Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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Wheels of Campaign to Enroll
40,000 Members Arc Of
ficially Set in Motion:
All in Readiness.
I !:c Kcd C'rc
s on: Oi;:
i:ic:;ilicr!ip oainp.:-rii
drive to crtv'1 -Rim HI
i.inotr'.iiv set
io;i il l) '
wi' n
cr -lad-
nl liiC hUCV,
i'lij'S C
i j tui rl r rs in
";iri vxek.
I ill" C. IH
Jr. ;
i;li meiLi
into In
imii.itcc. Iici
I Icnr;- Dourly. u
;:nd far into the
:!;(! all -lav
"111. (
ni'Jit to (iiit r ci y-
thing in re:i'li:ic-i
tor the 1 i tr 'ji'ii" ,
I in I;
Syfrrl. I
winking under Mr-,
'..'an their r1: nt
nousv-Vj-ikuim- c;iir
l)t'lv ri-purt-N On
iiicniiicr.-liii (?air.(d
I he Ciiiiiiaivii oiinii
chairman or rapta 'i
.i n'cloi-!. tiiday ami
i-s t' la .
tin 'nmniicr oi
nil he made
.it tec tire- wh
hi report hi lore
car!) ilav nl tile
.inoersiii.) dine a? to the ntinnier
nienilHit ohlained each day,
Denver Reports Daily.
Kiini'lis iJeii'. er. which cit
nl" i'.s iiSililv to double (Nina
's ir.cni ! i ci -i i i i record, v ill he re-
ed laeh liioniiiia. I j h i ;i il iii; Tue.v
-.II. BV ' Sior Monday nioii;iiiK
, I ' ii!ciuiu r.-h'p. tor his tain
rii el u di: 1 1; grandchildren and s . i i -in-law.
Mr. Morz vrs nall v solici
ted the hexeiPge companies, cnlintiliK
I11! meniher-hip.
At Kounle Memorial churidi,
where .a Kcd i'v booth was set up.
Mrs. O. V. MalMrom "sold out" all
her iih n;irrliijis hefore st rvicc were
over and had to make a hurried trip
down town to headquarters for nitire
:i ein'nci hip cart's.
South Side Campaign.
J. I!. W.'.tkin iias taken the chair
manship of the South S i 1 e commit (fr
aud opened headquarters in his of
fice, Twenty-fifth and O streets,
where supplies may he secured. Mrs.
V. H. Taps will captain the South
Side women's committee. "Ten thou
si'iid members for the South Side," is
their slogan. Father (iulda v. ill assist.
Harry Ultuer. tea flic oOieer, anil
1'cte Jolly, city detective, are solicit
iijf Kcd Cross memberships in pool
halls, soft drink parlors and cigar
"We baucn't been turned down once
et," they say.
(itiv L. Smith, ehairtuait for auto-
mobile men, reported live companies 'hern supplyniK the I'armers I nion ot
with 100 per cent membership re c-' Nebraska with Mifcar which the union
..ids "Kverv automobile firm in , was selling out to its members in
Omaha will enlist 1(1(1 per cent." said , jOO-pound sacks contrary to the rul
dr Smit'ii. j itigs of the food administration, until
Obtains 100 Members.
Mrs. Philip Potter, renent of lima
i:a chanter, hatik'hter.s of the Ameri'
can Kevolution. reports more .man
t,..i i i .11 1 1 : i
mil meninersnips scm. .miss "iiihf remiiianv. he attomev imnirt i-
llarvalis. daughter of the Rev. Gust
Harvalis. sdd $51) in' me nibcrships in ,
the (ireek colony Saturday, Mrs. V.
P. Kirkeiitliil took nine membership)'
for her household. I
Forty-four printing plants haf
tinned "up 100 per cent, II. F. Millikeni
.eported. ;
Mr. P.. I'. I'owlcr is. captain of i
the Florence women's conniiit tt. Ail-'
Uitionat lteal district chairmen an
nounced are Misses Myrtle May,
Fllcu Brown and Mesdaincs K. Finla,
V. N. Hartnctt. Delia Koush.
Van Camp, C. II. Marley. J. H.
