Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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The Omaha Bee
Littered at Omaha postoffice as second-class matter.
Bj Carrier.
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Svnd ii'-t -t- nf cii.nie of atldre., of lrrrultrit la deliver to Omaha
rta Circulation 111 meiit.
Pie Amorlalnl Prw. nf whirb The Hrt la a mmbfr. la ezrrnilrtlt
entitled to Uif uw for pud: cation of all newt d!aiatrris rredirwl
to tt or not otherw'- crrdtcij Iu Una paiier and alan Hi Ineal ria
published hr ,n. All rifilita of ojljlicatiuc of our a.H)cial diaiJitrbes
Ire also MensA
Rem tn draft. xtres nr rxn'al order. On If 2 -rnit -umr taken In
avinerit of aivall awunta. I'l-raom! check, eicei. on Omaha and t
e.-tern M'-harigt. not accepted.
Omaha The Bee nulMin.
tiiuta Oiialia i.'ls N Hi.
(Viunfil lllu(T- It S". Malil St.
Llnftiln Lull Rulldlnit.
i hlraito People', C, Halldlni.
New Vrl-2ti Fifth Am.
Ht. Ixiiim New irk of Commerce,
W.ahliiftnn 1311 Ci Mt.
Address eommunicatlona relatlus to news and editorial matter to
Omaha Br. Editorial Depart men t.
58,715 Daily Sunday, 51,884
Average clrrulation fnr th month, subscribed and fworo to by 01ht
Willmni. Circulation llanar.
Subscribers leavlnf the city ahould have Tbe Be mailed
to them. Addreai chanfed aa often as requested.
Patriotic American heat partly solves the; fuel
problem in neighboring "little Germanies."
Rotation of police around the beats will not
hurt any. A broom usually sweeps cleaner while
it is new.
After a famine a feast. Bulldom of Wall
street almost in an hour packed its warehouses
with bear meat.
It is different to see how our state banks can
much longer defer vault expansion and safely ac
commodate the business.
Well, well, well! Has the Hyphenated editor
started again at his favorite pastime of writing
anonymous letters to himself?
Observe how over in England the head of the
Navy department has been boosted into another
job "for the good of the service."
Once more the kaiser admits his partnership
on equal terms in the famous firm of "Me Und
Gott." The announcement carries no increase
in the rations of the famishing.
Prophecy on the outcome is premature, but it
is permissible to meditate on the sur-pass-ing
advantages a director general of railroads might
enjoy in directing a political campaign. 1
Accounts of cloud fighting on the Italian front
rival the thrilling combats of flyers in Flanders
and .Verdun. Italy's progress in airplane work
is one of the notable developments of the war.
Excess war profits taxes are to be levied on
the excess of pre-war earnings, but railroad divi
dends are to be guaranteed on a basis of war
profits average. There is a difference as well as
a distinction.
"No annexations, no indemnities," as a peace
foundation wins no applause in the Bulgar gal
lery. While history may condemn his policy, it
cannot deny King Ferdinand credit for open-face
honesty as a land grabber.
It is cabled all the way from Europe that the
soldiers' Christmas mail from this side reached
destination two days late. Why, compared with
every day delays over here, this is a marvel of
postal promptness and efficiency.
Sugar brokers threatened with diminished
business train their artillery on the sugar division
of Hoover's army. As things go the food ad
ministration isn't given time enough to take the
first degree in a "Don't Worry Club."
The director general of all the railroads of
the United States presumably continues to draw
his cabinet officer's pay of $12,000 a year. It
stands to reason that subordinates are not long
going to pull down more than the boss.
The argument of the mob is reprehensible,
no matter how great the provocation. Still, peo
ple of alien sympathies who have lived in this
country long enough to acquire a competence
ought to know that straining American patience
is risky business.
Pro-German reserves in this country will find
food for sober thought in the report of the arrest
in the fatherland of 300 socialists for obstructing
government war plans. Admirers of German
methods cannot justly object to the moderate
doses of German treatment prescribed by Uncle
Cerebral Congestion
-New York I'nut-
We fancy that if a physician were asked to
diagnose the trouble at Washington he would
say that too much blood was going to the brain.
The flushed face; the irritability; the restless
ness; the headaches; the turning from one sub
ject of attention to another are tell-tale symp
toms. The doubt arises whether too great
labors are not being imposed on the central
nervous organization. Are any set of men equal
to them? Will not any administration show
signs of breaking down, at one point or another,
under the intolerable strain? We used to have
in this country a strong feeling against over
centralization of power at Washington. Political
students and party leaders predicted something
like what we now see, if the process went on.
