Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1917, Page 7, Image 7
r THE BEE: MAIIA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1917. WE'RE SPLENDIDLY READY TO SUPPLY YOU WITH EVERY GIFT WISHWZWZ&ZWVVZ rf STORE had usy Art Needlework Dept. Floor. foils, Our Cash 75C to $1.50 Fork, and Spoon ice 50c Our Special Cash S.00 to SG.50 g Stands. Cash S5.00 Knittinjr Bags. S1.15 .to 5.25 Vanity Bags, Our Special Cash Price 50c. 75c4 Library Scarfs, Our Special Cash Trice 3.00 to $16.00 Artificial Poinsettias ...IOC. 15C Artificial Holly, Our Cash Price, per spray 5C. 100. 15t GIFT Suggestions Couch Covart. Portieres, Table Runnen Drapery Section Main Floor Annex Couch Cover In great variety. selection can be made from $15 down to $2.25 each. Portieres In pleasine fabrics, best colors. Splendid values featured at, per pair. . .$5.f)5 Table Runners Novelty Silk Velours '20x54 in. size. each. Our Cash Price $3.25 Curtains Novelty Lace Trim Marquisette and Voile, featur ing several special values, at per pair $2.00 up. " i i i ry nii jTrxnjLnrLri juirLrir Toyland's Specials For Thursday Only $1.00 Pa-Ma Dolls, 65c Larse Faby Poll, with long dress and hood, unbreakable metal head. Squeete Ktntly and it says Ta." "Ma." Cash Trie, each 65c $1.00 Combination Bank, 60c Combination Savin Bank, takes nickels, dimes and quarters. Opens at $10.00; registers tht amount you rut in. Special Cash Price, each 60c $3.00 Mechanical Trains, $1.85 Mechanical Train on large oval track, engine, tender and two cars; strong and durable; Friday, only. Cash Price, each IJ.8S $1.00 China Tea Set, 50c Large box containing pretty Child's Tea Sot in fancy deco rations of flowers and Bold; 13 pieces to the set, Cash l'rice, each 50c 7 -X IP Savings on Your Giving and Living Expenses You Can Select no More Desirable Xmas Gifts Than Jewelry Choose your Christmas Gifts from our large and complete stock of Jewelry and take advantage of our savings by cash buying. You will find that we can make a saving t you on practically every item in our immense stock, either better quality for same money or same quality for less money. NO JOB LOT PURCHASES OR SECONDS SOLD FOR FIRST QUALITY, but new and clean, up-to-the-minute stock of Jewelry Novelties. We quote a few of the many items. All engraving done free of charge. Solid Cold Jewelry. $7.50 10K Solid Cold La Vallieres With solid gold Pendant, newest ar tistic designs, set with Pearls, Kuby, Sapphire and Amethyst doublets. Spe cial Cash Price $5.00 $4.50 Solid Gold Bar Pin In popular Horseshoe Nail design. Roman finish, good weight. Cash Price $2.90 $5.00 Solid Cold Man's Scarf Pins Set with real Pearls and various colored stones. Many beautiful and nobby de signs. Our Special Cash Pries. .. .$330 $4.50 Solid Cold Baauty Pins To natch Horseshoe Natl Bar Pins, good weight. Cash Price $2.50 $17.00 Solid Gold Brooches Set with large Italian Pink Shell Cameos, hand carved. Our special Cash Price. .$12.00 $22.50 Diamond La Vallisre Merry Widow mounting, with 5 full tut white Diamonds. Extra large sizes. With solid gold neck chain. Our Cash Price $15.50 (3.00 10K Solid Gold Circle Pins Good sice, engine turned and engraved de signs. Our Special Cash Pries. ., ,1.95 $27.00 Diamond La Valliers Set with one large, perfectly cut Diamond or with many real Pearla. Our Cash Price $10.75 $16.50 Solid Gold Brooch Set with large, full cut diamond and 2 real Montana Sapphires. It is of new, live designs and a beauty. Cash Price $12.95 $15.00 10K Solid Cold Men's Belt Buckles JJuiid engraved designs, good weight. Cash .