Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1917, Page 13, Image 13

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Florence. j
10 Acres Near Florence
On Paved Road
th-i -t:y limits of
S 4 0 .1
' roll.-s from the Oruah
Owner h.. ma ! a mo
; r acre If sold io. i iet eit. I., r 1.
ak terms one-fourth rush.
'. t Harney y l"h"n. Ty'.c
'rge living room. U'x2! it. beamed
l:::i;, dining room en first floor; two
c bedrooms riuI bath on second floor,
hit" fiiamel finish, oak floors and
-ih on first floor. Price $4.2o0. Jjoo
.43-7-9 Omaha Nat. m. ISIdg. Ty- 60
i'll'EI'tN, 5-room bungalow, about c,,;i,
I l-t.-d, Dundee. I'l l.'- $ t.:.. Seward
'rn... Hr.llKlo..- MM. POUB. H40
:vi; ery fine garden lots, close to oar
cose to school, lust outside the city limit
" here you do not have to pay city taxes; i
"i ideal place to raise, pips, pc ultry or j
itarden; the owner has moved to Cali
fornia and says sell at once; price 192
each; terms. 50c a week on each lot. Call
Walnut .,466 today or in the evening.
REAL ESTATE Investment
Improvements rer.t for $135 rJr month,
'' permanent tenants. The rent. are very
"W and the improvements very good. This
- a close-in corner, bound to increase in
,iue; $3,000 cash to handle.
Douglas 2902
919-10 City National
''tJ HAVK several pood reliable buyers for
-: and 6-room bouses ami bunalowa with
S " 'J 0 to ;j00 down. Call Oborno Realty
"'o.. Tyl-r t9t. 701 Oi;a. Nat V.nuk Ulds.
ifAli cuIIh fur Uundcti homes and would
like exclusive li.stttipn on a few bnnioi-
a and houses fmm f'i.i."0 to $1.J,0M0.
A. Grimmul. M9 Om. Xat. Bk. liM.
i Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages.
6. GH and 6 per cent. Also first mort
gage on farms and Omaha real estate tor
ale. J. H. L'umsnt & Co.. 416-41S Keellne
Bids., 17th end Harney.
IHE investors of Omaha will always find
us with a sU" U of 6 per cent first mort
gages, secured by Omaha residence prop
erty or Nebraska farms.
K. H. LOl'OEE. INC..
539 Keellne Hldg.
- 1 . 6 MTU., bearing 6 pet. semi-annually ;
secured by tiii-rii;age valued at $6, rein.
Talinnge-Lnoniis Inv. Co., W. O. V. Illdi..
ii.-' w! i'hndkr.
Money on hand for mortgage loans,
city National Bank It Id?.
I'lVIDENDS rF "i 'i'lHl CKNt'oR iloKE"
One dollar starts an account.
no'Ijelay" in" cl6sin(;"loans;
V. T. OI! AH AM. Bfi4 He lil.'.f.
TY ga;: in buos.,
Om. Nat. Hk. Hblg
9H Omaha Nat. Bk. Hldg.
O K E KrERJi. Ct). ,1 01 ii Omaha Nat'l.
$100 to "lin.fino MADE pnoiiptly. F. I.
Wead, llldg,, JSth and Farnatn Sts.
MONI7Y to loan on 4i,.rovid farms and
rnnches. KloUe linaptni-nt Co.. Omaha.
LOwl?ATES C." G.!. 312 Bran
rlelg Theater Hldg P. sr..
W. H THOMAS t- SON. Keellne Bidg.
Arkansas Lands.
Cheap, easy terms, S. E. Arkansas. Ex
cursions 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Free liter
ature W. S. Frank, 2l Neville Hilt..
Colorado Lands.
FOR SALE 7ii) acres irrigated land,
laile from school and postnffleo. at
e is. Colorado. Prlco J3.O0H; $1,000
1. lane
llox 71
J. Rtirk.
Missouri Lands.
The following are a few bargains, se
b eted from our large list:
.V-a., good, fair improvements, 965.
1:0. a.,, fair improvements, $75.
'cii-a., good, good improvements, $75.
ii'-'o-a., choice, well imprnced, 7.'..
I a., choice, well improved, $70.
..76-a , excellent, good improvements. $73.
J.700-a., choice, fair Improvements, $701.
tluaranteed bargains in good, smooth
land. e
.la men W. Harrison. Butler. Mo.
$10 caah and Si monthly, no Interest or
taxea; highly productive land; close to
three His markets. Write for photographs
and full Information. MUNGER. A-119.
N. Y Llfe Bldg. KansaaClty. Mo
FOR SALE llolt county, Mo, farm. 2
miles good town, improved: 30 acres
fall wheat: no waste land. Trice, $113 per
acre If sold soon. Easy terms. Address'
Loelc Box 161, Humboldt. Neb.
Nebraska Lands.
S40-acre stock farm, 7 miles from Ma
son City In Custer county. Runs 200 head
of cattle, good aoll, raises all kinds or
crops, 110 acres under cultivation, 200
more tillable; especially good for alfalfa.
Price only $37 per ucre. Extra good
terms. Write owner, L. C. Crandall, 5o
First Na . Lincoln. Neb.
Have lot of extra good land for sale, raw
land, from $15 to $32 per acr , from $500
to one-half csh; Improwd land at
$17. 30 to $35, from $3.')0u to $8,000 down,
balance long time at 6 per cent. Write me
for particular
8 .MALL Nebraska farm on easy payments
B acres up. We 'arm the farm we sell
vou. The Hungerford Potato Growers'
association. 16th and Howard Sts., Omaha
Douglas 9371.
hi) ACRES, nearly level, Improved, between
Oakland and West Point, Neb., at only
$190, on eas- terms. G. A. Kull, Oakland,
terms. A. A.
all sizes and kinds, easy
Patzman, 301 Karbaeh HI It.
LIST your lands for quick results with
r. Canan. $10 MoCague Bldg.. Omaha
SEE us for Texas land.
You pay from profits.
Karbacb Bldg;.
We furnish cattle.
Thomas Olson, 407
Oregon Lands.
Get on the ground floor with 80 acres
irrigated land In connection with open
rang... You can grow stock successfully
and cheaply. Excursion Dec. Is. Send fur
S40 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha.
Don't list your farm with us If yon want
to keep it.
43$ S. 15tb Douglas 9371
THREE exceptionally good Phlllplno Mus
covy drakes, ready for spring service: also
taking orders for a limited number of set
tings of eggs irom a pen ot prize winning 1
Dark Cornish. I
Walnut 1111. 3511 Harney Si. .
,, '.' d I'V
1!" 1110.,
11', 6 XV. 0 .
the Huslricss .Men uf Omaha.
pianos and notes as security
II. goods, total cost. $3.50.
l-.dorsd notes, total cos'. $2 60
.rge am'ts pi oportlonate rate
Smaller. 1.
c; Rose Bldg. 16th and Farnam, Ty. 666
dYamondand i
lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry i
Jla'iasho. U. 1514 Dodge. D. 3619. Est sl.
Grown up folks know why he comes
or stays away. If you have a 1'ule
money he is more likely to com-".
Are you golnr to run the risk of him
tnisein . you? Take no chance and set
the money today. Let u give Santa
(.'la us your number.
