Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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i i
Aged Cripple and Wife Carried
Down Ladder by Firemen;
Several Have Narrow
Fire, which started shortly aiter
noon in the basement ot the Flomar
hotel, Seventeenth street and Capitol
avenue, imperiled the lives of several
occupants of the burning building and
for a time threatened to destroy the
Theodore Huber barely made his
escape from his room on the third
rioor by way of the tire escape. He
left all his clothes and personal be
longings behind.
Firemen rescued an aged cripple
and his wife by carrying them down
a fire ladder.
Starts in Basement.
L. R. Ness, who had a room on
the third floor, detected smoke and
went down to the basement to in
vestigate. Discovering the rapidly
spreading flame, he coolly ascended
the stairs, collected his clothes,
placed them in a suit case and then
once more descended the stairs to
The fire gained headway rapidly
and within a few minutes after its
start had spread to ever floor in the
building. Two alarms were sent in.
Half a dozen streams were centered
on the flames.
After fighting the blaze for several
minutes firemen declared they would
be able to save the building, although
practically all of its contents will be
badly damaged by water and smoke. !
The building is occupied by the i
Flomar hotel, Malhson Brothers' i
grocery and John Feldman, costumer. I
Little Girl Rescued. j
Little Charmion Stalcup, 4 years j
old, was trapped on the fourth floor i
when her mother, who had escaped 1
from the hotel, discovered her daugh-!
..-. -i
icr s ausence.
Ida Green, colored maid, rushed
back into the smoke-filled building,
felt her way up three nights of stairs
and found the girl huddled in a cor
ner of the room. She carried her to
Feldman, whose loss is $8,000, al
lowed his insurance policy to expire a
couple ot weeks ago.
Seventh Needs Men to Fill
Gaps Caused by "Desertions"
Wanted Sixteen gallant laddies
to enlist in the Omaha battalion of
the "Lucky Seventh" to fill up the
gaps and complete the quota to put
the three companies on a war footing,
The ranks are shy just 16 men,
some of whom have "deserted" to en
list in the regular army, while others
have been released by the governor
with the understanding that they de
sired to try for commissions at Fort
In the meantime, pressure is being
brought to bear on officials for their
sanction to rent a vacant building on
Harney street to be used as an arm
ory. The government will not supply
equipment to be stored in a building
that is not leased, and all thoughts
of leasing the present quarters on
Farnam street are out of the ques
tion, as the rental is $450 a month.
The state will not allow this much
money for rent, it is said.
Two Members of Hoffmann
Company Fined $100 Each
T. M. O'Neil and D. T. Holteslaw
of Gertrude Hoffmann's company at
th Orpheum pleaded guilty in mu
nicipal court when arraigned on
charges of illegal possession of in
toxicants. Fines of $100 and costs
were imposed. H. J. Nelson, Charles
O'Hara and Flora La Fleur were dis
charged on motion of State Prosecu
tor Munger, who announced that he
did not have sufficient evidence
against them.
Mr. O'Neil, who is drummer for
the Hoffmann company, had 3i pints
of amber-colored abrosia when the
morals squad made a raid last Sun
day. Flora La Fleur, one of the Hoff
mann dancers, told the court that her
husband is Lieutenant Grogan at the
Fort Omaha balloon school.
Nebraska Firm First
Convicted Under New Law
United States Attorney Ailen has1
received a letter from Assistant At-'
torney General Frinson stating that !
the fVderal court in Nebraska has the j
credit of securing the first conviction,
under the national child labor law.
The conviction was that of the Desh-j
ler Broom company, Deshler, N'eb .
which pleaded guilty of violation of
the act on 16 counts and paid a tine '
of $10 on each count in Lincoln a i
:c.v week' ago. j
Joe Bumbeer Taken to
Lincoln on Booze Charge!
Deputy t'r.ited States Marshal i
QuinKy took Joe Bumbeer to Lin -1
coin Friday, where he will be ar- j
raigned before Federal Judge Mun-j
gtr. He is charge with bringing!
liquor into the state. He was arrested!
by I'lattsmouth officers, who pursued j on motorcycles. This is the sec-1
ond time Bumbeer has been in the j
Lands of the law on this charge. j
Guarantee Life Holds
Annual Convention Here
The Guarantee Fund Life associa
tion of Omaha is hold ng its annual
convention at the Ileri-haw hotel. L. !
W. Williams, vice president, is act- !
:ng chairman in the absence of the !
president. Sixty agents from all over ;
the United States were banqueted at ;
the netishaw Thursday night.