$9.00 $23.00 Black Onyx and Solid Cold Pendant Set with 4 real Pearls and one large, perfect cut Diamond, a really unique and beautiful Pen dant. Our Cash Price $16.95 $11.00 Solid Gold Cuff Links Set with 2 full cut. white Diamonds, star mounting, heavy weight Links. Our Cash Price $7.95 $17.00 Indestructible Oriental Pearl Ring Pet in 14K solid gold, the most perfect Imitation Pearl made, and guaranteed for a life time. Our Cash Price , .$12.00 $20.00 Indestructible Oriental Pearl Ring Two fine, matched Pearls, 14K gold mounting. Very beautiful colorings. Our Cash Price $14.50 $4.00 Solid Gold Lingerie Clasp Heavy weight, engraved design, patent clasp. Roman finish. Cash Price $3.00 $3.95 Solid Cold Cuff Links With reinforced filled poet to strengthen them, in large site, Roman finish. Our Cash Price $2.50 $3.00 Baby's Solid Geld Locket and Neck Chain Good weight, engraved designs. Our Cash Price $1.75 Novelty Jewelry in Creat Variety. $1.50 French Rhinestone Set Cosque Combs Set with a multitude of stones, very brilliant, newest shapes. Our Cash Price $1.00 $1.00 Oriental Pearl Button Earrings With gold-filled mountings, several sizes, beautiful color. Our Cash Price 65c $2.50 Solid Cold Ear Screws Set with Pesrls, Kuby, Emeralds, Sapphires and Amethyst Doub lets, several siz atones. Cash Price $1.50 $7.50 Sterling Silver Pendant Earring Set with French Brilliants and Baroque Pearls, very chic designs. Our Cash Price $5.00 $5.00 German, Silver Mesh Bags Baby ring mesh, new and narrow frames, a very timely bargain. Cash Price $2.75 $2.00 Cold-Filled Clutch Pencils With snake safety clasp, engine turned designs. Our Cash Price $1.80 $3.00 Men's Gold-Filled Knives Several styles, beat steel blades, engraved designs. Our Cash Price $1.95 $1.50 Best French Jet Necklace Graduated opera lengths, highly polished beads. Cash Price 75e A $20.00 Cold-Filled Mesh Bag Of finest baby mesh, newest style, with narrow, en graved frame, warranted for 5 years. Cash Price $15.00 $6.95 Amethyst Cut Necklace with gold filigree work, a really wonderful new creation. Cash Price $6.00 $2.50 Men's Gold Top Belt Buckles New safety buckle, hand engraved and engine turned. Cash Price $1.50 $4.00 Men's Heavy Sterling Silver Belt Buckles Newest styles, hand engraved de sign. Cash Price ,....$3.00 $5.00 German Silver Vanity Cases New designs, space for coins, bills and powder. Cash Price $3.50 $5.00 Presto Cigarette Cases Heavy silver plated, the best ease on the market, sever al designs. Cash Price ,.$3.50 $18.00 Jackard Cut Steel Beaded Bag New drawstring model, real French creation of exceptional beauty. Our Cash Price. $12.50 Fine Pearl Necklaces Are Acceptable. $1.95 Filled French Pearl Necklaces With solid gold catch, neck lengths, perfectly matched. Cash Price $1.25 75e French Pearl Necklaces With Bold filled catch, neck lengths. Our Cash Price 5oc $5.50 Opera Length French Pearl Neck lacee Perfectly graduated, wax filled. Large center beads. Cash Price ..$3.50 $7.50 Fine Round Pearl Necklace Neck lengths, perfectly graduated with Rhine stone clasp. Our Special Cash Price.. $5.00 Watchea for Gifts That Last. $22.50 Men's 17-Jewel Elgin Watch 20 year, gold-filled case, adjusted and guaran teed timekeeper, 12 and 16 sizes, engine turned and plain cases. Cash Price . $19.00 $12.50 Men's 7-Jewel Elgin Watch 20-year, gold-filled eases, guaranteed perfect time keeper, 16 size only. Our Cash Price. .$9.00 $20.00 Men's 15-Jewel Waltham Movement With 20-year, engine turned gold-filled case, a perfect timekeeper. Cash Price.