For 26 years we have been doing this.
Easy pavments. I'tmost privacy.
'40 Paxten Ulook. Tel. Doug. 7195.
W l' FI.ATAf, KST. 1-S2.
Sealed proposals will be received at
orltce of the Hoard of Commissioners
State Institutions until 11:00 A.
furni.-hintr the following supplies: Classiti
cation No. 1 Hour and Feed; No. '.'--Gro-
ccries and suh-divisions, and No, S--Meat.
Lard, Butterine, etc., for the three months'
Period beginning January 1, 1?1S, for:
A Institution for Feeble-Minded, Beatrice;
B Girls' Industrial School. Geneva: C-
Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, Burkett; D
j Inuleside Hospital for Insane, Ingleside;
V. State Industrial School, Kearney; F
Hospital for Tuberculous, Kearney; G
State Hospital for Insane, Lincoln; H
Orthopedic Hospital, Lincoln; J State
Penitentiary, Lincoln: K Nebraska Indus
trial Homo, Milford; L Soldiers' and Sail
ors' Home, Milford; M School for the
Blind, Nebraska City; N -Hospital for In
sane, Norfolk, and I' School for the Peaf,
Omaha. Ail supplies are to be delivered as
ordered by the respective superintendents.
Unless otherwise specified, supplies must
be delivered free of charge at railway sta
tion where institution is located, except
that at institutions having trackage, carload
lots must be delivered f. o. b. cars on insti
tution tracks.
Each bid must be accompanied by a cer
tified check for 5 per cent of the amount
thereof, payable to the Hoard of Commis
sioners of State Institutions, and by sam
ples when requested. Checks of unsuccess
ful bidders will be immediately returned, as
will also those of successful bidders upon
acceptance of a bond conditioned upon the
performance of the contract. The Board
reserves the right to reject any or all bids
and to accept bids in their entirety or by
individual items.
Bidders not bidding according to specifi
cations furnished by the Board i.iust state
plainly on the bid wherein it differs from
specification. Bidders are limited to one
'ample for each specification.
Lincoln, Neb., December la, 1917.
Notice is hereby itiv-'ii that the Annual
lleeting of the Stockholders of the Hankers
Reserve Life Company of Omaha. Nebras
ka, will be held at Its Home Offico In the
city Notional Hank Huil.liiig in said City at
4 o'clock p. tn. on Wednesday, January 16.
191S, for the deetlon of Directors ami the
transaction ft such other business as may
properly coiiiu before It.,
R. C. WAONER. Pecretary.
Omaha. Nebraska, December 7, 1917.
ohn It. Lb htenwallner. jr.. to Roy I).
Hart, Lincoln hmilevard. 300 feet
i-ast of Thtriy-first avenue, north
side, raix'O'i $ :. 100
Ira.a.. Orant to Peter C
al., Sprague streei, S2
Ticenty. fifth avenue,
Hanson, et
feet west of
north side,
trustee, to
, Forty-third
Caroline L. Poppleton.
Iren.i"us Shulur, et ul.,
street. 40 f.-et south of
Hurt street.
ast side. 40x124
Caialine 1. Poppleton, trustee, to
Irenaeua Shuh r, et al., F.rty-se.;nnd
s'reet. lln feet north of California
sire. t. east side, ixI2!.o
t ai aline L. Poppleton, trustee to
li. Tiaeus shuler, et al., Forty-second
sti i, inn f.-et north of California.
si reel, east side, 40x1 n. 5 :
Caroline L. Poppleton, trustee to
irenaeus Shuler. et al., southeast
corner Forty-third and Burt streets,
"'arollno L. Poppleton, trustee, to
Ircnaeus Shuler, et al., Forty-third
slreet, 80 feet south of Burt street,
east side, 40X12S
I'ltrollno L. Poppleton, trustee, to
Ircnaeus Shuler, et al., California
street, .100 feet east of Forty-third
street, south side, 50x123.6
Caroline L. Poppleon, trustee, to
Ircnaeus Shuler. et al.. Forty-second
street, n;o fed south of Burt street,
east side, 40xl2S.5
Caroline L. Poppleton, trustee to
Irenaeus Shuler, et al.. Forty-third
treet. 200 feet south of Burt street,
east side. 40x128
Caroline ),. Poppleton. trustee to
Jrenaeus Shuler, et al., California
street, 100 feet west of Forty-first
street, south side. 50x125.3
Caroline L. Poppleton. trustee to
Irenaeus Shuler, et al.. Forty-second
street, 120 feet south of Page street,
east side. 40.v12s..r
Caroline L. Pupplcton, trustee to
Irenaeus Shuler. et al., California
stnet, 5o feet east of Forty-third
street, south side, 50x123.6
Walter L. .Seals and wife to P. H. .Ton
kins, et al.. Twenty-fourth street,
90 f rt nurtli of Patrick avenue,
west side, 36x120
J, E. Uice and wife to Mary E, Mc
Olnty. Park avenue, 17.0 feet north
of Leavenworth street, east side,
George T. Morton and wife to Marie
A. Stastncy. Twentieth street,, us
feet north of Y street, east side,
M, L. Clark, sheriff, to Omaha Loan
& Building association, southeast
corner Forty-first and Miami
streets. 5iixl20
Walter M. Bitlner and wife to Frank
E. Taylor. Twenty-fourth street, 799
feet north of Kansas avenue, east
side, 45x150
Walter H. Sautter and wife to Charles
14. Schleich. r, Third street, LMi.r,
feet north of Grover street, east side,
Sion: City Live Stock.
Sioux City. Dee. 17. Cattl Receipts, S,-
t"o) head; market steady; be. f steers, $7.50
15.(111; fat rows and heifers, $7.00(fi 9.0l);
eanners, $5.26iy 6 25; stockers and feeders,
$7.00jin.(i0; calves, $7.60-311.50; bulls,
stags, etc., $6.60BS.60; feeding cows and
heifers, $6.00Si k.:,0.
Hogs Receipts. S.00O head: market 6c
tn 0c low; light, $15. 50(jl 15.90; mixed,
$15.9016.10; heavy, $16. 1 CfT 16.20; pg,
$12.0IK,; J3.00; bulk of sales. $15. 80, 16.10.
Sheep and Lambs Recoipis, 1,200 head,
market weak.
Joseph l.he Stock.
Joseph. Dec. 17. Cattle Receipts. 8..
ooo head: market strong; steers, $s,(i0fa
11.50; cows and heifers. $5.25 ft 12.75: calves,
IP'.. 00 fell.nO.
Hogs Receipts. 6.00H head: market
steady; top, $16.23; bulk of sal", $13.S0i
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4.500 head;
market steady; Iambs, $1 3.00'rf 16.75 ; ewes.
$6.00(g 11.75.
Minneapolis (;rain.
Minneapolis. Dec. 17. Flour Market un
changed; In carlond lots, fancy patents.
$9.9ii, wood: first chars. $9.30, jute; second
i b ars, $6.00, jute.
Hurley $1.2'! 1.53.
Rye $!.s 2 lit 1.8 3.
llran $40.00t to. 7.0
Corn No. 3 yellow, f 1.70j 1.7.
Oats No. 3 white, 73t(74c.
Flax $3.43'ii 3.48.
