Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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an Under Arrest for Homi
cide Gives Her Name
and Address to Officers.
Ias -Vmeles. Ca!.. D.v JS. John,
::c, arrested yesterday in connec-!
.11 with tlu- killing ni Herrmann
.n.op;i!eh, in a remote part of San
1,'itiiriel e.rivon. today identified, ac
urdius to tin- .-lu ritt's ot'tiee, the invs
, rioiis "II," an aliened German o
nan ,'iKi'iit. said to have directed the
c'.ivities oi Fran Schulenbcrg, held
:i 'viti Francisco as a spy.
I his i iinat'. according tn a state
cnt attributed to Knox by deputy
nif-., i a German woman whose
v-diand lives at a mountain camp.
M.- save her name and officers set out
: i search oi" her.
:noi was arrested in a wild part
't the canyon ta'ty miles northeast
oi" here, where there are three cabins
- Knox'.-, Jakoplach's and oik owned
hy a man known as SchtilenherK. and
whom, the deputv sheriffs said, many
corroborating details caused them to
believe was the alleged master spy
held at San Francisco.
In Schulenberg's cabin were inind
50 pounds of hiyh percentage dyna
mite, fuses and detonating caps, the
e liieers reported.
"H." the woman in the case, ac
cording to the aliened statement to
tile df titles, frequently visited Jako
paleh and Scliulenbcrg in the canyon
cabins, and il was over her that Jako
palch and Knox quarreled Christmas
nit; lit. Wednesday Jokopalch was
found dead.
Many visitors, some of them wait
ers in Los Angeles, were said to have
visited Schulenbcrg, according to per
sons living along the canyon trail.
These persons also, according to the
deputy sheriffs, corroborated details
of the case.
Public Stock Yards Companies
Must Have Federal License
Public stock yards companies must
be licensed, according to a ruling re
reived yesterday from the United
States Food administration hy G. W.
Wattles, federal food administrator
for Nebraska.
The license will deal wfth public
stock yards companies insofar as
they deal in commodities listed in the
president's proclamation.
This information has come in the
shape of a ruling from the law di
vision of the United States fooi! ad
ministration. Other commodities
which are included in the provision
are corn, sugar and Horlick's malted
The following commodities are not
subject to license: Castor beans,
scrapple, grape juice, honey, roasted
barley, oat clippings, grain screenings,
and canned apples.
U. S. Rations Switzerland;
No Food to Go to Germany
Washington, Dec. 28. The war
trade bulletin in an announcement
tonight confirmed dispatches from
abroad telling of an agreement to ra
ion .Switzerland and gave the rules
of procedure for exporters to fol
low in making shipments.
No detail., of the agreement were
given, but it is known it fixes the
amount of foodstuffs the United
Mates will ship to Switzerland in re
turn for assurances that none of the
shipments will be permitted to go
through to Germany.
Germans Sink 5 Norwegian
Ships; 30 Sailors Lost
London, Dc. 28. Thirty Norwe
gian sailors are believed to have been
killed in the sinking of five Norwe
gian steamers hy German submarines,
accordin to a statement issued by
the Norwegian foreign office and for
warded by the Copenhagen corres
pondent oi the Exchange Telegraph
company. The steamers sunk were
the Regin of l,84j tons; Start of 798
tons; Ragna of 1.74" tons; the Noird
t'ol of 1,800 ton:, and Spro.
Omaha Second Home to Soldier,
Writes One Who Trained at Fort
Omaha ha ir.x'u a name for itself in its treatment of the soldiers,
imaha hospitality bids fair to become a tradition in the ranks, am! those
"v. who have put tn their days of training here will remember the city
.'oiuily. Here is the way one young man, Paul F. Hays of Bellaire. a
uburb of Houston. Tex., wrote to the home folks about it in a letter pub
lished in the Houston Chronicle. He was a member of Company H, Third
Halloon squadron. He says:
"1 don't think there is a hoy :ii the Third (the 'word third in Nebraska
-tirely means something! but who will always remember Omaha and the
people here, also the 'V.' They surely have treated us hue. I heard a
soldier say the other day: '1 have been in the service eight years and
nave been pretty near everywhere on this continent and some places off.
