mm. S THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1917. . ' - BRINGING I I L . J I I I I J , . , - .,. OLJ I M frozen T . I LOO Said-J Thi3 Hcnih L MIE ' ' - ' v s'ni ' k EAR-MUFF ON. Vn t '&IDnThav;F tu.t U , 0'Z - . ' DlNTV ? M HOLLERED AT WUZ ; H n. CATUCD TV ' HAT r J , . i, ?. " S ' VOU EUT VOU D.DNT NEVER L kA 8 FATHER S 5 ' V:, ' ."EARME-I WANTED ' Rht in ' ?J-E-f . fevM TH phone ff ' : , iC -JboAt V Hil iBt.rauonai YrTrrY-nr VC?T r & ? P-s : " - (. v. W - - v XJ23 Drawn for , The Bee by George McManus . ! "...; - 7) " ' : P v v?"" j Jai3: ' . H- V I - ; Mllli- X-T VLADEK ZBYSZKO FLIPS STRAN'GLER LEVIS IN GOTHAM Polish Wrestler, Barring Dead Jy Head Hold, Sends Foe to Mat; Downed Before by Lewis in Same Toyrney. 1 New York, ; Dec. 23.-Vlade1 Zbyszko of Poland won the world's catch-as-eatch-can wrestling cham pionship in the international here last night by throwing ' Ed "Stranger" Lewis of Lexington, Ky in one hour, 47, minutes -and 37 seconds, with a body and scissors hold. . The contest was a gruelling one. Seven . times one or the other was close to a fall nd each time a Xoe hold was used.". The end came when Lewis, ,whd was paying more atten tion to his seconds than to his op ponent, was downed by the Pole with a flyinjf .fall. Zbyszko then forced ... Lewis' shoulders onto the mat. ' , Zbyszko won the title through the relinquishment by Lewis of the use of the head hold, over which there had been' much controversy in the tournament. Lewis received $1,000 bonus for foregoing his favorite hold. ' Lewis had not , been thrown pre viously in the tournament and several nights ago vanquished Zbyszko with the deadly head hold. ' Youssoff Hussane of the Balkans, w'uo'had not met defeat In any of his matches, was compelled to retire from the tournament, because of a death in his family. ; . ARREST 30 MEN , fir r r irn nm i sir AT-SACRAMENTO Sacramentd, : Cal., r Dec. 23. Thirty men were under arrest here tonight '.suspected by the police of being im plicated, in j the t explosion Monday .link. V 1 1 . . i . ' . .nam i me cxccuuve mansion nere.J .The arrests followed the discovery vi whm vnieor ronce ira tonran said he believed was a plot to dyna mite the electric power house of the Pacific V Gas ' and. Electric company here tonight. ;v, "v f , Chief Conran said the police had information that William Ilood, one of the prisoners, was alleged to have remarked that !'the dynamiting of the governor's mansion was only the beginning of a series of explosions that would occur in Sacramento." , ' The mansion was partly destroyed, but neither . Governor,, William D. Stephens pot any member of the household was injured, ' l wn Sf said to be wanted in Chicago in connection with an ex plosion, was taken into custody with ,G. F. Voeter.. According to police officers who had been trailing them in an automobile, they were carrying a box containing 10 sticks of 60 per cent .dynamite concealed under cakes 'Of SOap. : ' - T.n 29 other men were arrested in a raid on the local quarters of the In dustrial Workers of the World, where, according to the police, Hood, .had been staying several days. Induces Investment in Stamps. Washington, Dec. 23.