Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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    1 A
Sunday, December 30, 1917-
Storo Optni 8:30 A. M.
CIomi 6 P. M.
Star Opooo 8:30 A. M.
CIom P. M.
-Phone Doug. 137.
A Round-Up of Our Most Successful Year With a Series of Values
That We Consider The Best of The Season's Offerings-Burgess-Nash
Start the New Year with
One of These
Announcing for Monday
A Great End-of-the-Season
Round-Up Sale of Soiled and Mussed
It's a great clearaway movement an effort to close out every piece of soiled or mussed muslin underwear and start
the New Year with a clean, new stock. We realize that with the great price advance on cotton goods this may seem
a foolish thing to do, but as we stated in one of our previous announcements, "we are merchants, not speculators," and
we believe that it's better for all concerned to clean our stocks up and put them on a war footing regardless of
what we have to pay when we go into the market again to buy. You are the one benefited by this sale.
"Ring Out
The Old
The year 1917 goes down in
history as the year of the dec
laration of war by our country
against Germany and Austria in
order, as our President has stat
ed, that "the world may be savsd
for democracy."
To this organization these dec
larations of war do not represent
a disaster, but on the contrary
carry the halo of a most righte
ous cause, which will knit our
people into a band of brothers
and patriots and leave the im
print of our lofty purpose on
every country on the globe.
It is the part of a patriot to
do the things he is called upon
to do, whether it be to shoulder
a gun as a private, or lead a divi
sion as a general, to drive a de
livery wagon, or manage a busi
ness. Our country is girding on its
loins for Armageddon, and we
have faith that the call will find
none of us wanting man,
woman or child but all ready
to do their duty, whatever that
duty may be.
We are putting our house in
order for the New Year and some
unusual sales have been planned
for Monday as a fitting Eound
Up to the best and most success
ful year of our business.
The Prices of Which
Have Been Reduced to
E'VE gone through our stock
of suits and picked out a
big group which we have put into
the Round-Up and reduced to $17.
Wool suits that have been
marked at a much higher price.
All this season's models. Two
button, plain sack, fitted or semi
fitted, with soft roll notched or
peaked lapel. High waist line. The
materials are homespuns, cassi-
meres and worsteds, in solid col
ors of brown, blue and gray, fan
cy checks, stripes and mixtures.
Bur(M-Nuh Co. Fourth Floor
Filet Lace
Short lengths of filet lace
and insertions from to 1
yard long, specially reduced to
50c, 75c and $1.00 each.
Filet Medallion
Splendid selections of pat
terns, from which to select, at
5c, 10c, 15c and 25c each.
Val Laces
Including points, edges and
medallions, reduced, at 15c a
Barfei-Nh Co. Main Floor
The Tuesday papers for
particulars about January
White sales starting Wednesday.
EAL Filet Lace
Collars, $5.00
Very special real filet lace
collars, shawl effects. Very
specially priced at $5.00.
Burfl-Nuh Co. Main Floor
Round-Up Monday of Our Entire Stock of
Women's Boots, Oxfords and Slippers at
Reductions of 20 to 40
A MOST unusual offering, indeed, right in the face of a constantly rising leather market
we offer you choice from our entire stock of women's, boots, oxfords and slippers at
reductions of 20 56 to '40'. There's not a single pair reserved. A wonderful opportunity
to save on good shoes.
Children's Shoes at Reductions of 10
' Our stock of infants', children's, misses' and boys' shoes, on the second floor, of
fered at a price reduction of 10 per cent.
. i .
Burfu-Nih Co. Socond Floor
It's Doubtful If You
Ever Shared in Greater
Values Than These in the
Round-Up Sale of Women's, Misses' and Children's
At Prices Which Have Been Reduced
y2. .
V to
A LTHOUGH the selling of the past few days, since the sale
J started, far exceeded our most sanguine expectations, there
still remains a remarkably well chosen line from which to make
selection. ' -,
Women's Coats
Prices Reduced
Women's Suits
Prices Reduced
Vz and xk
Women's Skirts
Prices Reduced
Vz and Vi
Burf.i.-Nasa. Co. Scoei Floor
Women's Dresses
Prices Reduced
Women's Furs
Prices Reduced
Children's Coats
Prices Reduced
Reduced in Price
V and V2
PRINCESS or waist effects,
made of nainsook, batiste or
long cloth, elaborately trimmed
with val, cluny and filet lace or
dainty embroidery, or lace and
embroidery insertions: finished
with ribbon run beading. - The
skirt is finished with lace and em
broidery edge. Price range, 75c
to $3.75.
Corset Covers
Reduced in Price
14, 13 and l2
SCORES of pretty styles, made
of all-over laces or embroi
deries, or. lace and embroidery
combinations. Finished with rib
bon and beading lace and embroi
dery edge, trimmed back and
front. Price range, 25c to $2.65.
Night Gowns
Reduced in Price
14, 13 and
HUNDREDS of styles from
which to select in kimono, em
pire, slip-on, V or high neck. The
new Instep" length or long lengths,
made of (sheer nainsook, batiste,
long cloth, cambric or muslin. Ex
quisitely trimmed with laces and
embroideries, etc. Price range,
50c o $10.00.
