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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1917)
fins OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 25, 1917. 1 .( 7 4 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Texas Lands, BE iu torTexa land. We furnish cattle." Ton ptjr from profit. Thorau Olton. 407 Karbach Bide Miscellaneous. FARMS FOR SALE IN THE 8ANTEE INDIAN RESERVATION. Beat of toll for alfalfa, corn and small trains. Seventy-five miles from Slou City, Iowa. Prices only CO per cent to CO per cent . of adjacent farms of same character and quality. No such bargains elsewhere In the corn belt, no commissions, we own these I i farms. WOODS BROS. ft STEWART. 71 P St.. Lincoln, Neb. OHi ICR FARMS. Nllssor. 423 Rose Bids. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don"t list your farm with us If you want to keep It. E. P. SNOWDEN SON. 423 3. 15th. Douglas 371. WANTED Small tract of land in Nebraska. Suitable for raisins; hogs and poultry. State price in answering. Atwood Har vey. 4513 Harrison Ave., Leeds. Ia. AUTOMOBILES Surprise the Folks Xmas Morning With a STUDEBAKER Instead of purchasing a small pres , ent for each one in. the family, why not buy a used car which will not only be a surprise to the family, but will give them all real pleasure, com- fort and health which is worth more than anything else to, the family and yourself. You are saving from $100 to $zuu by purchasing one now. ; ine iouowing cars are in excep- tionauy good condition, ramt and upholstery- like -new. Some can scarcely be told from cars just out of the factory. ISM Studebaker Four Touring Car . 1914 Studebaker Faur Touring Car . 1914 Studebaker Six Touring Car ... 1916 Studebaker Six Touring Car ... 1915 Studebaker Four Touring Car . 1915 Studebaker Six Touring car ... 1916 Studebaker Four Touring Car . 1916 Studebaker Four Touring Car . 1916 Studebaker Six Touring Car ... 1917 Studebaker Four Touring Car . 1917 Studtbaker Four Touring Car . 1917 Studebaker Six Touring Car ... ,, 1917 Studebaker Six Touring Car ... ' 1917 Studebaker Six Touring Car ... 1918 Studebaker Four Touring Car . " 1917 Maxwell Roadster 1915 Overland Car 'W1917 Studebaker Landau ... IM Bulrk Roadster, refinished .$350 . S75 . 600 . 475 . 600 . 600 . 500 . 450 . 700 . 500 . 700 . 750 . 700 . 900 . 760 . 400 . 275 . 800 176 yr NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Studebaker-Wilson, Inc., " Farnam St.. at 25th Ave. Har. 871. USED CAR BARGAINS 1918 Detroit Six, slightly used, half price, 1917 Overland, model 00, $450. 1916 Overland, model "83," $385. 1916 Chevrolet, Just like new, $325. 1917 Maxwell touring, brand new, $485. 1917 Maxwell touring, slightly used, $395. 1917 Maxwell roadster, run 1,700 miles; lots extras, $385. 1917 Ford Sedan. A, B. C. starter, good s new, $660. 1917 Ford touring, 3 months, good shape, $326. " 1917 Ford roadster, runs like new, $295. 1915 Ford touring, good running order, $196. 1915 six-cylinder Enger, A-l condi tion, $225. A large closed car at a real bargain. All above cars are electrically equipped and are guaranteed to be in best condi tion. Part cash and balance easy payments. Omaha Oarage 20th and Harney Sts. ' M. C.MEEKS, Phones: Tyler 655; Douglas 8108. WHEN BETTER USED CAR VAL UES ARE OFFERED, WE WILL OFFER 'THEM. Cars from $150 to $750 1917 Oakland Light Sit Roadster, Ilka new . , $750 Oakland Light Six Touring, in good shape ...... 600 Kew Saxon Four Roadster . 350 Little Four Roadster, worth the money, at.. 160 WE ARE THE USED FORD MEN New KIT Touring $400 1917 Touring, like new 350 1917 Touring, cheap at 325 1918 Touring, very good shape.... 250 JilS Touring, good shape 235 1915 Touring, worth the money, at 200 1914 Touring, good tires and good shape 200 1917 Roadster, cheap at 125 Every car demonstrated to your entire satisfaction. Wadsworth's Winter Tops for Fords, solid glass doors, $75. Your money back if not satis fied. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 Farnam St. Douglas 9070. One 1916 Ford grocery delivery truck, good condition. One 1916 Overland touring, elec tric starter, fine shape. Other bargains in used Fords. Be sure to see these. v McCaffrey MOTOR CO., Authorized Ford Agents. Douglas 3500. 10th and Howard. JCMAS USED CAR BARGAINS. We have a complete line of used cars which we will sell at very attractive prices. We 'guarantee each car to be me chanically perfect, and sell them with a money-back.lf-not-satisfted guarantee. l17 Buick Six. $750 1914 Studebaker. $200 ,917 Overland 90 425 1914 Studebaker. 150 1916 Saxon Six. 450 1917 Ford tour.. 300 1916 Chevrolet. -k. 276 1917 Ford road.. 300 ' 1814 Bulck ''25" 200 1916 Ford road.. 273 1914 Buick "37" 300 AUTO PARTS CO., 2105 Farnam St. Douglas 45BO. """" FOB SALE. Detroit Electrics Brand New. 1 Model 68, list at $1,975. 