Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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Cep.vrig ht,
Drawn for
The Bee
Trr,,DuKt toqe (n the
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U I ( 1 ( m mn-ous patriotic I I I know - BUT don't . - 1.
? rz 3
Fred Fulton's Manager, During
Brief Visit in Omaha, Says
Things About Jess
Mike Collins, manager for Fred I-'ul-ton,
stopped off in Omaha yesterday
long enough to hurl a few more has
bombs in the general direction of Jess
Willard, heavyweight champion of the
prize ring.
Collins has his vocabulary factory
keyed up to a capacity clip and lit has
plenty to say,
Tonight, Collins says, unless Jess
Willard agrees to meet Fred Ful
ton, Fulton will begin to call him
self the heavyweight champion of the
world by virtue of forfeiture. Willard
has been notified of this intention on
the part of Fulton, Collins says.
"Willard has been fighting shy of
Fulton ever since he won the cham
pionship," exclaimed the wrathful
Collins. "Now he knows he has got
to fig"lit or be called a quitter, as he
deserves to be right now.
"So," continued Fulton's manager,
"he has said he is willing to fight and
give the net receipts to the Red Cross.
Old stuff. What he intends to do is
pick out Weinert or Brcnnan or some
soft boy for a 10-round mill. He'll give
the money to the Red Cross and I ex
pect he'll probably get away with it.
"Butj he won't meet Fulton. His
Red Cross offer is made so that he can
avoid Fulton and yet retain the pub
lic's favor.
"If he wants to fight for the Red
Cross, we'll fight for the Red Cross
and we'll give the gross receipts in
stead of the net receipts. All we want
is to get Willard into ring with Ful
ton." Collins is Confident.
Collins is firm in his conviction that
Fulton can knock the daylights out
of the ahampion. "Fulton will kill
him within five rounds. I know it
and Willard knows it and that's why
Willard will nit fight Fred.
"Fulton is the champion of cliatn-
?ions. Me can box and he can hit.
fc's a large sized edition of Benny
Leonard and he can knock any heavy
weight in the business dead."
Collins left Omaha yesterday
for Deming, N. M where on Januarv
10 Fred Fulton and Frank Moran wiil
box for the benefit of the soldiers at
Camp Cody. Fourth, Fifth and Sixtli
regiments of the Nebraska National
Guard are stationed at Cody.
Question Law Against
Boxing in New York State
New York, Dec. 19. In discharg
ing today 16 men arrested at boxing
bouts in clubs, cither as promoters or
spectators, Magistrate Corrigan ques
tioned the constitutionality of the
state law prohibiten boxing and ex
pressed the opinion that if the statute
were tested it would be declared void.
Two boxers. who took part in a club
bout wer? held i.i $50 bail for trial,
Magistrate Corrigan declared it had
not been shown that the boxers en
gaged in a "prize fight" instead of a
sparring match, and said any legit
imate club had a right to employ
whomsoever it pleased to entertain
its members.
Testimony was introduced to show
that many of the "ivtemhers" had
joined the dubs on the nights of the
matches and had paid membership
fees in lieu of admissions.
Prairie Park Whist Club
Hangs Up Some Good Scores
The Trairie Park Whist club held
meeting at the club house Mon
day night. The following scores were
Slckler and 8tebbln ?3S
Nelson and King; I '.'3
Martin and Abbott 24
Kilts and Droyfooa 23 1-
Barton and Reynold
I.uoke and Buck :i
8cannl! and John Doe ..L'll
Rowland and Gallup '.'01
Kllgors and Shawcrogs ?0S
Smith and Torrlnon Ill
Next week's play will be held
s .
Three Commercial Loop
Basket Ball Games Tonight
M.E. Smiths vs. Townsends, 7:30. !
Central Furnitures vs. Nakins, 8:10.
Commerce High vs. Y. M. H. A., 8:40
Three, basket ball games are sched
uled for the Commercial league play
at the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation tonight
Fast contests are expected, espe
cially in the ganjeslietween the Cen
tral Furniture and Nakfns and the
Smiths and Townstnds.
Iowa Governor Attends
Funeral of Frank Gotch
Humboldt. Ia., Dec. 19. Frank A.
Gbtch. retired ' world's champion
wrestler, wa buried here today. Gov
ernor W. L. Harding was among the
hundreds who attended the funeral
services. , .
