Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Sortie Sneak Splotches Front of
1 Bee Building at Night; Mys
terious Voices Talk About
- It Over Telephone.
A reward of $100 for conviction
of the miscreant has been offered
by the Keystone Investment com
pany, lessee of the Bee building.
Some persons last night threw two
cans of yellow paint at The Bee build
ing. Reporters. for the World-Herald and
the'News came to The Bee office im
mediately afterward and reported that
someone had called their ofiices but a
jshort time before and the voice said,
."The boys are going up to paint The
Bee building yellow."
Earlier in the evening tliey said the
same voice had called up these offices
and told them that Captain Higgin
json had ordered a squad of the Sev
enth regiment to go to the Harley
ihotel, bring former Captain McGlone
to headquarters and make him kneel
and kiss the flag.
Paint Under Coat.
According to to those who had a
glimpse of it, the paint throwing was
done by a man who wore a short
mackinaw and came up in front of the
building with two cans of paint under
his coat, stopped and quickly pried the
lids from the cans and threw one
against each side of the arch near the
front entrance.
One can of paint was dumped inside
the building on the stairway landing
leading to the offices of the North
American Insurance company, for
merly the German-American Insur
ance company, which is about to move
to new quarters in the Farnam build
ing. ' -
About three days ago The Bee had
Information that some of the Seventh
regiment were planning to smear yel
low paint' over the World-Herald
building and that they were blocked
by officers of the company, although
they had the paint all bought for the
purpose. '
In Dark as to Cause.
To reporters for the World-Herald
and the News, who asked Victor
Rosewater of The Bee whether he
knew anything about the incident, or
had any idea who was back of it, he
, "I know nothing more than what
you tell me. This building does not
belong to The Bee any more than to
any other tenant and I have no reason
to assume the paint was directed at
The Bee any more than at any of the
other hundred occupants of the build
ing. .- - .'; ,
"Will I ask for an Investigation?
Yes; just th same: as I would if the
paint bad been, put on the World
Herald, building or on the News build
ing or any other building. I have no
reasoih to believe that any. c thr
iseventn regiment Have any" grievance
against The Bee. If they, have.' they
bave not made it , known to us"
, News To. riiffgtason.
. When informed of the affair, Cap
tain Higginson of Company of the
S;venth regiment; stated:
"Tint's, news, to' me. I'll start an
investigation of the matter first thing
in- the morning. We have a few hotheaded-
fews in the regiment, who
became' wrought up when they read
In the papers several weeks ago that
the Seventh' Nebraska regiment were
unlikely to sce'tervice in France and
for that leasoiif I think, the men are i
Incensed against alt three Omaha pa
pers.'. -,: '.'.'
"I cannot believe that any of my
men did that dirty Work." ,
Captain Higginson ' denied that he
bad ordered some of his men to find
former Captain McGIgnc and make
him kiss the flag.
;s Mention I. W. W.s
Talk among men of the Seventh
cgiment seemed to indicate that the
Industrial Worker of the World
vere the instigators of the deed.
A. C. McGlone stated over the tele-
I ' t J 1 ! i
I - . A
Nathan N. Bernttein. son of Harry
B. Bernstein, 2909 Dodge street, who
has been stationed with Uncle Sam s
forces at Fort McDowell, Cal., has
been ordered to leave for the I'hilip
pines. Young Bernstein is slated for
promotion lo the rank of sergeant
before his departure across the Pa
phone last night that "someone" of
the Seventh regiment had informed
him at his office a squad from the
Seventh regiment was going to bring
him to headquarters and compel htm
to "kneel and take back what he is
reported to have said."
McGlone said the threat was not
carried out.
Reward is Offered.
The Keystone Investment com
pany, lessee of the Bee building, has
offered a reward of $100 for informa
tion leading to the arrest and convic
tion of the guilty person or persons.
"We are very loath to believe that
members of the Seventh regiment
would be guilty of the outrage," an
nounced the directors of the Key
stone Investment company after their
meeting. "We take this position in
view of the fact that we nave given
the building for the use of the Khaki
club at a very nominal rental.
(Continued From Fag- One.)
Cross speech in the Blackstone dining
room Friday night. Then Mrs. E. H.
Sprague and Miss Helen Walker
gathered memberships, obtaining 100.
Depot Booth Leads.
