Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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The Omaha. Bee
Entered at Omaha postoffice as second-class matter.
Br Carrier. Bj llatl.
Daily and SuiKlar I-er wee, Ha Mar. H O
Only witiont Sunrtay " lo ' 4.00
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The Ansoriited Trees. of irhleh Th lte ii a member. t eicluilrelT
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Remit he draft, expresa or poval order. Only 2-rent atamr taken tn
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Oreal.a-Tiw Bee Bulldme. hi.ajo People'n r,u Bulldlof.
S'Hith Omiha :SI8 N Ht. York J Fifth Am
un.i I H!uf? It N. Mam St. St. Ixiuia New B'k of Commerce. Utile Buildlni. Vahlntn Kill O Bt.
Ulrrg ermraunle.atlotij relating to newi and editorial milter to
imslia Bee. Ldltenal If parluient.
58,715 Daily Sunday, 51,884
rie cin-uUiirm for the mmito, lubecrlbed and aworo to br Dwltbt
UiHianui, Circulation Manager.
Subicriberi leaviitf the city should have The Bee mailed
to them. Address chanced as often as requested.
.A "dry" America in eight years! Let that
ouk in.
Enlisted with the Red Cross for 1918? If
not, why not?
He who runs may readily read the figures
on the coal price board.
Too much disparity in the ages of Spreckels
and Hoover puts a "finish go" outside the range
of real sport.
"Fighting railrnads is out of date," observes
the State Council of Defense. Mark up another
horror of war.
The reported shortage in iron, however, is
not likely to interfere with the output of con
gressional probes.
Kvery morning sun schedules a day's work
tor readers of federal regulation orders. No
charge for overtime.
A world shortage of sheep is the latest note
of alarm. Coming from official sources the ya' n
may be accepted as all wool.
Emperor William is very solicitous about the
welfare and gentle treatment of cx-Qar Nicholas
of Russia. Divine right rulers just naturally have
a fellow feeling.
As early as last July the Russian General
Brussiloff denounced Lcnine as a German emis
sary. Events prove that the general had the
red boss' number in advance.
Our poor overworked lawmakers at Wash
ington will take only a two weeks' Christmas
vacation. Such sacrifice and self-denial cannot
be too deeply appreciated by Mr. Common
One Omaha naval officer went dowsi with the
Jacob Jones and now another is among the sur
vivors of the F-l. It seems fated that our Oma
ha boys are to be in at the thick of the trouble
As co!oncl-lo-he of the "Unlucky Seventh,"
Governor Neville, has, nevertheless, gotten a lot
of free advertising, but not necessarily the kind
he can convert into political capital as a candi
date for re-election
Ycstcrweck reports laid special emphasis on
the scarcity of pork. This week farmers are ad
vised that the market is glutted with hogs. If
these reports appear confusing, safety ' suggests1
joining a "Don't worry" club.
Several congressmen naively declare they did
not know they had voted to exempt themselves
from the excess income tax until they read
about it in the newspapers. There is nothing
under the sun so innocent and guileless as a
member of congress.
The house of representatives set January 10
for a vote on the national suffrage amendment.
Perhaps the date lias no other significance,
still the sandwiching of a crisis between Jack
son's day and the blizzard anniversary suggests
a brief period of hot and cold waves.
Surgeon General Gorgas sounds a note of
warning on army camp conditions that should
receive instant attention. Deficiencies are not
confined to proper equipment. Medical attention
and treatment is not what it should be, to put
it mildly, and the surgeon general should set the
example of giving effect to his own warning.
Final Crop Estimates
Hall Mreet Journal -
Final figures of the crop production have
been published by the Department of Agricul
ture. Taking this estimate as a basis, the total
.money value of crop and animal production ap
proximates $21,(XK).0OA.0OO. This is 50 per cent
more than the official estimate of the 1916 harv
est. Impressive as the figures may be, it must
be remembered that the real value of the crops
,ts measured by the qtiantity of food they rep--csent.
The wheat crop falls considerably below the
Xovembcr estimate. While it is 1 5,000,000 bush
els greater than that of 1916, the reserve of old
wheat this year was approximately 125,000,000
bushels less, so that at the lowest estimate, our
wheat supply is 100,000,000 bushels short of last
year. Remember, also, that the 1916 crop was
170,000.000 bushels less than the average of the
crop in the five preceding years. The moral is,
to save wheat. Save wheat for war purposes,
lts our citadel.