Today's Sport Calendar
(hen nnilnl Interi ollerlntf tournament
of lair, Harvard, Princeton and olumhla
open In New tiirk It) .
Holing Jeff Nmlth nitlint Kid Sheeler,
1.1 round", at Arilrn, Mil.
Business in Humboldt Suspend
ed Two Hours While Funeral
Services Are Held for
Humboldt. Ia., Dec. 19 Marked
by the simplicity he himself had re
quested, funeral services were held
late today for Franlj A. Gotch, re
tired world's champion wrestler, who
died at his home here last Sunday
after a long illness.
Husiness was suspended for two
hours in the afternoon and virtually
the entire city joined with the hun
dreds of persons from out of town
in paying tribute to the memory of
the premier mat man.
Hardly more than 600 persons were
able to crowd into the Methodist
church during the services there, but
nearly 1,200 others who had remained
in silent demonstration outside, also
viewed the body at the conclusion of
the services.
Governor W. L. Harding, speaking
at the church, 'praised the man he
had known fur years as a personal
friend, and pointed to Gotch's life as
an example for the coming genera
tion in "right living and clean sports
manship." Numerous automobiles and car
riages, in addition to hundreds of
pedcstrianV, joined in the procession
to Union cemetery, where interment
took place after brief Masonic rite.
The procession was more than a mile
and a half long, extending virtually
from the church to the cemetery.
The Rev. Alexander Hetmett of Sa
liua, Kan., formerly pastor here and
an intimate friend of Gotch, had
charge of. the Methodist services at
the church, assisted by three other
Tells of Graft of
The Chicago Police
Chicago, Dec. 19. Thomas F. Cos
tello, self-confessed manager of the
polity graft system during the period
Charles C. Hcaley was chief of police
of Chicago, testified today at the trial
of the former chief that in 15 mouths
he turned $13,900 over to Hcaley for
the protection of vice ami gambling
and for the restoration of saloon li
censes which had been forfeited for
infractions of the law. His own bit
out of the collections averaged $100
a week, he said.
The witness said that when he got
the system to working levy was made
on every enterprise whose existence
depended on escaping the vigilance of
the law. His story implicated also 10
police captains and lieutenants.
As the system extended it brought
to light little grafting enterprises ex
ercised by policemen on the beat or
detectives. These "independents'1 were
promptly transferred to other. districts
and the revenue diverted to the
"trust." Costcllo was perfectly frank.
While he considered Hcaley liberal
with him, nevertheless, he operated
several piotitablc side lines of graft
which appreciably eked out the $100
a week.
You can secure a maid, stenogra
pher or bookkeeper by 'using a Bee
Want Ad.
State Defense Beard Asks Ne
braska Dealers to Shorten
Hours and Reduce
Local Terminals Filled to Limit
and Railroads Are Now
Laying Cars on Coun
try Sidings.
(From Ftaff Correspondent )
Lincoln, Dec. 19. (Special.) The
State Council of Defense has sent out
two appeals to merchants, oiie for
the shortening or the business day,
and the other by reducing the de
liveries, in order that more men might
be released for service. The requests
are as follows:
"The Nebraska State Council of De
fense, recognizing the urgent neces
sity of conserving every possible
pound of coal now used as fuel and for.
the purpose of generating electricity,
and believing that a considerable sav
ing can be effected through the short
ening of the business day, do hereby
make the following requests of retial
merchants of the state of Nebraska,'
effective, January 1, 1918;
1. That utoroa open for buainfs.i not
earlier than 7 a. m.
5. That on Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday.
Thuraday and Friday all rtnil aton-s clo:ie
not later than R p. m.
!). That no retail atores bo opened on
4. Jiellevlnir that the time ia not far dl.i
tmil when all atorea will be asked to cur
tall the length of bualnesa hours on Sat
urday wo recommend that wherever at all
practical merehitnla of a town get together
and mutually agree on nn earlier closing
hour for Saturday than la now In practice.
6. Wo also recommend that tho merchants
ot tho separate towns mutually agree on
as early as posslblo an hour for tho turning
off of all window lights.