1 Model 66, lists at $2,575. These we will sen at cost. NORFOLK BUICK CO.. Norfolk. NeV ALL kinds of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, 10c per milo. Douglas 739C. Ne braska servioe uarage. , VfiRD Manifold Heaters. $2.60 C. O. 1. i Engine atarts easy, saves gas, prevents i carbon. Power attachment, $3. Oaklty, Ijox 535, Omaha. Neb. ! ' QUALITY USED CARS. J studebaker-Wilson, Inc. J We have the best bargains. See us at 5j once. Harney 871. Farnam at 26th Ave. FOR SALE Cheap, Ford sedan, not month old equipped with selfstarter and exhaust t heater. Owner leaving city; will sell cheap i snot cash. Call Webster 1367. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auta Ex change Co.. 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. OAKLAND sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2200 Farnam St. Bargains in used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. OUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO all kinds of tire repairing and work guaranteed. Douglas 7652. 1109 Douglas St. STANDARD MOTOR CO.. TArr Tnitrlnff Car. 8450. 5020 Farnam St. Carl Chsngstrom, BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co.. inth and Howard. Ford Agents. Doug. 3608. USED CAR DEPT. WILLYS-OVERLAND. INC.. 047 Farnam St. Doug. 329Z-L. VVKW 1918 Ford touring cara. One 1917 Ford touring. 4001 8. 24th St. So. 4360. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. UAUoi"" .,, s,tinn. 1206 Farnam. Ever reaar :. ; V . j v.siAf VnrA trur.kfl for sale, AUTOMOBILES AUTO EXCHANGE CO., BARGAINS Satisfaction Guaranteed 'Every Customer We do honestly and smcerely en deavor to live up to this motto. We guarantee the mechanical condition of every car in this ad. This does not necessarily mean that we have overhauled every car, but it does mean that we have overhauled every car that needed it. Every car has been refinished throughout, including new tops where necessary. Two Ford Tourings, each $150 1916 Ford Touring 200 116 Ford Touring, good running or der, newly painted $50 1916 Ford Roadster, good running order, lots of extras..... I!S KIT Ford Roadster, nearly new.... 325 1917 Ford Touring, good running or der 325 1917 Foard, brand new 175 1117 Ford "Coupe" N476 6 Ford Chassis, each...... 140 3 brand new Ford bodies with wind shields, curtains and tops, each. ... 85 Hudson "8T' Coupe 350 'Hudson "64" Coupelet 450 Bulck Touring .' 160 Chalmers Touring . 150 Pullman Touring, like new 300 Overland Touring, electric lights and starter 300 Studebaker Touring, 191$, good run- Ing order 460 Bulck Touring, electrio lights and starter , 460 Dodge Touring, all new tires 100 Chevrolet Roadster, Ilk new $75 Mttchel Six, electrio lights and starter $75 Overland Roadster, "It," like new.. 875 Overland Touring "IS," newly painted. 450 Mets Touring, 1916, newly painted.. 125 Cadillac Touring, 1914, looks like new 600 Regal Touring, 1916, good running order Chalmers Master Six .newly painted.. 450 Hudson Super 8lx Roadster, nearly new $00 If you are dissatisfied with your old car trade it in and get one yrju can use. Make small payments each month, we store it for you until you want it. Open Sundays and evenings. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., Douglas 6035. 2107 Farnam Street. DEALER WANTED TO REPRESENT FORD TRUCK ATTACHMENT. THE CAMELFORD. $40 F. O. B., CHICAGO. The only truck attachment converting the regular Ford Into a one-ton-truck for 140. Ia doing the same thing that other form-a-truck devices are doing for $350. In dally use by thousands of firms all over the country. Live prospeota every where. Great money making proposition for reliable party. State fully your quall- flcatlons and territory wanted. Replies hek) In strict confidence. MAREMONT MANUFACURTIN0 CO.. SOLE MAKER8. $1$ S. WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. MITCHELL sedan, 1917 model; good as new. Box 0780, Omaha Bee. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. lo a mile. 35c per hour, minimum charge. (Except Sunday and holidays.) FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 1612. 1314 Howard St. CUMINQ garage, $415 Cum. D. 2832. Care ful repairing. Day and night service, Storage. Cars-washed. Accessories. T. F Hansen. P. W. Jacobus. Auto Bodies. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR AUTO. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO ft CAR RIAGE WKS. 2025 Leavenworth. Ty. 701. REAL ESTATE WE tilD NOT BUILD Any Apartments in 1917 v.. But we did build apartments in 1915 and 1916 when we could build from 25 to 50 cheaper ! That is the Reason We can sell our apartments so much cheaper than anyone who built in 1917. ; ' We have several on which we will accept good clear Iowa, Nebraska or .."JL. , . tj t j ,monf All nnr Anartments are well built and well planned. The locations i It a! good income ai an uraes., We now have exclusive charge of the following apartments: "The Milton" "The Melrose" v "The Berkeley" "The Victoria" "The Fairview" "The San Mateo "The Idalia" "The Royal" "The Mayf air "The Dewey" . "The Harney" "The Root" Our aim is always to give good why not add yours to our list! apartments where tney can cnoosq uom SlXVI f VI iml Asf ' lift "The Fairview Apartments" IN DUNDEE Just added to our list, completed November 1st (this year) by Henry D. Frankfurt, which we just sold to Otto H. Meyer for an investment Located at the northwest corner of 50th and Webster Streets, only one block from car line and stores, beautiful location, consists of twelve 4-room apartments with 5-rootn $tccommodations and considered ofte of the best planned apartment in the city. Two ehoie south and east front apart ments are for rent. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY STREET, OMAHA, NEBRASKA - AUTC.dOaiLES TirVs and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES At ft Prlca Without Old Tires. 80x1, $7.70: SOxSft. $8.80; 33x3ft. $10.06; .33x4. $11.16; 34x4 $13.0$ 30x4. . $15.10. Good slightly used tires at vary low prices. Auto radiator, lamps and windshields repaired. Boylan Auto Radiator Co., 1514 Davenport St. Phone D. 2814, "BILT-NU" tires, guaranteed 3,600 miles. save money. Vulcanising and retreading. Auto and radltor repairing. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE AND AUTO WORKS. 1819-21 Cuming St. Tyler 117. TIRES AT HALF PRICE. ALL SIZES. New 30x1 Firestone. $7.90; Ford tubes. $1. New 30x8 ft Non Skid Firestone, 813.00. KAIMAN'S TIRE SHOP. 1721 CUMING TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 1 In 1 tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORS, 11034 Jackson, Agts. wanted. Omnha, Neb. SAVE 60 PER CENT O.N YOUR TIRES. G." ft G. Tire and Vulcanising Co.. 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tlrea and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Bup ply Co.. 2051 Farnam St Starters md Generators Repaired. We repair any storage battery, guaran feeing same for six months. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO. 1211 Harney St. Tyler 1394. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about yqur auto. 116 S. 19th St. Douglas (488. Auto Repairing and Painting. PHON.: HARNEY 2907 for auto repairing, DELAY ft BKAL, W. Farnam Garage, 3627 Farnam. Now open. Give us a trial. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer. 110 N. 18th EDWARDS. E. 8.. 2610 N. 19th St. Web ster 1103. For best results with repair work consult us. RADIATOR repair work, all work guaran teed. Trawver Auto Co.. 1910 Farnam St. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Rooa, The Motorcycle Man, 17th and Leav enworth. MEDICAL I .WHY SUFFER t Latest and most scientific treat ment for all diseases. Dr. Charlea Barnes, 513-624 Rose Bldg. Ex amination and consultation free. He is curing thousands. WHY NOT TOUT Delays art dangerous. . If you can't calh write. Hours; I a. m. to I p. m.; 7:30 to 1:$0 evenings. Sunday by appointment. ' DR. E. R. TARRY 110 BEE) BLDG. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula sjvd other rectal diseases without surgical op erations. Cur guaranteed andsno money paid until cured. Write for, book on rec tal disease and testimonials. RUPTURE successfully treatd without a surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. Wray, 80$ Bee Bldg. " OXYGEN, Ozone Generators rented to the afflicted. 112 S. 26th. Tel. Harney 8677. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. FOR SALE Fine 6-month-old Shetland pony. Joe Vomacka, 2221 B St. Phone no. 2534. . So. Side, Omaha, Neb. HORSES for sale. 1713 Webster Street POULTRY AND PET STOCK YOU CAN PURCHASE AT OUR MILL Red Feather poultry feeds, cracked corn, oats, bran, middlings and oil meal. We make deliveries. Come down and see our poultry plant M. C Peters Mill Co., 19th and B streets. South Side, Omaha. Phone Tyler 109 and ask for Mr. Ufford. FOR SALE Two Persian kittens, eight months old; one wnue, live aousrs; ono shaded silver, seven dollars. Best of pedigree Make nice Xmas present. Mrs. Geo. Ronln, Fremont, Neb., 1725 Keene Ave. FOR SALE MEXICAN"CHIHUAHUA DOG (BLACK AND bkuwnj, ,isi n. iixa ' ST., WEBSTER 6200. - ' ' THOROUGHBRED Alrdale pups, 4 weeks . old. Call Webster lauv. REAL ESTATE are .very desirable, which means a service to both the tenants and owners Prospectiyeenants always go to rent mc w&m GRAIN AND PRODUCE Receipts Liberal; Slow Corn Market; Oats Suffer De cline; Rye and Bar ley Off. Omaha, Dec. St. 1117. Arrivals of train today were very llberaf, a total of 204 cara showing up, the bulk of these being corn and oats with ' and 71 ears respectively. Wheat receipts were only Is cars, while those of rye were two oars and barley receipts, three ears. Activity In the corn market today was unusually slow, practically no sales being made during the- forenoon and only a few samples disposed of by noon. The local de mand was rather dull due partly to tho failure of an Increase In eastern shipments following the lifting of the .latest Imposed embargo on corn and oats. The car condi tion has Improved materially during the last day or so and the outlook Is tor In creased shipments as long as the mild weather continues. Railroads are giving preference to corn in almost every Instance, and some country shippers are finding it hard to get ears in which to ship their oats. No. 4 white sold at 1 4 5 4f 1 . -1 7 and No. 4 yellow at tl.441.4 and No. 4 mixed at tl. 4201. 