Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 16

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    . ; - - 1 1 ii .
Social Calendar
Supper for Miss Pauline Settle,
Mrs. Robert Hamilton, hostess.
Dinner for Lieutenant and Mrs.
George Wooley, given by Mr.
and Mrs. A. I. Root .
New Year's eve "watch parties"
. at Country club and Fontenelle
hotel. -New
Year's eve dancing party at
Fort Crook given by officers.
Luncheon and matinee party for
Miss Myrne Gilchrist and Miss
Eva Turley of Orleans, ' Ind.
Mrs. Peter Elvad, hostess.
B'nai B'ritb dancing party at Cas-
tie hotel. v
Le Mars club dancing party at
Keep's academy.
Tea dansant for Miss Helena
Chase and Miss Katherine
Squier, given by Mrs. Clement
Chase and Mrs. Waite Squier,
to 7 p. m.
Dancing party for school set, Mrs.
Harry Burkley, hostess.
Orpheum party, followed by sup
per at the Country club, given
by Mr. and Mrs. Ludovic Cro
foot. '
Informal reception' for Lieutenant
and Mrs. George Wooley. given
by Mr. , and .Mrs. George
Wooley, sr. , ' '
Y. M. H. A and Y. W. H. A.
watch party in Paxton block
club rooms.
Party for Mr. and Mrs. Walter
More, given by Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Bacon.
Tuesday1 '
La Zalle club dance at Keep's
Dinner dance given by Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. Durkee. . t v - .
Dancing party Riven by Miss Myr
tle Brown. . .,"'
Danc'ng party for 'Akita Campfire
Girls, Miss Ann Axtell, hostess.
Wednesday ,
Buffet supper for Omaha Womaft'i
Presi club, Miss Henrietta Rees,
hostess. ' ,
Luncheon for Miss Sue Byer, Miss
Ethel Piel, hostess.
Van Dusen-Fullerton "wedding id
Merry i Makers club dance at
Keep's 'academy.
Afternoon for Miss Margaret Eng
lish, Mrs Harry Welch, hostess.
Thursday '" .-. A ' 1 '''.u
Rock ford College club' luncheon
at the Blackstone.
Larai club dancing party of the
Party for Miss Margaret English,
Miss Stella Kelley, hostess.
Cinosam club dancing party at
Scottish Rite cathedral. i .
Friday i
Party for Miss Margaret English,
MISS roitvincuB ywriuau, iivo.-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webster moved
Thursday, to their new home at 413
South Forty-first street , ;
Miss Martha Noble, who fa In her
junior year at Oberlin, is spending
her holidays in New York with Miss
Helen Bicknell, formerly of thii city.
Oberlin has had to extend the holi
.day vacation until January 1$ owing
to the coal shortage. t M;' -
Mr. and M rs. D. ' C Bradford
leave today for 19 days in New York
and Boston, and upon their return
they will go to Coronado Beach, Cel.,
for the winter, ,
Mrs. William Fitigerald of Troy,
N. Yh and her little son arrived Satur.
, . day to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
! T. C. Byrne . -J
Mrs Miriam Patterson Boyce
leaves next week for New York to
continue .her musical studies 'with
Harry Rowe Shelly, with whom she
studied last winter. Her daughter,
Jane, will remain in Chicago with the
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Boyce.
Mrs. Estabrook and Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Jtoebling, who accompanied the
body of Henry D " Estabrook from
New York for burial here, returned
cast Thursday night. Mrs. Bigelow
of Chicago, a cousin of Mr. .Esta-
' brook, who also came for the funeral,
.. returned Thursday. . , ;
Lieutenant Randall Curtis, who is
stationed at Camp Dodge, is spend
' ing the holiday with his parents.
t Mrs. Frank Blotcky of Des Moines
I is visiting t the heme of Mrs. Fred
: Hasphausen, - 3607 t North Twenty
1 ninth itreet ; ; Vjj
; ' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Gannett and
' children' arrived last week from Buf-
falo to make their, home again in
' Omaha. They are with her parents,
: Mr. and Mrs. C T. .Taylor. y. ?
