Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Piez Declares Timber Men Fell
Down on Contracts, Holding
Up Constriction of Wood- ,
en Vessels. "v
0 :""
r, .V.--.-
" f Br Amo1M4 Fraaa.)
J Washington, Dec. 22. Testimony
today of. shipping board officials in
the senate' investigation of delays to
the Vhip building program, disclosed
that the ftart on construction of fab
ricated steel ships was delayed two
months by the refusal of Rear Ad
miral Capps, formerly general man
ager of the emergency fleefcorpora
tion, to dose'contracts "negotiated by
bis predecessor, Major General
Goethals, until .many alterations in
them were made.;
-I Fall Down On Order. r v
!The cumulation of delays, Chairman
Hurley admitted under questioning,
brought about the recent reorganiza
tion of the fleet corporation,- which
ended in Admiral Capps resignation.
The wooden building program was
""held back largely, Charles Piez, new
general manager, of the corporation,
' testified,, by the inability of southern
pine producers" to ielivct timber. The
pine producers to deliver timber. Ihe
condition of affairs was uncovered by
an investigating committee, headed
by Mf. Pier, which made a tour of
the yards for the shipping board.
"Whose fault was that?", Mr.. Piez
was asked.v-. ,. . .
"I do not know," he replied. I
understand that the Southern Pine as
sociation promised to deliver the tim
bers and then fell' down on the or
der ''- ': . - '
."What are you doing to correct the
situation?" . . ' '
fWe are having fir brought from
the Pacific coast." "
x i( "Must Transferontracts. .
;Many contracts already - let for
wooden ships in the east vill haveto
be transferred, to the west, Mr. Piez
added, in order to get the vessels
completed, as sufficient titnber cannot
be had hi the east V
Senator Nelson directed a - long
series ' of Questions at Mr. rier
learn why a practical ship builder
would not be a proper man for gen
eral manager. ' ' -. ;
f Are you a shipbuilder? asked the
No," replied Mr. Piez, "buf I have
had large experience In organization
and manufacturing work," . f
"Don't yoti think it would be better
to have practical builder at the head
of the shipping program?" , i
- "I have . engineering training and
have a force of experts under me."
Finally Mr. Piez said, somewhat
' sharply: v - " :
' "I want you to understand, senator,.
I did not seek this place. I took it
very reluctantly." v'.
, Knock thange in Design.
The change in design of true wctoden
ships after construction wan begun
drew some criticism from members of
the committee. Senator ,Martin aiked
Mr. Piez who was responsible. The
, reply was that the change was made
by Civil Engineer Ferris, the corpora
tion's designing expert, r
"Don't you think that shotos incom
petency?" asked the senator. .
"I would , say," replied Mr. Piez,
"that it was unfortunate."
"Yes," the senator said, "unfortun
ate ignorance." '-
The committee, taking up the oper
ation of the ships, sought to develop
if the army has handled inefficiently
. the ships turned? over to it. Officials
of the board explained that they now
" are investigating that subject. -,
Rear Admiral Bowles presented fig
- ures showing the present progress of
ship construction, but the committed
decided to keep, the statistics confi
dential f
Packers Held ;
) Control of Big
i Plants on Side
'J ' JtConMauad From laa Ont.) '
' mour; are interested in the .Chicago
atockryarda. Persons connected with
the Swift and Morris interests ap
i peared on the lists of directors of
the Chicago Junction Railways com
pany and the Chicago Union Stock
Yards & Transit company operating
the Terminal railways and the stook
yards.5 - v, , . "
These companies are owned by the
Chicago Junction Railways and Union
. Stock Yards company of New Jer
sey, which in turn is controlled by
; the Maine corporation, formed by
Armour and Prince.
Frederick W. .Croll, treasurer of
Armour & Company, said he could
not explain why the other packers
should!, have representation on these
concerns. "
Croll admitted that Armour &
' Company ha 1 large interests in cot
ton seed oil plants in Texas,' Arkansas
and Tennessee, and that Armour and
1 Swift yrete interested in cattle trade
papers in Fort Worth and' Denver.