45. One car of old No, 1 mixed brought tl.90, a premium of fully 40 cents a bushel over the new of the same grade. Spot quotation were unchanged to 3 cents lower. Clearances were, wheat and fiour equal to 478,000 bushels; corn, none; oats, 371,000. Primary wheat receipts were 712.000 bushels, and shipments . 309,000 bushels. Primary corn receipts were (68,000 bush els and shipments 206,000 bushels.' Primary oats receipts were 381,000 bush els and shipments 530,000 bushels. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 33 20s 138 Minneapolis , 208 ... Duluth 31 Omaha 29 ti 71 Kansaa City T 61 S3 8L Louis 34 (8 44 Winnipeg U These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 3 dark harr winter: 1 car, 12.16. No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, 33.12. No. 1 northern spring: 1 car, 13.12. No. 1 durum: 2 cars, No. 2 durum: 1 car, 22.12. No. 1 amber durum: 1 car, 12.13. No. 1 red durum: 2 cara, 22.08. No. 3 mixed harr red winter: 1 car (tt per cent heat daniager, 25 por cent spring, 75 per cent hard red winter), 13.08. cornNo. 4 wnue: l car. 31.47: l car, 11.45. No. 6 white: 1 car, 11.41; 2 cars, 11.40; 1 car, 31.36. No. V yellow: 1 car, l.4: 1 car. 81.47M: 2 cars. 81.48: 1 car. 11.44. No. 5 yellow: l car, 31.41: 3 cars, 11.40; 1 car, 31.39; I cars, 31.35: 1 car. 11.37; t cars, 31.86. No. 8 yellow: 1 car, $1.30; 1 car, 3128; 1 car, 31.27; 1 car (im mature), $1.26; 1 car, 11.20. 'Sample yet- low: X cars, (1.04; 2 cara, 11.03. No. mlxeoM 1 car (old), $2.00. No. 4 mixed: 2 car, $1.45; 1 car, $1.42. No. 6 mixed: X car, $1.40; 2 cara, $1.36; 3 cars, 31.35. No. $ mixed: I car, 31.26; 1 car, $1.20. Sample mixed: l car. 11.30. Omaha Cash Prices Cora: 4 white, $1.45 91.47; i white, $1.3601.40; 4 yellow. $1.44 1.49; C yellow, 1 . 3 Q 1 . 40 ; 6 yellow, $1.26 01.30; sample yellow, $1,0301.04: 2 mixed. $2.60; 4 mixed, $1.421.45; ( mixed, $1.35 01.40; sample mixed, 31.30. Oats: Stand ard. 77c; 3 white, 76Vt76Kc; 4 white, Tttc; sample, 7676o. Barley: 8. $1.47. Kye: I1.T4H. Chicago 12:80 prices, furnished The Baa I a ti , j . , i vj jjaii e D17SR1 Biucti aim Brain DfUKcrv, Jia aoutn tsixteentn street, omnha: Art. Close. High. Low.) ClOBoTlYcs'y Corn. Jan. 1 24H 1 25U 124 1 25tt 134ft Dec. 1 7H 1 27 V4 12714 1 2714 137H May 1 22 1 23ft 122 1 23 122 Oats. Dee. 7614 77 76 7T 76 May 11M 7454 72 74 t$ Pork. Jan. 46 46 46 45 48 30 46 46 46 26 May 46 00 46 00 46 00 48 00 46 $6 Lard. Jan. 24 (2 24 60 24 62 24 67 24 45 May 24 77 24 87 24 75 24 80 34 ($ Rib. Jan. 24 67 24 62 24 62 24 60 24 46 May 24 30 24 97 24 82 24 96 24 77 PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Dong. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St, FRIENDS wish the address of Frances Marion Tricie; last neara oi n was in Omaha, Write to me, Ckppy. E. M. L., Box T-817 Omaha Bee. - - Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment. For appointment call Ty. 1038, 702 S. Z4tn. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage. 379 Bran. Tnea. mag. u. ltf MINNIE NAOLE, massaeuse, steam and electrio baths. 228 Neville am. v. vai. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing. 518 Paxtom Blk. Red 2400. MAE BRUOMAN, (clenttflo masseuse and baths. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. BATH and massage. 1802 Farnam St., room 2. Phone Douglas 8751. - VAPOR and tub baths. Massages of all kinds. Km, 8. 404 N. 16th. Doug. 7040. iMMANTJEL private maternity home. Best care. 2605 tsriatol. w pouter PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4416 N. 38th St. Phony Colfax 2042. SCIENTIFIC massage. 520 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6372. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17th. E. BROTT, Massage. '702 8. 18th, D. 9526, Manicuring and mass., 1623 Farnam. R. 19. Tub baths, manlcurlngT 226 Neville block. FURNACES cleaned, tl. Central Tin Shop. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY , MONEY MONEY IS SANTA CLAU8 C0MIN3 TO YOUR HOUSE T Grown up folks know why he come or stays away. If you have a little money he Is more iikeiy to oom. Are you going to run the risk of him mlasln youT Take no chance and get the money today. Let us five Santa Claua your number. For 26 years we have been doing this.. Easy payments. Utmost privacy. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 340 Paxtnn Block. Tel. Doug. 2295 Organized by the Business Men of Omaha, FURNITURE, pianos and note as security. $40, 6 no.,.H. goods, total cost, $3.50. $40, 6 mo., Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60. Smaller, large am'ts proporttonat rate, PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT 1 PCT SMALLER LOANS 2 PCT. W. C. FLATAU.rEST. 1892. 6TH FLOOR (ROSE) SECURITIES. TT. 5 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS - Lowest rates. Private loan booth. Harry Malashock, 1614 bodge. D. 661. Est. 1891. Fine Christmas Gift for the Family a Bargain 3608 Marcy St., Field club district, a fine six-room strictly modern home In first class condition, having large living room with fireplace, three good slsed bedrooms. 