The tasks would become too huge for mortal
men. There would be confusion, delay, cross
purposes, inefficiency and general congestion of
the public business such as used to curse St.
Petersburg when a man in Vladivostok cot-Id
not build a house without getting a permit from
the capital.
Something of all this was visible in Washing
ton even before the war. Federal employes
spawned like mushrooms. New commissions,
new bureaus, grew up over night. And, inevita
bly, the war intensified the tendency. Not only
were the military activities of the government
doubled and Quadrupled. Every incidental dif
ficulty that arose, every new form of control
that seemed needful, was at once referred to
Washington. "Let the government do it." Such
became the universal demand. We do not sav
that it was unjustified or could have been avoided.
Nor do wc deny the fact that the administration
has, on the whole, done wonderfully well. But
it was impossible that all things could be done
equally well. In the terrible pressure of business
some affairs were certain to be overlooked or
neglected, others to be muddled. The congres
sional investigations now going on have dis
closed little beyond what in the nature of the
case must have occurred. Little fathers at Wash
ington were certain to give some of their chil
dren cause for complaint.
Peace Terms That Mean Nothing.
Acceptance by the German delegates to the
conference at Brest-Litovsk of the peace terms
laid down by the Bolsheviki is the veriest mock
cry of the spirit in which the Russians ap
proached the subject. Final adoption of the pro
gram is made contingent on the acceptance of
its terms by the entente with whom Russia lately
was allied. This acceptance is impossible be
cause of the nature of the conditions on which
agreement depends. Peace without annexation
or indemnity, leaving Germany where it was be
fore the war, with the addition of the "corridor"
from the Baltic to the Persian gulf fully estab
lished, does not comport with the Allies' demand
of "restoration and reparation." A burglar scarte
ly could ask for immunity if he consented to re
store a portion of the plunder he had gathered.
Most remarkable of the several extraordinary
proposals contained in schedule submitted by the
Bolsheviki and subscribed in principle by the
Germans is that which contemplates payment of
damages sustained by private persons out of a
common fund to which all belligerents will con
tribute. In effect this would include the United
States as responsible to its citizens for losses
sustained through U-boat activities. Moreover,
we would be requested to pay on a pro rata basis
to reimburse Belgians of all classes for the treas
ure seized by the Teutonic invaders! In no capi
tal outside of Pctrograd can such a suggestion
receive serious consideration.
It is easy to see how the shrewd politicians
representing Germany in the council could agree
to the program presented by the simple repre
sentatives of the Russian extremists. But the
peace so offered, even as elaborated by Count
Czernin, does not approach the requirements of
the allied democracies. The wily schemers of
central Europe may deceive the proletariat by
pretending to accept an offer seemingly made in
sincerity, but they are not entitled to the ad
vantages that would come to them under the plan
now submitted. The comedy has its tragic .side,
and that is that the Russian peasant, seeking (or
land and liberty, has acquired both, but is in
danger of losing them again to a conqueror more
terrible than any his country has hitherto known.
What Might Have Been.
Railroad men, now that they have entered
government employ, are already suggesting
changes in service that will result in much sav
ing in cost of operation with little or no incon
venience to the public. Chiefly these take the
form of reducing or abandoning duplications,
such as costly uptown ticket offices, independent
passenger stations and the like. They institu
tions, they tell us, are an outgrowth o.f compet
itive operation, convenient in their way, but not
absolutely necessary. But really they arc the
least of the evils that have sprung up through
long years of uncertain development and erratic
control. Serious blunders on part of lawmakers
and managers of great transportation systems
are now coming into view, mistakes that arose
primarily from a lack of sympathy and a failure
to approach the whole transportation question
from the point of service rather than of selfish
advantage. Sadness still clings to thoughts of
what might have been, but the fat is in the fire
for the present. Physically, the great railroads or
the country will not suffer much under the new
rule, and morally they may be much improved.
When, if ever, their owners are restored to con
trol, it is likely they will be chastened by the new
experience, and will take tip the work of man
aging their own business again with a healthier
regard for its own importance as welf as the
rights of the public.
New Disease Is Not Popular.