Chirago Produce
Chicago, Dee. 17. Butter Market steady
creamery, 2 8 Tf 49c.
Eggs Market higher: receipts,
cases; firsts. 61 ti 53c; ordinary firsts,
49c; at mark, rases Included, 44'f61c
Potato, s Market lower; receipts, 20
Wise.msin, Mlehigan find Minnesota
$1.75iL90; sacks, $HOf1.93.
Poultry Alive, market higher; fowls,
I 22c; springs. 2"e.
2Vew York Sugar.
New York. D"c. 17, Sugar Raw Mar
ket nominal; centrifugal, 6.70c; molasses,
3.2o; refined sugar, steady; fine granu
lated. 8.151 (1.35, cut loaf. 9.65ff9.85c;
crushed. 9 .40ft 9.40c; mould "A". .5jf .;
cubes, f. 30 4t .lu; XX.X powdered, 8.35''t
.5'.: powdered. S M'jcSiji'; diamond "A".
17,4i s.33: confectioners "A", 8.05 H 3 27. ,
No. 1. 8t" 8 -"'
S" Louis
traeg. ?1.4'i
Oats No.
. M.
ffl . 4 3
1 le.-.
No 2 white. $1
asked; May,
1 -.'
$. un
71, -if No
Feeder Cattle Some Lower;
Hogs Are 25 Cents Lower;
Demand Good for
Omahn, Deo. 17,
Cattle. Hot
Receipts were:
slim. lie Moil,U
Sheep. I
7 . ! 0 0
Ml 00
Ssme .lay last we. k . . .!: JI.3J 12.0'.'4
Sam- day 2 wks iiKO.t7.675 11.S47 17,1
Same day S wks. affo.1 7,L'43 9,i35 15.010
Same day 4 wks. aKO,;i,54H 1,41.! 5.414
Same, day last year. . 10.1.21 12,609 9.727
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the I'nion Stock Yards. Omaha, for twenty
fuur hours emhns at 3 o'clock yesterday: ,
Cattle.lloes. She-p. H'r's.
C, M. S SI 1' 11 II 1 1
j Wabash 1
, Mls-ouri Pacific t 1
Cm n Pacific 1:: i; ;,:!
i'. .V N. W , east 9 t 1
". .V N V . west .... 47. 9 9
c . St. p.. M. & o 3;t sr. 5 l
C. It. . 0. east : 7 1 1
O, H. & 0, west 77 l." "5
O. R. I. P.. east 11
O, R. I. & P.. west . .. 1
Chicago Ot, Western. 7 6
Illinois Central... 1
Total receipts ::: 105 94 17
. 991
. i.::4
114 1
.1.1 17
. US
Morris & Co
swift and Company
Oudahy l'ackuiK t'c
Armour & Co
.1. W. Murphy
Lincoln 1'ackinn
So. Omaha Pack
Wilson Packing
Armour, So. St.
Co. .
Co. .
Co. .
V, H. Vansant Co.
Benton, Vansant A
Ulll & Son
F. Ii. Lewis
.1. K Root A Co. .
.1. H. nulla
Rosonstoek Bros. ,
K. C. Kelloetr. . .
I 7.1
1 v
19 1
1 1
Wcrtlielno T
M. K.
;ilt' Cc
John llarvev
Pennis Francis .
.Icnsen ,- Lungr. n
Ellis A Co
Pat O'Day
cither buyers
1 i
4, Ml
Totals S 733 .!?.. 17.113 j
I Cat lie There was a fair rim of cattle
here this morniim. arrivals counting about I
I 7. sua head. The killer outlet appeared to
tie a little hroa.l-r than last week, and as,
advices from otlvT points were favorable
undertone to tin market was stronger it
anything. Quality of the offerings was
common, however, and buyers tnok their
lime about filling orders with the result :
that hardly any sabs were mad" .luring the
early part of the morning. Percentage of
oornfeds In the offerings s smaller than
..ii most das last week. There was a
i united demand f..r good duality f coders
on the earlier rounds, anil a few sales were
made nt prices that were weak to a little
lower than the low time last week.
Quotations on cattle: Prime heavy
beeves, $12.6014.00; good to choice beeves,
$1 1 .60 (i 1 2.50 ; fair to good beeves, $9.50(rr
11.50; common to fair beeves. $i.00ti 9.50;
good to choice yearlings. $12.0014.00; fan
to good yearlintts, $ 1 0. 5o fir 1 2. 00 ; common
lo fair yearlings, $6.7,0 if1 10. 50; good to
choice grass beeves, I0.0011.25; fair to
good grass beeves. $.75'i 10. 00; common to
fair grass b. eves. $6.60 8.50, good to
choice heifers. S . 0 0 eft 10.60; good to choice
cows, $7.75Ji 9.0u; fair to good cows, $6.50iJ
7.50; common to fair cows, $5.0O(ft6.4O; good
to choice feeders, $9.50((f 10.50; fair to good
feeders, $".0tj 9j 9.60 ; common to fair feed
ers. $6.00 7.00; good to choice stockers.
$9,5059.25; stock holfers, $U.ffl i( S.Uo : stock
cows, $6.O05i 7.25; stock ralves, $6.00f(f
10.00; veal calves, $9.00 &' 12.75; bulls, t-tags.
etc.. $i',.00fi 8.50.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr. Nil
1 6T0 $7 (.0 17 . .
3 S76 9 25 1 . .
5 572 B 76 21.,
Av. Pr
. 760 ?9 02
.117,0 10 00
. 60S 8 73
Hogs Receipts of hogs today were con
siderably lighter than a week ago and In
cluded 31 cars direct. Trade opened nil bur
slow, with little competition from outside
buyers. Packers were bidding 26c lower
and Kellers finally sold their offerings at
prices that were, anyway 15ffj'25e lower
than Saturday's early morning trade. Best
prlco paid was $16.20, whllo the hulk moved
at $16. 00 iff 16,10. A fairly good clearance
was made around $10.30. Buyers weie
picking out the heavier grades, lightweights
being hard sellers. A few loads of left
over slock pigs sold around $1 4.60 It 1 5.00.
Representative gales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh.
95. .204 ... $16 00 S. . J94 . . .
$16 05
16 10
16 20
16 OS 71 . .256 240
16 15 , 52. .219
22. .124 ... 13 60 109. .101 ... 15 00
1 12 . 99 ... 16 00
Sheep A liberal run of sheep and lambs
was here this morning. Trade opened
fairly active on killer offerings, with prices
generally steady to stronger than Friday's
elose. A good bunch of medium lamhs
brought $16.20, and in-between stuff
brought around $15. 50(ff 16.00. Supply of
fat ewes was rather limited, medium killers
bringing up to $1 1,000. Demand was good.
More urtlvity than featured last week's
feeder market eharactt. lzed the opening
trade. Outside demand was considerably
stronger than for some time, although
prices were mostly steady. Mixed breeding
and feeding ewes brought $11.60. In-between
feeding lambs sold for $1 5 75.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
handywelght. $16.0016.26; lambs, heavy
weight, $14.5016.60; lambs, feeders, $15.60
di'16.25; lambs, shorn, $11.60014.00; Iambs,
culls. $10.0015.00; yearlings, fair to choice.
