Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1917, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA. SA TURD A YOmAnnudSak oi Fur Coats M 33y3 Below Regular Prices . 71 ok v ' This is THE Fur Sale of the entire year inasmuch as it includes our entire stock of Fur Coats mag nificent garments, at" 33 BELOW THEIR REGULAR PRICES. Hudson Seal, Marmot, Nutria, Brook Mink and Beaver Also Beautifully Border Trimmed Garments, fancy collars, cuffs and pockets, full flared skirts, contrasting combinations and beautiful brocade linings. All the' newest features of the season's best styles. We mention just a few items as examples of the value giving. The Entire Stock of Fur Coats to Go at ; ONE-THIRD OFF $475 Hudson Seal Coat, with Taupe Fox shawl collar $316.77 . $450 Hudson Seal Coat, with Kolinsky collar and cuff trimming $300.00 $450 Hudson Seal Coat, ith Kolinsky collar and collar trimming, belted model $300.00 $375 Hudson Seal Goat, with Gray Squirrel collar $250.00 $350 Hudson Seal Coat, with Skunk collar $233.39 $325 Hudson Seal Coat, full flared belted model. ,$216.67 $325 Hudson Seal Coat, with Skunk trimming $216.67 $298 Hudson Seal Coal, with Kolinsky trimming $198.67 $298 Fancy Natural Rat Coat, with Hudson Seal collar, cuffs and pockets. . $198.67 $235 Natural Rat Coat, Raccoon trimmed, belted model $156.67 $225 Nutria Beaver Coat, Seal trimming, flare model $150.00 ' $175 Natural Rat Coat, Blended Beaver collar and cuff a.'. . $116.67 $159 Natural Rat Coat, fancy border and belt trimming $106.00 . $149 Natural Rat Coat, yery handsome garment. : $ 99.34 $119 'Marmot Coat, beautiful flared'model. $ 79.34 $ 98 Natural Rat Skating Coat, very luxurious 4 65.34 Sale Starts Promptly at 8:30 A. M. Saturday Second Floor Boys' Mackinaws, $4.25 j Good, warm, stylish coats at a big saving. Big, roomy coats with large shawl collars. Plenty of every size from 8 to 18 years. Great Values in Boys' Suits Short lots of suits, worth up to $12.50, at $6.95 Hundreds of these splendid suits to select from. A large variety of patterns, sizes 6 to 17 years. Boys' $6.50 and $7.50 Suits, $4.95 A varied assortment of mixtures and corduroys. This is a great offer. Our advice is to get busy. Boys' $1.00 and $1.25 Blouses and Shirts, 75c Slightly mussed from being on display during Holiday season. ' Light stripes, Madras and Percales. The best values offered to .you this season. $1.00 Flannelette Sleeping Garments, at 65c v Plain, White and Blue and Pink stripe effects, with feet. In sizes 1 to 10 years. Second Floor, Men' Building 1,00(T Picture Frames At 50c $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50 - AND THIS INCLUDES THE GLASS AND FIT TING OF YOUR PICTURE. No need to go into detail about this offering the prices are the lowest you can find even for very ordinary frames without fittings. Picture and Photo Frames, all fitted, in sizes up Eflr to 10x12 inches, at. . uut Fine hand-carved Photo Frames and portrait M QQ frames, sizes up to 16x20 inches, at u Oval Frames, beautifully ornamented, in copper tones, silver and antique gold finishes; sizes 9x12 to M- CA 16x20 inches, at.. v- Pl.OU Elegant Standard Frames, all sizes, metal fin- j9 5Q ishes and antique blue, at :.. Very Special High Grade Standards Very finest standards and hanging Frames. Third Below Regular Prices. This includes fitting and best French Glass. Third Floor I ANOTHER 1 IWAR SAVINGS! STAMP Choice of All Smote In Stock For Women, Misses and Small Women At- Just "Half Price This' announcement has