Kopietz, Frank Koulsky, John Har
ey, jr., Isador Zieglcr, II. H. Maulick,
C. Khoades. Nancy Y. Moore. J.
1! Bailey. L. K. I'.rady.
Women' Club Active.
y.rt. Warren Ulr.ckwell, chaiinmn
of , women's i ganiatioiis. ures
iiiemiirrs of clubs not meeting ibis
week to report at headquarters in the
Kcelinc buildin; to take out member
ships. Mrs. K. S. Westbrook has charge
of the Kcd Cross booth in the Fou
ttuelle; Miss Ida Sharp at the Hcn
sluw: Mrs. Ci. L. Bradley, Loyal;
Mrs.W. T. Tagc. Rome: Mrs. Stew
art Johnston, Keen; Mrs. A. X.
Sinith, Castle: Mrs. C. L. Svkcs,
Wellington; Mrs. T. V. Mik'esell,
Her Cirard: Mrs. L. J. Millard. Mer
chants;. Mr?. Allan Parmer, Paston;
Mrs. McDonald, Sanford; Mrs. A. C.
Mokes is at the l inoii station ant!
Mrs. A, S. Ritchie at the Burlington.
W. M. Jeffcrs, vice president and
neutral manager of the I'nion Pa
cific railroad, issued a circular to all
departments of the railroad urging
employes to join the Red Cross.
Captain Charles W'anzcr will direct
the work of enlisting memberships.
Arthur- Mctz Finally Lands
Job With the Red Cross
Arthur Met approached Henry
'oorly. Red C ross campaign manager.
headquarters Monday morning.
. "I want to help in this membership
ampaigu. What can I do?" he asked.
But the campaign director was too
itisy to talk to him.
Mr. Mctz waited awhile, then tried
lis luck with S. S. Caldwell, chair
iisn of the solicitations eoniniittc.
Jut Mr. Caldwell was busy splicitiii;.;
J. F. Davidson, office manage nu n
iiairman. was busy office nianagin.
and W. A. Schall of the speaker
committee was busy speaking, so ii.
desperation he appealed to the la-t
member of the committee. W. A. Pi.v
Icy. chairman of publicity.
lie buttonholed Mr. J'ixlev and
held fast to him while he explainer
' See here. Pixley. 1 came dow n here
to offer my services. Xow I want
vou to tell me what I can do."
"I'm only the chairman of publicity
so if vou wa t to hcli) nie. vou can tn'
low t to Sixteenth and Farnam streets
and make a Ked Cross street speech,"
Pixley told him.
"I'm on." came Mr. Metz's answer
before the words were out of Pixley 's
Mr. Pixley is arranging the detail.
n.?i!roads Report Ideal
Weather Out In the State
Nebraska weather out along, the
'les operating- through- the state is
ideal, according to the station reports
' coming ; to t the Jieadqoarters. Tern
prratures ranging' from 20 to 34 de
greeabove zero were the rule. Gen
erally it -was clear and a south wind.
Agents reported that' the snow wa6
Egg and Butter Prices 54?
Jump Up Two Cents f
Butter has gone up 2 cents per
pound in Omaha. The price-ijxing
committee ol the food administra
tion for Omaha Monday morning
wnounced an increase of 2 cent
per pound on butter and 2 cents
per dozen on eggs, effective at once.
The committee announces that this
is due to an advance of an equal
amount in the .wholesale market,
and that the retail advance was sim
rly made to meet this wholesale ad
vance. The committee ' now quotes the
best creamery butter at a maximum
of 52 cents, and the No. 2 butter at
a maximum of 49 cents. Best stor
age eggs are 44 cents per dozen.
Jewish Charity Increased by! f
$4,500 at Reception f
Given to Rabbi ,
I pun an appeal made h
arry I..
iinnian. .f4.50tl in ca-li ami
t'M the Jewish uar siiiferer.i' relict':
lit.'i'l va. preened lip 1 n 'he local com- ,
mittee, headed hv Mr. .iinnian. This j
look place at a held Sunday '
eveiiin in honor of Kabhi and Mrs. i,
i .Morris I axon
I lamedro.sli
i syuaKoifue.