$1 1.60(S13.25; yearlings, feeders, $12.00
14.25; wethers, fnir to choice, $1 100$t 12.50;
ewes, fair to choice, $9 7511 00; ewes,
breeders, all ages, $10.50(?r)16.50; ewes, feed
ers, $7,60(f'10.50; ewes, culls and eanners,
$5.00 7.25.
Representative sab-s:
No. Av. Pr.
155 fed lambs SI $16.00
New York 4ieneral Market.
New York, Dee. 17. Flour Quiet;
spiing patents, $10.35 Q 1 1.25 ; winter pat
ents, $10.50ffi10.76; winter straights, $10.15
fell). 50; Kansas straights, $10.5ti.ll "
forn Spot, easy; No. 3 yellow, kiln dried,
$1 64, e. i. f , New York. 10 days' shipment;
Argentine, $2.20, I. 0, b., cars, New York,
to arrive.
On Is Spot, steady: standard, 89H. Tf90c.
Hay Steady; No. J, $1.5(1; No. 2, $1.20;
No. 3, $1.10; shipping, 901('96c.
Hops Quiet; state medium to choice,
1-.H7, rfriiOc; 1916, nominal: Pacific coast
1'.'17; 23'27c; 1916. 15lfil9c.
Hides Quiet; Bogota, 41c; Central Amer
i. a, 40c.
Leather Firm ; hemlock sole overweights,
No. 1. 51e; No. 2, 49c.
Provisions Pork, unsettled; mess, $7,2,50
!i 53.00; family, $54,00 r55.0d ; short clear,
$34. 00 59.0(1.
Wool Firm: domestic fleece, XX Ohio
and Pennsylvania, 70e.
Rice Steady; fancy head, i 4Jc; blue
rose, 8 US; ic.
Putter Firm: receipts, 4,427 tubs; cream
ery higher than extras, 50Vjft.ElV4c; extras,
Ci2 score) 60c; firsts, 44 V 49c; seconds,
Eggs Market strong; receipts, 1,616
cases; fresh gathered extras, 63''()64c; ex
tra firsts. 6!ft'C2c; firsts, 3 9 )(; seconds,
5l'ij57e, refrigerator special marks, 29'a rf;
40e; do. firsts, .IRflrSsc.
Chees. Market firm: receipts,
153 boxes;
; do, avcr
; no prices
state fresh specials, 23 'a ti 23 e ;
age run, 23'fi 25o.
Poultry Alive, market strong;
quoted. Dressed, market strong;
22-&35c; fowls, 1 9 29r ; turkeys,
Coffee Market.
New York, Dec. 17. There was renewal
of English buying In the market for coffee
futures here today. The demand was not
active, hut it was supposed to reflect a
r-'latively cheap market here compnred with
Hrail and possibly an increased use of cof
fee in England, owing to a scarcity of tea.
These features combined with the continued
steadiness of the cost and freight situation
seemed to hold sellers In check and after
opening unchanged to 6 points higher the
market made a generally steady showing.
May sold at 7.38c and September at 7.78c,
closing at a new advance of 2 to I points on
the general list. December, 7.05c: January,
7.'i7c; March, 7 27c: May, 7.43c; July, 7.59c;
S-ptember, 7.76c; ilct.der. 7.85e. Sjylt cof
f. ". s'eady; Rio 7-, 7 He; Santos 4s, 9 He.
The cost and freight market was un-
f hang-'d. The officials
h.-ii't:.. In Rrnzlliari ex.
v. hi-h were unchanged
cables reported no
"Pt Santos futures,
to 50 rels lower.
J7j7.0i bags.
'Ort receipt.-.
Dillilth Linseed.
Minn., Dec. J7, Linseed 1
3sf;:i.50; arrive, $3 23 '4 3.25 '
- ml" r. " 41 : Ma;.. 2 3 , ,1 u
Dec mbcr. i'i 35 asked.
I ra
k, $:
v. lo
0 bid
Receipts Moderate and Market
Generally Steady; Cash
Corn Off in Spots;
Barley Firm.
Omaha. Pec. I", 1917.
nin over Sunday were ni-
Receipts of
crate, a total of i
rivals of wli. at w .
..'s arrlvihK le A
.!. while those
the heaviest for som
were 113
; Receipts of oats were
ars. and those of
I rye and barley. 7 cars . a. h
Cash corn was steady to lower, spot otio-
tatlons being unchanged to 5c off. The
) local demand was fairly active and business
pur.-nci! a more norma! curse lhan f late
AtvivaN ware mare 1th. nil. the hulk of
j the.s,. ..Ycd tailay Rra.Iinu No 4 and No.
: an.l se,ral m the No S o!r.-s Mesi
, of Il 's article is ;..iei; t." cereal maiitlfa. -'.
Hirers, but local . h al.r men whi bae
dryers ar- llsinu iheiu co:i;.taiitly. No 4
i white sold en tile floor today at $1 "a anil
' SI 40 and the t trade of yellow at the suae
i figures. No 4 mixed ad.! at fl .15 and $1
Oats figures were very uneven, ou.'i a
: lions ranged from '4o higher to r low . r.
the greater part of these offerings going at
Saturday's unchanged prices. Receipt! were
fair and local huj ers the only takers; the
i export Inquiry being absent. No. I white
sold at 7.-c and standard oats at Satui
I day's flguies. 75c and 77',c. while th. 3
i whito brought 71-e and 75c. only one tar
'selling at 7l-c. the rest tirlngtnk '.
j Rye was unchanged to in1' higher and
barley firm with a goe.l demand fur either
article. No. 1 lie p.ld 11 ll.'.i and No 1
at $1.74 and $I74. Th.- No. I grade ,.f
harl-y sold at 1.43 and 11.51 end the No
1 feed at $1 42. Sample grade barley u.nt
at 75c ami 7.c.
Clearances were: Wheat and flanr eo'ifO to
319.000 bilshclt, corn. 11.1,000 bushels, oats,
Primary wh at receipts were K27.00K bu
and shipments rjl.onn hi, against rceeipis
of 1,119, oeti le.i. and shipments of 59't.ein) tu
I last esr
j Primary corn receipts were S77.oao tat
I and shipment 000 lai , against 'ceip's
I of l,o;:i oho bu. and shipments of .'.i,'.,""0 bu
; last year.
; I'rlniary oats receipts were ?i;a,ooo i,.i.
land shipments r..'..s,oin im . aaie.r re.eipis
of fltil.i'OO
bu. and Milpm.'tils of imVihh)
last year.
Wheal, rein. (c
Chicago 6 ", e,"
Puluth 61
Minueapul'.s 360
Omaha 4' 11' v;
Kansas Oily 6 97 47
St. Louis 39 76 ; 7
.Winnipeg 339
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 2 hard winter: .. cars an. I 1
bulkhead. ?'-' 12. No. 2 dark bard wini. a :
I ear and I bulltliead. $2.1. No. 1 dark
northern t.prlng: I nil, $2 11'. No 2 dail.
'northern spring: 1 ear, S2 1'i No 1 north
ern spring: 2 ars, $2 13. No. '.'
pring: 1 ear. $2.12. No. 1 durum:
'J I,'-; No. 2 durum: 7 cars, $2 12.
; amber durtiui; 1 cir, $2 16
; Re No. I 1 ear. $1 76. No. 2: 2 2
I l.744; ' car, $17 1. No. 3: 2 ears
1 car.
