Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Footwear to Be Repaired by
Expert and Turned Over
to Poor of the
Some 2,000 or 3,000 pairs of old
shoes will be repaired immediately
by the Boy Scouti of Omaha to be
given out to the poor through the As
sociated Charities.
Friday of this week is the day set
when school children from all over
the city are to bring old cast-off
children's shoes to be thrown irito
the cobbler's pot for the Boy Scouts
to work over. The superintendent of
the public schools has given his con
sent to the proclamation, and the
school children are now slurrying in
the attics and basements for old cast
olT shoes which they will take to
school with them Friday.
The Roy Scouts will collect the
shoes. They will take them to the
cout room at headquarters of the
Khai club, and there they will re
pair them.
Old Shoemaker Engaged.
The oldest shoemaker in Omaha
lias been engaged to give the boys
lessons in shoe repairing. Charles
A. Kohlmeyer, 2823 Sprague street,
is the shoemaker. lie is a veteran of
the civil war, and a veteran of 61
years at the cobbler's bench.
Three teams of prospective cob
blers will be picked from among all
the 800 scouts of Omaha. There will
be 10 scouts in a team. They will
take their lessons three afternoons
during the week and on Saturdays
for good measure.
The work will be conducted undet
the direction of Scout Master D. C.
Buel of the Union Pacific school of
instruction. The boys expect to get
between 2,000 and 3,000 pairs of shoes
to repair, and they hope to have most
ot them repaired and ready to be
distributed among the poor before
school opens after New Year.
Rhi Rho Sigma fraternity of the
Nebraska Medical college are 100 per
cent subscribers to the Red Cross.
Twenty-eight men at the fraternity
house, 4120 Dewey street, were
stormed by two pretty solicitors dur
ing the lunch hour. The house will
now boast a 100 per cent service in
addition to an army and navy serv
ivc flag of 25 stars.
Two New Oil Wells "Shot"
On Line of Northwestern
Two new oil wells near Riverton,
"Wyo., on the Northwestern, west of
Douglas, have- been drilled. Both arc
guhcr and one of them blew the
top off the derrick when oil flow was
struck. A column of oil the size of
the bore of the well shot into the, air.
nearly 1130 feet.
Swiss Willing to Pay
$2.62 for Nation's Wheat I
The government of Switzerland
ha.-, ;i greed to buy the 1918 crop of
wlu-'ut of that country at $2.62 per
bu-hel. according tna survey of crop
conditions just made public through
the oliice c( Food t Administrator
Few Questionnaires Have
Been Returned Thus Far
According to exemption officials a
small per cent of the questionnaires
mailed out Saturday and Monday have
been returned. They say there is a
tendency on tlie part of the regis
trants to put the matter off until the
eleventh hour.
In the down town divisions 121
questionnaires properly filled out have
been returned to the exemption
boards for classification. Out of a
total of 86 returned, 69 were correct
and 17 were wrong.
District No. 4 is the largest district
in the srste so Tar as the actual num
ber of actual resident registrants are
concerned. There are 4,556 registra
tions. Letter Carriers and Wives
Entertain Soldiers at Fort
A group of letter carriers and their
wives and friends gave an entertain
ment at the Fort Omaha Young
Men's Christian association building
Monday night. The two-act play was
entitled "Bettv's Birthday, or Mem
ories of the South." L. R. FraTncis.
playing "A Bunch of Foolishness,"
and Miss Hazel and Edgar Leaver
ton as "The Twins," received much
applause from the soldiers. As an
expression of thanks the soldiers rose
and gave three hearty cheers, at the
same time criticizing the play be
cause it had not lasted long enough.
Miss Wilma Melotz and Mrs. Ernest
Kauffold gave readings.
Stabilize Sugar Prices
All Over United States
Frices of sugar are to be stabilized
all over the United States between
now and January 1, according to in
formation reaching Food Administra
tor Wattles from the federal food ad
ministration. It is announced that a
revision downward is tb be made on
sugar prices at the refineries on the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts until the
price all over the country is $7.50 per
hundred, Jess 2 per; cent for cash at
the refineries. This would make it
$7.35, which is the price the whole
salers here are paying the refinericr
"Evidence" Drops on Floor,
Tanner Gets Off Easy
Evidence which police say might
have convicted O. A. Tanner, alias O.
A. Chandler, Thirty-eighth and Q
streets, of illegal possession of liquor,
was spilled and ran all over the floor
of the South Side police station.
Tanner was arrested Tuesday night
and charged with drunkenness. When
he was searched a bottle of whiskv
ell and broke. Police decided to book
him as "plain drunk."
Revenue Collectors Are
'Receiving Instructions
Fifty deputy United States internal
revenue collectors from all over the
state and some newly appointed ones
are holding nieetiiyjs in the federal
building, where t hey are receiving in
structions regarding collection of the
new war income taxes. Revenue Col
lector Loomis is giving them instruc
tions. A large blackboard is being
used in the dem ustrations.
I mrt iir1riiitripijtijmjr r mt
pint of Ltastaa.
HE Spirit of Christmas must be preserved. It is the spirit
which, more than any other factor, holds and will con
tinue to hold our people together in community of in
terest and community of purpose. The way to preserve
that Spirit is to evidence it, and the way to evidence it
is to make the usual Gifts-perhaps with more discrim
ination, but with no omission.
Charles Dickens said : "I have always thought of Christmas Time,
apart from the veneration clue to its sacred name and origin as a good
time a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time ; the only time I know
of in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one
consent to open their shut-up hearts freely."
