Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 15

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    maha Sunday Bee
'- utters oft j i
, .VA :VV, f "f ' , ' r ; 1 1 ! Miss Eleanor Austin is posed in the costume of a little T7
i " " v 1 r " II j Italian maid. Miss Austin furnishes a splendid example of P
:;:-A .mrf1 vlo, III
Is she a Bolsheviki? No, indeed!. She is Miss Marjorie
Howland, one of Omaha's most popular society girls, posed
as a Russian girl in the third of The. Bee's series of local
women in the costumes of the allied countries. This picture
was taken in Omaha, not Most ov..
Mrs. Miriam Patteinm I'uyco. clever at amateur the
atricals, represents war-strjcV (v Belgium in Tlw Bee's series.
Mrs. Boyce visited the poor iittle country in the days before
the war and is now one of the active workers in all endeavors
for its relief.
Miss Eleanor Austin is posed in the costume of a little
Italian maid. Miss Austin furnishes a splendid example of
the earnestness with which society girls have taken up se
rious lines of work upon the outbreak of the war. Miss Aus
tin, who is a princess in the court of this year's Ak-Sar-Ben
queen, is doing dietetical work at the Presbyterian hospital
and is giving lectures on this study, which she pursued in an
eastern school last year. It is whispered that she is at her
post as early as 7 o'clock in the morning!
Oscar Lieben designed the costumes in this group es
pecially for The Bee.
All Use Powder, .Some Use Patches, Many, Use Rouge
and a Few Are Intimately Acquainted With
the Eyebrow Pencil.
I Gabby Is. Quit
Take It In Good Spirit, For
We Are All Friends.
i is aked to join nearly every club or
society that is organized. Mrs. Bar
ton dropped her purse while at lunch
on at the Tontenelle one day and on
reaching home 'phoned the hotel to
m ; ask about it.
i "Yes, it's here, Mrs. liarton," the
' clerk said. "I knew it was yours be
cause 1 lotina membership cards tor
every club in town in it."
mntalhsL is Gay This Week With YnaE
Heme Fromm School; Mdlieir By
fTHE .Christmas spirit has surely
J penetrated the war-time gloom
which has enshrouded society
for the last few months, for
with the coming home of the children
and the grandchildren and numbers. of
khaki-clad men from the various
fronts and training camps, the holi
days promise to be merry ones in
deed. Every train from the, east brings
come of the school set home and num
bers of affairs are being planned for
them. Nearly every day of their vaca
tion will be filled with luncheon, din
ner parties and dances. As one of
the society girls said the other day:
The School Set. M
"This year we will all sit back and
watch the school set have a pood
time," and surely it sceins to be their
day this Christmas. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur C. Metz will entertain at din
ner Christmas night at their home
in honor of Miss 0!ga Metz and her
guest. Miss Mary Julia Crocker, of
San Francisco. After the dinner the
guests will attend the dancing party
at the Blackstone, given by . Mr. and
.Mrs. William A. Pixley and Mr. and
Mrs Edgar Morsman for their
laughters. Miss Mary Morsman and
vfis Virginia Pi.vUy.
Wednesday ai'urnoon Miss Doro
i thv Judson will give a tea at .; l.oii:-:
in honor of the visiting girls, and
that evening Miss Gertrude Metz will
be hostess at a dancing party given
in their honor. Thursday evening
Mr. 'Louis Metz will entertain at a
dancing party at the Fontenelle in
honor of his niece, Miss Olga Metz,
and her. house guest. Miss Crocker,
and Friday evening Miss Louise
Clarke and Miss Dorothy Belt will
entertain at a dancing party at the
Fontenelle in honor of this popular
guest from California.
Mrs. Anna Coad Jensen will give
a luncheon party Thursday at her
home in honor of her daughter, Miss
Mercedes Johnson, and Miss Virginia
Offutt will entertain at luncheon the
same day for the visiting Spence
Miss Grace Allison is planning a
luncheon for the Spence girls later
in the week.