No "
5 cars-,
3-5 car. $l7:i'v. No, 4. I car, $1.74
Parley-- No. 4: 2 cars, $l.el; 1 car, $1.1.1.
i No. 1 feed: 1 car, $1.42. Sample: 1 car
loats mixed), 7sc; I oar (oats mixed), 76c
Corn No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.01; 1 car.
$1.39; 6 cars, $1.3S; 2 cars. $1.37; 2 cars,
If 1. 36; 3 3-5 cars. $1.36. No. 5 while: 1
icir, $1.35; 1 car, $1.32; 1 car, $1 31; 2 cars.
$1.30. No. 6 white: 1 ear, $1.25.
! yellow: 3 cars, 31.3; ' car, $1 37
I $1 36; 6 cars. $1.35. No. 5 yellow:
$1.35; 1 car. $1.33; 4 cars,' $1.32;
No. 4
1 car,
2 curs.
2 ears.
i f 1 .31; 11 2-u cars. $1 30, No.
cars, $1.26; 1 car. $1.24: 2-
G yellow: 2
car. $1.20.
Sample yellow: 1 car. SI. so. No. 4 mixed:
3 cars, $1.36; 5 cars. $1.36. No 6 iinx-al
1 car, $1.32; 1 car, $1.31; 4 curs. $1.30. No.
il mixed: 1 cars, $1.26. Sample mixed: 1
car, $1.90.
Oats No. 1 white: ? cars, 76c. Stand
ard: 4 cars, 76'ic No. 3 white: 12 cats,
71c. No, 4 white: 1 cor, 75c; 3 rnrs, 74", e.
Sample white: 3 curs. 74Vjc; 3-6 car. 74', c
Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 4 white,
$ t 35 tf. 1.40. No. 6 while, $l.:ior,M 35. No 6
w hite, $1.25. No, 4 yellow, $I.35W 1. 111. No.
5 yellow. $1.30fu 1.35. No. 6 yellow. 1 . 20 il
1.33. Sample yellow, Sfc. No 4 mixed. $1 35
"A 1.36. No. 6 mixed. $1.30!h 1.32. No. 6
mixed, $1.55. Sample mixed, viic. onts:
Standatil, 75i'75,4C. No. 3 whit", 7l'l'n'
76e. No. 4 w hite, 74 tfjfu". Sample, 7 4 U r.i'
74'c. Barley: No. 4, $1.43W I..M. No. 1
feed, $1.42. Rye: No. 2, 1.7453" 174 '.j ; No.
3, $1.73',j Iff 1.74. No. 4, $1.74.
Loral range of options:
rtT f OponT Hlgh. Lowd Close. Sat'y.
1 iec.
1 10
1 20
1 20 120
74! 74'
Chicago 12:30 prices, furnished The Bee
by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
" 1 i South Sixteenth street. Omaha:
An. Open. I High, Low.! Close, jSat'y.
Corn ' I ' "
.Tan. 1 21 1 2!;I20H 1 21 121
Dec. 1 25 1 26 124 1 24'l25
Mny 1 19 1 18 4 1 118 to 1 18:4,119
Oats. I
Dec. 75 75 ' 74! 74 75
May 73 72 71 I 71V, 72
Pork, I
Jan. 44 50 45 00 14 1 35 45 00 44 30
May 44 50 4 1 60 44 D0J 44 60 43 90
Lard. II
.Ian, I 23 62 i 23 87. 2,1 42! 23 SO j23 47
May ! 23 90 I 24 12 123 72' 24 10 23 72
IttlH- I I I I I
Jan. I 25 62 I 23 72 !23 37 23 65 '23 35
May I 21 oo ! 24 12 123 85 24 10 I; 3 72
Weather and larger ('onHlgnmentH
Ilnvft llenrlsh K.ffert on Corn,
Chicago. Ills., Dec, 17 Mild weather sc.
companied by rural notices of larger con
signments had a bearish effect today on
corn. The t lose was unsettled hut to K
net lower will) January 1 1 . 20 to $1 21
and May 111 lk7i- oats also lost to .
Provisions scored an advaiu e of 25e to 70e.
Growing likelihood that the near future
w-ould witness a substantial accumulation
of stocl.s dominated the corn market
throughout thu day. Arrivals over Sunday
were liberal, and complalutH of car scarcity
had noticeably diminished. Besides. the
oaullly of receipts shewed steady Improve
ment, ihe embargo on shipments eastward
from Chicago remained uumodifii d, and the
visible supply total went up to a fair ex
tent. L'nder such circumstances declines
set in from the outset, no Important rally
took place and what demand there was
camn almost entirely from local indus
tries. Oats, like corn, eased down as a result
chiefly of betler operating conditions f..r
the railroads. Shutting off of export In
quiry, however, had an evident further de
pressing Influence. Leading commission
houses were conspicuous on Ihe selling side.
Higher quotations on hogs gave strength
to provisions. The fact, though, that ex
ports for the week were much smnller than
last year tended somewhat to i heck the
upward course of the market.
Cash price;
Corn Nob. 2 and 3 yellow, nominal; No.
4 yellow, $1,401)1 1.50. Oals No. 3 whit.
7.". Vi 76 '.jo; standard, 76 ji 76 c. Rye
No 2. $l.n4. Hurley $l.40if( 1.62. Timothy
J5.00f(7.60. Clover $20.oii( 26 00. Pork
Nominal. Lard $24.37. Itlbs $23.75W 2 1.60.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Kansas City, Dec. 17. Cattle Receipts,
17,000 head; market, steady; prime fed
steers, $13,00416.00; dressed b.,.f steers,
$1 1.00ft 12.60; western, $x.7.'.1i 12 am;
cows, $5.759.100; heifers, ?6 no ',j 1 1 no ;
stockers and feeders, $7.004710,30; bulls,
$6.00fi S.60; calves, $6.0011( 13 00.
Hogs Receipts, lo.OOn head: market,
higher: bulk of sales. I5.50'u 16 10; light,
$15.601 5 90; pigs, $12. . 1 1.50.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, lo.orni head;
market, lower; lambs, $1560711.25: year
lings, $12 OnW 1 1 00; wethers, $1 1 OOTi 1 2 00 -ewes,
$9.00 ilLOO.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits.
New York. Dec. 17. Evaporated Apples
Quiet; California, 15.(S17c; prlmo state.
ir.4ji5 c.
Dried Fruits Prunes, firm: California,
8'4 aV12'4e; Oregotis, 3''!lb-. Apricots,
scarce; choice. 17 ',e; extra 1 hab e, 7 1; , :
fancy, sr. Pes'lies. narn, standard.
ll'4e; choice. 12c. Raisins, firm; loose mus
catels, 9K9i,c: choice to fancy seeded, ioa
'HlO'-jc; seedless, 9'10'4c; London lavers.
3-crown, 91. 0.
New York Cotton Market.
lVew York, Dec. 17, The cotton
closed firm at a net advance of :
nia : ket
5 to 50
fhlrago I.lve Stork Market.
Chicago, Dec. 17. Cattle Receipts, 1,1
000, h
s t r e rs,
ad: tomorrow,
Nation steers.