81ghtly south front lot, street paved and paid for. Owner of fers this property at attractive prlc of 3,250 on term, of $600 cash, balance monthly, fton't fall to see this prop erty. Keys at our office, 202 South 17th St. Phone Douglas 6013. PORTER & SHOTWELL v t OMAHA' LIVE STOCK Cattle Prices 50 Cents Higher Than Week Ago; Hogs 20 Cents Up From Friday; Fat Lambs Lower. Omaha, Dec. 23, 1J17. Cattle. Hors. Sheep, ... $.716 (.188 33,090 Receipts were: Offlclsl Monday . Official Tuesday . Official Wednesday Official Thursday . Official Friday ... Estimate Saturday . 7.463 9,9:9 38,951 6,48 13.866 17,134 4,246 . 4,408 10.339 2,275 7,003 3.335 260 4,800 1.(00 Six days this week. .. .29,444 48.334 81,199 Same days last week,. 36, 818 6S.0H1 48,627 Same days 2 wks. ago. 51,003 61,889 72,883 Same days 3 wks. ago. 39,970 60,704 41,726 Same days 4 wks. ago. 59, 431 39.277 61,615 Same days last year ..31,930 92.990 44.426 Receipts and .disposition of live stork at the Union Stock yards, Omaha. Neb., fur 24 hours ending at 3 o clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's. C . M ft St. P .. 1 Missouri Pacific. 2 1 Union Pacific 6 .. 6 C. & N. W., east.. 2 6 C- N. W., west.. 1 16 ., 2 0., St. P., M. A O. 2 St .. .. C. B t Q, east.. ..3 C, B. ft Q, west.. 3 4 C. R. 1.1 ft P., essl 1 2 1 Illinois Central 1 Total receipts., 10 58 1 8 DISPOSITION HEAD. Hogs. Morris A Co 317 Swift ft Company v 401 Cudahy Packing Company. 468 Armour ft Co 380 Schwarts ft Co 149 J. W. Murphy 696 Armour South St. Paul 1,541 Total ., 3.940 Cattle Tle cattle trade after opening weak, dull and lower, came to life Wednes day and from then on advanced sharply. Native beeves closed from 35a to In most cases 40 60c higher than a week ago, with the best weighty short feeds around $11,760 13.60. Westerns showed less sdvance than that and a the run was decidedly of a cleanup character grass steers took second ary place In the market. Uood kiwis sold around $18.00910.26. with nothing real choice here. Butcher atork closed the week around 60o higher than the low time Tues day, or 25 40c higher than a week ago. This means that price are nearly a high as they havs been at any time this season Stockers and feeder shared the general ad vance, closing 60o or more above the low time Monday, and selling more readily than for soma time, the week's clearance being the best In nearly a month. Total receipts for the week were the smallest In over three months, amounting to 29,400 head. , Quotations on cattle: Prime heavy beeves, $13.60014.00; good to choice beeves. 111.60 013.50; fair to good beeves, 39 50ll.6O; common to fair beeves, $7.00 9.60; good to choice yearlings, 413.00914.00; fair to good yearling, $10,608)12.00; common to Mr yearlings, $6.60010.60; good to choice grass beeves, $10.00911.2$; fair to good grass beeves, $3.76910.00; cqmmon to fair grass beeves, $6.6093.60; good to choice heifers. $8.00910.60; good to choice cows. $8.809.69; fslr to good rows, $6.6091.76; common to fair cows, $5.606.16; good to choice feeders, $9.76918.76; fair to good feeders, $8.25 9.76; commoato fatr feeders, $6.0097.00; good to choice stockers, $8,509 9.60; stock heifers, $8.5098.26; stock cows,' $6.009185; stock Calves, $6.00 9 9.60; veal calves, $9.006113,75; bullsrstags, etc., $6.25 O8.60. Hogs The lightest run of the week was on hand this morning, and trade right from the beginning was aotlve. Both packer and shippers bought readily at prices that were all the way from lOo to 16o and in some case a much a 20c higher than yesterday. The general quality of the of ferings was good. Choice hogs crossed the scales at $16.60, 16o higher than the best price paid yesterday, while the bulk moved at $16.15916.40. Fractloally everything wa cleared up before 10 o'clock, with the ex ception of a few loads that were reported late. Trade for the Week Is around l$o higher. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Ar. 8h. Pr. 63. .216 ...$18 1$ 64. .333 160 $16 20 65. .331 ... 18 26 66. .339 220 1$ 30 86. .341 120 16 35 69. .811 260 16 40 80. .244 ... 16 46 63. .258 ... 1$ 50 rias. 68.. 80 ... 10 00 45. .1ST ... IS i Sheep Receipt this week have been un usually large for Mila late In the season, and while aged stock was held about steady, all kind of lamb have shown a downward tendency. Fat lamb are 25960o and on some of the heavies 76o lower than a week ago. Feeders show a similar decline and some clipped lambs, while In very light supply, broke about as much ss snythlng else. The week' supplies total 81,000 head. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, handywelght, $16.60916.00; lambs, heavy weight, $14.00915.50; lambs, feeders, $14.00 916.00; lambs, shorn, $11.60914.00; lambs, culls, $10.001916.0; yearlings, fslr to choice. $11.60913.35; yearlings, feeders, $12,009 14.25; wethers, fair to choice, $11.00912.50; ewes, fair to choice, $9.75 11.25; ewes, breeders, all ages, $10.60916.60; ewes, feed ers, $7.60910.60; ewes, culls and canners, $6.0097.36. 