Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 17

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3 B
hV (G . ' '
With Polly
Everyone is busy now;
Only one day's shopping now;
Christmas time draws near.
The Yuletide, for our girls and boys,
Should merry be and full o joys,
Despite the troubled year.
Come, lift your cup o' gladness high
And put your cup o' sadness by;
There's need o' fun and cheer,
So do not worry 'till the end,
When you can tell a shopping friend
Just what you'd like to buy.
There's many, many gifts, you know.
Tell Polly, who knows where to go,
Before the moments fly!
Polly will be at her desk most
all day Monday to answer your
shopping inquiries. 'Phone
Tyler 1000 and ask for "Polly
The Shopper."
' DEAR READERS: I trust you
all noticed my columns in Thursday
evenings and rriday mornings edi
tions. You see 1 took old Time by
the forelock and gave you the benefit
ot the splendid gift inspirations I had
seen in the stores on those days, m
stead of on Sunday, as I usually do,
so that you might have ample time to
take advantage of them. Such a
busy, busy week as this has been!
Every day the letters have just come
tumbling in with shopping requests,
and it's taker, most every moment of
my time to attend to them for you
Why, I felt like a veritable Mrs
Santa Claus buying all those perfect
ly lovely gifts I Its been a pleasure
I wouldn't have missed for worlds!
If everybody is as happy over re
ccivmg their presents as 1 ve been ;n
Women Are
Doing in the World
P. E. O. Sisterhood, Benson chap
ter. Mrs. R. C. Persons, hostess,
2:30 p. m.
Miller Park-"Mothers' circle, pro
gram at Old People's Home.
Red Cross reorganization at Baird
building; public workshop opens
in KeeTine building.
W. C T.'U., West Side union, Mrs.
Frank Cockayne, hostess, 2:30
p. m.
W. C. T. U.. Frances Willard
union, at Old People's Home, 2
p. m.
Two Prominent Members of Thursday
Wedding Party Sturtevant-Duval
New Red Cross Executive
Begins Duties Immediately
After Christmas Day
choosing them it ought to be indeed ! clubs of Nebraska co-operate heart
A' Very Happy Christmas! Now for
just a few last-minute suggestions
The gift to the house itself: The
long-wanted chair table, set of table
ware or linens, of which we have
been in need. The spirit of the home
should be fostered now as never be
TWELVE months of happiness!
Yes, that's what Every Child's
Magazine will bring to every child
who is fortunate enough to receive
it as a gift. Send your $1.00 today
for subscription Grace Sorenson,
bditor, W iNorth 18th St.
An attractive gitt tor the sun
porch! A lantern, which is a small,
wooden-framed pagoda, which hangs
by a heavy iron chain. Priced $10.00
and $12.50. Seen in one of our gift
A fragrant reminder! A Chinese
health pillow filled with aromatic
pine needles. "I am sent to delight a
friends finer sense and to prove a
friendship of fragrance everlasting."
T7HERE are you going to eat your
" Christmas dinner? If you
haven't decided yet, do by all means
call the Flatiron Cafe, Douglas 3808,
for reservations. Dinner to be
served from 12 to 2 and from 5 to 7
p. m. And it's going to be a Bounti
ful One, I assure you.
One of the gift shops is showing a
new ware with a lustrous surface in
lovely tints. A t..a set would be a
charming gift for any home-loving
The gift of fur is one certain to
.send a warm glow through the heart
of any modish woman.
DOINSETTASr Don't they just
seem to radiate Christinas
cheeriness? John Bath's lilower
Shop has the gladdest array of these
flamboyantly gay blossoms you've
ever seen! And, besides these, he
has other beautiful blooming holiday
plants. "A gift that grows." I call
that a happy thought, don't you? No
florist in Omaha has lovelier blos
soms than Bath's, at 1804 Farnam.
