Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1917, Image 1

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YT.VTT TCO 1fi7. ' . - ' .. '
AS '
Secretary McAdoo Issues First Official Order as Director
General; Competition Eliminated, Traffic Pooled
and Rerouted Over Most Direct Lines ; Sal-
' aries to be Cut and Vf ages Increased.
Washington, Deo. 28.-At noon today the approximately
250,000 miles of AmericairT Railway systems silently merged into
one great continental chain for the winning of the war.
the great event, regarded by many as
the oneninr of a new epoch in gov
eminent operation and control of pub
lic utilities, passed by ""without formal
ceremony. '."...
Director General McAdoo was-conferring
at the time with the members
of the railroads' war board and Rob
ert S. Lovett, chairman of the priority
shipment committee, f y
Members of the war board all
railroad 'executives-pledged. their
support to the government dfiminis
tration, as has "practically every rail
road man in the country. -
Orders for the actual "unification of
the lines, common use of facilities and
equipment, which are , expected to
raise the freight jam Immediately, will
be the first results. ,y
At noon,the hour fixed by Presi
dent Wilson's proclamation effecting
governmental possession, Secretary
McAdoo, the flew director of railroads,
was ready with hi6 first official 'order
designed to. pool all traffic, equipment
ind terminals to relieve the congestion
which has gripped the country since
the outbreak of the war,
The immediate result of the order
will be to wipe out competition and
reroute traffic over the shortest lines.
Shipments will move directly to their
destination regardless of the company
ivih which they originate and termt
rals will be used in common to ettect
.naximum tfrkiehcy. speedy move
ment of freight will be the first duty
rfnhedirector general. ; . '. !,,.,
.alaries to'Be Cut. :' -
Retention of present' railroad offi-
ials and employes seems assured.but
mdicitions, are that huge salaries of
railroad executives will be reduced
arid wages of operatives increased. .
President Wilson conferred with
'hiefsof the" four railroad brother
hoods "yesterday apd received their
pledge of loyalty to the government
,-idministration. .
The brotherhoods have demands for
tO per cent wage increases pending
with v the railroads,, but the govern
ment's definite attitude in this matter
has not been disclosed. It is under?
-.tood President Wilson assured the
trotherhood chiefs that, railroad em
ployts would, not bt calhNj m'the
, .jext of even a second draft
- Retention also of Judge Robert S.
': Lovett, director of priority of war in-
lustries board, is considered likely.
Appointment of a government tramc
,.,.,,,, nnrvis onlv " eovern-
Li ii i tap,- w r Tr t - i r " p
ment shipments and co-ordinate pref
erential instructions now issuer, u,
the food and fuel administrations and
th iirti.rtn3ters' corns, has been
recommended to the director general.
1 and a member of the tuei aaminis
tration may be added to Mr. Mc-
. ; doo's staff. - - " .'
; ; Reimbusement Problem. '
' Other problems confronting the
bvernment are the reimbursement of
' .'oads for the use of their properties
on the basis of prc-tfar earnings,
financing the necessary improvements
and the building, of addition lines.
Special legislation, wbich already has
been drafted along the lines sug
gested in President Wilson's state
'i nent accompanying his proclamation,
Willie required to settle these ques
tions. -If congress follows the prest
lent's recommendations for guaran-
. ieeing the roads a net earning equiva
lent to the average of the last; three
vears, the government wiil be oblr
gated to the extent of $9lM24,88S.
the average annual earnings of all the
roads for the three years ending June
W last. .- .
v ' . The Weather
Jr Nebraska Continued cold. ,
Temperature at Omaha l'nlcrday. ,
'Hour. ' Icr-
i . m. 1
t a. m...'.i..... 7
" 7 a, m 7
S a. m 7
' I i m 7
J lit., m t
11 a. m,. I
y 12 Hi a
1 p. m. ......... 4
t p. in 4
, i p. m t
4 p. m. ......... S
i S p. m.4......t C
p. m,
' t p. m;
S p. m.