Union station booth still leads in
the race among booths. The - Fon
tenclle booth, in charge of Mrs. E. S.
Westbrook and Mrs. Henry Wy
man, is encroaching on the lead of
the Paxton and Merchants , hotel
booths. ,
! Armour's office force and the street
railway -.shops re among the latest
100 per cent records. 1
Yesterday Pender, Neb., wired that
776 of a population of 900 had been
enrolled. . Last night came this wire:
"Later,' Pender's population now 901.
New arrival via stork route is daugh
ter of county treasurer. We enrolled
her In Red Cross first thing."
Famous. Sporting Resort
Is Destroyed by Fire
San Francisco, Dec. 22. Fire in
Eddie Gfaney's billiard parlors here,
known to sportsmen throughout Jhe
country, caused serious damage early
today. The watchman was missing,
The property is valued at about
The billiard parlors formed one of
the landmarks of San Francisco. They
were established soon after the fire of
1906, and were the stage for many
matches between national champions.
Graney used to be one of the most
famous boxing referees in the country.
The establishment will probably be
rebuilt, he said today.
SINCE 1 888
Time tells. As the years pass the record ol
an Institution Is written unerringly. If It en
dures and grows It Is solely because success
Is merited. The public sees and Judges, ap
proves or turns thumbs down.
TTT We bave served the publlo twenty-nine
II years and today enjoy the largest dental
business In the great middle west We have
kept the faitb, giving the utmost always
and seeing to It that our utmost was the
best. You can be sure ol Bailey Dentistry.
BAILEY the dentist
Dr. R. W. Bailey, Pres. Phone Douglas 3420.
Dr. G. D. Shlpherd, Vice Pres. and Mgr.
70 City Nat'l Bank Bldg., 16th and Harney Sts.
. ... -
Could you think of a nicer gift than a sweet
singing Canary?
: 't Guaranteed Sinters KX.IMI
flit A globe with beautiful Goldfish ornaments, plants,
etc comPlete $2.50
J A cute little Puppy would brine Joy to children as
f well as grown people. Snow-white Spitz, Fox Terriers,
. 4 1 Airdales. Boston Terriers and other breeds on hand.
Ask to see our new Stand and Cage the "swellest
tiling" out 820.00
; ; i 'i . '1617 FARNAM ST.
$6,000 IN FEES,
Douglas County Court Clerk
Sustained in Contention He
Is Entitled to Naturaliza
tion Moneys.
(From a fltaff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 22. (Special.)
Bob Smith clerk of the district
court of Douglas county is entitled
to $6,000 naturalization fees col
lected by him as clerk, according to
an poinion of the state supreme court.
The decision affirms the judgment
of the Douglas county court which
fuled in favor of Smith when the
case was tried in Omaha.
The case was one in which an ap
plication for a peremptory writ of
mandamus was filed requesting the
clerk of the distritc court of Douglas
county to pay into the county treas
ury one-half of the naturalization
fees collected by him prior to 1917.
Act of Congress.
Smith resisted the suit on the
grounds that he had received the dis
puted fees for service and expense
under the act of congress, making
provision for the naturalization of
aliens, that the federal statute per
mitted him to retain such fees and
that he was not required by any law
of this state to turn any part of the
money over to Douglas county.
The county invoked the Nebraska
statute, which enumerate the fees
which clerk of courts shall charge for
service, allowing them to retain $4,
000 annually and requiring them to
pay the excess into the county treas
ury after paying for the services of
authorized assistants.
Statute Don't Apply.
The supreme court holds that the
Douglas county courts interpretation
of the statute does not seem to be
justified by the language of the act,
and that it only applies to such fees as
clerks must account for as officials
of the judicial department of the state
These are the fees to which the aet
of the state legislature refers in re
quiring clerks to pay the excess into
the county treasury, the high court
holds. The opinion declares that
naturalization fees are authorized by
an act of congress and no reference is
made to them in the Nebraska statute.
The opinion was written by Judge
Thee lerk of the Lancaster county
district courts, Jake Baer, has always
turned the naturalization fees over to
the county, holding that he is at least
morally bound so to do.
Dates Back Eight Years.