Mr. and Mrs. George Myers and
' children, Barbeau, Esther and Mary
Myers, who came over from Du
" buque to spend Christmas with Mr.
' Myers' mother, Mrs. E. W. Nash, re
,' turned home Wednesday evening.
;; Sergeant Cyril J. Flannigan has re
r turned to Camp Funston after spend
i ing the holidays with his parents, Mr.
nd Mrs. T. J. Flannigan. ;
; Mr. H. Y. Cook left Christmas
k night for Buffalo to visit her sister.
"There ia only one medicine that
really stands ont pre-eminent as a
-medicine for curable ailments of the
tkidneyi, liver and bladder.
:;, Dr. Kilmer'a Swamp-Root stands
" the highest for the reason that it
has proven to -be just the remedy
. reeded in thoasanda upon thousands
of distressing cases. Swamp-Root, a
i physician's prescription, for special
.'diseases, makes friends quickly be-
cause its mild and immediate effect
is Boon realized in most cases. It is
: a gentle, healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at all
t .drug itores in bottles of two sizes,
'medium and large. v - -."
However, if you wish first to test
' thia ereat reparation send ten cents
;-to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,
N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writ
' - ing be sure and mention The Omaha
jjjunday Bee.-r-Advertisement
With Her Company of
Brandeisi Directs
Something entirely different In the
way of motion picture play will bey
given on Thursday, January 3, at the
Brandeis theater, when Mrs. E. John
Brandeis will s'age her privately pro
duced film, "The Little Poet,f (the
scenario for which was written by
herself), and will have as her guests
at this matinee performance about 30
children from the Creche. ,The regu
lar ticket oft admission to the Bran
deis Stock company show will entitle
the bearer to witness this first per
formance of "The Little Poet." r j
An exoert who viewed the film the
other day, expressed himself in this - . t. . ' ,
wise: "It is worthy of the best effortsYscenea and were supplied by Geisler,
i .Ar.A4l t,Aiin' and tfi 1 th animal nA hlrA man . .
t m. tnfttiAri!i1 trnun And the
scenes are very beautiful and charm
ing." v ' ' ' '
' Mrs., Brandeis has devoted many
months to perfecting her company
of little players for, this work.
A rabbit, a dove- and a1 dog each
play important roles in the different
Mrs. John A. Kuhri and Miss Ma
rion Kuhn arrived home from New
York Sunday, but leave tomorrow
for Pasadena to spend the winter in
" Mrs. G. W. Loomis and daughter,
Miss Margaret Loomis. returned last
week from the east, where the latter
has been. in a hospital recovering
from an operation for appendicitis.
Miss Margaret was at Wellesley col
lege when she was taken with ap-
Lot'cal Ktbruka
headgurtfr. Sgs
roomiMch with
P t i t bath.
Etrf dtlrad
ltiur. Bpflnnarat tni cnnmilnira.
Mtuated In Iwart of elt. lull? tret
IMt W all pln-M or Inwreat. AhmlnlfK
(lr proof. .-Uma Kurouwn aa mrnin
pltnt. Tnff from 1.J0. Loek lor
Bold Cliri bui at 4tjo
aiiiiliiiiiffliiiiiiiiiii iniu-.
DM.Bana F Bahjs
This institution Is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to
the ' treatment of non-contagious
and non-mental diseases, no others
being , admitted : the other Rest
Cottage being designed for and
devoted to' the exclusive treat
ment of select mental cases re
quiring for a time watchful care
and special nursing.-
'A 'V.
f t
f The five principals in this little
company are:
Leads Doris Secord and Tommy
Heavy Villain George Perlman.
Villainess Josephine Thomas. ,
' Comedienne Ann Amsden.
pendicitis, but she wiU not be , able
to return to college this winter.
1 Edgar Ernst, who has been spend
ing a few days with his parents, Rev.
and Mrs. A. S. Ernst, returned to
Camp Funston today. , "
John Daujherty returned Friday to
Greeley, having spent the week here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
, To the People of' Omaha
I have for you a very delightful surprise.
Aa most of you know, ITmve for roarvy, many
years been maker of the finest candies. I have
for one, two, three generations catered to your
- most discriminating tastes. I have pleased you all.