Discovery in New York of a new disease,
labeled "knitting nerves," arouses only mildly
curious comment throughout the country. The
story from Gotham involved the breakdown of a
considerable portion of the feminine population
through an ailment superinduced by too close at
tention to knitting. Out west we have a homely
phrase on which much genuine success depends,
that one should "attend to his (or her, as the
case may be) knitting." There is nothing in this
to indicate that nervous depletion follows
on its application. Quite the contrary, for it will
ensure safety as well as prosperity. New York
women may have peculiar susceptibility, and, if so,
they are to be commiserated. Hereabouts needles
will continue to fly, and tons of khaki yarn
will be turned into comforts for soldiers. The
nerves of our women will sustain a much more
severe test than comes from making garments
so prized by the boys in camp and trench. If
New York wants to get serious attention out this
way it must come through with something better
than "knitting nerves."
Some Change of Front.
It is interesting to note the change in front
of the democratic leaders of the United States
on the railroad question. Only a little more than
a year ago, particularly in Nebraska, democratic
spellbinders and democratic organs were vo
ciferously declaiming against the plank in the
republican platform that called for nationalized
control of the railroads. Take for example this
from an editorial in the hyphenated World
Herald on October 9, 1916:
"The transfer of the power of state regula
tion to a federal body located at Washington
would set back the clock of progress in a num
ber of western states. It would be a step
highly desired by the railroads, of course, but
it would make it impossible for the people to
have intimate contact with this department of
Contrast this utterance with what the same
sheet has to say about the action of the president
in wiping out -every vestige of state control of
the railroads. Be sure lines operated by the sec
retary of treasury will not pay much heed to
orders issued by "Vic" Wilson or "Tom" Hall in
the future. But this is not the only point on
which the democratic party has changed front
since its "He kept us out of war" slogan won for
it an election.
"Perfidious Albion," long esteemed the cham
pion heavyweight intriguer, voluntarily passes the
dubious laurels to Germany. Diplomatic perfidy
made in Germany belt the world, exhibiting the
cloven hoof from center to circumference. Al
bion's brand of perfidy invariably exhibited intel
lectual skill and smoothness. Diplomatic kultur,
on the other hand, displays the crude brutality
and egotism characteristic of its source.
Official returns underscore the fiscal year as
the richest the bankers of the nation' have had
in their business history. Profits aggregated
?667,-J00,000, an increase of 13 per centover the
previous year and equal to a net of 17.90 per cent
on the capital stock. As model exemplars of
thrift, the bankers run away with the blue ribbon.
What Book&.Mean to Soldiers
By Frederic J. Haskin
Washington, D. C, Dec. 27. Magazines that
reach the front in France are frequently cut into
sections so that several men may read them at
once and they are so thoroughly used that they
soon wear out. Even newspaper wrappings from
parcels are carefully smoothed out and read.
When a supply truck with books arrives at the
trenches there is a wild scramble for the con
tents and if there are not enough books to go
around the unlucky soldiers set up a demand that
some of the others read aloud.
These are some of the facts given by Theo
dore Wesley Koch of the Library of Congress,
who has spent much time in London and Europe
since the war began, to illustrate the urgent need
that soldiers have for reading matter. In former
wars many of the fighters have been illiterates,
but this is a war of educated men, of moderns
who have lived by print as much as by bread, and
miss nothing so much as the morning newspaper
and the evening magazine or book. In England
there is a famine of the cheaper editions of books
caused by the insatiate demand from the front.
What the soldier wants is something to make
him forget what he is going through. He often
prefers magazines published before the war to
the more up-to-date ones which are filled with
accounts of what he is daily living. Fiction, of
course, is what he wants most of all and modern
tales of adventure, mystery and love are per
haps most in demand; while the old masters of
story telling, like Scott and Dickens, are re
ported to have a vogue in the trenches which
they seem to be losing at home.
But fiction is not the only thing in demand.
Many of the men who are interned or wounded
have a chance to study for the first time in their
lives and are inclined to make the most of it.
Thus one private was made supremely happy by
a book on gas-fitting and was confident that
when he came back to civilian life he would be
better equipped for his trade. A musician, who
had never read much, got hold of a copy of
Browlning and discovered that his training had
given him a keen appreciation of the music of
words. He is now reading Keats and Shelly and
always has a volume of standard poetry sticking
out of his pocket.
The first organized attempt to supply the
British forces with books was made by Mrs. H.
