Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, THUK5BAY, el-ember zrj, 15W.
Parcels Post Business is Light
and Omaha Office is Not
Clogged as Usual at
This Time.
I Harry Thacker Rounds Out 30
1 Years of Service With The Bee
A remarkable feature of the Omaha
Christmas mail this year is the
ibsence of Christmas post cards.
'You hardly see any of these cards
it all this year," said Postmaster Fan
ning. "Last year the mails were clog
ged with them."
The probable reason for this is said
to be the increased postage. It costs
just twice as much to send i post
card now as it did last Christmas and
this increase applies alike to cards
mailed to addresses in the city or out
side. If conditions in this respect are
the same throughout the country as
they are in Omaha it will mean a loss
of a millions of dollars to the govern
ment. Fewer Packages.
Another striking thing is the great
decrease in parcel post Christmas
"Last year at this time we had
mountains of parcel post packages
piled up in a great room in the base
ment," said Postmaster Fanning. "To
day the room is bare. The big bins
which were specially built to handle
the incoming parcel post business are
"This is partly due to the fact that
many men arc in cantonments or else
where in the service of the country
and their Christmas packages were
mailed to them early. Another rea
son undoubtedly is that people this
year are practicing economy. They
are not sending as many presents.
They are learning not to give use
less things.
Give Thrift Stamps.
"A large number of people are giv
ing thrift stamps and war savings
stamps instead of the more or less
useless things they sent to their
friends and relatives in former years."
Only two weighers are stationed in
the corridor of the postoflke at pres
ent.' 'Last year at this time four
weighers were on duty and had all
;hey could do. .
A new thrift order has gone into
effect at the local postoffice under
arders received from Washington.
The string with which packages of
letters are tied when received here
, js not, cut and thrown away, but is
untied and used in tying up packages
of outgoing letters.
"You can't find a ball of new twine
around the office," says Postmaster
Fanning. "We use up the old. And
after we use it it gets used again sev
eral times before it is worn out,"
... Grand Jury to Investigate
Bazar for War Sufferers
f New York, Dee. 19. Charges that
only $13,000 of $60,000 raised at the
Italian baiar held here in November,
1916, went to destitute families of Ital
ian soldiers placed in possession of the
district attorney today, elicited from
him promise of an investigation. The
Italian consul js understood to have
aiked for a grand jury inquiry. The
district attorney was told that persons
said to include alien enemies profited
Vacation Starts In . ,
The Omaha High Schools
' , Vacation starts today for the pupils
of the local high schools. The high
schools are being dismissed earlier
than .the' grade schools that the boys
and girls may help the business men
during the Christmas rush. About 50
Central High boys have been work
ing after school hours during the last
,weelc. At least half of them have jobs
yiat win keep them busy until Lhrist-
Union Pacific Sends Six .,.
Engines East to Aid B. & 0.
, Six of the freight engines off the
Union Pacific have been sent to the
Baltimore & Ohio road to help in
.moving the congestion of freight on
.that road. To help the Union Pacific
,out in handling its business the rail
road war board has ordered four Illi
nois Central engines turned over to
the Union Pacific. The Union Pacific
, transfer is made in Chicago and the
Illinois Central in Omaha.
Commission Seeks to Find
' Real Owner of Stock Yards
Washington, pec. 19. The federal
trade commission announced today
that it would hold an open hearing
tomorrow to try to develop the real
Ownership of the Chicago stock yards
and the terminal railroad there. The
commission is investigating the food
shortage under the $250,000 appro
priation for an investigation, and has
subpoenaed 1 New York and Boston
business men.
Residents of Suburbs to
4 Get New House Numbers
Residents of Benson and Florence,
whose house numbers were changed
during the recent revision, are re
quested to call at the permit depart
ment, city engineer's office, and ob
tain corrected numbers. This is said
to be essential to facilitate the work
of the postoffice.
Ensign Page Killed in
v English Seaplane Accident
Washington, Dec. 19. The death of
Ensign Phillips Ward Page in Eng
land, December 17, as the resuit of a
seaplane accident, was reported today
to the Navy department His home
. svas in Boston.
"Two Bits Clubs" Are Being
Formed in Many Cities
Washington, Dec 19, "Two bits
:lubs" are being formed under direc
, tion of war savings committees in a
number of cities. Members agreed
to buy one 25-cent thrift stamp every
Hurley to Drive First Rivet
In New Type Steel Ship
Washington, Dec 19. Chairman
Hurley of the shipping board will
tomorrow drive the first rivet in the
first fabricating steel ship to be laid
''own for the government
Harry Thacker, night foreman of
The Bee composing room, rounds out
30 years of continuous service today.
He is just six days older than the
Bee, and was born in Sheffield, Eng
land, June 12, 1871.
When -but 16 years old he began
in the capacity of "printer's devil,"
gradually working his way up to the
foremanship. During his 30 years'
service he has not been absent from
his duties except on account of sick
ness or vacation. He entered the
servic of The Bee on December 19,
For a period of 25 years he has been
affiliated with local No. 190 of the
International Typographical union.