) Now I have for you something better a new
creation of chocolates richly designed a candy
even more delectable, more satisfying.
My Egyptian Chocolates. s ; , r - tW'
You have called me the master confectioner.
-Yoa have pronounced my candies the most de
licious. - :
Until you try my 'new Egyptian Chocolates, you -will
not know how completely exquisite, candy .
maybe.-"" .:v,.- : ' " -;t '.'
'Egptian Chocolates are nnlike any other choco
lates. In appearance, large, irregular, each a
satisfying morsel. In taste, rich, yet not the rich
ness that quickly palls; a delicacy of flavor and ,
an appeasing , deliciousness with which no other
can compare par avanc. ,' '
To my host of former patrons and friends I only
say: They are good) I cannot make chocolates
i finer. ,. v .-' .-' ', ' '
To you who have never tasted Balduff candies,
I invite you to try my Egyptian Chocolates. They
will delight you. ; ? , ,V . , ,1 .
Egyptian Chocolates are prepared in pound boxes
only. A delicioua assortment of walnut, maple, ;
cherry, pineapple, currant and other'.flavors in
' each box. They are at many good dealers, I urge
The" January 3 performance is th
first" of a series which will be given
during the winter all proceeds to go
to different charities and the war
fund. A duplicate film is to be sent
to Mrs. Brandeis' mother, Mrs. Al
bert Frank, in San Francisco, who
will use, it td give benefit perform-:
ances in the Golden Gate cityt -
Daugherty. . His wife and children
will remain until next week. ;
George Brandeis returned Friday
from, Chicago, where he and his wife
spent Christmas with her mother,
Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. BranSeis will not
return for several - weeks. v ' .
" Mrs. E. L. Burke and son, Edward,
went to Castle Rock, Ariz., last week
and were joined for Christmas by
Mr. Burke. Mr. ana Mrs. curKe wiu
return after New Year's, leaving Ed
ward with his aunt Dr. Burke, at
Castle Rock for the winter to com
plete his recovery from his shooting
accident of last September. .
Mr. and Mrs.' A. L. Reed have
closed their home at Benson and
have taken the home of Mr. Reed's
mother, Mrs. Mary B. Reed, on
Thirty-sixth and Dewey avenue, for
he winter. Madame Reed is at the
Blackstone until her departure, Jan
uary 17 for Hot Springs, Ark.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Vos of
Kingsley, la., " will arrive Monday
evening to spend -New Year's with
the parents of Mrs. Vos, Mr. and Mrs,
D. W. Dudgeon. '
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClelland
and Miss Myra McClelland are leav
ing for Florida, to be gone until the
. first of April. ,
Mr. and Mrs. C A. Sweet and son.
Lieutenant Sweet, spent Christmas
at Fort Crook with their daughter.
Mrs. . Whiting, and Captain Carlyle
Whiting. 4 .
Mr. and Mrs. Justus Lowe and
son, John, spent Christmas here with
Mrs. Lowe s parents, air, ana Jr
New Year's Eve
The management of Hotel Fontenelle has de-,
layed making public the plans for New Year's
Eve because it first wished to learn the senti
ment of patrons. ' V ,
It seems that while no one is unmindful of
the war, the general feeling is that to forego the.
time-honored observance, . of New Year's sEve is
unnecessary. T '"-; "
The management, therefore, wishes to an
nounce that there will be the usual festivities as
in former years. ;1
. . x t ' . ? ... ; . J
, Souper de Luxe will be served from 10 P. 1.
until midnight, in both restaurant and ball room.
Dancing in the Lobby with music by Christ
man's Fontenelle Orchestra of twenty pieces.
.' ' ;.v , , -.-
Make reservations at once.
Physicians Warn Public Against
Taking Substitutes for Nuxated Iron
Say That Ordinary Metallic Iron Preparatlcns ;
v , Cann.t Possibly Give the Same . ,
Besides; they may upset the digestion, disturb the secretions and thereby do far wore
harm than good, and that Health Officials and Physicians everywhere
u : Mkll ncrentincr these inferior oroducts. .