$15.00 $50.00 Women's 14K Solid Cold Elgin Bracelet Watch Engraved octagon rase, with 15-jewel Elgin movement. Cash Price $43.00 $25.00 Women's Eight Wrist Watch 20 year, gold-filled case and bracelet, new 10-0 size, very scarce. Our Cash Price $22.00 $40.00 Novelty Bracelet Watches Square, oval, octagon and round shapes, 20-year guaranteed cases, hand engraved, full 15 jewel imported movements. Cash Price.$2S.00 $11.00 and $10.00 Men's Military Wrist Watches With radio illuminated night dial and Kitchener strap, (full jeweled. Cash Price $8.95 $27.00 Illinois Sterling Silver Military Wrist Watch Protected crystal, khaki water proof bracelet, illuminated nluht dial. Cah Pric i $22.00 $3.00 Men's Gold-filled Waldemar and Vest Chains 10-year warranted, neweat designs. Cash Pric $1.95 Leather Goods for Practical Gifts. $1.25 All Leather Hand Bags and Pocket books Newest shapes and styles. .A very large assortment. Our Special Cash Price 95c $5.00 Women's Fine Leather Hand Baga and Pocket Booka Pin Seal, Morocco .Seal and Oriental leathers, silk lined. Cash Price $3.50 $2.50 Fine Velvet Hand Bag With frame, large size, novelty shape, with Chenille tassel, silk lining. Our Special Cah Price $195 $5.00 Novelty Beaded Bags Of fine velvet, novelty designs in colored beads, drawstring and framed styles. Our Cash Price. . .$3.50 $20.00 Imported French Beaded and Velvet Bag Large size, beaded fringe, chamois lin ing. Cash Priae $14.50 $2.00 Men's Seal Leather Bill Fold Silk or lesther lined, secret pocket with snsp fast ener $1.80 $6.00 12-plece Ivory Manicure Set In suede leather traveling case, silk lined, very use ful. Cash Price $4.50 Reliable Gold-Filled Jewelry at Savings. $2.50 Real Stone Cameo Brooches With gold-filled mounting, engraved design. Cash Price $100 $7.00 Real Pink Shell Cameos With filigreo gold-filled Hroochcs, Itslian hand cBrved de sign. Cash Prico $4.50 $1.75 Gold Top Cuff Links With nicely en graved designs, warranted to wear. Cash Price $1.00 $1.75 Cameo Lavalliere With soldered neck chain, green g.)d finish. Our ('ash Price $100 $1.00 Gold-Filled Men's Cuff Links Sev eral sizes, engraved designs 50c rr Her One of rurs ffering Remarkable Values 1 u$ Christmas Week Sales elected Fischer Fox Set, worth $350, Thurs- J $225 , s, one Taupe one Brown, $125 values, at $85 1 1 sold up to $100, Martin Hudson Seal and 'day, at $65 1 Seal Stoles, worth $50, at $35 Jes, beauties, at, each 965. $75, $95 ; and Kolinsky Seal Stoles, worth $85, at. .$59 j. her Special Fur Specials on Sets, 'Scarfs and Muffs Thursday. Bath Robes for Gifts Remarkably good assortment and superior values. Cash Price, $3.95. $4.95, $6.95 SPECIAL for Thursday Evening, 7 to 9 p. m. Coney Muffs Regu-'Long Kimonos Reg- lar $6.00 value. Cash Price $3.95 Silk Petticoats Reg ular $6.00 values, Cash Price ..$3.95 ular $4.00 Cash Price . . values. $1.95 Women' Wais ts Regularly $3.50 and $4. Now at... $2.45 I I Blankets, Comfortables and Auto Robes Wool Plaid Blankets. High Grade Wool Plaids, full double bed size, plaids in gray, blue, tan or pink. This blanket value cannot be replaced at less than $15.00, Our Cash Price, per pair ' $10.75 Mixed Wool Plaid Blankets, full double bed size, 60 per cent wool strong and durable. Cash price, per pair $7.95 Mixed Wool Gray Blankets, weight 5 pounds, full size for double beds. 30 per cnt wool. Our cash price, per pair $4.95 Comfortables, with wool filling, high grade material in cover. This superfine bed comfortable, cash price, each $7.95 Comfortables, best quality down filling;, best material procurable for cover, pleasing patterns. Cash price, each $12.50 Indian Robes for extra cover or for couch throw. Each $4.75 Bath Robe Blankets with cord and frog to match, best qual., set. .