THE BEE: OMAHA. WUWTfUUUWfl Radical Redwcitfioiiis odd Suits, Coats and Dresses In Styles for Women, Small Women and Misses None on Approval Or Sent C. O. D. N one on Approval Or Sent C. 0. D. (in P A We have gone right through our superb stocks of Wearing Apparel, cutting prices right and left and the new prices are so remarkably low that prudent women will buy liberally in this sale. WONDERFUL ECONOMIES ARE OFFERED RIGHT NOW. DON'T HESITATE FOR A MOMENT THIS IS THE TIME OF ALL TIMES FOR THOSE WHO NEED APPAREL HALF PRICE Choice 0 Entire Stock 0 500 Suits $239.00 Suits, reduced to $119.50 $150.00 Suits, reduced to $ 75.00 $115.00 Suits, reduced to $ 57.50 $ 9&00 Suits, reduced to $ 49.00 $ 95.00 Suits, reduced to $ 47.50 $ 85.00 Suits, reduced to $ 42.50 THE DRESSES For Women, Small Women and Misses From the fascinating Dancing Frocks to the beautifully Tailored Dresses for afternoon and street wear four great groups at prices that show rousing reductions. Group 1 Dancing Frocks, clainty creations, in Sil ver Laces, Tulle, Satin, Taffeta, Chiffons, etc. ; in smart combinations of shades in the rainbow effects. Lovely shaded gir dles. Smart fluffy models, draped pan niers and bustle effects. Colors are Rose, Lavender, Maize, Orchid, Nile, Peach, White and Copenhagen. Values to $35 at $18.50 Group 2 Afternoon and Street Dresses, in Satin, Georgette Crepes, Meteor and Serges, Jerseys and Tricotines. All late and de sirable models. In Copenhagen, Brown, Taupe, Navy, Wistaria and Black. Smart stitchings, braidings, embroideries, satin combinations and oriental trimmings. Values to $59 at $31.75 Group 3 Tailored Street Frocks and Dressy Models, in Serges, Jersey, Velour, Velveteen, Satins, Georgettes and Taffeta. Clever designs and models that have been found in much higher priced lines. For this sale we say Values to $39 at $21.75 Group 4 Special Group of Frocks of Satins, Serges, Jerseys, Velours, Velveteens, etc., sure to appeal to the woman who needs a practical frock for street, business or afternoon wear. All late models, popu lar shades and wonderful bargains. Values to $25 at $14.75 HALF PBIGE $75.00 Suits, reduced to $37.50 $65.00 Suits, reduced to $32.50 $49.00 Suits, reduced to $35.00 Suits, reduced to $24.50 $17.50 $25.00 Suits, reduced to $12.50 $19.00 Suits, reduced to $ 9.50 v.rciir'iiittTvtiirvTiriMMW This is one of the biggest and best opportuni ties given to the women of Omaha in many seasons our stocks of suits is broader and better than it has ever been in our history and in offering you the choice of these superb garments at HALF PRICE we are giving you an opportunity that is simply unprecedented. Remember No Reservations All Suits are included in this sale. Velvets, Peau de Pache, Suedes, Satins, Silvertones, Velours Duvetynes, Tricotines, Bolivias, Serges, Gabardines, Wool Jerseys Fur Trimmed, Tailored, Fancy Braided and Embroidered Gar ments in every desirable style for women, small women, misses. r;;!:':"T:::;';;;::1,r;:iii."i':i!i'i:':!,'!:;y;;rr mwr 'i::rr:r"r":!'"'::' : ':,; :!: T..;'?!::-;::rrtT? -ir: :r:: THE COATS For Women, Small Women and Misses Beautiful garments, every one of them, and Coats that are the very best styles of this sea son four groups at remarkably reduced prices. mm 3 hps IV Group 1 Fine Sample Coats, full length lined, and fur trimmed models; Fancy Crystal Vel ours, Bolivias, Pom-Pom Cloths, Plushes and Velour du Nord. All shades Plum, Beet Root, Khaki, Russian Green, Navy, Reindeer, Pekin Blue, and Black; Trimmed with Raccoon, Nutria, Beaver, Hudson Seal and Plush. Values to $69 at $48.75 Group 2 Plush and Cloth Coats, fancy and plain; Velour, PomjhPom, Broadcloth, Bolivias and Silvertones. All new shades; many fur trimmed with Brook Mink, Nearseal,. Coney, Kerami and Plush borders, collars and cuffs. Values to $50 at $33.75 Group 3 Plush and Cloth Coats, 'in Velour, Broadcloth, Kersey, Pom-Pom, etc., silk lined and warmly interlined. Many fur trimmed. Combinations of Cylinder Cloth and Plush. Kerami and Velvet trimmed; all popular shadings and models. Values to $39 at $22.75 Group 4 Kersey and Velour Coats, many lined throughout and plush trimmed a very excellent group of Coats indeed, at a very, veiy low price. Special Value at $16.75 WlflflfUUlfUlJ