Millions of dollars, of Chicago real
estate.-known as the Central Manu
facturing district, appeared in a list
of assets of the t Chicago Junction
Railways & Union . Stock Yards
company. Mr. Heney called particu
lar attention to assets of this com
pany because of replies made to small
, stockholders when Armour and
, Prince gained control of the company,
that the company's property was in
danger of material depreciation in or
der to get the small investors to sur
render their stockand accept a guar
anteed 9 per-cent 'dividend. . ,
: :: Worked Both Ends. V
la attempting to market the bonds
after having gained " jconrol of the
Junction Railways company, the Chi
cago Stock Yards company told in
vestors, according to records intro
duced, that the assets of the Junction
company amounted to $47,000,000, in
cluding 800 acres of land in Chicago
and 250 miles of belt and terminal
railways. . . Atention : was. called to
large surplus earnings from 1907 to
"It, appears that one set of repre
sentations was made to get the stock
and another to sell the bonds," com
mented Mr. Henev. . ' " -
. Manipulation of share warrants of
the Chicago Stock Yards company,
Mvxnent of dividend checks to dum
earnings of a subsidiary company to
conceal excessive profits also were
touched upon today.
Records of the Maine corporation
showed that redistribution of share
warrants was made the same day a
federal trade "commission investigator
asked to examine, the books. -Some
Immense Profits.
Discussion of profits attracted con
siderable interest from the commis
sion as to Armour's returns on his in
vestment. Mr. Heney exp'ained that
Armour put up $194,000 of the original
$1,000,000 used to promote the Chi
cago Stock Yards company and gain
control of the Junction company's
$47,000,000 assets.
A letter -from Prince" advised Ar
mour to take advantage of the reor
ganization proposition to exchange
Junction company stocks for bonds at
a rate of two for one, then sell the
bonds which, would' net him a profit
of .$117,000. i: Armour owned 6,500
shares of Junction. 1 V , v
Later, it appeared from 'the rec
ords, the packer's investment was cut
to $77,000. Armour has been getting
approximately $77,000' yearly in divi
dends and besides appears in the rec
ords as having borrowed $200,000 of
the original million from the Maine
corporation. - The interest charged
was hot shown. ' He obtained for his
$194,000 a total of 15,520 shares, par'
value $1,552,000 of . the corporation,
whicrHs-capitalized at $8,000,000. . v
Trince appears as the other large
stockholder in the ' Chicago Stock
Yards company and the .original plan
of th" company, r introduced, in evi-"
dence, was to give $4,400,000 "in stock
"to the packers" in-place of rebates
and bonuses paid them up to that
time. .Efforts to prove that Other
packers, particularly Swift ar,d Morris,
received such stock, have not been
Successful and will be continued when
the commission resumes the hearings.
Another Air Raid Made . 7.;
j On English Coa Towns
London,' Dec 22.Anottier raid has
been attempted - by the Gtrmans
aeamst English coast towns.! One
hostile airplane was forced to de
Vktrek IV-A, $20
Victrol VIII-A.
V . Oak i
Victrola IX-Ai $57.50
Mahogany or oak ;
Victrol X-A, $83
. kahogany or oak
VktroU XI-A. $1
ii iwiMi -1 -j"
j jj
(Continued From r Ont.)
father was appointed attorney general
of Nebraska in 1855.
Mr. Estabrook had made hij home
& .'it- I.!.. UHMtta.!n In...
in larryiown, wiui u? uiwm-m-i.
Colonel Clowery, former president of
the Western Union.'
Part in Boyd Case.
It was while practicing law in Oma
ha that Mr. Estabrook. associated
with General Cowin and A.' H. Gar
land, ex-attorney general of the Unit
ed States, conducted the case of ex
Governor James E. Boyd in the his
toric Boyd-Thayer contest of 1891,
involving the governorship of Nebras
ka, which excited national interest
and Wwhich a precedent was set in
volvingthe law governing citizen-JT
ship. In the argument before the
United states supreme court it was
Mr. Estabrook who-, presented the
points upon which that high court re
versed the contrary decision of the
Nebraska supreme court and restored
the executive office to Governor
Boyd. , - : 7:
, Counsel for, Western Union.