I.are pelei inr the same
l mill
wire made dmim: the hifiii holiday
: 'ea-nii iu the fall, ami the drive to 1
i char up the pledges i- now beiu i
IpiiiMicd in older to tpialily for the,
i ? I , M l.l 100 ,,l'er of Julius Koseiiwahl
1 nl ( hieaM, 1 1 iiitingi'iit rut the raising
oi a relivf fund in i
1 (his eountfv.
Meurv Muiisky presitled and wel-i
, enined the new rabbi ami iiis wiie to
their Omaha post. Kabbi 'I axon j
i m ule the response. Rabbi Frederick
( ("(tin of I Cniple Israel also spoke.!
1 .Musical numbers were Riven by Mrs.
."sanit'cl Vewuian. Miss Nora 1'retl, I
, Miss Isabel Kadniaii. and readings by
Miss Miriam hvis, accompanied bv
i Miss Kuth (iros.s. "
i uc nooks ot tiie iiiiaiiis-.viurpliv i
'company of Omaha, wholesale uroc- mf
jers, are beiiiR t becked over by repre-
' sentati fs of the food administration j fyi
i lo (el tne laets as lo ine company s w
: recent operations as evidence in the M
'ease brought anaiiist it by the Fed-
, cral F'ood administration to show
cause why their license should not be
' revoked.
This is the" coinpanv which had
tne administration stopped tins activ
ity to conserve the sugar supply,
i State Fond Administrator Vultle-
i delegated Attorney John Y. Parish
ot - o1ala t,, r,., ovcr the records of
" ' .
' ately proceeded to the Williains-Mur-
phy plant, accompanied oy a com
petent accountant, to check the book: .
Red Cross Won't Use Room
Occupied by ''Unlucky 7th"
liould Diet,' Omaha Red Cross
chapter chairman, corrects the pub
lished statement that the Seventh
regiment rooms near Sixteenth and
Farnam streets would be used for a
downtown Red Cross workshop for
"The room were considered, but
tli(j probabilities are they will not be
rented by the Red Cross. The place
has not yet been chosen, but will
proU.ibly be the ground tloor of the
Ketuine building, Seventeenth and
i Unify," he said.
Mrs. A. L. 1'ted of the Red Cross
'earry-your-paekages-home" com
' mittee, urges all women shoppers to
I ask for the Ked Cross stamp on the
packages which they carry home,
i "I want to make it clear that incr
; chants will not stick on the Red
; Cross stamp, by means of which the
! Omaha chapter will benefit 1 cent
per package, unless the women ask
I for it. It is up to the women to rc
I quest the stamps," said Mrs. Reed.
Just SG
What You
M What You IP ;
U so i
i U At thr down-town lunHi-
I'l.ti, after thr .sho'V or when !
K "liuppini: dutlei become todi-
dii", for
D ' P!
S j '
KjfijShk DHink ' : I
I '! j !. I'' ' lit. I ',1yV' '' 1'' . -u.
2j ii '- '
I A delicious, nourishing re-
Iteshment: npeti.inB with i I
niels ; pur nd wholesome. ,
J s;rvfrt wherever invigor- p" I
' 9 .lino mnA vorhintr ftrin!. 1 1
1: ill .r. .ila Delivered lit our II U I
pj borne in tht case.
M ice co. E3
Q Webtter 221. nj j
Only Six More Showing
Useful Gifts in -
Rot kers, High Chairs. -Ladies'
Desks and Cedar !
48-inch Cedar Chett Well made. ;
genuine eonper trimminjrs, worth 1
V22, on sale. $17. Plain. SIB -
40 inch Chet S8-00 I
45.inch Che.t. 1.2 -
Large Size Cheitt ST." "
Nice, Heavy Pedeitalt Any fin- I
ish. . . S3.50 and S1.50 ;
Bedroom Rockers or Chair $6 "m
values, only SU.r.O -
Some for ;
Smoker Trayi SI. 00 -
Card Table. Worth $3..r.O. at, -
only .. 2.KO :
J25 Ladie.' . .SIH.r.O .
