Dhe Omaha Sunday Bee PAET ONE NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 14. THE WEATHER Unsettled VOL. XLVII NO. 28. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1917. FOUR SECTIONS.-r-THIRTY-SIX PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. GREAT KRUPP MUNITIONS PLANT IS ABLAZE: LENINE DECLARES WONT KNEEL TO KAISER UKRAINIANS JOIN COSSto IN EFFORT TO OVERTHROW BOLSHEVIIil GOVERNMENT Irotzky Says Will Not Accept "Offensive Peace Terms;" Members of Constituent Assembly Rebel Against Lenine Tyranny; Kaledines Recognized as Savior of Russian Democracy. BULLETIN. London, Dec 22. The resignation of General Kaledines and his associates in the military government of the Cossacks, who have been resisting the Bolshevik!, is reported in a Petro grad dispatch to the' Times. The purpose of this move is said to be to permit the formation of ! 1 uenerai itaiemnes explains ne nas aeciaea u wunaraw on ac count of his unpopularity with the troops at the front, who re fuse to obey him in consequence of .misrepresentations on the part of his enemies. The dispatch does not suggest any weak ening of the Cossack movement, which is represented in other reports as still progressing. . t (By Associated Prmi.) Opposition by the Ukrainians and the followers of General Kaledines to the Bolsheviki movements, together with an un confirmed report that the Germans have rejected the peace pro posals of the Bolsheviki delegates, continue to" overshadow mil itary operations in the European war. The report that a definite alliance f. has been formed between the Ukrain ians and the Don Cossacks gives cred ence to another rumor that the Uk rainian Rada has definitely notified the Bolsheviki commissioners that, it will not reconsider its action in aiding the Kaledines forces. GERMAN ATTACKS FAILED. German attacks in Alsace liave been repulsed, according to the French war office. The chief of these attacks at Hartmanns Weilerkopf took the Ger mans into the first line French trench es, but in the engagement that follow ed they were driven out with heavy losses. At. other points along- the French front artillery activity has been intermittent, encept at Oaarieres wood, in the Champagne region. KTicims again has been shelled by the Germans. . . In Flanders the Belgian war office reports artillery activity, though kss intense because of fog. -, ' Ah offensive movement Initiated by the Italians, .in .which they. launched seven attacks against the. enemy front west of Monte Asolone, -is claimed by the German official communication to have been without success. . . In the region of Doiran, in.the east ern war'tbeater, artillery activity con tinues, lit the same war theater Brit ish troops have carried out a" success ful raid in the region of Lake Butkova, capturing one officer and 54 Bulgarian in Argentina.. The publication of telegrams sent lv Count von Luxburg, former Ger nian minister, to the Berlin foreign office has resulted in riots in Buenos Aires, where crowds -of people as sembled and demanded a rupture of relations wi'.h Germany. A mob in the Calle Florida ' was dispersed afrer a fight with mounted police. Guards again have been stationed around property owned by Germans in the city, and police are guarding the office of La Union, the ..cws paper for which Count von Lux burg obtained a subsidy. Congress, is expected to insist. upon an explana tion Dy the government of the condi tions revealed in the Von Luxburg telegrams. Trotzky Won't Kneel. ' Petrograd, Dec. 22. Leon' Trotzky, the B61sheviki forefgjminister, in ad dressing the council of soldiers' and workmen, declared that if the German emperor offered "offensive" peace terms the , Russians ' would fight against it. "We did not' overthrow czarism. to kneel before the kaiser," he cried. Continuing, he said: . "But if through our exhaustion we had to accept the kaiser's terms, we would do so to rise with the German people against German militarism." The total , number of members elected to the constituent assembly is now 368, but only 48 . of these have been registered as members by the Bolsheviki. The Weather ! For Nebraska Unsettled: some-j hat warmer. j Temperature t Omaha Teterdj. , Hour. 5:1 t m'.'.'.'.'.'.'.V.'. jj I 7 a! mY.'.'.'.y.'J'.'. It m 19 a. m. . 11 a. ro.-. ... 15 m 1 p. m...... 30 32 36 S 3 2 p. n 3p. m 44 4 p. m p. it p. m 7 p. nt 4J 39 I 38 m4 4 ! i; CvmparatlTe Local Berord. mi. nie.-nis. II IK heft yeterdy.... 4 14 H Lo.est yesterday.... I" S 84 M.-an temperature ..34 .10 43 Frecipitation 1 -m Temperature and precipitation departure from the normal at Omaha ince March 1 ami compared with the last two years: J Normal temperature ... :s toui" Jficienry in ' Uarct i" i '. '. V. '. '. '. '. 