- While in Omaha Mr. Estabrook be
came local counsel for the Western
Union Telegraph company nd in
1896 was given a similar position with
the company in Chicago, necessitating
his removal to that city. Six years later
he was made general counsel for the
company and removed to New York,
where he became a member of the
legal firm of Lowdcn, Estabrook &
Davis." He was tecognized as an at
torney of great resource, logic and
rare oratorical powers
'Among his more important cases
while in Chicago was one involving
the-first investigation ever made into
the operations of a .stock exchange
clearing house, wherein the legal fact
was established that transactions, on
'change were not gambling.
Recognised at Orator.
It was not until 40 years of age,
that Mr. Estabrook's power as an
orator became generally known. An
T Intur Victor quality, ttwijr look for the famous
trademark. "Hi MaMar Voice." It la on all genuine
product of th Victor Talking- Machine Company.
J Owing to the enormous demand it is pos
sible that some Victor dealers . may not nave
, w in stock just the style Victrola you wantbut
. it is also just as reasonable to suppose that the
exact Victrola you want will be found at some ,
r of the regular qualified dealers listed below:;
Brandies Stores, 16th and Douglas- National Music Supply Co., 1907
Sts. : ; , '- Farnam St. ' . ,
BurgesaNash Co., 16th and barney" Nebraska Cycle Co., 319-21 S. 15th
StS: . j . : - . St;
John Hofman, 1246 S. 13th St. Orcha'rd & Wilhelm Cd. 414-18 S.
A. Hospe Co., 1513-15 Douglas St , 16th St V
N. E. Johnson
10 VktreU XTV, $1C5 . VlctroU XVI, electric, $270 VktroU XVII, electric, $325
. . ; . .' Uaaotany oroak Mahogany or oak ' , Mahotaoy or oak
oration before the Marquette club m
1892 on "Lincoln" gave him national
prominence. ' -
In Omaha Mr. Estabrook was
active in public movements, hi?
speech before a meeting to organize
a citizens government made .Novem
ber 1, 1895, at the Coliseum, being one
notable instance. ' ,
He was orator also at the semi-centennial
celebration of the Kansas-Nebraska
act at Omaha, June 10, 1904.
Before numerous republican conven
tions and gatherings, his addresses
were of such notable character as to
win national comment
Mr. Estabrook was married to
Miss Clara Campbell of Omaha in
1879. Their daughter, Blanche, was
married toJCarl G. Roebling of Tren
ton, N. Y., member of the John A.
Roebling's Sons company builders of
Brooklyn bridge. . . ,
"Mr. Estabrook, while here, was es
tablished in business partnerships
with R. S. Hall, Earl B. Coe,, and
with Frank Irvine, supreme court
'(Continued From Ps One.) t
alleged confession, the drugr having
bee administered by the '.'Mysterious
Riley" to put the child to sleep to
keep it' quiet. Riley is named by
Piersol as the leader of the gang and
the man who plotted the abduction,
but he says trie man now under ar
rest and held for the Springfield
authorities is not the right Riley.
, Says Riley Took Baby. '
According to the signed confession,
Piersol admits hisjyirt in the abduc
tion -but savs it was Riley who
climbed into the window of the Keet
home and took the baby. Riley
handed, the child to Dick Carter, a
cording tp Piersol, and the latter gave
it to a woman, a member of the band.