6. It la clearly recognised that thera are,
some lines of bualneas that It may bo Im
practicable for them to co-operate with
this early closing request, such as restau
rants. "We believe the people of Nebras
ka will recognize that this request is
the outcome of war conditions and
we ask the co-operation and endorse
ment of both merchants and consum
ers. The Nebraska State Council of De
fense, having received a request from
the Council of National Dcfese to
reconimende all means that will re
lease the man power of the state, and
believing that a considerable number
of men might be so released by re
ducing the number of deliveries now
being made by the retail stores of the
state, do hereby make the following
requets of the retail merchants of
the State of Ncbraka, effective Janu
ary 1, 1918.
1. That only one delivery per day bo made.
That wherever possible all consumers
endeavor lo anticipate their wants and allow
goods to be, delivered the day after they
are purchutied.
3. Wherever co-operative delivery systems
are now Installed, that all merchants uso
this aystem If It Is at all possible.
4. Wherever co-operative delivery systems
aro not now in operation, that all merchants
earnestly try and organise one, If It Is at all
"We believe both merchants and
consumers will recognize the im
portance of these requests and we
ask the co-operation and assistance
of all people of this state, in that it
may be as effective as possible."
Neville Appeals to People
To Aid Americans
Lincoln, Dec. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) Governor Neville today is
sued a proclamation to enlist tlitf sup
port of Nebraskans in alleviating the
condition of the Armenians and Sy
rians. "Over 2,000,000, mostly women and
children, are homeless and helpless,"
says the message. "They are stretch
ing out their empty hands to America
for bread, and while I know the de
mands now being made upon us are
legion, wc must not forget those hun
gry and starving people.
Railroad freight congestion on east
bound shipments has reached Omaha
and for the first time roads operating
in from the west are unable to deliver
their consignments to their eastern
Munitions, government supplies and
provisions are accepted and hurried
through, but other shipments have to
take their chances on getting to east
ern destinations. And these chtnees
are remote. As a result, Council
Bluffs and Omaha terminals are filled
to the limit and trains bringing addi
tional stuff from the west are forced
to lay the cars in on sidings at coun
try towns back from Omaha.
While within the last few weeks
the railroad war board has added to
the number of empty freight cars, it
has been unable to figure out a plan to
relieve the freight congestion. Ac
cording to the railroad freight officials,
the congestion at this time is the most
acute in the History of American rail
roading, and what is worse, the situa
tion is becoming more serious as he
days pass.
The shipments of grain tor export
have been turned from Atlantic to
gulf ports, but this has not relieved
the conditions to any appreciable ex
tent, it is said, due to the fact that
there are not enough boats touching at
these ports to handle the stuff out as
rapidly as it accumulates.
Railroad men assert that indica
tions are that on east bound business
the roads will be able to keep muni
tions, army supplies and food stuffs
moving at a fairly good rate of speed,
but owing to the freight congestion
and the inability to find storage,
everything else will be greatly de
layed. Two months ago congestion existed
only around the terminals of the At
lantic coast cities. As the freight
continued to pour in, tne congesiea
district extended back to Pittsburgh
and Cleveland. Then it reached Chi
cago and central Illinois and next the
Mississippi river points. Then at one
jump it came to the Missouri river.
The result is, according to the rail
road men, that i . the Omaha termin
als and back into the state for fifty
miles, or so, sidings are filled with
east bound loaded cars, with little
prospect of moving them (Out in the
near future.
Just when relief will come, rail
road men arc unable to predict. They
say it will not be until the shipments
for export are cleared out of the At
lantic coast cities that other freight
may be sent in and the usual distribu
tion take place.
Lincoln Mail Clerk
To See Service Abroad
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Dec. 19N (Special.)
James A. Cruickshank, a well known
Lincoln mail clerk, who has been on
the Lincoln-Kansas City run for more
than 17 years, applied some time ago
for government service across the
water, and today received notice that
his application had been favorably
considered in connection with the U.
S. postal agent.
10,000,000 Cue Players,
85,000 Rooms, in U. S.
It is estimated there are 83,000 pub
lic billiard and pocket billiard estab
lishments in this country and that
10,00,000 persons play some kind of
cue panics.
Member of Cabinet and Pay
master General McGowan
Appear Before House
Washington Dec. 19. Secretary
Daniels and Paymaster General Mc
Gowan of the navy were the first wit
nesses summoned to appear today be
fore the house naval subcommittee
delegated to begin an investigation
into the navy's war activities.