40 ; by occupants are informed of the ap-j Normal precipitation .o inch j pearance of the morals squad in that iw7"tj5,VrVi;'r",M'Mle.idistrict' a "lookout" man giving the' TnLl rainfall Bin' Marco l . . ..i .7 rocnes . . t 0 . rcecy -me. March i 7.13 inche. alarm when the raiders appear. ifirin.-T for cor. period. isit.lt.M Inche Bell bovs and taxi drivers are men-1 i,ridency for cor. period. s.ot inche T" indicate trce of precipitation. ladicaw below wro. J A. WELSH. Meteorologist. . a strong popular government 1 I J- !JJ ?il 1 POLICE MUST AID IN ENFORCING THE ilQUOR LAW McGuire Writes Kugel That Un less Detectives Become Ac tive Governor Neville . Will Suspend Them. T. J. McGuire, special state prose cutorand assistant city attorney, has addressed a. letter to Superintendent Kugel of the police department, stat ing that unless" immediate- and per sistent support is given by the'police department in enforcement .of the prohibitory and other laws, action will be started against 'some of the patrolmen and detectives. The first paragraph of Mr. Mc Guire' s letter reads: "1 wish to advise you that unless I receive immediate. and persistent sup port from the police department, I shall be compelled to have a number of men summarily suspended by Gov ernor Nevillo." The letter is signed by Mr. Mc Guire as special state prosecutor and assistant city attorney. Makes General Charges. Prosecutor McGuire enters various charges of a general nature against the patrolmen and detectives, but mentioned none by name. He informs the superintendent of police that he has received reports ; that the police are "fraternizing, not to say sympa thizing," with bootleggers and men connected : with the illegal sale of liquor. ' "It , would appear that ' the state agents and members of the police de partment are working at cross-purposes. Some of the policemen are handicapped by reason of connection of authority and in some instances they refuse to proceed for fear of blame from superior officers," wrote the' state prosecutor. ' I -' Support is Necessary. "As special state prosecutor I must have support of the. policemen and detectives in the enforcement of laws against prqhibition, gambling and im morality," was another paragraph. Mr. McGuire emphasized a state ment that he has received reports of laxity in law enforcement in the South Side, the Brown Park district being referred to, as well as M, ST, O and Q streets, Twenty-fourth to Twenty-fifth streets. In that connec tion he stated that reports have been received to the effect that soldiers from Fort Crook may be . seen any i morning coming out of houses in the south nje. ' . Charges are . made that there are leaks of information whhia the ranks 0f members of the police department ar,d awiong 'hose whose duty it is to enforce the. laws complained of. Mr. McGuire infers that these leaks might be traced to policemen and detectives are supposed to enforce. Advised to Stop "Leaks." Superintendent Kugel is advised to apply effective stop-gaps to these leaks within his ranks. Charges are made' of unrestricted j law violations in Benson, this having i reference to' bootlegging particularly. I "The warning given by the mayor land others of the council last-summer i during the reorganization of the po- ears," was one of the arraignments of the prosecutor. It Is alleged that houses on Capitol a venue have a system of bells where- tione(j as instrumentalities in the pro- . . , , K . motion of bootleggmg and other vio- latlODS I ! I OwQQp) I WOMAN'S LEAGUE WILL LOOK AFTER MEN ATFUNSTON Mother of State Up 4n Arms Over Alleged Conditions t m . as Reported in The , ... . ... Bee.- - If the War department "is not tak ing care of the boys at Camp Fun ston, the Nebraska branch of the Na tional League for Woman's Service will Mrs. William Archibald Smith, chairman of the Omaha section, an nounces she had had a long-distance telephone conference with Mrs. W. G. Langworthy of Lincoln, state president, with reference to the story of conditions at Camp Funston told to The Bee by Mrs. A. B. McCon nell. "Women in Lincoln are greatly ex ercised over Mrs. McConnell's recital of conditions and want to do every thing possible to alleviate these con ditions if the story is true," Mrs. Tay lor said. ( "If there is work for the league to do, we will attempt it at once," said Mrs. Smith. "We have quite a large number of sweaters on hand and will dispatch them immediately. Our league has not much money, but, if necessary, we will make a-public ap peal for funds." Mrs. Smith was to confer with Mrs. McConnell during the day. MEATLESS MINCE PIE IS CHRISTMAS DINNER TID-BIT Washington, Dec. 22. Meatless mince meat, another culinary triumph in the art of the food administration, has been brought to the housewives of the country by the National Em ergency Food Garden commission as a worthy companion of pumpkinless pie and gingerless gingerbread. The new mince meat, officially de scribed as a "camouflage," was