I am a Canadian and left home when I was In, and this is the first time
I have ever had to leave "home" since I left Canada.' So you see how
they make us feel. At San Antonio and some of the other towns we came
through a soldier was a soldier, and kind of a curiosity, and something to
je scared of, but lure they take you in and make you at home.
"1 have been in some homes like ours, and also in homes of people
that have money, the kind I always thought were well, you know but
they made us right at home and came out to the fort to visit us, so you
ee we hate to leave.
"1 haven't seen a soldier that has been here a week but what he will
wear t hat he will always remember Oman? and her people, and they only
iope they can do something some time to partly repay what Omaha and
the 'V have done for them.
"I guess you have always heard that a soldier never amounts to any
:hing, but it's this way: While we were m San Antonio we couldn't break
fto a good crowd, and the only way you had a good time was to go to
he vaudevilles or dance halls. When we landed here the first thing the
nys aked was. where are the dance halls? And one of the Second squad
ron bovs said, 'You will change vour minds before lone,' and we surelv
"Now there isn't a boy in camp but goes to the 'Y' every night to read,
write or play games. It certainly is crowded. The boys never, or hardly
ever, go to town except on Saturday nights or Sunday, and then they
always get their dates through the 'Y' and go to some home, and the
girls here have got together and decided not to let the boys spend their
money on them.
"Sundays everyone that can get off takes some girl to church and to
ner home for dinner. The Y' has three services on Sunday, and the officers
fix it so most of the boys who have to stay in camp on duty can go over
there. And, take it from me, there are fellows here that never went to
:hurch who are going, and on Monday night you see them all together,
talking about what they did and so on, and it is some different talk than
jet'ore we came here."
Safe Arrival of Detachment
That Left Five Weeks Ago
Announced in Cablegram
to Dr. Connsll.
Second Halloon squadron from Fort
Omaha has arrived safely in Kurope.
First information that ttie balloon
unit which left Omaha abnt iie
weeks ago had reached the other side
, ,
The name of the port was no? di
vulged. Oi. Council believes the boys
in tlu Second .squadron spent Christ
ina m some French port.
The Second squadron left Omaha
about live ce'..s ago and was the
tust complete balloon detachment
from For! Omaha to get the long
awaited, order that would start l lie
'sk larks" for the battle zone.
In'su'es Lieutenant Council there
boys in the
and enlisted
a.e a host of Omaha
i;uadro'i. both officers
i or in
u si ll
of the ot'ictrs won
at the I'i't t t )m.thu
ot the Atlantic was
cablegram to City
Council from his s
Robert Council.
The cablegram reac
night. It read:
"Safe, Merrv Xmas
contained in a
a'th Officer
Pneumonia Claims Many
U. S. Soldiers in Camps
Waiuni.'.ton. 1'cc. 2S - I V-ath from
disease in the national army during
llie week end'ng l"ci'cmher J! num
bered 11S. agamst T the week before,
and m the national guard L'U against
Ito as shown in a summary made
he ("Imaha last
pu Hi
w ere
m th
toda by the War department,
the national army deaths 77
due to pneumonia and of those
nationji guard ST.
Sugar Exports Jump as ,
U. S. Relieves Allies
Washington, Dec. 28. Sugar ex
ports from the United States last :
October showed an increase of near
ly 10,000,000 pounds over the same
month last year. France and Eng
land received ne bulk of the ship
ments of 113,241,000 pounds, the
former getting 73,000,000 pounds to
relieve a virtual famine there, and
the latter 22,000.000 pounds. Six
million pounds went to the Nether
lands. 5,000.000 to Argentina, and
almo-t as large a quantity to Mex-
j ico.