What shall we cat? The report shows food
n plenty, if we will put our country above our
ippetite. Rye, corn, oats, barley, buckwheat and
rice are large crops, and some are of record pro
portions. The two kinds of potatoes total
5,343,000 bushels. This is almost 25 per cent
more than last year. There is a crop of onions
and cabbage almost double that of last year.
Feed for live stock and poultry is abundant.
There should be no talk of famine, nor should
there be any famine prices.
Cut the food condition of the world is serious.
Heavy drafts will be made on North America,
not only to suppprt the armies of civilization.
; act to keep neutrals alive. Some figures put out
by Mr. Hoover differ from those of the Depart
ment of Commerce. But if they are correct, then
we have already exported all our surplus wheat,
if we keep up our normal consumption. In that
case, what will Europe do? How will the armies
fight without food? This crop report should
call Americans to the duty of saving wheat and
Turn the Search Light Full On.
Congress may count on unqualified public ap
proval and support for the inquiries it has begun
into the preparations for the war if only it makes
a thorough and impartial job of it.
The great body of the American people have
responded, without stopping to measure the sacri
fice, to every demand that has been made upon
them so far in connection with the war, and
they expect and have a right to know that the
money they are advancing andthe sons and
brothers they are furnishing for service are be
ing employed under competent and efficient di
rection to the best advantage in procuring the
desired end.
As everyone knows, the air is full of reports
and gossip about incompetency and mismanage
ment in many departments, about needless de
lays and mistakes, about favoritism and self-advantage
some of these stories doubtless wholly
without foundation and others based on firm
footings of fact.
Congress is responsible to the people for ex
ercising a strict control of the expenditure of the
moneys it votes, and it properly devolves upon
congress to check and correct whatever abuses
or waste or futile expenditure may be uncovered.
It also devolves upon congress particularly to
see to it that the machinery for whose running
it has provided so generously and lavishly, is
speeded up, because the faster the movement the
quicker will the goal be reached, and every
month or week or day or hour saved, carries a
corresponding saving of life and limb and suffer
ing and sorrow.
Neither should congress be squeamish or
hesitant about fixing responsibility for blame
worthiness. Our people are playing no favorites
in army or navy or in administrative positions.
Those who have failed to deliver the goods
should be set aside without compunction regard
less whether they occupy a high or low posi
tion, i
Let the search light then be turned full on.
Let us have thorough reorganization and
strengthening wherever there is a weak spot
in the lines.
Housing Enemy Aliens
By Fre eric J. Haskin
I y A T
It was, officially announced by the secretary of
the navy in Washington Tuesday evening that
an American submarine had been rammed and
sunk by another American submarine in home
waters Monday afternoon and 19 lives lost.
If this disaster occurred Monday afternoon,
wliy was the news of it withheld by the secre
tary of the navy until Tuesday evening?
Are not the relatives and friends of the nen
whose lives were sacrificed, is not the public in
general, entitled to have information of such an
accident with reasonable promptness?
What good purpose could be subserved by sup
pressing all tidings of this affair for more than
24 hours, and how could its disclosure through
the channels of the press affect the qnestion of
culpability any more or any less by keeping it
dark so long, presumably as long as it was pos
sible to do so?
We all realize the necessity of a censorship
over army and navy news that may be turned to
account by the enemy, but why should the sec
retary of the navy do things like this, so need
lessly, that are sure to bring the censorship into
Where Do Building Materials Come In?
A member of the Omaha Builders' Exchange1
recently said that Omaha enjoys the reputation
of doing more building now and having more
plans for the winter than any other city of twice
its size. This statement may not be strictly ac
curate, yet it is approximately true, and is
significant of Omaha's standing among the solid,
progressive cities of the west. We have been
forging ahead steadily for 10 years and particu
larly during the last five years.