tried on 500 troops on a transport, Mho pronounced it perfect and called for more. Half a package of seeded raisins, half a pound of prunes stewed with lemon juice and peel, one-quarter cup sweet cider, four tablespoons brown sugar; chop the raisins and prunes together and the result h said to be a meatless mince pie which will ac cord with the food administration's meatless Tuesday. As turkey does not violate the meat less day," Christmas dinner may be complete. NO EVEN1HG BEE CHRISTMAS DAY To give employes of this paper an opportunity to observe the holiday as far , at .possible, The Bee will net issue an evening pa per Tuesday. It was our desire to join with the other Omaha dailies to dis continue publication altogether on Christmas day, but to meet competition we will print the morning edition as usual, and serve subscribers with The Morn ing Bee in tea d. THE OMAHA BEE. T Santa Knows Stop Use of Invisible Ink and Code by Teutons Washington, Dec. 22. An exten sive traffic in written communica tions to Germany, Austria and the I northern European neutrals, in volving use of invisible ink and code system, has been discovered and stopped by customs -officials -within ; the last few weeks, treasury of- 1 tficials disclosed today. - 101 MEN PERISH WHEN SUB SINKS BRITISH SHIP Armed Steamer Stephen Fur ness Torpedoed and Sunk in Irish Channel by Ger man U-Boat. (By AmuM-iated Pre.) London, Dec. 22. The British armed steamer Stephen Furness has been torpedoed and sunk by a Ger man submarine in the Irish channel, it was officially announced today. Six officers and 95 men were lost. The Stephen Furness was a mer chantman of 1,712 tons gross, built in ' 1910 at West Hartlepool and owned by the Tyne Tees Shipping company, Limited, of Newcastle. It was one of the many merchantmen- that, have been refitted by. the . admiralty for naval uses. PLAN ADVANCED FOR TEACHERS' MEET IN WEST Plans are being made at Hastings for the formation of the Western Ne braska Teachers' .association, whose membership will cover western and central parts of the state. The effect of this would be to cut the Nebraska State Teachers' associa tion into two organizations. Sentiment in Lincoln is divided on this proposed division. The promoters explain that under the present system of balloting for the annual state teachers' meeting Omaha seems to have a walkaway. The vote at the recent convention in Omaha was overwhelmingly in favor of Oma ha for next year's meeting. It is proposed to hold the first meet ing of the new association at Hastings next November and to arrange a pro gram that will be as attractive as the one in Omaha. Some are in favor of arranging the dates of the two con ventions so that the principal speak ers at one may appear at the other. Another argument advanced for the new association, is that 300 to 400 miles to Omaha is too far for the teachers of the western part of the state to travel to a state convention. Bailey to Sail for France First Week in January E. F. Bailey, general secretary for j the Young Men's Christian associa tion, at Jackson, Mich., has written to I J. O. Philippi, his father-in-law, that ! he will sail for France during the first i week in January. In r ranee he will j represent the executive department of j the association. His wife' will stay with Mr. and Mrs. Philippi during his absence. - . Secretary Bailey is an Omaha boy and a son of J. P. Baiiey of this city. nni in'ioiiiiDic 'UUL. LLlf 10 IIUIILO GRAVE CHARGES AT ARMY MEII . ! Says Department Wants to Kill His Miichme Gun and ' Crozier Is Preju-. . diced. Washington,' Dec. 22. Colonel , haac Lewis, inventor of the machine gun bearing his naiitc, today told the f senate committee investigating - con i duct of the war that while Still an I active officer in the. United States ! army, he tried without avail to per suade the' War department to accept the gun free of cost as an act of pa triotism. - ' Colonel Lewis said he took his in vention to the chief of staff, then Major General Leonard Wood. "Even i last June I went to the present sec retary of war and offered him all mv interests, without any emolument,' he declared. "The only condition, which I think was fair, was that the official test should rot be made at the Springfield arsenal." "My offer wasn't even considered" Colonel Lewis protested- "It was turned down flat." I A letter dated December 11, last. renewing his'offer of his gun to Sec I retary Baker, was read by Colonel Lewis. In it he offered also to turn over' all his share 43 per cent of all" royalties, aggregating $2,000,000 i under existing contracts. In the let j ter Colonel Lewis protested alleged ! injustice of statements by Secretary 1 Baker regarding his gun. He cited the success the British had had with his arm and declared that of 12 Zep pelins brought down by the British 10 were