$3.75 Auto Robes, the Motor Weave Kind, in all the best patterns. Here "h $6.75 Auto Robes, in plush, kersey, machinaw material, or Scotch fringed shawls, at splendid money saving prices. J'.illiiiil,!liililiililimillii'HiH'ili;..ini'liil!'l'i:i. S.I ! L : Men's Appropriate : PRACTICAL j : GIFTS -J USEFUL GIFTS FOR BOYS A large assortment of Boys' Military and Play Suits for the holidays. Policeman's Suit, Cash Price. .$2.25 Indian Suit, Cash Price $1.50 Boy Scout Suits, Cash Price.. $2.00 Boys' Soldier Suit, Cash Price $2.25 French Artillery Suit $3.00 We are also featuring a broad line of Boys' Suits with two pairs knickerbockers and Boys' Mackinaws for the holidays. Every Suit and Mackinaw worth $7.50. Our IC A C Cash Price J)0,tO w I $7.00 Cut Glass Water Set-Dainty de sign. Special Cash Price $3.95 $2.00 7-piece Berry Set, 95 $1.50 Hand Painted Glass Flower Baskets 69 $2.00 Mahogany Serving Trays. Cash Price -. .$1.25 Popular for Gifts as for Gifts In plain and dered designs, .... $1.00 tors, also black e 50 on Hose All ecked effects. 25 Black white 25c and white, 4 y 25 Buy Your Amas Groceries Early, Highest Quality, Freshest Goods and Lowest Prices For your Xmas Puddings, Pi, and Cake try our Famous Diamond H Flour, mad from the bent selected No. 1 wheat, PER 48-LB. SACK $2.85 Plum Pudding, per can 10c -25c Mince Meat, pkg: 10c-12'4e 16ounre cana assorted Soups .... I2V2C Large bottles, Worcester Sauce, Pickles, assorted kinds ; Horse Radish or Pre pared Mustard, bottle 10c 3 lbs. fancy Japan Rice 25c 3 lbs. California Brown Beans 25c 16-ounce cans Condensed M ilk . . . . 12V,c 21 -ounce jars Pure Min'e Meat 25c The best Domestic Macnroni and Spaghetti, pkg 7',c Jelio or Advo Jell, pkg 10c No. 2 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, Early June Pean, Wax or String Beans 5e 35-ounee jar Pure Apple Butter 25c No. 8 cans Golden Pumpkin 10c No. 8 cana Hominy or Saner Kraut.. 15c Fancy Queen Olives, bottle. . 10c-15c-25c FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS FOR XMAS 15 lbs. best Cooking Potatoes 35e 12 lbs. fancy Cooking Apples 45c 12 lbs. fancy Jonathan Apples 50c The bent Mixed New Nuts, lb 20c Fresh Shallots, Radibheti, Beets, Carrots or Turnips, bunch 5c Fancy Sweet Potatoes, lb 5c Fancy Red Globe Onions, 3 lbs. for. .10c Cabbage, per lb 2'jC Rutabagas, per lb 2Vc Fancy Cauliflower, lb 12'C 3 Green Peppers 10c Krenh Parsley, hunch 3Vnc THE CREATEST TEA AND COFFEE DEPARTMENT IN THE WEST. "The Talk of Omaha" Our Special Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb 20c Diamond 11 Santos, fine drink, lb... 23c Porto Rico blend, excellent, per lb.. 27c Diamond H blend, an aromatic Coffee, cannot be excelled, per lb 32c Special sale only, 3 'j pounds for.. $1.00 Choice Basket Firod or Uncolored Japan Tea, lb 40c BUY A BOX OF APPLES NOW We have a carload of fancy Idaho Jona than Apples, extra fine flavored, nothing finer eating, Bale price, per box... .$1.75 Men'a High Grade Neckwear Fine quality, heavy, rich looking Silk, in big shape scarfs, hundreds to choose from; bright, snappy colors or the more quiet effects. Priced at 82.95. S2. S1.50 A very special Scarf at, each $1.00 Men's Big Sport End Silk Scarfs Patterns and colors by the thousand, light, dark and medium effects, new and up-to-date, each I0 Men's Silk Neckwear Fancy colors, hip shapes, Cash Price, each '2,7 C Men's Blanket Bath Robes Fine quality of blanket, made up well, in bright and careful pat terns. Our Cash Price, each $3.95 Men's Combination Sets Consisting of Garters and Suspenders, in beautiful Christmas box. Cash Price $1.50. $1.00. 