Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1917, Page 11, Image 11

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j Jidda i do Kennerly
Ella Fleishman
Social Life Bright Only Near Camps.
The girls at Newport and the sub
urbs of New York are not finding
these war times dull by any means.
With five training camps near New
port nearly every girl who wishes
may have a khaki clad escort wher
ever she goes.
Miss Hazel Updike, who has just
returned from a visit with school
friends in Newport and New York,
tells of many cozy tea dansants and
foursomes for dinner and the theater
which were made especially interest
ing by the soldier boys who were in
the parties.
Extensive entertaining is not being
done in the east and during her en
tire stay Miss Updike attended but
one large formal dancing party.
Simple menus mark the luncheons
given by the girls of the eastern
cities these days and matinee parties
are almost a thing of the past, for
the afternoons as well as the morn
ings are filled with war work.
For Miss Duval.
Miss Betty Carr entertained at an
informal afternoon tea at her home
in honor of Miss Alice Duval. Christ
inas decorations were used and the
Rtiests were just the intimate friefftis
of the bride-to-be.
When Milady Goes Shopping
Lost motion and fool's errands are unfitting thousands
of women for a happy Christmas. : : :
Lady Mans Information
Desk at the Red Cross
During Christmas Week
Unique Red Cross Idea.
A unique idea was worked out at
the Columbian school Monday morn
ing at the beginning of the Red Cross
drive. Thirty of the tiny tots from the
kindergarten went into the first grade
room and all who had sisters and
brothers joined hands with them and
formed into line. The first grade chil
dren did the same going up on to the
eighth grade. Thus all the brothers
and sisters marched together in the
procession headed by the Red Cross
banner and they canvassed their own
homes for memberships.
Miss Smith's Luncheon.
Miss Harriet Smith entertained at
luncheon at her home in honor of
Mrs. W. V;Sturby of Denver, who is
a. .former school friend of Miss
Smith's. A centerpiece of fruit was
used on the table.
Tea for Mrs, Harte.
Miss Olive Ferguson entertained
at an informal kensington tea at her
home in honor of Mrs. Edwin Harte,
who yvith Mr. Harte is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. John Harte. Christmas
decorations were used in the rooms.
Wedding Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller announce
the marriage of their daughter, Olive
Bcrriardinep to Wesley A. Ramsdell
of Haverhill, Mass., which took place
Monday afternoon at4 o'clock in this
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsdell left immedi
ately' after the ceremony for Haver
hill where they will make their home.
Box at Library Filled
With Books for Soldiers
In Three Days 100 in All
A large box with a capacity for 100
fiooks, which Miss Edith Tobitt placed
in the lobby of the public library with
the request that books for the soldiers
be deposited therein, was filled in
three days and a second box of the
same kind is nearly filled.
"When we placed the box there, we
thought we would do well if the one
box could be filled before Christmas,"
said Miss Tobitt.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kas of Bellevue
are spending a great deal of their time
soliciting their friends for books for
the Fort Crook men.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Specht and Mrs.
O. W. Malstrom contributed a large
number of most acceptable books, ac
cording to Miss Tobitt.
Peanut Vendor Now Justice
Frederick C. Fisher, who was born
in San Diego county and who had
practiced law in Manila and Wash
ington, D. C, has gone to tlie Philip
pine Islands, where he will assume
the position of justice of the supreme
court of Manila, to which he was ap
pointed recently by President Wilson,
says the Portland Oregonian. He was
at one time a peanut vendor on a
suburban train between Los Angeles
;md San Diego and fought in the
Spanish-American war.
I LADY went shopping y ester-
Christmas shopping
nd she knew there were
presents to buy for a dozen
or more friends.
Without knowing what she wanted
to purchase or where to find it, she
rushed out and met the early morn
ing rush squarely in the first store
she entered.
From place to place Milady wan
dered. "Mercy, how terribly high
things are this year," she told herself
after pricing articles on every counter.
"I had no idea it would cost so much
to give a' few little Christmas pres
ents. Everything has gone up, from
the holly boxes to sealskin coats and
platinum jewelry."
A Mistake.
Ah, Milady, you have not been fol
lowing the ads as they appear daily in
the newspapers. Neither have you
watched the windows of various
shops. You went on a "fool's errand"
and wasted precious time and much
needed strength for no reason.
Why didn't you use your head in
stead of your heels and make the best
of your time?
Why did you not carefully note the
Christmas articles advertised in the
daily papers, and the advance in
Why did you not make a list of your
friends and then, opposite each name,
name their gifts and the prices?
