Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1917, Page 5, Image 5
THE BEE: OMATTA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1917. Neb r ask a . PASTOR DESIGNS WHEN DISLOYAL' CHARGE IS MADE Rev. C. Pietzko Leaves Pulpit of Riverdale Church After Remark by One of the Elders. FARM HAND HAS ESCAPE FROM DEATH Dodge County Laboring Man Severely Injured When He Is Caught in Gas Engine. iwecu the three men's societies ot Doaue college were held here last eve ning. The Independent Debating club won two of the three debates and thus won tile triangle. Frank (i. Stephens, a former student residing in Xanipa, Idaho, offered a cup to the society winning the debates three years. As this is the third time that the Independent Debating club has won, it received the cup. Neb. Dec. 1". -(Special l'ietko, pa-tor of Un church at Kherdalc, ; pi.Mtiwn at the quarterly the church elders, when latter accuscil 111111 ot tu - Kev. C. Lutheran cigncd hi meeting of MIC of tile iug "disloval." The charge was made, so l'ictzko alleges, when it was learned that he was not a citizen of this country. He applied for his first naturalisation fiapers us somi after coming to this cniititry as was possible. Since then the war broke out and the Tinted States entered the conflict before the "astor could get his final papers. Predecessor Interned. Kev. Mr. I'ietzko came to Kivcr dale but a short tune ago. replacing kev. Mr. Kraulcidi-, who has since been interned as an enemy alien. The latter was not a citizen of this country and had in his possession firearms when arrested. He has since been transferred to a detention camp. Be fore Pietko came to Riverdale to fill the pastorate he proclaimed his loyal ty to this country before the head of the council of defense. Within a week after his arrival tiiere was found hanging in front of die church an effigy, labeled, "This is what wc do to disloyal pastors. You have three das in which to leave." The authorities took tip the matter at this time but were unable to arrest the parties who hung out the ciligy or to find reasonable cause for the action. I'ietzko sa s he will remain ,u Kivcraaic. Fremont. Neb., Dec. I1'. (Special j Telegram. 1 Abraham Ogden, a farm-1 hand employed by Charles Green in ! 1 o!n ceo precinct, is at a local lios i pitaTtn a serious condition as the rc- suit of injuries sustained when he was 1 eaucht in a gasoline engine. Ogden .was assisting Mrs. Green with the' family washing and when she started i ; the gasoline engine operating the j washing machine, h's clothing caught I in the belt. He was saved from in i stant death by Mrs. Green, who stop I ped the engine. Pioneer Woman Dead. Mrs. Baltes Dunkel, aged 71, a pio neer woman resident of Fremont, died at an Omaha hospital following an illness of a few weeks. Mrs. Denkel came to this cou.itry from Germany with her husband and chil dren in I808 and located at Fremont. Her husband, who died 20 years ago. was the first agent for the Sioux City & Pacific Railway company at the station in Fremont. Two sons and one daughter, Mrs. George Heun of Howells. are the close surviving relatives. Taker, to Kansas. Claud McClain, arrested at Albion Sunday and brought to Fremont by Sheriff Condit, was taken to Lansing, Kan., where he is wanted on a charge of parole violating. McClain is said to have been implicated in the murder of a horse trader at Leavenworth, Kan., last summer. Red Cross Campaign. Reports from canvassing comittees for Red Cross membership show un usually good progress. Some of the solicitors are turning in 100 per cent efficient lists. AVTO ACCIDENT MAY BE FATAL TO KEARNEY MEN XMAS FURLOUGHS I FOR FEW MEN ONLY; j Five Per Cent of Men at Dodge , to Get Permission to Make j Christmas Trip to Their Homes. Kearney, Neb.. Dec. 1 In an auto accident near Axtell at