CcmpantiTC lcal Record.
. 117. Jl. 115.1H.
; ,'lsheat yMrtertar . . 1 , ' 3 :
;.owit peatwday .. -,: . J
.lean, temperature .. ti 17 27
I'reclDltatloa :.M i
Temperatura and precipitation departure
item the normal : . . ;
Xortfial temperatur 23
Drtlrieney for tfca lay.. 2
Total deficiency incs IdarchJ 42
Karnial precipitation .03 inch
rBftelency for Ui day .01 loch
Total rainfall alnco March l...J1.77 inches
Deficiency lnc March . T.SI lncnei
Tcfle(ncy for cor. period, 1U.. IS. 6 inches
Jclncjf for cor. period, lle.. 2.141 nches
Three Agencies -: Established
From Which Comprehensive "
: Inventory Will Be Made;
Affects Every Person.
:. '. . .". .
To facilitate the taking o the na
tional inventory of foods in Omaha
and i vicinity the bureau of markets
of the United States l jpartment of
Agriculture, which has the war emer
gency food survey . in charge," has
placed agencies of the, survey with its
three local offices. ; ;
The offices are at 742 Brajideis
building, in charge of F. L. Wallace;
4930 South Jwcnty-fourth street, in
charge of WITlianrFisk; 506-508 Far-
nam building m charge of Jones.
: Copies, oi. the schedule have.iieen
mailed from Washington to most
dealers in food materials in, Omaha.
Names of new concerns and ot a rew
others were. notv available, however,
anA arrsnofpmpnta have been made.
therefore, to supply them ;localy. Ap
plications for. schedules . should not
be made to the local agerlcy before
January 2. This will permit sched
ules mailed from Washington to
reach their destination and thus elim
inate duplication. . ( j
Persons Required to Report. ;
the local agents of the survey
point out that the act of congress
providing for the war emergency
food survey requires every dealer in
and manufacturer of foods or food
materials and every holder of such
commodities, in lots substantially
greater than family supplies, to fill
out a schedule and mail it to the chief
of the bureau of markets, Washing
ton, D.JC by January 10, 1918, and
fixes the oenalties for failure to do so.
This includes not only all wholesale
andTCtail dealers in foods and feeds,
public warehousemen and food and
feed manufacturers,' regardless of the
sijEe of tlje stocks which they hold,
also those in charge of hotels, restau
rants, commissaries of industrial con
cerns, schools, institutions, providing
that their stocks on hand' have a value
of $250 or mote. Even manufacturers
are included who use a food product
in the preparation of another product
which cannot be ebnsidered a food,
such as bottling, chewing gyim and
drug manufacturing concerns, ,
' rtFrom a Staff Correspondent) v ';-'.
Des Moines, DecS. (Special.)
Particles of glass , shaped and so
made as to resemble ttmall kernels of
rice,were found today Jo- lage quan
tities in a supply of , rice at amp
Dodge. This is the second discovery
of glass in the food stores at the big
camp, i Vigilance on the part of
Uncle Sam's secret service men and
army officers' has thus far prevented
use of any foodstuffs tampered with.
' The glass was found in the rice
after thoroughly washing the' grain
in water. hTe glass being heavier,
settled to the bottom of the dish.
Fires in a number of' small grocery
stores of late, lead army officials to
suspect thatGerman agents are work
ing to destroy foodstuffs. Orders
have been issued at Camp Dodge to
kill or capture any one attempting
to .set fire to buildings; at the big
camp. ;V. v--. . . ..'....
Allied Fliers Make Brilliant ;
Showing in Recent Sky Battle
.-' f Y.' .. (Br AaaociaUd rrf.) ' Z.'. Wi t';;-" '-v
Italian Headquarters in Northern Italy, Thursday, Dec. 27. Further
reports of' the attempt of Austrian aviators yesterday'! to raid Treviso,
which resulted so disastrously for themv emphasize the brilliant work done
by, both Italian and British aviators. v -
, V Although 11 -Austrian- machines were brought down, only a few
ItaJhin airplanes were damaged. Fivfe Italian and one British soldier were
killed. Six Italian and eight British soldiers were wounded. ' V,' ,
The British airmen brought down two" machines and British anti-air
craft guns accounted for three more, six Austrian in these five machines
being killed and fourwounded. Among the prisoners is a young Austrian
major who is unbounded. - y.. .