And, what's more, you can always de
pend on their absolute freshness.
rpHERE are some real Christmas
-I- Bargains to be found at The
Omaha Reed and Rattan Company,
for everything in that attractive little
shop is offered at 25 per cent discount
lO holiday shopper:. There are doll
cabs to fit any sized dolly, miniature
autos for little boys, in which they
can just go whizzing down the ave
nue; sewing baskets of all kinds, and
the loveliest line of reed lamps you
ever saxv. This shop is at 16th and
Jones Sts.
When the Yule log is burning, the
Christmas tree lighted and the new
"smokes" and pipe being tried out.
the man likes to saunter around in
his new house coat. The men's shops
ire showing very handsome ones in
lark, rich colorings.
A Merry Christmas, Dear Readers
and in the words of Tiny Tim,
vGod bless you every one!"
NLY Christmas is excuse enough
for busy women to drop the
many threads of their war
work. Then it is but for a
brief- two days. . A few clubs, notably,
the departments of the Omaha Wom
an's club, have given up their meeting
dates during the holiday season, but in
most cases, it has been to allow more
time for the extra rush of Red Cross
work in the Christmas week drive.
Red Cross workers in the Baird
building permit themselves a rest only
from Saturday night until Wednesday
morning, when their work for the new
years begins with a fresh impetus. A
slight reorganization . in this depart
ment of work places Mrs. O. C.
Redick in charge of formation of
auxiliaries and supplies; Mrs. Walter
E. Silver, surgical dressings, and Mrs.
Arthur Mullen, hospital garments.
Mrs. Frank W. Carmichael opens
the public workshop in the Keeline
building, 315 South Seventeenth street,
Wednesday morning also. The lo
cation is convenient and the hope is
that many shoppers will drop in for
a few hours' work.
What clubs do meet this week will
largely spend the time in social hours,
with their knitting, or else give pro
grams or entertainments in local insti
tutions. State Federation News.
Mrs. Addison E; Sheldon of Lincoln,
president of the Nebraska Federation
of Women's Clubs, calls attention in
the December number of the Bulletin
to the recommendations made to the
clubs of this state at an executive
board meeting held in Grand Island
in November. They are:
1. That the federated W omens
ily in war work under the direction of
the woman's committee of the Ne
braska State Council of Defense.
"2. That we keep the work in each
department strong and vital in this
crisis in the interest of the individual,
home, community, state and nation
now, and of tire-reconstruction period
which must' follow.
"There is great danger that we fail
as clubs to, realize the importance of
the club work through the regular de
partments in this, crisis. The most
pressing calls of our government
upon us at present are doubtless that
of Red Cross work and lood conserva
tion we should continue to respond
most heartily and persistently to these
until the victorious end of the war.
But this is only a part of our great
service as club women," said Ms.
Announcement of the following ap
pointments to chairmanships of de
partmental work is made: Civics. Mrs.
A. It. Brooke, Hastings; civil service
reform, Mrs. J. G. W. Lewis, Wayne;
conservation; Mrs. L. L. -Raymond,
Scottsbluff; education, Mrs. A. N. Da
foe, Tecumseh; home economics, Mrs.
H . J . Gramlich, University State
rami, Lincoln ; imrary, Airs. Eliza
beth O'Linn Smith, Chadron; music,
Miss Lora Lonawav. York: nubhc
health, Dr. Inez C. Philbrick,' Lincoln:
credentials, Mrs. O. A. Williams, Ne
ligh; reciprocity bureau, Mrs. Flor
ence Parks, Greenwood; press, Mrs.
Cyrus Mason, Station A. Lincoln: Na
tional Federation endowment fund.
Mrs. J. L. Tidball. Holdrege.
All Saints' Red Cross Work.
The women of All Saints' church
have formed a Red Cross auxiliary
and' meet in the parish house every
Monday irom V a. m. to 5 p. m. Much
interest is manilested in the work
and last week nearly 800 oakum pads
were made and sent to headquarters.
The officers are: Mrs. Arthur C.