an early hour this morning, M. 11. Y.inburen, Leonard Anderson, Timer Allen, Jim Morris and Roy Kays were thrown from their car as the party was returning from Kansas. Crossing a railroad track at a high rate of speed the machine made a I comr.ilcte somersault, throwing all 1 live out. Kays recovered conscious ness some time after the accident and managed to call help. Yanhureu suf fered brain concussion and serious scalp wounds in addition to numerous other bruises. Anderson was badly injured about the head and internally injured. Neither is expected to live. Allen's nose was broken and his eye injured, in addition to suffering body bruises. His condition is se rious. The other two men escaped with cuts and bruises about the body. (Friiu .1 Staff Corrf sj'oi'ti'T.t 1 Des Moines. Dec. I1). (Special Tel egram.) -With arrival of an order at Camp Dodge today from General lluah T. McCain, in reference to issu- I iug passes to enlisted men for the (.Special.") 1 holiday period, enlisted men arc again hoping they will be able to reach home for either Christmas or New- ear. 1 lie oruer is a mommau m in artlnenti mcdieal ollicers training 3 recent m int! anil snecities tli.U ; 1.-, per cent of the enlisted men at the cantonment will he allowed to go home on steam roads. Y. T- Coffin of Des Moines has j Escaping Auto Thieves been appointed by Governor Harding ot t lie census cards on selection and this committee in turn named a list of collaborators who will work together and submit its code as coming from the state. The members of the state committee of selection, appointed by Superinten dent Devoe, are President Walter A Jestip of the state university, Tuva City, and John Hanimill of Brift Superintendent Deyoe, by virtue ot bis office, is a member of this com mittee. Draft Boards Busy. Men of draft age who have not yet been called for service may enlist in various branches of the army through their local diaft boards. Orders to this effect have been receied by Ad jutant General Logan. The branches open to them ami the locations ot the training camps follow: Aviation, sig nal corps, Kelly held, San Antonio, Tex.: land division, signal corps, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; medical de- BERG SUITS ME camp, fort iiiey, iau.; pi.u iei master's corps. Camp Joseph John son, Jacksonville, Fla ; infantry , t amp Green. Chailottc, N. C. Doane Vacation Begins. Crete, Neb.. Dec. I1'. (Special. t Thc annual Christmas vacation of Doanc begins Friday evening and lasts until January 1. There will be. but one week of vacation because it is the plan to dismiss college in May, so this vacation will lie shortened, as will also spring vacation. t Cup to Independents. Crete. Neb., Dec. 10. (Special. 1 The annual intcr-sorietv debates bc- Carry Cash Register Off. York, Neb., Dec. 10.-( Special Tel egram.) Burglars broke into 11. V. Kleinschmidt's grocery store Tues day night and carried off the cash register which contained $40. to nave charge ot t lie census which are to lie turned into the office of the chief executive following the registration which is to be made. The registration will probably take place soon after the first of the year. The governor will issue a proclamation naming three days for registration. Officers Recommended. Adjutant General Logan has recom mended for commissions m the new National Guard troops of the state the following: Company A, Council Bluffs, S. A. Green, captain: Company U, Des Moines, Taylor T. Saxton, captain; Company C, Mason City, Senator A. L. Rule, captain; Battery A, Burlington, A. F. Fclkner. Morals Code Contest. Plans for Iowa's participation in the interstate character education methods research promoted by the National Institution for Moral In struction were announced by State Superintendent A. -M. Deyoe today. This organization, with headquarters at W ashington, I). ( ., is ottering $20,000 in prizrs for the best morality code suggested for teaching morals in the public schools. State Superin tendent Deyoe appointed a committee Collide With Doctor's Car An automobile belonging to Clar ence R. Dodds, 5007 Underwood av enue, collided with another car be longing to Dr. C. W. Pollard. 