Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 16

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    j - '
2 B
Ella Fleishman,
Adelaide Kennerl
iSocia Calendar
0. T. club dancing party at the
Dinner for Miss Olga Met and
Miss Mary Julia Crocker of San
Francisco, given by Mr, and
Mrs. Arthur C. Smith.
Dancing party at the Blackstone,
given for Miss Mary "Morsman
and Miss Virginia Pixley.
dancing party given by the
Winter Dancing club at Harte
Dinner for Sturtevant-Duval wed
ding party, given by Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Duval.
Dancing party given by Miss Ger
trude Metz for Spence school
Afternoon tea for Miss Mary Julia
Crocker, Miss Dorothy Judson,
Sturtevant-Duva! wedding it St.
Barnabas' church.
Christmas party, at Turpin's acad
emy, given by pupils of Miss
Mary Coll.
Benefit card party and tea dansant
at the Blackstone.
Luncheon for Miss Edna Rosenz
weig, Mrs. Gladden James and
Miss Freda Lang, hostesses, at
the Blackstone.
Dancing party at the Fontenelle
for Miss Olga Metz and Miss
Julia Crocker, given by Mr.
Louis Metz.
More-Undcrhill wedding at the
home of bride's mother.
Luncheon for Spence girls, Miss
Virginia Offutt, hostess.
Luncheon for Miss Mercedes Jen
sen Mrs. Anna Coad Jensen,
Pan-Hellenic luncheon at the
for Mrs. Daniel Cary,
Mrs. Lyle Rushton and Mrs.
Emerson! Goodrich, Mrs. Will
iam Burton, hostess.
Qui Vive' club dancing party at
Turpin's academy.
Beriefit recital by pupils of Miss
Mary Cooper, Riven at Brandeis
Friday Night Dancing club Christ
mas oartv at Metropolitan hall.
Miss Louise Clarke and Miss
Dorothy Belt, dancing party at
the Fontenelle for Miss Julia
Crocker. .
Mrs. F. R. Cotton' and Miss Hal
cyon Cotton will arrive Christmas
morning from Chicago, to be the hol
iday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
li. Black.
Denman Kountze, who is attending
school af Cleveland, arrived home
Thursdays' ;: ".ZT,
Mr. Clark 'RiUy, who is a Student
at Notre -Dame university, is at home
for the holidays.
Mrs. A. B. Jaquith received news
Tuesday of the birth of a daughter
that da to Mr. and Mrs. Elias Vail
of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mrs. Vail
f ir . A I ? - T lit-
,vas lormeny miss aucc jaqunn 01
this city. Her sister, Mrs. Clifford
1 Weller, has been with her since be
fore Thanksgiving, but is expected
home before Christmas.
Mr. Waite Squier, who left for
Chicago Wednesday to meejt his
daughter, Miss Katherine, who is at
tending school at Providence, R. I.,
returned with her Friday morning.
Mc. F. A. Nash and Miss Grace
Allison returned Sunday from a few
' days in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Brictson, who
have recently moved to Omaha from
Brookings, S.. D., have taken apart
ments at the Blackstone. Their
daughter, Miss Charmain, . who is
studyjng at the America i Conserva
tory of Music in Chicago, arrived
Thursday to spend the holidays with
her parents. Another daughter, Miss
Thelma, is al the National Park sem
inary in Washington,, but will spend
her vacation in New Yorjc. ', '
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Weed and' chil
dren arrived Friday ; from St." Louis
to spend the holidays with Mrs.
Weed's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Philip
Potter. : . '
Colonel S.' S. Curtis and, Miss Curtis
left New York Monday for Palm
Beach, where they ; are . at the
Mr. and Mrs. ,D. C. Bradford will
leave the day . after Christmas for
New York. .
Mr. and Mrs Herbert Rogers re
amed Thursday from Trenton, N.
J., where they -were called last week
by the death pi Mr. Rogers' brother,
Mr. Will Rogers. - ,
Mrs. E. M.. Fairfield returned Mon
day from a two weeks' stay in New
York. '
Mrs. John F. Coad, jrM left Friday
for Berkeley, Cal., to see her brother,
who leaves soon for France.
Mr, and Mrs. James-McCord ar
rived Tuesday from .their wedding
trip to New: York and are at the
Fontenelle. V .
Mr. and Mrs. E.'B, Robertson. were
here during the week, the guest of
her brother, G. W, Megeath, and Mrs.