With all the construction work going on here
and in contemplation for the winter and spring,
the master builders naturally are somewhat
solicitous as to what the transportation com
panies can do for them in the way of handling
the building materials which in some cases must
be shipped long distances, cither in the raw state
or finished. These builders arc somewhat anx
ious lest the demand for building materials and
skilled labor may at sotrle point or other con
flict with the government interest, or in some
way interfere with construction work in promo
tion of the war.
The situation in this regard while not alarm
ing is such as to render uncertain these plans for
the construction of a number of large build
ings contemplated. No man can say what is to
be expected in the matter of transportation for
the railroads themselves arc powerless. The ex
traordinary 'demand made upon them for the
transportation of materials, mechandise, etc., is
greater than ever before, and the transportation
board, operating for and in behalf of the govern
ment, has found it impossible to cope with the
situation in all particulars. The question is, Is
the transportation of materials for the construc
tion of buildings in this and other cities more
pressing than is the transportation of materials,
manufactured or to be manufactured for the im
mediate purposes of war? This question can be
answered only by men in position to survey the
whole field of industry and the many branches
of war work. It is not a local question and any
approach to the solution of the problem can be
made only by those in a position to take the
broadest view of existing conditions.
Congressman Medill McCormick reports the
British short of artillery, as well as the French
and the American armies. German correspon
dents appear unaware of the deficit. A writer in
the Berlin Post, describing a battle in Flanders,
says: "Shells of the heaviest caliber thundered
across, with mines and machine gun volleys and
hand grenades, all uniting in a blood-curdling
hellish pandemonium such as even Dante would
never be able to describe." Wonder what would
happen if the British had a full assortment of
Washington, D. C. Dec. 18. The United
States government is now holding nearly 2,00l
prisoners of war. Most of them are officers and
seamen from interned enemy ships; some are un
welcome German subjects who failed to leave
with von HernstorfT and still others are more or
less suspicious individuals arrested by the De
partment of Justice. But, whatever they are, they
have to be fed, clothed and housed by the gov
ernment. This docs not sound like much of a problem
in these days when almost every country in the
world is accommodating prisoners of war, but
you can take it from the Department of Labor
that it was. In some way the job of caring for
enemy aliens was handed to the bureau of immi
gration of this department, without, however, any
appropriation or suggestions as to how it was to
be done. The government itself hail not pre
pared for such an emergency. Its own prisons
were full. ' There was, in fact, no appropriate
place for the enemy aliens to go.
Nevertheless certain officials of the bureau of
immigration remained at their desks all night on
April 4 waiting fof the verdict of congress. At
3:14 a. tn. they received the news that war on
Germany had been declared. Exactly one minute
later a message reading, "proceed instantly. Wil
son," was telegraphed to every United States
port. Less than an hour later immigration of
ficials had boarded every enemy ship, removing
the crews and placing them in the nearest avail
able prison quarters.
Having done this much the brureau wondered
what it was going to do next. Congress was
too preoccupied with other war problems to feel
any great concern or sympathy over the welfare
of German prisoners. The prison quarters chosen
by the immigration officials were in most cases
the immigration stations. Sixty-four men were
imprisoned in New Orleans immigration station
a modem well equipped building, but hardly
a permanent prison accommodation; 71 officers
and 49 seamen were detained, in the Philadelphia
station at Gloucester City, N. J.; 86 of
ficers and 191 seamen were held in the immigra
tion station of Boston, 180 interned aliens at San
Francisco and 200 officers and men at Ellis
None of these accommodations was suitable.
In New Orleans the men had to he removed on
account of climatic conditions. The station at
Gloucester was entirely inadequate to the situa
tion. In Boston the United States public health
officials very courteously handed over their quar
antine station at Gallup's island for the accom
modation of the prisoners and they have since
been removed there. Additional buildings have
been constructed by the aliens themselves under
the direction of the immigration officials, sup
plies have been bought, and the place has been
turned into an excellent prison cantonment, with
a section of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion in army huts furnishing entertainment for
the aliens.
At Ellis island no remedy presented itself in
the absence of a federal appropriation, so there
the aliens stayed in spite of much congestion
and inconvenience. In the meantime, however,
the bureau of immigration was working on plans
for a permanent and suitable location ifor them.
At first the government reservation at Pisgah
forest seemed to answer the problem, its location
and climate being good, its need for roads con
spicuous. And it was planned to let the aliens
build the roads. Tut the forest contained no
buildings capable of housing the aliens imme
diately, so the bureau had to look elsewhere.