20(2 Pacilic street, shortly after the for mer's car was stolen from Seven teenth between Dodge and Douglas where Dodds had parked it while at tending a theater performance. The wife and daughter of Dr. I ol- , lard were in the car with him at the time of the collision, but luckily es caped injury. Both cars were slightly 1 damaged. Thrrr men who were ill the stolen car were seen to jump from the auto- j mobile and run. Soldiers' Home Nrtes ZfJ ill 1 A Guide Cranrt Island, Net) , Dec 19 (Sjwlnl ) SKWtant II. U. t'owiiry, i omimny P, in j lnf.mtrv ot Camp Kunalnn, haa obtained IS-day 'furlough. whlrh hn will Hpctut ltli hla paronta at Merna. Neb. Rev. Mr. Hosmnn of tli First MrllimllM ; ohurch of (Iranct island dMtvrrrd a apriunn j to a larua congroimiion "r"" l tho homo chafl Sunday afternoon. Mr Joseph Imwnoy of Ansclmo. Nrh.. i on a short visit nt Tlurkalt with Iit alslor in-law, miss nninm nin... to the Happy Selection of Any Man This Christ mas, more than ever before, men will appreciate the useful things. For Father, Brother, Son or Friend nt homo, in training or at front, the gifts on display hero are in a groat variety for fine relec tions. Lion Collars Knitted and Silk Mufflers fi for $1.00 $100 $1.50 $2.00 to $5.00 The best and biggest assortment of Neckwear in town "Special" 50 $1.00 SI. 50 Supervisors Want Books Turned Over to County Beatrice, Neb.. Tec. V. -(Special.) -Because the !'M7 tax books arc j cven weeks late and have not been turned into the office of the county treasurer, the county board of su pervisors have been asked by County Treasurer Andersen to take such measures as the law will permit in order to compel County Clerk Burn ham to get the books in proper shape and turn them over. The matter has been placed in the hand.', of County Attorney Messmore. Fred Hager, employed at a dairy north of the city, was knocked down and trampled by a bull. He sus tained several broken ribs and a dis located shoulder. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Gray have re ceived a letter from their son, Gran ville, who is with the American ex peditionary forces in France, saying lie is well. Adam Haupt of Hendley, Neb., and Mrs. Amanda T. Hammett of this city were married yesterday at the Christian parsonage, Kev. C. F. Stevens officiating. R. A. Nickell yesterday became champion on the golf links in this city for the coming year by defeating C. G. Baker. The Commercial club luncheon yes terday was remarkable in a way, as all of the speakers were men who were born in Germany. Peter Janscn presided. Patriotic Mass Meeting Held at Stockvillc Stockville, Neb., Dec. 19.-(Spc-cial.) A patriotic war meeting was held here last night in the interest of war savings and the council of de fense. L. II. Cheney was chairman. Music was furnished by the public school. A local council of defense was organized, with the following olli cers: Rev. G. B. Mayfield, chair man; George J. Dold, secretary; W L. McKinlcv, treasurer. Four dele gates were elected to attend the county convention of the council of defense, J. A. Lvnch, V. L. McKin lcv. G. B. Mayfield and L." IT. Cheney. Fred J. Schroeder, county attorney of Frontier county, has been called to the officers' training camp at Fort Riley. Mr. Schroeder is a graduate of the Cnivcrsity of Nebraska and he was born and reared in Lustis. One Minnie Store Talk action This is "quick week" for everybody. Quick action now for men who would get in on the best clothing values that we or any other store in America will be able to offer in many a day. Quick action now for Christmas shoppers, only a few days left to shop. Largest selections here. Quick action for us because we see to it that you get what you want without delay. Handkerchiefs Plain and Initial 15. 