I Americans in French Army
Arc Cited for Gallantry:
Washington, Dec, 28.- 1. n: ,
Kdwm M. l'ost and Pmate Fi.uik V
Ross of tiie Ameiican ,,;ny hale beet, ,
j cited to: gallantry in action in I rerei: ,
j army orders. Licii'enr.rt Lost' '
'mother, Mrs. Trice Po:. Ir.-s at;
j Tuxedo Park, ' Y . and Ko' ,'et '
, of kin is his uncle, Charles t ,opei,
1 521 Seventv-second street. New York.1
Find Dynamite in Coal;
Fear Plot Against Soldiers
Roekt'oid. III. Dec. 28. -Discovery
of a stick oi dynamite in a car of coal
billed from a southern Indiana mine
to the Rock ford city hospital com
bined wi'h a furnace explosion that
wrecked the bungalow of William A.
Og!en reu1ted in an investigation
'e:ng hunched (..night by federal Cl
ivals and precaution taken to pro
tect p tit ant from any possible
Miipii'iv..- oi supplies to Camp
Gr.t-t hrtttg closely examined as
a :e-i:!t oi the explosion.
Final Quota for Camp
Dodrjc Not to Be Called
Hi Moires. la.. Pec. 27. -Final in
eninen: of the first national army
as:v;m d f i .ttnp Dodge will not be
.ailed, bii fb.- men in tl'OM quotas
will be place..! under new classil'.ca
tioii? regulation-, according to orders
recent.' here Iroin Wasllii gtotl to
day Tie W-;i' Ad Urine irvi!t-.
Boy From (he Tall Grata Get
Sutton Out 'of Bed Xmas Morn.
The telephone in the residence of)
R. J. Sutton, 1114 South Forty-eighth
mas morning. Mr. Sutton, clad in
pajamas, hotfooted it from his bed
room to the telephone. He carefully
placed the receiver to his off ear and
bellowed into the transmitter:
"Hello!" said the voice at the other
end of the wire. Is this the chief
clerk of the exemption board?"
"No," responded Mr. Sutton, "I'm
the chief clerk of the district appeal
"Well, it's the same thing. Can't you
come down to the hotel and help me
fill out my questionaire? 1 don't know
how to do it."
And Chief Clerk Sutton, just to
show that his heart beats in the inter
est of his country, donned his clothes
and without breakfast hastened to a
downtown hotel and labored for three
quarters of an hour helping a gentry
from the tall and uncut to fill out his
questionaire. Needless to say, Mr.
Sutton did all the work while the
"hick" lounged around and puffed like
an overloaded locomotive on a cheap
cigar. After the trying ordeal was
over the chief clerk was rewarded
with two words:
"Thank you."
Planned to Drive Great Wedge
From Atlantic Ocean to Indian
Ocean, Separating English
Russ Maximalists Go Down
Before Chinese in Manchuria
Tokio, Dec. 28. In a fight between
Chinese and Russian maximalist
troops at Harbin, Manchuria, Wednes
day morning, the Russians surren
dered and were disarmed and maie
prisoners, according to a report which
is considered reliable rece'ved here
from Harbin.
The advices say the Chinese now
occupy the garrison at Harbin.
Earthquake Wrecks Lives
And Homes in Guatemala
Washington. Dec. 28. An earth
quake, general throughout Guatemala
to 411 lives and intensive property
Wednesday, caused a loss of from 10
damage in Guatemala City, the State
department was advir-ed in a cable
dispatch from the American charge
there. No mention was made as to
loss in the interior.
At 6 o'clock last night the earth
quake was continuing: destruction of
property was unabated and thousands
were without shelter. Americans and
other foreigners are saie.
Windy City Won't Fall
For "Knitting Nerves"
Chicago, Dec. 27. The new 19:8
style in maladies for women la
belled "knitting nerves" will not be
accepted in Chicago, it was stated
today by women in position to
The style originated in New York,
where Dr. Louis R. Welzmiller, of
the Young Men's Christian associa
tion, was quoted as having discov
ered the disease, due to overwork
on war knitting.