This, would .have facilitated mat
ters greatly. It would have saved
you "lost motion." You could ave
walked to each counter in each store
and purchased what you wanted for
the price you had planned to pay. 1
Such Stupidity.
I wonder at the stupidity of Milady.
She has little time for shopping she
knows how, but she ran amuck, like
thousands of other women who shop
during these rush days.
This story is direct from Milady. I
know her I powder her nose every
Th Wmm m the Rmd
"Don't you worry your pretty curly
head about my business," urged Mr.
Butler when his wife asked him to
give her some information about his
affairs. "I'll take care of all money
matters for you." Mrs. Butler's head
held brains as well as curls and she
had the idea that a woman ought to
know as much about business as her
husband could teach her anyway. You
never can tell what will happen.
The unexpected did happen. Mr.
Butler died, leaving her with three
small children and one large mort
gage. Did Mrs. Butler waste time
wondering why, oh why, John hadn't
provided for her, or weep herself
into a relative's home? She did not.
She knew that she had' three chil
dren and herself to support, and so
she straightway jumped into training
for the first business she heard of that
promised enough pay to support them
as they had been accustomed.A large
corset manufacturer offered to train
a number of women to "go out on the
road with a grip and sell corsets,
and Mrs. Butler eagerly applied.
She had no business experience, but
what of that? She had no old ideas
of business, nothing wrong to unlearn
because she didn't know anything. She
had two good assets; the first, splen
did health; the second, a fixed de
termination to earn enough money to
pay off the mortgage and educate the
In five years she was a star sales
woman, earning twice as much as
her husband had earned when he had
five times her experience.
"Can any woman do as much?" I
asked a mmber of a sales managers'
club which I recently addressed.
"Any woman can learn to succeed
as a traveling seller provided she has
exuberant good health, plenty of grit
and determination and is willing to
"A woman with a broken heart
makes an ideal saleswoman on the
road. If she's been used to comforts,
and is suddenly left penniless, with
small children to support, all the bet
ter. That kind of woman has only
one object in life to make money for
her children. She concentrates and
plugs so hard that no man can stand
up against her. She doesn't split her
mind like your happy flighty young
things with half their attention on the
job and the other half on the young
man who's courting 'em. Chances are
that she'll give her children a better
education and a better start in life
than they'd have gotten if their
mother hadn't plunged into busi
ness." "But can a woman, go out on the
road and sell anything anything? I
"Of course, there's a prejudice
against women in some lines," he ad
mitted. "I wouldn't advise a women
to try to sell men's clothing just now,
although eventually she may do it.
But she can sell women's apparel,
household supplies, food products and
even office equipment, and the war is
opening up some juicy jobs and fat
territories for her."
Miss Kathryn .Ostenberg, who is at
tending M)unt Ida school at Newton,
Mass., will arrive Saturday to spend
Christmas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Ostenberg. Miss Os
tenberg is specializing in music and
Miss Margaret Wright, who is at
tending' Oberlin college, will arrive
home Saturday to spend the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Simpsbh
will leave the first of January for
California to be gone several months.
Captain James R. Lysaght, for
merly of Omaha, now stationed at
Camp Funston, arrived Monday to
spend some time in the city.
Mrs. George Loomis, who was
called east by the serious illness of
her daughter, Miss Mary Loomis, a
senior at Wellesley, returned home
accompanied by Miss Loomis Tues
day. Miss Dorothy Maulick of Broken
Bow will be the guest of her sister,
Mrs. E. M. Syfert, during the holi
days. Miss Helen Parrish, who is a stu
dent at Monticello seminary, will ar
rive Thursday to spend the vacation
with hen. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Tarrish.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Harte of Mani
toba, who have been the guests of Mr.
Harte's narents. Mr. and Mrs. Tohn
Harte, will return to Canada Satur
day. . , ,
Mr. R. L. Horner leaves this eve
ning for Baltimore to spend Christ
mas with his parents.
Captain F. M. Kline of the quar
termaster's . department will spend
the holidays in Kansas City.
Captain J. M. Parr will spend
Christmas with relatives in Baltimore.
Letter Addressed to the
"Blue-Eyed Private Who
Smiled at Girl in black"
Camp Dodge, la., Dec. 19. Some
rjirl in Iowa will be disappointed
when she doesn't hear from one of
the "Sammies" at Camp Dodge. The
worst of it is she doesn't know his
name, or she could have written to
him directly. Ac a result of her ig
norance regarding the fellow's name,
a letter came to the division head
quarters addressed like this: "To the
blue eyed private who smiled at the
girl in the black dress, on his way
to Camp Dodge."