7.000 h"ad;
7.27, 11 14 Tai;
CHs-rs and
l-lfers, $5 6
ma rk-'
v es'cr
P, $''.35s) ; !.0; pt
H 10 35: cows and
calves. $9 00 4j- 16. 00
Hogs Receipts, ;:.'.'i,i head: t..morr
!;) ,., ,0 had: mark-t Him, .'. to in , ,.,
1 aiiov.- Saturday's average. Hulk. $'',77,
I 16.60; light, $li',.2.'.'H I'.lo; loixed, $17., 1,0
16.4a; heavy. $15 65'" 16 4": rough. IK. 67.
1 17. "3. pigs, $lu.73fl, 14 00.
Sheep and Lamhs Receipts, 12.000 hea
. tomorrow. 1 1. nno head; marl."' in:
. Wether. J'i ni! 'o r: oi); civs, $V'j0'!I.7
I lamb-. I 2 65 'j 17.00.
Week Before Christmas,
Usually Cheerful in Wall
Street, Opens With Resump
tion of Liquidation.
New Yor... Pee. 17 The week b. far"
'hi 1st, usually one of kit.M .here la
U all si'.e.t. ..p'-u- d with a re.siltnl.tleo of
'iut.liiti-11. hiKh gta.le se, uiatl. s , ..nttnulntt
.. PYfll. le '-'11 I Ul !l".T..!".!e leV.-l
It. i oris fiom asliitii. taii luilmst.tu ihat
, On' lir.perlau! .inestian ot! sup, vvi-
sion of rHi!risds nm:M remain In at.eance
lover the hal'davs added lo i he cbpreislon
j prevnici!' in hanging and other uuarteis.
J In. reaved veal.iuss of bonds. as rvl-
deu. .at liv hover uuotnllons far Anglo-
, Fr. n, h
Kiiil varitnif' rail and
itulu'-t i i.!s. ii.ivo fi.'.-h einplwiMf '( tho
f 1 1 t i I ! I ,it'siiiitlon "f in rt in' nt ):iou(r.
11 ii 1 ' -h of f nmi I t- 2 vom tv ori'iirrcd In
th.' fin.)) hour, while ft fVw li;.)ut ! 1.1 d ,uul
1 .! i i r - . .'i '.i K.i h
I'T'tMiit" ut ii iio)i(; i ht- lit
th-- si .vin wt'i.' ili h mi's
. : N.m tu ni t'H-i, if. N'rf
.I' d 1 1 !,;.-imi ;n-I tr. ! ) : i .ul-
Mi'nitin.ini of
lit I'tU"!. lt-
!k A iMi'l'll
ul t hi - a ! : h. r
iemi'itny ,iv.A
!' A up n. i r Titlm. - O, 'ft
iSpidrtl'l.'s of th-
" t.i 4 I'lMMtl ilh i
ft- h'd
-mi.! to
Mntu upper- ud motors, w htle Aiiktichii
'I'eit phnno, r.m'o'.ul ilfd Huh West-rn
I nioii w rc wi'ali t or nr.) r ikiw low i-ti'-oitis.
rn.ilidMti',d t.;,i .f H:i M 1 mori nmd
u iii-t iierllno of 12 pohitP S.ili'. aiio-unl'i'd
to -trlO.Oltt Mihi.n.'oit 4.h dui'ili'itted t hi-1 r mintttn.pi ut
'.'7, hit. -r rt 4-o crliiK to, 'l " i''. the 't1,? r.niir
liiK hrlui .-n lis 4-, and 5v shK.'
a!uc. f l.;;;.0.t0ii. ) I nttt d .State.-, bonds
vero tin. hannt-d tn t:i U
NuihIm i" of sal
I'-ading t-ttiidvs:
ii nd rn nfco of i itTN o f
High Lou. C!ni.e
57.' 3:0, t
61 IiOL, 1.-
4 47 , IV
loo 9 . T, :;
.... 'a , 4 0
vol, 7 4 7V,
94', 91 92 H
4t: V 45'x 4.1
II ", 14 , I .
10 11"-, "
l'."l 127-". 12V,
I. 01, 51 ;:
44 42'- 41',
3 9'-i 3 7 'Ill's
s 7 s 6 v 6
1 7 4 do, 1 ;
S It 37 '! 7
S3 '7, :ill 50 1,
2 :i ' h 2 7 :' s
47 M, 41. If. t
2 7 26 26 'i
14' 11 I:!".
130 IK'-i L'0'4
so v:. i,
115 S3 M.
21', 22 23',
Si. K7 si,
:i9'i 3S ;si.j
7,'i.j 74',
25 25 I'a-H
75'. 25 23
16', 16 15
29 2 S i 2S
ICS M7 lei.
22 21 27
69 67 67
2'i ".'e-V 25
7:: 21 :..:
II. 11.1; 1'-.'.
la, 65 61,
- . - ' ''!
95 '
S0 76 7S
. . . '. .... 1 11
4 1 4" 4.1
. . -is
2n 20 2" '
cvs, 66 67
72 71' 71
1 6 1 6 1 6
79 77 7s
23 22 22
43 41 42
124 119 123
106 101 lo;,
106 104 106
8 3 1(0 91
106 10:1 mi
72 .'0 71
Ml 7 s 7 v
36 S3", 34
Aioer Ueet Sugar.
A nieriean Can ....
i It in. Car ie Foun. .
; A m. I , ocelli. il li e
162. oort
A in. Smelt. A- Ret g
A nor Tel Tel.. 11
Am. Zinc, I 'd A- S
A uacollda. Capper. ,
Ul U X W ! S I,
Baltimore Ohio.
Hill le .It Sup. I 'ap'r
Calif I'i troleuin . .
1 t 'ana.llan Pa. lflc .
Central Leather .
i 'hesu pea ke :n oho
Chi , Mil. ,V Nt P .
: I'hu ana .V N. W. .
! C . R. 1 P., . lis
c'hino Copper
Onl. Fuel Iron .
I 6.IMI0
2. coo
;, ii. iioo
I v noil
30. anil
I . .l"'ll
4. COO
Cnrn l'roituets Ref
I ruelhla Steel
I'ulia Cane Sugar. .
' Distiller a Security
1 Erie
,' tietielMl 1-7 If. (l ie
. 47.010
1 ".ilnn
. II. Oilll
1 .l.i.ilan
1 i leu.-rn 1 Motor
, Or l Northern, I'fd 26. i
i lo t Nor. i in' ctfs. 11,'uio
j I Hinds Ceuti al ... 7,000
' Inspiration Copper-. 27 mm
al. M. r. Mar, Pfd 1. 14, On. I
Inleruatt.t Nick. I ,
, International Pap r
1 K C. Southern , . . .
I Kennecott Copper.
I Louisville k Nash.
Maxwell Motors . .
j Mexican Pet rolcum
' Miami Copper
; Missouri Pacific . .
' Montana Power . . .
Nei n.l.'i Copper. . . .
I New York Central .
, N. Y.. N. H A II .
Norfolk It West.-rn
N'oi ll.ern Pacific. .
J Pacific .Mail
Pacific Tel. 'I'd.
1 1 nno
5 I, UOil
I 3.110(1
1 9, ooii
1 2.0HII
3, ll'iil
i Pennsylvania
1 I'M tshurgh Coal .
Kay Con. Copper.