-C S. Tearce, cashier of the Upited States treasury today instituted a plan of asking all persons who presented interest cou- pons of the first, Liberty bonds for payment to re-invest the proceeds in v"8viamps, - Most complied immediately. , HERE'S MAN WHO THREW "STRANGLER" LEWIS He's a native of Poland and last night, having induced his. wary foe to forego use of the deadly headhold by payment of $1,000, pinned the heavy Kentuckian to the mat in the international for the catch-as-catch-can championship. m. NEBRASKA COURT DECISIONS Opinions and Rulings Handed Down in Various Cases Heard by State High ; Tribunal. J Following are decisions' handed down by' the supreme court of the state of Nebraska November 17: 19606 City Trust : company t of Omaha against Douglas county. Ap peal from Douglas. Reversed and re manded with direction 4o allow de ductions nf value nf tnnrtirncr anil shares of stocky Letton, j. Hamer, 1. By the first clause or division of section 1, article ix, of the constitu tion, the public revenues ar'e required to be provided by the laying of a tax by valuation, "so that every per son and rnrnriratinn ctiall nav l in proportion to the value of his, her or its property and franchises." v- 2. The rule of uniformity therein prescribed inhibits the , legislature from discrimination between taxpay ers in any manner whatever. 3. Where the mortgagor of real estate has not agreed to pay "the taxes assessed upon the mortgage interest (which section 6349 Rev. St. 1913 de clares to be an interest in real estate) individual and corporation holders of mortgages alike must pay taxes upon mortgages held by them respectively in the county ill which the mortgaged land lies. Since discrimination be tween taxpayers is riot permitted in taxation by valuation, neither indivi dual nor corporate holders of such mortgages is subject to assessment or taxation of the mortgages ;in the county of his or its residence or domi cil. , ; - 4. Construing section 6313 Rev. St. 1913, which provides that a person is required to list as personal property "shares of joint stock or ,other com panies when the capital stock of such company is not assessed in this state," it is held, that this does not require the listing and assessment by the holder of shares of a domestic corpor ation when its capital stock is as sessed jn the, state. , ' 5. Since under the provisions of the constitution i before mentioned the 'same rule must be applied to corpor ations as to individuals, with respect to taxation by valuation, neither an individual nor a corporation is com pelled to list for taxation shares of such domestic corporation owned by either of them, and if the value of such -shares has been included in the valuation of the capital stock of a trust' company it is entitled to have such value deducted in determining the actual value of such stock for the purpose of taxation. 19665 McCagtte Investment com pany against Water District of City of Omaha. Appeal. ' Douglas. Affirmed. Cornish, J.' Sedgwick, J., not sitting. 1. The statutes of this state make no provision for appeal from the equalization and assessment of speciat taxes bya metropolitan water dis trict, and an attempt to prosecute such an appeal confers no jurisdiction on the district court to review the or der made. 2. District courts have jurisdiction to review by proceedings in error an order by the board of equalization of a metropolitan water district. " , , 19684 Waldo against Lockard. Ap- !eal from Wheeler. Affirmed. Rose, .i Letton,-J, dissents. 