The suit was brought in 1914 by
County Attorney Magney at the re
quest of the county board in an ef
fort to compel Smith to account for
$6,000 naturalization fees than in his
possession. The fees from the office
since that time and especially since
the declaration of war in Europe have
accumulated rapidly. It is estimated
that the accumulation now in the
hands of the clerk of the district court
amounts to more than twice the
amount originally sued for by the
"This is no time for recriminations,"
said Mr. Smith. "I was advised by
County Attorney Magney when I
took office eight years ago that one
half these fees properly belonged to
me. The law seemed clear on the
point that they were part of the sal
ary of this office. I am very glad in
deed to hear that the supreme court
has sustained my position."
County Attorney Magney, who
brought the suit at the instigation of
the county board, said that while he
had advised Smith that the fees were
his some eight years ago, that the
law and court decisions in many
states had changed since that time.
The old Nebraska decisions were in
line with Smith's claims, but a re
cent California case, based upon an
almost identical statute in regard to
naturalization fees, decided that the
clerk must give an accounting for
them and was upheld by the supreme
court of the United States.
Rock Island Train
Wrecked at Havelock
Havelock, Neb., Dec. 22. A fast
passenger train on the Rock Island
railroad this afternoon ran through an
open switch while traveling 40 miles
an hour and struck a coal car, derail
ing all eight cars of the train, the en
gine and the coal car. One man, a
Mexican laborer, was seriously injured
and a woman suffered severe bruises,
while a number of other passengers
were less seriously hurt. The switch
was left open by track laborers, it was
said. The more seriously injured were
brought here in ambulances for treat
ment. Elbert W. Mason, Former
Mayor of Fairbury, Dead
Fairbury. Neb.. Dec. 22. fSoecial
Telegram.) Elbert W. Mason, for
merly mayor of Fairbury, died at the
I Masonic temple here last night, while
I attending a meeting of Knights Tem-
plar. He had been failing in healt
; fnr several years and it is believe
! ''nth was due to heart disease. Mr
! .vl; .son was born in Orvil, Vt., in 184-1
! Ho moved to Dixon, 111., when 7 vear.
ola and entered the itn Illinois in
fantry when 16 years old.
After the war he located on a home
stead near Lincoln and after the
grasshopper scourge he removed tc
Keokuk, la. On March 28, 1876, he
was married to Miss Hattie Brown oi
Ottumwa, Ia who survives him.
Mr. Mason entered the railroad
service and became a locomotive en
gineer. He located at this division
point 26 years ago and was a com
petent engineer until the company re
tired and pensioned him four years
ago. He was then elected mayor, of
He was a member of the Knights'
Templar and the Shrine: in addition
he belonged to the Elks, Grand Army
of the Republic and Brotherhood of
Lceomotive Engineers.
The funeral will be held at the
Methodist, church, Rev. R. N. Orril!
Va.vvner T.nsoa Arm
Superior, Neb., Dec. 22. (Special
Telegram.) R. H. Hansen, a younii
fanner living near Hardy, lost his arm
yesterday in a corn shredder.
Still Time for
Greeting Cards
Get them into the mail at
once. It will help materially
in selecting to have such a
great variety of good designs
and sentiment at your disposal.
Thomrson,Belden - Co.
lke fashion Center Jbr VJomevP
To Make Gifts
Look Cheery
Parces decorated with Christ
mas seals, tags, labels and
cards appear so much nicer and
each package should be wrap
ped in tissue and tied with tin
sel cord or ribbon to be just
right Everything necessary is
ready tot Monday.
How Could
Trefousse Gloves
Be Otherwise
Than Welcome?
They represent the best product'
sent to us from France. Their qual
ities are of first grade throughout
They are precisely cut to insure
perfect fit and so finely finished as
to go well with any costume on any
Trefousse In white, black, browns,
grays and pastel shades, with beau
tiful embroidered backs, $1.75 to
13.28 a pair.
A Certificate
that entitles the bearer to choose
her own gloves is perhaps the best
way of making a gift. Issued for
any amount you care to pay. Re
deemable at any time, for any
style or color, together with a care
ful fitting.
Christmasly Speaking-Just One More Day
Today we'll take a rest in preparation
for a busy, happy tomorrow. This day
between will give us all a chance to
collect our. thoughts and make plans
for the final day of Christmas shop
ping. This store is a treasure house
of good, sensible gift things that in
terest for more than a passing moment
and express in a concrete way one's
thoughtfulness to another.
