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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1917)
Omaha Sunday PART ONE NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 14. "7T 17 THE WEATHER Fair JOE UK n VOL. XL VII NO. 29. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING; DECEMBER 30, 1917 FOUR SECTIONS THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. T SENT TO JAIL EXTREME COLD EEPS TREASON SUSPEC SW OMAHA WEATHER RECORDS BROKEN AS MERCURY HITS 20 BELOW; BUREAU PROMISES RELIEF T 1 Coldest December Day in History of City, Accompanied By Highest Barometric Pressure, Ever Registered I Here; Few Cases of Suffering Among Poor Reported to Charities. ' Twenty degrees below zero was the ... re temperature registered on the omcial weather bureau thermometer in the I ederat building at 8 o'clock Saturday j Homing. This broke all records for Decern-1 5er in the 44 years of weather bureau . . . . i, . . 4-- ustory here. The lowest temperature j leretofore recorded in December was i 17 below zero, which was reached in! December, 1879, and also in 1884. The extreme cold was accompanied ny the highest barometric pressure ;ver recoided at Omaha, 31.07 inches. Only five times heretofore in the his-1 fory of the weather bureau has a I barometric pressure of more than 31 j inches been registered here. j Center of Barometer. ! This high air pressure is caused by ; the weight of the extremely cold, dense air. Omaha was the center of the high barometer in the morning. It extended also to Huron, S. D., Sioux City, Des Moines and Morehe'ad, Minn. "The backbone of the cold wave is broken," is the word Colonel Welsh of the weather bureau gives out. His weather map shows a wave of rising temperatures sweeping . over the northwest part of the country. The indications for Omaha are for "slowly rising temperature." TJie prediction came true for last night's.tcmperature was 3 above 2ero at 7 o'clock. The lowest temperature last winter was 23 below, on "grouncft hog day." The lowest temperature ever recorded in Omaha was 32 below, on January 5, 1884. Cold Nation-Wide. The prsffln&TafMr xrftr, large part of the country, all the way to the Atlantic coast and iar to the south. In New York City Saturday morning the temperature was 2 be low zero and this was made worse by a 46-mile gale.1 Boston had 4 be low. ' These are, .extremely unusual temperatures for the east coast, where they "feej" worse than they look be cause of the high humidity. Albany, N. Y., reported 10 below and Buffalo 4 below. Chicago had tcro. In the north: Bismarck, N. D., 36 below zero; Moorhead, Minn., 30 be low; Duluth, M inn., 30 below; SJ. Paul, Minn., 22 below. In Kansas and western Missouri temperatures ranged from 2 to 12 below zero. Eastern Nebraska felt the cold wave more than the central and -western end of the state. Norfolk had 27 be low zero; Lincoln had 17 below; Val entine had only 18 below and North Platte only 10 below zero. Cheyenne exhibited the same astonishing tem perature as it did on Friday, record ing a temperature of 40 above zero. Boise, Idaho, had 52 above zero. Few Suffer from Cold. Despite the unusually cold weather few cases of suffering among the poor were reported to charitable organiza tions or the police. A few men sought the shelter of the police station. Associated Charities had scores of calls for food, coal and clothing, but no extreme cases were unearthed by workers who visited the poorer dis tricts of the city. Salvation Army, Volunteers "of America and missions gave slicker to many 'poor people Thursday night and Friday morning. Trains Delayed. Out in the slate t here were light wow flurnV;- ami considerable wind luring th.; Ger.-r-j: iot .11 ; part of the night. . were 1 . all t'. : .(. i miles to two hours, i the snow, but by eld that prevented the making steam. stances freight trains engine 111 !M v. ere a -mulled. This applied to those (Cnnlinued on Pave Tnn, Column Oi.) The Weather For Nebraska Fair; slowly r'sine: empcrature. Hourly Temperature. j a. m - 1 r ti a. in IS I 7 a. m 15 i 8 a. in '. 5 I 9 a. m 19 j 10 a. m IS j 11 a. m 1 12 m S 1 p. m 3 : p. in . . . 4 p. m. . . . i j 4 p. b .1 p. m 6 p. m 7 p. m 'nmnHrfttiv l.nrnl Hpmrri. 1917. I?:-1. Weh'M y.-ferly ..... " 14 Lowest y.',y .... 20 2 In Mean t.-if.' tu u re .. 8 '1 12 Precipitatf! . .00 Tonip.-ramre and prtrcli'Hation pa from th- nrmnl i.i p n uri. ..1 , tl" .lny 30 ; Toial il-f; '. ; Normal pr"ri,'ii F f!rltm-y fur '.. To'nl ra in fall sin lioficleni'v ttn'- in March 1 4 or. S in'-h ''-' 02 inch I '.irrh 1 . . . .21 77 lnch" i i: r. h t :r.rh- ;,' -rio i. i?ii..i2.i inrh'-s ; In f Money for IWMoni'y f'.r 14 in"h'""j .