A location at Kanuga lake, near Hendcrson
ville, N. C, also seemed to offer ideal condi
tions, but this also had to be relinquished on
account of some flaw in the title to the property.
At last, however, the Mountain Park hotel at
North Carolina's famous Hot Springs, 39 miles
west of Ashcville, was chosen, the hotel and
100 acres of latig being rented. The necessary
appropriation from congress came just in time.
It may also be stated parenthetically that if
it had been the bureau's idea to choose a loca
tion for its picturesque beauty instead of for
utilitarian purposes it could not have been more
successful. The property is located on a broad
stream 1,300 feet up in the mountains in what is
North Carolina's wildest strip of country. In
summer there will not be any need for guards if
they teach the aliens trout fishing.
As the government needed all the labor it
could get to promulgate the war, the plan was to
have the aliens construct their own quarters and
add to their own maintenance as much as pos
sible by cultivating a part of the 100 acres. A
special staff was put in charge of this construc
tion work and ,the erection of the first barracks
began. Meantime the aliens had appointed a
committee from among their own members to
deal with the government. All complaints, sug
gestions and requests were made by this com
mittee. The Department of Labor decided that
each alien who hewed and cut and built for the
government should be paid for his labor at the
rate of $20 a mouth. A foreman was to get ?25
a month. No alien is permitted to receive all of
this, though. An officer may not receive more
than $10 a month, a seaman not more than $5.
The rest is put in the postal savings bank to
hjs credit or spent for him by the authorities,
according to his instructions. No alien can buy
his clothes direct from any establishment, for
example, but his order will be taken care of by
the director's office.
The internment camp at Hot Springs is
rapidly nearing completion and more aliens from
San Francisco and Ellis island are arriving every
week. In addition to repairs made in the hotel
the alien laborers have constructed an officers'
bwracks with a capacity for 100 officers, seven
seamen's barracks with a capacity of 150 each,
eight lavatories, a large warehouse, an office for
guard officers, a dining room and kitchen, 15
sentry stations and three-fourths of a mile of
10-foot barbed wire fence with electric lights
at certain intervals.
Moreover, the aliens built the foundations for
their own water, sewer and electric light sys
tems. Needless to say they have had plenty to
do. German intrigue has no't flourished as usual
at Hot Springs. N. C. It hasn't had a chance to.
The officers are so busy directing the work of
new projects and the men are so busy doing the
work that there is no opportunity for hatching
schemes to help the kaiser. And this, in spite
of the fact that the officers' camp is conducted
largely on the honor system, there being only
seven guards on duty at a time. But then the
North Carolina wilderness is a great safeguard
to a man's honor in a matter of this kind, escape
being distinctly impracticable.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier fought his last political
battle at 76 and lost. Formerly the leader of
progressive thought in Canada the liberal party
chief failed to measure the spirit of the battle
for world democracy, in which Canadians arc
taking a glorious part, and fell out of the ranks.
Leaders who will not lead must be content with
the dust of onward marchers.
According to official returns, there are 22,696
millionaires in this country, almost 8,000 of them
breaking into seven-figure society within twelve
months. Uncle Sam is not supposed to play fa
vorites, still his affection for millionaires rises
above the average and approaches a lUtv-fifty
People and Events
Two lumps to each cup visions the sugar sav
ing policy of National Press club at Washington.
The "sacrifice" carries the label: 'Practicing
what we preach."
Police hurry calls have gone out to property
owners and tenants in Chicago to keep side
walks free of srlow or else covered with ashes,
sand or sawdust. Failure to obey costs $5 a day
and trimmings, and Chicago needs the money.
The roll call at the Great Lakes naval station
last Monday brought answers from 25,879 men,
the largest number of young jackics ever en
rolled at the station. The enlistment rush of
last week brought 4,000 recruits to the naval
colors there.
Another New York grand jury proposes an
inquiry into the "so;.i box" Bolsheviki, who per
sist in knocking government plans for pushing i
the war to a finish. I he inquiry, to be effective,
should recommend the reforming benefits of a
copious rock pile.