M. Gaskell, who secured the use of a great Eng
lish mansion for the purpose and got the co
operation of the newspapers. Books came in by
the million, filling the halls and stairways. A
professional librarian had to be called in to sort
and catalogue them. There was everything
among the contributions from standard works in
rare bindings to the merest rubbish. "Hints to
Mothers" and "Meditations Among the Tombs,"
"Talks About Dressmaking" and barrels full of
old sermons were maong the things that some
people though t'.e soldiers might like to read.
Or maybe the owners wanted to get rid of them.
Drays had to be requisitioned to haul away this
junk. Persons who want to send books to sol
diers are urged to send things they themselves
have enjoyed. Kipling, Jack London, Conan
Doyle, Florence Barclay and Hall Caine arc
among the well known authors that are "sure
fire" in the trenches.
Travel and history also take. Men at Salonika
wanted histories of Greece for example. The
soldier's travels often inspire him with a new
interest in the wide world. Text books of lan
guages are also welcome. "I can talk pretty
good Russian now," wrote one sailor, "but not
with their grammar."
"The British Prisoners of War Book Scheme,"
which is also described by Mr. Koch, is perhaps
the most remarkable educational movement that
has grown out of the war. It was started by
three Englishmen who were interned at Ruhle
ben in Germany. They wrote to some of their
friends in England asking that they he sent
books which would enable them to put in their
time in serious study. One of the friends to
whom this appeal was addressed was Mr. Alfred
T. Davies, permanent secretary of the Welsh
department of the board of education. He set
out to organize a system for supplying educa
tional books to Englishmen interned in Germany.
The problem he faced was a difficult one, since
the men interned included all sorts from day
laborers and jockies to professional men and
technical specialists. An appeal to the public
for books, however, brought an enormous as
sortment of material.
Within the first year 9,000 books of an educa
tional nature were sent to Ruhlchcn, where 4,000
civilians were interned. The whole camp was
organized into an educational institution. Among
the prisoners 200 lecturers on a great variety
of subjects were found. The pupils were roughly
grouped into three classes; those who had been
preparing for some examination when they were
interned, whether for the civil service, the mer
chant marine or for a college degree; those who
already had entered upon a commercial or profes
sional career; and those who were bent on fol
lowing some form of learning for its own sake,
such as antiquarians and scientists. This particu
lar camp has subsequently won the soubriquet
of the "University of Ruhleben," and the claim
is made that as much solid educational work is
going on at this camp of prisoners as in any
university in the British empire. This certainly
seem to be an idea worth promoting.
Thus the subjects taught at Ruhleben include
such diverse ones as farming and Hindustani,
water color painting and architecture. The Brit
ish boaW of trade is now working out a system
by which a man may obtain credit in schools and
universities when he comes home for studies pur
sued in the training camps. A man who wants
to take a master's degree at Oxford can make
some progress toward it at the camp and a man
who wants to become first mate in the merchant
marine can pursue studies that will help him
toward getting his certificate when he reaches
home. Surely the existence of such a democratic
and useful university as this cannot fail to have
an effect upon the methods and ideals of univer
sities in general.
Working for Militarism
New York Time.-
Ex-President Taft stated the case Exactly when
he told a Boston audience that "if the United
States did not win the war the only alternative
would be to make militarism the dominating
policy of the government." Not only must Ger
many be prevented from winning the war, but
we must win it. A drawn battle, a return to the
status quo ante, will as surely impose militarism
on the United States as will a German victory.
Every so-called pacifist who is working to bring
about an inconclusive peace is working tooth
and nail for militarism in this country, militarism
of which this generation and the next would
see no end.
Not even the pacifists deny any longer the
sinister ambitions of Germany. There is no
longer any debate about what she would do if
she could. Suppose all the nations were to do as
Germany would like to have them, call the tight
off on' the basis of "no annexation and no in
demnities." Germany's ambitions would remain
the same; she would merely have been thwarted
in this first attempt to realize them, thwarted
by certain miscalcujations she made and which
she would not make again. Every nation in the
world would begin immediately to prepare for
Germany's next attempt to realize them, this
country above all. We should have to install
militarism on a German scale, and keep it stand
ing through whatever years of peace Germany
might allow us, ready to defend ourselves at any
War taxation in time of war is not agreeable,
but is borne because it is necessary. How would
permanent war taxation in time of peace be en
joyed? This country does not want to become
militarist. It wants to lay down the sword as
soon as its unwelcome but necessary task is done.