19. Ooii
1 7.7,1100
111., omi
It. p. Iron .V Sled
: sha II uck AC t op
I Sout hi rn Pacific .
i Southern Railway.,
30. Hall
1 2.000
! Studchnkor Corp..
i Texas i 'o
Colon Pacific. . . .
1 V. S. Did. Alcohol
V. S. Steel
. . 1 4,(100
. 116.0011
!'. S Steel. Pfd . . .
I'tah Copper . ...
j Waba-h. Pfd. "IV .
esi , i n Cnion . .
; WYsl lug house Klec
j Tola! sales for th
1 3,01111
tin) , 46ll,onO ahari
York Money.
New York, l'e
17 --Mori llllllle ppe
,-, i !!,, per rent. Sterling Klxty-diiy bills,
$471 ; coiiinierclal sixly-duy bills on hanks,
$171; commercial sixty day bills, $l.70'4;
demiiml, $4.7614: cables. $4,76 7-16.
liar Silver N5V- .Mixlcnll Dolla is C7c.
Hands - (iovernment, easy; railroad, weak.
Tim.. Loans Strong: sixty days, ninety
days and six months', '''l per cent.
I New York, Dec, 17, Rubles Demand,
12 c: ea lilts, 13c.
Call Money Strong; high, 6; low, 6; rul
j Ing rate, 6; closing bid. 6; offered at 6.
i "U S. 2s, reg 96',--Ht. No. 1st 4s96
do coupon ... WiVjtll. Can. r, 4s,. S3
1'. fi. 3s reg... 99 Int. M. M 6s.. Ss'i
do coupon ..99 K. C. H.' r 6s.. 76
P H Lib. 38 9NV4L & N. nil. 4a,. 96
IT. S. 4s reg.. 101 .t K T 1st 4s 66V4
do coupon ...104 Mo. Pac. gen. 4s63'
A. F. . 63 92 Mont. Power 6s.. til
A. T. T. c. 5s.. 99 '4 N. Y. Ceil. d. 6s M
Anglo-French 5s kIS.Vii. Pac. 4s KlVi
Arm. &: Co. 4S 8 2i tdo 3s 61
Atchison gen 4sX0-(ir. S. L. r. -IsHOUj
It. .fc (i. i'i-. 4bjR 71, Pac. T. A T. 6s.. 90
Uetll. Steel r. S.1S9 l'enn. coll. 4VvS5V4j
Cen. Lentil. 6s.. HI do gen. 4Vjm.. SSVi
Ceil. Pacific 1st 78,eKadlng gen. 4s HI
c. 4- (1. i-v. 6s.. 72M,S L S F a 6s 66
C. H. i. J. 4s 92!Sn. Pac. I'V. 6. fi
i ' M A S P c 4Vi liil So. It.!'. 5s ..I. 9'l'i
C I! I X- V r 4s H'ITm & Pac Int. Ml
I c. tL- S. r, 4'is,. 69Cnlon Pacific 4s 85
til. It. O. r, 5s 50 f. S. Rubber 5s 74
D. of C. 5s $"!. S. tSecl 6s.. l
lien. 1
4s. .
t Asked
9 3
St. Ixiiils Live Stock
SI. I Is, Dec. 17. Cattle Receipts, 5.-
r.Oo head: "market higher. Native hecf
steers, $.(I0W 1 4. 26 ; yearling steers and heif
ers, $7.0(1 fcl 1 r,.() ; cows, $5 OOW ! 1.00; stink
ers and feeders, $6 .60 ''1 1 .00; Texas quaran
tine steers, $6.jr,i 10.60; fair
ern beef steers, $9 00 (Ij 1 2. 7 6
heifers, $li.00( 1 0 00; prime
l.n.l heifers, $7,601 10 00,
to prime soulh
; beef cows nnd
yearling steers
native calves.
Hogs Receipts, 12,000 head; market
higher. Lights, $15 90(0 16. 20; pigs, J 1 3 TO)
'ilia 00; mixed and butchers, $ I 6 oiKi I li :i,', ;
I good heavy, $ 1 6 .2lHj 1 6. 50 , bulk, $15 911 W
Sheep and Lambs Receipt-, 5,6oo
l,el, strong. Lambs, $ I 3,00 ii 17 10;
s 1 a. 00 o 1 1.50; wethers, $1 l.noio 12 -,n
net., J6 001) J.Oll.
Soldiers' Home Note.
ol Inland, Neb., Dec. 1 7, (Special I
Mrs, Jiivvr, who has apartments In th
; main building, expects soon to take up her
I reiib nce In the homo of Mrs. Roush, moth
j of tile convalescent hospital.
Dr. Noah Hayes of Lincoln hns been nnll
fi -I of his .'ippolnliii' iit as physician and
: sure-' on at the Soldiers'
and Sailors' home
return, d from a
j al H.lll.etl.
Oidcrly Sleivart has
business trip to Franklin
N' York Dry (ioudn Mnrkct,
YnrU, ,' 17 Ctttton koo.Is li tr t.(
'i' k ti-'iiilly flrjii. Yfirrm w rn fmn
w silk uih h;tii(,'"l. Jitcsh K'di1h w-r.'
''niton hlnnU' lM ntadi' hy tlio Naf-na
ii r' wKhflriiiAn fnun sal s diirititf ()
i;iV W
nivl r;
in ills 1
1 111:
the product up to ScpteniieT mj n,)V
liei-u alloltid among customers am
eil with orders. Prices for later do
i'-s have b.-en advanced 1 0 per 1 ..-nt
." tilng pries
New Yi
Yol'K. D c
lead firm: ,.
; Ea.-t SI. Lo
$7.30. No lln
.ondon : Spot
rk Metals.
17. .M'lal 1 Xi-h.-lTife
pol, $6. SO bid. spe ll, r,
i:s delivery, apol, ofbr
fpioted. New
q UOt'-S
sl. ad
ed at
At i
1 1 1 0 :
plier. 110: futures.
nlei tr.ilylie. 126
.Spot tin, ;304, fu-
lures, f297
10s, sp. It,
Lead, spo
'. 30 10s; filtur.
54; futures, 15"
. 1 7
Putter -oid-,
Kansas ('itv
43'r , flr-ts, '
Eggs- Flr-i.
Poultry He
or-. '.' I 'if :5e.
uniisns i lly Ctrtiin.
i!v. M11,
cc I ; r.,r
2 white, $1
6 ; Dee. nil.. 1,
- No.
i.5'r I '.'
$1 27
mixed. $1 51 fi 1.62. No
No. 2 yellow, $1 63 'ti I
I nniiirv, $1 27'.
mixed, I
aw n v.
J nlv.
nod. Ilh
l.ltei-piH.I Cotton.
lee 17 Cotton
l-. od 1 1 . 1 1 .1 1 1 t. T.
1..: .....I.Ping
,'l, ei'1.0 ,1.,
rpil. t ;
lllll I t J',
Corn receipt on the Omaha tirain
- th .m;e were heavy, 113 carloads,
tnit Ki'tieially the quality was con--nleraMy
cfT. The demand was Rood,
wuli prices niu-han.ned Pom last
r.tilav, to t cents a huhel lower. The
s. ill's ucre made .ill the wav frmn
S 1 25. up (o S1..V, the ijtiality govern
1 11 l he pr'ce
j I'i ice-, on n.iu were pi .utic.illy tin -1
liansed and tin- sales were made at
"4 (i 75-' t cents a luiliel. Keceipts
i were S3 carloads
I Wheat receipts were 4? carloads,
.ill Roinn to the tood admmibtr.ition. i
! Mrs. J. S. Opdahl Sues Dr. !