Dr. Julia St rawn said: "Nonsense.
We give certain cases knitting in the
hospitals to quiet their nerves."
Miss Ima Taft, director of
women's work, central division, Rtd
Cross, remarked: "Our women are
too busy to get 'knittiing iierves.'
Most of them are now so proficient
that they can read and knit at the
same time. That doesn't look like
nerves, does it?"
Other women m the work talked
in similar strain, from what it ap
peared that the 1917 style of nerves
would remain unchanged in this sec
tion of the country.
Ottawa, Dec. 28. A London dis
patch to the Reuter agency here says:
"In an article entitled 'The World Po
litical Importance of German East Af
rica.' the Cologne Gazette confesses
that Germany has for years aimed in
the creation of a German wedge di
viding Africa from sea to sea. Al
though Germany in 1911, by treaty
with France, 'apparently' made re
nunciation of the idea of a great
colonial empire, she 'really aimed at
the creation of a German-Belgian
economic area in the Congo basin
from the Indian ocean to the Atlantic'
Thus, when the war commenced, Ger
many was 'deliberately exploiting her
incomparable geographical position in
east Africa'."
The Gazette says this position con
stituted a wedge between the Eng
lish claims to sole domination in east
Africa and south Africa a dividing
and immovable wedge. "All our
wishes will be realized," the paper
continued, "only if by our battles in
Europe we can compel England to
recognize us as an equal colonial
Men Wii; Be Called Under
Questionnaire February 18
Springfield. III., Dec. 28. Selec
tives for the national army, required
to fill the first quota of the first draft
will not be called up before February
IS, which probably will mean that
all men needed for .this purpose will
be subject to the new selective regu
lations under the questionnaire, ac
cording to a telegram to Adjutant
General Dickson from the war de
partment today.
The increment of the first quota
not yet called is said to be approxi
mately 35 per cent.
Selcctives needed at once to fill
vacancies at cantonments will be,
drafted under the old regulations, the
order directs.
Store Talk
Next year about this titr.o
& lot of men are going to
say :
"Jut my luck if I
had bought an overcoat
and an extra uit latt
year when they were 10
cheap iee where I'd be
Any man with clothes to
buy will do well to buy NOW
all he expects to
use for months to
VM. I.. HOI. .MAN. Tieao-
Pleads Guilty to Murder;
Is Imprisoned for Life
Laconia, N. H., Dec. 28. Morris
P. Bradford, who shot and killed Miss
Alice B. Richards and wounded two
other teachers at the New Hamp
shire school for the feeble minded
on June 28, today pleaded guilty to
first degree murder and was sentenced
to prison for life. He had previously
pleaded not guilty by reason of in
sanity, and his trial was set to begin
next Mondav.
Physician Is Arrested
Under Narcotic Drug Law
Chicago, Dec. 27. D,. James II.
Bradley, said to be a Los Angeles
physician, is under arrest here today
on the charge of violating the Harri
son anti-narcotic drug act. He was
taken at a downtown hotel.
7 I in ? ; v ' fc f
t ' ' p t''j
if 1 lU,' i
j! W !fA il
I i m
ftf OUR
Now comes the time to clear apparel stocks and the decisive reductions which vi o name
to q'uckly dispose of scores of the season's prettiest coats, suits and dresses--, 'ell a
story of remarkable savings for women who desire to be well dressed at little .
Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses
I,n dies' suits in all
popular weaves
tailored up-to-the-
Vz to V2 Of F
Rf; minute
m plain t. i'"
tr oiner.i
Ladies' Coats, never has the nnhlie
s 0 m e , been shown better coats for so little
' and money
' im-! S65 values, $32.50 ' $35 values, $17.50
$50 values, $25.00 , $30 values, $15 00
$45 values, $22.50 $25 values, $12.50
Ladies' Dresses, ex
quisite models, all
hand-tailored. Ideal
dresses for all oc
$50 values . .$25.00
$40 values . .$20.00
$35 values . .$17.50
$30 values . .$15.00
$25 values . .$12.50
$20 values . .$10.00
j J55 value., $27.50
; $40 values. $20.00
Ei $35 values. $17.5C
? $30 values. $15.C
P $25 values. $12.50
6.! $20 values. $10.00
Good Fortune for You Men of Omaha
lid's Best QotMmg
Below Present Wholesale Prices
Because We9 re Prepared!