1. In an action on. a supersedeas bond "to abide and perform the judg ment or decree rendered or final order which shall be made by the supreme court in the case," defendants are not liahle for rentals and interest. where the superseded judgment does not require appellant to pay them. 2. In a suit tor specific performance all damages growing out of defen dant's breach of contract are litigable, and separate subsequent actions to re cover dinerent elements of such dam ages for the same breach; cannot be maintained. . 3. After full satisfaction of a de cree requiring defendant, to specific ally perform a contract to transfer real estate and personal property to piaintitr, the latter cannot, on ac count of the same Breach, maintain a separate action to recover rents and interest for detention of the same prpperty pending litigation. . 19689 Flaxel against Flaxel. Ap peal, Platte. Affirmed. Sedgwick, J. 1. In an action for divorce the de fendant may plead in abatement an other action pending in a court of competent jurisdiction between the same parties and for, the same cause, and when so pleaded the court has jur. isdiction to try and determine the is sue. ' . 2. If the husband, as defendant in such action, fails to so plead the for mer'action, and fails to answer or de fend against a motion for suit money of which he has due notice in the sec ond action, a final order of the court for the payment of a necesary and reasonable amount as suit money will not be reversed upon appeal. 19706 McCullough against St. Ed ward Electric company. Appeal, Boone. Affirmed. Sedgwick, J. 1. The interest of a wife in the real estate of her husband, other than the homestead, under Rev. St 1913. sec. 1265, is not such as. to require that she be made a oartv in an action by the husband, against a corporation with the right of eminent domain, to recover damages tor the taking of tne land, or for injury thereto in the con struction of a public lmorovement i. in such case the husband in his own right can recover the damages caused to the land by such taking. 19708 Bailev against Hurtt. Anneal Furnas. Affirmed. Dean, J. Letton and aedgwick, JJ., not sitting. 1. Where there is Competent evl dence to sustain the verdict the iud ment ot 'the trial court will hot be disturbed even though the testimony conflicts on a material poini. K , 2. Where the trial court in its in struction has stated the law that is applicable k to the issues raised by the pleadings and the testimony a- party to the action cannot predicate error upon the failure of the court to in struct the jury upon a particular point in the absence of a request therefor. 3. "Evidence of the uncliistity of a complainant in a bastardy proceeding, outside the period of gestation, is lr relevant to the issues presented for trial." State ex. rel. Everson against O'Kourke, 85 Neb. 639. Five Killed in Wreck ; On Pennsylvania Road Philadelphia, Dec. 23. Five men. were killed and six injured when ,thr were struck by a Pennsylvania ra road train at Magnolia, Md., late to day. Most of the victims were in the government service. The injured were taken to Baltimore. ' AMUSEMENTS. Home of th Bif Double Show Presenting LINCOLN OF THE U. S. A. A Play of the Red, White and Blue ; TORCAT'5 NOVELTY Pretenting Only Act of Trained Game Roosters FOX & MAYO Two Boys and a PUno PAYTON & HICKEY "The New Chauffeur." 