75 50 Men's Neck Muffler In knitted and fancy silks, long, narrow reefer style, bis variety to select from. Cash Price, each $1.25 Men's Shirts Soft or stiff cuffs attached, fancy patterns in good cloths, large variety. Our Spe cial Cash Price, each $1.25 Men's Silk Socks In plain colors. Also fine wool and cashmere qualities. See our special Silk Hose at, Cash Price, per pair G0 Men's Cloves In (Jape and Mocha qualities, lined and unlined. Also Jersey gloves. See our specially pood Jersey, Cash Price, per pair, 85 Men's Night Shirts and Pajamas In fine quality of Domet Flannel. See our specially pood Night Shirt at, Cash Price, each $1.00 1 i i iii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii i ii i i ii t J SCHEIDEMANN ON MISSION FOR PEACE. tor ttsii 1 jfimt. I , xm I 4 t 4 3-HU1P Sa.'F,IDRMAN. Philip chcidcuumi, loader ni the majority .socialist party in Germany, lias undertaken a new and somewhat mysterious peace mission, according to advices received from Copenhagen. It is stated that lie is en route for Stockholm to carry out the latest peace scheme ami that his trip to the Swedish capital has the sanction of the Kovcrnnietit. It is considered of some signifi cance that Herr Schridcm.inn's mis sion appears to he quite as much a mystery in Germany as it is in Den mark. The pan-German newspapers in Berlin, according to the Copen hagen dispatch, express a lively hut antagonistic interest in the socialist's trip. COSTOF NEBRASKA GOVERNMENT LOW State Auditor Smith Makes Comparison of State's Ex pense With That of Mid west Neighbors. Krnm a Staff Oorrtarniidt-nt.) Lincoln, Dec. 18. (Special. )-Of seven of the most important western central states, the per capita cost of running Nebraska is below any of the seven except Kansas and below the average of all the states of the union, according to figures prepared by State Auditor Smith. Of the west and north central group the average cost per capita was $4.7.', while Nebraska was $4.0,?. The figures for total governmental cost and aver age are as follows: iot P.T. fltiiM r,.M, Capita. Minn .. In JIM"'.' ss . Iciwn in, HIO. Ill I 4.110 Missouri lii.S47,ia I a o-j Nnrt Ii MulioU O'f.N.'iO tp.c,.' South Dukola. a. ?7 4. US Ni'lir.inka !i.)ci!i,;r,u 4.03 KltllNilH I1,1JJ((K11 o.7 The figures arc taken from the re cent report of the national Depart ment of Commerce and show that while the above group collected in the period named the sum of $((U'4.V)5.i, they spent but $51,704,428. As against this total states of the union collected $466,940,748, while the payment ex ceeded the receipts, the total former being $5in,I34,2,W. In '(. of the stales the payments exceed the receipts, New York state showing an excess of $35, 349.717. The per capita cost of government was greater in Nevada than any other state, the cost being $12.78. California stands next, with $11.14, and Arizona third, with $10.35. Then the high cost ot government jumps clear across the country and it is found that Maine stands fourth with a per capita cost of $10. MAY USE OMAHA GAS PLANT FOR MAKING TOLUOL To Construct Buildings Here to Utilize By-Product of Gas for Munitions Purposes. A toluol plant costing $150,000 h among the immediate prospects for Omaha, Toluol