Let us not change this-make it CHRISTMAS AS USUAL
Mcifrc- a pit more !a.-tmg in memory taan any other present. Every day
and nearly every hour the giver is called to mind. Arrange with your
opucian today togive Mother or. Father a nice pair of fp- gf
Giatoft?, which niav be nurehasffl fnr ns lnw ns h.'l.llll
You Will Find Splendid Wearing Service
Coats of Quality for
Ladies and Misses
The tremendous business that
this department has enjoyed com
pelled our buyer to make another
hurried buying trip. Come ex
pecting wonderful Coat values and
you will not be disappointed. Ex
ceptional values at
$13.75, $15.95, $18.75,
$22.50 and up.
Open a Charge
You need not pay all in 30 days.
We arrange the terms so that you
make a small deposit at the time
of purchase and then afterward a
small weekly or monthly payment,
as best suits your convenience.
What Are You Going to Say
OttChristmas Morning
I the whispered request to Santa Claus
has not been carried out?
4 It's Time to Buy Toys NOl'J
No matter what else you do you cannot afford to
disappoint the children on Christmas it is their big
gest day oT all the year and the joy of giving is full
est when the object is giving to children. Santa
Claus is the brightest spot in the world right now
be sure that you keep him in your home.
Doll Beds, Cradles and Furniture
Cute, Practical and Well Made
We have a very wide showing of these necessities for Dollies' Housekeeping,
and the prices are extremely moderate because we purchased this stock many,
many months ago before the rapid rise in wholesale prices.
Every little girl likes a bed for her doll. We
have a most complete line of beds and doll
carriage. Cribs with folding sides-white
enamel beds with genuine cotton mattresses
and feather pillows-big brass beds with mat
tresses and pillows.
Give Gloves
for Christinas
Every Woman
is Pleased
With Them .
14-inch White Enamel Folding
Doll Bed, trimmed in gilt,
at 50c
Baisinettei, 18 inches long, in
white enamel, trimmed in
gilt $1.00
Folding Wire Doll Cradles,
at 15c
Beautiful White Enamel Doll
Beds, trimmed in cretonne or
blue and pink forget-me-nots.
Prices ranging from
50c to $5.00
White Enamel Furniture for
Miss Dolly's Bed Room. A
most beautiful line of white
enamel furniture imaginable.
White Enamel Dressers Drcss
ingTables Chiffoniers
Wardrobes, etc. Trimmed in
Parisian Cretonnes to match
beds ...j $1.50 to $5.00
Large White Enamel Furniture
for the Little Miss Herself.
Come in ivory with plate glass
mirrors desk with little chairs
to match, dressing tables with
little chairs to match,
$5.00 to $15.00
You cannot go wrong if
you give gloves and if
you should not know the
size or the color or style
preference, why then Give
a Glove Bond for as many
pairs as you like. The
items we quote below evi
dence the ability of this
department to offer gloves
at less than the prices that
would prevail here if we
had to buy them in the
open market today.
Women's 2-Clasp Real French
Kid Gloves, ovcrseam sewn;
white with blackbacks and black
with white backs, tan and tan
with black backs. If we were
to buy these gloves in today's
market we would have to charge
$2.50 a pair for d0 ff
them, special, apairPvU
Women's Two-Clasp Overseam
Kid Gloves, in white. If we
would buy these gloves today
we would have to sell them
for $2.00, frl CC
a pair at V 1 iUu
Women's Vary Fine Quality
Real French Kid Gloves, in
black or white, with beautiful
embroidered backs, dJO CA
a pair at p.OU
Perrin's Guaranteed Washable
Kid Gloves, in Pearl white,
Ivory and Mastic. These gloves
would have to sell from $2.25
to $2.50 if we would dJO
buy them today, a pair. . P
Main Floor
' Our "Pay-as-You-Wear" Plan Helps You.
Silk four-in-hands in the very latest styles.
Sold elsewhere at 65c. Our every on
iay price, only OuC
Onyx Fibre Silk Hose
50c quality for ladies and men, our price 29c
75c quality for ladies only, our price. . .39c
4r Ti
Make up your mind quick
ly and come early if you
want. some of these.
7 to 9 P. M.
Yuletide Candle
and Candlestick
A big Red Candle, with a
decorated wood candle-
I stick and an appropriate
Greeting Card. All in a
pretty Red Box.
Art Embroidery Third Floor
From 7 to 9 P. M.
Pictures, Mirrors, Standards, Framed
Pictures, Etc.
Frames in Verde, Etruscan and Gold finishes, and all
pictures excellent subjects. Mirrors in beautiful frames.
Values up to $6.00 $2.00 EdCH
Third Floor
Gifts for a Man
Two things that he will appreciate immensely and
that represent the utmost of practicability, together
with the attractiveness that should go hand in hand
with every gift.
Fur and Fur-Lined Coats
We are showing a splendid line of Fur and Fur Lined
and Fur Collar Coats suitable for dress wear or for
motoring tailored to perfection top notch coats in
every way.
Imported and Domestic Fabrics, Crombies', Carr
Meltons and O'Brien Materials. Big Sleeves, Col
lars, Belts, etc. warm and comfy as well as good
looking make a superb Christmas Gift.
Prices, $35.00 to $125.00.
House Coats for Gifts
In fine woven cloths and Velvets,
trimmed with heavy cords and frogs'
the color schemes are handsome and
the Coats are made very attractive, as
well as combining all the comfort a
man rightly expects in a House Coat.
Prices, $5.00 to $15.00.
Second Floor Men's Building
I.I. HIM III lit l .11 . .it HUH i il llfi
Store Open
Until 9 P. M.
'Store Open
Until 9 P.M.
for Men and Young Men
$15, $18, $20, $22 Up