-imitation. Indi at,J o-m..' r. L. A. WULSH. M;t;orug $J A some coin m ots llelmv Zrro.l lirlnw Zero. 0lllllhs sttsauite st. .Marie. .20 itisnmrrk, x. .. . sioux city 2i n-.n.,. a lluluth, Mliui .30ralnary.Jl.Bn 10 Huron, s. i 3o;edmoniiton, ran... is mh city, Moirt..,is,rrin, Albert. Can.. 40 Moorheart, Minn. . .80; Swift Current, Can. 20 pifm ; aniieK s Kupid city. s. i)....i,viiite Kiver cn..4 m. i'ni. Minn s; GOVERNMENT OPERATING RAILROADS Walker D. Hines of New York Appointed Assistant Director General Pending Formation Permanent Staff (By Aihoclated Press.) Yashingjton, Dec. 29. Definite step toward national unification, of railroads and improvement, of con gested conditions, were taken tod,ay by Director General McAdoo in the appointment of a temporary staff and the issuing of his first formal order direfiUnR,aa&oittte.jitawig. of Mr nci common utilization of terminals, rolling stock and other facilities, haul ing or freight by the shortest routes, and retention of all present officers and employes. Hines Assistant Director. Special instructions were issued for the clearing of congestion in New York and Chicago through pooling of terminals and other traffic facilities and Alfred H. Smith, president of the New York Central, was named tem porary special assistant to supervise transportation in the turnk line terri tory east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio rivers, where congestion is greatest. Walker D. limes of New York, 3 railroad lawyer and for many years a special student of government oper ation, was appointed assistant direc tor general, pending the formation of a permanent staff. The Interstate Commerce commission was drafted for an immediate investigation by its inspectors of general freight condi tions on eastern trunk lines. Assembling Staff. Director General McAdoo spent to day assembling a staff of advisers and executive officers to assist him in ad ministering the railroads as a national unit. He conferred with John Barton Payne, "counsel for the shipping board, and Interstate Commerce Commis sioner Anderson. An announcement of plans is expected soon . The railroads war board went to work on a general scheme of opera tion, A few reports reaching here"? today told of first efforts by local railway officials to haul" freight by shortest routes, as requested by the director general in his first telegram to railway heads. ' A cold wave, accompanied by snow in, many localities, probably would prevent a noticeable improvement in freight congestion under government operation for a week of more, officials said. It was understood today tfiat Mr. McAdoo would use the various de partments of the Interstate Com merce commission to execute most ofhis orders. 'and in addition would forjn an advisory cabinet, including representatives of the War and Navy departments, the shipping board, the fuel and food administrations and the Federal Trade commission. The railroads have tlefiuitcly rc- ,( ontlntieil on P(te Tmo, Column Four.) Firemen of Truck Co. No. 1 Heroes Of Flomar Hotel Blaze Friday Charles Hcrnandt. fireman in truck company No. 1, did heroic work in the Homar hotel tire rriday when he j I helped rescue five persons and car sjried two guests from the third floor z j to safety. 5.4 j 'Although Gernandt has been in the c i fire department only six months, he : behaved like a. veteran. He stopped y for neither smokcuor gases .and went ar.sjdcwn the long ladders, with hotel guests on his shoulders, with the nex- ,,;, f , ,.k " ""-""J Gernandt and his partner, Toe Hubert, climbed to the third floor. ti, ..,, ; 1 J . .-J ' u lumiu a man aiiu 3- woman who had become confused and were unconscious. Gernandt car- ried them down the ladder to safety i .uine yoiirg icuows, iapiain Quinlan said, "arc anxious enough to ; iVrocCTh " r FRANK H. YOUNG, PIONEER BANKER. DROWNED INGULF President of Custer State Bank, Business Man of Large Inter- .ests and WiriplyJCnownr.'.