is a by-product of gas plants, and is the base for the highest and most efficient explosive known for barrage fire in the war. The explosive itself is known as tri-nitro-toluol or T. N. T. It is a com pound of nitrogen and toluol. W. H. Taylor, manager of the Oma ha Gas company, has been in Wash ington and New York recently with officials of the War department on the subject of manufacturing toluol in Omaha in connection with the manu facture of gas. If the deal goes through, the government will con struct a $150,000 plant adjacent to the present gas company plant, where the toluol will be extracted. Supply Under Contract. At present America is producing annually about 11,000,000 gallons of toluol from the by-product retort coke ovens, which have increased rapidly since the war began. This quantity, however, is under contract for the supply of our navy and the allies. At least a year is required for the construction of a large battery of by-product ovens. For the new army the only quickly available source of toluol is the gas plants. Brigadier ' General William II. Crozicr, chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, has pointed this out. Gas plants can be equipped in two or three months to remove the toluol from gas. Thus the equipping of all available gas plants in the country with plants for the recovery of toluol is under contemplation by the War depart ment. The Omaha gas plant is some what handicapped, however, by the fact that Omaha still demands what Manager W. 11. Taylor designates as an obsolete standard of gas, which requires the consumption of most of , the toluol. Omaha is requiring the high candle power standard, while in most places the candle power is be ing rapidly eliminated. The great hulk or gas, at least 90 per cent of it, nowadays, is used as a heating? agent instead of a lighting agent, and consequently the British thermal unit is displacing the candle power standard in most places. This leaves the plant free to extract the toluol for use in the munition factories. Switzerland Likes New Treaty With the U. S. Berne, Switzerland, Tuesday, Dec. 18. The text of the new commercial treaty with the I'nited States was published in Switzerland today and caused an excellent impression every where. All the Swiss newspapers ex press the warmest gratitude of the Swiss people U President Wilson and the American government. The Bund says : "America has acted toward Swit zerland as a real friend, indeed." According to the Bund, the Swiss grain stocks bad been reduced to about 6,000 wagons of wheat, so that without American assistance, Swit zerland was approaching serious food difficulties. Government Reports on Cottonseed and Its Oil Washington, Dec. 19. Cottonseed and cottonseed products statistics for the period August 1 to November 30, announced today by the census bureau showed: Cottonseed: Received at mills, 2, 658,978 tons; crushed, 1.5M.351; on hand at mills November 30th, 1,161, 554. Obttonscrd products: Production, crude oil. 458.346,889 pounds; refined oil, 284,31)8,923 ; cake and meal, 734. 