bagged with the Lewis gun. Senator Chamberlain asked why the War department should oppose the Lewis gun and the inventor replied. "They want to. kill it, to take the label off it." The 1913 test was premature, against his judgment, Colonel Lewis declared, but he did not regard the outcome as a failure for his gun. "The gun is just the same today as it was then, not a change made," Colonel Lewis said, declaring Gen eral Crozier had adopted various dif ferent types of machine guns, spend- ing millions on the Benet-Mercier (a rrencn gun. "All the other experts believe the Browning is the best gun developed auu juu arc iiic uiiiy unc against them," Senator Hitchcock suggested. Lewis replied that the experts were interested in manufacturing the Browning. Colonel Lewis declared the ord nance bureau was a "one man ma chine" and said General Crozier had j used his office for personal- malice against a man not in the "ring." Mr. Lewis said he did not think the ord nance department was corrupt but hopelessly inefficient. Responding to other questions, Lewis charged that General Crozier's attitude towards him was due both to personal and professional prejudice. Arthur L Palmer Appointed Secretary to State Fuel Head State- Fuel Administrator Kennedy announces the appointment of Ar thur L. Palmer, young Omaha attor-i ney, as executive secretary to assist him in the fuel administration work. Mr. Palmer has entered upon his ac tive duties. Fred B. Loomis will handle the dis tribution of fuel, while Mr. Palmer will have general" charge of the state office under Mr. Kennedy 1 I FIRE ENDANGERS ESSEN FACTORIES, KAISER'S MAINSTAY Fire Reported Burning Fiercely for La$t Twenty-four Hours; Destruction of Plant May Put Effective Damper 6n German Hopes for Suc cess in World War. Maestricht, Holland, Friday, Dec. 21. (British Admi ralty, per Wireless Press.) Workmen from Essen, Germany, say that the Krupp plant, the great German munitions estab lishment, has been ablaze for 24 hours. This great plant was one of the prominent factors in the preparations of the German government for the world war, and in the marked efficiency of that government in carrying it on. (?) uav nirpirAT r.powAMV OMAHA OVER RED CROSS DRIVE QUOTA Nearly 45,000 Memberships Obtained by Noon Today; Now Trying to Reach 70,000 Goal. Omaha pissed its quota of 40,000 Red Cross memberships early Satur day morning. By noon the figures had swelled to close to 45,000- The figures on the Christmas stocking indicator on the First National bank building have been renumbered to 70,000,-and the campaign committee is working harder than ever to reach this goal. Street solicitation today in charge of Mrs. Henry Doorly will bring in a large number, it is thought. ' "Turn in your money, memberships and supplies to campaign headquar ters," is the word emanating from that source ith the end of the big mem bership" drive in sight. "Sixty per cent of the 5,000 solicitors are holding out their money and making no re ports. This is seriously embarrassing the campaign committee, which has no way in which to estimate the real standing of Omaha in the nation-wide drive." Many Places Re-Visited. , Failure to return reports is' also causing a great deal of duplication of effort. . Not satisfied with the mem bership standing, the campaign com mittee is sending out squads of solici tors who return with the statement that memberships have already been taken out in these designated places. Headquarter?, however, have no rec ord of this on account of laxity of solicitors in turning in their money and cards. "We cannot emphasize too strongly how important it is that the returns be made as soon as possible," say the campaign committee members in one accord. Sunday morning at 9 o'clock vol unteer workers will report at head quarters in the Keeline building for assignment to districts for the after noon residence district drive. Mrs. W. B. Tagg of the South Side woman's committee reports 1,500 memberships by her committee. Seven hundred memberships were taken out at the two booths in headquarters in the Keeline building Friday. Theater Audiences Help. At the Orpheum and Strand theaters, 270 memberships were taken Friday night. At the Orpheum $97 was thrown on the stage for member ships for poor who could not afford them. A Cleveland man threw a $-0 gold piece on the stage at the Strand. L. A. Williams of Blair purchased a $25 membership in Detroit, another $25 one in Omaha and threw a $25 check on the stage at the Orpheum. J. Kitnck, a laborer for the Drake Williams company, endorsed a $9 pay check and sent it with a letter to the Red Cross committee. The f!. C. Fnltz home is ntiarantinrd with scarlet fever but the family tele- phoned thev had a S3 membership. The committee is Koinjr after the money, quarantine or no quarantine Miss Elizabetli Davis turned in $145 ,in memberships in hairdrcssing and millinery establishments. C. S. Montgomery made a Red (Continued on Pae Two, Column Two.) NATION-WIDE RESPONSE TO RED CROSS CRY Washington, Dec. 21. In addition to the report of the lake division, which has exceeded its quota of en rollments in the Red Cross Christmas membership campaign, reports to headquarters here tonight show the Atlantic division, comprising New York, Connecticut and New Jersey have passed the 1,000,(KX) mark, Xew York Citv suDDlvine 421. (XX). The Pennsylvania division reported 631,953 members, of whiclr Phila delphia furnished 379,000. The south western' division, including Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas, reported that returns received assured an enrollment of 1,700,000. Its quota is 1,162,000 Its destruction would be a serious handicap to the German army arid would deprive it of its principal source of military supplies. Even its partial destruction would delay if not prevent Hindenburg'a projected offensive against the western front and play no small part in forcing the Germans to cease hostilities in Italy. . The plant at Essen, the main estab lishment of the Krupps, the largest manufacturers in Germany of arms and munitions, employed about 30,- 000 men before the war. It has been expanded freatly during the war. Facts relating to its present size and C.e number of workmen are kept secret by the German government . It was reported unofficially in Octo ber of last year that about 70,000 per sons, including several thousand wo men, were at work there and that 20, 000 were to be added to the force. STRIKE DELAYS WORK. Early this year there was a '.strike at the Krupp works, said to have been due to lack of food. It was reported that 40,000 workers were involved and that the authorities combatted it by sending many of the men to the front, but little authentic information was permitted to come out of Germany. Essen is in Rhenish Prussia, about 40 miles from the Dutch border. Few places in Germany are guarded more carefully ,No persons unknown to the Gertuau authorities are permitted to visit the town. . . . .-, , 1 The plant has been' raided several times by French and British airmen, notwithstanding its formidable anti aircraft defenses. Press dispatches last July said 100 persons there bad been killed in a raid by French air planes and that considerable damage had been done to the works. HUNT IS GIVEN, GOVERNORSHIP OF ARIZONA Phoenix. Ariz., Dec. 22. The Ari zona supreme court today seated G., W. P. Hunt as governor of Arizona. Hunt contested the election of Gov ernor Campbell, who now holds the oflice. Hunt is a democrat. On the 'face of the returns Camp- " bell was given the certificate of elec-; tion by the small margin of 31 votes. " Hunt instituted a contest, declaring that a recount would show he had been elected. He declined to surren der the office on January 1, but when the supreme court issued an order declaring Camp!!! the de factor gov ernor pending tile appeal he vacated and Campbell has held the office dur ing these months. On a recount of the vote Judge San ford of the superior court of Mari copa contity declared CampbcJI elected. The decision of the lower court was regarded as ambiguous and an appeal was taken to the court above, which today unanimously de cided that the recount showed that Hunt had oeen elected by 43 votes. Fremont Kennel Club Helps Gardner Family "Enclosed find draft1 for $10.50. Please hand to Mrs. T. Gardner to accept with our compliments, and if 'Shep' gets hungry to call on us again." , The foregoing is the text of a com-"y munication received at The Bee office from Otto Pohl, secretary of the Fre mont Kennel club. In compliance to Mr. Pohl's request the draft will be turned over to Mrs. T. Gardner, 6148 Bedford avenue, for the benefit of her children and faithful "Shep." Fremont dog lovers just could not resist the stirring appeal of the Card- tier "kiddies" that they be allowed to keep their dumb companion when,, their mother made public the fact that she desired to sell "Shep" to get "i money to buy necessities, and with the help of kind-hearted people the little almost brokep-hearted "kiddies' will not be deprived of their pet. It sure will be a joyous Christmas in the Gardner home. Janitor Attends Court ' House Dance in "Spike Tails" Court house employes and their friends held their annual holiday dance in thv. rotunda of the court house Friday night. More than 200 dancers took part in the festivities. One of the janitors attended the dance attired in correct evening at tire. In spite of the starchy atmo- , sphere created by the appearance of a" "swallow-tail," and "sUk tile." the ; formality of the occasion was soon thawed by the efforts of the jazz band and the marble halls of justice rang with the latest rag as if nothii'; uv usual had happens