25. 35C. 50c Hosiery k,. . . r 5t. 25. 35. Night Gowns ' $1.00 to $3.00 . 00. SU.-o -JOHN A. SWANSON, Pres.' WM. L. H0LZMAN, Treas. Madras Shirts at. si. so. $2 Soft and Stiff Cuffs Sweater! S3 to $8.50 Pajamas ( $1 to $G Underwear $1.25 o $2.50 Garment Prominent Live Stock Man Dies in Platte County Creston, Neb., Dec. 19. (Special Telegram.) I-;. T. Graham, veteran of the civil w ar and one of the pioneer settlers of Platte county, died this morning of heart disease at his ranch home. Mr. Graham was one of the nost frequent market toppers in his "'feeding operations. He leaves a widow, three sons and four daughters: James M. Graham of Lander, Wyo.; Marshall Graham of Rivertou, Wyo.; Timer T. Graham at home, Mrs. T. H. Farnsley, Mrs. II. W Lucdtke and Mrs. S. T. Twing of Creston, Neb., and Mrs. Clarence Galbraith of Beemer, Neb. He was vice president of the Citizens State bank. HYMENEAL. Christenson-Hadler. Mi-s Hadlcr, daughter of Leo Hadlcr, and Tngvart Christcnson, Moorhcad, la., were united in mar riage yesterday by Kev. Charles W. Saxidge. . Jofinson-Ingram. Mi:- Tniina Ingram, daughter of Frank Ingram, and Axel T. Johnson, Louisville, Neb., were united in mar riage yesterday by Kev. Charles W. Savidge. Cured His RUPTURE I wa badly ruptured while lifting a trunk sovoral years ao. Doctors said my only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no Kood. Finally I jfot hold of something that iiuickly and cr.mpletely cured me. Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, although I am doing hard work aa a carpen ter. There was no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will give full information about how you may find a complete cure without operation, if you write to me, Kujrene M. F'ullen, Carpenter, ?-H-D Marcellus Avenue, Manasquan, N. J. Writer cut out this notice and show it to any others who are ruptured you may save a life or at least (-top the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an operation. Advertisement Best of all Christmas Gifts for Men and Young Men Warm Overcoats Smart Suits TN all the west no such fine values as we are selling in i winter clothing because Greater Nebraska prestige and buying power has fortified against higher prices. What would please a man more than a fine suit and overcoat for a Christmas gift? Belted Trench Coats, Motor Coat, $15.00 to $65.00 Storm Collar Ulsters, Ulsterettes, $15.00 to $50.00 . Silk Lined Chesterfield Coats, $25.00 to $50.00 Fur Collar Overcoats, $25.00 to $100.00 World's Best Winter Suits at $15.00 to $40.00 Silk Lined Full Dress Suits $25.00 and $35.00 Tuxedo Coats, Full Silk Lined, at $15, $20, $25 Union Underwear $1.00 to $0.00 Canes, Umbrellas, Traveling Bags and Cases Suipender Belt! Soft nnd Stiff Hats 50c. 75S $1.00 25. 50c. $t.00 $:$.00 to $6.00 Cloth Capi Seal Skin Capt S1,0Fur-Hned l'50 5. $7.50 825 Pne,towuiu ,nd 0vercoaU $15.00 t0 $60.00 Military Suits and Overcoats 1415 Farnam 0 91. Men's Mackinaw .Boys' Mackinaw Coats Coats S7.50 to $15 $5.00 to $10 Men'f, Younj Men", and Boys' Clothing, Second Floor. Men's Chamois Lined Sleeve Vests Comfort Gifts For Army Men Officers' Suits, "O. D." Vests Overcoats, Trench Coats. Aviation Caps, at $3.50 Army Hats, $3 to $6 O. D. Service Caps, $2.50 Sleeveless Sw't'rs, $4-$5.50 Army Chevrons, 35c to $1.25 Officers' Caps, $4.50 Sweater Coats, $3 to $8.50 Gauntlet Gloves, $1.50-17.50 Wool Hosiery, 30c to 55c Flannel Shirts, $1.50 to $5 ( Safety Razors, 25c to $6 Leather Puttees, at $8 Spiral Puttees, $3 to $4.50 Army Trunks, $11 to $22 Army Shoes, at $7.50 16-in. Hi Tops, at $10.00 Every Gift Any Man Wants There's so much satisfaction in choosincr a man's gift from assortments 1C broad enough to please all tastes, that gift shoppers for men, must, in justice to themselves, inspect our vast and varied selections. V Just a Few Timely Suggestions i I Gloves $1. $1.25 to $ .Silk Shirts !