In 1906 he was elected delegate to
and attended the international con
vention at St. Joseph, Mo.
Thacker and his wife and three
"kiddies," two boys and a girl, live
at 4307 Erskine street.
If 5
: if Jf
Travels Long Distance
To Enlist, Turned Down
J. L. Cain of Medford, Mass., be
lieves he was born under an unlucky
star. He was 21 years old in Sep
tember, he says, and was not eligible
to draft. He came to Omaha to en
list at Fort Omaha. He was turned
He applied at the army recruiting
station in Omaha and was informed
that he was not subject to draft and
could enlist in the army. He made
another trip to Fort Omaha, with dis
appointing results, so he sent a tele
gram to the War department at
Washington asking that his status be
Th! Lee Want Ads A e the Best
Business Boosters.
Dewey Wants Public
Servants to Pay Tax
County Clerk Frank Dewey is mak
ing a crusade in Nebraska against the
proviaion of the income tax law ex
empting county 'and state officials
from paying the war tax on their sal
aries. "It is not right that public em
ployes should not bear their part of
the war expenses," Dewey says.
"They ought to be glad to do it."
Standard Brands Cigars
For Christmas Presents
Fresh From Factory
Notwithstanding the scarcity of merchandise, our
.Cigar Department was never in better condition to
cater to the fastidious tastes of smokers than it is at
the present time. AU the Cigars we are offering for
sale are "fresh, clean merchandise," just received
from the factories, as all the cigars we owned in our
own warehouse at the timo of our fire we sold out
complete in one day. You cannot obtain a cigar from
us that is not in fresh, prime condition, and, moreover,
at money-saving prices.
, We have been especially fortunate in getting half
size boxes for those wishing to make a Christmas
present without buying in full 100 or 50 's.
Ladies will be courteously and wisely advised at
our cigar department. Read our list-
Christmas Gifts Sent to
I. C. Boys Fighting in France
Every United States soldier in
France who formerly was in the em
ploy of the Illinois Central will re
ceive a Christmas present. Employes
of the company who remained at
home have contributed to a fund to
buy presents for the boys in the
trenches and in the foreign camps.
Accompanying the gifts, e.T-h man
will receive a personal le'tcr from
President Markham.
In his letter, President Markham
extends the best wishes of all officers
of the company and tells them that
he is certain they will perform the
duties required of them by Uncle
Sam in the same efficient and faithful
manner that they performed their
duties while in the employ of the
Each package sent to the Illinois
Central boys in France contained a
box of cigars, cigarets, smoking am
chewing tobacco, candy, chewing
gum, five pair of woolen socks, vool
en vest, tooth paste, soap and pipes.
First Month's Receipts j
From Increased Postage
Washington, Dec. 19. First re
ceipts from the increase in first-class
postage rates totaled $5,485,000 for
Brand. Size
El Paxo.. High Life.... .15c liox of
El Paxo .............. High.'.' Life 15o Box of
Flor de Murat.. .Navarre 10c Box of
Flor de Murat,.. Opera, 3 for... 25o Box of
Flor de Murat.. Navarre ...... 10c St. Box of
Flor do Murat Frontenao .... 15c Box of
Roi Tan , Brevas lOo Box - of
EoiTan. Diplomats ....15c Box of
Yankee Consul....... Junior 5c Box of
Yankee Consul Perfecto 7c St. Box of
Robert Burns Invincible .... 10c Box of
Robert Burns Invincible ....10c Box of
Little Bobbie 5c Box of
Earl of Pawtucket.... Invincible .... 6c Box of
La Pref erencia Per f ecto 15o Box of
Pletora (Porto Rican) (Corona 10c Box of
Saramita Perfecto Royal .lQo Box of
Sarantfta ....Perfecto Royal. lpc Box of
Saramita 5oSt. Box of
Black and White Club House.... 5c St. Box of
Black and White Perfecto 5c St. Box of
Chancellors ...Imperials lOoSt. Box of
Lady Curaon......... Invincibles ....10c St. Box of
Th bor la an pet-tillr mild, pleaaant
Flor de Portuondo.:..Londres 5c St.
(The ahov clear has bin told In this markitt
for more than )0 ytara, and ia of known excalltnrt.) ". '
Padova Invincible .... 7c St. Box of 25 .
Ten Eyck ...Generals 15c Box of 25.
La Marca 7 Box of '25.
Reio ..Common Sense. lOo St. Box of 25.
Reio Exceptionales...l5c Box of 50.
Royal Sovereign Brevas 10c Box of CO.
Royal ' Sovereign ...... Invincibles . . . . llo Box of 25 .
Humana Invincibles..., 7c St. Box of 25.
Manila La Pary...... Perfecto 5c St. Box of 25.