George F. Yandervcer. the Industrial Workers
of the World attorney who rushed from Seattle
to Chicago to manage the defense of the men on
trial, barely hit the lake shore before the cops
took him in as a gun toter. The artillerv bulged
the hio Docket and cave him awav,
Right in tin' Spotlight.
Uobert Lee Williams, governor of
, Oklahoma, who recently displayed a
i commendable firmness in suppressing
' disorders in certain parts of his state
j where the draft was being resisted,
enters upon his fiftieth year today,
having licen Iwrn December iv8.
Governor Williams is an Alabamian
I who took tip his home in the Indian
territory a few years after he had
graduated in law and been admitted
to the bar. With the admission of
Oklahoma to the union he rose to
prominence in the democratic party
in the new state. lie was elected the
lirst chief justice of the Oklahoma
supreme court and served in that po
sition from 1507 until 131 r.. when he
resigned to accept the governorship.
In dealing with the recent trying sit
uation arising from the war the gov
ernor displayed those qualities of fair
ness and loyalty to liberty under the
law which he had gained by years of j
experience as a jurist. J
One Year Ago Today in the War.
President Wilson sent note to all
the belligerents requesting they define
more exactly their peace terms.
Russians made a stand at Molda
vian border and in Dobrudja, where
violent lighting was reported under
In Omaha Thirty Year Ago.
All arrangements have finally been
niaJe for the meet between Tommy
Miller, the local champion feather
weight, and Ike Weir, the "Bellfast
Spider," and a most interesting exhi
bition is forthcoming-.
A 205-pound buck was killed three
mm m m I
miles north of Florence, by II. A. Far
ley of South Omaha.
The first deposit of the stakes in
the 1 On-line bird match between
Frank Parnielcc ami II. A. Penrose
was made.
There was an important meeting of
the committee of the Knights of
Pythias, having in charge the pre
liminary arrangements for the erec
tion of the home of that order in this
city. It was resolved to select Far
nam and Nineteenth streets as the
site for the proposed structure,
which, with the ground, will cost
The Klks elected the following di
rectors for the ensuing year: O. S.
Parrotte, W. N. Babcock. 1. W. Miner,
R. C. McClure, Sidney Smith, Thomas
Swobe, V. Dickenson, T. W. Haines
and Oeorgo T. Mills.
Rev. C. W. Savidge of the Seward
Street Methodist Episcopal church,
and Mr. B. R. Ball, superintendent of
the Sunday school, are making a can
vass of that portion of the city lying
north of Cuming street, with a view
to securing the names of all children
who will not be remembered on
Christmas on account of the poverty
of their parents or friends.
This Day in History.
1778 Third continental congress
met at Baltimore with John Hancock
1849 William Miller, founder of
the sect known at Millerites, died at
Low Hampton, X. Y. Born at Pitts
Held, Mass., February 15, 1782.
1862 Holly Springs, Mass., sur
rendered to the confederates.
1 S 7 1 A college for women was
opened in connection with the Uni
versity of Wisconsin.
1880 Electric street lighting was
first introduced in Xew York City.
1883 William W. Walker was con
secrated Protestant Episcopal mission
ary bishop of North Dakota.
1S94 James Ij. Alcorn, governor
of Mississippi and I'nited Stales sen
ator, died at Eagle Nest, Miss. Born
in Illinois, November 4, 1816.
1 91 4 Russians checked the Gor
man advance along the Bzura river.
1915 United Slates protested hold
up by British warships of parcel post
from America to Sweden.
The Day Wo Celebrate.
George M. Tunison was born De
cember 20, 1S82, at Parkersluirg, la.
Erhardt C. Hoeg, manager of the
InteYstate Lumber company, is 44
years old today.
Dr. Solon K. Towne is celebrating
his seventy-first birthday.
Prinof George, fourth son of the
king of England, who is now "doing
his bit" in the navy, born 15 years
ago today.
Elsie de Wolfe, former prominent
actress, who has been engaged in war
relief work in France, born in New
York City 52 years ago today.
Andrew Braid, chairman of the
United States Geographic board, born
at Kirkcaldy, Scotland, 71 years ago
Dr. Harry Pratt Judson, president
of the University of Chicago, born at
Jamestown, N. Y., 68 years ago today.