: - - . v -
Reds Refuses
- ra8s or l
NStockholm, Dec Ameri
can diplomatic, CoufWtn his way
to Petrograd has been refused ad
mission to Russia on the ground
that ,his pass had not been vised
by M. . Borovsky, the Bolsheviki
minister a Stockholm. This is the
first time that a regular courier's
pass has not been honored,
It is assumed he,re that . the
Bolsheviki hope in this way to
exert pressure and compel theJn
direct recognition of their foreign
McGuire and Wilson Meet
With Kuge! and Police
Troubles Seem to Have
" Been Cleared.
' The appointment of a new morals
squad appears to have, clarified the
atmosphere which was disturbed when
T. J. McGuire, special state prosecu
tor, wrote Superintendent Kugel a
Lengthy fetter, W which he charged
that certain members o; the police
department have not been as vigilant
a thw cVinulH haVe he'en.
Sergeant Murphy, appointed last
week to succeed bergeant Madsen as
head of the morals squad, was given
the privilege of appointing his own
men. subject to approval by the act
ing chief of police. The following
were Chosen: Leroy .Wade, Charles
Whalen, M. E. 'Anderson, Ed Vanous,
Frank ,Hoag, W. J. lumer, ' Frank
Aughe and F JJ. Dalton. , .
" Sergeant Russell, formerly head of
the morals squad, will work as as
sistant to sergeant wurpny. , :
Charlcs 'Chaprhan, Arthur Cunning
ham and A. Q Anderson have Keen
transferred from the morals Squad to
the .-regular detective department
Frank Damato, Wl F. Cich and G. V.
Belitz will h return to patrol -duty,
having ; completed the special plain
clothes , work to .which they were as
signed. "R. E. Ford, has been as
signed to duty at Central police sta
tion, and Hry, Ulmejr will take a
beat. The new details for January
show there will be Some transfers
from the South Side td, North Side
and vice - versa. v'-'Y ' v '
At a conference held in ; Superin
tendent Kugel's office. State Agent
Wilson and Prosecutor McGuire ex
pressed satisfaction over the situa
tion, -i -:" - - ;' .-S-" ' : . "
Sergeant Murphy was giyen to un
derstand that with ' a new morals
squad of his .own choosing, he will
be held to account for results. Mr.
McGuire explained that he had rio
desire to stir up unnecessa. r trouble
or controversy,' but made it under
stood that he intends to report luture
cases of dereliction to the governor.
McGuire! Expects Results. -.
"Ibelieve that, the situation has
been cleared and that there will be
no further trouble. Mr. Wilson ap
peared : pleased - with our efforts to
co-operate and to 'get results. We
told Sergeant Murphy we will expect
results from him and the men now
realise what they may'expect if they
compromise in any manner with the
prohibitory law," stated Superinten
dent Kugel. -
"Mr. Kugel knows the men, who
have been derelict," stated Prosecutor
McGuire. .
' Sergeant Murphy has enough work
in sight to keep his men going for a
week., All xomplainti sent in by the
state agents will be followed up im
mediately by the morals squad. Pa
trolmen on beats will be expected to
know what is going on along their
beats. . -";" '; '
Labcr Official Accepts ?
- Job as U. S.; Mediator
Bloomington,' III., Dec. 23.John B.
Lennon; for 27 years treasurer o the
American Federation of, Labor, today
accepted appointment as mediator for
the Department -of Labor, which was
offered him yesterday by Secretary of
Labor Wilson. "I v
Mr. Lennon's headquarters1 will be
in Bloomington, as he has been as
signed the, states of Illinois, Iowa,
Wisiconsin, Indiana and Missouri.