$20 Detk. sn.r.o -
Several for . . $10.00 I
S32.50 Spinel Dek. . onlv -Foot
Stoolt S3.r0 and S4.50
Library Tables Oak. mahojrany .
or fumed fin'shrs, J'2J..r)0 values. "
only S1S..0 and 1 'm
$19 Library Tables S15
Larce, OversttUTed, Real Leather
Rockers Spring seats and backs. .
.T2.0(l values, only S.". -
Imitation leather. only....S10 I
Several Tapestry Rockers Over- -
stuff.'d, only S22.r0 I
Arm Rockers In mahoiTHiiv. tan- .
t.ry or leather, only. .S12.50 -
Leother Seat Arm Rockers 111
'ohlen or fumed oak, on sale, .
for . .$.."0. 87-50 and SiO -
$75 Parlor Suites, .", nieces. $(." I
Push Button, Rest Easv Morris -
cbir s?o.30 ;
20 Off on all odd China Closets .
:,, $4.7." and $4.50 Dinin -
Chairs, nnlv SU.00 Z
Youth's chairs, S2.50. -
Reed Nursery Chairs ... 81.75
Children's Rockers, with Hrnis, I
at 81.50- 82. 82.50
Kitchen Cabinet Bases, draw- "
ts, 2 bins 85.50 -
Breakfast Tables, with (Iron leaf, "
onlv 85.0 "
Hiqh Chairs 81-75 to S3 -
Wheel High Chairs, SI and 85 Z
Hall Racks or Costumers. any
finish, only $3.00 -
$30 and $35 Odd 4-Poster Beds, Z
in walnut or mahogany, 822.50 -
i. S
ii i in i i ii i i i i i i i i i i i ii ii ii
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I ' b
Give a Semi- :
Made Skirt for :
Christmas :
Semi-made skirts are just Z
right for Xmas jrifts. No Z
danger of getting the wrong Z
size. They fit themselves; Z
one seam left open. See I
them in our Daylight Dress
Goods Section. Very simple
to fit and very practical, at -
1 1
I I I I i I I i I I I l ;i 'I l I I I i I I f '."W.:-
I I i I i I I ii I I i ii ii I i I I ii I I I ii till II r
Buy Your Xmas Groceries Now :
Kor your Christmas puddings. pi and cakes, us our "
fantaus Diamond H or Health Flour. Every Sack guar- -
antMd. per sack $2.8S-S)2.90 -
Oinnlia Moiil Wncaroni or Spaghetti, pke 7v'sc
'3.h. cakes Diamond H Hakinu Chocolate 18c
S-lb. pkit. Srliapp's Shteiliieii Cocoanut 18c
4 lln. best White or Yellow I'ornmeal 24c
lbs. fancy Japan Kiie 25c m
1 lbs. bot Rolled White Hreakfast Oiitmeal 25c .
I.arite Unities rickles. Worcester Sauce. Horse Radish,
Prepared Mustard. b"ltle 10c
(:ilifoniia Ripe Olivet ran ...i 10c .
II",. ounce cans Cnndonsed Milk 12' jc .
UK. ounce jarn pure Apple Hulter -
2l-ounre jars Kruit I'leservea 25c
1 Taney Queen Olives, bottle 25c
. raiiM MtiNtard Sardines 12l5c
'4 Oil or MuxlHid Sardines, call 8' 3c
N'o. 3 cans Colden Pumpkin 10c
No. 3 cans Hominy or Sauer Kraut 15c
No. 2 cans Kancy Wax or String Means 15c "
So. 2 cans Karly June Peas 15c
No. 2 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 12' ic "
Plum Pudding, per can 10c-25c "
o lbs. California Crown Means 25c "
" the Talk of Omaha"- Our Special Fancy Golden Santos .
Coffee, per lb 20c .