In view of extensive preparations and
with a sincere desire to be helpful,
we asjj you to see in person how much
has been accomplished to make yours
"A successful day before Christ
Permanent Pleasure
Such a surety ,of the all im
portant factors quality and
style-distinctiveness. From
the least expensive to the
most elaborate, one is cer
tain of getting,the most their
money can purchase.
Coats Capes,
Muffs, Scarfs
Fashioned of seasonable new furs, ;
Moleskin, Hudson Seal, Mink,
kolinsky, Foxes,. Muskrat and oth
er good kinds.
The Fur Shop
Second Floor
Hand Bags
Showing the newest fashions in
bags of velvet, silk, bead trim
med and leather bags, purses
and "over night", bags offer a
wealth of . gift suggestions.
Prices varied to please all
The Best Qualities, Greatest Assortments
And Most Reasonable Prices; See for Yourself
When there is an unusual va
riety of styles, superior qual
ities and more reasonable
prices it's but natural that
your selections will be influ
enced for the better. V
We have never served such
an enthusiastic crowd of
Christmas shoppers as we have
this season in the handker
chief section.
On Finds
Plain hemstitched Irish linen
squares, in qualities from
15c to 50c.
Embroidered corners, 15e-$16.
Madeira hand embroidered
handkerchiefs, 50c to $3.75.
(.ace handkerchiefs, $2.25 to
Initials, pure linen, 20c to 60c.
Holidav Handkerchiefs Are Boxed
For Last-Minute
Gift Shoppers
Perhaps of first considera
tion, yarns. Knitting yarns of
khaki, gray mixed and olive
drab. Red Cross knitters
would surely like such a sen
sible gift.
Then we have finished em
broidered pillows, scarfs,
centerpieces, shades for elec
tric lights, knitting bags, bas
kets (scores of sizes and de
signs), handsome applique
bed spreads. It's really quite
impossible to give a good
idea of the things found here.
Under the classification of
novelties, we must say, "Look
around." Here are hosts of
things one never dreamed of
and others so distinctive as
to be worth choosing.
Visit the Artneedlework sec
tion tomorrow.
Third Floor
Lingerie the
Practical Gift
Under this one headings-lingerie
-we find lovely sheer muslins,
beautiful crepe de chine garments
and exquisite hand embroidered
Philippine work, all at exceptional
Crepe de chine gowns in white or
flesh colors, plain styles or lace
and ribbon trimmed effects, from
$6.75 to $11.50 and mote.
Envelope chemise to match the
gowns, $2.75 up to $6.50.
Philippine embroidered, hand sewn
gowns, chemise and envelope chem
ise, in matched patterns, $2.50 up
to $7.50.
Besides, in crepe de chine we are
showing pajamas, envelope chem
ise, bloomers and delightful bou
doir caps.
Lingerie, Third Floor
Silk Boot Hose
Only 85c a Pair
Silk where they show and
lisle' where wear is hardest
in the tops and soles. Excel
lent quality, in black i and
white, for 85c a pair.
Choice Assortments
There will be no difficulty in filling your
Christmas wants tomorrow. While stocks
have been reduced under days of heavy
selling, assortments are still complete.
Those who wish plain, shades will find
them in any quality desired
Pure thread silk hose and exclusive nov
elties, in cjocks, Paris clocks, lace fronts and embroid
ered styles make the most sensible presents. .. .
Gift Hose Are Suitably Boxed
Embroidered Lunch
Sets From Madeira
Hand work of the most ex
quisite character, . embroid
ered designs that are original
and attractive. Thirteen
pieces in each set. A 24-inch
centerpiece and six each, 6
and 10-inch doilies.
$7.50 to $35 a Set
Linen Section
Gifts in Khaki
Army toilet kits with brush,
comb, mirror, soap box, scis
sors and shaving soap con
tainer. Kits with comb, brush and trench
Khaki covered writing tases with
pad, paper, envelopes, pencil and
two extra pockets for incidentals.
Frames, khaki covered, JJor one and
two photographs.
Notion Section
Meet with favor in every in
stance. Whoever recieves one
is entitled to select goods In
any section , of the store, at any
time that best suits their con
venience. Issued for any amount
easily obtained and certain to
meet with approval.