already brought throngs to this Apparel Store for two days, but our stock is so broad and comprehensive that we offer again for Satur day superb models in each of the groups mentioned below, at HALF PRICE. The Suits which you have admired at full prices you can obtain now at HALF PRICE. And, remember, that these Suits are from our regular stock, not bought especially for this occasion, but Suits that are worth every penny of the regular prices we quote HALF PRICE NOW FOR YOUR CHOICE OF THE ENTIRE STOCK NO RESERVATIONS. $150 Suits, $75.00 $65 Suits, $32.50 $115 Suits, $57.50 $49 Suits, $24.50 $98 Suits, $49.00 $35 Suits, $17.50 $85 Suits, $42.50 $25 Suits, $12.50 , iii " i iii $75 Suits, $37.50 $19 Suits, $ 9.50 Warm Underwear For Winter In This Year End Clearance For Women, Children and Boys Some slightly soiled and mussed, at extremely low prices. This comes right at a time when winter is beginningin earnest. Women's Knit Union Suits, in fleecy lined; many styles; medium and heavy weight; long and short sleeves, almost all sizes. Worth $1.00, 7Q a suit C Women's Heavy Fleeced Vests and Pants, broken lots, mostly all sizes, orth 79c, IQ each OJC Women's Union Suits, medium and heavy weight, with light fleecing, long and short d1 ff sleeves, broken lots, a suit ij)"" Women's Plain and Fleecy Lined Union Suits- Thomas Ualby make, m regular and extra sizes, a suit $1.50 Boys' Extra Heavy Warm Fleecy Lined Suits, sizes 24 to 34, worth $1.50, a QQ Boys' Good Weight Fleeced Union Suits, 7Q all sizes, a suit I C Misses' and Children's Fleecy Lined Union 7Q Suits, mostly all sizes, a suit t UC Children's Union Suits, in small 'sizes, Cr) a suit OUC Misses' and Children's Vests and Pants, broken lots, mostly all sizes, 50c quality, OP Third Floor each Stores Clearance of Blouses T T U1IUCI1UI A-J VY M. A WE HAVE (GATHER ED TOGETHER, in two groups, t h o se Blouses which have become slight ly soiled from the Christ- f mas buying, and placed new prices on them, so low that they will go in a jiffy on Saturday. Slightly Soiled Georgette Crepe Blouses, values tO QE up to $6.50; special, at VO.VO $1.50 $1.50 Slightly Soiled Lingerie Blouses, special, QQ Jir2il W ESI Marquisette and Net Blouses, special at . , Tub Silk Blouses, excellent styles, special, at '. Second Floor Year-End Clearance Ladies' Hand Bags and Purses All fancy Silks, Velvets and Novelty Bags, together with all the slightly soiled Bags in our entire stock, regardless of their cost, will be sold on Saturday, At the One Price, $1.98 25c French Ivory Pin Cushion, at 10c Main Floor, Front Year End Clearance Writing Paper and Calendars And a special offering of New Year Cards. All Christinas Boxes, slightly soiled in our Holi day rush, at half price. Calendars at half price. New Year's Cards, large assortment up from . . Main Floor Here are exceptional op- p o rtunities from the S t a tionery Department for after C h r istmas Shoppers. i another war savings! VSTAMP Drugs and Toilet Needs Senreco Tooth Paste, 25c size 18c Aspirin Tablets, a dozen 10c Peroxide of Hydro gen, one pound bot tle . . 21c Nature's Remedy Tablets, $1.00 size. .59c Hay's Hair Health, 60c size 33c White Pine Cough Syrup, 25c size 14c Azures or Le Trefle Face Powder, special, a box $1.00 Madame Is'bell's Exquic ite Face Powder, 60c size, for 29c Hospital Cotton, one- pound roll 39c Rubber Sheeting, a yard wide, special 39c 2-Quart Hot Water Bot- -tie, regular $1.50, spe cial ; 98c "Keep . Clean," Hair Brush, special for Satur day 69e Main Floor, Rear .V