George Craig Guest at
Technical Club Luncheon
Members of the Omaha Technical j
i Lib and American Society of Civil
Engineers held an informal luncheon
at Courtney's cafe at noon. George i
"raig. former city engineer, and Scott ;
King, member of both : - and
'ormer president of the Technical '
dub, were present. i
Friday, December 28, 1917-
.Store Oprnt 8:30 A. M.
Clo 9 P. M.
.Start Open. 8:30 A. M.
Closet 9 P. M.
Phone Douglas 137
The Annual "Round-Up" at Burgess-Nash Affords Wonderful
Saving Possibilities on the Merchandise You Need and Want Now
In the Round-Up
Dainty Crepe de Chine, Georgette
and Chiffon Blouses Reduced
HE woman with a blouse need
cannot afford to overlook
this remarkable offering in the
Round-Up sale Saturday.
Several groups of dainty blous
es are offered for your selection
at reductions of a half.
The offering includes geor
gette crepes, crepe de chines and
chiffon blouses, in a wide variety
of dainty styles in suit shades
and white, suitable for street, aft
ernoon and evening wear.
Buritt-Nh Co. Second Floor
Round-Up of Trimmed Millinery
Satin and Georgette Trimmed Hats
These hats represent the new
est in millinery, beautiful shapes
made from the finest georgette
crepe and Skinner's satins in such
colors as tobacco brown, taupe,
old rose, also black; the reduc
tions are unusual; we advise
early selections, at $5.00.
Children's Hats, at 19c
Clearaway of every child's hat, i 0 Zm
at 19c. T
Velvet Hats, at 39c f (fIj
Clearaway of every velvet hat, i J
at 39c. "
Burgett-Nath Co. Second Floor
Our Winter Stock of Sweater Coats
for Women, Misses and Children
at About xi Price
EVERY winter sweater we have in stock is included in
this Round-Up Saturday, at about half price.
Sweater coats made of an
gora, brushed wool, vicuna,
Shetland and fiber silk, in
slipon, hour-glass and mili
tary coat effects, made with
new convertible shawl or
Byron collars, patch side or
barrel pockets, half belted
or belted models, muff or
turn-back cuffs; the range
of colors are very extensive.
Several groups displayed
for easy selection Saturday.
Burgttt-Ntth Co. Stcond Floor
Round-Up of Corsets at
Less Than 'i Price
TWO big groups including several of the best known
makes, at radical reductions.
Corsets Reduced to $3.85
A large assortment of models for every figure, low and medium
bust, also elastic top, in broche and coutil. pink and white. Included
are the well-known "M me. Irene," "Successo," "Regaliste" and "Bein
Jolie"; sizes 20 to 36.
Corsets Reduced to $2.25
A wonderful lot of splendid corsets, in all styles, mostly discon
tinued models that are right in style, but cannot be substituted at
the old price; this lot consists of "Nemo," "C. B.," "R. and G.,"
"Successo," and '"Bein Jolie," both back and front lace. Sizes 20
to 3fi.
Burfttt-Nash Co. Second Floor
Round -Up of Women's Novelty
High Boots at Prices Reduced to
Less Than V
SEVERAL hundred pairs of wom
en's novelty high boots radically
reduced for a quick disposal.
Two Big Groups, at
$4.95 and $6.95
There's a score or more of the sea
son's very latest styles included at
these prices. We're crettiner our storks
ready for the early spring lines, that's
the reason for the exceptional reductions.
Women's Shoes Greatly Reduced
To $3.25 and $3.45
Patent colt and black kidskin boots, odd lots and
short lines from the season's best selling lines. Several
hundred pairs for selection, at $3.25 and $3.45 the pair.
Burgett-Nath Co. Second Floor
' ' if
Caramel Day
When we offer fresh, home
made caramels of assorted flav
ors ingredients strictly pure,
at 33c a pound.
BurgetfNtth Co. Min Floor
DLENTY of Khaki
Colored Yarn
A recent shipment brought in
a jroodly supply of knitting
yarns in khaki color, light and
dark gray, navy blue and nat
ural color. Trice, $1.15 a hank.
Burfeti-Ntth Co. Third Floor
Fancy Neckwear
Remarkable price reductions
have been made on several
groups of women's neckwear, to
effect an immediate and de
cisive clearaway.
Neckwear at 50c
Women's neckwear including
satin collars, jabots, georgette
crepe collars, etc., slightly
soiled, reduced to 50c each.