Smith, chairman; Miss Gertrude
Young, vice chairman; Mrs. John T.
l ates. Mrs. Herbert Wheeler and
Mrs. W. C. Shannon, censors: Mrs.
Samuel Burns, secretary, and Mrs. S.
Caldwell, treasurer. Among the ac
tive members are: Mesdarries C. W.
Haller,' J. R. Lukster. Dexter L.
Thomas, A. F. Tyler, R. W. Talmadge
C. E. Niswonger, L. H. Tate, Youngs,
C. L. Blissard, Oscar L. Williams,
George Squires, F. A. Ewing, R. D.
Pollard, W. W. Hoagland, Paul Hoag
land, Thomas L. Davis, D. C. Brad
ford, Arthur Woodman, F. A. Shot
well, Kennedy, John McDonald, M.
C. Peters, J. P. Trimble, Robert Trim
ble, T. J. Mackay. and Misses Flor
ence Deverell, Harriet H. Smith, Rich-
aruson, r.nzaDetu LUKStcr, Jessie
Young.Clara Thomas, Blanche Whit
lock and-Myrtle Pine.
St. George's Dramatic Society.
The society has promised to pro
duce its next play, in connection with
the annual Burns celebration, under
the auspices of the Clan Gordon in
January. For this occasion it has
chosen an excellent vehicle in the
romantic comedy, "Turn Him Out,"
by the author of "Ici on Parle Fran
cais," Thomas J. Williams.
The plot describes the unwelcome
attentions of a Beau Brumrael to a
very much married lady. Mrs. E. Nel
son, Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Morris,
Will Jones and T. B. Hoyle will play
the leading parts in this production.
T.'U. Meetings.
; fit sip Ywjl
) y rMWkrJ
Friday afternoon. Mrs. Sachra was
the assistant hostes.
Dr. and Mrs. Fallew of the liureau
of Animal Industry, have been trans
ferred to Atlantic, where they will
make their future home.
Mrs. John Wells is able to We out
after her recent illness.
Mrs. Carl Barkhurst expects to
leave the hospital this week ami will
be with her sister, Mrs. C. V. McN'ish,
for the present.
Clarence Mangan and Tames Mel
ady have gone to Chicago to spend
Miss Annette Hesbv. wiio is teach
ing in western Nebraska, will spend
the Christmas holidays with her par
ents. The Dorcas club will meet Friday
afternoon at the social settlement
home, Twenty-ninth and I streets.
Mrs. Letf. head resident, will explain
the work done by the settlement and
the help needed.
The W. F. W. club was entertained
Thursday at the home of Mrs. C V.
McN'ish. Little Virginia Hensel was
guest of honor, the occasion being
her second birthday.
The Mystic Workers, No. 173, were
entertained Thursday evening by the
Alpha lodge of Mystics, in honor of
their ninth anniversary.
The Queen Esther's Golden Glean
ers met Monday evening at the home
of Miss Alta Davis. This society is
an auxiliary of the Home Missionary
society of Grace Methodist Episcopal
The Adah chapter. Order of East
ern Star, initiated candidates and held
a social meeting last night at the
Masonic hall.
The Et-a-Virp Kensington club
was entertained Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. A. Swaney on Fort Crook
The confirmation class of St.
Luke's English Lutheran church will
be entertained Thursday evening at
the home of Misses Sylvia and Lillian
The Friendship club of the South
High school held a Christmas party
at the home of Miss Evelyn Bird
Tuesday evening.
The marriage of Miss Vera Welch
and Thomas Boyle took place at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Mary Welch. Rev. Robert L.
Wheeler performed the ceremony in
I the presence of the immediate fam
j ily. After a short trip Mr. and Mrs
i Boyle will make ilieir home in th
Peoria apartment.
' The marriage of Miss Cordelia Mc-
Culloeh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce McCullocb, and Alpha Thomas
of Bushnell, Neb., took place Thurs
day afternoon at the home fo the
bride's parents. Rev. Greer of the
United Presbyterian church officiat
ing. They were unattended. Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas will make their
home at Bushnell. which is also the
home of Mrs. Thomas' sister, Mrs.