Who are they who would thwart this desire and
force militarism on her forever, make the sword
cleave to her hand? The pacifists, and those who
would have us shake hands with an unbeaten,
unrepentant, and still lusting Germany.
Right iu the Spotlight.
General Armando Diaz, who recent
ly succeeded General Cadorna as
commander-in-chief of the Italian
armies, although comparatively un
known outside military circles, has
had a distinguished career. A Nea
politan by hirth and 56 years of aire,
his ancestors fought in the Napoleonic
wars. He greatly enhanced his repu
tation during the Libyan war, the plan
nf campaign of which was largely his
own devising. At the beginning- o'.
the present war General Diaz was a
junior major general. After brilliant
successes achieved in the leadership
of a division operating in the Carso
hills he was promoted commander of
an army corps. To his solid talent
as an organizer is joined great per
sonal pride and volcanic energy.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
Norway, Sweden and Denmark sent
out peace appeal to belligerents.
Berlin reported that the Ninth Teu
ton army, under General Krafft von
Delmen.slngen, had arrived within 12
miles of Kimnic-Sarat.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
F. R. Munday, manager of the Pa
cific Express company, has returned
from a trip to the west.
The ladies of the Ruth Rebekah
degree lodge of Independent Order of
Odd Fellows gave a very pleasant so
cial at Odd Fellows' hall, corner
Fourteenth and Dodge streets. A
large number of persons were present.
The Elks' directors have decided to
throw open their rooms to members
on Saturday night next. W. N. Bab
cock, R. C. McClure, I. W. Miner and
A, l'arrotte were appointed a commit
tee to make arrangements for the
'i ne veteran firemen held a large
and enthusinstic meeting at Chief
Galligan's office. Five new members
were received.
The brick and stone work for the
basement of the new county hospital
cost $2T,000 and the work of excavat
ing and grading $15,0f0.
At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T.
Ti. Robbins, 8 2 S Georgia avenue, the
nuptials of Mr. James Buchanan and
Miss Nellie T. Robbins were cele
brated. Articles of incorporation were filed
with the county clerk by the Veteran
Firemen's association of Omaha.
The bridge in back of Swift's pack
ing house is being torn down.
This Day in History.
1 808 Andrew Johnson, seven
teenth president of the United States,
born at Raleigh, N. C. Died in Carter
county, Tennessee, July 30, 1875.
1812 United States frigate Consti
tution destroyed the British ship Java
in battle off the Brazilian coast.
1817 Kll Saulsbury, for twenty
years a United Stites senator from
Delaware, born in Kent, county, Dela
ware. Died at Dover, Del., March 22
1833 John J. Ingalls, t'nited State
senator from Kansas and one of the
most picturesque figures in American
public life, born at Middleton, Mass.
Died at East Las Vegas, N. M., Aug
ust 16, liiOO.
1 837 Imperial winter palace at
Pctrograd, the largest in Europe and
capable of housing 12,000 people, de
stroyed by lire.
1st!" The Hungarian Diet elected
its first representatives to sit in the
imperial parliament.
1911 Germans fell back on loft
bank of the Hzura river.
ID 15 Russians raptured important
city of Kashan, Persia.
The Pay Wc Celebrate.
R. A. Deussler, secretary of the
Omaha Street Railway company, is
51 years old today.
George E. Turkington is celebrat
ing his fifty-fifth birthday today.
Wilbur L. Burgess, gas and elec
tric fixtures, is 48 years old today.
George A. Sargent was born Decem
ber 29, 1870, at'Milo, Me.
Clarence Ousley, recently named as
assistant secretary of the Department
of Agriculture, born in Lowndes
county, Georgia, 54 years ago today.
Prof. Thomas Sewell Adams of
Yale university, now a member of the
board of excess profits advisers, born
in Baltimore 44 years ago today.
Meyer London, the only member of
the house of representatives to vote
against the declaration of war with
Austria, born in Russia 46 years ago
Dr. William P. Few, president of
Trinity college, Durham, N. C, born
at Greenville, S. C, 50 years ago
William J. Fields, representative In
congress of the Ninth Kentucky dis
trict, born In Carter county, Kentucky,
43 years ago today.
Jess Willard, world's champion
heavyweight pugilist, born in Potta
watomie county, Kansas, 30 years ago
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars
will be distributed by American em
ployers among their employes today
as year-end bonuses to cover the in
creased cost of living.