- Thought to Be Dead, Frank H. Young, promirjent. Ne braska Mason and wealthy cattleman and banker of Broken Bow; is thought to have been drowned in the Gulf of Mexico near Pensacola, Fla., last Monday. Telegraphic advices say he disap peared from a launch Monday and after a cafeful search he could not be found. Business associates at Broken Bow were notified by the chief of police of Pensacola. The drowning is thought to have been ac cidental. Mr. Young was a Nebraska pio neer, coming to the state in the early days of the building of the Union Pacific railroad. For a number of years he was chief clerk to Superin tendent Nicholas prior to going to Custer county where he engaged in the cattle business. He aided in or ganizing and was the first county clerk of Colfax county. Had Large Interests. After amassing a large fortune from cattle raising he entered the banking business and was, for a number of years, president of the Custer State Bank at Broken Bow, and a heavy stockholder in the State Bank at Sargent. In late years he wa prominent in republican politics. Air. Young was ru years or age, and had resided in Custer county for 40 years. He was grand master of e Nebraska grand lodge of Ma- SOUS 111 lO?, pdSl KldllU UldSlL'l Ul the grand chapter; past gpand com mander of the grand conimaiidery of Knights Templar; past grand master of the grand council of Royal and Select Masons; a member of the 33d degree Scottish Rite; and president of the Nebraska Masonic home for seven years. It is said of him by his brother Masons that he was charitable and gave abundantly to a worthy cause in such 4 manner that his "right hand did not know what li is left hand was doing." Mrs. Young died several years ago. Prohibit Cereals for Gin. Paris, Dec. The Chamber of Deputies today adopted a resolution asking the government to prohibit the use of cereals in the manufacture of gin. attempt rescues, but the gases and carelessncs don't work together. But .Gernandt is not of that kind. He acted like an old head. He deserves credit for hi work. All the members of our company did good work Fri day. Ve saved 10 persons." While Gernandt and'Hilbert were doing their work on the third floor Captain Quinlan, Pete Burgdorf and L. Jorgensen were 'rescuing guests from the floor below. These three firemen came to a room where three victims were found, two men and one woman. One of the men had a broken leg. The woman was the wife of one of the men. These three were nearly overcome. Captain Quinlan handed them or.c by one to the other twi men, uho then carried them down safely. 1 9 9 9 9 9 "J - . $150,000,000 WASTED BY DEFENSE COUNCIL Testimony in War Inquiry Shows That Dilatory Tactics in Buying Wool for Army Clothing Cost Govern ment Huge Sums; Excessive Prices Paid iorJ5orting (Hy Asiofldtil I'rrm.) Washington, Dec. 29. The senate war inquiry committee today investigated further the cancelled ' scrap uniform cloth picking contracts- let by the committee on supplies of the coun cil of national defense to the base sorting company of New York under which witnesses testified th company could have made excessive profits aggregating several hundred thousand dollars annually. BROTHER INTERESTED. O Charles Eisenman, vice chairman of the committee who approved the con tracts, "and Samuel Kaplan, another member of the committee whose brother, it was developed, is finan cially interested in the company, will be summoned to testify, it was an nounced in a further inquiry the com mittee proposes to make. It was fur ther developed today that Kaplan's brother is treasurer of the company, owning a Connecticut woolen mill commandeerd by the government. BLAMES DEFENSE COUNCIL. Quartermaster General Sharpe testi fied, that when the War department cancelled the contracts last Thursday, both Eiseman and Kaplan protested. The government he explained, will take over the work. In concluding today his testimony regarding clothing and other army supplies, General Sharpe placed re sopnsibility for dejay in obtaining supplies of wool for army clothing on the Council of National Defense. The council's committee which .had taken over the question of the wool supplies, the "general sajd, recom mended use of shoddy material in makinff uniforms and delayed accept ing raw wool offered last April by Boston dealers. No large purchases were made until September after prices had risen greatly, he said. Senator Weeks told the committee he was reliably informed that a loss of $15(),()rK)1000 to the government re sulted. Regarding lark of motor trucks for i training men at ' t lie cantonments, General Sharpe said the department's policy, not his own, is that trucks shall not be supplied until the men go abroad. Committee members voiced dissatisfaction with the plans which, they contneded. wuiild pre vent men from obtaining proper training. Questioned on the cloth scrap con tracts. General Sharpe said he esti mated -that the contract given the sorting