INTELLIGENT people know as much about commercial con
1 d it ions today as the men who are in business themselves.
Every man knows that the U. S. Government's demand
upon men's clothes makers, upon woolen mills and wool
growers has absolutely upset the entire industry.
Greater Nebraska is one of mighty few stores
equipped to sell high grade quality clothes at prices
within reach, and as long as these values and deliveries
on future contracts hold out we will positively not
raise prices.
-Smart Overcoats Unmatchable Values--
$15 $20 $25 $30 $35
Belted Trench Coats, Warm Ulsters. Clever Ulsterettep, Chester
field Overcoats, Self Collar Dress Overcoats, Belt Back Coats,
Form Fitting: Coats, Boxy Models, Wide Skirted Storm Coats
and Motor Coats. An assortment of models, variety of fabrics
and values that will not be equaled in years.
Finest Imported
English Great Coats
$35 to $65
Rare indeed are these superb
English overcoats; few of them
arrived in America this year, but,
as usual, this store secured a
good selection. Full belted, some
Raglan shoulders, rich browns,
olive greens, grey mixtures
wonderfully attractive fabrics.
Silk Lined
Chesterfield Overcoats
$25 to $60
No investment a man can make
will be more advantageous than
one of these dressy Chesterfields
Come in finest imported Can
Meltons, St. George Kerseys, Vi
cuna, Warumbo and Montegnac
fabrics. World's finest hand tail
ored models, silk lined.
Big Men's Overcoats and Suits
Largest showing of clothes especially made for unusual sizes, tailored
of specially selected, hard-wearing fabrics, well chosen patterns and
colors. No matter what your proportion or size ei C SJRfl
may befwe've the clothes for you, at.
Young Men's
Winter Suits
Business Men's
Winter Suits
Featuring the celebrated Society Btaiul, Fashion-Park
Clothes, Hickey-Freeman, AdW
Uochester and many other upocialiyt clothes
designers' new and mid-season models. A pro
fusion of attractive new weaves, at
$15, $20, $25, $30, $35
( lothes of quiet dignity, conservative, yet
different or snappy models for men who aim
at a touch of the youthful styles. Vast selec
tion of beautiful weaves or conservative fab
rics. Bt?Ht values in America, p. I
$15, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40
Mackinaw Coats New Styles
Including Olive Drab ("O. D.") Military belted
effects and novel plaids, at, $7.50 to $15.
rp.vS DOLLS will be given free to
1 the ten little jrirls under 12
years of ae that bring or mail us
the largest number of doll cou
pons cut out of The Bee, before 4
I'. M. Saturday, Dec. '-'9. This
coupon will be printed in every
ciition of The Bee until then. Ask
everybody you know to save doll
coupons for you. You can win one
of thefc dollies if you really want
to. Will you try? We want every
I'ttle t'irl in Omaha and vicinity to
have one of these beautiful dolls.
You can leave the coupons and
get your dolly at The Bee branch
office nearest you.
Ames Office. 4110 N. 24th St.
Lake Office, 2516 N. 24th St.
Walnut Office. 819 N. 40th St.
l ark Office, 2C15 Leavenworth
Vinton Office, 1715 Vinton St
South Side Office, 2318 N St.
Council BMfs Office, 14 N.
Main St.
Benson Office. Military Ave.
and Main St.
Skates and
For Live Eoys
t- "-, t r c ' . TT - .
liu i a: nere s :i
chance for you to get
a sled or a pair of
skates, by doing
a little work for
us after school.
Call at The Bee
branch o f f i c
nearest you and
we will tell you
all about it.