Megeath, on her way home from San
Francisco to New York. She left
Mrs. John N. Baldwin arrived
Sunday from the east ' and is with
her daughter, Mrs. Arthur P. Guiou.
and . Mr. Guiou, until after the holi
days, when she plans to go to Jack
sonville, Fla., to see her son, Lieu
tenant Jack Baldwin, and his bride
before returning to Utica, N. Y. The
latter were mar.ied last August.
Miss Lucile Lathrop, who is at
tending Rockford college, arrived
home Saturday to spend the holidays.
Miss Ruby Davidson, who is at
tending the Iowa State iollege, will
spend the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mr. George A. Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hanighen re
ceived a wire Saturday stating that
lieutenant John J. Hanighen will ar-'
Mrs. Pirtir Askew Has Big Jdb
Amisweraig Queries at Mdl dress
Mrs. Porter Askew is the woman 1 I
who came into local prominence by Iff ' I
answering questions. Strange, yes, 1
but true. Mrs. Askew answers all V, ?" (?
the questions at headquarters for fy ' ' J
the Red Cross Christmas week drive, Jf '
where she is in charge of the in- ' '4
formation booth. $ , " x.
Mrs. Askew's throat gave out after 'Wf ?
two days of "informatiining," but f. 1
like a true soldier, she was back at VH A
her ptst after a short absence, an- j''"'
swering more questions than ever. wf''T VI '
We almost forgot to mention that f$ '' A ,
Mrs. Askew also answers every tele- V ' ,'flff
phone call which comes into campaign ' ,
headquarters. Then she transfers
each call to the party for whom it j'l 1 - fel '
is intended; that is. if it isn't just iii t&
"info- they want. ijhk i ;;
rive home Christmas morning from
Fort Morgan, Mobile, Ala., where he
is in the coast artillery, for a ten days'
leave. Cleary Hanighen comes home
this morning from Harvard, and a
brother of Mrs. Hanighen will be
here from Chicago.
News c.'mes from Winnetka, 111.,
of the birth of a son December 13 to
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Aldrich. Mrs. Aid
rich was formerly Miss Mary Mc
Cague of this city,
George W. Doane, jr., arrived Mon
day from Memphis, Tenn where he
has been for the last two or three
months in connection with the con
struction of the aviation camp there.
Mrs. T. J. Hanighen is expecting
her brother, F. A. Cleary, of Chicago,
to arrive today to spend Christmas
with her and her family.
Judge Robert Patrick went to
Wyoming Thursday to spend the
holidays with his brother, John Pat
rick, and Mrs. Patrick, on their
Mrs. James Austin and daughter,
Frances Fane, who have been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cal
vin, left Thursday to join Lieuten
ant Austin at Camp Greene, Char
lotte, N. C, accompanied by Miss Nel
lie Calvin.
Mr. Robert A. Howe, who is now in
New. York on government business,
wilf not be at heflne for Christmas,
but will .remain in the east for some
Mr. and Mrs. George Marples of
Evanston. 111.. nd tnn. I.tentpnant
Edward Marples, will be the holiday j
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Mc-.
Mr. Lorenzo T. Fowler, who is at
the naval training station at San
Francisco, will arrive home Sunday,
to spend Christmas with his mother,
Mrs. E. E. Fowler.
Mrs. Frank Colpetzer left Thursday
for Chicago' to spend the holidays
with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Wil
kins and Mrs. Wilkins. Mrs. and Mrs.
Moshier Colpetzer join them today to
spend Christmas.
John F. Stout and Misj Gertrude
Stout left Friday for San Antonio to
spend Christmas with Lieutenant
Robert Stout, who is stationed at
Camp Travis.
John Murphy, Thomas Kuhn ami
Joseph Fenner, who attend St. Mary's
college, arrived home Saturday to
spend the holidays with their par
ents. Mr. Clark W. Davis, who is doing
research work in the Dupont muni
tions factory in New Jersey, will ar
rive Sunday to spend the holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Davis.
Mrs. Daisy C. Allen of Salt Lake
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Radcliffe. Mrs. Allen was called to
the city by the illness of her father.
Mr. J. R. Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Daugherty
and children of Greeley, Neb., arrived
Saturday to spend Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Daugherty.