A notable wedding In New York
today will be that of Miss Louise
Gardner and Frederick Rodgers. son
of the late Rear Admiral Frederick
Prominent society folk of Washing
ton, Philadelphia and other cities
expected in Baltimore tonghit to at
tend the Bachelors' Cotillon, the prin
cinal social event of the season in the
Monumental City.
A thousand guests are expected at
the "Maccabean dinner," to be given
tonight at Columbia university, in
New York City, the number to in
clude Jacob 11. SchiiT. Julius ITosen
wald of Chicago, Bernard H. Baruch,
Ambassador Abram Elkus, and mem
bers of the French and Serbian mis
sions now in this country.
Storyette of the Day.
Two army doctors, while balloon
ing, lost trace of their whereabouts
and, wishing to know over which
part of the country they were pass
ing, saw a rustic at somo distance
working in the fields, and gradually
When nearly overhead one of them
called out:
"Hi, there, Johnny, car. you tell us
v.hete we are?"
The rustic merely gazed up in much
amazement Thinking he had not
heard, one of the officers again
shouted out, louder than ever:
"Where are we?"
Just as the balloon drifted past
came the answer:
"Why, ye be in a balloon, bean't
What the officers said when they
heard this is not recorded. London
Judge Now. jir, toll us about you marital
relations wero they pleasant?
llilbaik Pleasant enough. Tour Hmor.
But they wantvd to live on mo all the time.
Mllly Ninety-nlna women
naturally generous.
Billy Tes. where ona woman will keep
a secret J9 will give It away. Judge.
fetter B
Creeks and Liberty.
Council Bluffs. Ia, Dec. 27. To the
Editor of The Bee: Greece was the
first nation to fight fur freedom and
liberty. Our Greek forefathers fought
and died almost to a man through the
centuries before and after Christ to
keep the barbarous people of further
Asia away from the European soil. In
f-et, they have been fiThting the last
510 years against the friend and ally
of today's German kaiser, Turkey.
Now, when the United States is in
war with these enemies. It is a great
opportunity for the Greeks under the
glorious flag of the Stars .and .Strines
to do their duty, their bit for the
great republic.
Every one of these men shojild go
to the war show and fight like their
forefathers did at Thermopylae,
Marathon and Salamis, like they
fought in 1821-1X28 A. D., and 1912
1913 at Janina, Kilkis, and so many
other places.
Th's country Is our country and
everybody's who has come from
" 718 W. Washington Ave.
One American concern is now turning out
mili'M at the rate of a ton a (lay, and will
be in position to c:iit'nue to manufacture v.
it after the war, ia the face of German com.
The government ! reportotl to lave
reached a decision that tree nails, or
wooden pins, used in ship building must
'. be of locust r euc.-.lyptus. The black locust
will he the particular species used.
I Danville, N. Y., n village of 4,000 inhabi
Hint. c!o;od all stores, hanks and factories
recently to get in the potato errp from sur
i roundiii li'-'Js f. fear the early snow and
wet weather would cau .e it to rot.
I The I'hilTPlne hat industry, which boasts
hand made products akin to those ot 1 ana
I ma. in ll'lti more than doubled the value
' of 'its 111 15 f-:irls an I e.tnbliohed a new
! h-ch record with a trade exceeding $000,009
I in value.
I American manufacturers have built one
I handled plows for u e in Latin America.
i Tests have proved the worth and popularity
1 of these implements. F.-.rn-.-rs in these
countries cannot he induced to use a plow
having two handles.
r' Danish manufacturers are usinr; nettle
fi'jer extensively in the making of yarns,
I cloth and binder twine. The nettle u-.ed
j grows wild in Denmark, and after the fiber
has been removed, the leaves and tops are
utilized as cattle fouler.
Turning of the AVorm.
North Platte, Neb.. Dec. 27. To
the Editor of The Bee: For some
time II. L. Pennington, junior mem
ber of Leypoldt & Pennington, hay
and grain shippers and retail dealers
in coal at North Platte, has been air
ing firm complaints of the car situa
tion before the railway commission.