Diamond 11 Santos, fine drink, per lb 23c
Porto Rico Wend, excellent, per lb 27c
Diamond II Blend, an aromatic Coffee, cannot be ex-
celled, per lb '. . . 32c -
Special dale only, 3 pounds for $1.00
Choice Hasket Fired or I'ncolored Japan Tea 40c
We have a carload of fancy Idaho Jonathan Apples, ex- "
tra fine flavored, nothing finer eating, sale price, per "
box : $1.75 "
Crown lluscnlel Raisin, lb 12'. c
California Seedless Raisins, lb 15c "
California Bleached Sultana Raisin, per lb 15c
California Italian Prunes, per In 12 i-15c
California. Muir Peaches, lb.
Calif(rnia Kaporated Apple, lb
The Beat Lemon 01 Orange Peel, per lb.
The Rest Citron Pee!, per P
New Shelled Walnuts, per lb
New Shelled Pecans, per lb
New Shelled Black Walnuts, lb
New Shelled Almonds, per lb
New California Fits, per pkir
California Fard Dates, per lb
The Best New Mixed Nuts, lb
New Shell-Bark Hickory Nuts, lb
New English Walnuts, per lb
New Filberts, per lb
New Rraiil Nuts, per lb
New S.-rt Shell Almonds. II.
I'suey Rice Pop Corn, per lb
t ' Iiis. best Ohio Potatoes.
l-'rch Spinach, peck
. . . 30c
. . . 35c
. . ..70
. . . 90c
. . .70c
. . . 66c
. . .30c
... 20c
. . .10c
. . . 25c
.22" c
. . .15c
. . . 30t
12' 3c
I'resh Radishes, Carrots, Beet
Fancy Head Lettuce, head .
Fancy Cranberries, lb
Pascal Celery, six stalks ..
Michigan Celery, 3 stalks . .
Turnips or Shallots
II Ill II I I I I I I I I I I I I l l i I i
t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i i i t i i i i
Children's Handkerchiefs, 3 for 25c
Children's Handkerchiefs. 3 in a box, with
colored borders, special, at, a box
MV Initial Handkarchiefs, 6 for $2.00
i Men's Initial. Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, witn
; embroidered initials, 9 in a box, for. ..81.50
i i n iu iiiiniii i
Days Till Christmas-Our
This Store
Scores of Gift Suggestions, Suit Department
Many special sales of Women's Outer Apparel at price reductions not
usually expected until January and February.
busy one in our Cloak Department.
Vz Off
Regular Ji
V m m nil
Velvets, Pom Poms, Velours, Broadcloths, Etc.
.00 Coats. $16.67 ' $9.50 Coats.
$49.50 Coats.
$59.50 Coats.
$65.00 Coats. ,
$75.00 Coats.
J29.iiO Coats... 1Jl (J7
$35.00 Coats.
$45.00 Coats.
Why Not Give Furs
for Christmas?
Here are a few interesting
specials for Tuesday's sale.
Kit Coney Muffs In taupe, brown
or black. Cash Price, Tuesday,
Black Wolf Muffs Special Cash
Price, Tuesday $10.00
Muskrat Muffs Special Cash
Price, Tuesday $12.50
Red Fox Fur Sets Worth $18.00
and $20.00. Cash Price, Tuesday
Fine Cross Fox Scarfs and Kolinsky
Capes Worth $125.00. Special
Cash Price, Tuesday $95.00
Taupe Fox Scarfs, Hudson Seal and
Jap Kolinsky Stoles Worth $65.00
and $70.00. Cash Price,- Tuesday,
at S45.00
Hudson Seal Coats Some excep
tional values, shown, at $150
t0 $350
1 Why Not a Nice Rug for a Gift? 1
This Week We Are Closing All Odd Rugs and I
" Drop Patterns at Less Than Mill Cost Today. A f
y Most Opportune Time to Buy at a Big Saving i
t Make Your Selection Earlv. '
V '(
j :
l V
9x12 Best Wilton Ru?:. worth $65, Cash Price 853.00
8-3xl()-tj Best Wilton Rup, worth $35, Cash Price 843.00
lxl2 Best Axminster Rup. worth $33, Cash Trice 823.00
8-3x10-6 BeL Axminster Rug, worth $29, Cash Price. . -823.50
A splendid assortment of Brussels Rugs, in all sizes, at Cost
Price to close.