Fancy Scarfs
Women's fancy scarfs and
throws, slightly soiled and mus
sed, very specially reduced to
Burgett-Nath Co. Main Floor
5c to 25c
Our entire stock of handker
chiefs that were soiled from
display and handling during the
ho 1 ill ly season, have been great
ly reduced in price. Four lots,
5c, 10c, 15c and 25c
Silk Handkerchiefs
Women's silk crepe handker
chiefs, with embroidered cor
ners and fancy prints, in all col
ors, at 15c each.
Burgett-Nath Co. Main Floor
Reduced to 35c
Women's black cotton and
silk lisle hose, seamless and full
fashioned, Saturday, 35c the
Child's Hose 25c
Children's black and white
cotton hose, seamless, special,
for Saturday, at 25c tiie pair.
Burgett-Nath Co. Main Floor
Suits Reduced
to $1.89
A very unusual Ri.und-Up
value for Saturday; women's
union suits, part wool and mer
cerized wool, ankle length, odd
lots, high neck, long sleeves,
and low neck and sleeveless;
mostly la:ge sizes, clearaway
price, Saturday, at $1.89.
Burrat-Nash Co. Main Floor
Unusual Values in Items
That Will Appeal to
the Housewife
Big Wonder mop outfit, con
sisting of oil mop, dust mop,
iiistiess cloth and bottle
)f polish, the outfit, $1.00.
Automatic ironing board,
with stand, reinforced with
steel, stands very rigid, $2.19.
Galvanized iron wash boilers,
stationary wood handles, large
size, at $1.95.
Galvanized iron water pails,
first quality, 12-iuart size, 35c
Cotton clothes, lines, 50-ft.
len-rth, at 25c
Tate's dustless floor mops, at
Oblong splint baskets, large
size, at 39c.
Wash boards, large size, spe
cial at 35c
Wood frame clothes wringer,
10-inch roller, warranted for I
year, horse shoe brand, at $3.50.
Galvanized iron wash tubs,
No. 2 and 3 sizes, first quality,
at $1.00.
Just Think What It
Means to You, This
Annual Round-Up of Women's, Misses and Children's
Coats, Suits,
Dresses, Skirts
and Furs
at prices that have been reduced fully a
NOT a winter coat or suit or a single piece of
fur reserved. You are offered choice from
our entire stock of ready to-wear at this extraor
dinary price reduction.
Every garment is this season's very latest
model, individual and distinctive in point of style,
a characteristic so noticeable in Burcess-Nash
ready-to-wear and which every woman seeks.
All ottered to you at a saving of from a third to
a half.
If you have a suit. coal, dress, skirt nr fur nrJil
this is an opportunity you can not well afford to
j. . . . i i
to ovenooK.
Burnnt-Nsnh Co. .Second Floor
,0 J JA 0
, Its? A Ov
o tfflrm 0
Our Stock of Men's Neckwear (Excepting
Knitted Scarfs) Goes Into The
Round-Up For Saturday
at 35c, 55c, 85c and $1.35
IN every instance the reductions are most
extreme ranging1 from a fourth to more
than a half of the original price. It's an op
portunity for every man to buy a whole sea
son's supply of a half dozen or more at but
little more than you would pay ordinarily for
two or three.
Beautiful, large flowing end 4-in-hands
with satin slip hands to match the color in the
body of the scarf exquisite patterns and rich
It's our way of doing things starting the
Now Year with a well selected new stock and
J we offer you the opportunity to save in this
most unusual neckwear buying chance.
Tell your friends about it they'll thank
you for the tip.
Men's Sample Hose, 23c
Saturday we will sell one case of men's
hose, all good colors and all sizes, splen
did quality Maco yarn, price 23c.
Burgri.-Naiih Co
Men's Union Suits, $1.95
Wool, cotton and mixed wool and cot
ton, mostly small sizes. Very much re
duced in price, at $1.05 per suit.
-Main Floor
Reduced for Saturday to
FOR Saturday we have gone through our stock of
suits and gathered a big group which we have re
duced for one reason or another, to $17.00.
All are this season's models. Wool suits that have
been marked at, a much higher price. Two-button,
plain sack, fitted or semi-fitted, with soft roll matched
or peaked lapel. High waist line. The materials arc
homespuns, cassimeres and worsted, in solid colors 01
brown, blue and gray, fancy checks, stripes and mix
Reduced to
Every garment possesses all the points there are
to an overcoat through satisfaction with the way it
fits, the way it's made and the way it looks and wears
splendidly tailored throughout. In style and fabrics
everything that is new is represented. The tailoring
shows the master touch of America's greatest designers.
All sizes represented from 33 to 16.
Burg8Nash Co. Fourth Floor