8 Vw,fl If 1 is. Constance Talmadge iMMi.iMttmf, mnitm "Scandal" I CDKSTANCC TMXA8GI M.MMIll'Wl.lW.WIft Wm. S. Hart in "The Knight of the Trail" I Four Men Killed When . RuBber Plant Is Bombed Newark, N. T., Dec. 23. Four workmen lost their lives late today in a fire following an explosion which wrecked the plant of the Newark Rubber company . where rubberized cloth for the government is being manufacturer, , The expiobion ' was caused by a bomb, according to Superintendent James Daggett. He explained tha the plant usually is not operated Sat urday afternoons and said he believed a tioie fuse was attached tothe bomb witn the intention of having it wreck the building without causing loss of lite. ; - ; ., , , You can secure a maid, stenoera. pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee want Ad. Individual and Team Averages of Teams of Various Leagues Playing On the Omaha Alleys l t, jswirrs.. f. - i ; Brook'fields Premiums Wool 8ops I'ridee . W. l; Pet. ....21 18 .(38 ....21 II .511 30 ,MT .11 .462 tadlvldual A verses. Memn ,.173 Boatman .152 Liorlng jl4 Crowe ...161 Hellle .... Meal 'A..J60 Hsnaen 1 .! Finch .. . .148 Williams .151 Klefor ;.M45 Neumann 1SS Hehn ....141 Perdue ...3H Frantls ..143 Johnson ..164 Robson ...142 Robn ....155 Wilson ...142 Kkdahl ,.UJ Nelson., ..138 Anderson .151 CATE CITV. j W. U Vet. Fern's Indiana. ...33 1J .630 McQuillan's Hat.2ii 14 .11 Rylsn-Friss T lors.18 It .500 loch's Allrrs.....l7 1 .472 Blln's Kids. ...IT 1 .472 Pesse-Blsrks .....11 IS .tOi individual Averaces, Norgard .176 Fits ......174 Hhsw ..;.171 Ine .....171 ('handler ,171 Koran. B..176 Hansen llallry ...1(7 Short .M.l7 Eidson ,..!( lobr ,4..1 Kelm ...,1 Hoffman. 15 Tounger. 165 Orote ....165 Bewlln. ..14 Crane .,..1(4 Sehults ,.14 Koran. J 11 Koyaa ...112 Uuchy ....167 Bucher ,.12 wur-..i Boord ,...161 Heyer ...161 Vox ...,.160 Rels .....160 Kurls ....15 Oernaadt. 151 Radford ..158 Bengele .15 Rentfrow 166 Klauck ..154 Btine .,..164 Ridgell ...1S4 Lech ..... 151 MoyUn ..150 Rathke ..160 Weytnullr 160 LlBdsey ,.14 CtAS COBOOX. , W. h. Pet ..22 1 ,690 ,.1 17 .627 ..II 21 .2 ..15 21 .411 Pt Andrews . . Kittles Tam-O'dhanters - Individual A venires. Cternberg 161 1 Kent 154 Wataoa j Tracy ' ....15 Scott ....141 t.owden ..141 Murrey1 ,.14S Forbes ...147 Leurbars .141 HlKKBtt Mulr . Punn . Hlslop' ..141 ..1.11 . .137 : -las t'NIO.V PAcmc. ' W. U Trt. ....31 14 .63 ....26 17 .615 ...,24 II .573 .i..2 23 .470 ....20 23 .476 ....It 21 1463 11.23 .463 Car Recocils . Omaha Shops Kngineers . . . Pans. Acts. Signal DepU. Neb. Division. Ilv. Engineers 6upt. of Trans 13 21 .301 ' ' Individual Averages. Mlllson , Radford Norgard Shields . Stine .. Ocander Peterson Norgard .161 Pickett ..154 Htnrlcha Muff Icy Koran . Domet . Kanka . .173 .171 .161 .162 .161 ,.16 161 .151 ..155 ..166 .,164 ..164 Tarnow V.14S Hlldb'nt .147 Mctiuade 145 Coulter ...144 Strauss ...143 Mason ...143 Haupt'n .143 Toft ....141 Boyle ....141 Long ....14 Vorwald .133 Bowles ...131 Kugg .;..13 Sc breeder ISO Redfleld .163 I Tlllson ..135 Bauer ..'