The Union Pacific filed a complaint
with the commission Monday morning
charging them with holding two cars
of coal, one for 10 days and one for
11, one being held for re-consignment,
but it turned out that the railroad
had again got in bad by turning in a
car that Leypoldt & Pennington had
nothing to do with, also that they did
not do a coal jobbing business and
did not re-consign,- as stated in the
company's complaint. The other car
they admit holding, but they have
now filed a complaint before the com
mission charging the railroad with
unreasonable delay of cars in transit,
they having just received two cars of
cotton cake which had been in transit
from Kansas City, 29 days and 28
days, respectively, and a car of flour
from Omaha 15 days. They also called
the commission's attention to a car
of automobiles that had been in the'
yards for 35 days and they think if it
is so necessary to get the equipment
for the movement of coal, as the com
pany claims it should make some ef
fort to co-operate with, rather than
hinder their patrons and could easily
bring into service several hundred
stock cars for the movement of com
as they have always done before, but
which are now stored in the North
Platte yards. E. S. DAVIS.
for Krvirjlolor-ja
55c Per Gallon
A Heavy, Viscous, Filtered Motor
The L VJsS?holas Oil Company
Regarding Cabinet Changes.
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 27. To the Edi
tor of The Bee: Frequent suggestions
are made that President Wilson take
such men as Roosevelt into his
The president has wisely shown a
liberal attitude toward republicans in
appointing them to high and honor
able places, but there is no" reason
why he should divide his cabinet re
sponsibility with them.
In congress, with the exception of a
few bigoted partisans in both parties.
u-mbers are doing patriotic service
,or America. They are compelling
partisanship to take a back seat. At
such a time as this it has no place in
the patriotic mind. In the legislative
branch and in the judiciary this is
the correct attitude, and should be so
at all times. Big men always rise to
it. In the executive branch, however,
the chief executive should hedge him
self about only with those who are in
political harmony with him other
wise chaos. The demand that he do
otherwise springs more from par
tisanship than from patriotism.
Neither Lincoln, during the rebellion,
nor McKinley, during the Spanish
war, ever thought of taking men of
the opposite party into their cabinets.
I wish to be recorded as one stand
ing solidly with Wilson in all things
he is doing. Time will vindicate them
all. I wish this record also to include
admiration and loyal support of his
great secretary of war. Newton D.
Baker will never be found on the side
of those who would fSsten militarism
upon the American people. That is
the secret back of these vicious at
tacks upon him. The same attacks
were made against Daniels, as secre
tary of the navy. Both these men
have shown a most remarkable ca
pacity in their places. Never in our
history has such stupendous work
been equaled. The puzzling thing is
not that everything has not been per
fect, but that we have accomplished
so much. It is a testimony not only
to these capable men, but to demo
cratic institutions as well.
The ability to conduct a modern
funeral in a fitting manner is an
accomplishment of which we are
justly proud. At all times we strive
to earrv out the exact wishes of
those who employ us.
Funeral Parlor, (Established 1888)
17th and Cuming Sts. Tel. Douglas 1060.
Cuh'sura Clears
Itching Pimplss
Burned and Face Looked Awful.
Troubled Eight Months. In Two
Months Cuticura Soap and
Ointment Healed.
"At first I was troubled with a iW
pimples and 1 never thought about than,
but later my face became covered.
1 hey came to a head,
were lar"e. while
others were hard, and the
tt. skl 'as red. I lie pimples
S -7 'tc'icd something terrible
-- and burned, and my face
V., looked awfully. I was
lV troubled with them for
ciyht months.
"Then I started to use Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. The first lime I applied
them the burning' ceased and I slept
better, and after using- them for two
months I was healed. Now you cannot
tell I had a pimple." (Signed) J. Keslin,
1122 McDousall St., Detroit, Mich.,
March 13, 1917.
Most skin troubles might be prevented
by using Cuticura Soap and Ointment
for every-day toilet purposes.
For Free Sample Each by Return
Mail address post-card: "Cuticura,
Dept. H, Bostoit." Sold everywhere.
Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c.
o ne poaaar saae
One-thirdOff Lamps and Mirrors f?
20 Off Framed Pictures
House ot
Broadway, 32d St, New York
Ont Block from Pennsylvania Station
Equally Convenient for
Amusements, Shopping or Butineta
1S7 pleasant rooms, with private bath
$2.50 PER DAY
257 excellent rooms with private bath,
facias street, southern exposure,
$3.00 PER DAY
400 Baths
600 Rooms
Alio Attractive Rooms from $1.50.
The Restaurant Prices Are Most Moderate.
Washington, D C.
Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which you will please send me,
entirely free, "The Navy Calendar."
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