30x63 Best Wilton Rug, worth $11.50. Cash Price 88.50
27x54 Best Wilton Rup, worth $8, Cash Price 83.50
36x72 Best Axminster Rup, worth $8, Cash Price 85.50
27x60 Best Axminster Rug, worth S6, Cash Price 83.25
27x51 Colonial Velvet Rup, worth $4, Cash Price 82.75
Large assortment of Rap Rups, in prices from 50 nd up
N'othinp makes a more lasting present for the house than a
Vacuum Carpet Sweeper. We are showing the latest models of
the Bissell Vacuum Sweepers, at 89.50, 88.00, 87.00
Our line of - Carpet Sweepers, Bissell's make, at the following
prices 83.25, S3.75, 8 1.00, 8-."5 a..d 85.25
Wo have a large assortment of Cocoa Mats, at. . -SOf lo 86.00
Have us give you an estimate of your window shades. We are
selling you the best oil opaque shade, 36x84, complete. . . -65
, . .5c
i i
, , , ,
i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
H'dk'fs Most Popular Gifts for Xmas
Women's Handkerchiefs, 6 for 85c
Women's Taney Swiss Handkerchiefs, with colored embroid
ered corners. 6 in a box, special, at. a box S3e
Women' Handkerchiefs, 3 for 50c
Tine Sheer Swiss with dainty colored borders and colored in
itials; 3 in a box. special Cash Price, a box 50c
Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, 6 for $1.50
Women's initial Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, with hand
embroidered initials, special, at, a box 81.50
Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 1s to U-inch
hem, special, at, each 25
Women's Handkerchiefs, 6 for $1.25
Fine Sheer Swiss Handkerchiefs, with fancy
colored embroidered corner?, special, 6 in a box.
at, a box
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i
Low Cash Prices Will Make
This Store
will make Christmas week a
Vz Off
. .$33.1'
! $85.00 Coats,
j $95.00 Coats.
$12,1 Coats $83.00
$50.00! $150 Coats $100
Other Specials Tuesday
That Will Make Splendid
Christinas Gifts
French Coney Muffi, in the new Canteen
and .Melon shapes, very special values, at,
Long Silk Kimonoi,
that sold at $7.50
ly at .$2.50, special
bargain, at S1.-15
Sweaters, all sizes,
for women and
misses, great values,
87.50 and.. 810
White Mandarin
Vests, white satin,
regular $1.50 gar
ments, go Tuesday,
choice 85
Handsome Dyu
Skirts, a bevy of
newest and best
styles and materials
for selection; plain
silks, plaids and
novelties, special, at
87.50, 810 and
at .
Women' Petticoats,
in,taffeta, satin and
jerseys', all" colors,
at 85.00
Bath Robes, a big
assortment of styles,
all colors, two spe
cials, at.... $5.93
and SG.95
Beautiful Blouses,
hundreds upon hun
dreds for selection,
all newest styles and
colorings . .85.00.
87.50 and.. 810
Women' Knitted
Vests, sold regular-
( ii i i
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Price ggc
Lunch Kits with Thermos bottle ' Gem Safety Ttaiurs. Our"" Cash
Cah Price $3.00 Price 8gc
Pearl hamlled pocket knives. Cash ' Copper nickel plated 6-cup percolator"
Price, from 65c to $1.50 j Cash Price $2.35
Sl.ic handled carving sets. Cah l-'iuart .Miiminum rice or cereal cooker
Price, from $4.00 up; Cash Price $1.29
I'nion Hardware Co.. hest crade nickel plated ice skates
Men's nd Bos' heel and toe key clamps ggc (0 $ 25
Ladies' and Misses' from $1.50 to $3 00
i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Your Dollars Go Farther
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Linens, Towels,
Table Covers,
Bath Towels Colored borders
heavy quality, double absorbent.