.163 Desmond 133 Hnrsrh ...161 Budd ....132 LlLtgren .162 Logsdon ..130 Roth ....163 Novak ...12 SUfford ..152 Hartung .121 Sawatakl 162 8parks ...127 Hates ....161 I Rntchford 136 Womble ..161 Wickst'm 124 Storrs .,.160 Humph'y 121 Wlbe ...,160 Bullock ..112 Martis ...16(1 McBrlde .101 Miller ',...14! Worrell ..102 ' ALAM1TO ' .' ' ' ' : ; w. i,. ret. rxcuxt l.ane ......31 11 Til Bluffs Branch ,...2 11 667 Certified ...23 II 660 Jersey Creams ....II 21 462 Guernsey ...... ....13 27 201 XX Cream ...... .10 Zt tit Individual Averages. Hllemaa .164Hogan ...141 Beckmao .lit j Bartlett ..111 Maxey ...14! Mlchka ,.IU' Poncelow 131 SnowarJt 191 Dugan ...127. James ., .J27 Deeming .127 Spaur ,,,.12T Knight ...125 Knoepel ..124 Leonard ..121 Fallberg .13 Swartset .121 Rand ....120 Morgan ,.130 Prime ...114 Barron ..114 Lerhner ..114 Dyball ...113 Ruder ....110 Anderson 101 Onsch ....106 Schwsger 103 Reflou ...103 S HINTIXGTOJf. , . " '" ' W. Jj. Pet, Rfnle Holmes. ....28 11 .711 Pete Lochs.. 27 11 .61 Styletex ......... .27 11 .613 Dutch Mills. ...... .22 16 .60 Swift A Co 21 12 .63 Ben Hull's Colts. ..SI 18 .631 Inion Out. Co... ..11 20 .487 Ostronlc ..1 20 .487 Harlny Davidson.. 10 .231 Mach A Mach..... 1 33 .025 Individual Averages, Wartchow 112 Hathaway 184 E. N'gard..l78 Hun 171 Stenberg. 174 Grote.... 171 Bengele. 171 Meegan.. 171 A. Dyck.,170 HB'hman. 170 Rentfrow 16 J. Koran. 16 L.N'gard II Kleny... .161 Brannlan : 167 Zadina.. 167 8perry... 165 J.MIrasky 163 Kell 163 Schneider 11 Perdue..' 163 Reeves. j 162 Rels 163 Crane.... 162 Williams. 162 Swoboda. 161 Oernandt 161 CB'hmaa 111 Bucher.. 16 Kanka... Ill A.Francl 151 Anderson 161 Moyna.., 16 JMlraaky 161 fielgle... 161 Kllss.... 166 Kno.kl... 166 Melnner.. 151 AOstronle 164 Peterson. 164 Lorlng... 164 Huff 151 J.FrancL 152 Clark.... 153 O'Cander. 152 Roben... 151 Weber... 161 Beesnn... 15 Krbh'user 141 Grimm.. 148 McQuade 141 JOstronlo 141 Roos 13 Ekriahl.. 13 Jamison. ' 138 O. Bamer.133 if C.Hoffan 132 SB Hughes.. 133, Swanson., 11 F. Ramer.130 Semerad.. Ul Prusha.. 130 Jensen... 120 J.Hoffan 117 : FARNAM. " W. IV Pet Baker to Machine!! 11 .63 -Hank's'. Specials. 21 13 .583 M. E. Smith Co... .21 IS .633 Neb. Tel. Co. ,....! 17.628 Farnam Alleys ...16 20 .441 Murphy-OBrten ... 1 28 .222 ' Individual Averages. Hansen ..175 Mayer ...171 Kent ,...170 Kldson ...170 Tolllver .11 Olson 165 Boaley ...165 L'th'by ..163 Kester ..-.163 Nicklas ..162 Coupal ..161 Knox ',.,.151 Ferry ....161 Whit lock 165 A. Hems. 161 Mitchell .161 Speed ..,.151 Barblerl .161 J.Kasper .152 Rurkman 152 W. Helns.161 Holllday .161 Vette ....160 R'sn'bi'm 160 Procoplo .14 Har'n't'n 141 Price ....148 Ogelsby ..147 Paxson ..146 Hlgglns ,.141 Vaueht ..145 Wolff .,..145 Werts ...145 Kerr .....145 Krause ..140 Krank'C .,131 Ooets ....118 Webster ..137 Klank ...13S Ven'em'n 134 Horiigaa 131 Kasper . ..131 McFall ..130 Byars .....12 Hartman 125 Frederick 113 Buttey ...111 Austin ...118 Randall ..111 Davis ...111 Malcolm .111 ) GREATER OMAHA. 4 ' W. L. Pet. Scoft Tents 2 13 .680 Powell Supply Co. .25 IT .66 Central Furniture .11 It .54 Washington 8hirU 21 It .541 Bevo 22 II .64 Bankers' Realty... 1 21 ,452 Commercial Ltfe ..18 24 .428 Uurpby-Dld-It ....18 14 .438 O'Brien Candy Co. 17 15 .401 (Vaness i ..185 Senger ...185 McC'm'k 184 K. 8ctple..l84 Martin ..184 Toman ...181 Goff 180 Stuns ....180 Senger ..17 Hunfgt'n 177 Fits .....171 Zarp .....17 Hamer'nl 176 Jaroeb. ...171 Wills . Eidson Dober . Schen'n Maurer j.174 Johnson .174 R. Sclple.171 Larson ..172 Hroitahl .172 O. Olson .172 Kleny ...173 Lepenakl ,172 H.Hansen 173 Levlne..". 