SuOUlH cauuvu uic
6r. Jin rncta SuIUr;-. tr
clan oi Uvm 7 , ir-..-
WMtht Cunt, HO.J.MJI Fw
H'th Commllon.r Wu R. Krr Dr.
H. B. VU. form.r!r IrtclMi ta th. B ti-
Dr. A. J. Ntwm.n. fortn.r Polki Surseon
V.rk Fhr.ctaT .nd M.dIcJ Author, .nd
'.Sm tv. v.lubl. dvic. .nd talorm.-
itoTon th. u.. of orn'o Iron ton e,
itrwilth and bloed bulldor.
Cmrrful intljrtion by phy.Ici.n, .mong
druB!U (nd patient ha reyealed the fact
SSt thwa ara thousand, of peopla teking
iron Xdo not di.tlngu'sh brtweni ontanic
SnTmitollta Iron and person.
ofta fa.1 to obtain th vital energy, -t""
ind anlrane. which th.y aaek. JmPbe
eaute they hava taken tha wrong form of
Wol TTeV seem to think Iron U Iron on the
m.& that a potato would U a Potato
whether eooked or raw, entirely Ignoring the
fact that the eooklng Peea tn.kea certain
hnportant eellnlar ehangea In the potato that
rendera It far mora ay of atjlml Ijtlon j by
tha blood and tlnea.. No one wou'd hardly
expect to derive the aama erenth from eat
fnTraw potato., that h. "
cooked potatoea. yet aeeotding to the opin
ten. of .yticlan. who haa made a careful
itudy of the .abject, taking raw. unorepared.
metallic Iron la ood deal like eating raw
""Therefore, phy.ic'ana thow who feel
the need of a .trength and blood builder to
go to their family doctors and obtain a pre
scription calling for organic iron Nuxated
Iron and preaent thla to their druggUt o
that there may be no question about obtain
ing the proper article. But if they do not
wish to go to the trouble of getting a pre
i acription for Nuxated Iron then be jure to
the label and see that the worda
NUXATED IRON are pr.nwo inereon. nv
m. xiil Iron nor any other farm of Iron.
" " -, - . 1. .1 . VT k
The remarkable reeolte produced by Nux
1 1 , 1 ... tjMAM.l 1 lit h.lnr
bipq urn - - ,
estimated that over three million people an
nually are today it) haa led to the of
fering or nameroa. suoetituieg ana pnysiciana
aay that health official, and doctor, every
where ahould caution the public against ac
cepting IDIII
t a b 1 1 1 u tea
wh'ch may be
nothing more
than a metallic
iron compound
wh:eb. may In
many ease.
p r d u e far
mora harm than
good, just like
a meal of raw
potatoes might
ach of a deli- i
Din lav swin- r-
eate person and 5
reaJly injure
him instead of
t r i m n t and Dr. James Frucis Sullivan,
airengui. im ..
widespread pub- Formerly Physician ol BeUe.
llcation of tha ttis Hospital, Out-door Dept.
above taforma- New York, and tha Weat
tion haa been cheater County Hospital.
ag tested by . " . ,
Dr. Jamea Francis Sullivan, formerly Pnrl
elan of Bellevue Hospital. Out-door Dept,
New York, and the Westchester County Hos
pital. Dr. H. B. Vail, formerly physician In
the Baltimore Hospital. Bad a Medieal x
aminer. Dr. Ferdinand King. New .York phy
s:rin and Medics) Author, and othera. ao
that -the public may b tnformed on thia'aui)
jee and protected from the use of metallic
-.S'.wj .h'"v isiiniAiw
tij&.x if
Charles Hardinar. Mr. Lowe returned
Wednesday to Minneapolis atd Mrs.
Lowe and son remained a tew aays
longer. . . v ' ;s- '
Mr. and Mrs., C B.. Tate of Fre
mont have Leen the guests of Mr.
'and Mrs. W. G. Steam for the, last
week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Vail Purdy of Sioux
City and Mrs. Merritt L. White of
Ida Grove, la., spent the holidays
with relatives in Omaha. ,
The Merry Maker' Dancing club
will give a dancing party Wednesday
evening at Keep's academy. , '
j iftiHiivm .