Cash Price, each 30C
Bath Towel Sets 3 pieces, icy
borders. Cash Trice S 1 .00
Linen Towels Guest size, hcrn
nitched, damask ends. Cash Price.
each iioC and 50O
Linen Towels Largest size, buck .
weaves, soft linen, hemstitched
ends, novelty damask ends and
border. Cash Trice. eaeh..75f
Linen Towels Kmbroidered in
colors at border end. extra Iarg-. .
rare values. Cash Trice, each.
at' St. 50
Table Covers- Kmbroidered and
rochet, lace trimmed. Cash Trice.
each 82.00
TaM Covers Ture linen, em
broidered and "imitation hand
made Madeira effects." Cash
Trice, each 8-1.95
Madeira Handmade Linen Cloths
54-iiich size, beautiful designs.
Cash Trice, each 81-1.95
Madeira Napkics Highest grade
machine embroidered luncheon
size napkins. Cash Price, S,'.75
Luncheon S Kl-piece set. em
broidered. S:.50. S-t. S2-50
Dresser Scarfs Sample line,
choice of white or colors. Cash
Trice, each 50f
Dresser Sets Embroidered scarf
and pin cushion cover. Cash
Price, each. 81.95. 81.7-5.
S1.25 and 95!'
Pillow Cases Boxed pairs, em
broidered. Cash Price, pair, 81
Bed Spreads High-grade satin
finish, scallonXl and cut corners,
size of spread 85x95. Cash Trice,
each 81.50
4 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I
ii I I I I i i i I i i i i i i i i i : i m i i i
: Toilet Sets, Leather :
J Traveling Sets, Military
Brush Sets, Minor's Hair
I Brushes, etc. Entire
I sample line of the
. - pa
: Florence Manu- : jS
: facturin Co. f
" Makers of Prophylactic
I Keep-Clean and other
I famous brands now on
- sale
At Just Half
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1 1 1 1 1
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Silks and Dress Goods -
at our popular Cash Prices MAKE :
GIFTS. The items we advertise for ;
Tuesday, are extremely good values: ;
50 pieces of 36-inch Satin Mescaline, every new '
street and evening shade; strictly all-silk;
worth $1.50, Cash Trice 81.10
100 pieces of all-silk Crepe de Chine, in a full ',
range of new colorings; a good, firm quality;';
worth $1.50, Cash Price 81.18
40 pieces of 36-inch handsome military striped '
satins, broken lines from oir regular stock that
sold at $2 and .$2.50, Cash Price 81.18 '
100 pieces of plain and novelty silks, including !
all-silk Georgette Crepe, Silk Poplins, fancy ;
striped Mescalines and Taffetas, military striped
Satins, etc., worth $1.25 and $1 J"0; your choice, !
Tuesday, Cash Price 85tf and 98 '.
10 pieces of 36-inch Black Satin Duchess, a '
high luster quality, rich dark black, worth today '
$2.00; Tuesday, Cash Trice 81.58 '
5 pieces of 36-inch Black Chiffon Taffeta, me- '
dium weight, good black, worth today $1.25;
Tuesday, Cash Price 95c
50 pieces of all-wool French Epingle, 44 inches
wide, in every new color. A beautiful cloth that
will give satisfaction and worth today $2.00; 1
Tuesday, Cash Price ' 81.25 '
15 pieces of all-wool Broadcloth, rich satin fin- '
ish; sponged and shrunk; worth today $3.00; !
Tuesday, Cash Price 82.00 '
25 pieces of 50-inch all-wool Poplins. . splen-
did wearing quality in a good line of colors, '
including black; worth today $2.50; Tuesday' '
Cash pricc $1.50 :
500 Skirt and Dress lengths in plain and fancy '
weaves; Serges, Panamas, Granites, Batiste, !
Poplin, Plaids and Checks, each length' '
Price $1.98. 82.98. 83.98
1 1
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in n i
i i i i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i n 1 1 i i i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 , j , ,
All copper and corner nickel plated ehaf- "
int.' dishes, up from J8.00 "
Copper nickel plated casteroles, up "
from ji.50 "
Klectrie irons, fully warranted. Tin "
from $4.75
Ever-Ready flashlights, our Cash
Pricle , 75c to $2.50
Ever-Ready Safety Razors. Our Cash
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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rapidly disappearing.