1S6 gCoM3r 'McKensle..l 17 .167 Individual A vera res. Kuhry , .16 I McCoy ...18 Learn ...11 Baker ....188 ...175 ...174 ...174 ..174 London ..171, enaw . ...ivi Hansen ..171 Koran ...171 Karls ....170 Chi lea ...170 Terrell ...16 Zlm'rm'n ,168 Brannlan .168 Howard .167 Wiley ...167 Rnesell ...167 A.Bland .167 Bowers Reagan Amnden O. Olson Harrison Hatha'y Falc'n'r Rathke Norgard Bertwell Kent Swoboda .157 Holllday 163 ..161 ..166 ..161 .165 .165 .165 ..165 ..13 .163 .161 ..160 r. M. C. A." , W. L. Pet Fort Omaha... ...33 T .130 W. a W ...It 10 .743 Shuler Cary 16 11 .66 Y. M. C. A 25 14 .641 Burgess-Naah 14 II .424 McCord Brady 13 27 .107 Evans Laundry. ...11 11 .262 Nicholaa Oil 1 II .17 Individual Averages. Kruger ...202 Nelson ...181 Mvlngstn 171 Peterson 174 Carns ....171 Plambeck 161 Russell ...168 Johnson .165 H.A. RothUS Swanson .165 Gibson ...164 Sprague ..153 Overlock .163 Walch'skl 150 H. t RothlSO Brigham .160 m. Biate Bank... 11 25 .105 Individual Averages, Nelson Blerman. Neale .. Sperry , Collins ., Kehra .,, Nelson . Schupp , Karls ... Davidson .116 Sclple ....134 Thompson 124 Murphy ,.123 Murry ...118 Hansen ..118 Swanson .101 Byrd ....101 .131 13 .12! .121 .128 .127 ..126 .12 .125 Bruoh ...158 PlUIng ...157 Miller ...156 loerne ..150 Thompson 14 Rauber ...145 Housman .145 Hughes ...144 Huff 144 Nesbit ...143 Jameson .142 Beeson ..142 Verdegrn 141 Stanton ..140 Crowe ...13 Getty ....138 Jensen ...133 Heine ....133 LOCK'S BCSH LEAGUE. Brew's Pops. .....21 16 .680 Leonard's Owls ..21 16 ,680 Ford's All Stars.. 18 11 ,500 Earl's Colts 18 18 .Knft Brunswick Kids ..16 20 .444 Famous Kids ....14 S3'. 38 Individual Avers gee. Ostronlo Rels . . , Mcabe Mlrasky Short .. Kasal .. Wymore., .168 .164 .163 .15 .156 .155 155 LADIES' METROPOLITAN. W. L. Pet A. B. Sweet Shop.,25 11 .! Heyn Studio 22 14 .110 Heriberg 17 .628 Marsh-Oakland .18 18 .600 Plunkett 111 I Wartchw III Om. Towel 6up. Co.ll 23 .361 Weiss ....154 Bucher.; 152 P. Lock.. .162 Gernandt 151 Koppfle .150 Jcpsen ...14 Matherley 146 Lowdcn ..144 Johansen 143 Leonard ,.142 Nellson ...140 Cedrholm . 140 Galloway .140 Kranda ...140 Geo. McP.13 Bell 138 Htllmer ..137 Doty 136 Koehler ...136 J. Ford.. .131 Hess ....13 Edmondsn 127 Hall .....121 MAGIC CITY. ' . vr. U Pet. Omas ..24 .728 Looney 21 11 .137 Armours 1 14 .67 Curos 18 15 .646 Lepinskl ..1 IT .425 Packers 13 20 .384 Pioneers ..13 21 .164 Moose I '24 .271 Devoted to BRILLIANT MUSICAL .BURLESQUE , Twice Daily week Mat. Today Final Ferfornisno Friday Nlte Here' whifl en our Chrlitmu tre tor yeo; eon pick It off : Dave Marion ("SNUFFY", HIMSELF) ah1sd OWN Show With the Graatett Cait Ever Auembled , In One Comoany. S.H.DUDLEY "The Smart Set" Amu Bhler. Alpln. 4. Charlie Raymsad, inn Ds Vsrdlar, Nellie Wattos, , . Mil.. Bartelettl and AMERICA'S PRETTIEST GIRLIE CHORUS GALA HOLIDAY MATINEE CHRISTMAS Dear Reader You know the Invariable immenttty of Dave' (how, so no uae ualng space at i.S0 an Inch to do boosting. OLD MAN JOHNSON. MOB. OATETT. P. 8 lor Chrlitmas you can all send ds boxes of cigars; I bare plenty of clothes and a wrist watch. 