.New Year's Eve.
N'ew Year's eve the older society
girls and the young married set will
watch the old year out and the new
rear in at the Country club dinner-
uance, wnue me school set will at-
Christmas season. Thursday has
been chosen by Miss Alice Duval and
Miss Lottie Underbill as their wee
ding date. Miss Duval's wedding to
Mr. Rollin Sturtevant will take place
in the evening at St, Barnabas
church. Miss Underbill and Mr.' Wal
ter More have chosen a home setting
for the ceremony, which will also be
an evening affair. Miss Edna Rosen
zweig w ill be a New Year's bride, her
marriage to Mr. Charles Rice taking
place New Year's night at the home
of the bride's parents.
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralston Laird of 5an
Francisco, Cal., announce the en
gagement of their niece, -Lora Gene
vieve Grace, to Mr. Jerome Traquair
of Lincoln, formerly of New York
City. The wedding will take place
early in January in Omaha, where
Miss Grace resides. They will spend
their honeymoon in the east and
south and will make their future home
in Omaha.
Remillard-Lcaf Wedding.
Mrs. W. F. Heide announces the
imrriace of lu r son Tnnie O 1!;!.
lenu me dancing party given bv Miss I lard, to Mis Myrtle Leaf of Hoi
nciena Ltiase and Miss Katherme
Ssiier at the Chase home.
J '"'Cf Mulay brides v. ill ho the , tl
cA'-.i ot much lulercl Uufii. ihis 1 tneir home
nregc, Neb., which took place at the
home ot the bride's sifter in Hol-
ipC I i.c oi. ii- couple will make
KUM pads" was the house-
ioId word, next to Red
ross," last week in the
majority of loval Omaha
households. Oakum pads, as The Bee
explained once before, are hempy ma
terial, strongly saturated with a dis
infectant, which are filled into gauze
pads. These are placed on open
wounds of soldiers.
Seventeen thousand of them was an
emergency order made upon Mrs. O.
C. Redick recently, so a small army of
additional women Red Cross workers
was recruited to fill the order.
Miss Gertrude Young, who has
charge of All Saints' church group of
women who arc helping to make the
oakum pads, was riding on the Far
nam street line with abox of oakum
to be converted into the pads.
A woman sitting near her eyed the
box with interest for awhile, theji, ex
cusing herself, took a scat next to
Miss Young and asked:
"WTould you mind telling me where
you take your hair to be made up? I
have a lot of combings I would like
to make into a switch, but I am a
stranger in town and do not know
where to go."
So much for the looks of the oakum.
Mrs. Franklin A. Shotwell tells a good
story i.bout the smell of it.
"It smells just like mange cure to
me," said Mrs. Shotwell. "Some time
ago I used some of the mange cure on
my cat, much to her dislike. One day
when I came home from the Baird
building, where we were making
oakum, pads, my cat refused to come
near me. I called and called her but
she flew upstairs and hid under the
bed. I could not account for it, but
concluded it was because she smelted
the oakum on my clothes and mistook
it for the mange cure."
Mis' Joseph F. Barton is so well
loved by rll who know her that she
RANCE has nothing on America when it comes ta nifty,
new veils worn in rakish fashion over, under and on va
rious up-to-now hat models.
tu ;.. . ixrun4-
Some very modot women say "to keep stray locks in
place." And, indeed, some yoilc arc doing; that very thing. But,
ala,'?, how about the all-over, llowmg Kind, or the harem veil or
the bird cage veil!
No more conventional patterns in the smart manufacturer'
work room. They are all tdd, stray, cubist and whatnots. U
you have a big vild rose or Strawberry or bug (in your veil) on
one cheek and trailing vinesbug legs or wisps running hither
thither without system, like the streets of Atlanta, then yco are
following the dictates of fashion.
Large square, or round, veils with dots and designs are
thrown over "picture shapes" and small toques alike and they
are to flow and ripple and blow with the wind.