6t. Louis Illv Stock. ' St. Lodls, Dec. 22. Cattle Receipts, 2,004 head; market steady; native beef steers. $8.00914.25; yearling steers and . heifers, 37.0015.60; cows, $6.00 911.00; stockers and feeders, $6.60911-00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $9.00912-76; beet cow and heifers, $6.00910.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7.50010.00; native calves, $5.7516.00. Hogs Receipts, 6,600 head; market high er: lights, $16.36916.66; pigs, $13.76916.26; mlxsd and butchers, $16.30916.85; good heavy, $16.70916.90; bulk of sales,$16.$0 16.75. ' s Sheep and Lambs Keoelpts, none; market steady; lambs, $13.00916.25; ewes, $10.00911-50; wethers, $11.00912,60; can ners and choppers, $6.00 9 $-00. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Deo. 33. Cattle Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; prime fed steers, $13.60914.90: dressed beet steers, $11.00912.80; w.BteiSi steer, $8.76910.60; cows, $5.6099.10; heifers. $8.00 9 1 0.66; stockers and feeder, $7.00910.00; bulls, $6.0099.00; calves, $6.00018.00. Hogs Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady; bulk of sales, $15.76916.40; heavy, $16.20916.50; packers and butchers, $16.60 916.45; light, $15.60916.30; pigs, $12,509 15.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; lambs, $15.00 15.76 ; year lings, $12.00913.60; wethers, $11.00 12.50; ewes, $9.00911.36. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, Ia., Dec, 22 Cattle Receipts, 800 head; market steady; beef steers, $7.60 913.00: fat cow and heifers, $6.6099.25; canners, $3.2596.25; stockers and feeders, $7.00910.00; calves, $7.60911 60; bulls, stags, etc., $6.6098.50; feeding cows and heifers, $5.7598.00. Hogs Receipts, 5,500 head; market 59100 higher; lights, $15.90916.20; heavy, $16.25 16.45; pigs, $14,0095.60; bulk of sales, $16.26916.35. Bhsep and Lambs Receipts, 100 neaa;. market steady. . f Chicago Live Stock Market, hlcago. Dec. 22. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 htad; market, steady; native steers, $7,269 14.35; western steers, $8.30912.75; stockers ind feeders. $6.26910.36; cows and hellers. $5.10911.20; calves, I9.00frl6.60. Hogs Receipts, 14,000 head; market. strong; bulk of sales, $16.30916.80; light, $15.60916.76; mixed, $16.1016.86; heavy, $19105916.85; rough, $16.06916.20; pigs. 11. 60915.00. Qhinn anH T.antha T?un)nt. 1 A AAA tlnnri market, steady: wethers, $9.00913.00; ewes, $8.00911.80; lambs, $12,60916.35. St. Joseph Live Stork. St. Joseph, Dec. 22. Cattle Receipts. 400 head: market steady: steers, $8.00914.00; cows and heifers, $5.60912.75; calves, $6.00 14.00. Hoes Receipts, 2,000 head; higher; top, $16.60; bulk. $16.10916.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 876 neaa; market steady; lambs, $12.00915.60; ewes, $6.0011.36. Omana Hay Market. Receipts fair, demand qulst on medium grade of prairie hay; market stesdy, with prices unchanged on both alfalfa and prairie hay. Prairie Hay Choice upland, $24.00; No. 1, $22.0023.00; No. 2, 118.00 19.00; No. 3. $16.00916.00. Midland: No. 1. $22,009 23.00; No. 2, $13.00918.00. Lowland: No. 1, $17.00918.00; No. 2, $14.00916.00; No. $, $11.60(fl$.60 Straw Oat, $3.(0; wheat, $9.0.' Alfalfa Choice. $31.00;. No. 1, $28,009 30.00; standard, $26.00928.00; No. 3, 24.009 25.00; No. 3, $21.00923.00. Duluth Linseed. Duluth, Minn., Dec. 22. Linseed: On track, $3.43tt93.$6to; arrive, $3.33; ar rive In December, 3143; December, (3.43V. bid; May, $3.2 July, $3.34tt nominal. New York Cotton Market. New York, Dec. 22. The cotton market today closed steady, net 1 point lower to 21 points higher, - REVIEWS OF THE WEEK- financial. New York. Dee. 23. The market for se curl ties was again governed by the trend of foreign and domeatlo war Incidents. For the most part these received unfavorable Interpretation, aa wss evidenced by the large number of new low records registered by stocks and bonds. Belief that this country Is to share ta a greater extent In burdens and responsibilities of the forelga conflict, delay In the settle ment of the railroad situation, and Indica tions of further trsde restrictions, ac celerated the setback from which slight ral lies were made towards the end of the week The most obvious feature of the stork market is its purely nomtnsl and technical character. Deaplte the safeguards Imposed, short selling continued to exert more than Industrials owed much of kholr reversal1 to the coal famine which seriously affected some of the more Important plants produc ing steel. Iron ami kindred products. Kails were again handicapped, not Only by the situation at Washington, but more particularly by Indications that dividend disbursements sre In line for downward re vision. Money held at recent firm rates for call loans, with Increased scrutiny of col lateral, time funds again being In scant supply. Virtually no money Is obtainable, except lor the shorter terms. This condl tlon la expected to prevail until well Into