To Start to Cut Ice . : ,
Here Saturday Morning
The'Lakesidrlce company will be
gin putting up Carter lake ice early
Saturday morning. Between 200 and
300 men will be engawd. .The ice this
year is said to be as clear as a crystal.
Commander at Camp Bowie, iii Senate Probe, Declares
Lives Could Have Been Saved if Sufficient Tents
4 and Proper Hospital Facilities Had y
i'?lr 1 Been Available, i ' v
1 (By Awoflatad FreM.) - "
Washington,": Dec. 28. Disease epidemics ' and , clothing
and equipment shortage at Camp ' Bowie, Tex., and Camp
Doniphan,' OkL, were described to the senate military commit
tee by the respective commanders of those National Guard
cantonments, Major Generals Greble and Wright.
Both officers said the epidemics at their posts now were,
under control and that adequate supplies of overcoats had)
been received, but they gave dismal pictures of vearlier condi-l
tions. . :.V-f'-;' - .:);?;, 'y' ' ::"'ry',S
Temperature' Remains Below
Zero All Friday, Growincj
Colder as Night Comes On;
No Relief in .Sight.
; Yesterday morning everybody, and
probably the weather man included,
looked for , a record cold , day. It
started in well, but fell short .How
ever, it was cold and the nipping wind,
blowing in from the northwest and
accompanied by snow flurries,, made
the weather more disagreeable. v ,
At 4 o'clock in the morning ,the of
ficial reading of the thermometer was
8 degrees below ro and at 5 o'clock
it had gone up one degree, It con
tinued there until 10, when it raised
another .degree. M 2 o'clock in the
afternoon, the warmest hour of the
day, 4 degrees below ,- zero ,wa
reached. Frorn 4hen on,, the,, tempera
ture dropped gradually, reaching 8
below at. 8 o'clock last, night. ,
zWhen you consider that the notmal
temperature for December 28 is 23
degrees above zero and that the mean
or average yesterday was 6 below,
there is no question ibouf it having
been cold. Still, it was just the thing
needed for the ice harvest, but for
other purposes it was not desirable,
Continued cold is predicted.
v Zero Cold in West
vZero temperatures extended through
Kansas and Missouri. The, great lake
regions have the coldest, weather of
the winter, a temperature ranging
from 12 to 36 below. The coldest re
ported on, the continent was 48 below
at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Can
ada. ..:: , '
The barometer at Morehead, Minn.,
recorded 31.06 inches Friday morning.
Colonel Welsh says it is only once in
several winters that such a high ba
rometer occurs. A" v :
A freak of the present cold is the
fact that it does not extend far to the
west. At North Platte the minimum
temperature was 4 below, zero. At
Chevenne. Wvo.. 200 miles west of
North Platte,; the thermometer stood.
at 4U above zero, uenver had i4
above. : - ( ,
. Warm In West
"Twenty to' 40 degrees above zero;
calm, with showers," is the report
that 'comes to the , railroads from
their stations in Wyoming. Accord
ing to the report, a Chinook wind
Thursda night commenced blowing
in from the northwest and, in a short
time, the light snow that covered the
cround commenced to disappear.
During the niglit fain set in and be
came general most of the 'way from
Casper to Lander. This was the
kind of weather that was geqeral
(ContlDii! en Par Two, Column four.)
Dwiggins Sentenced to . .
Three Years at Atlanta
New York, Dec. 28U Elmer Dwig
gins, charged with -using the mails to
defraud investors' in ' Liberty loan
bonds, pleaded guilty today and was
sentenced to three years in Atlanta
penitentiary. .' ' ' ,
la asking for the imposition of se
vere punishment for Dwiggins, who
was New' York agent for the Bankers
Life Insurance company of Des
Doines, la., Assistant Disfrict Attor
ney Matthews told Federal Judge
Hand that Dwiggins' crime had bor
dered on treason for the reason that
he had swindled nearly 7,000 poor per
sons who had subscribed on partial
payment for the Liberty bonds, and
that the frauds tended to interfere
with the successful prosecution oi the
war. ,' , . .