Mrs. J. W. Woodrough and her
daughter, Miss Marjorie Beckett, have
gone to New York to spend Christ
mas with Guy Beckett, who is with
the mosquito fleet on the Atlantic
coast. They have taken an apartment
and will spend a month there, since
young Beckett can be with them off
and on.
' Paul Hornung is here from Min
neapolis to spend Christmas with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mr. and Mrs". Charles T. Stewart
of Council Bluffs went to Hoopeston.
Ilk, Tuesday with their daughter,
Mrs. Donald McFerren, who has
it' - ' x '' ' n
been visiting them. After the holi
days they will all return to the
Bluffs and Mr. McFerren expects to
enter the balloon School.
Miss Geraldine Hess of Council
Bluffs came home Friday from Bryn
Mawr for the holidays.
Miss Dorothy Kiplinger and Miss
Willa O'Brien came home Thursday
from school at Notre Dame, Ind.
Mrs. C. K. Coutant spent the week
with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gunther,
but returns to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Brinker for Christ
mas. '
A son, Harrison Hodges, jr., was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison
Hodges in New York November 29.
Mr. Hodges is well known in Omaha,
which was his home for some years
before he moved to New York.
Miss Eugenie Whitniore returned
Thursday from six weeks in New
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffith, who
have been in Baltimore recently, are
now back in Wilmington, N. C, with
their son, Walter Griffith, and his
wife for the holidays. Mr. Griffith
has been much improved in health
this winter and hopes to return to
Omaha in the spring greatly bene
fited. Mr. and Mrs. George' N. Peek of
Moline are now established at 1616
Nineteenth street in Washington, D.
C, where Mr. Peek has been called
on the war industries board.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Guiou are
expected back today from Holly
wood, Cal, where they went two
weeks ago to see his father, C. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery,
who sold their Dundee home recently,
are established at the St. Regis. Mr.
Montgomery arrived home this week
from San Antonio.
Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Clemens have
gone to St. Louis to spend two weeks.
Mrs. Ernest Stenger and daugh
ter, Elizabeth, went to Chicago Thurs-1
day to meet Miss Helen Stenger, re- j
turning from school at Providence,
Logical Nebraaki
headquarters. 564
rooma each with
P r i v a t bath.
Every desired
lunirr. BfflnMnent and roineulonce.
Situted In hmrt of eltr. Bull; oc
IWt to all place of IntcreM. Atwiltitelj
II microf. Both Ruroiwui ud American
T,rl,T ,ro,u H-Sfc Unik for
Hotel Clirk but it depot.
F. M. Olaiailck. lute.
ffli;i!!i!iiiiillTHliniii:.dll.,.i1,. iii.iii.niii1
Train the eyes to work for the
ears. Instruction to adults.
No. 4 Flo-Lea.
Cor. 20th A Capitol Av., Omaha
FDr. L W. Edward., 24th
and Farnam, wiahe to call the
public's attention to the Chiro
practic talk on Page 2-B.
it'll jltOSANGELES 1
b 1 It II ' R
R. I., and together they have gone to
Louisville, Ky., to spend Christmas
with Reese Stenger, who is at Camp
Taylor with the ambulance company
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm have
as their guests for the holidays Mr.
Wilhelm's sister, Mrs. F. K. Hill, and
his nephen1, Howard Stevens, of
Rockford, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fish have
moved from their home on Wool
worth avenue to the St. Regis apartments.
Floyd M. Smith, jr., and Dick
Stewart arrived home yesterday from
St Paul's.
Miss Virginia Crofoot and Miss
Peggy Reed came home yester4ay
from Miss Maderia's school in Wash
ington. David Caldwell, Grafton Wolfe and
Edward Daugherty came home yes
terday from Andover.
Mr. Stenger, superintendent of the
Union Pacific, has been transferred
to Kansas City, and since the first
of the month Mrs. Stenger and Miss
Elizabeth have been at the Bransford
and will join Mr. Stenger in Kansas
City later.
Miss Margaret Gamble is home
from Chicago, where she is studying
at the Art institute.
Miss Dorothy Weller and Miss
Helen Carrier arrive today from. Chi
cago for their vacation from the Na
tional Kindergarten school. Miss
Gertrude Porter, who also attends
that school, remained over for the
wedding this evening of Miss Clara
Wright of Chicago, who marries an
officer at Camp Grant, Rockford, 111.