1 o
iron uuuer vm uw.w - - - -,
Iron, or at least something as good as Nux-
w I a si. u1a XTiivaroil
a tea iron, in reiira w vn 1'Urt"v'
Iron, Dr. Sullivan uyit i'ln my talka to phy.
. 1 T 1 .a.u.1H a.n)iacUllli Trsa Vrgtslf'
ncMity of their mak'ng blood examinations
of their wean,, anaemic, run-aown viHr.
AkomnatlvrAtl fn fill IrlTlflll
f ills, when the real and true caune under
lying their condition is simpiy, vx.
Xicicn urn m wur 1 cm wwu vtFs-v -
enable nature to transform the food they eat
into Brawn, muscle ussue arra Drain, t.
out iron in your blood your food merely
passe, through the body, something line
corn througn an ola mm wttn rollers so wiue
apart that the mill can't grind. a ' '
nut you can . mm iu-ddv, .vikuiuus) mw
eeasful, sturdy iron men by feeding them on
.-1,1- t . flu.- .t. . . .111- !.a.
Ricvaiuo iron, mi viu Aunu ut mvuiiuv muu
must go through a semi-digestive process to
transform them into organic iron -Nuxated
Iron before they arc so ready to be taken
up and assimilated by the human system.
c u i.l i 1 - nr t
r urnicr ricaiLii vommiHuincr ,i in. w i.e. .
of Ch'cago says: "From my own 1 experience
valuable remeay
that it ought to
be used in every
h o s p I tsl and
n a. a ar-liarl hv
every physician
in mis country.
I have taken it
myself and ex
pari enced its
b c a Ith-g'vlnvi
strength- build-"
ing effect, and
in the interest.
of the puftlie
welfare I feel It
my duty to
the result, of M
i. - t a
... VH, Kill
well past my
three scare
year, and want
Former Hea'th
Commlsalener Kerr..
?0.." -....l IrtWitv is
oeiievc my own " , "
due largely today to my personal use of
NDr,'lI'v.H. formerly Physician ta
Baltimor; Hosoital. and a Medical
says: "Throughout my experience on Hopl
tal ataff. and a. Medleal Examiner. I have
been aatonlshed at the number of patients
Sto h"ve vainly ductored for various
!ses, when In reality their delieate rnn
dow .tat. wa. airily the a1"
iron i the blood. T'me and asa'n 1 have
prwieriben organic i-flTZhh
aurprtoed patienta at the tap'dlty with , whlth
the weakness and general debility
placed by Srenewed feeling of trength and
vitality. I took Nuxated Iron myself to uld
ma up after a seriou. ease of nervous ex
haustion, rhc effect, were apoarent
few dfys and within three weeka it had vir
tually revitalised my whole system and put
me In superb physical condition.
Dr. A. J. Newman. Former Pollec Surgeon
f..a llnuia Surweon. Jff-
feraon Park Hospital. Chicago, aayat It
haa been my particular duty during the past
six years to as-ist In keeping Chicago a flw
thousand bluecoata in good health and per
feet fighting trim, ao that they would be
physically equipped to withstand all manner
of storms and ravage, of nature a elements.
Recently I was prompted through an endorw
ment of Nuxated Iron by Dr. Schuyler C.
Jaques, Visiting Surgeon. St. Ehaabeth a
Hospital, New York, to give it a trial. This
remedy ha proven through my earn teat, ef
. . ' 1 ham avar used
f .r tine red blood, building VP tha
1 k.- '. if
, IP . !
Van Sant
J Telegraphy
. Day classes only, begin
ning January 7th.
Lectures by a member of the
faculty of the University of Ne
braska School of Commerce.
Friday Afternoons Only,
Beginning January 11th
1:40-2:20, Investments.
2:20-3:00, Business En
terprise. 3:30-4:30, Business
' (Especially for home women)
5:30-6:15, Business En-
(Especially for employed
; i v .women)
Above courses open to all
women even though not regis
tered in other classes. Outlines
may e had by asking.
Proposed Classes:
Mechanical Drawing
Afternoons Only;,.
i To fit women for draught
ing work with railroads, con
tractor," etc. v.