25.. $3.00
50. .$5.75
10.. $1.00
25.. $2.00
25. .$2.25
25.. $3.00
25. .$2.25
25.. $3.00
50.. $2.00
25. .$1.60
25.. $2.25
50. .$4.50
50.. $2.25
25.. $1.40
50.. $3.50
10.. $1.00
25.. $2.25
10.. .50
50.. $2.50
50.. $2.50
25. .$2.25
25.. $2.25
Box of 25.. $1.25
Tom Moore Invincibles
Hand Made 3-50-2
Princess Mercedes. . .Brevas . . .
Box of 50.. $4.50
Tins of 25, $1.25
Box of 50.. $4.00
Tobaccos in Christmas Packages
We have an unusually complete stock of all the standard
smoking tobaccos and Army Comfort Kits of tobacco, pipes,
etc., as follows:
1-lb. Glass numidor Jar of Tuxedo, for .$1.00
1-lb. Glass Humidor Jar of Velvet, for ....$1.00
1-lb. Glass Humidor Jar of Prince Albert, for ,.$1.10
Special size Christmas package Tuxedo, for. .50
Bull Durham special Christmas package, of 12 packages of
regular size, for. , 60
Black & White "Smoker's Kit," containing French Briar
Pipe with cleaners, Fuse Lighter, and assortment of
Smoking Tobacco in several forms, all ready to mail,
for ....$1.60
8-oz. Black Sr" White, rolled cut, Smoking Tobacco .45
A Splendid Pipe Assortment at Low Prices.
Expert Service at Our Cigar Department.
Corner 1Sth and Dodge (The Original)
Corner 16th and Farnam (The Owl)
Corner 24th and Farnam (The Harvard)
Corner 19th and Farnam (Handiome Commodious.) v
Corner 49th and Dodge (The West-End Pharmacy)
lie true Aspirin
Only One
CihIw h SnM raekapt i U m4 U
TIrmMi,,A.liMBn. U. 8. ft. Onto)
" if !fmPJ' " U moikieMieid.Ur of
Mileylteseid fa tbmtm tablet, and gmulm k of
ti inhabit Bra uuuictur. """
Beware of Substitutes
The sole makers of gen
uine Aspirin brand every
tablet and every package
with the Bayer Cross.
"The Bayer Cross
Your Guarantee
of Purity"
Great Christinas Player Piano Sale
A most wonderful op
portunity to save ,
money on a Player
Piano backed by the
famous SCHMOL-
Guarantee. Six beauti
ful 1918 Models.
Fully Guaranteed. Built to
last a lifetime, on terms
$2.50 per week.
Free, Beautiful Seat, Drape
and Selection of Music.
Do not delay, call tomorrow and secure one of these real
bargains for Christmas.
Ml 1 'fly js
Omaha's Leading
Piano House.
Piano Co.
Farnam St.
When Buying Advertised Goods
Say You Read of Them in The Bee
3 Open Evenings Uftil Christmas
Great Christmas S
aie or r
me Footwear i
Just When Everybody Needs Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers and
Fancy Boots This Wonderful Store Offers These
Great Values For
Sale Starts Thursday Morning, December 20th
For Women
Slippers, Juliet styles, fur
U.'"" USi' 3 trimmed, Flexo soles, felt
4-J$$w toPs a11 colo". Xmas special
"Budoir Slippers"
Fine soft kid, low heels,
colors red or black,
hand turned soles ; sale
price V
For Men
Opera slippers, Everett slippers,
slippers with rubber in the sides.
Black or brown. Xmas sale
price .
Pretty HeelBlack Kid Boots
Fine, soft kid boots, street soles,
nign neeis, snug fitting. Xmas sale
Felt, Ribbon Trim
med Slippers
These beauties
come in blue,
gray, wine and
black colors; sale
pr'ce-- M
Brown soft kid. The
newest of all brown
boots, all-over brown
or brown boot cloth
tops to match. Xmas
sale price
' ( I j
"Hawaiian Boot"
10-inch Tops
Beautiful brown kid
skin vamps, Napoleon
cut, .topping of rich
chocolate boot cloth.
Leather Louis XV
heels and welted,
Lstreet weight soles.
A big special, at
'ilf MI
A Pair
By Mail
500 Pairs
Men's or women's all overfelt slippers, felt
soles. Xmas sale price 69c
Men's Dress English Shoes
Fine soft calf, new recede toes,
street soles, Xmas sale price
Men's Opera Slippers
Fine soft,. brown
kid, turn soles,
$3.00 values,
Xmas sale price,
Men's Dark
The newest of all
men's dress shoes.
Xmas sale price
Give Footwear Gifts to the Children Our Children's
Department Alive With Bargains
RUBBERS-RUBBERS-For the Whole Family Boys' "Solidwear" Shoes
Just the shoes
for these wet
days. Fine tan
leather heavy
soles, as near
water-proof as
can be made;
sale price
High or
Low Heel
Plain or
Plain or
nf I 69c I 59c I 48c I
The famous "Solidwear"
shoes, made of durable black
calf, with double strength
soles, lace and button, sizes
to 514. Special