Miss Wright visited Miss Porter two
years ago and has many friends in
Omaha. t
Lieutenant Louis C. Sweet, who is
now stationed at Camp Grant, will
arrive Sunday to spend Christmas
with his mother, Mrs. Clara, Sweet.
Miss Jessie Kruger will leave Mon
day evening for Chicago, where she
will spend the holidays with relatives,
later going to St. Louis to attend the
convention of the Young Men's and
Young Women's Hebrew associations,
to which she is a delegate.
Miss Elizabeth Bertsch, Miss Hope
Hibbard and Mr. Horace Campbell
are home from Doane college for the
Harkness Kountze arrived home
Thursday from school at Sheffield,
Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton went to
Notre Dame, Ind., to bring her daugh
ter, Exelona, home from school at
St. Mary's for the holidays. They ar
rived home Thursday.
Miss Jeannette Johnson also re
turned Thursday from St. Mary's,
with her mother, Mrs. Frank B.
Johnson, who went to Chicago to
meet her.
George Voss came home Friday
from Lawrencevil'e.'
Cleary Hanighen and Mors Palmer
arrived today from Harvard for their
vacations. The latter will be with
his aunt, Mrs. Forrest Richardson,
and Mr. Richardson, for the holidays.
His mother and sister, Mrs. George
Make This
A Merry Christmas
' By dining at the Fontenelle where no ef
fort is spared to make for your comfort and en
joyment on this the greatest of all holidays.
A Christmas Dinner de Luxe is served from
Six to Nine.
The price is Two-Fifty the cover.
Should you prefer to dine earlier in the
day, the A La Carte Menu, from which every
Christmas dish and delicacy may be ordered,
is at your disposal. Or, if you wish to dine en
famile, special arrangements will be made to
fulfill your requirements.
A selected musical programme by Christ
man's Fontenelle Orchestra under the direction
of Mr. Cuscaden.
Dancing As Usual After the Theater
"Where Christinas Reigns Supreme"
ANew Novel by the Nebraska
Writer, Mrs. Anna C. Newbigging
"A Cry of the Soul"
An open air story of primitive conditions and stout hearts, and,
primarily of a royal battle between love and faith.
The story opens in New York in 1861, though the Civil War
has little to do with it, for it follows the fortunes of a train of Mor
mon convert emigrants crossing the continent to Utah by ox team
and on horseback, and flood, fire, pestilence, wild beasts and In
dians left scant leisure for politics on a cross-country trip those days.
It is a tale to make the blood race, and he who "loves a lover"
or an adventure will find both here, and much to his liking.
Published by Sherman, French & Co., Boston, Mass.; the letter
press is high-class, on good paper, and handsomely bound in cloth.
Price, $1.50.
For Sale in Omaha by '
Megeath Stationery Co. Kieser's Book Store.
Palmer and Miss Jean Palmer, also
arrive today and will be with Mrs. W.
V. Morse.
Edward Crofoot, who has been in
the hospital for two weeks for an
operation, retur.ned home Monday.
Miss Margaret Williams comes
home today from Wheaton college,
Norton, Mass., for the holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wil
liams. Miss Luella Allen left Saturday for
New York, where she will spend the
Mr. and Mrj. Robert Gantt of Min
neapolis will arrive Monday to be the
guests of Mr. O. K. Dellecker and Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Pray.
Mrs. H. C Sumney returned
Thursday from Washington where
she went as a delegate to the national
suffrage convention.
Howard Nelson is at home from the
Iowa State college at Ames.
Miss Winnifred Smith, accompan
ied by her father, George C. Smith,
who met her in Chicago, arrived home
Thursday from St. Mary's at. Burling.
ton, N. J.
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf will spend
Christmas with her brother, Judge
Cornish, and his family in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Benson moved
in from their Dundee home this week
to the Blackstone for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Crane
have closed their summer home,
Rosemere, at Florence and taken an
apartment at the Colonial.
Mr. and Fred Daugherty arrived
Thursday from their ranch to SDend
the holidays with her parents, Mr. I
and Mrs. F. B. Hochstetler. Mrs. :
Daugherty will remain here for the
winter. !
Miss Katharine Squier and Miss
Helen Stenger will be home today
from school at Providence, R. I.
Mrs. William Fitzgerald .of Troy,
N. Y., and her son are expected to
arrive before New Year's to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Byrne.
Mrs. Byrne has been confined to her
home for three weeks, taking a rest
cure, but is improving.