A great many of these newest creations are of chantilly
lace. They are not contined to the solid blacks and whites, but
come in taupes, blues in fact most any color desired. '
The harem veil has been "in" for some time, but there are,
as yet, no signs of it "going out." This veil is worn' with a
small, rather military hats, drawn across the face just below
the eyes and fastened to the back of the hat. They fall rather
loosely trom the nose down, exactly like the harenvveils of the
Dr. 0. S. Hoffman and W. A.
Pixley were exchanging pleasantries
.it Red Cross headquarters Friday.
i lie doctor was ottering to rlo a j Cl u n i;
ivr.imiouict stimi tnr fti Pf,t f i &u nan s i araoise
and the publicity chairman was tell
ing the doctor about the big idea for
the intensive drive for members in
the residential district this afternoon.
"That's a splendid idea, Fix. fine!
You know, Sunday is the strongest
day of the seven. The others arc all J
week (weak) days," quoth the dapper j
little doctor. i
Miss Robina M. Hammerer, who !
, ...-....-.-....! .t.- i r.A in r f.
fuuiisuitu me uciiciii ua lor .r. i i i . ....... . .
lames orphanage Wednesday evening ! neavy, (irapea crown is no longer worn, ana lately either big
at the Metropolitan club house, is be-1 hats with broad brims have been seen or quite small toques,
ing twitted by her friends about being I smartly set a little on one side, in colored velvet, or black
an ''orphan." i brocade or fur.
Miss Kammercr s interest in the ht-' tu u , 4-.. , oiu i i i.
tie orphans was interpreted by a local , lhre hLalF 18 worn m flont ol the ears' but not SO much in the
scribe who was writing sob stuff to iurm in ouvious cuns us in me snape Ol a llUie IOld or wave,
have its origin in the fact that she was which looks much better. A few women simply wear their
herself an orphan, and so he wrote his j sman hats close to the face and show no hair at all, unless a
plain, tightly-tolded mesh ; but this style wants a flawless com
plexion and irreproachable wouth.
But, fairest one, be very sure that your eyes are large and
beautiful and well fringed; or that tley. are unusually attrac
tive. They must be your best feature, else these harem veils
play queer tricks on Milady.
Hats and Hair.
The fur-crowned hat is being worn generally, sometimes
with a brim of satin or velvet, sometimes as a toque with just
a roll of velvet or a band oC brocade or cloth of silver or gold.
With the exception ot the pyramid-shaped crown, the high.
The mother of the pretty little pro
moter of the ball for the orphans
was justly indignant.
"My daughter has never been an
orphan, because I'm her mother," she
telephoned local newspapers.
C. S. Connor no longer feels him
self proposessing or Chestertieldish
since Friday night. And it is all
due to the fact that the Orpheum
management will not allow cars
parked in front of the building.
Mr. Connor let his party out at the
entrance of the theater and drove
down the block in search of a park
ing place. As members of his family
started toward the building the door
man said, "Back at 10:45, chauffeur?"
Heard at the Press Club Dinner.
Cub Reporter "Do you know this
is the first time I ever saw Joy Sut
phen when he wasn't 'caged?'"
Not So Much Rouge.
Women with dark hair and a quite white mesh in front
make the most of the contrast, and arrange their complexions
accordingly. Patches are worn by some, powder by all, rouge
by a good many; but the girls in good society make up less
than they did.
Women are still as careful as ever about their hands. But
feet are fearfully and wonderfully shod in dainty boots with
high heels and light cloth tops.
The popularity of fur increases as the cold weather comes,
and muffs are carried more generally. The new ones are very
small, barrel-shaped in some cases, oblong in others A small
bag or purse is carried with a muff, either on the wrist or in the
hand. The voluminous bag has quite gone out, and so has the
large sized leather one. Either a little silk thing, or a shiny
leather purse on a short chain or strap, is worn for every day
matters; for the theater, bead bags, gold, silver, or platinum,
but nothing obtrusive, , : ;