the coming year. t.raln and Provisions, Chicago, Dec. 22. Skyward , bounds In values 'and accompanying removal or rail road embargoes eaat of Chicago have maiLc an exciting week In the corn market, hut extreme top quotations could not be held. Net gains for the week were 20 to 3 He. Oats advanced l'o to 2V.c, and provision 6 it- to 31.69. The .biggest single leap by ths corn market was In the May delivery, which at one time showed an almost vert tele rise of 6c a bushel. At the ame lime. Im mediately following the announcement that tho embargo had been cancelled, the De cember aad January options ascended to within Ke of the highest level petslble under existing ruhs. Uosslp wua current that the maximum price limit en future dollverlta would be raised, but dentals were promptly forthcom ing, and the snlur of bulla then began to subside. A further reuse of reaction was the fiict that lifting of tho embargo ap parently failed altogether to stimulate shipping demand. , Oats sonred wit., corn, but to a less sen sational degree. Holder of oats displayed greater readiness to realise profits. Upturns In the provision market were uz crlbed in large m wsure to curtailment of the hog supply a rklng renters. Prev lously, arrivals of hogs had been excessive 'for Immediate requirements. .. Coffee) Market. New York. Dec. 22. There was a renewal of the recent buying In the market for cof. fee futures thl morning. The opening wa iiulet and unchanged, but, offerings were very light and when the Wall street or Liverpool buying orders appeared around the ring prices readily responded. March sold up to 7.60c and September to 8.06c, with the market closing at a net. advance of 10 to 13 points. No fresh new feature was emphasised In connection with the up ward movement, but there was continued talk of a better spot demand and steady Braslltan markets'. Closing bids: December and January, 7.43c; March. 7.59c; May, 7.74c; July, 7.89c; September. 8.04c Snot coffee, steady; Rio 7s, 71to; Sanloa 4s, 84,0. rio cnange wa reported In the eoat and freight situation. The official sables showed unchanged milrels prices la Braitl except MnnffA- .... -.t,lk-..u . , , . 26 rel higher. Chicago Prod u re. Chicago, Dec. 23. Butter Market' un changed. Eggs Market unsettled; receipts, 4.031 asOs; firsts, 46947c; ordinary firsts. 439 45c; at mark, cases Included, 40 0 46c;' re-, frlgerator firsts, 369Sc. Potatoes Market higher; receipts, 18 cara; Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, bulk, $1.8091 6; Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, sacks, $1.8693.00. Poultry Alive, market unchanged. ' New York Cotton. New York, Deo. 22. -Cotton Futures opened steady; December, 30,$0c; January, 89.81c; March, 29. 00c May, 38.70c; July, 38.86c. - . Cotton, spot, quiet; middling uplands, 30.86o. Cotton futures clostd steady; December, 30.45c; January, 29.69c; March, 39.16c; May, 2S.8Jo; July. 29.60c. , Minneapolis Orala, Minneapolis. Minn,, Dec. 33. Flour Mar ket unchanged. Jlarley 11.3091.60. Rye $1.8491.85. Bran $38.60939.00. Corn No. 8 'yellow, $1.6591.70. Oats No. 3 white, 75H76c. Flax $3.36i43.89!4. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 32. Corn No. 2 mixed. $1.87 91.10; No. 2 white, $1.70; No. 2 yellow, $1.7091.72; December, $1.28; Jan uary. $1.24i. i Oats No. 2 white, 79H80c; No. 2 mixed, $78tt9 70c. Kansas City Produce, Kansas City, Mo Dec. 22. Butter Creamery, 43 Vh ; firsts; firsts, 41 Sic; seconds, 39 Sic; parking, $4c. i Eggs Firsts, 46e; seconds, 29930a, Poultry lien, 20c; rooster, 14c; broil ers, 23924c. ' , St, Louis Grain. ' St. Louis, Mo., Deo. 21. Corn! No. I, $1.66; No. 2 white, $1.7491-75; December, $1,276.; May, $1.24 asked. Oats No. 2 track, 78 Ho; No. 3 white, 7$H08lc. , London Money. London, Dec. 23, Bar sliver, 4 ftd psr ounce. Money, 4 per cent. Discount rates; Short bills, i per cent; three month bill, 4 per cent. i Conservatively Capitalized Company ($100,000.00) in Oklahoma, owning two ' small producing oil wells, and a valuable contract for casing-head gas, and, now actually building plant for manufactur- . ing gasoline therefrom, invites corre spondence with reliable broker or stock salesmen who can quickly place some shares for completing gasoline plant. Proven profits of gasoline business very large. Write or wire. , ' JOHN BRUCE COX, 543 Robinson Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Skates and Sleds For Live Boys BOYS: Here's chance for you to get a sle or a pair of skates, hy doing a little work for us after school. Call at The Bee branch office nearest you and we will tell you all about it. ... -;- i ... , NEW YORK -STOCKS Trading Altogether Inconse quent'ial, With Sluggish Un dertone; Shippings Show Moderate Steadiness. New York, Dec. 22. Trading In storks today was altogether Inconsenuentltal, Wlthk a sluggish Undertone. RatlP and some of tha more prominent Industrials were mildly reactionary, but shippings, oils motor and a few less distinctive war Issues showed moderate steadiness and occasional strength. The market