Piersol' took an active part, in the
abductfbnr he admits, but declares he,
at no time, touched the child. He
was stationed at the Keet home, he
says, with Kletus Adams, Maxie Ad-
you. can
Vicinity of Omaha
Blair, Neb. . . Council Bluffi, la. ,
Bee Hive. ' Sr;;:'r. ; A. Hospe Co., 407 W. Broadway.
v- SHr;-; '-Nebraska Cycle Co., 334 Broadway
JohnffiCnubili; . . . Gleawood.Ia.
ams, Dick Carter and others he
names, who have not yet been ar
rested. ' ' t
The baby was taken to a deserted
house on the Greene and Christian
couhty line and there, Piersol says, he
took food for the child andi guards
the next day. He declares he does
not know when the child was removed
to the Grenshaw house, but thinks
it was taken there the night after
it was abducted, when a rain and elec
tric storm occurred.
Piersol knew nothing of the plot to
kidnap the child until Clctus Adams
"put it up to him." according to the
confession, and he denies writing the
ransom letters which experts swore
he penciled. The postcard mailed to
the father of the kidnaped baby, the
last word he received from the ab
ductors," was mailed by Taylor Ad
ams, Piersol says; ;
To Kidnap Others. '
Piersol denies knowledge of ' the
death of the child until after his ar
rest. In the confession he says a
member 'of the kidnaping band not
under arrest called on him at the
county jail and told him of the ad-'
ministration of the laudanum anJ the
resultant death of the baby.
"Riley is going to throw it in the
well at the Crenshaw place," he says
the visitor told him.
Maxie Adams,, 17 years old, charged
with the attempt to kidnap C. A.
Clement, and recently released vfrom
jail, was the first person to be arrest
ed as the result of Piersol's confer
sion. He also expressed a desire io
confess, it is said,, but no announce
ment of a statement from him has
been made. -
The confession alleges otljer abduc
tion plots were contemplated by the
gang.;'. It was planned to' kidnap J.
Holland Keet, father of the kidnaped
child, at the time he paid the $6,000
ransom, Piersol says, and Ed L. San
ford, vice president of the Holland
Banking company and chairmap of
the state highway commission, also
wis marked- as a victim. Sanford.
Piersol says, was to be held for a
$100,000 ransom."
Chinamen Expelled From Austria.
Berne, Switzerland, tfec. 23.
Forty-five Chinamen, expelled from
Austria oh account of China's declara
tion of war against that country, ar
rived today .on their way to Paris.
Queen LiFs Latest Will '
.Set Aside as a Forgery
' Honolulu, T. H., Dec. 23.,-A pur
ported 1917 will of the late Queen
Liliuokalani, bequeathing the major
part of her estate to "Prinsess Ther
esa Belliveau, was thrown out bf
court today 'by. Judge C. W. Ash
ford, who stated from the bench that
alt evidence and his own knowledge
convinced him it was a forgery.
Sam Kamakaia, a preacher, swore
he signed as a witness to the late will
in his own home and not at the bed
side of the queen. H. Keakoha, a
second witness to the purported will,
gave similar testimony in repudiating
preceding affidavits. Kamakaia stated
that "Princess" - Theresa offered
him. the bribe of a new church if he
.A 1909 will of the queen, containing
a deed of trust in favor of Theresa
Belliveau, said .to be only a distant
relative, of .Liliuokalani, remains con
tested by Jonah ("Prince Cupid") Ka
lanianaole, congressional delegate
from Hawaii, on the ground that the
queen was . mentally incompetent at
the Wmi of its execution.
Germans Work For
Teuton Republic
Washington, Dec. 23. The, com
mittee on public information, to
night gave out another article
t written by Germans and circulated
in Germany through the efforts of
German republicans in" Switzerland .
who were" working for the estab
lishment of a republic in their na
tive land. . . ' v "
The article declares that general
ruin prevails in Germany as a re
sult of the war and urges the over
throw of the nation's war lords.
iiftwi f r" "-
Our boainea ia on of perman
ent customer, not victim.
'1 Rinehart-Steffens
A Ot Courts.
300 18th St, South. Waad Bldg.
Juit Off Farnam. ;
Winf r Tourist Fares
Bound Trip
From Omaha
yackBonTin4 Fla.
Miami, Fla. .....
Ormonu, ma. ....v
JPeniacola, Fla.
BUoxi, Mill.
