altitude his machine became almost help less through the stoppage of his motor. Lieutenant Lufbery seemed vir tually at the mercy of the Germans, but by clever maneuvering with one of the Germans following him down almost to earth and firing contin uously he managed to escape un hurt. His machine was found to have 11 bullet holes in it. Nebraskan Tells of Battle With Six U-Boats Which Allies Won T have taken part in a battle be tween ships of the allies and six en emy submarines, "somewhere in the war zone," and to have seen the oil bubbl es on the ocean's surface after the submersibles had been sent to the bottom, fell to the lot of Chief Yeo man Ernest E. Sensency of Plain view, Neb., who stopped in Omaha enroute home on a visit. Senseney was formerly connected with the clerical department of the Union Pacific in Omaha. He has served one enlistment in the navy and on December 10, 1916, reshipped and was sent to San Francisco and later assigned to a torpedo boat de stroyer. This destroyer made a rec ord trip from San Francisco to New York by way i the Panama canal ami helped to convoy the first con tingent of the American expedi tionary forces to a port in France. Owing to the strict discipline and secrecy that is maintained. Yeoman Seiiseney would not gie the names of any ships that engaged in battles while lie was with the flotilla. He tells an interesting story as to how the subs were sighted by airplanes and quickly put to rout by the de stroyers. In this battle there were 2 armed trawlers. 12 armv trans ports, 5 French airplanes and 10 tor-0 KcA I . J,.. T-...-: ltuu uuti ui -in o n .s. inuring t lie lour-nour names not an allien snip was struck. "I could tell a whole lot of inter esting news that would make all Americans feel jubilant," said the yeoman, "but we have orders not to talk, consequently I am a little afarid to say anything. I know how the people feel and I would like to give REFUSE TO ACCEPT 'PEACE' OFFERED BY CENTRAL POWERS German Conditions to Retain Poland and Lithuania Bring Objections From Bolsheviki Delegates; Demand Every German Soldier Leave Country; Teu tons Plead for Time and Beg Secrecy. London, Jan. 2. Peace negotiations at Brest-Litovsk have been broken off by the Bolsheviki government owing to the Ger man attitude in regard to Poland and Lithuania and the en--cmy's proposal that garrisons be retained at Libau, Riga and elsewhere, according to a telegram from the Petrograd corre spondent of the Daily News appearing in that paper today. q m mi-it ArrrDT tpdus GERMAN PEACE BIG SCHEME FOR ANNEXATION Russ Delegation Returns to Petrograd, Declaring They Cannot Accept Greedy Conquest Terms. (Hy Aorlnt(l Tr".! Petrograd, Tuesday, Jan. 1. The Russian peace delegation returned to Petrograd today and reported to a joint session of the central executive committee of soldiers' and work men's deputies the progress of the negotiations will) the Austro-Gcr-mans at Urest-I.itovsk. M. Kamcneff, a member of the Rus sian delegation, read the German terms, which he characterized as showing the positive annexation plans of the central powers and he declare they were unacceptable in their pres ent form. He stated that the terms had not been discussed. "If after the resumption of negotia tions," the delegate said, "the Germans- insist upon these terms, Russia will conclude peace not with the Ger man imperialists, but with the repre sentatives of the people, the socialists of Germany." The German terms as submitted to the Ilrest-Litovsk conference were reported in substance as follows: Articles I and II, treat with the ending of a state of war, evacuation of occupied territory and exceptions to the latter provision in the cases of Poland, Lithunia, Courtland, etc. Old Treaties Effective. Article III: Treaties and agree ments in force before the war are to become effective if not directly in conflict with changes resulting from the war. Each party obligates itself, within three months after the signing of peace treaty, to inform the other which of the treaties and agreements will not aKain become effective. Article IV: Each of the contracting parties will not discriminate against the subjects, merchant ships or goods of the other parties. Article V: The parties agree that with the conclusion of peace economic war shall cease. During the time necessary for the restoration of rela tions there may be limitations upon trade, but the regulations as to im ports are not to be of too burden some an extent, and high taxes or (Cnntlnuril nn Van Two, Column Thrre.) Ernest Sensrenetf " l.i Uietll InCgOOil tl"WS. nit I dare not." ! Yeoman Senseney has been granted I i Z . ! .. 1 . 