; Judge Handmaid he would take into
consideration the fact that Dwiggins
had become penitent, but, declared in
imposing the three years' sentence
that it was necessary to warn others
handling LibeVty loan bonds that they
must be strictly honest; .
British Make Great -
Push ori Turkish Front
: London, Dec. 28. The British
troops in Palenstine have repulsed
a Turkish attack north and north
west of Jerusalem and made an ad
vance of about two and a half miles
on a front of nine, miles along the
Turkish right Hank, says an official
communication issued today. '
! ; They told too, of enormous short
age of rifles, machine guns and other
equipment still existing.- Food has
been plentiful, they said, and of good
quality. ' -
General Greble's story showed con
ditions at Camp Bowie to have been
the worse. He declared the lives of
rmany men who recently died there
would have been saved had winter
clothing, sufficient tents to avoid over,
crowding, and croner hospital facili
ties and sanitation been provided, ,
He told how the War department
ordered 12 men housed in each tent,
where, he said, they were "so thick
you couldn't walk between them."
During November. General Greble
said, 8,000 men or about one-third of
his command passed through the hot.
pital, with deaths from pneumonia,
measles and other diseases avenging
16 daily. At one time 1,800 men, he
stated, were crowded into a hospital
built to accommodate 800j and that
without a sewerage system.
In September, the geperal said he
protested against crowding 12 men
into a tent and gave warning , that
sickness would, result. Before more
rents arrived the epidemic broke out.
ftNow, however, he added, there are
uurjr puu iiicb on ine B1CK list.'
i ; Clothing to Be rovldea. 1
; During the hearing the committee
received. 'from "Secretary Baker a.' let
ter in reply, f& its resolution request
ing immediate action to relieve cloth
ing shortages in., the cantonments;
Stating the necessary steps had been
taken and that he would report fully
as soon as all camps were heard from.
Each of the camps investigated to
day has about 25,000 men with Mis
souri and Kansas National Guards
men largely composing. the- personnel
at Cardp Doniphan," and Texas and
Oklahoma guardsmen- that at Camp
Bowie. Health conditions at both
were recently reported by Surgeon
General Gorgasrwhom General Gre
ble said today had made a correct re
port of conditions at the Texas can
tonment. ; -. .- ,, .
The two camp commanders were
before the committee all day testify
iog for three hours behind closed
doors regarding conditions among
General Pershing's forces, whom they
recently inspected. They said General
Pershing is short of no supplies ex
cept motor trucks. .
Guajemala City Damaged ;
5y Violent Earthquake
, Washington, , Dec. 28. The latest
information about .the Guatemalan
earthquake, coming today - in. a .dis
patch from the American consul, "said
that water mains in Guatemala City
were broken and the sanitary condi
tions of the city were becoming bad.
Relief work already had been started,
the local chapter of the Ked Cross
there having collected for that pur
pose' $500. ;-';,
Red Cross headquarters here 'today
telegraphed President" Cabrera -and
the head of the Red Cross chapter
in ; the Guatemalan capital offering
any aid they might ask. .
Lieutenant vBrown, Injured
In Grenade Practice, Dead
;,San Diego, Cal., Dec. 28-Lieuten-ant
Herbert Brown of the 157th in
fantry, formerly the First Colorado,
stationed at Camp Kearny, -died to.
day of wounds suffered last week in
hand grenade practice. , Lieutenant
Brown's home was in Denver, to
which city the "body will be shipped
for burial. ' ,
U. S. Minister Egan
Returns From Denmark
v An Atlantic Port, Dea 28. Dr.
Morris Iv.Egan, the American minis
ter to Denmark, an,d Mrs. Egan ar
rived here today on a Danish steam
ship, which is' the first to reach here
from Denmark in several months.
Sammies Are Developing New
"liberty Feet"-for Victory March
Washington. Dec. 28. The Ameri
can army, at home and in France, is
rapidly developing liberty feet' on
which to march ta victory. 1 .