company at 6 cents a pound would net the company $400,000 an nually. Captain A. E. Peerless, who investigated the contract, estimated the profits at $500,000 yearly, and also told of another contract given the company which was said to have but $f0,000 capital, for sorting old, reject ed and discarded army clothing. That Charles Kaplan's brother, Ira A. Kaplan, was a member of the firm given the contracts was testified to by Alexander H. K ininsky, attor ney for an association of N'evv York rag merchants, who sought to do the work for the government. To Our Readers Part of the shipment of our col ored comic section, printed for us in St. Louis, was lost in the Mis souri Pacific freight house fire. If you are one of the subscribers who miss this section today, we ask you to overlook the omission. Scraps v - t,. ITALIANS ON OFFENSIVE IN PIAVE REGION .Strike at Austro-Germans Near Monte Tomba; Enemy Bombs Padua; Valuable Art Treas ures Are Saved. (Hy Amorlatfd frena.) Cold weather and snow in the European fighting zone have reduced military activities to a -fninimum in most sectors. Only in northern Italy Jjas there been any movement of importance in the last 48 hours. Kven there an infantry operation is reported from only one point on the battle line. The Italians took the initiative, delivering a blow at the Austro-Gcrnian line near Monte Tomba, on the mountain front just to the west of the Piave. The Ger. man war oflice reports this engage ment, declaring that the Italian at tack was broken up by the defensive fire Raid in Padua. 'I he principal aerial activity also is reporle 1 from the Italian front. Aus trian airmen recently beaten off from Treviso with the loss of 11 airplanes, carried out a bombing raid Friday night in which the city of Padua, rich in art treasures ws attacked. None of the city's noted monuments was harmed, but eight bombs drop ped in the most densely populated part of I he town killed 13 persons and injured 60 others. Bombs drop ped on Treviso and two other towns closer to the fighting lines than Pad da, which is some 35 miles from (Continued on Tnge Two, Column One.) Cheer Up, Mr. Householder, Coal In Denmark Costs $100 Per Ton! An Atlantic Port, Dec. 29 'Sentiment throughout Denmark is un questionably on the side of the allies and it is bearing the brunt of the economic situation imposed by the war without complaint," said Dr. Mau rice F. Kgan, the foreign minister to Denmark, on his arrival here yester day on a Danish steamship, enroute to Washington. Describing economic conditions in Denmark, Dr. F.gan said coal, where available at all, is selling at $100 a ton, that all residents have been issued bread and sugar cards and that some commodities are not to be had at any price. "One-half pound of butter is distributed to each person weekly," said Dr. Fgan. "Tea retails at $3 a pound. Each person may have one-half pound of pork every two weeks. Turkeys sell for 80 cents a pound." The minister said it was not unlikely that the "crush" of the economic situation would eventually compel some of the neutral countries to accept, though unwillingly, certain necessaries from Germany. TORPEDO EXPERT TAMPERED WITH DEADLY MISSIES Paul Hennig is Accused of Maliciously Mutilating Delicate Steering Machinery and Held Without Bail; Wa Employed in Manufacture of Torpedoes for Use in Naval Warfare. New York, Dec. 29. Paul Hennig, a naturalized German, who has been employed as a foreman in a Brooklyn factory en gaged in the making of torpedoes for the United States govern ment, was remanded to jail without bail in federal court here today, charged with treason. ROUMANIAN KINS 41 SURRENDERS HIS UNEASY THRONE Yields to Pressure of German and Bolsheviki Intrigue and Calls Prince Charles to Crown. Pelrograd, Dec. 29. King Ferdi nand has abdicated the Roumanian throne in favor of Crown Prince Charles, according to persistent ru mors in Petrograd. Official confirma tion, however, is lacking. Unsettled conditions and a po litical crisis in Roumania were re ported early this neck and the Bol sheviki government received informa tion that there had been a revolu tionary plot against King J'erdinand. The Roumanian army has been in- ffja"" y EX-KING FERDINAND. active since the Russian armistice and peace negotiations forced it to suspend hostilities. Bolsheviki and German propagandists have been re ported working among the Rou manian troops. Hohenzollern Family. King Ferdinand, who is a member of ihe Hohenzollern family, suc ceeded his Hjncle, King Charles, in