Motor Robes
Warm, thick wool robes for
keeping a person comfortable
during winter driving days
rich colors, some solid, others
in broken plaids, the edges
fringed. Large sizes, at reason-'
able prices.
Toilet Requisites
Hughes' "Ideal"
hair brushes, in
white ivory. An
unusual gift, at
Ivory nail buf
fers, 35c.
Garden Glow
toilet water, at
$1.50 to $2.50 a bottle.
Toilet Goods Section
Something Different
In Neckwear
New designs,
new details of
trimming, dis
tinctive mate
rials, all of
which go to
ward making
these selec
tions more de
sirable as gifts.
Py What You Choose
for a lovely collar or a neck
wear set of collar and cuffs, or
a vest or vestee of organdie or
net. Besides stocks, jabots and
other stylish fashions, many
collars are charming with edges
of real filet lace. But at any
rate, to the thoughtful, choose
Thompson-Belden neck fixings.
Gift Silks
A blouse or dress pattern can
only be a pleasure to she who
receives it Particularly when
the pattern and color are fash
ionable, the weave new, the
quality fine as all ThompBon
Belden silks are bound to be.
A Footwear Gift
Certainly A pair of Sorosis shoes or slippers,
the finest to be had anywhere.
Or a pair of comfortable felt slip
pers for any member of the family.
A certificate if you wish or select
the style and the size. If wrong
they will be corrected after Christ
mas. SilkT Mnderwearv
Fine and Dainty
Camisoles, vests, teddybears,
bloomers, .all made of good
silks (glove and regimental),
exquisitely trimmed and1
priced within reason. For a
f i n al inspiration nothing
could be better chosen to suit
Milady's fancy.
Among the Blouses
No one could know until they had
viewed these groupings, what dis
tinctive and varied blouses are
shown for Ch 'istmas.
In delicacy of fabric and color, in
teresting detail of design and fine
ness of finish they offer a gift
thought so choice as to be irre
sistible. Come with any price in
mind and see how well the as
sortments are ready to meet your
every demand.
The Blouie Shop
Second Floor
A Christmas Redfern corset
of dainty brocade, with fine
silken laces.
Fashionable, lovely to see,
comfortable to wear.
Redferns are sure of approv
al every time.
$3 to $15
Holiday Cravats
Silks altogether fine and un
usual in weave, design and
color. A wide range from
which to make a selection. A
65c scarf is so attractive that
it might easily Bell for a dol
lar. Other wide-end four-in-hands,
knit silks, bats, re
versibles are to be had from
50c up to $4.
Stylish Gloves
Perrins', Fownes', Lucas' and
Kennedy makes, in correct
styles for street, dress wear
and driving. Dependable
qualities in mochas, suedes,
capes and dressed kids, black,
white, grays and tans; all
sizes, $1.50 to $3.50 a pair.
Serviceable Belts
Hickok belts, silver deposit
or sterling buckles, any in
itial, each boxed for Christ
mas giving, $1, to $3.50.
Vestograms, the "watch
. chain" now in vogue, $1 and
Such Hosiery
As One Finds Here
So good to look upon so
fine when worn. Hosiery
that ia correct in style and
color besides being reason
able In price.
Silk Hot are shown in gray,
white, black, champagne,
navy, cordovan and mahog
any. Plain shades, fancies
and embroidered clocks, 60c
to $3.
Fibre Hose, first quality in
winter weight, tan, black,
white, gray, champagne and
suede, 35c, 3 for $1.00.
The best grades of cotton
and lisle hose in Interwoven
and Wayne Knit.
Knit Mufflers
Weaves and color combina
tions in sufficient variety to
meet with your approval.
The knitted reefers are $1.50
to $7.50. Cheney silk muf
flers, $1.50 to $5. So many
will choose neckwear that it
would be well to be different,
and give a muffler.
Irish Linen
Plain hemstitched linen in
qualities from 19c to $1.50.
Initialed linens, in various
styles of letters, embroidered
in colors and white, 35c, 50c,
75c, and $1.
Silk handkerchiefs, white
and colors, 50c, 75c and $1.
Crown suspenders in Christ
mas boxes, 50c to $1.50.
Paris and Boston garters, in
boxes, 25c and 50c.
The Men's Shop A Step to the Left As You Enter.
3 . - -
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