John Nixon, formerly Miss May Mc
Cullocb. The W. S. T. rlub met Wednesday
evening at the home of Miss Nora
and Eva Zieger. The rooms were
decorated with Christmas greens and
the following guests were present:
Murl" l.ut'kv, ;;uily. Condnn,
rrnt'n Sautter. Mary McGuir.
Kuth .lolinson.
Me rs
llarol.l Mumlt,
ll.irnl.1 Keth.rt,
lUlph Scurita.
Miss Delia Nelson of Chadron,
Neb., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
George Wedberg. "
Mrs. Brad Roberts will spend the
holidays in Surprise, Neb.
Alvln McCliinnatin,
Francos Chase.
'tis sweet, when fields
With the merry crickets' singing,
Oft to mark with curious eye
If the vine-tree's time be nigh.
Here is now the fruit whose birth
Cost a throe to Mother Earth.
Sweet it is, too, to be telling.
How the luscious figs are swelling;
Then to riot without measure
In the rich, nectareous treasure,
While our grateful voices chime
'Happy season Blessed time!"
.. i ii . ii --..n
Hotel Loyal
& 'l
j Christmas
& Dinner...
J (12 to 9 P. M.) jf
Miss Lala Mitchell of Lincoln will
be maid of honor at the wedding of
Miss Alice Duval and Mr. Rollin
Sturtevant of Kansas City, which
will take place Thursday evening at
St. Barnabas church, follpwed by a
reception at the home of the bride's
parents. Miss Marion Sturtevant,
niece of the bridegroom, will be
flower girl, while the other attendants
will be Miss Marie Hanlon of Sioux
City, who will be bridesmaid, add
Mrs. Will Schnorr matron of honor.
Mr. Chester Sturtevant, brother of
the bridegroom, will be best man.
Mr. Will Schnorr will be one of the
ushers, but the others will not be
named as yet, owing to the uncer
tainty of their arrival, as the young
men are in the service.
ltu;r motli
0 wr nuvlnp
'Snmrt Economj."
Five Little A ctresses
Will Entertain at Social
Settlement December 30
Five little amateur actresses, who
so successfully played "Scarlet Bon
net" under the direction of Miss Mary
Wallace recently, will give a program
at the Settlement Sunday afternoon,
December 30. There will be Christ
mas stories by Polly' Robbins; Doro
thy Guckert, Dorothy Sherman,
Charlotte McDonald " and ' Maud
Brown. ' Misses Sherman and Mc
Donald will play piano "solos and .the
Misses Guckert and Robbins will play
piano' duets.
These little girls do a great deal of
serious work for the Red Cross, set
tlement and war reliefs. They knit,
gather tinfoil, give plays , and look
after local poor. , . ,
Dr. H. W. Pullitz and family have
gone to Los Angeles, Cal., to make
their future home. '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connely have
gone to Chicago tc spend the holi
days. Dr. Fred Everct is confined to his
home by illness.
Paul Jordon has returned to Wash
ington, D. G. where he is stationed,
after a short visit with his Rarents. .
George Parks has returned to Camp
Funston. He has-been the guest of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs). James
Mrs. O. C. Trout is entertaiuing her
mother and brother of Hammond,
Iud., during the holidays.
Lieutenant Jay Lefler is expected
home from Camp Funston to spend
Christmas with his mother, Mrs.
Sarah L?fler.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilubbel have
a new baby girl at their home.
Mrs. F. W. Black is recovering
from injuries received when she fell
down a flight of stairs Thursday eve
ning. Mrs. Viola Randal entertained the
Women's Home Missionary society
of Grace Methodist Episcopal church
Men's ,
For V
Xmas Gifts
75c to $5.00
Neckwear that's "different" in patterns and
colors that will please every manner o man. A
stock to choose from that's second to none in all of
Omaha. Each necktie priced as Ion- as the genuine
high quality will permit.