Unded the hard work of military
training, soldiers' feet are expanding
in length and width and some parts
of General Pershing's forres will do
their work in number 13 and 14 shoe's,
instead of the maximum number 12
of the regular. At this recommenda
tion these twov new . big. sizes have
been 'added to the quartermasters
stock. . - "
Trotzky Prepares New Appeal to Allies to Join Confer
. ence; Message to People of Jthe World; Bulgaria (.
, Repudiates Czernin's Statement; Entente
' ' Allies Seem Indifferent
London, Decw 28. -The establishment of a republic in '
White Russia has been announced, according to Petrograd ad
vises today. A rada,' or legislative body, for the territory has.
been assembled at Minsk, at which place a decree will be issued '
proclaiming the independence of the state. f : r ,
. 7 (By Associated Press) -
" Germany's terms for a general peace and the suggestion
that the entente join the Russo-German peace conference have
brought no- immediate response. American, British and "
French" leaders are silent, probably awaiting a direct message
from the peacemakers at Brest-Li tovsk. 4
; ';hon ' Declares Conditions of
Before the War Not Ac- vf
ceotabh to JhV
Dec. 28.r-France "will not
accept a peace based on conditions
before the war, Foreign Minister
Pichon declared in Replying in the
Chambct of iJcputies today to the
peace terms of the central powers
outlined to Riissla, ' ' " v ''.TVM'i
He asserted that, Germany was en
deaVoring to involve France in. the
negotiations with the Bolsheviki, but
that the .war wpuld go on whether
or not Russia made a separate peace.
The foreign minister said Germany
was seeking to protract the, negotia
tion! with the Russians, re-establishing
commercial relations in the mean
time, believing that in this way the
Bolsheviki might be checkmated
later.', Referring to the terms which
the central powsrs offered to the
Russians, as published today, he said:
7 Trying to Involve France.- ,
"Germany is tryjng to involve us
in its Maximalist negotiations. After
suffering as we have, we" cannot ac
cept peace based on Uge status quo.
By agreement with our allies we are
ready to discuss direct propositions
regarding peace, but this is indirect.
"Russia can treat for a separate
peace wjth. our enemies of not.. In
either ase the war for us will con
tinue An ally has failed us, an ally
who in preceding years carried off
great victories. It is a great success
for our erremy, but another ally has
come; trqm the other end 6f the world
a ' democracy has risen against Ger
many's appetite for conquest. , ' v
Cannot Conquer World.
"At the conference in Paris a pro
gram was drawn up and in consr
quence unity of action on the part of
the" allies -will make itself felt, even
to Macedonia. Germany and its al
lies have undertaken the impossible
task of conquering the world. The
world will conquer them. .
"In this war' France will have
played , a great role, for, as Roose
velt has said, it will have saved hu
manity." " ' - -
M. Pichon declared that the secret
treaties published by the Bolsheviki
have not compromised France. ; He
said the German dipIomats,who were
pretending to show indignation were
the very men who sought to negotiate
a secret treaty with the old regime in
Russia; who attempted to draw Mex
ico into war against the United States
and organized plotj in Argentina. ,
Is World Question.
After referring to the German
declaration that Alsace-Ebrraine
would never . be surrendered, M.
Pichon said:
lhe question of Alsace-Lorraine
does not affect France atone. It is
a world question. It is not a terri
torial problem, but a moral problem.
On its solution depends whether or
not the world shall have a durable
peace." This statement was greeted
Iwith applause. .