for bonds far exceeded In In terest that, far other securities. Desplts the disavowal of new peace moves, further substantial recoveries were scored by the Anglo-French 6's, Paris 6 s and French munitions. si ' On tho "curb," where Ruvijin govern ment 5Vi and 6'i per cent birnd- are dell It In, overnight advances of $ to 7 per cent' were reported. Domestic bonds manifest Id no material change, some of the prominent Investment Itsues yielding slightly. Liberie 4's were dull at 97.04 to 97, with great HctlvltV In thfl lU'l at AS .1R In SS ! Tn. Ul sales, psr value, aggregated $2,625,000, Old United States bonds were unchanged on call during the week. The feature ol the bank statement was a contraction ot $93,600,000 tn actual reserves, reducing that Hem by more than half, with an accom panying decrease of $112,000,000 In loans. .. 'Amur. Beet Sugar 65 American ("Rn 16,000 84 34 34 Amcr. (V& K 9,000 63'4 68t, 62 Amer. Locomotive. 10,000 49VS 49 49 . Anier. S. & R 11,000 70H ' tt ' S Amer. Sugar Ret ,, .... 93 Amer. T. & T 7,000 99 V4 99 99 Amer. 7. , I,, ft S 11 Anaconda Copper . 43.1100 M 65 65 ' Atcnison -.17.000 78 77V4 78 A., O. & W. I. S. L. 6.000 97 96 96 Unl. ft Ohio . 12,000 41 40 40', Utttte A Sup. Cop 14V.' t'al. Petroleum ll.i Canadian Pacific , 3,000 129ft 129Va 1391 Central Leather ... 15,000 59 67 67S Chen. Ohio .A. 3.000 438t 43V 4Vi fT-hl. Mil. & St. P. 6,000 38 37V. 37 fill, ft N. W 864 C, R. I. ft P. etfa 4,000 17 16 18V Chliio Copper .... 13,000 38 38Vi 38 Colo.' F. ft I JJiJ Corn Product Ref. 21,000 29ft 26, 28ft Crucible Steel .... 6.000 43 47ft 48 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 12,000 27 26ft 26ft Distiller Sec 12,000 33ft 32ft 33ft KrM 6,800 13ft 13ft 13ft - Ucneral Klectrlc .. 31,000 123 122ft 122ft Uenernl Motors .,. 46,000 93ft 91 83ft ,- tit. No. pfd 9,000 81ft 1 ft l tit. No. Oro tf. . 24ft Illinois Central 86 Inspiration. Copper 15,000 39 ft 39 39 Int. M. M. pfd... 64,000 80ft 78ft 78ft IntcriiKtlonnl Nickel H, 000 26ft 26ft 26 '' Internal. Paper .. 8,000 23ft 23ft ' S3 K. C. Southern 16 ft Kennecott Copper . ..,.53 30 3.0 LouIh. ft Nash 107 Maxvilell Motors .. 36.000 21ft 21ft 21ft Mexican Petroleum 18.000 22ft 71ft 71 Miami Copper ... 2,000 26 25ft 26ft Missouri Pacific .. 4,000 22ft 22ft 12ft Montana Power .... $1 Nevada Copper ... 3,000 lfift loft New'ork Central, 14,000 63ft 63ft Jft N. Y., N. H. ft It 37ft Norfolk ft Western 4,00 ti ft 95ft ' 9ift morinom racific .... 77 I'aclflo Mall 12 ' Pacific T. & T..,.. , nlef.. Pennsylvania 25,000 42 41 ft 41ft Pittsburgh Coal ; 38 ft Ray Con. Copper.. 8,000 20ft 20ft 20ft ucauing 17,0110 68 ft 67 ft 87 ft Hopubllo I. ft S.. 8.000 74W 14 , fia; ' Bhattuck Art. Cop .... 15ft Southern Pacific ., 6,000 78 ft 77ft 77ft Southern Ry 6.000 28 22ft !2'4 Stuilebaker Corp. . 20.000 45 4 4 'A ti. Texas Co. 27,000 126 124 125ft- union i-aouio .... 8,000 104 103ft 10.1ft II. 8. Ind. Alcohol .... .... 109ft V. . Steel 667,000 83ft 83 63ft V. S. Steel pfd.... 10,000 103ft 103ft 19 Utah. Copper ...C, 8,000 74ft 73ft 73ft Wabash )fd "B". . 2,000, 18ft 18ft 1 M V, Western Union .... 4,000 79ft 79 tSft Westing, Eleo .... 9,000 36ft 36 ' 36 Total sales for the day, 173,000- shares. New York Money. ' New York. Deo. 22. Mercantile Paner $ft6ft per cent. Sterling Sixty-day bills, $4.71 ft; commercial 60-day bills on -banks, $4.71; commercial 00-day bills. $4.70ft! de- mand, $4.75ftt cables, $4,76 7-16. Silver Bar, 86ftc; Mexican dollars. 68 He. Bonds Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. 17. SL 2 rcg.. 96ftOt. No. 1st 4fta. 83 do coupon .. 86ftlli, Cen. r. 4a, ,. 76ft HI. S. 3s rcg.. 99 Int. M. M. 6s.,., 00 do coupon ... 99 tK. C. S. r, 6s, 76ft tr. 8. Lib. 8fts 88ftL, ft N. un, 4s,.." 84ft I U. S. 4s reg...!03ftK. K. ft T. 1st 4s 5ft do coupon ...103 ft Mo. Pac. gon. 4s 68ft Am. F. 8. 6s.. 94 ft. Mont. Power 6s. 88 A. T, ft T. c. 6sS9ftN. Y. C. d. 6s.,89ftl Anglo-French 6s. 69 No. Pac. 4s..... I! ft Arm. ft Co. 4ft 80ft do 3s ........ 67 Atchison gen. 4s. 83 Or. S. L. r. 4s.. 83ft U. ft O. c. 4fts 70ftPac. T. ft T. 6s.. 91ft Beth, Steel r. 5a 87 Penn. Con. 4s., 96ft Cont, Leather 6s. 93 do gon. 4fts.. 86ft Cen. Pac. 1st... 78 Reading gen. 4s Sift C. ft O. C. 6s.... 73 8 L A 8 F a 6s 64 C, B. A Q. j. 4s 91 ft So. Pac. 0. 6s.. 85 ft C M ft 8 P c 4fts 67 So. Ry 90ft C R. I. ft P. r. 4s 6lftTex. ft Pac. 1st. 64ft C. ft 8. r. 4fts 68ftl!nlon Pactflo 4 86 D. ft R& a. r. 6s 50 U. 8. Rubber 61. 76ft Dom. of Cat,. 6s 88 V. 8. Steel 6a.. 3ft ' Erie gen. 4s.... 48 Wabash 1st .,, 83 tOen, El oc. 6s.. 96ft " ' LEGAL NOTICES. ANNUAL MEETING, x The annual, meeting of the stockholder! of the State Savings A Loan association will be held In the office of the association at 1623 Harney street on January 8,- 1918, Polls will ba open from 9 a. m. until 6 p. m. for the election of two directors In plact of Samuel Rees, deceased, and Irving 0. 1 Barlght, whose term expires, and such othei business ss may come before the meeting. H. M. BE ALL, Vice-President. IRVING O. BAR1GHT, Secretary. la " if