Postal Carrier Service
Evenings Only
U Food Values and War
Time Cookery
Saturday Mornings Only
Classes in the three forego
ing will begin February 1st it
there is a sufficient number of
advance registrations.
Munson Shorthand -
Gregg Shorthand
Office Methods
Commercial Law
Letter Writing
Vocabulary Building
Training for Government
Examinations in stenogra-
phic, typewriting and
clerical branches.
For detailed information tele
phone Douglas 5890 or call at
i school office.
220 Omaha Nat Bk. BIdg.
; 6 V
o ' :
nerve, atrengthening tha muscles and cor
recting digestive disorders.
' Dr. Ferdinand King sayat "Doctors should
prescribe more organ'c iron Nuxated Iron
for their nervous, run-down, weak, haggard
hoklnjt patients. Pallor mean, anaemia. The
skin of the an-
aemic man or issatwfwr'
woman i. pale,
the flesh flabby,
the muscles lack
tone, the brain
fag a and the
memory falls,
and often they
become weak,
nervous, - Irrit
a b 1 a, despon
dent and mel
encholy. When
the iron' goea
from the blood
of women, tha
roses go from
their cheeks."
Dr. B. Ssuer,
a Boston, Phy
sician who haa
studied both in
this eountry and
in srreat Euro-
Dr. Ferdinand Kinf,
New York Physician and
, Medical Author.
Jean Medical . . ' .
nstitutlons, sa'd: "Nuxated Iron is a wo;
derful remedy. Not long ago a man came to ;
me who was nearly half a century old and
aked me to give him a preliminary examina
tion for life insurance. I was astonished to
f'nd him with the blood pressure of a boy
of twenty, and as full of vfeor. vim and
vitality a. a young man. In fact, a young
m-n hs really was, notwithstanding his age.
Tha Secret, ha said, waa takng iron Nux
ated Iron had filled him w'th renewed Ufa.
At SO ha waa In bad health, at 4S he wa.
careworn and nearly all in now at 50, after
taking Nuxated Iron, a miracle of vitality
and his face beaming with tha buoyancy of
If neoDla would only take Nuxated Iron
when they 'feel weak or run-down, instead
of dosing themselves with habit-forming
drugs, stimulants and alcoholic beverages, I
am convinced that in th-a way they could
ward off disease, preventing U becoming or
ganie in thousands of eases, and thereby tha
live, of thousands might be saved who now
die every year from pneumonia, grippe, kid
ney, liver, heart trouble and other dangerous
ntalad'es. The real and true cause which
started their disease was nothing more or
less thsn a weakened condition brought on
by a lack of iron in the blood. Thousands
of people suffer from iron deficiency and
do not know it. If you arc not strong or
well yoa owe it to yourself to make the fol- '
lowing test: See how long yau can work or
hbw Tar you can' walk without becoming
t'red.' Next take two five-grain tablets of
Nuxated Iron three times per day after
meal for two weeks. Then test your strength
again and see how much yau have gained.
NOTE Nuxtwd Inn. which Is prescribed and reo
ommended about by phyaMuis tit such s great rertetr
f cases is not a paunt medicine nor secret nraedr.
but one whirb is wall known to JragfiKs erenwhsr.
Cniisc the older tnonrsntc Ik products, n is easily
Mt nnilued snd does not injurs the teeth, max them
blsck nor upset toe stomsehi no ths contrary. It is a
mfct potent remedy ut nearly all fossil nf lndimtloa
sa well as for nervous, rundown conditions. Tbs man
nfsotarsn bare such nat ewifldeoee ia Koxated Iroa '
tut they offer to forfeit $100.00 t any eharttabls m
MltutM if they cannot take any nan or woman nn
dc 0 who lacks iron and Increase their strensth 100
ner cent or oer In four weeks' new, nrorlded they
sre ao serious onranic trouble. They all offer to re
fund your moner V it does not st leant double yor
strength snd endnranc to tea days' time. It ts 41a
nsssfd by aharusa-e, UvCoaoeU Drug tfcorw led. all
food draifttta. . .