Hranch Rickey, president of the St.
Louis Nutional league base ball club,
born at Lucasville, C, 36 years ago
Joseph W. Wilhoit, outfielder of the
New York National league base ball
team, born at Hiawatha, Kan., 27
years ago today.
State Trea Mirer'-. Limited Patriotism.
Fremont. Neb., Dec li.To the
Editor of The Bee: I noticed an item
in The Bee relative to the exchange
by the state of Liberty bonds for
some securities .bearing a higher rat
of interest. It seemed to some of us
here that the state was .setting a very
poor example at least. 1 am enclosing
a copy of a letter addressed to the
Council of Defense which cxpla'ns
itself and ask The Bee to print same
Fremont. Neb.. Dec. 7. My Dear
Mr. Coiipland: Some of us here in
Fremont have noticed that the state
treasurer has disposed of $500,000 of
3 - per cent Liberty bonds and re
invested in bonds bearing a higher
rate of interest. We have not sufficient
data to know exactly what was done
in this transaction whether the Lib
erty bonds were disposed of and the
proceeds invested in another type of
bonds bearing higher interest, or
whether the proceeds were invested
in the senond issue of bonds, at the
hiqher rate: We are disposed in cither
case to feel that this transaction
savors more of thrift than 6t patrio
tism. S)
We are rather of the opinion that
when the state treasurer performed
so patriotic a duty as to invest $500.
000 in Liberty bonds at 3 per cent
he should have known that the pa
triotic impulse of the state of Ne
braska justified him in this and was
perfectly willing to lose per cent
interest for the benefit of the govern
ment so sorely in need of all support
that can come to it from individuals,
organizations, institutions and states.
As I have figured it out, this action
by the state treasurer would gain
for the state of Nebraska the paltry
sum of $2,500 the enormous sav
ing to each individual of the state of 2
One Way to Show Appreciation.
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 17 To the Edi
tor of The Bee: 1 am moved to make
a. suggestion which I think you will
cheerfully give space and I arrogate
to myself no special credit for the
During continuation of the war let
no young' or able bodied man remain
sitting in a street car while any lady
is compelled to stand. Hard working
men may be pardoned for retaining
their seats but there are a sufficient
number of men who can stand with
no inconvenience to accommodate
everybody. Gentlemen let us do this
generally during the period of the
war as an expression of our apprecia
tion of the extra work women are do
ing for humanity and for our soldier
Men we ought to blush when we
see young and even middle aged men
who sit on a chair most of the day
occupying a seat while even gray
haired women many of them worn
with household or other duties hang
ing to straps. Perhaps 60 per cent
of the men could stand for a lew
minutes every day and suffer no im
pairment. This should not onVy become gen
eral in Omaha, but in every city and
should become nation-wide at once.
dutv. It is extremely unjust, ungrate
ful'and unwise to reflect upon him
if the prices he fixes appear a little
high or a little low. So far as the
prices of butter and eggs in this city
are concerned, we venture to say, and
believe we could prove they are the
lowest of anv city of this size in tnt
United States. R. A. STEWART. i
President David Cole Creamery Co. f
Another Plan' lo Save Sugar.
Shenandoah, la.. Dec. 17. To the
Editor ef The Bee: As a reader of
The Bee, and other leading periodi
,.nis i li no i,,i,Lcil and waited, and
I i t t,, t.-.,-. y.miothinir
in print from some proinim nt person
in reference to the thin, open, cheese
cloth kind of inner baas used for
sugar. 'Ah a grocer, it has been my
lot to open many bags of sugar into
wlih quantities "f 'i'" had sifted
and likewise sugar sifted out.
This is a matter of such serious:
conse'iuf nee at the present time that
it should be speedily brought to the
notice of the proper officials. Sugar
being very high and scarce, it seems
to nie the greatest care should be ex
ercised in keeping it clean and in
preventing waste.