Charleston, S. C,
Laka Charles, La. .........
Fort Worth, Tex.
Anfc-uita, Ga. ,.
Fort Myers, Flv...v
Havana, Cuba, t1 5ew Orleaai and steamer 95.91
Havana Cuba, Yla Fort Tampa or Key West and steamer. 102.56
- - Homeseeken' fares somewhat lower first and third Tuesdays.
Attractivo Circuit Tours to Florida
Crolng one route, wtumlng,ajiother rou
shown above. , ' -
$9.20 higher than shown above; one way via Chicago or St. Louis
flirect to Florida, the other via Washington.
Tho Bpst Way to the Military Gamps
: This liberal scheme of Winter Tourist fares to Texas, Florida
and Gulf cities makes it possible to include en route a number of:
these great cantonments. -
Camp TraTisv San Antonio, Tex.
Camp Cody, .Iteming, If. 31.
Camp Logan, Houston, Tex.
Camp Bowie. Ft Worth, Tex.
Camp McArthnr, Waeo, Tex.
Camp Plk Little Bock, Ark.
? The Trains to Use
St. Louis Special at 4:30 P. M.
Kansas City Trains at 9:05 A. M., 4:30 P. M., 10:65 P. M.
Chicago Trains af 7.-05 A. M., 3:45 P. M., 6:30 P. M.
if - )
He might as well
he wastes his gasoline and
oil, gets half the power he
should get, has constant engine
trouble, and cusses himself and
his car to death.- -Why don't
somebody tell him about , ' .
They are absolutely guarantee'
to increase your motor power 10
to 30, to decrease your oil bit
50, to cut down gas consump
tion by 25 to 50, and to elim
inate carbon, spark plug, and
smoking troubles. ' ,
American Hammered Piston Rings are
made in sizes for all cars. AIL good
garages and accessory dealers sell them.
If your dealer cannot supply you see us.
Delco Excide Service Station
Who!s:a:e and Retail Diatributora
2024 Farnam St. Omaha
Phone Douglas 3697
Ik. :
exclusively by
Winlon, WhiU
teXm Steteman, tic.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Bound Trip
From Omaha
... 73.06
... 44.31
... 44.31
... 41.56
... 41,56
... 54 56
Tampa, Fin.
StjAugnstine, Fla.
Palm Beach, Fla. .
Keir Orleans, La. .
Mobile, Alav
San Antonio,' Tex.
Houston, Tex. ....
Savannah, Ga.
Demlnar. N. M.
Hot Springs, Ark.
Camp Doniphan, Ft. SI1L Okla.
Camp Zachary Taylor. Louisville, Kj,
Camp Shelby, Hattlesburg, Mla.
Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga.
Camp "Wheeler, Hacon,"Ga.
Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga.
Liberal slop-orer priTilessj write or call
for pnbttcattoaa, information, eto4 and let me
help yom plan an attractlTe tour of the south.
J. B. BET50LDS, Qty Passenger Agent,
ISti ni Ftreaa Stt.v Oraahi, M.
Fkraet Dong. 1288 and Dong. 8160.
TEN DOLLS will b6 given free to
the ten little girla under 12
years of age that bring or mail us
the largest number of doll cou
pons cut out of The Bee, before 4
P. M. . Saturday, Dec. 29. This
I coupon will be printed in every
edition of The Bee until then. Ask
everybody you know tosave doll
coupons for you. You can win one
of these dollies if you really want
to. Will you try? We want every
little girl in Omaha and vicinity to
have one of these beautiful dolls.
You can leave the coupons and
get your dolly at The Bee branch
office nearest you. !
; Ames Office. 4110 N. 24th St.
- Lake Office, 2516 N. 24th St
Walnut Office,"819 N. 40th St
' Park Office, 2615 Leavenworth
Vinton Office, 1715 Vinton St
South Side Office, 2318 N StN
-Council BInffs "Office, 14 N.
Main. St ,
Benson Off ice, Military Ave.
and Main St v
mies and; alleged arrangement of