Reduced in Price
14, 13 and V2
MANY styles for selections,
made of sheer nainsook, ba
tiste or cambric. Daintily trimmed
with val, cluny, filet or Swiss em
broidery insertions, ribbon and
beading or flounce of all-over lace
or embroidery. White or flesh
color. Price range, 75c to $7.50.
Our Entire Stock of Children's
Soiled and Mussed Undermuslins 4
Reduced in Price About lA
THE stock consists of gowns, petticoats, princess slips,
dresses, bloomers, corset waists and drawer combi
nations. Drawers, priced 15c to 49c.
Corset waists and drawers, 35c to 50c.
Princess slips, priced 25c to $4.95.
Bloomers, priced 35c to 95c
Burfttt-Natb. Co. Socond Floor
Reduced in Price
V and l2
MADE of nainsooks, cambric,
or muslins, in narrow French
flounce or with Marcella flounces
trimmed with lace or embroidery
insertion and finished with lace
or embroidery edges, tucks and
hemstitching. Fitted top, many
styles. Price range, 25c Jo $2.65.
Envelope Chemise
Reduced in Price i
lA Vz and V2
ALMOST every conceivable
style, Billie Burke, , slip-on,
empire, button effects, etc., with
ribbon strap and trimmed shoul
der, made of sheer nainsooks or
.batistes. Prettily trimmed with
laces and embroideries. White o
flesh color. Price range, 50c to
Round-Up Sale in the Down Stairs Store
Dress Gingham, 15c
27-inch dress gingham, in
Jilain tan, blue, checks; also a
ew assorted stripe pieces in
the lot, specially priced, at 15c
a yard.
Comfort Silkoline, lSVfec
Many pretty patterns to se
lect from, beautiful floral and
oriental designs, 36 inches
wide, special, 15 He a yard.
Dress Percales, 13Vc
Light and dark grounds, in
neat figures, also gray and blue,
in good assortment: special val
ue, at 13 He a yard.
Irish Poplin, 19c
Assorted colors of fine Irish
poplin, in light and dark colors
in this lot; all are 27 inches
wide, special, at 19c a yard. (
Plaid Blankets, $4.98
Extra large, handsome plaid
blankets, wool finish. Fine
lofty, warm blankets, priced
special, at $4.98 a pair.
Wool Blankets, $7.95
Extra large, heavy, fine wool
blankets, in handsome assorted
plaids or plain gray. Special, at
$7.95 a pair.
Remnants Wool Dress
Goods, 98c
Consisting of materials suit
able for skirts, dresses and suits,
plain colors, stripes, ohecks,
mixtures and plaids, 36 to 64
inches wide, 98c a yard
Dress Goods Remnants,
at 49c Yard
Materials for skirts and chil
dren's dresses, plain dress mix
tures and shepherd checks, lH
to 6-yard lengths, 36 to 40
inches wide, 49c a yard.
Children's Bath Robes,
Prices Reduced to
'95c and $1.95
Children's bath robes, made
of Beacon blankets, satin trim
med, broken sizes, reduced to
95c and. $1.95.
Blanket Robes,
Prices Reduced Vs
Women's corduroy robes,
wide and narrow wale, some
silk lined, prices reduced ft.
Knitted Leggins, 75c
Children's knitted leggins,
white and colors, broken sizes,
reduced to 75c.
Children's Aprons,
Prices Reduced Vss
Children's bungalow aprons,
made of percale, gingham and
chambray, prices reduced H.
Women's Sweaters,
$1.95 to $2.95
Women's sweater coats, win
ter weight, in broken sizes, re
duced in prices to $1.95 and
Women's Hosiery
Reduced to 19c
Odd lots, broken sizes, etc., In
black cotton, mercerized, fiber,
etc., all seamless, double tops,
19c pair.
Children's Underwear
Reduced to 29c
Broken sizes, odd lots and
discontinued numbers of chil
dren's underwear, including
misses' - cotton fleece lined
vests and pants, part wool vests
and pants, children's sleeping
garments and boys' fleece lined
shirts and drawers, at 29e.
Round-Up Sale of
Winter Coats
Monday to
IN this great Round-Up sale
we have reduced a large
lot of women's winter coats
to $4.95.
The lot includes full length
astrakhan coats, all lined,
with nice, large cape collar
trimmed with velvet. The yf
coats have belts and are f 1
iuuoc Hanging iium me onuui--
der. Very special values,
Monday, $4.95.
Plush Coats, at $9.95
Saltz plush coats all lined, large cape collar, tailored
and trimmed with kramie. Belt all around and loose,
back, belted front. Very special for Monday, at $9.95.,
Children's Coats, $3.95
Made of chinchillas, fancy mixtures and coatings in
a variety of models. Sizes 6 to 14. Your choice, $3.95.
Serge Skirts. Reduced to $3.95
All wool serge skirts, pleated, tucked and gathered.
Some have pockets, extra belts. Navy" blue and black.
Specially reduced for Monday, to $3.95.
Burg.M-Na.h Co. Down Stairs Storo.