October, 1914, King Charles having died at Sin ia. on October 10. Rou mania declared war on Austria on August 27, 1916, and King Ferdinand took personal command of the army shortly thereafter. King Ferdinand is the son of Prince Leopold of llohenzolleni-Sigmar-ingen; and two of his brothers are generals in the German army. He was Voni at Sigmaringcn August 24, 1865. Crown Tiinre Charles was born October 3, H93, andis an officer in the Roumanian army. He is unmar ried, although early in 1914 it was re ported that liis betrothal to the then Grand Duchess Olga of Russia had been arranged. ? DEFECTIVE MECHANISM. Hennig, authorities say, supenn tended the assembling of the gyro scopes, which control the course of ' the torpedoes. According to District Attorney France, some of these gyro scopes have been found "maliciously mutilated." This was done in such a way as to render useless the torpe does in which the gyroscopes were installed. "Not only would these torpedoes have been worthless as weapons, but it is possiblq they would have proved engines of destruction for their owu users," said the district attorney. Naturalized German. Hennig came to the United States in 1908 and was naturalized in 1916. Naval inspectors, it was stated, have had him under close observation for several weeks, imperfections in the parts of the gyroscopes, which were assembled in Henna's department, having aroused suspicion. The gyroscope, which has been termed "the brain of the torpedo," is of such intricate construction, author ities say, that a defect which could be. detected only by an expert would di vert the missile from its course. In the indictment, which was re turned yesterday by a federal grand jury and kept secret until today, it is charged Hcnniir maliciously and 1 oj U ,t,HUJ WI!X .USU UtIIIMllJ.. equipping torpedo gyroscopes with imperfectly titled bearings, and wheels which were found to be crackedj District! Attorney France declared emery dust, an abrasive which would disable the delicate gears 6f the gyroscopes, also was found among some of the assembled parts. Highly Skilled Mechanic. Hennig, authorities declare, is a highly skilled mechanic and holds American patent rights on a number of torpedo ccntro! and propulsion de vices. One of Hennig's sons, it was said, has been in;erned as an alien enemy at Ellis Island. When ar aigned before Federal Jude Veedcr in Brooklyn today Hennig, in an accent which was un mistakably German, jlcadcd "not artiilty." He was ordered held with out bail until January 2, when a date will be set for his hearing. Rail Men Get Raise "" In Pay of Ten Per Cent i St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 29. An in crease of 10 per cent in the wages of the 15,000 employes of the North ern Pacific railroad and of 500 em ployes of the Northern Express com pany effective January 1 was an nounced today. Today's grant will add $1,500,000 to the company's pay roll. In announcing the increase, President Hannaford said the bonus plan will not be continued. The ma jority of those who will participate in the increase are clerks, telegraph ers and section laborers. This is the third increase granted in fifteen months to the unorganized employes of the road. Let Building Burn, But Saved Sugar -Chicago, Dec. 29. When fire threatened to destroy a six-story building occupied by 1. J. Brach & Sons, wholesale confectioners, today, firemen directed their efforts in sav ing 75,000 pounds of sugar instead of fighting flames which had gained headway in another part of the struc ture. A hundred employes, a ma jority of them girls, (led down the fire escapes to safety. Commercial Club Has Added Many Members The Commercial club now has 2,150 members. Up to a few weeks ago it had 2,000. The membership commit tee, captained by H. O. Wilhelm, and assisted by a lot of the members of the good fellowship committee, started a campaign to make it 2,150, by the first of the year. They have just reached the goal, with a few days yet to spare. Secretary Lane to Talk to State Councils of Defense .Washington, Dec. 29.-vWar con ferences of state councils of defense will be addressed during the week of January 14-19 by Secretary Lane at Chicago, Louisville, Columbia. Mo., Topcka, Kan., and Lincoln, Neb. Hanscom Park Church to Raise Service Flag Sunday A service flag, with 41 stars, wilt be raised in Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morning. The entire service will be of a pat triotic nature. Rev. W. H Spvmee wilt preach on the subject "Service." a