A review of the army shoe situation
issued today by the War department
shows that of 32,359 men examined
by the medical officers only 15 per
cent were found to be correctly
fitted with marching shoes. The fol
lowing reasons for misfits are as
signed; :-T.f ' .-'
"Inclination of men to choose shoes
too smallf faults , in . methods : of
supervision' of fitting; insufficient
numbers of larger and narrower
sizes; incorrect markings of sizes by
manufacturers." , ; v
TV fill WaMl MSM tlWMf
The attitude of the American gov.
ernment has not changed, and It is .
felt in Washington thtt the present
German promise of no annexations ,
and no indemnities are insincere. Anv
alleged view of the German peace1
terms in high British circles says that
Germany desires a general peace and , -does
not want a separate peace with
Russia. British newspaper ppinion is ' .
divided. . ' . s )
" A recess in the peace negotiations '
has been taken and the conference .
will btxresamed January 4 at a place :
not yet determined. Leon Trotzky,
.he Bolsheviki foreign minister, is
said to be preparing a new a' peal
the entente allies to join the confejv
ence. It is indicated in Russian d"s
nat.hes received in London that the
Bolsheviki place most of .their hopes v
in retaining nower in the couaumma-. .
tion.of a peace which .will meet the .
wishes of the Russian population, thus
weakening the Cossacks and Ukraiu-
ians, :.;uv'i ;' -'.-j'". '' j
. Bulgars Want Tertaln. -
King . Ferdinand of ,Bulgaria,, in "
Amsterdam dispatch gays, holds dif-
ferent 'views on - annexations - from ' ,
those expressed by Count Czernin,
who-apparently is the German mouth
piece. , A Vienna newspaper quotesv.
the king as saying that Bulgaria would
hold what it had won, which seeming v
,ly is at variance with the generaliza-
ion oi no iorcmie annexations uncrea
by Count Czernin, German and Aus
trian: newspapers generally receive
Czernin's statement warmly.
Agree to Recess. ,
Tetrograd, Dec. 28.The delegates V
of the central powers to the' peace
conference at Brest-Litovsk , have
agreed to ten days' recess in the peace
neeotiations. , which will be resumed
January '4 at a place not yet . de
termined. K .' ' . , ,,
, Leon Trotzky, the Bolsheviki for
eign, minister,1 is reported to be draft- .
ing a new note to the entente allied ,
embassies, again asking them to par
ticipate in the peace conference. "
Trotzky is also said to be prepar-"
Ing a new message to the peoples r
Of the world. The Russian delegates
to the peace conference will return '
to Petrograd tomorrow or Saturday.
n armistice is reported' to have
been reached between the Bolsheviki '
forces and the troops of General KaU
cdines at Rostovwith a neutral zon v
between the opposihg lines. - , ,
5 Pritish Premier's Statement A
London, Dec. 28. "Achievement of '
the. purposes for which the allies are
fighting is essential to the future free
dom and. peace of mankind," said
Premier Lloyd George in a letter
which he sent, today-toy the labor
congress. The premier's statement
is regarded as th. British reply to
the OcTnan peace offer. - '
Lloyd George said that a statements
on war ainls could only be made in
agreement with Great Britain's allies. .
Tin question of issuing a fresh joint
declaration, he added, was constantly
kept in view by the entente allied
governments. ,..
Conscription Defeated
' In Australian Election
Ottawa,- Dec. , 28.-A Melbourne,
Australia, " dispatch !to the Ottawa
agency of Reutecs, .; Limited, giving
the latest figures on the recent con
scription referendum show that 889,
000 votes were cast for the proposal
and 1,072,000 against it. The Austral
ian soldiers' ote shows 23,000 for and
32,000 against1 conscription. ,
Presiderit Wilson is t-
61 .Years Old Today
Wasiiington, Dec. 28.Coinctdent
with the taking Over of the railroads.
President Wilson ;. is celebratinghis
61 It birthday. No' special ceremony
is planned at the White House:, as
the wartime rush of work makes im
possible any deviation in the presi
dent's daily routine. -
iw.Mimiiii Mil i I. i y
Bishop Sumner Receives
U Handsome Wedding Gift
Chicago, Dec. 28. Bishop0 Walter .
T. Sumner of the Episcopal diocese
of t)regon, who is to be married here
en New Year's day, was presented
with a solid silver .breakfast' service '
by members of the Forty club at a
dinner here last ni :