.'evt-f iia ; the integrity of the individual, the community
or the nation been tested as it is being tested today.
Integrity should be the acid test of all business institutions
from whom you purchase merchandise. Integrity of quality,
integrity of price, integrity of service.
tegrity, and is building, ever building, on the continued and in
, creasing confidence of the public
Need we remind you Jewelry is the Logical Xmas Gift.
Need we remind you the First Xmas was a Jewelry Xmas.
Need we remind you of our wonderful display of wrist
watches, soldiers' khaki necessities, men's leather goods, ivory,
watches, silverware, gold lavalliers, diamond goods, stationery
and other lines.
. Need we remind you of our suggestive attractive windows.
Need we remind you of the inducive prices consistent with
quality merchandise.
Our Secretary-Treasurer, Herbert W. Ryan, now one of
Uncle Sam's officers, said in bidding the store good by:
when I come back, for I am coming back, I want you to have
increased our business 100. - - ' r
Ryan Jewelry Co.
16th and Farnam Streets. ' Securities Building.
n... ai.. nr..- c : ci
mwurct iim ijavuigs juunp,
.S!fc. -o. SI
v. XSw
Mrs. Anson H. Bigclow responded
to the emereenrv rail fnr cnm.
to man the information desk at the
Red Cross headquarters during the
Christmas week membership drive
Mrs. Porter Askew's throat failed her
after two days of answering nurs.
It's no light job, anyone will tes
tify, who soends ahont f if t Pf1 film-
utes in headquarters, which is the
Dtisiest ottice in Omaha this week.
.Mrs. Bigelow is active in the
Omaha Woman's club.
Facts About Staple Foods
Sauerkraut is our old friend the
cabbage plus an extra process and a
new dress. It is rich in bone build
ing material and also has many other
health giving properties.
This food is made by cutting, salt
ing and packing the cabbage into
casks; then allowing the mixture to
ferment. Formerly this was done at
home, hut now. ac in tli ri I n(
many of our best food products, the
worn nas Deen taken over by the
larce fonrl nrnilnrprc antl tin. nrmt.
uct is made with the most up-to-date
machinery and m the most sanitary
After fermentation has progressed
to the required point the sauerkraut
is taken out of the large casks, put
into cans and hermetically sealed as
in the case of other canned vegeta
bles. Sauerkraut is valuable in the diet
because of its flavor, mineral salts
and bulk. The latter aids in elimina
tion and thereby prevents constipa
tion. Because of its mineral salts,
sauerkraut takes the place of green
vegetables in sailors' diet.
The housewife may well use sauer
kraut freely in the winter time when
green vegetables are scarce, and,
therefore, high in price.
Some serve sauerkraut raw instead
of cold slaw, but by far the greater
number prefer the cooked product.
The appetite demands some kind of
fat and meat as an accompaniment
to sauerkraut.
T nnitAH ma... t fl 1 . , . r
iuuuuil I1UW IIHS H lOllge 01
Women Free Masons, the founders
of which claim that they have all the
secrets possessed by the original Free
Masons, and that eventually the men
will be compelled to recognize them.
.. i
403 South 16th Street.
'L '
Soliloquy of Modem Eve
TJhere is a good little "me" and a bad little "me" in
each of us. If we desire to be always in good com
pany we should guard closely the Hyde within
since we cannot escape from ourselves : : :
There is a good little "elf" and a bad little "imp" directing every hu
man being.
Things we cannot understand in others are quite as mystifying in
' What seems the right and proper thing today is wrong tomorrow, if
wc give way to our moods.
Have you ever declared with vehemence that you would never do
a certain thing; that anyone who did was an impossible, ridiculous, irra
tional, impractical person-nd then, do that very thing?
Of Course You Have!
Of course you have! We all have!
So persistently have the llydcs within us bested the Jekylls that
those w are taught by experience hesitate to put great force back of
their "I wonts." Haven't we heard them modified by "I do not anticipate
such a move," or "such is not my present intention."
If an actor is a "many headed monster," then we are all many
headed, for there is a battle going on between the "elf and the imp" with
in us, winning on the left wing, losing on the right; pushing back the Hin
denburg line of aggressiveness only to lose it again.
It is a sufficient woman who knows herself. But since we cannot
escape from ourselves since we are forever in the company of ourselves
it is wise to make the acquaintance of both the Jekyll and Hyde of us.
A Strong Desire.
I desire to he always in good company. Since I cannot escape from
the society of myself, I shall encourage the Jekyll and discourage the
Hyde. If I keep myself (in company with myself) in good, wholesome
surroundings, then I cannot be other than good company for my companions.