Mrs. J. Ervine Brandeis went down
to Camp Funston Friday to spend the
holidays with her husband, Sergeant
Miss Janet Hall and her runt, Miss
Ware, are expected home today. They
visited Camp Meade, Md., where Miss
Ware's brother, Captain Ware, is sta
tioned. Mr. and Mrs. Kremer Bain and her
brother; James Woodard, are expected
today from Butte, Mont., to spend
Christmas with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James I. Woodard. This is
Mr. and Mrs. Bain's first visit since
their marriage in October.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mackay, of
Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Mackay of St. Joseph, Maar
rive today to spend the holidays with
the Kev. l. J. Mackay and Mrs. Mac
kay. Their daughter, Mrs. Austin
Gaily, will not be here, as her hus
band, who was called to Washington
from New York on special work for
the Red Cross, will be unable to get
away long enough" to come; Mr. and
Mrs. Gaily have an apartment in
Washington, where they have been all
Miss Irene Rosewater will arrive
December 21 from Smith ,to spend
the holidays with her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. C. C Rosewater.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parks Truxal
of Idaho Falls are here on their, wed
ding trip, to remain until Monday, the
fuests of Mrs. Truxal's aunt, Mrs.
Irs. James I. Woodard, and Mr.
Woodard. Mrs. Truxal, as Miss
Mariette Carter, attended the Sacred
Heart academy here, for five years,
and has many friends in Omaha.
Sorority Luncheon.
The annual pan-Hellenic luncheon
Select the Most Sensible
One of Our Quality Coats Makes an Ideal Gift for
Mother, Wife, Sister or Daughter.
The excellence of our clothing values is not an acci
dent. It is the immediate result of careful research on
our part, combined with the intelligent efforts of artist
t'ailors, who have devoted their lives to the study of mak
ing clothes for men and women. Come Monday and see
the big values we offer in Ladies' and Misses' Coats at
$12.75, $14.75, $16.75
$18.75 arid up
BUYING EASY There la notieed to skimp or to draw on your bant
account If you need clothes. Our liberal Credit Plan enables you to get
the best ol clothes at exceedingly moderate prioes made possible by our
Inexpensive location and low operating expense. SI. 00 OR SO A
Genuine Onyx Silk
Fiber Hose
60c quality for Men and
Ladies Our OQi
price 4JC
75c quality for Ladies
only Our price OIC
lURS Make an Ideal
Christmas Gift
Large asosrtment in sets and
Individual pieces. Moderate
Christmas Suggestions in Clothing
For Ladies
A pair of ehoes.
A warm coat,
A nice suit,
A pretty waist,
A silk petticoat,
A stylish skirt,
A Bet of furs,
A pair of hose,
Bring the Men and Young Men and
the Boys to Our Store and Have
Them Fitted Out With a
, New Suit or Overcoat
or Both
The ever-increasing sale of our Cloth
ing to men and young men who want to
be well dressed, is due largely to the fact
that our clothes typify the modern idea
of looking well without apparent effort,
but mainly because they give more real
value for your money when viewed from
these three angles STYLE, SERVICE
AND ECONOMY. The Suits and Over
coats are made in the new Trench, full
b .lted, form fitting or conservative mod
els. Materials include worsteds, cassi
meres, plain blue and fancy serges and
black. All splendidly tailored and
priced very moderately
$15, $18, $20
$22 and up
Get the Little Fellow a Suit or
Mackinaw for Christmas.
Suits In blue serge Good, warm MaCk
and fancy worsteds inaws $8.50 811(1
and up. up.
"The People's Store
stone. A lovinj? cup will be presente.
to the sorority having the highes
scholarships among its memberships
Following the luncheon a miscel
laneous program will be giveji con
sisting of music and stc,-y telling.
Reservations must be made by Wed
nesday morning through the. sorority
Bee Want Ads Bring Results.
403 South 16th Street.
-v N . "
or rerittw.
Ties for Men
Silk Four in
Hand in the
very . latest
styles Sold
elsewhere a t
65c. Our eve-ry-day
ior Men
A new suit,
A warm overcoat.
A Mackinaw coat,
A pair of .trousers,
A nobby hat,
A pair of shoes,
A necktie or hose.
Buy Another War
Savings Stamp
Opposite Hotel Rome
-rvSVrCffT O IJJt- ,