"Sole AfnU for Dtuilap UU." Mwuuttao SlUrtt, Phoenix Hotar.
511 S. 16th St. liter Grand Bid
fine evening's enjoyment and 'prizes
will be given for the most novel cos
tumes as this, the last social gather
ing of the year.
Special features including a short
program of old British music fa
vorites, both vocal and instrumental.
The West Side Women's thristian
Temperance union will meet. Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Frank Cockayne, 4703. Mason street.
Members are urged to bring in all
unfinished knitted articles, as it is
hoped that they .may "be finished be
fore, the .beginning, of the new year.
At Qld People's Home.
Rev. R. W. Taylor of Parkvale
rresbytenan churcyi will conduct the
services for the Old- People's home
on Fontenelle boulevard Sunday aft
ernoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Miller Park .Mothers' circle will
give a Christmas . program ' for . the
old , people on Christmas day and
Frances Willard Women's Christian
Temperance union will give an en
tertainment for them Thursday' at
2:30 o'clock.
W. C.
Omaha Women's Christian
perance union will omit its meeting of
Wednesday on account of the large
amount of patriotic work done in the
last week.
Sons and Daughters of St George
A big crowd is expected to attend
the "hard time" dance to be held
December 26 at the headquarters,
Nineteenth and Farnam streets. Mr.
Frank Morris; chairman of the en
tertainment committee,-promises a
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
A special Christmas program is
being planned for the vesper service
this afternoon. Mrs. Carl Wilson will
tell a Christmas story, Miss Jgnkms
will sing, Enid Lindberg will give a
piano solo and little Gwendolyn Eiche
will give a reading. : i
The Young Women's Christian As
sociation . building will be open
Christmas evening from 6 to 10. .
A hearty welcome awaits girls and
their friends who would like to come
and spend the evening. There. will be
music and a good time generally.
War Relief Tea Dansant.
The benefit bridge and tea dansant
to be given at the Blackstone Thurs
day afternoon and evening promises
to be the most popular affair of the
holiday season. . Society . will come
out in full force to make the after
noon and evening a success. Mrs.
Frank W. Bacon, who has charge of
the affair, announces a special feature
which will be the solo dances given
by Miss Adelaide "Fogg. Miss Elea
nor Kountze,. Miss Gertrude 'Kountze
and Miss Jane .Stewart will sell flow
ers for the cause during the. after
noon and it is expected, that a large
number of the school set. will attend
the tea dance.'
Surely you haye heard these words before but do you realize that the really, truly
"Night Before Christmas" for 1917 js almost nere,
If you haven't fully realized the approach of this day of days, it is more than likely that
vour irift list is not comDleted. If so. this ad is for YOU in particular.
The open item on your list may be for "Mother," for "Him," for "Her," for "Friend Wife"
or baby. But whoever it is, we have the answer. Easy to select and at a price to fit your
pocket book.
We onerate 200 community stores, and it is reasonable to think that the merchandise to sup
ply them is bought at the lowest mark. So why shouldn't you be able to find the best values at
uir "Home" store, at 1223 Farnam street Bring in the list and be convinced.
Friday - Night Club's Dance.
The Friday Night Dancing club will
entertain at its annual holiday
party . Friday evening, December 28,
at Metropolitan hall. Mr.. H. P. Van
Arsdale and Mr. E. R. Braiserd have
charge of the affair-.
We still have a few left.
In big demand. Going fast.
In ivory and silver plated.
In endless variety of styles.
Silver heads, and only 75c
' " For service men for lodge men
With one, two or three stars.
Silver mounted. These knit the best sweaters
All kinds all prices.
Little things "He" would like.
Latest fad. Only 25c each.
Something new. Better see them.
and a thousand and one other tilings to help you out of your dilemma.
Western Associated
W. G. URE, Pre. GEO. P. MARCHALL, Mgr.
1223 Farnam StreetDouglas 3448.
Ground Floor Old First
National Bank Bldg.
( -