Hen Lays High Priced
Egg at Red Cross Sale
While the Plainview, Neb., Red
Cross society were holding an auc
tion sale of produce in the city hall,
a hen waiting her turn at the block
laid an egg which she wn not back
ward about announcing. The egg
while still warm was put up for
ale and sold for $25. Didn't that
old hen "co her bit?" The total sale
amounted to $4,000.
U.S. Spanish War
Veterans Donate $50 to
Omaha Red Cross Toda,
United States Spanish War Vet
erans contributed ?50 to the Omaha
Red Cross ' chapter today. Fred E.
Kero, department commander, mad'e
the donation'.
"It is 'in" recognition of the services
the Red Cross performed for our
members during the war," said Mr.
"Over 2,10Q.'.tairs of hand-knitted
socks have been made by the ' busy
fingers of patriotic women of Oma
ha," announces Mrs. A. W. Jefferjs,
chairman of knitting. "Other chap
ters have had lots of corrections to.
handle due to knots left in the, foot
of the sock, but -the Omaha knitted
garments are practically free of this." '
"Ask the clerk to put a Red Cross
'carry your own parcel' sticker on
your parcel at the store," requests
Mrs. A. L. Reed, in charge of this
campaign. "Clerks are very busy now
and unless the buyer asks for thc
stlcker chances! are - that the bundle
will be carried without."
"An impression seems to have
spread arotmg the worrren ;. workers
that a special fee or membership is
required for the privilege of work
ing nil iiwiii in 9v in "it: f'UiiV
of the Red Cross." said Mrs. F. W;
Cannichael, chairman of the public
shop committee, "No fee or charge at
all is asked. The public shop is open
to any woman in Omaha to come in
and give us what spare time she can.
The location is in the Keeline build
ing, 315 South Seventeenth street."
" A taxicab company of New York-
- '.A 4a Ka Aiilmn1iitinry t Vi itl
plovmcnt of women drivers.- L
It's a Fact
Known by Thousands
alk-Over Profitless
Shoe Sale
Wonderful Values for Little Money
Save $1.50 to! $3.50
On Your Next Pair of Shoes Hundreds Are Doing It,
Why, Not You?
Make Your Savings on Your Shoes Buy Your Hose.
Phoenix Hosiery
makes an Ideal Xmas Gift. Ladies' Phoenix
Hosiery, 65c to $2.05 Men's Fhoenix Hose,
35c to $1.00. Largest stock and assortment
of colors in the city.
Onyx Hosiery
That totally different kind as a gift a box
would be appreciated. Women's Onyx Hosiery
(embroidered), $1.25 to $5.00 Men's Onyx
Hose, 50c to 75c.
317 South 16th Street Between Farnam and Harney.
No Charges, Deliveries Nor Exchanges During This Sale.
V lor
Infants .nd Invalids
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form
For infants, invalids and gro wing children.
Pure nutrition, upbuilding Iht whole body.
Invigorates nursing mother, ud the aged.
More nutritious than tea, coffee, etc.
Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking.
rabstitcies Cost YOU Same Price
When Buying Advertised Goods
Say You Read of Them in The Bee
m t n. -.V- kalili milimliA fmtn letoil
UMUOfbOTN. . ........ .
Srre It it meU iwmlarty tad
grr. it to your gnMts.
. At trocm', t dwmlito', in
bet at ail placw when good
drinks a- aula.
LEMP Manufacturers
H. A. Stiiinwender,
1517 Nicholaa St.,
Douf. 3842, Omaha.
Skates and Sleds
For Live Boys
BOYS: Here's a
chance for you to get
a sled or a pair of
skates, by doing
a little work for
us after -school.
Call at The Bee
branch office
nearest you and
we will tell you
all about it.
Could you think of a nicer gift than a sweet
singing Canary?
Guaranteed Singers $8.00
A globe with- beautiful Goldfish ornaments, plants,
etc., complete a.5l
A cute little Puppy would bring joy to children as
well as grown people. Snow-white Spitz, Fox Terriers,
Airdales, Boston Terriers and other breeds on hand.
Ask to sec our new Stand and Cage the "swellest
thing" out.... .820.00
1500 Jf
Fireproof it
European JLj
You traveling men, merchants, manufac
turers, tourists, coming to Chicago, why
pay high prices just to be in the Loop?
Noted for Large, Well Furnished Room
nd Good Service At Moderate Charget.
Ten minutes from the center of the Loon bv DIB
street cars passing the door, convenient
to depots, 3 popular price restaurants.
, CHARLES McHUGH, President.