$.00 to $10.00 Silk Garters -i b woe ;uc ' H r 9 Flannel Shirts 1 Sf:l $2 to $1.50 I I I 2Hi r JWkM craw? rw Tf ! II IJ J' Ml1 '"""BBI 1111111 - m?'U 1 1 n ! W' r-V M l ----- x- WW .r . w i. ft' 'i II m, :i . Silk Neckwear -50c to $2.50- Silk Mufflers -50c to $5.00- Sillc Shirts, $3.50 to $7.50 White Dress Shirts. $1.50 to $2 Negligee Shirts, $1.00 to $3.00 Flannel Shirts, $1.50 to $5.00 Pajamas, $1.50 to $5.00 Night Robes, $1.00 to $2.00 Kid Gloves, $1.50 to $3.50 Fur Gloves at $5.00 to $8.50 Auto Gauntlets, $1.50 to $7.50 Lined Gloves, $1.50 to $5.00 Silk Gloves, $1.00 to $1.75 Lounging Robes, $4.00 to $8.00 Smoking Jackets, $5.00 to $10.00 Bath Robes, $4.00 to $8.00 Jumbo Sweaters, $5.00 to $8.00 "V" Neck Sweaters, $3.00 to $6.00 Men's Jersey Sweaters, $1.50-$4 Men's Romeos, $1.50 to $3.00 Everetts and Operas, $1.50 to $3.00 Comfy Slippers, 75c to $2.00 Pullman Slippers, at $2.00 Army Shoes and Leggings Neckwear Holders, 50c to $1 Military Brushes, $1.50 to $3.50 Neckwear Cases, $1.50 to $3.50 Linen Handkerchiefs, 25c to $1.00 Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c to $1.50 Fur Caps, $3.50 to $25.00 Cloth Caps, $1.00 to $2.50 i Suit Cases, $1.25 to $25.00 Traveling Bags, $1.95 to $25.00 Gladstone Bags, $12.50 to $30 Standard Trunks, $7.50 to $25 Steamer Trunks, $5.50 to $25 Army Trunks, $11 to $22 Wardrobe Trunks, $25 to $60 Men'a Hosiery, 25c to $1.50 Cuff Links, 25c to $2.50 Scarf Pins, 25c to $2.00 Tie Clasps, 25c to $1.00 Jewelry Sets, $1.00 to $3.00 Collar Bags, 50c to $3.00 Men's Umbrellas, $1.25-$7.50 STORE OPEN" EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS JOHN A SWANSON.MKS. 'JlJfL. i'JW'PUL T wm i tiniT'irti i ir hiUZJjfTjrJ C0RRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND W0MEM BUY ANOTHER WAR SAVINGS STAMP if If: w 9 Keep In Touch With Comfort When It's Very Cold Don't be cold and uncomfortable while mo toring. Get a pair of Steer Warms. They keep the hands warm on the coldest day. Warm rtanrlo mnon "warm all nv'Pf StPfr WflnTlS COfl- 41411 U7 1J1VUU MMII" xt r.v-. sist of two neat, leather-coveted copper grips, elect rically heated, that lace on steering wheel at any place convenient for driving. Make driving safer, do away with heavy gloves and give genuine comfort. 5-Year Guarantee Slccr Warms are absolutely No Expense Cost nothing lo ftiaintain; ope rated from same storage battery (or magneto on Fords) that sup plies headlights. Connected like spotlight and tise only half the current of headlights. They look well on a car. Can he put on in ten minutes. No bolts or screws or holes to bore. guaranteed in every way. They are made of the best materials and arc guaranteed against burn' out for five years. Will do all we claim or money refunded. Lace on wire up that's all. I...;. - 'Ci,. Worm." Tnev usc ,ess rurrent an(l w'H give insist On Oteer Warms, more heat. The only hand warmer with the heating element protected. If yourdcalcr hasn't received his stock of Steer Warms w rite and we'll see that you are supplied. Prices For all Standard Gits, $7.50 Special for Ford, $5.00 DMcriplife Circular on Request. Dealers Display Steer Warms, tell your customers about them. They wjll appreciate your calling at tention lo this wonderful com fort gi ve r. Wri te for proposi lion. INTERSTATE ELECTRIC COMPANY, New Orleans. U. S. A. Bramii Odice, fist her B.dg., L-hicago. When Writing to our Advertisers Mention Seeing it in The Bee r