Delmar Davis for $25,000
tlciinide Opdahl. wile of John S.
( Opdahl. owner o! the :uei a .in Tent
! and Awiuiik company, iias pled Mill in
idistiiet court a);amst Mi. Ilelniar 1..
!).iis, Omaha mukcoh. lor $-'5,lkii
I i!,iuiac;i"s, allej;iiiK Ot. Davis cut out
jl'u heart ot' her 4 day-old hahv. j
! Mis. Opdahl alleges Dr. Davis etn ;
' liii.i and mill lined the Imdy oi her i
Mi.ihy, honi Apid in a inst uiniiem
examination, without a n t liori t ami
upon Ik iny discoiied m the act. in.
Ins eeilemenl, eame out ol the op-!
ifratiliK; room cxhihil ill).: the hahy's
I heart in his. hand. She says know ledge
1 ot the act caust'il her great menial !
. shock and intense horror, permanently
j .inci ting lier health and happiness. j
i Railroad Special Agents i
Postpone Annual Meeting:
As a war ineasun the annual meet-1
; ing of the National Association oil
Kailway Special Agents, to have been '
j held m Omaha this week, has heen
I i i s 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 o . 1 tin i il next May. I he no-
! lice of the postponement slates that j
the convention ull pinhahly he held!
at that lime, adding that (here is not h - 1
nig absolutely certain, however. I
The postponement of the special ,
agents' convention is due to the fact j
that railroad men generally are too I
busy looking after matters having to j
do with the moving of freight and
pasNcne.tT business to devote much
time to meetings.
Turpentine mid Itosln,
SiiMviinah, ilu . I'ee 1 7 - 41 in I'l iillne
Market firm it I 4 1c Sales. 117 Idils.; Re
ciplN, 77 III. Is. ; ;.lii.'a"iils. :'lis I, Ids , Mocks.
.'.'..iiiu; i. hi
Iteslll Mai k.M firm Sal. a. 161 bills.: le
. elpls, 6(i hhls ; shloinents, :,4 hhK;
stocks. 7'.', I I S hbls
Quotations. II. t. E. F. ;..'. ; O. II. I,
$6 111; K. $6 65; M. $6 9.'., N , $7.30. WO.
$7 60; W, $7.60.
I.ond ii Money.
Loudon. Dee. 17 Silver--Har. I:ld p. r
Money I per cent.
Discount .--Short lolls. per c ut;
Ihreo months hill", I', per rnl.
Gallant "Sojer Boys" of "Unlucky
Seventh" Figure They're "Goats"
At Omaha headquarters of the "l'n
lucky Seventh" everyone is wondering
---that is, the gallant "sojer" boys, or
at least, some of them who is the
"political pirate." While the lieutenant
governor is "shuddering," the boys of
the regiment are doing something
worse, and one young recruit who has
a nose for "statistics" has been look
ing up ihe legal status of the "Un
lucky Seventh."
lie deduces, after an exhaustive in
terpretation from an authority, that
Ihe governor's pet regiment has no
legal status; that it does not consist
Skates and Sleds
For Live Boys
BOYS: Here's a
chance for you to get
a sled or a pair of
skates, by doing
a little work for
us after school.
Call at The Bee
branch office
nearest you and
we will tell you
all about it.
fy f vtf ii ''Jj'v. ; .t. ...
W "T
"fr ... i
' y.&s. 3'$C&.Xi, K4
V3?5jk jetm f &r V
Only Clubs Which Showed De
ficiency Last Year Are Cubs,
Braves, Dodgers, Pi
rates and Browns.
le stories .if loses in base ball
season are greatly exaggerated-
The percentage of clubs losing money
was no higher than m former years.
' 1
he (iiants and White Sox made
handsome profits. Cleveland had only
one' better season than last; its ban
ner year was I'MO. The Phillies and
Detroit again bad most profitable
seasons, the Tigers breaking their at
tendance reeoid on the lust day ol
the season.
lioth the St. Louis Cardinals and
Cincinnati U'eds had thcr best
seasons tinaneially in a long time. De
spite reports to the contrary, the
Yankees did not lose money, but
were able to show a small profit. The
Ked Sox made a little money, and
though Connie Mack again finished
behind, lie had his best season since
dismantling his old team. Washington
was supposed to have lost heavily,
but (int'tiih said tliacltib broke even.
The team which lost the heavies:
on the ear were the four second di
vision clubs in the National league
the Cubs, Braves. Dodgers and Pi
rates and the St. Louis lirown in the
The coming big league meeting will
see a si riotis discussion among base
ball men regarding the war tax. 1
is generally believed that this will be
paid by the clubs and not added tc
the price of the tickets.
Sugar Prices Lower in-"
Omaha Than Out in State
Sugar is selling higher in main
counties than in Omaha, according to
fixed-price lists leaching the office 01
the slate food administrator from
various counties in the state. While
it is selling lor a maximum of 9 cents
in Omaha, il is lixed at a maximum of
HI cents in Deuel and Cherry coun
ties, and 1)1 . in Kimball, Sioux and
1 looker.
t oinineal
county than
there -at 5
is cheaper in Cherry
in ( iinaha. 1 1 is quoted
cents per pound, it i
quoted at
cents in Hooper, which
1 cent higher than in Omaha.
, Want Crow Reservation
j Opened for Sattlement
I Washington, Dec. 17. A hill for
! opening and settlement of part of the
' ( row Indian reservation in Montana
I was introduced todav by Senator My
1 eis for Senator Walsh and referred
' to the Indian committee.
of a full complement of officers auc
; men; that it has not received recogni
tion or aid from the federal govern
ment; that in default of this recogni
tion il cannot be classed as a Na
tional Guard regiment; that no person
would be committing, aiding or abet
ting a crime, civil or military, if he,
too. would refuse to recognize the
regiment or the obligation as binding.
The "Unlucky Seventh" is said to
lie nothing more or less than a vol
unteer regiment and that any person
can sever his relations with it by
merely handing in bis resignation.
TEN DOLLS will be given free to
the ten little girls under 12
years of age that bring or mail us
the largest number of doll cou
pons cut out of The Bee, before 4
r. M. Saturday, Dec. 22. This
coupon will be printed in every
edition of The Bee until then. Ask
everybody you know to save doll
coupons for you. You can win one
of these dollies if you really want
to. Will you try? We want every
little girl in Omaha and vicinity to
have one of these beautiful dolls.
You can leave the coupons and
get your dolly at The Bee branch
office nearest you.
Ames Office. 4110 N. 24th St
Lake Office, 2516 N. 24th St.
Walnut Office. 819 N. 40th St.
Park Office, 2615 Leavenworth
Vinton Office, 1715 Vinton St.
South Side Office, 2318 N St
Council Bl'iffs Office, 14 N.
Main St.
Benson Office, Military Ave.
and Main bt
nun iu am tju