Any grocer or person whose busi
ness compels him to handle sugar
in 100-poond bags will hem me out
in the statement that not a single has,
or container, is close enough to pre
vent the sugar from sifting out ami
being strewn along the Hour. Not
! long since 1 opened a bag of sugar
and found the inner cheese-cloth
I bag had not been sewed together a:
the top and the sugar had been fairly
; pouring out through the meshes of
I the outside bag, which was made of
i the cheapest and thinnest kind of bur
I have for a long time been very
much concerned about this but it
I did not seem that a small retail grocer
should be the one to start an agita
tion along this line, but certainly
something should be done about it
and that right speedily.
'r uii'lTslaml your Erandfather was
rofitofr in the war of
"Tfn got it wrong.''
"How's that?"
"Ho was h privateer, not a profiteer. II
preyed on the ciH'niy." fouisvillo Courier
Journal. .
Sammy How d'j you manage to get on
so welt with tht French girls when joii
can't speak the lingo?
Jaekic You're dead clow. Can't e ki.s
a. cirl without a dictionary? Browning
"Don't you liUe lo collect rare coins?
asked Prosper.
'I certainly do." replied llardup. "To
couldn't let me have a silver dollar a weei
or so. rould yoo?" Cincinnati Kntulrer.
; 4
Intended No Kcllection on Wattles, j
Omaha, Dec. 17. To the Editor of)
The Bee: We deprecate any reftec-'
tion upon the food administration
arising from the prices to the con
sumer fixed by them. We are confident
of the purest patriotism and integrity,
in this transaction, of Mr. Wattles.
He is serving the government, without
pay, from pure love of country. He
can have no possible interest to
swerve him from the execution of his
55c Per Gallon
A Heavy, Viscous, Filtered Motor
The L
holas Oil Company
I Christmas Presents
I? PIANOS, 250 and Better
tjf Player Pianos, $395 and uf
.fcf Used Pianos, $125 and up
jk Pianos to Rent, $3.50 and up
r LA ILK KULL3, 25C and up
Stools, $2.50; Benches, $10; Scarfs, $2.50 Up
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
The American Philosophical society
as at present constituted enters upon
its one hundred and fiftieth year to
day, having been formed in Phila
delphia, December 20, 1768.
Today will mark the close of the
country-wide campaign of the Amer
ican Red Star Animal relief to raise
a large fund to provide veterinary
medicines and other relief for the
horses in the war.
In Philadelphia tonight John Mc
Cormaek, the famous Irish tenor, is
to inaugurate a country-wide concert
tour, the entire proceeds of which
will bo donated to the American Red
After today collections and tag
days for war charities will not be al
lowed by the Canadian government
unless authorized in writing by the
governing body jf a registered war
charity association.
Sheet Pictures, every price and variety
Photo Frames, Frames to order.
Lamps, Vases, Art, Flowers,
Cordova Leather, Brass Goods, Candles,
Candle Sticks, Painting Sets and Outfits,
Musical Instruments, Violins, Guitars,
Ukuleles; all Brass and Orchestra Instruments.
1513 Douglas Street
Storvotte of the Day. '
"You can't be too drastic in your
treatment of a nation like Germany,"
said Admiral Coudert Perry at a Cold
Springs luncheon.
"You've got to consider Germany
as John Nagg considered marriage.
" 'John,' said Mrs. Nagg, 'have you
read this book. How to Be Happy
Though Married?'
" 'Nope,' said Nagg. 'I didn't need
to. I know how, you see, without
reading it.'
"'Well, how, then" said his wife.
" 'Get a divorce," said he." Wash
ington Star.
I . ,
PALATABLE Pleases the most
exacting taste; made from pure, whole
some ingredients good for tired nerves. A
genuine thirst-quencher nourishing and de
licious. Appropriate for all occasions. Drink
STORZ in every season.
Served wherever invigorating and refresh
ing drinks are sold.
Ideal for the home. Order it by the case.
Storz Beverage & Ice Co.
Webster 221. hoRS delight to bolt and bite,
Kor irreed bath maile them o;
And those with Hun-like appetite.
Kor 'tis their nature to.
Eut patriots rhould never let
Their appetites for meat
The better of discretion get.
But rather uuder-eat.
Let all your daily portions show.
Your daily helpings, too.
That by a sweet restraint v. hi know
ll'ov ou caj counter "t"
Washington, D. C.
Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which you will please send me,
entirely free, a copy of the book: "The Cornmeal Book."
Name , '
Street Address , tT-,- j
City State