1 i i . .1 nays shore leave am lei! Tuesday morning fur I'lainview to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Senseney. On the return trip he will go to San Francisco and be as signed to another torpedo destroyer winch will make the irip to til 7 one The dispatch quotes an article from the Bolsheviki newspaper "Izvestia" discussing the "new phase in the peace negotiations." The article says that owing to pressure from below, the Germans have been obliged to soil their lips with the formula put forward by the socialists at the be ginning of the war, but the German, imperialists would not be imperial ists if they did not try to take back in fact what with gritted teeth they yielded in words. "The Russian revolution cannot ac cept their conditions to retain Po land and Lithuania. Just you try it, gentlemen," says the Izvestia. This is the line, the corresnondent I of the Daily News adds, that prob ably will be taken at a general meet ing tonight to consider the report of the Russian peace delegates. Discredit Imperialists. The Bolsheviki aim, he adds, is a world revolution of peace on their own terms, which they think will dis credit the imperialists generally. The correspondent continues: "And, if in the long run Russia is driven to conclude a separate peace on any other terms, I prophesy that the Russian signatures to such s peaee will not be Bolsheviki, butjnraibet. of opposition political parties." opposition political parties.' Guards to Border. The Daily News correspondent says further that considerable num bers of Red guards are being sent to reinforce the front and that other preparations for defense are being made. It is not clear from the dispatch of the Daily News correspondent when the meeting, which is said to have re sulted in the breaking off of peace negotiations, was held and there is a pos:,ibility that the report refers to an alleged rupture of negotiations sev eral days ago, when the discussions were adjourned. "I have private and reliable infor mation with regard to the breaking off of the peace negotiations, which establish beyond doubt the hoi.esty of purpose of the Rolsheviki," says the correspondent, whose dispatch . is dated Tuesday. "The central powers proceeded to make a more detailed statement of terms, from which it an peared that they considered Poland, ' Lithuania, Courland, etc., had already flcfuicd themselves. They further based their demand on the statement of Ukraine that it would not recognize peace negotiations at which it was not represented officially. They demanded that they should keep garrisons at Riga, Libau and other strategic point!. Jeer Germans. "The Russian delegation, acting on unequivocal instructions from th Rolsheviki authorities, took an un compromising attitude. They said self-dcfin.tioti was impossible until the last German soldier had left the country. Further, they jeered the Germans asking what they proposed to do. They asked whether they in tended to take Petrograd and feed .',000,000 starving folk; or to disarm a revolutionary country in which every wo. ! man had a rifle. They also aske 1 what the Germans proposed to say to their own democracy which i protested a couple of months ago ;gamst the proposed annexation of Poland and Lithuania. They remarked that they were surprised that even the Prussian junkers had such audacity. " The Germans a.sked time for con sideration and begged that this Stage of the negotiations should not be pub lished. The Russians refused to allow this am' left Brest-Litovsk." N'egotiations for a general peace at were adjourned Decem ber 23 until lanuary 4. Since then at j Prcst-I.itovsk and in Pclrograd repre j 'entatives of Russia and the central powers have been discussing inform ally points to he settled in the event of a peace agreement being reached. Provisional agreement has been readied on some points, but the Rus sian proposals regarding occupied ter ritories were not received with favor, (Colli iuiieil od I'uise Two, Column Onr.) Five of Houston Rioters Sentenced to Be Hanged San Antonio. Tex., Jan. 2. Five o, the negroes tried by the last court martial in connection with tiie Hous ton r'ots ,,ae been sentenced to be hanged, according to the verdict of tiie court, announced by Major Gen eral Ruckman this morning. 1 he are Privates liabc Collier. Thomas McDonald, James Robinson! t i . . ... . . .losepn Mnitn ana Albert i). Wright, ;il! of Company I, 24th United States in fa :i t r Execution of the sentence will be suspended until after the case is reviewed by President Wilson. 1 In ee oi ;hc fifteen tried were an. c warjtenced to ten years at Leavenworth j and seven to seven years each.