Secretary Daniels gave a general
review of what the navy has been do
ing, avoiding, as he explained, dis
closing any facts that would be of
value to the enemy. Discussing. the
use of submarine chasers, he said they
were regarded as a necessity and
there was "no great enthusiasm"
about them as a weapon of permanent
Lack of Facilities.
Naval aviation, he said, has made
gratifying strides, but has been ham
pered by lack of manufacturing facili
ties. Secretary Daniels 'praised the co
ordination between the personnel of
the navy and the personnel of the al
lies. One of the great problems, he said,
was to furnish gun crews to merchant
How private manufacturers antici
pated government needs and spent
millions in preparation without or
ders or with only informal verbal ar
rangements at most, was told by Vice
President Louis E. Stoddard of the
Marlin corporation.
In February, Stoddard said, on ver
bal orders from Rear Admiral Earlc,
work on 5,000 machine guns was
begun. He went to Colonel Rice at
the afmy ordnance bureau, he said,
and offered to begin work on guns
for the army in anticipation of war.
"We're not interested," was Colonel
Rice's reply, Mr. Stoddard said, add
ing: Didn't Anticipate War.
"It was utterly impossible to make
the ordnance department realize the
possibilities of war and we simply
foldcd our tents and went home."
Before the war began, Stoddard
said, he offered to sell machine guns
to the department for $500 each, but
it was turned down. Since, under
orders placed, the contract cost was
twice that sum.
Delivery of the new light Brown
ing guns for airplanes under an order
given by the War deaprtment three
weeks ago, is expected to begin this
month,, Stoddard said.
Praises Browning Gun.
The new Browning gun, Stoddard
declared, "absolutely is the best
ever invented." The Lewis gun is
different from the Browning, he said,
and each has its particular functions.
If th e War department, when
asked for orders last February, had
given them, Stoddard added, by today
40,000 Colt machine guns could have
been delivered.
"The ordnance bureau simpb
wouldn't listen, wouldn't give any or
ders," he said.
Delay in producing the modified
Enfield rifle, because of the War de
partment's negotiations, as ex
plained by Vice President Otterson,
of the Winchester company. Negotia
tions. began last April, he said, and
contracts were not let until lulv .
J Deliveries began in August.
Former Golf Champion
Gets Commission in Army
Robert A. Gardner, national ama
teur golf champion in 1909, is another
from the ranks of sport to enter the
ranks of Uncle Sam's military serv
ice. Gardner has been commissioned
at Fort Sherman, where he attended
an officers' training camp;
Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York City Physician an J Medical Author, ay:
"There can be no strong, vigorous, iron men nor beautiful, healthy, rosy
cheeked women without iron Nuxated Iron taken three times per day after
meals will increase the strength and endurance of weak, nervous, run-down
folks 100 per cent in two weeks' time in many instances. Avoid the old
forms of metallic iron which may injure the teeth, corrode the stomach, and
thereby do more harm than good. Take only organic iron Nuxated Iron."
It is dispensed in this city by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Stores and all
I good druggists.
. 'eted Jockey Dead..'
Ktjwport, Kf; Dec. It. Albert Duease.
who a number of years ago was on of
the be-, known rare riders on the Ameri
can turf, died at hla home her today. Du
casv waa 41 rears old. During hla career
as a rider he was In the employ of some
f the rr,it videls' known horsemen ia the
Extraordinary Special Event!
Saturday Our Old Fashioned
Four-Piece Suit Sale, with many
new features, starts
iimimk 'is $15
B in - . in..,. UU
fi m-
Tailored Suits
Union Made
Union Made
On smoking
with discretion
Tom Moore
quality in a 5c 6ize
"The man. who makes a better mouse-trap
yes, they say it really was Ralph Waldo who
said that.
Thought made the mouse-trap "better." And
"with that type of man thought becomes a habit
even in selecting his favorite cigar. i
Therefore, not any cigar. He must keep in good
trim mentally and physically to keep his mouse
traps "better."
Men of this type incline to a cigar like Tom
Moore fragrant, yet mild, for pleasant smoking
" a light-hearted Havana."
COME IN and look around. It won't cost you
anything to .compare these woolens with val
ues to be found elsewhere. Fix this location
firmly in your mind
Rothenberg A SchloM, Kanaaa City. Local Trade Supplied by Branch Houe, 1715 Douglas St., Omaha