7o3 tons; linters, 579,344 500-pound hales; hull fibre, 88,447 500-pound hales. Stocks on hand November 30th: Crude oil. 139,516,149; iclined nil, 128,008,472; cake and meal, 195,448; linters, 23I.M8; bull fibre, 8,372. Imports: Oil. 2,()92.3j8 pounds; ex ports, oil, 14.434,556 pounds; cake and meal, 10.153 tons; linters, 98,938 running bales. -I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i zf : HOLIDAY HARDWARE : g " All Copper and Nickel plated Chafinir Dinhes, Our C'h . m) " Price, up from $8.00 - jrf " All Cupper and Nickel plated Caaaemlm, Our Cash l'rice, - mj 2 up from $1-50 - M Klcctric Irons, fully warranted, up from $75 - f a Kver-Ready Flash I-ifrhtn. from 75c t.. $2.50 - M m Kver-Ready Safety Kaisors, ( ash J'rice 89c J", Gem Safety Kaiors, Cash l'rice 89c - W ii Copper Nickel plated, 6-cup Percolator, Our Special Cash L i Pric $2.35 - W m Copper, Nickel plated, 9-cup Percolators, Our Special Cash " Jj . Price $3.25 " f 1-quart Aluminum Rice or Cereal Cooker $1.29 " A - l.unch Kits with Thermos riottle. Cash Price $3.00 " Jtf - Stag-handled Carving Sets, Cash Price, up from. .. .$4.00 hjM ,11 I I in I in I I I I I i I I i I HI i n i mil j iiihi tt EN'S FIRST-It Pa;ys? Teach Children To Use Cuticura Soap Recause it is best for their tender skins. Help it now and then with touches of Cuticura Ointment applied to first signs of redness, roughness, pimples or dan druff. If mothers would only use these super-creamy emollients for every-day toilet purposeshowmuchsufferingmight be avoided by preventing little skin and scalp troubles becoming serious. For frae ssaiple em-h hr mall aMms poat-canl: "CaUcari, DL US, AotUa." Hold everrwbnra. Knap 'Sr. ( )l ntnient X anil Wn. General Harries Likes Life at Camp Jackson Camp Cody, Deming, N. M., Dec. 19. (Special.) l'.rigadier General George II. Harries of Omaha, re cently transferred from the Fifty ninth'depot brigade here to command the Kiglity-lirst brigade of the division at Camp jackson, Columbia, S. C, has sent word to his son, Major II. L. Harries, commanding the military po lice here, that a steam heated bunga low awaited him and his young son, Lieutenant Warren G. Harries, and their airdalc dog, "Spud," upon their arrival at that camp. A steam-heated bungalow in the Deming district is said to rent for $200 a month, if there are any such buildings. Six Letters of Patent Issued To Residents of Nebraska Official list of letters patent of in vention issued from the I'nited States patent office at Washington. D. C, to residents of Nebraska for the week ending December 15: Alice Rector, Mullen, washing ma chine. Joseph G. Gaver, Humphrey, in valid's table. Ml wood P. Hormcl, Surprise, shoe closure clasp. Stanislaus W. llytrck, Stuart, wagon loading device. Alfred Canlicld, Tccumseh, auto license tag. Joseph .f. Koziol, Columbus, cor husking hook. Lorrainers to Build Monument to Americans Pittsburgh. Pa., Dec. 19. Citizens of Lorraine, France, will erect a mon ument to the memory of Corporal James H. Grcshatn of Evansville, Ind, and Privates Merle D. Hay of Glid den, la., and Thomas F. jtnright of Pittsburgh, who - ere the first of the American expeditionary force to fall in France, according to a letter re ceived yesterday by Mayor Joseph G. Armstrong of this city, from the pre fect of the village near which th I Americans are buried. j Captain Rushland of Omaha To Wed in New Mexico Camp Cody, Deming, N. M., Dec 1'). (Special.) A holiday wedding at Silver City, N. M.. a short distance from this camp, will be that of Miss Claribel Fuhrman, formerly of Fort Dodge, la., and Captain Clarence A. Rushland of Omaha, who is in tha One Hundred and Twenty-seventh field artillery. Baltimore Fire Losses Reach Total of $200,000 Baltimore, Md., Dec. 19. Revised estimates of the losses caused by tha fire late last night which destroyed the four-story building at 319 West Baltimore street, in the business center of the city, and damaged two adjoining buildings, placed the total ) amount at $200,000. .. It