8. O. 8. This ie on the level. Evening) and Sun. Matt., 25c, tOe, 75c. II. D;;Mats. 15c and 25cA.. Chew Sum If Yos tike. But Ns Smoking.1 LADIES' 10. T ANY WEEK TICKETS XVZ DAY MATINEE Eiby Carriage Garage Is the Lobby. ilflPlffi Gertrude Hoffmann In Gertrude Hoffmann's ReVu) With Company of 35 Artists. Stanley eV Norton; Ruth Roy; McDonald A Rowland; The Act Beautiful; Rouble Sims; Orpheum Travel Weekly. RRANIIFIS TONIGHT ....... and XMAS and WED. U.aCu.u. V S.AA T aT llf I .91 maimmi Aniast iiiuv I in., tt ca. , ;ju IRVING BERLIN'S BIG MUSICAL SUCCESS STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Matinees Xmas and Wed., Best Seats, $1.00 evenings, 25c, sec, 75c, gl.uo and S1.50 inurs.. i-rt. ana aat -ins Cinderella Man." ' ' i-M BOYD 'TONIGHT XMAS WED. Special Matinee Tomorrow, Xmas. DIVORCED . SO SINGERS, DANCERS BO Matinee Xmas, 25e-80c. Wed., 25c Thurs., S Days, "Vary Good Eddie." PHOTOPLAI8. MUSE You Have a Laugh Coming Get It See ! JANE and KATHERINE LEE , . as "Troublemakers" XlxjXMXIXIXIXIXiXiXIXIXMr SUBURBAN cr,:", Today and Xmas, William Farnu'm In "Ths Conqueror" . i MiPPnnDnaii? 25th .nd I I I V U II V 1(1 k Cuming "I1!6 HONOR SYSTEM" With George Walsh, Gladys BrockwelL in Last Times Today FRANKLYN FARNUM THE SCARLET CAR" You can secure a maid, stenno-ra. pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee Want Ar - -t Offered for the first Time TO INVESTORS: Comp ...1 : We are offering a limited issue of Guaranteed 7 Preferred . Shares of the capital stock of the American Security any which are based upon improved real estate of the highest value, ' mortgages oh real estate, govern ment bonds,' v other gilt-edge se ' curities and cash. Offered to the public for the first time. , These shares are highly attrac tive' as permanent investments;; 'but are redeemable after three v ' years at holder's option; , par ' ' value, $100 each -interest pay- able January 1 and July 1 ; issued. ' fully paid: and non-assessable,, v and free from personal tax in Ne- , braska. 4 Subscribers sending in - their orders prior to 'January . 1 will receive ' . t , r an extra cah dividend t ;,.;;V:'of:i- ' . Thus these shares will yield 8 ; ; ' plus, the first year. Subscrip tions of $500 or more are prefer- ; - able. United States Bonds ac-( , cepted as cash. These preferred ; shares take dividend priority ' . 'over the common stock and have a prior lien upon all the Com ,. pany's assets over the common, stock'. ; 4"- v'' ' . !''' -j Thp American Security Co, Authorized Capital, $250,000.00, S' . chartered by the State of Ne--- ' braska to .do a general invest- ?ment ousmess,, nanaie real es- .tate, v mortgages, stocks ' and bonds and other high grade in vestments f or itself and ; for ' others on commission. It isfis- caL agent for Home Builders, Omaha, - and other companies. in event of over-subscription, . .holders of Home Builders' shares who subscribe prior to January' 1 will be given preference. 1 These shares will bear the clos est scrutiny. Only 1,000 shares are offered. " AH inquiries promptly answered. Address American Security Co. .' (Incorporated 1,900) , G. A. Rohrbough, Pres. : V : k C. C. Shimer, Sec'y . Omaha, Nebraska -'" PHOTOPLAYS. Aa Intense Comedy-Drama 7 "ALIMONY? . The Tie That Burns ' Tues. MARY PICKFORD as PHOTOPLAYS.' Last Times Today TAYLOR HOLMES "A Small Town Guy." Tues.' Ethel Barrymore. W HTlt IHfl IIFl )Ml Iff inwniiwaepr rcra - M : I .1 ,-! !t:r .,n-r ;r m 3 SI .Lteim.,Mi.eaJ;AkU;,tii,.ii'i!ii